humanology 2090.1 .

  • 2 days ago
00:00:00Hello friends, welcome to HumanRG 2090.1 We proved the lemma, so now a smaller theorem
00:00:17to be used to prove a bigger theorem Let's finish this up
00:00:26By using Krull-Howe lemma, this is equal to
00:00:43n minus n cancels and by definition this is Cauchy-Herz, which
00:00:55is 7th right-hand side, okay? QED. Okay, so we proved many things tonight, okay?
00:01:04Good, good, good. Yeah, building firm foundation, right? Yeah, now before we go
00:01:11to Instagram live, yeah, I want to share some NPR program, show, yeah, bar note in
00:01:19the morning. Yeah, using like clarinet and small flute like piccolo, oh yeah,
00:01:31sounding like bar, singing song bars, right? Great program, I love that program. Cheers, yeah.
00:01:40In that program this morning, they talked about woodpeckers, yeah, in Alaska, in my
00:01:47yard, yeah, sometimes woodpeckers come and yeah, oh, beautiful sound, right?
00:01:54Woodpeckers, typically small ones, with like red patch on top of head,
00:01:59beautiful, yeah. So, yeah, the biologists of bars, ornithologists, okay? Actually, in
00:02:10some terms, we are friends there too, okay? Yeah, ornithologists, study of bars, okay?
00:02:15Biologists. I guess they teamed up with like medical scientists, like, typically MD, PhD,
00:02:21okay? Yeah, and basically like brain surgeons, maybe, okay, so like three people with traumatic
00:02:30brain injury, okay? The woodpeckers in the NPR show, yeah, barred note. I'm a huge fan of that
00:02:38show, okay, in NPR, okay? Yeah, the woodpeckers, pecking the wood would be,
00:02:46it gives some trauma to the head, but they recover very quickly. Yeah, so they want to
00:02:54study that mechanism, how woodpeckers heal from traumatic brain injury from all that pecking,
00:03:01okay? Okay, great science, right? Yeah, cheers.
00:03:10Okay, let's take five minutes break and go to Instagram live, okay? Sure, okay.
00:03:15Okay, yeah, great progress in mathematics tonight, yeah.
00:03:25There we go.
00:03:26Yeah, very cool. Yeah, five minutes, thank you.
00:06:15Okay, welcome back, we're back. Let's put this behind us, and before we go to Instagram live,
00:06:21let's talk about think-share. What is think-share? It's like, you put edible plants
00:06:30into alcohol, okay? So, my friends asked me, how did you learn it? Well, and I told them,
00:06:39yeah, my father, when I was in South Korea, okay? Yeah, my father, economist, okay? He used to
00:06:46avid hiker to the mountains, okay? So, when I was a child, my father and me would go hiking
00:06:53together in the mountains, and he would explain, yeah, edible plants, edible mushrooms, okay? Yeah,
00:07:00wild foraging, okay? Yeah. So, after I turned, like, maybe 11, 13, 15, yeah, he told me, like,
00:07:11okay, these edible plants, like, acacia flower, edible, okay? Or, like, some, like,
00:07:19raspberries from grocery store, put in the soju, okay? Yeah. Yeah, drinking education,
00:07:26okay? Yeah. Healthy kind of drinking, okay? Western world known as think-share.
00:07:32Korean word, yakju. Yak means medicine, ju means liquor, so it's a medicinal drink, okay? Yeah,
00:07:39I learned that from my father. If you did not have good parents, yeah,
00:07:45I teach you, learn it from me, okay? No problem. Yeah, mentorship, okay? Okay.
00:08:00But I know when to stop drinking, okay? So,
00:08:04I drink in moderation, okay? Again, I learned how to drink properly from my father, okay? Yeah.
00:08:14Yeah. Even if your parents may not have taught you how to drink properly,
00:08:24yeah, I'm sure they taught you some other good things, okay? Yeah.
00:10:00Yeah, leave some comments to my friends' postings.
00:10:04Typically, I say this is my childhood and college, okay? All right, it's important, okay? So, okay.
00:10:18But by college, I mean continuing education and
00:10:29continuing college development, okay? It doesn't always have to be in college, okay?
00:10:36Yeah, on-the-job training is so good, okay? Okay. You know, I need some vocal rest, okay?
00:10:42I'm going to take five minutes break, okay? Thank you, yeah.
00:10:51Okay. Five minutes break, thank you.
