humanology 2078.1 .

  • last month
00:00:00Hello friends, yeah, welcome back. Welcome to Humanology 2078.1. Yeah, so I was looking
00:00:12at this, you know, when the Zoom software was digitizing, the footage is now being uploaded
00:00:19to TeleMotion and yeah, we are in the realm of Bezier coefficient for like greatest common
00:00:27divisor Euclidean algorithm and number theory. And it's quite surprising to me, in this case
00:00:34of base 5, okay, there's this definite pattern here, okay, Bezier coefficient, okay, 1, 2,
00:00:423, 4, 5, and 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, increment of 1, increment of 2, which is quite surprising.
00:00:50Bezier coefficient world is very under-explored area in mathematics, okay. Why? I think there's
00:01:02a satisfied with this Euclidean algorithm to find greatest common divisor, okay, but
00:01:08I'm not. That algorithm is more than 2,000 years old, so I think we can do better than
00:01:16that, okay. Yeah, yeah, that's my attitude. Other mathematicians, I guess, they just always
00:01:27time-honored venerable tradition, so let's not disturb it. Yeah, that's not my attitude,
00:01:34just other mathematicians, okay. I mean, yeah, mathematics, like professors, I love them,
00:01:43yeah, they're cool, but we are exceptional mathematicians, like big name in mathematics,
00:01:52okay, like Euclid, Gauss, Euler. I count myself as one of them, the historic ones, okay. I'm
00:02:08not doing this for work, job, no, it's not my job, it's not my hobby, but I'm serious about it,
00:02:15so welcome to Humanology, okay, yeah. We are ambitious. We're very historical figures, okay,
00:02:25yeah, yeah, one day, okay, yeah, cheers.
00:02:27Now, let's take five minutes break, and then, yeah, so I think there is something here,
00:02:39okay, yeah. We'll find formula for basic coefficients, okay, general formula. After that,
00:02:47general formula for Euclid and the greater common divisor, okay, more efficient than Euclid.
00:02:53Okay, so that's our goal.
00:03:00Yeah, it's amazing.
00:03:05Definite paradox, skipping method, right? Yeah, I'm marveled
00:03:16by this discovery, okay. There's a long way to go, of course, but so far, what we have
00:03:22discovered so far, it is marvelous, yeah. Oh, yeah, wow. Okay, five minutes break, and then
00:03:38go to Instagram Live, okay, yeah. We'll pick this up tomorrow, okay, sure. Okay, five minutes,
00:03:43thank you. Okay, very cool, beautiful, yeah, nice, okay.
00:03:59There we go, thank you.
00:08:06Okay, welcome back. Let's put this behind us. We'll continue this tomorrow,
00:08:12we have coefficients. How intriguing, wow.
00:08:20Yeah, we got something going on there, right? Yeah, we are onto something, very, very cool, yeah.
00:08:35Yeah, we started with Chinese Riemann Theorem, right?
00:08:41Then it led to this amazing adventure here.
00:09:00Okay, let's do Instagram Live, yeah, time to socialize, I guess. Mandatory for, right,
00:09:09U.S. Army concept. Sure. Mandatory for, I guess.
00:09:22Yeah, in the U.S. Army, they're like, you must have fun, mandatory fun, okay, so we're like,
00:09:29yes, Sergeant, I'm a three-year-old soldier.
00:09:36Good old army days, yep.
00:09:44Oh, mandatory selfie, sure.
00:09:47Oh, let me do my hair.
00:10:05Okay, good enough.
00:10:10Uh, yeah. Okay, let's go.
00:10:24Yep. Hello, friends, welcome to Humanology Instagram Live edition. Happy Wednesday,
00:10:35good evening, yeah, so, yeah.
00:10:44Cheers, welcome, yeah, welcome, yeah.
00:10:53Oh, college, very proud of you, good, yeah, awesome.
00:11:00Yeah, orientation, very exciting, right, yeah, absolutely, yeah.
00:11:05Very proud, mm-hmm, yeah, that's nice.
