humanology 2075.1 .

  • last month
00:00:00Hello friends, yeah, sorry for the bad hair day, but welcome to Humanology, 2075.1, yeah,
00:00:14so we did mathematics, it's great, and then let's take five minutes break and then let's
00:00:21go to Instagram Live together, okay? Yeah, sure. Yep. Oh yeah, our brand new formula
00:00:31here, okay? Yeah, nice. Yeah. Five minutes break, please, and we'll continue mathematics
00:00:41tomorrow. Maybe the day after tomorrow, I don't know. Okay? Five minutes, thank you.
00:00:47Very cool, making good progress, yeah.
00:04:15Okay, we're going to go back.
00:04:44So, Donald J. Trump, he regarded himself as a bad candidate.
00:04:49Well, the thing is, he's bad, but he's a pathological liar, you know.
00:04:54He's charming, he's funny, and he's funny because he's such a, you know, bad way,
00:05:01well, good way or bad way, because he's, he's funny because he lies.
00:05:05He's a liar, okay, so.
00:05:07He's not a sorcerer.
00:05:11Okay, so he charms people with his, he has a good sense of humor, I get it, okay, so,
00:05:17but sorcerer, yeah, like black magic, basically, okay, because he lies and that's not moral.
00:05:27Okay, but Kamala Harris, she's funny too, okay.
00:05:31She's more like bright side, okay, so, yeah.
00:05:38But me, of course I'm better than both of them, but that's not right for you as president.
00:05:44Yeah, they may say I'm not vetted, well, but vetted candidate, Trump, he's a convicted felon, liar.
00:05:56Okay, so, just because Trump is vetted and I'm not does not mean he's a better candidate than I am, okay,
00:06:06because he's convicted criminal, yes, so, I'm not, that's the law.
00:06:12And he's a liar, I'm not, okay, yeah.
00:06:16I'm better than Trump, okay.
00:06:18Am I better than Harris?
00:06:19Yeah, I'm more knowledgeable than Harris, okay.
00:06:25Let's go to Instagram live together.
00:06:48Hello, friends, yeah, welcome to Humanology, Instagram live edition.
00:06:54Happy Thursday, good evening, welcome.
00:06:58Yeah, yeah.
00:07:03Let me pour myself some drinks.
00:07:16I will talk about it, about it.
00:07:18Yeah, welcome, friends, yeah, welcome.
00:07:20Good evening.
00:07:22Thank you for your support.
00:07:23Thank you, friends.
00:07:24Yeah, future leaders.
00:07:25Yeah, thank you.
00:07:33Yeah, sure, sure.
00:07:53Cheers, good idea, yeah.
00:07:58Nice, yeah, yeah.
00:08:03Cheers again.
00:08:11Welcome, yeah.
00:08:16Good evening, yeah.
00:08:37Oh, thank you for asking, yeah, my day was good, yeah.
00:08:42Yeah, as usual, did some mathematics.
00:08:50Cheers, yeah, welcome, yeah.
00:09:02Yeah, thank you, yeah.
00:09:08Yeah, happy Thursday, yeah.
00:09:28Cheers, friends, yeah.
00:09:35Good evening, yeah.
00:09:43Yeah, welcome.
00:10:13Interesting Instagram names, yeah, very creative, yeah.
00:10:18Yeah, geniuses, future leaders.
00:10:21Cheers to you, yeah.
00:10:32Yeah, welcome.
00:10:34Do I believe in Mr. Jesus?
00:10:42I mean, I respect Mr. Jesus, I do.
00:10:52Yeah, okay.
00:10:55What do I think about Marxism?
00:10:58I would say there are good and bad.
00:11:03Yeah, I'm independent, okay?
00:11:07So Mr. Jesus, yeah, I learned a lot from Mr. Jesus and Mr. Karl Marx.
00:11:22I would say there's some good and bad in his version of communism.
00:11:31For Christianity, there are some Christian doctrines that I agree with and some Christian doctrines that I disagree with.
00:11:43Yeah, I'm half and half, I'm independent, okay?
00:11:48Mr. Buddha, Gautama Siddhartha, I respect him, and there's some Buddhist philosophy and religion that I agree with, and some other parts I disagree with, okay?
00:12:07Because I'm a humanologist.
00:12:15You want to be objective and appreciative, okay?
00:12:27Well, I mean, I drink alcohol, I smoke cigarettes, but when it comes to marijuana, I have smoked marijuana how many times?
00:12:39Maybe five times in my past, okay?
00:12:42But it was way too strong, to be honest.
00:12:48And way too fast.
00:12:53Do I believe Jesus died on the cross?
00:12:56Yeah, that's a historical fact.
00:13:08But when it comes to resurrection, after Mr. Jesus passed away on the cross, do I believe that he resurrected?
00:13:19Yeah, welcome, yeah.
00:13:28My answer regarding Jesus' resurrection, my answer is this, okay?
00:13:34I do not know.
00:13:35I was not there.
00:13:39But it is possible.
00:13:52Yeah, my day was good, thank you.
00:13:54But Jesus' supposed miracles in Bible, New Testament, my answer, yeah, I do not know.
00:14:04I was not there.
00:14:06That was like 2,000 years ago, before I was born, okay?
00:14:11But it is possible that Jesus conducted miracles.
00:14:20It is possible.
00:14:29Well, I'm a scientist myself, okay?
00:14:32But miracles, by definition, is unscientific.
00:14:36It defies the law of gravitation.
00:14:39Jesus walking on the water, right?
00:14:41I used to be a Christian, okay?