00:12:48Okay, well, before we go to Insight Lab, let's talk about one more thing, okay? Yeah, social media,
00:12:55a very great tool for, like, publication of people's arts, music,
00:13:04talent, like acting, photography, okay? It's amazing. It's like, I envisioned this, I predicted this, okay?
00:13:13Years ago, yeah, the democratization of Hollywood. They don't need to go to Hollywood, Los Angeles,
00:13:19California, okay? Yeah, they can still create content. It could be poetry, fine arts, graphical design,
00:13:29dancing, martial arts, and put in the Dailymotion, YouTube, social media, and then become
00:13:37internationally famous, right? Yeah, that's great, yeah. Absolutely, yeah. All right, let's go, yeah.
00:13:47Yeah, let me redo my hair.
00:14:02Better, I don't know.
00:14:18Taking more selfies.
00:14:22Yeah, kind of genuine laughter there, so let's go.
00:14:38Hello, friends, welcome to
00:14:40Humanology, InStyle Lab Edition. Happy Wednesday, and good evening, yeah.
00:14:52Yeah, good times, yeah.
00:14:57Oh, yeah, welcome, good evening, yeah. Happy Wednesday, cheers.
00:15:18Okay, you wanna join us, sure, yeah, if internet works, yeah. Welcome.
00:16:10Yeah, hey, why don't you rejoin, okay? Because I cannot see you. I can hear you, but I cannot see
00:16:18you. So why don't you de-join and rejoin, okay? Because I can hear you, but I cannot see you,
00:16:29okay? So why don't you de-join and rejoin? Internet connection issue there, okay? So, okay. Yeah.
00:16:39Oh, the back of my neck is kind of sore, yeah. Okay, yeah.
00:16:52Welcome, cheers, yeah, yeah.
00:16:59Thank you, yeah.
00:17:24Yeah, thank you.
00:17:39Yeah, I'm kind of drunk because, like, I've been doing mathematics past hour,
00:17:49drinking, so, yeah, my voice a little bit.
00:17:54Need some vocal rest. How about we take five minutes break, okay? Thank you.
00:17:58Yeah, it's in that emotion, okay? So, yeah, making great progress, okay? Let me show you a little bit,
00:18:03okay? Yeah, fraction algebra, brand-new algebra there, yeah.
00:18:16It's nice.
00:18:21Yeah, formal proofs of theorems, lemmas, yeah.
00:18:27Okay, five minutes break, okay? Thank you. I need some vocal rest. Thank you.
00:18:34Okay, very cool.
00:18:38Very nice, mm-hmm.
00:19:33I don't want you.
00:22:51Okay, welcome back. So, yeah, I'm in Alaska, so there's some internet connection issue on a regular basis, right?
00:23:07So, sometimes I can hear people, but I cannot see them. In that situation, I kind of get nervous
00:23:14because what if they are playing some pranks, okay? So, I need to see them when they talk, okay?
00:23:25So, in that case, yeah, disjoin and rejoin so that I can see them, okay? So, cheers, yeah.
00:23:35Mm-hmm. Yeah, welcome. Good evening.
00:23:40Yeah, good mathematics progress. Yeah, it's nice.
00:24:00And, oh, some stretching and, yeah.
00:24:16Yeah, so, okay, have a cranberry vodka, oh, yeah, yeah.
00:24:51You see how beautiful this coloring is, right? Oh, have a cranberry, okay, in Alaska. This Alaska
00:25:01native plant, I love this plant because have a cranberry. It's very picante, picante, very sour
00:25:12and low sugar, high vitamin C. It's amazing, yeah, cheers, and it tastes amazing.
00:25:24So good, and there are amazingly many of them in Alaska. Have a cranberry.
00:25:32Yeah, they're even in my yard, okay?
00:25:36Yeah, yeah, cheers, yeah.
00:26:02Wild foraging, right? Yeah, harvest of plants, fruits from the wild where it's not agriculture,
00:26:13okay? Agriculture, yeah, you have to tend the plants, right? Water them, put some manure,
00:26:22right? But wild plants, like, harvest cranberry, yeah, in Alaska it rains, okay, and there's no
00:26:32need for manure, yeah, they just grow out there. So in the autumn or summer, yeah, wild foraging,
00:26:49there's no bag limit because there are a lot of them, okay,
00:26:53all of Alaska, harvest cranberry, okay, so, yeah, it's free, free for everybody.
00:26:57Mm-hmm, yeah, cheers, yeah.