00:11:18Oh, yeah, meeting new people, right, yeah, oh, how nice.
00:11:28Oh, yeah, yeah, my day's good, yeah, uh, we did some mathematics in Dailymotion and, uh,
00:11:36yeah, making good progress there, yeah.
00:11:38Cheers, yep.
00:12:08Oh, that's, that's really nice, yeah, orientation, yeah.
00:12:17How exciting, oh, I'm so happy for you, thank you for sharing, yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:12:33Good times, cheers, yeah.
00:12:46Oh, yeah, let me grab some beer, okay, I'll be right back, okay, yeah,
00:12:50two minutes, please, thank you, yes, okay.
00:13:08Mm-hmm, yeah, welcome, friends, good evening.
00:13:39Yeah, oh, where do I want to visit, travel? I'd love to visit Australia, yeah, and why?
00:13:51I want to have some interaction with kangaroos, they're great kickboxers, right,
00:13:57I'd rather not fight a kangaroo, I'd rather hand-feed them, okay, but kangaroos are great
00:14:05kickboxers, I respect that, and they're only in Australia, right, yeah.
00:14:14Yeah, cheers, yeah, yeah.
00:14:19They're very muscular, too, yeah, kangaroos, yeah.
00:14:33So, there are some animals that's only found in Australia, like cassowary,
00:14:41platypus, right, yeah. Sports, I did taekwondo,
00:14:48majors, Korean majors, I grew up in Korea, and running,
00:14:59ping-pong, yeah, table tennis, yeah, nothing fancy, yeah.
00:15:06Mm-hmm, yeah, I got black belt, taekwondo, fourth grade, I mean, the fourth level, right, yeah,
00:15:22the lowest level of black belt, yeah, I got that one, yeah, yeah, cheers.
00:15:41Uh, I mean, it depends on country, right, but original Korean taekwondo back then,
00:15:461980s, it's like a white belt, yellow belt, blue belt, then red belt, and then black belt, okay,
00:15:55yeah, so that's how it was back then, yeah, but other countries, like America, they have, like,
00:16:00green belt, purple belt, right, yeah, it's all cool, yeah, yeah, good times.
00:16:24Oil and gas, fossil fuel, yeah, I'm for it, yeah, I love fossil fuel, oil and gas,
00:16:32coal, yeah, I'm all for it, yeah, thank you.
00:17:06So, I saw some recent footage of South Korean taekwondo
00:17:12in YouTube. They're quite different from back in 1980s where I learned taekwondo.
00:17:23I was in elementary school, middle school, and they do it differently these days.
00:17:42Yeah, I'm not saying it's bad or good. Welcome, friends, good evening, yeah, but,
00:17:47yeah, oh, yeah, acrobatics, yeah, fantastic, yeah, that's great, yeah, that part is good,
00:17:57that part is very good, okay, yeah, fancy acrobatics, yeah, jumping stuff, that part is
00:18:03very good, okay, it's good development there, okay, but what I'm, uh, you want to join us,
00:18:12sure, yeah, the way they make sound nowadays, taekwondo, South Korea, like, yeah, yeah,
00:18:20but back in the days, it was more like this, like,
00:18:26yeah, so, uh, yeah, that part's kind of weird, I mean, these days, like, yeah, yeah,
00:18:32this is a little bit weird, okay, so, I don't know, you want to join us, sure,
00:18:38if it works, okay, yeah, welcome back, yeah, long time no see,
00:18:43yeah, yeah, welcome,
00:19:01uh, internet connection issue again, my apologies, but if you de-join and re-join,
00:19:10it may work, okay, so, yeah, sorry about that,
00:19:26yeah, but if you de-join and re-join the live show, it may work, okay, sometimes it does,
00:19:32because, yeah, internet's not working, um, sorry about that,
00:19:45well, we'll keep on trying, okay, yeah, yeah, sorry about that, internet connection issue,
00:19:52yeah, if you de-join and re-join, it may work, yeah, welcome, yeah, good evening,
00:20:02oh, I can contribute for free, I'll check it out, yeah, after the show, thank you,
00:20:07great artists, geniuses, yeah, thank you, I'll check it out, okay, yeah, after the show, okay,
00:20:13yeah, thank you, yeah, yeah, future leaders, yeah, now, let's take five minutes break, okay,
00:20:19and some vocal rest, welcome, yeah, future leaders, my proud of you, yeah, five minutes,
00:20:25thank you, very cool, thanks, yeah, awesome, yeah, good evening,
00:20:55thank you,
00:25:19Okay, we are back, welcome back.