00:14:42So, do I like chess?
00:14:43Yes, yeah.
00:14:44I love playing chess, yeah, sometimes, okay?
00:14:47So, Mr. Jesus walking on the water, it defies the law of nature, the gravitation, right?
00:14:53But could it have happened?
00:14:55Oh, yeah.
00:14:59Because it's logically consistent that if Jesus is son of God, who created the law of physics,
00:15:10then God can defy law of physics that he created.
00:15:20Playing chess online?
00:15:22Well, I'm kind of tired, okay?
00:15:24But I'm not good at it.
00:15:26You probably will.
00:15:28Welcome, friends, yeah.
00:15:30Welcome, welcome, yeah, yeah.
00:15:37But it is logically consistent that if God created the universe, the law of physics, like gravitation,
00:15:44then God can defy it.
00:15:46God is not subject to the laws that he created, right?
00:15:52So, it is logically consistent that Jesus, if he was indeed son of God,
00:15:58then, yeah, he can defy the law of physics, like gravitation.
00:16:01He can walk on the water, okay?
00:16:08But I was not there when Jesus was in Israel, Middle East, Palestine, okay?
00:16:21So I do not know whether Jesus walked on the water or not because I was not there, okay?
00:16:27He could have.
00:16:29I just don't know.
00:16:31I was not even born 2,000 years ago.
00:16:37Oh, vice president candidate?
00:16:41Well, I will hire vice president after I get elected as U.S. president, okay?
00:16:51It will be one month's internship, okay?
00:16:57Leadership training program.
00:17:00Every one month, every month, I will hire vice president.
00:17:06It will be like one month's internship, leadership training, okay?
00:17:09After I get elected.
00:17:13Israel and Palestine, I support both.
00:17:15I love them both.
00:17:17I love Israel.
00:17:19I love Palestine.
00:17:21Both of them.
00:17:23Because I am independent.
00:17:25I love everybody, okay?
00:17:28Now, let's take five minutes break, okay?
00:17:30Welcome, friends.
00:17:31Thank you for your contribution.
00:17:32You are very intellectual people, okay?
00:17:34Future leaders.
00:17:36Very proud of you, okay?
00:17:38We will take five minutes break.
00:17:39I am a vocalist, okay?
00:17:40Thank you.
00:17:44Good evening.
00:17:45Happy Thursday.
00:17:47Five minutes break, please.
00:17:48Thank you.
00:17:50Geniuses, right?
00:17:51Future leaders.
00:17:52Very proud.
00:17:54Five minutes.
00:17:55Thank you.
00:17:56Very cool.
00:22:31oh welcome back we're back uh yeah good evening yeah hey thank you for the
00:22:37interesting discussion right yeah thank you yes so like uh so
00:22:46welcome friends yeah and uh so the
00:22:53theology right yeah study of God I mean I'm just a latest philosopher who want
00:23:06to explain about God in terms of logic just like
00:23:13have everything in philosophy and mathematics okay but I have some
00:23:17precedents predecessors like uh we're talking about a Baruch Espinosa
00:23:22philosopher and Rene Descartes philosopher and mathematician and
00:23:29theologians like Saint Augustine, Thomas Aquinas okay and also another
00:23:37mathematical philosopher like Blasé, Pascal right yeah they all did that
00:23:42explaining God in terms of logic okay yeah I'm just the latest. My favorite
00:23:50hockey team? I'm not very knowledgeable about ice hockey okay although I live in
00:24:01Alaska I don't even know the name of some Alaskan hockey team okay so but
00:24:10but ice hockey yeah I have been to one tournament when I was in Los Angeles
00:24:17California it was very entertaining okay but I'm kind of ignorant in that
00:24:22department to be honest
00:24:26cheers yeah
00:24:34yeah so yeah
00:24:46yeah yeah the future leader is geniuses right yeah mighty proud of you yeah you're
00:24:52amazing. Absolutely. Cheers.
00:25:09so when it comes to ice hockey right like I've been to one tournament in Los
00:25:15Angeles California uh when was that I think I was about 17 or 18 I was a high
00:25:26school in a high school in South South Korea I traveled to Los Angeles
00:25:30California as a high school student I was like 17 18 okay and then in Los
00:25:39Angeles California okay yeah yeah as a tourist went to ice hockey tournament as
00:25:49an audience and it was nice yeah
00:25:55I was a teenager back then okay yeah
00:26:04like 17 18 something like that right and then with my parents and from South South
00:26:11Korea and we went to Disneyland Anaheim Orange County yeah it was nice
00:26:20yeah tensor products in matrix okay yeah
00:26:27quantum computing yeah yeah okay okay you take a month nice very smart you're
00:26:34genius okay absolutely oh yeah it's fascinating yeah tensor calculus right
00:26:41yeah I studied just a little bit okay yeah tensor product matrix yeah kind of
00:26:49generalization of matrix to nth dimension right it is fascinating yeah
00:26:54yeah that's I'm very proud of you studying tensor calculus tensor product
00:27:01right cheers yeah
00:27:05I know just a little bit about it okay yeah it is fascinating oh yeah yeah
00:27:17very proud of you yeah
00:27:24yeah tensor calculus I think it's very beautiful yeah
00:27:33cheers yeah
00:27:55yes so tensor algebra does have some practical application in mechanical
00:28:02engineering it's like shear force right and yeah the stressing of on the metal
00:28:09material right yeah mm-hmm
00:28:17originally invented by Italian mathematicians right yeah
00:28:36so in physics right it has to tension inside of some material the stress okay
00:28:46has the name tensor right yeah yeah I I just studied a little bit yep
00:28:56romantic history yeah I'm 46 years old I'm single straight male and um
00:29:06romantic history sure I am NOT a virgin okay I have some experience okay have I
00:29:14been in love yeah now let's take five minutes break I'm getting old okay thank
00:29:29you yeah welcome yeah sure yeah five minutes break please thank you oh yeah
00:29:34okay okay very cool future leaders I'm proud of you
00:32:02okay welcome back thank you for joining us late at night yeah
00:32:09love story ah sure sure okay
00:32:17thank you for romantic question yeah we really appreciate your wonderful
00:32:24contribution here okay welcome to humanized school yeah sure
00:32:28love romance well uh I'm 46 straight Asian male in Alaska America and I've
00:32:42been to many different countries and many different states in America and
00:32:48yeah I have some dating experience yeah
00:33:03uh so when it comes falling in love it was like I was in my