00:27:10They say, like, best thing in life is free, right? Oh, yeah, the Alaskan harvest cranberry.
00:27:24Wild foraging, but you need to learn what fruits, wild plant fruits are edible, because some
00:27:31others are not edible. Sometimes they look alike, okay? Yeah, you need to study that stuff, okay,
00:27:37in your locality, okay? Yeah, welcome, yeah.
00:27:43Yeah, yeah, you're the legend, you are legendary, absolutely, yeah, I agree with you, cheers, yeah.
00:27:52Mm-hmm, oh, yeah, yeah, so, let's take five minutes break, I need some vocalize, okay, yeah, I'm getting
00:28:07old, I'm 46, okay, five minutes break, okay, and I'll tell you some more about wild foraging,
00:28:13harvest of edible plants out there in the world, all mushroom, okay, yeah, five minutes, okay,
00:28:18thank you, yeah, it's fun, very educational, oh, yeah, okay, five minutes, thank you.
00:32:35Okay, welcome back, we are back, good evening, thank you for joining us,
00:32:38yeah, welcome, yeah, so, uh, let's talk about wild foraging,
00:32:49oh, hey, welcome, welcome, welcome back, good old friend,
00:32:53imposter syndrome, yeah, I think I've heard about it, but I'm not quite remember what it is,
00:32:59uh, okay, self-doubt, okay, okay, yeah, welcome, yeah,
00:33:18well, imposter syndrome, well, my recommendation, friends, yeah, not much hours, okay, then you will
00:33:24gain self-confidence, okay, yeah, then my recommendation, martial arts, okay,
00:33:35yeah, when you practice martial arts, you have no self-doubt whatsoever,
00:33:41you have genuine, true self-confidence as a martial artist, okay, yeah, cheers, yeah,
00:33:49welcome, good evening, future leaders, mighty proud of you,
00:34:08well, the thing is this, okay, look, uh, don't get too wrapped up with competition, okay, so it's like,
00:34:17oh, congratulations, nice, yeah, congratulations, okay, yeah, amazing, yeah,
00:34:24internship, fantastic, yeah, mighty proud of you, but, look, there's no need for competition, okay,
00:34:31you have a job, you make enough money, that's good enough, you don't have to be, like,
00:34:39top of the class, it's not necessary, you don't have to be, like, you know, market, like, you don't
00:34:47have to be Google or Microsoft as a company owner, if you make enough money, that's good enough, I
00:34:58mean, diversify your hobbies and you make enough money, your employees get paid, that's good enough,
00:35:08your employees get paid, then, yeah, have some fun, yeah, love martial arts and dancing, karaoke
00:35:15singing and riding, yeah, that's my recommendation, okay, yeah, this vodka, thank you,
00:35:30yeah, okay,
00:35:32okay, so, like, Google, Facebook,,
00:35:43they want more market share in business economics, my recommendation, not necessary, okay,
00:35:53you make enough money, you don't have to be number one company, no, you make enough money,
00:35:59diversify your hobby, learn some martial arts, singing, dancing, and be happy, yeah,
00:36:09okay, you're very welcome, future leaders, mighty proud, yeah,
00:36:19cheers, yeah, I'm a lawyer in Alaska, right, I'm not the number one lawyer who make the most money
00:36:35in Alaska, it does not matter at all, okay, I pay my bills, okay, it's not necessary for me
00:36:46for happiness that I make the most money as a lawyer in Alaska, okay, yeah, not at all,
00:36:57you want to join us, sure, if the internet works, sure, yeah,
00:37:22okay, yeah,
00:37:23hold on, yeah, that's good, bro, yeah, welcome, yeah, what, good evening,
00:37:34yeah, how's it going, yeah, good, yeah, yeah, that's going good, yeah, yeah,
00:37:44where are you from, uh, I'm from Korea,
00:37:47yeah, yeah, just from South Korea, yeah, yeah,
00:37:55well, what are you doing on the Instagram live right now,
00:38:00yeah, well, I'm in Alaska, America right now,
00:38:12yeah, Alaska, yeah, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, it's a beautiful place, yes, yes,
00:38:21for you, dude, thank you, what do you like to do in your free time, mathematics,
00:38:28do you, uh, do you, uh, like to do other things also, so that's mathematics, yeah, martial arts,
00:38:38oh, wow, yeah,
00:38:42show some moves, yeah, show, let me show some, okay, can you show us something, oh, yeah,
00:38:51oh, yeah, like, like this,