00:25:25Yeah, welcome.
00:25:32Okay, so,
00:25:36so, earlier this evening after work, I studied some American history, yeah,
00:25:47the interaction between European settlers and American natives, right,
00:25:55yeah, who came from Asia, okay, long time ago, interesting story, right, yeah,
00:26:07yeah, the 1962 Dakota War of 1962, okay, the American Civil War just between 1961 and 1965,
00:26:21right, so, I have to look it up because I kind of forgot, okay, and so,
00:26:32it was very similar to this war between Hamas and Israel, right, yeah, I mean, Dakota tribe
00:26:43going against European settlers, right, just like Hamas,
00:26:53kind of small military presence going against Israel-like military, right,
00:27:01it was remarkably similar, okay,
00:27:06and then I realized maybe it's common pattern, like small military going against big military,
00:27:19right, like Dakota versus European settlers 1962, okay, yeah, in the middle of American Civil War,
00:27:27yeah, so, yeah, so it did not get too much highlight because there was bigger war going
00:27:35on between Yankees and Southerners, yeah, the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln days, okay, 1962, okay,
00:27:53yeah, it was so similar, the atrocity, right,
00:27:59well, I, yeah, welcome friends, yeah, good evening, I'm not quite in liberty to
00:28:04talk about this because it's too age-inappropriate, okay, so, but it's in Wikipedia,
00:28:13Wikipedia, okay, yeah, Dakota War of 1862, okay, yeah, very remarkably similar between
00:28:25the war going on right now, 2024, between Hamas and Israel, okay, yeah, like kidnapping
00:28:32for bargaining chip and atrocity,
00:28:38and then revenge, right, yeah,
00:28:46in America 1962, almost like 200 years ago, exact same thing is going on between Hamas and Israel,
00:28:562024, it's remarkably similar, okay, yeah,
00:29:06I was surprised, okay,
00:29:23yeah, I can, I'm not in liberty to tell you the details of the 1862 Dakota War,
00:29:30but it's in Wikipedia, okay, but it's remarkably similar to between the war between Hamas and
00:29:35Israel, okay, very, very similar, okay, I guess it's kind of recurring pattern between like small
00:29:41military versus big military, right, yeah, yeah, the settlers kind of like pushing the
00:29:51up originals to a small land, right, and the small land people
00:29:57starting this war against bigger military with atrocity, such a fierce atrocity,
00:30:08cruelty, right, and then the big military force
00:30:17with vengeance, right, yeah,
00:30:26it's kind of reverse deja vu, because
00:30:32until a couple of days ago, I did not know anything about Dakota War of 1862,
00:30:40I did not know anything about it, okay, so it's a reverse deja vu, okay, because, yeah, Hamas-Israel
00:30:47War, that was like from last year, 2023, right, yeah, so I know a lot about that, because
00:30:53recent event in the news, right, but Dakota War 1862, I learned about it a couple of days ago,
00:31:01so reverse deja vu, okay, yeah, yeah,
00:31:14but fast forward, right, yeah, for, because nowadays, look, two states of America,
00:31:21North Dakota, South Dakota, named after that tribe, okay, and we are living in peace,
00:31:29yeah, I mean, I'm not European, I'm Asian, okay, but
00:31:34descendants of Dakotas and descendants of European settlers, they're living in peace,
00:31:41yeah, so one day, yeah, Palestine and Israel, they will achieve the same kind of peace, just like
00:31:52American natives and European, American settlers, okay, yeah, yeah, American model, right, yeah,
00:32:02we talked about this yesterday, right, you're kind of expanding from that, okay,
00:32:07welcome to Humanology, yeah, cheers,
00:32:14yeah, we are like scientists, historians, and
00:32:18storytellers, welcome, good evening, yeah, it's about education, right,
00:32:37historic education,
00:32:55okay, my voice is hoarse, okay, let's take five minutes break, okay, welcome friends, future
00:33:00leaders, yeah, major arts, and focus on education, current development, okay, thank you, my proud,