00:33:16I would say late 20s okay
00:33:20yeah I met a lady online online dating site and we dated and we were all adults okay and
00:33:33it lasted about three months okay yeah and
00:33:48yeah and why because I was in my like late 20s but didn't have too much
00:33:59experience about dating at that time I was like 27 something like that okay so
00:34:07welcome friends yeah we're talking about how to this dating experience okay so
00:34:13then my then girlfriend's parents intervened and because
00:34:23she did not have much dating experience we are both adults okay I did not have
00:34:28that much dating experience okay so it
00:34:35so her parents intervened and I'm glad that they did because we are too immature
00:34:47okay so my then ex-girlfriend my then girlfriend's parents intervened and they
00:34:57said yeah you need to break up and we did and I'm glad that they intervened
00:35:03okay we've got too inexperienced about dating okay so we're just young okay okay
00:35:13I have many other romantic stories that I can tell you but we have some guests
00:35:20who want to join us okay sure okay I'll tell you more maybe tomorrow
00:35:26on this dating experience okay sure we can do that tomorrow okay because I have
00:35:32so many stories there in that department okay maybe tomorrow okay thank you yeah
00:35:37okay let's invite our guests yeah thank you for joining us friends yeah thank
00:35:42you thank you if the internet works okay yeah
00:35:48hmm yeah
00:35:53welcome hey welcome back I don't handle super hello yeah great to see you great
00:36:02to see you yeah I've talked to you since you got back to the square yeah thank
00:36:09you thank you for joining us yeah yeah I'm at my young man to the big
00:36:14conference here oh yeah yeah thank you yeah oh thank you thank you yeah my
00:36:30crowd my crowd yeah yeah yeah we go yeah future leaders yeah yeah yeah it's
00:36:47been good yeah thank you yeah oh it was nice yeah Korea yeah I met my parents
00:37:14and relatives it was very nice yeah very nice yeah that's good that's good
00:37:22yeah we had we had Ron Paul coming to speak today if you remember him yeah
00:37:28it's cool yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh thank you thank
00:37:58you thank you thank you thank you yeah yeah yeah we're writing our names on the
00:38:13ballot for you you know when this next election landslide though it's gonna be
00:38:16tremendous it's gonna be amazing thank you thank you
00:38:22thank you thank you yeah yeah that's good how is Alaska right now Alaska is
00:38:49like 60 to 60 to Fahrenheit Fahrenheit oh nice very nice yep yep yeah thank you
00:39:15very good yeah yeah yeah movies yes uh like I
00:39:45was like YouTube video my movie clips like like like short films yeah in
00:39:59YouTube yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we have some people coming from both sides
00:40:19culturally yeah yeah I appreciate libertarianism yeah I appreciate that
00:40:37yeah yeah you know we bring people together with you know certain ideals
00:40:43you know it's like most people don't even you know believe in exactly what
00:40:46our organization does but you know the fact that we can all come together on
00:40:50similar principles and work together on a strong community of people yeah I
00:40:58really appreciate what you do yeah yeah thank you for your service yep yep yeah
00:41:11gonna be active in politics or as you are you know even if it's just you know
00:41:16like you're a karaoke karaoke campaign trail type of thing right yeah I would
00:41:23go and sing all that you know it's like whether whatever it is it's always
00:41:28community building like you're always forming stuff any any of the connections
00:41:33that you form are make what you do worthwhile mm-hmm because bringing
00:41:39each other whatever whatever level you find yourself that is always gonna
00:41:44always be beneficial for people right oh yeah yeah yeah so I think I think making
00:41:52these connections is important and you know it's like always like oh you know
00:41:56we can you know make friends and all that that's good to have those
00:41:59connections but build it building a community is also very important
00:42:05especially today I mean nowadays it's like what kind of culture this tribe to
00:42:13or what kind of you know like I guess they believe in those get a lot of mixed
00:42:18responses it's not a very cohesive like similarly you get between your average
00:42:26people you have to just neighbors right mm-hmm be closer related to your
00:42:34neighbor than your own kids sometimes right yeah
00:42:39racial differences with people right and he's he's community doing things
00:42:43finding his relations within people you know in the modern day compared to how
00:42:48it used to be centuries ago things were okay yeah I agree with you now uh what
00:42:55do you think of a camera Harris
00:42:59she's ridiculous I mean you know it's like these a lot of these leftists you
00:43:06know would go off about ACAB right like they don't like cops it was very it was
00:43:12very principled where their events against the police and because they
00:43:16believe the police were and you know like fundamentally against them right
00:43:20and then now they're all voting for you know a former police officer
00:43:25you know numerous black people right so that's what that's me it's very
00:43:32hypocritical obviously I don't like her cuz I'm I'm very I'm a very far-right
00:43:37person you know like to the level where it's not even like it's not even you
00:43:42know you're like physically and regularly correct culturally but
00:43:45traditionally as well what it means to traditionally be be conservative you
00:43:51know not not your like physical aspects but spiritually conservative right hmm
00:43:59what do you think about Donald Trump I like Trump the movement 2016 modern-day
00:44:06Trump is you know verbal for lack of a better word off the top my head cuts you
00:44:13know he obviously panders to foreign nations especially Israel to mention you
00:44:19know but it's going on yeah so you know entering the four nations all that you
00:44:25know we have our we have our 2016 Trump we end up with the type of person who
00:44:30you know like fundamentally you don't want to like happy American people like
00:44:37continue to sustain their like current level of being right compared to compared
