Insane Parkour Escape-

  • 2 days ago
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00:00See this, and this?
00:06That my friend is parkour.
00:07We scoured the entire internet and found the most epic parkour clips ever.
00:11I think parkour is just people who want to live video games IRL.
00:15That was a pretty gnarly flip.
00:17His back is to the ground and he's hovering.
00:19That's a big fall.
00:20There's no way he can make it up that.
00:22This is like Nathan Drake stuff.
00:25The flip was unnecessary there but I liked it.
00:29That was nice.
00:30Does that not hurt?
00:31Imagine chasing this guy.
00:32Yeah, there's no way you can get him.
00:34He should be like a stunt double or something like that.
00:36Or actually he should just live an action movie.
00:38He is an action movie.
00:39Nobody can stop him.
00:40Look at this.
00:41He just did a spinning flip over that gap.
00:43What is he even doing?
00:44I don't know what that was.
00:45He's just breakdancing now.
00:46This is very Assassin's Creed.
00:47Can we go here and like do this?
00:49This looks so fun.
00:50Let me just send him to the wall.
00:52What a...
00:53That's like five flips.
00:54Minus like three.
00:55Also, Red Bull.
00:56I hope he doesn't get hurt.
00:58Red Bull sponsors some of the wildest things.
01:00Why doesn't Red Bull sponsor us if they sponsor this?
01:02They could sponsor us watching.
01:04Brought to you by Red Bull.
01:06Reacting to content.
01:07Do you want us to get down?
01:08Do you want us to get down?
01:09Can you leave?
01:10All right.
01:11We'll get down.
01:12We'll get down.
01:13They're just taking the long way down.
01:14They look like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
01:16Minus the turtles.
01:17This looks so much fun.
01:18I'm not going to lie.
01:21Look at the security guard down there.
01:23We're good.
01:25Imagine if he missed that jump and that guard just tackled him.
01:29The thing is, with all the music and the shots, this looks so cool, but if you were watching
01:33this on the ground, it would just look like a bunch of guys just jumping.
01:37That's a huge gap.
01:38I think that is a good time to say, do not try this at home, or other people's homes,
01:41or just anywhere.
01:42Don't do it anywhere.
01:43You know what somebody should do?
01:44They should make a VR parkour, so that way you can try this stuff, but still be safe.
01:49I wonder if they like pre-mapped out this beforehand.
01:52They look like they're just kind of making it up as they go, right?
01:54Oh, look at it.
01:55He's running on fences.
01:56Yo, look at the slide.
01:59That's cool.
02:00Yo, why can't me and Chandler ever do stuff like this?
02:02Because I have a child.
02:03Look at that.
02:04There's no way we could do that.
02:05Oh, yeah.
02:06Look at the ground, bro.
02:07There were arrows on the ground telling them which way to go.
02:09They had this route planned.
02:15He trusted them.
02:16He's the Chandler of the group.
02:18That was really dope.
02:19Oh, you know it's good when it starts with a P of D.
02:20Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
02:21He has a GoPro in his mouth.
02:24He was holding the GoPro with his teeth.
02:27This guy's a stud.
02:28If he doesn't jump out of his window in the next five seconds, I'll be mad.
02:31Five, four, three, two, one.
02:35That'll suffice.
02:36Oh, I thought he was jumping over his fence.
02:39Oh, wait.
02:40Here it goes.
02:45That's pretty cool.
02:46Thanks, dad.
02:47I love how anime characters start their day.
02:49I mean, opening the door would have sufficed.
02:53I think he only saved like one second there, but it looked cooler.
02:56This dude is like Dream, but IRL.
03:00No way.
03:01That's sick.
03:02He could have just went around that.
03:03Oh, is that your bike?
03:04There's the bike.
03:05Thank goodness he flipped over the rack.
03:07Whoa, that's pretty cool.
03:09You couldn't do that.
03:10I mean, no.
03:11I don't know why I'd want to do it.