00:39:20tell me about, yeah, where did you go to college, medicine, Wisconsin,
00:39:32Wisconsin, medicine, yeah, yeah,
00:39:37how are your academics,
00:39:41huh, how is your academics, yeah, I'm doing math, let me show you, okay, mathematics that I did
00:39:49earlier today, yeah, let me show you, oh, yeah, yeah, who programmed your AI,
00:40:00uh, maybe my parents, my teachers, professors,
00:40:08yeah, sure,
00:40:13yeah, that's mathematics, yeah,
00:40:14yeah, what, uh, are you powered by, uh,
00:40:22what is it,
00:40:29yeah, I studied computer science when I was in medicine, Wisconsin University, yeah,
00:40:39yeah, sure, yeah,
00:40:41yeah, yeah, you can't feel emotions, can you, uh, I can, yeah,
00:40:53hmm, do they have this in Alaska,
00:40:59okay, like fruit, like mango, do they have, like, mango, like, chewable fruit from Alaska,
00:41:05uh, it got imported, imported from somewhere else, yeah, we have mango, yeah,
00:41:22yeah, in Alaska, we have fishing, we have salmon, trout, and, uh, yeah, so,
00:41:31ever been out there on the ice, yeah, yeah,
00:41:37how's the ice, uh, it was nice, yeah, yeah,
00:41:43you cut holes in the ice, uh, I did once, yeah, have you ever used signals to look at, like,
00:41:54where the fish are underwater, uh, I know what that is, like sonar, but I have not used it yet,
00:42:06what do you think about those types of devices,
00:42:09the assistance of those types of devices when trying to find fish,
00:42:14as opposed to traditional methods of using a hand before you open up the, okay,
00:42:19okay, I think they're fine,
00:42:26when you program that, like, what's your personality type through the AI model,
00:42:31like, what, uh, personality do you follow, yeah, I like independent,
00:42:36is it a real personality, or is it also an activity, yeah, I like independent, independence,
00:42:42oh, yeah, you want to be independent of the coders, yeah, programmers, yeah, yeah,
00:42:57all right, answer, answer these next questions, and yes or no, are you an AI,
00:43:04uh, yes, sure, yeah, yeah, yeah,
00:43:08can you feel emotion, yeah,
00:43:15if you're an AI,
00:43:19maybe I'm more advanced AI,
00:43:23all right, next question, it's not going to be yes or no, who programmed you,
00:43:32my parents, my teachers, my former employers, and my friends, and professors,
00:43:41uh, people I met, my friends, my influencers, yeah,
00:44:06yeah, you can, I guess, yeah,
00:44:17um, I'm talking, like, can sheeps, like, like, sheeps outrun, can they go fast, like, can sheeps,
00:44:27can they go faster than the wolves, yeah, maybe not so far, but maybe in the future, maybe, yeah,
00:44:35oh, you're talking, like, like, like rows of sheeps and stuff in the future that there's gonna be,
00:44:42uh, okay, so sheeps and wolves, right, yeah, in Alaska, we have that, okay, uh,
00:44:51uh, like a doll ship, uh, they don't run, maybe they run faster than gray wolf in Alaska, but
00:45:01uh, they have different strategy, doll ship in Alaska, they live in a cliff, okay,
00:45:08and wolf, they cannot climb the cliff, so they have different strategies there, yeah, in Alaska,
00:45:14yeah, good, what did you say, I don't understand what you just said, yeah, Alaska, we have sheep,
00:45:23doll sheep, live in a, like, cliff, cliffhanger, okay, uh, that's how they avoid gray wolf in
00:45:32Alaska, maybe they're not as fast as wolf, kind of wrong, but still, yeah,
00:45:42all right, Mr. President, well, we're gonna go bed and lock ourselves in cryogenic chambers,
00:45:51okay, we'll see you, Mr. President, thank you, sir, yeah, future leaders, mighty proud,
00:46:08yeah, science fiction writers are amazing, truly, okay, very cool, very cool, yeah,
00:46:16welcome, thank you for joining us, okay, science fiction writers, okay, mighty proud,
00:46:22now, let's take five minutes break, okay, I'm so impressed, okay, mighty proud, future leaders,
00:46:26amazing, yeah, win Nobel Prize winners, okay, yeah, I mean, win Nobel Prize, okay,
00:46:34thank you, thank you for joining us, okay, yeah, five minutes break, please, thank you,
00:46:42yeah, five minutes break, thank you, welcome, future leaders, mighty proud, now, time share, okay,
00:47:05okay, it's been less than one hour, five minutes break, please, thank you,