00:44:44to modern-day right where it's like he's not as much about opening borders
00:44:49he doesn't mention like racial type of differences all that stuff you know we
00:44:54progressed it you know that we're all the same and to hold up leftist ideas
00:45:00from 20 years ago okay now you guys left this track two decades ago okay now what
00:45:11do you think I'm a dandy Vance
00:45:15so Vance is you know what we call a big tech conservative here right like a big
00:45:22tech conservative obviously it's someone of us to play to you know but you have
00:45:27like like you lost okay right yeah but they do think people were just a
00:45:32conservative but they're like part of big tech and that makes them you know
00:45:36have their own you know like sector of sector of people you know that's very
00:45:43very I think it's I love the one video of him that's like that's like do you
00:45:52hate Mexicans are you a racist you know it's very funny right people you know
00:45:57it's a he's definitely not my favorite pet we're gonna have the background
00:46:02Swami yeah yeah he's gonna he's gonna be here tomorrow speaking at our event
00:46:12in Florida nice nice you know I think he I think he's a good guy but a little a
00:46:18little too far radical for your regular you know neo-conservative in America
00:46:23yeah yeah yeah mm-hmm so as far as the pick goes I think it's it's moderate
00:46:33enough to appeal to his current voter base that he's like okay okay yeah I
00:46:40think as far as this modern-day campaign that he's going for which I don't agree
00:46:45with directions going for but what he what he is going for it's a almost
00:46:50perfect decision brown okay okay yeah no we're ancestor camp for all ancestors
00:47:01so we'll start with my mom's side so my grandfather on my mom my mother's side
00:47:07is Danish so he was a Danish farmer right he was around during World War two
00:47:13when the Nazis occupied Denmark afterwards he ended up moving to the US
00:47:20and met my grandmother who was Swedish so on that side it's 50-50 Danish and
00:47:28Swedish on my dad's side this mix of other European genes so we have the we
00:47:34have German we have Irish and a little bit more Danish on that side so it's all
00:47:41it's all European have you been to Europe I have been to Europe when I was
00:47:48a baby I haven't been back since I've only been traveling around the country
00:47:52doing United States political things okay I haven't made it back to Europe
00:47:57since I was one or two years old yeah what country would you like to visit in
00:48:01Europe definitely Denmark because I do have a lot of family there on both sides
00:48:06right like I told you my grandfather was a Danish farmer right so yes a lot
00:48:11of family back in Denmark I would definitely like to visit there you know
00:48:17I would like to visit a lot of Europe honestly but Europe's been getting worse
00:48:22lately with immigration policy especially as we've seen in France right
00:48:28you know France is a different place entirely you know like the rivers are
00:48:33trash the streets are unrecognizable to what they were you know like 50 years
00:48:38ago you know it's like a lot of these places are being open to receiving
00:48:43immigrants and refugees from the Middle East and such I've turned them into
00:48:49unrecognizable places decades before okay okay what other country would like
00:48:58to visit in Europe so yeah I really like I would like to visit Germany as
00:49:08well certain parts of Germany you know smaller towns you know I'm not a big fan
00:49:13of Berlin really but I would like to visit you know some of the smaller areas
00:49:17of like northern Germany I would also like to visit the UK I've got a bunch of
00:49:23friends up there that I like to visit a lot of community-based stuff there but
00:49:30you know like anywhere Scandinavia you know looks good to me okay what do you
00:49:37think about a Russian president Vladimir Putin
00:49:44so I think I think Putin gets a lot more shade from the US than he should right
00:49:52because we always talk about so I think that I think Vladimir Putin gets more
00:50:08shade than he should right yeah we classically hear in the US that the
00:50:12Russians are an intruder that's the classic thing that we hear very often
00:50:17from our presidential candidates that Russia's interfering Russia did this
00:50:22Russia did that in our election when in reality we have other organizations
00:50:28often associated with Israel such as an AIPAC which supports a majority of
00:50:35politicians who end up winning their elections on both sides Democrat and
00:50:38Republican right so these people end up winning both sides of the elections and
00:50:43such and I think that's the greater problem for election specifically as far
00:50:47as Vladimir Putin goes for his own people for Russia and such I definitely
00:50:53don't think he's the best case leader but a situation they have there's not
00:50:57really much of a case to bring someone else in now the question definitely
00:51:02comes up of whether or not the Russians like right because we are as Americans
00:51:07are obviously not the biggest fans of Putin right we believe that you know this
00:51:12Republic that we have and you know a choice right but the Russians actually
00:51:17do and generally in the last election we saw over 80% of the votes for Putin now
00:51:23obviously he's it's a regime you know he can he can choose votes you know and
00:51:28like you know theoretically honor like modify results and such but from what
00:51:34I've seen and the people I've talked to and people that know a lot about this
00:51:37stuff the Russians actually really do support Putin and support his that maybe
00:51:46not as much as war but support that support his fight for the Russians
00:51:51specifically and where he stands because a lot of the world is against Russia okay
00:51:56what do you think about North Korea North Korea is always a tough situation
00:52:03you know it's curious but apart it's been its own thing I'm a big I'm a big
00:52:12believer in some levels of race realism the differences between different groups
00:52:18of people and cultures right so when we when we look at these groups of people
00:52:22it's a big thing to look at is how they react to leadership and what kind of
00:52:29tendencies they have right for instance you know I work for a libertarian