00:33:12oh, yeah, honky-tonk stories, yeah, they're fiction, they're novels, sometimes based on reality,
00:33:20just a little bit, but mostly like comedy, horror comedy, sometimes, yeah, novels, fictions,
00:33:28yeah, yeah, kind of made up, okay, yeah,
00:33:33yeah, okay, five minutes break, please, thank you, I have something for us, thank you,
00:33:39future leaders, future leaders, my proud of you, five minutes, okay, thank you, welcome, good evening,
00:33:48yeah, time check real quick,
00:33:50okay, yeah, it's been more than 30 minutes, okay, that's cool, yeah,
00:34:08five minutes break, please, thank you, welcome, yeah, fantastic,
00:38:29okay, we are back, welcome back, some recollection from back in the days,
00:38:35like maybe a couple years ago, not that long ago, welcome friends, yeah, so I think a couple years
00:38:43ago, Instagram live, okay, our friends from other, I'm in Alaska, right, but our friends from other
00:38:49states of America, they're descendants of American natives, okay, not from Alaska though, okay, so
00:39:00at that day, maybe two, three years ago, okay, yeah, they're American natives and welcome friends,
00:39:12good evening, yeah, and they talked about some kind of treaty between
00:39:19United States government and American natives back in the days, and United States government
00:39:25did not honor that treaty, so they owe them some money, okay, they were like two, three years ago,
00:39:33yeah, welcome friends, yeah, thank you for your support, thank you, thank you, yeah, future leaders,
00:39:38and when it comes to that treaty, I learned about it like a couple days ago,
00:39:44I'm eager to learn about American history, because I grew up in South Korea, okay,
00:39:50so I'm still learning about American history, to be honest, okay, so yeah,
00:39:58I'm still learning, okay, cheers, yeah,
00:40:01so like two years ago, my guess is that maybe American natives who joined us in Instagram live
00:40:13were two years ago, maybe they were talking about Dakota treaty back in like 1860s,
00:40:27two years ago, I had no idea what they were talking about,
00:40:30but I think they were talking about Dakota treaty, that I learned about Dakota treaty
00:40:36two days ago, two years ago, I had no idea what it was, okay, still learning, okay, so
00:41:04yeah, at the age of 46, I'm still learning, still studying about American history and other things
00:41:13too, like mathematics and whatnot, right, foreign languages, yeah, so about two years ago, okay,
00:41:23our wonderful friends, my guess is that they're descendants of Dakota tribe, okay,
00:41:32maybe North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Minnesota, somewhere there, I guess,
00:41:37they were my guess, okay, it was like two years ago, okay, so they asked me, they're quite young
00:41:45people, maybe in their late teens or early 20s, okay, Instagram live, over two years ago, okay,
00:41:53and yeah, cheers, yeah,
00:41:58and I'm a huge fan of native culture,
00:42:02okay, yeah, all original culture, right,
00:42:07do I have faith in God? Welcome, welcome, yeah, do I have faith in God? I do, yeah,
00:42:13even when I do mathematics, yeah, like this, earlier today, yeah, I believe in God,
00:42:23I believe in God, I believe that God would be generous and kind to give me some solutions
00:42:34to these mathematical problems, yeah, when I do mathematics, I'm very religious, well, thank you,
00:42:46back, yeah, welcome, thank you, oh, yeah,
00:43:03yeah, a mathematical exclusion, yeah, it's nice, yeah,
00:43:07yeah, so, yeah, Dakota Treaty was, as I learned, like, a couple days ago,
00:43:20like, United States government made a treaty contract with Dakota tribe in Minnesota,
00:43:29actually, okay, and then civil war started,
00:43:39yeah, they're, like, 1961, right, Abraham Lincoln days, so, yeah, they did not have enough money,
00:43:49because civil war going on, war is expensive, right, so they broke the contract,
00:43:58so they did not pay back to Dakota tribe, United States government under Abraham Lincoln,
00:44:04what was the contract? Yeah, Dakota tribe, yeah, sell your land to us, European settlers,