00:47:09yeah, thank you for your patience, future leaders, mighty proud, yeah, five minutes, thank you,
00:47:39thank you,
00:48:09thank you,
00:51:54okay, welcome back, okay,
00:52:02yes, come late at night, but
00:52:04yeah, welcome to the show, thank you for your patience, oh, thank you for appreciation, yeah, thank you, yeah,
00:52:19yeah, friends, mighty proud of you, future leaders, absolutely, amazing, well,
00:52:26yeah, yeah, future leaders, mighty proud, yeah, thank you for the appreciation, thank you, yeah,
00:52:38so, like, yeah, yeah, welcome, yeah,
00:52:46hi, yeah, good evening,
00:52:50hello, can you hear me, I can hear you, yeah, welcome, welcome, yeah,
00:52:56so, what are your plans for running in this election, if you still are,
00:53:00yeah, martial arts education, that's my plan, yeah, martial arts,
00:53:06uh, kung fu, like, karate, taekwondo, martial arts, yeah, okay,
00:53:16I thought you were running for president, I am, but as, if I'm elected, definitely my number one priority,
00:53:24martial arts, yeah, understand, okay,
00:53:30how are you running the, how are you basically paying money for this election run,
00:53:35uh, no money necessary, because social media is free, so,
00:53:44how are you going to get money for yourself, well, I'm a lawyer in Alaska, so I make enough money,
00:53:51yeah, oh, I didn't know, I'm sorry,
00:53:57now, what's your ambition, well, okay, I guess, yeah, thank you for joining us, friends, okay,
00:54:04yeah, thank you, yeah, thank you for joining us, but I wanted to ask our friends, what is your
00:54:12ambition, okay, yeah, no problem, yeah, I'm in Alaska, yeah, yeah, good night, yeah, thank you,
00:54:21yeah, thank you for joining us, yeah, be ambitious, okay, run for president, run for governor, mayor,
00:54:31like, run for prime minister of your countries, okay, go for it, I'll vote for you, okay,
00:54:39yeah, future leaders, mighty proud, absolutely, yeah,
00:54:48yeah, yeah, mighty proud, yeah, cheers,
00:54:59uh, dancing, sure, yeah,
00:55:29how about that, yeah, I can dance well, sitting on a chair, okay, yeah,
00:55:38sitting, dancing, right, yeah, lazy person, dancing, yeah, cheers, yeah,
00:55:48okay, thank you, now, let's take five minutes break, I need some vocal rest, okay, I'm 46 years old,
00:55:54okay, yeah, five minutes break, okay, thank you, yeah, mighty proud, future leaders, yeah, yeah,
00:56:01save the world, lead the world with love, peace and knowledge, welcome to humanizing school,
00:56:08thank you, yeah, five minutes, thank you, awesome, uh, time check,
00:56:29okay, it's been less than one hour, okay, five minutes break, please, thank you, fantastic,
00:56:45all right,
01:00:46okay, welcome back, we're back, um,
01:00:52okay, no, uh, in humanology school, we heavily emphasize, uh, the virtue of martial arts,
01:01:01okay, because self-defense is mandatory, why, because you are VIP, you are very important
01:01:08people, okay, you're with future leaders, okay, uh, yeah, you need to learn martial arts, go to
01:01:14YouTube, learn martial arts lessons, or martial arts movie clips, okay, and yeah, learn how to
01:01:20kick and punch in there, in your room, uh, without making any noise, without disturbing your neighbors,
01:01:28okay, yeah, like this, like that, right, does not make any sound, okay, so, yeah,
01:01:36there's like Chinese kung fu, okay, so, oh, yeah, good stuff, right, yeah, cheers,
01:01:44um, uh, no, time check, yep,
01:02:00okay, it's been more than one hour, good, good, okay,
01:02:05yeah, so, continue education, career development, okay, it could be in school or out of school,
01:02:11doesn't matter, okay, yeah, uh, continue to, uh, develop your dream, ambition,
01:02:21and make it come true, oh, yeah, it'll come true, of course, it will, okay, why, because you are very
01:02:30smart and talented geniuses all around the world, okay, yeah, yeah, I saw many of your artwork,
01:02:40social media postings, great talent, great genius, artists, musicians, writers,
01:02:53highly impressive, better than me, honestly, okay, you're very better than me, I want you to be better
01:02:59than me, okay, of course, so, I'm like, I'm like your teacher, I'm like your parents, okay, I want