03:13That's a flex.
03:15Like some men got to buy Gucci to flex.
03:16This guy just rides bikes.
03:18This guy just breathes.
03:19Oh, no.
03:20It's locked.
03:21We got to find a really epic way to get in.
03:22It's Saturday.
03:25It's Saturday.
03:26It's Saturday.
03:27School doesn't happen on Saturdays.
03:30Even though he checked his phone and it says the date on it on your phone.
03:36Oh, all he saw was a GoPro in his mouth, remember?
03:39Spider-Man parkour, let's go.
03:40All right.
03:41This one's going to be epic.
03:43It's a guy with pantyhose on his face.
03:45Web shooter.
03:46Oh, he forgot his web shooter.
03:48Oh, wow.
03:49Nice, nice.
03:50That was cool.
03:51Imagine seeing somebody doing this.
03:56They don't seem to be driving very fast.
03:58Oh, he should have just jumped on it.
04:01The real Spider-Man would have done that.
04:03You're a phony.
04:04You're a fraud.
04:05He's like, okay, so the car's turning.
04:07Let me just take 10 minutes to get down this building and I'll catch up to it.
04:12The car's like, are you coming, man?
04:13The random flips are really helping you catch up.
04:16Oh, look at this shot.
04:17Oh, yeah.
04:18That'll help you speed up.
04:19I guarantee they're at the back of a Walmart right now.
04:23Thank you for flipping.
04:25Let's go.
04:26Oh, not green screened whatsoever.
04:32That was Conor McGregor.
04:33Thank you guys for watching the video.
04:34No problem.
04:36They're doing it in the desert.
04:37Wait, are they blindfolded?
04:38I think they might have goggles on, right?
04:39There's no way they're blindfolded.
04:40This is cool.
04:41Chris, we need to get new friends.
04:42We are each other's friends.
04:43Does that mean we need to not be friends?
04:45Starting by getting rid of each other.
04:46All right.
04:47I'm going to go find a bunch of people who run around in the desert.
04:48All I'm saying is you, Carl, and Chandler have never asked me to go running in the middle
04:49of a desert.
04:50Look, I'm not that kind of guy.
04:51I'm more of a kind of sit on the couch and watch anime kind of guy.
04:52I want to become this kind of guy.
04:53This looks cool.
04:54You want to watch me run around in the desert?
04:56I want to become this kind of guy.
04:57This looks cool.
04:58I'm more of a kind of sit on the couch and watch anime kind of guy.
04:59I want to become this kind of guy.
05:00This looks cool.
05:01You want to watch people run around in the desert?
05:02Once you got out here, you'd be like, all right, guys, slow down.
05:03I'd be like, I'm getting sunburned.
05:04Guys, my floppy hat keeps blowing off.
05:05We're running too fast.
05:06They look like Naruto.
05:07Yeah, this does look very anime.
05:08That's dangerous.
05:09We kind of did this when we went to the desert.
05:10We did.
05:11I tried to slide down a mountain, and then my feet got stuck, and I flipped.
05:12Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
05:13Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
05:14Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
05:15Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
05:16Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
05:17Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
05:18Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
05:19Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
05:20Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
05:21Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
05:22Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
05:23Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
05:24Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
05:25Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
05:26Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
05:27Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
05:28Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
05:29Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
05:30Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
05:31Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
05:32Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
05:33Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
05:34Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
05:35Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
05:36Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
05:37Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
05:38Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
05:39Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
05:40Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
05:41Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
05:42Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
05:43Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
05:44Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
05:45Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
05:46Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
05:47Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
05:48Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
05:49Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
05:50Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
05:51Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
05:52Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
05:53Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
05:54Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
05:55Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
05:56Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
05:57Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
05:58Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
05:59Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
06:00Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
06:01Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
06:02Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
06:03Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
06:04Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
06:05Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
06:06Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
06:07Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
06:08Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
06:09Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
06:10Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
06:11Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
06:12Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
06:13Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
06:14Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
06:15Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
06:16Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
06:17Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
06:18Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
06:19Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
06:20Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
06:21Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.
06:22Yo, this guy looks like Naruto.