00:44:13then we'll give you some money,
00:44:18they agreed, but United States government did not pay them back,
00:44:24why? They ran out of money because of civil war, it's very expensive,
00:44:33right, so Dakota tribe, American natives, okay, from Asia, right, they'll
00:44:48confine this reservation, right, with their sold their land to United States government,
00:44:54European settlers, okay, and they did not get anything back,
00:45:02so, they were, like, starving, angry,
00:45:12so, there's a background of the Dakota war of 1862,
00:45:18in the middle of civil war, yeah, that's what happened, as I learned in Wikipedia,
00:45:26welcome, yeah, welcome, good evening, yeah, talk about U.S. history with American natives, okay,
00:45:39welcome, yeah, good evening,
00:45:40do you wish you had children? No, I don't want to get married, yeah, I like being alone and being
00:45:53single, financial advice, yeah, do good in school,
00:46:03get higher education and get a higher-paying job, it's about education, yeah,
00:46:17yeah, I mean, I don't want to have children because I'm happy being single, yeah, that's all,
00:46:25yeah, yeah, I like being alone and that's why I came to Alaska,
00:46:39okay, now, let's take five minutes break, okay, thank you, and some vocal rest,
00:46:43okay, yeah, welcome, good evening, mighty proud of you, yeah, the future leaders, okay,
00:46:49five minutes break, thank you, yeah, fantastic,
00:47:02well, I don't play video games, okay, because I'm old, I'm 46, okay, so, okay, yeah,
00:47:07but sounds very interesting, okay, okay, five minutes break, okay, thank you, welcome,
00:47:13good evening, and time check,
00:47:22it's been less than one hour, five minutes, thank you, yep,
00:47:28okay, very cool, five minutes, thank you, yep,
00:51:36okay, welcome back, yeah, so, let's continue this discussion on American history,
00:51:43yeah, let's make some context switch, okay, yeah,
00:51:49yeah, so, we talk about this, like, United States government back in 1800s, 1862, okay,
00:51:57violating, breaking the contract between United States government under Abraham Lincoln and Dakota
00:52:05Native tribe, okay, yeah, so, they do all money, okay, so, I think there was a point that
00:52:12two years ago, our friends, I think, I think they are the descendants of Dakota tribe,
00:52:19they were my guess, okay, so, is this legitimate claim, okay, yeah, I'm a lawyer, okay, so, yeah,
00:52:27I understand, okay, so, now, not exact same situation, but similar situation, yeah, African
00:52:42Americans, yeah, I mean, I'm a lawyer, so I understand contract law, in contract law in
00:52:48America, yeah, there's this legal doctrine, contract law, the, what's it called,
00:53:00good faith and fair dealing, I guess, something like that, doctrine of good faith and fair
00:53:05dealing, something like that, okay, so, yeah, in business law, contract law, okay, the contract
00:53:12has to be fair, so, African Americans, yeah, back in the days, yeah, slavery is not a fair contract,
00:53:23okay, it's a labor exploitation, they're like underpaid workers, laborers, underpaid, okay,
00:53:34yeah, so, some African American activists nowadays, 2024, okay, they advocate for reparation concept,
00:53:46back in California and other states in America, okay, I don't understand that, okay, yeah,
00:53:51yeah, I do, as a lawyer,
00:54:21America has a story, right, okay, white people, yeah,
00:54:28they imported Africans from Africa to America, and exploited their labor in cotton field,
00:54:39maybe the cigarette, tobacco field, wherever, whatever, right, and they didn't pay them enough
00:54:46the labor exploitation okay yeah back in the days I'm very sorry that happened
00:54:53in America okay I am sorry okay very sorry so I understand the argument
00:55:04African-American some African-American not all but some African-American
00:55:13advocate for reparation yeah you white people you owe us money okay yeah it's
00:55:21not exactly same as Dakota situation but there's some analogy to be made there