00:52:35organization libertarianism is based on individualism right individualism is a
00:52:39very white European idea that we've seen you know it didn't really originate
00:52:43anywhere else it's a European idea now what we see in Asia is often some more
00:52:51collectivist ideas right with maybe not what modern-day China has to see
00:52:56that's had other influences of course but the fundamentals are still there
00:53:00we've seen in all the old Chinese leadership and everything in the greater
00:53:05greater continent of Asia whether it be you know like Mongolia and Korea the
00:53:13different leaders that have been there have mm-hmm okay yeah
00:53:23oh look we have some internet connection issue I cannot hear you okay yeah okay
00:53:31yeah continue please yeah now I can hear yeah so you have a dictatorship like in
00:53:42North Korea right it's a little bit more collectivist than what we'd expect but
00:53:48generally I don't think it's as bad as what we see and what like our
00:53:54government you know propagandizes as like what we see there because the
00:53:59people like as we see I mean the people would just like somewhat fight back
00:54:05about against it more than what we see and we don't see hardly any examples of
00:54:10any revolt against this regime right and part of that I think is because as I was
00:54:17saying the the Asian race will generally be a little bit more
00:54:22subservient to leadership and be content with that they're they're happy living
00:54:26like that and it's not this drive for individualism this drive for you know
00:54:31like oh I need absolute freedom for guns everything else that we have today in
00:54:36America and within Libertarian Party and often within the Republican Party so I
00:54:42think to some extent it works out for them but obviously it's not it's never
00:54:50gonna be perfect and power will always corrupt so you're always have these tough
00:54:55situations and it's really not something that we should really try to police and
00:55:02like try to intervene on as as a separate country that's that's kind of
00:55:09now what do you think about Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky what do you
00:55:16think about it yes so you know I watched Tucker Carlson's interview with my
00:55:22chapter of people who are here since some of the people you just saw were in my meeting when I ran that and watched Tucker Carlson's interview of Putin and I you know it didn't really evolve my opinion but it did you know like the question obviously is like whether Russia has claimed to Ukraine right and I think I think it depends on like the people
00:55:45there I mean no matter what you if you're afraid if you consider yourself
00:55:49Ukrainian you're gonna be on the defensive no matter what you're not gonna want to
00:55:53be taken over these people do not like you they don't care really so as far as
00:55:58the lens he goes specifically I have to judge him solely from an American
00:56:06perspective where I see him continuously pandering to our Congress about
00:56:12receiving money and we send money to Israel then you know he feels like he's
00:56:17being shorted and he feels like that money wouldn't be going to him if the
00:56:22attack in October didn't happen between Hamas and Israel right so it's really
00:56:28just like pandering for for more financial support from the United States
00:56:33which has been most common you know like policing force within the world as far
00:56:39as wars and politics go right and I'm generally anti-war so I'm you know with
00:56:46the directions once he's going with this and you know he's not really looking for
00:56:51peace he's just like continually funded the war mm-hmm you know like expecting
00:56:58to hold all of this territory I just can't support
00:57:05you know okay now what do you think about the war between Hamas and Israel
00:57:24but realistically Israel as a homeland the Jewish people was established after
00:57:29World War two right and when we take a look at World War two you know it's like
00:57:34the Jews declared war on Germany before Germany ended up retaliating against
00:57:39Britain right and the Jews or were always to restore a homeland for the
00:57:47Jewish people the Jewish people did not have a home and they continuously got
00:57:50kicked out of European countries because you know a lot of the time the Europeans
00:57:56Catholics and the Catholics did not like the Jews because the Talmud
00:58:00specifically states things that are considered evil to them it says things
00:58:04about Jesus that they think are you know like they don't want them around you
00:58:09know they're very kind of nationalist you know monarchist they believe in
00:58:13their own you know they believe in Catholicism right and the Talmud
00:58:19directly subverts that and you have the whole cases of coin-flipping everything
00:58:23else right but the solution to all this of course was finding a homeland for the
00:58:29Jews right and there was a lot of candidates you know we even looked into
00:58:33United States you know we talked about New Mexico, Arizona, possible other
00:58:38homelands for the Jews but the Jews of course wanted to be Israel right you
00:58:44know this like homeland you know biblically this is a very you know like
00:58:48well-mentioned place and this is you know just extremely consistent throughout so
00:58:52of course they wanted Israel as a nation for the Jewish people as a
00:58:57homeland right so and the Muslims are are can be associated with the Catholics
00:59:05in Europe in the sense that they don't want the Jews around right I mean like
00:59:10Judaism directly subverts pretty much every other major religion so they don't
00:59:15want them around and they're gonna fight against them as well and which their
00:59:20land was there before Israel was founded in the Jerusalem state, the Jews have always been at war with them, but the Muslims of course have done some very evil things you know against them and there's
00:59:30all conditions of rape, beheading and all these you know animalistic things that
00:59:35we've seen here so it's always a tough question but I don't like supporting
00:59:40foreign wars and I think both sides don't really have a claim here and you
00:59:47know I don't like either side I can't really you know I can't really be like I
00:59:54like this side right you know that's what I have to say about that, that's my perspective.