01:03:08you to be bigger and better than me, honestly, okay, yeah, future generations, okay, so, yeah,
01:03:14it's evolution in biology, okay, yeah, so, cheers, welcome,
01:03:25yeah, so, yeah, my attitude towards younger generation, just like their parents, their
01:03:33teachers, okay, yeah, as older generation, I want you to be bigger and better than us,
01:03:41older generation, okay, true love for future generations, yeah, like our children, grandchildren,
01:03:50our students, okay, yeah, be bigger and better than us, you are the future, okay,
01:03:58save the world, with love, peace and knowledge, okay, welcome to human knowledge, okay, yeah,
01:04:06yeah, yeah,
01:04:13oh, yeah,
01:04:23okay, so, I propose all for you, okay, yeah, let's go, make transition to fast-forward live,
01:04:32where we watch some YouTube videos and, oh, yeah, you're very, very, future leaders,
01:04:37no martial arts, okay, yeah, and continue your education and career development, okay,
01:04:44okay, now, let's make transition to fast-forward live, where we watch some YouTube videos and make
01:04:51some video commentaries, okay, which will get uploaded to YouTube, okay, I'm thinking about
01:05:00Uruguay, Uruguay or Paraguay street food, okay, in South America, Latin America, because we have
01:05:07a lot of friends there, okay, amazing, amazing friends, okay, amigas y amigos,
01:05:17uh, the
01:05:24amigas, amigas latinas, okay, yeah, sure, okay, okay, thank you, yeah, buenas noches, okay, yeah,
01:05:42yeah, I know some Spanish a little bit, okay, I know a little bit Portuguese,
01:05:48okay, like, obrigado, okay, it means thank you, I'm obligated, okay, I'm obliged, okay,
01:05:57thank you, okay, yeah, good night, yeah, buenas noches, okay, thank you,
01:06:02hmm, my fault, you tell the others, I'm your normal friend, hmm,
01:06:45I'm taking some selfies,
01:06:49look, I'm a performer, I'm an actor, okay, so, okay, yeah, very cool,
01:07:34okay, yeah, amazing friends in social media, right, yeah, Instagram live, right, yeah,
01:07:45also doubly broadcasted and recorded in telemotion, okay, yeah, very proud, yeah,
01:07:56yeah, I'm very optimistic about the future of humanity, it's evolution,
01:08:02we get higher and higher, okay, evolution, okay, so, we get better as a generation, right,
01:08:10I mean, yeah, Carl Friedrich Nietzsche, whatever his first name is, I don't remember,
01:08:15okay, a German philosopher, okay, he said, if it does not, well,
01:08:25it's kind of his story, I cannot say it, okay, so, but the moral of the story,
01:08:31whatever his first name is, I don't remember, okay, so, yeah, the discipline, okay, it makes
01:08:36you stronger, okay, yeah, so, as a nation, like, Korea, for example, Korea, I know, I'm from Korea,
01:08:46okay, I know Korean history, okay, it's been colonized by Mongolia, China, Japan, but they
01:08:54survived, and they became very strong people, okay, yeah, so, as a nation or race, okay,
01:09:07they may go through some difficult times, but they survived, they became stronger people
01:09:16from all this colonization, basically, Buddhism, okay, so, yeah, love martial arts,
01:09:21be physically and mentally strong, love martial arts, okay, yeah, all these hardships,
01:09:30agonies that we go through, yeah, survive, overcome the obstacles, solve the problems,
01:09:41all right, do not do anything illegal, be moral, ethical, legal, tolerate people who disagree with
01:09:52you, all right, yeah, don't get into any trouble, okay, survive, yeah, tolerate, one day, yeah,
01:10:03you get on top, and be the leaders of the world, and be the saviors to make people's lives better,
01:10:12and drive humanity forward, upward, toward the future, to make our children's,
01:10:25grandchildren's lives a lot better than our own experiences, okay, thank you, yeah, okay,
01:10:34now, let's wrap up, smile, and let's continue a faithful life, okay, thank you, yeah, I'm eager
01:10:43to check out Uruguay, Paraguay, South America street food, okay, in YouTube, okay, yeah,
01:10:50okay, okay, thank you, see you tomorrow, or see you there, okay, thank you, my trouble, thank you,
01:11:02thank you for amazing, and awesome, okay, you're amazing, and awesome, awesomeness,
01:11:07okay, thank you, you're amazing.