00:55:28yeah welcome yeah good evening yeah welcome yeah we'll talk about
00:55:35American history okay so yeah welcome thank you joining us yeah cheers
00:55:49but as a humanologist
00:55:54my recommendation is this okay
00:56:01so I mean there was a long time ago where there are Dakota treaty 1800s
00:56:09slavery 1800s 1700 okay there long time ago guess who I is lesbian claim yeah
00:56:21our as US government or us I mean all our ancestors some money now our
00:56:29ancestors are in heaven okay they passed away we are the state
00:56:38representative the reason is that right so this claim still survives so now US
00:56:46government or some money as
00:56:51American native tribes descendant African-American descendant okay to
00:56:57American government or some money we were like descendants yeah so having
00:57:04claim like estate wills trust okay as a lawyer I understand that concept okay so
00:57:11yeah surviving as survival action surviving action okay yeah I understand
00:57:16I can't say okay as a lawyer
00:57:23but as a humanologist my recommendation yeah focus on education
00:57:30career development okay yeah I understand yeah US government or money
00:57:37to indebted to American natives African-Americans yeah it's less than a
00:57:48claim but my recommendation as a humanologist okay yeah focus on your
00:57:55education career development yeah
00:58:01higher education okay get more education and get higher paying jobs
00:58:06they'll find a job okay
00:58:36it is important to learn about history yes I learned history like Wikipedia
00:58:43YouTube videos
00:58:47but it's also important to move on and look forward
00:59:10horrible things happened in America yeah between American natives but from
00:59:17Asia like me and European settlers and then the slavery
00:59:27horrible things happened in America yeah
00:59:32but yeah it's important to learn history I learned history okay it's very
00:59:37interesting history right in Korea like Japanese colonization on them Chinese
00:59:44and Mongolia occupying Korea way back when centuries ago okay
00:59:53interesting history right yeah or anywhere in the world like Europe Africa
00:59:59South America wherever Australia okay yeah it's interesting history yes yes
01:00:08yeah we do need to learn that yes but at the same time it's a balancing act
01:00:14between past and future okay back up to humanology it's about balancing in
01:00:20humanology okay yeah so also let's look toward the future
01:00:29bright brighter better bigger and better brighter future
01:00:38and um let's focus on education
01:00:45okay so there my recommendation okay
01:00:54as a humanologist
01:00:58yeah I'm like a government or your ancestors of money but look my
01:01:05recommendation yeah focus focus on your education and career development and get
01:01:13a higher-paying job
01:01:17through education would they be my recommendation okay
01:01:23yeah cheers
01:01:32yeah so uh that's my message for today okay
01:01:39tonight so my voice is sharp I'm 46 I'm getting old okay so now let's make
01:01:46transition to Facebook live where we watch some YouTube videos as audience and
01:01:52make some visual commentaries there yeah work play rest tripartite balancing
01:02:00yeah like daily motion work mathematics mostly these days and
01:02:07Instagram live yeah play time socialization right
01:02:13so what play third step yeah rest festival live we just watch YouTube
01:02:21videos there make some video commentaries here and there okay thank
01:02:26you yeah future leaders my problem be ambitious
01:02:30be the leaders okay
01:02:33save the world with love peace and knowledge okay
01:02:40welcome friends yeah I see tomorrow okay yeah because uh yeah okay yeah thank you
01:02:49fantastic welcome to human logic
01:03:22okay yeah welcome to humanology yes right yeah nice
01:03:29okay so let's make transfer to festival live
01:03:35okay yeah my voice yeah okay yeah thank you friends I see you in the festival
01:03:43I will I see you tomorrow okay yeah we'll get back to mathematics okay thank
01:03:48you my problem future leaders fantastic