00:59:58okay so as a European-American yeah you're ancestors from Europe to America
01:00:05right so what do you think about like American Indians American natives so
01:00:14Native Americans you know you have, as a white American, you have to at some point realize you know like the people that were here before and what kind of people they were and then that comes back to my mention of like the idea of racial
01:00:30idealism right, what kind of people everyone is you know you can you can paint the other side as people savages, you're people savages every time, it will always work for you throughout history but I in my opinion I don't think colonialism is like the same as I think there's
01:00:52different different like levels of you know like oh I agree with this I agree with
01:00:57that and you know I always want to put my people first as if I would put my family first because I believe you know as a cohesive like as a close family is more coherent right like if you're really close with the rest of your family members and
01:01:12everything you're very much more cohesive and I think that applies to a people in a
01:01:17community as well right so clearly you're gonna put your people first and
01:01:22whether you ask a Native American question but that question they're gonna
01:01:26have their answer and if you ask you know a white American that question they're gonna have their answer but you know I don't I think you know like you know a people taking over a land for their own and using it for better purposes I mean they didn't even have property rights you know and it's like they didn't believe in property ownership they kind of just you know fell for it so you end up with this tough situation where you have all these different like
01:01:55hey you have all these different levels of levels of conflict and like definitions for everything it's just a tough situation but I would just always you know like put my people first and you know realistically students will always expand
01:02:15for example our kids the population grows consistently throughout history and only through great pandemics do they drop so they have to have somewhere to go and I can get into like deeper arguments but like that's the surface of what I see about it
01:02:34hey uh can I say something yeah yeah of course yeah so I mean uh like 200 300 maybe 500 years ago okay so white people came to America and they fought with this like Asians like me yeah the American Natives they came from Asia right
01:02:57yeah and but later on they achieved peace they came to live together coexist right I believe that same thing will happen in between Palestine and Israel one day
01:03:11sure yeah so you're saying that um as we're mentioning like um between whites and Native Americans what we've seen um relating that to the discussion of um the Jews and the Palestinians correct yeah yeah I think they have such a smaller land mass and like with the people the way that they've been it's a different situation because the white people came to Palestine and they fought with the Jews
01:03:42and the Palestinians came and um you know like founded founded a country and built it up in a new unique way that had never been seen before versus Israel being given land by Europe um then they didn't really own themselves and kind of just tell the Jews this is your home good luck type of thing let them do their own thing and this is what we end up with today so it's a little bit different of a situation
01:04:08but um I mean I could see the same result happening where Israel controls all of the Gaza Strip the Gaza Strip becomes part of Israel and the Palestinians ever so I mean like they they just kind of have somewhere else to go as well so they're kind of like separated in that sense but you know
01:04:28well uh when it comes to Palestinians okay I think that uh Palestinians are all what great cultural history there's a wikipedia articles that I read a couple weeks ago the Palestinian culinary arts cooking okay it was so amazing okay so I want Palestinian to exist
01:04:53to continue this Palestinian culture traditional culinary arts uniquely Palestinian okay yeah it's
01:05:02so unique and their music and their culinary arts food and I want them to continue their Palestinian
01:05:12tradition yeah their culture yes I completely agree with you there and you know a lot of um
01:05:19even like Iran Iraq you know a lot of the Middle East was very much more um you know some of that
01:05:25leadership allowed them to um allow them to practice a lot of like similar cultural freedom
01:05:32that we see in the west and if you see pictures of it before the 1979 Islamic revolution in some
01:05:38of these countries um you see you could mistake it for America in the 70s and 80s you know it looks
01:05:45very very similar before they they forced this you know very very restrictive religion on these
01:05:52people and you know at times very violent right and you know it's every everyone's different there
01:06:00and the communities are kind of broken up within it you know I mean you have Hamas the you know
01:06:06terrorist group which you know it's very um very hostile toward the citizens of Palestine basically
01:06:13right Israel doesn't care Israel will will attack anyway because they want the land and they
01:06:21are going to demonize people you know and they're you know there's you know both sides have you know
01:06:27like people that just don't care and just believe in their own people more than anyone else as I
01:06:32had mentioned earlier and that's what you'll always end up with with these type of conflicts
01:06:38so you know every side will try to demonize the other side right they want themselves to
01:06:43see the most in the right so now uh let me ask you the next question what do you think about
01:06:50Amish people in America Amish yeah yeah I think uh I think the Amish are are great you know like
01:06:59I think I mean it's a perfect example of a community which is probably one of the most
01:07:04cohesive remaining in the United States you know everything else is mixed up I mean you ask me my
01:07:10ancestry and what can I tell you it's like well my parents were this my you know like my grandparents
01:07:16were this and but it's like what people am I well you know like I don't know I guess I would be
01:07:22mostly Danish like technically if we look at percentages of you know history and what all that
01:07:29but realistically what am I well I think what I like to tell people is by the very
01:07:37fact that I'm able to choose which church to go to I'm forever separated from my culture
01:07:43that's one of my favorite things to tell people because I mean it's really true I mean that's
01:07:48like very by that very choice like I am forever distanced from from any of these like cultures
01:07:57right and it's like it's a big barrier there whereas the Amish there's different types of
01:08:03Amish people right now different practice different things but the communities have
01:08:08this cohesive model they don't have this like multicultural stuff going on they all go to the
01:08:14same church they all have the same type of you know there's something in town everyone shows up
01:08:20and everyone knows each other very well their neighbors and it's cohesive you don't have you
01:08:26know these like extreme conflicts and breaking up of Amish communities they're they're cohesive
01:08:32throughout generations generations uh well okay thank you okay but I have one thing against Amish
01:08:42people I mean uh they need to brush their teeth and stop pulling out their teeth okay some Amish
01:08:51people do that do you know about that yeah I've heard about that before yeah they need to
01:08:59embrace modern development toothbrush and toothpaste okay they brush their teeth they
01:09:05start they need to stop pulling out their teeth okay that's my only one objection
01:09:09against Amish people other than that yeah I love their tradition yeah and like I was saying um
01:09:18you know it depends on how much people right some Amish people will embrace tradition
01:09:23more than others some others will accept certain levels of technology right because when you look
01:09:28at the Amish no technology no electricity right no that stuff yeah but some Amish groups will
01:09:35allow electricity and such that's when they break off just like denominations of Christianity have
01:09:41broken off throughout history right we have all these different churches today of the same
01:09:46Christian so just like that we have different sects of Amish people which are all broken off
01:09:52as well but those different groups end up staying cohesive with the founding principles
01:10:01in some senses so it's yeah they they only really come they very rarely compromise
01:10:07and more often end up splitting and becoming separate groups okay
01:10:12um yeah I think I think staying cohesive and um holding to your holding to your principles is very
01:10:22important yeah hey I'm your normal fan okay uh I do recommend you to run for U.S. president okay
01:10:35I vote for you okay and uh yeah you and your friends yeah cabinet members fight president
01:10:41okay go for it okay so but uh one thing I disagree with you is this okay do you know much arts?
01:10:53I do I you know ever since ever since about um must have been the beginning of this last year
01:10:59you know when I'm talking I have been I've been practicing I've been doing more sports I've been
01:11:04playing a lot of baseball moving my arms a lot working out and you know figuring out
01:11:10you know like fighting techniques I mean look hey my friend uh do uh I remember you have some
01:11:19like the Japanese samurai sword I remember you a long time ago okay yeah but uh but uh do you know
01:11:29how to punch? I do yeah so I was just in Yosemite I'm sure you know what Yosemite is
01:11:39yes we I was with a big group of friends and we brought some some big floor mats and some gloves
01:11:44and we were we were sparring there and I was able to throw some pretty good punches there and I've
01:11:49been getting I've been getting better at it I also have tiki torches well my friend okay uh when it
01:11:57comes to punching you don't have to wear gloves you can punch in the air bare fist just throw your
01:12:03punch in the air air in the air yeah they requested that we we had gloves but I agree with you there
01:12:10and honestly um punches end up being punches end up being lighter when you have no gloves on and
01:12:17there's less weight behind the punch too so you know you really do only only need to use your
01:12:23there you know but let's see if I can I don't wear a suit every day I'm at an event right now
01:12:29but it's like you know the full body turn everything you get the full force behind it
01:12:37yeah yes yes yes sure yeah very cool yeah yeah fantastic yeah yeah fantastic yeah
01:12:47okay very cool yeah tiger style very cool yeah yeah
01:12:55yeah but like the punch everything because my stance you know if I want to crouch down you want
01:13:00to be like mobile you don't want to be like standing up of course then I crouch you down
01:13:04and you want to have your arms up like this nice but then you can like you know okay now show me
01:13:12some kicks kick in the air kick kicks legs oh nice very nice very cool yeah yeah yeah
01:13:26of course so we now we have very long legs we're able to get a good now uh tell us about this uh
01:13:33assassination attempt on trump tell us about it
01:13:37so are you asking about the event of that right now yeah I mean no
01:13:45donald trump almost got killed by assassination on muscle rock yeah tell us about it yeah
01:13:52yeah yeah so I was actually so I looked on my phone and I saw a post that had only been posted
01:13:59three minutes prior than when I saw it and it was about trump's assassination
01:14:05and you know there's so much fake news and everything like memes and all that you know
01:14:09I didn't know if it was real or not so I go up and I turn on my tv up to on the fox news and
01:14:15see if there's anything on there because that's the most modern conservative type of thing you
01:14:20find that type of thing on that's not like live updated right and I saw it right after it had
01:14:26happened followed the story and you know I think it's a lot of people you know tried to say that
01:14:34there was like oh it was an incident he had to leave they never said it was an assassination
01:14:39that whole thing which is absolutely ridiculous you know he had clearly been shot there and that
01:14:45was uh it was a very you know like violent thing you know people who are big into the idea of
01:14:52democracy right you know they'd be like very common leftists where it's like uh you know
01:14:58we discuss the threats of democracy or you know they always have to use the word democracy because
01:15:02they want to preserve you know whatever but a direct you know assassination attempt on a
01:15:08candidate is an attack on democracy because you're affecting the voting process you know it's a guy
01:15:14who's telling people to get out to vote and vote for him of course you know and be part of the
01:15:21democratic process that's trying to be you know someone trying to assassinate him which is
01:15:27my definition of attack on democracy you're affecting the political system
01:15:31but realistically yes he didn't he was um to be shot there was very big um mess-ups by the
01:15:40secret service which of course people will you know work on conspiracy theories about and be
01:15:45like oh they tried to kill him one two three but realistically I think it was just a great failure
01:15:52of the secret service yeah okay okay
01:15:57that's what I think about that okay
01:16:03but we're it's it's very lucky that he's alive you know I don't think I don't
01:16:07I don't wish death on you know any of these type of people
01:16:13it's politicians whether I agree with them or not I don't think
01:16:16you know like any we should celebrate the death of any you know a regular you know a
01:16:22political candidate you know in a in a democracy type of thing you know unless they're unless
01:16:28they're you know some kind of like unless there's some kind of like you know evil person that mess
01:16:35with kids or you know that type of thing but besides that you know like a regular candidate
01:16:40election whether you like them or not that should not be that should not be celebrated or
01:16:46attempted or any of that stuff so okay my friends okay be the future leaders the presidents
01:16:53okay and the cabinet members okay you're amazing people and my friends uh you need to uh
01:17:02uh graduate from honkyland humanized school okay and you at some point you have to listen to me
01:17:12very carefully okay you're young you're young okay uh at some point you need to leave your
01:17:21libertarian party okay and you need to form your own party okay
01:17:27yeah I'm not a part of the libertarian party I just do this for a job and work to create
01:17:31communities okay I don't call myself a libertarian yes I understand I look I used to be republican
01:17:38party registered republican party okay I used to be christian I used to be uh
01:17:45alaskan I used to be american I used to be korean okay okay but as you grow up
01:17:53okay uh as you become responsible adult okay uh you uh need to be creative
01:18:03welcome to humanized school okay in humanology it's very unique environment unique school okay
01:18:09humanized school okay yeah uh we encourage you to be bigger and better than our generation
01:18:18you're the future you're younger than me I'm 46 you're like uh 20 something okay so
01:18:24yeah we want you to be bigger and better than us it's every good parent teacher's
01:18:31uh dreams and wishes very good teachers parents okay we want you to be bigger and better than us
01:18:39okay yes yeah we are very like jesus young says like self-sacrifice in the cross okay
01:18:47very good lesson there okay so we want you to be bigger and better than us future generation okay
01:18:54come up with your own ideas your own party theories clans and be bigger and better than
01:19:03past generations like we old people we are just we're gonna die okay but you young people
01:19:13we you will be our survivors okay be bigger and better than us old dying generation like
01:19:21right like losing my hair
01:19:25so you've done your work and you you put us on the path to this to this um greatness you'd like
01:19:32to you'd like us to achieve so you you've put in the work and you've really um you've really
01:19:37tried to put us down the right path yeah so you've the younger people I'm 46 you're like 20
01:19:45something okay you'll be the future leaders okay yeah so yeah Donald Trump Joe Biden
01:19:52yeah uh well Donald Trump he's still holding on to it okay but Joe Biden he made right decision
01:19:59to pass on the torch to Kamala Harris who is younger than he is okay I appreciate that okay
01:20:05but uh Trump yeah he's still holding on to it okay so yeah but it doesn't matter okay
01:20:13we are talking about democratic party okay we're talking about you okay libertarian party okay
01:20:19fantastic okay you're the future generations and uh my advice to you yeah love martial arts okay
01:20:26and learn science I know you science I know you know science mineralogy okay I know about you I
01:20:32remember you okay and also uh learn about yeah you know history fantastic also you have to learn to
01:20:41love everybody like palestinians jews ukrainians russia asians blacks whites mixed races yeah
01:20:52hispanics south america you need to learn to love everybody okay they're my recommendation
01:21:01yeah I believe I believe every group of people has a right to live um within their within their
01:21:09own group you know and um live for themselves and um you know do what they do what they can
01:21:16for for themselves and you know live the best life they can you know it's like life life liberty
01:21:22and the pursuit of happiness it's the classic american rhetoric of individualism so okay okay
01:21:29well I I have to go it's very late here we're in Florida so it is two in the morning here and
01:21:36I'm going to let you go here but it's been it's been very good speaking to you again and you know
01:21:41it's been a busy summer for us but as soon as we're as soon as we're back in school um I'll
01:21:46have I'll have myself in my chapter talk to you weekly again as long as you're on Instagram so
01:21:52it's been it's been very good and I'm very happy to hear from you yeah yeah thank you thank you
01:21:59yeah yeah thanks for having me it's great oh absolutely yeah
01:22:09fantastic yeah the future leaders right absolutely
01:22:14my proud okay yeah there's still some good people in America right
01:22:20yeah absolutely yeah no time change okay
01:22:24time flies when we enjoy time right uh how much time has it been
01:22:41I think it's been less than two hours in daily motion yeah we love daily motion okay fantastic
01:22:47okay so uh
01:22:52I think we're like 30 minutes left okay yeah so let's take five minutes break okay
01:22:58fantastic okay so uh
01:23:04I think we're like 30 minutes left okay yeah so let's take five minutes break okay
01:23:08a great uh conversation here okay so it's very exceptional occasion okay
01:23:15intellectual discussion okay yeah we'll take five minutes break thank you yeah okay yeah
01:23:22okay very cool yeah five minutes back thank you yep very cool yep
01:28:37okay welcome back we are back uh
01:28:45uh yeah uh give me like two minutes okay let me upload this uh wonderful episode
01:28:52to daily motion okay okay so thank you for your contribution yeah the future leaders
01:28:57absolutely fantastic yep
01:29:10great contribution yeah
01:30:10I don't know what's going on here
01:30:44okay how about this
01:31:02oh I'm sorry we did not end this episode yet okay yeah friends yeah let's wrap up this episode and
01:31:11then let's uh talk about wonderful discussions tomorrow okay thank you yeah god bless you guys
01:31:20bless you focus on education and love my children and be the leaders be the saviors okay thank you
01:31:25yeah mighty proud of you yeah