humanology 2074.1 .

  • last month


00:00Hello friends, welcome to Humanizer 2074.1. Yeah, the Zoom software did crash, but it's
00:13a graceful crash. Yeah, in computer science terminology, okay? It crashed in a graceful
00:21way, so we did not lose the one hour, first one hour footage, okay? Fantastic. Now it's
00:26being uploaded to TeleMotion. Good, we are back in the game, okay? Fantastic, yeah. Zoom
00:31is a very nice software, okay? Very robust, okay? Yeah, during the digitizing process,
00:38I worked on some more, okay? So let's continue, okay? Yeah. Yeah, we have K and K row 4, and
00:47then K minus 2, yeah? Yeah. Mapping problem, okay? Okay. Okay, uh, okay. Okay? Uh, okay.
01:15K minus 2 divided by 4, flow rank, okay?
01:45Okay, okay, good. Ah. Mm-hmm. Yeah, rarely we do this, okay? Like, we do, like, two hours
02:15and then we go to the next two hours, right? Yeah, sometimes we do that, okay? So, okay.
02:23Sure. Once in a while, right? Yeah. Once in a blue moon, right? Yeah. Cheers, yeah.
02:28Enchanted by aesthetics, the beauty of this whiteboard, okay? So, yeah, sure. It helps,
02:40yeah? Yeah. Okay.
02:58Well, but the thing is I'm getting drunk, okay? So let's take five minutes break and let's go to
03:12Instagram Live together, okay? We'll continue this tomorrow because it's a deep problem.
03:17It's very interesting, intriguing, challenging problem, okay? So we'll continue this tomorrow
03:23because we did enough mathematics today, okay? So, okay? Yeah, we'll take five minutes break
03:27and we'll go to Instagram Live, okay? Yeah. Like, work and play and rest, right? Yeah.
03:34Okay. Five minutes break. Thank you. But if you can't find this GK function,
03:43go for it, okay? Yeah. Go for it if you want to, okay? But as for me, yeah, I'll continue this
03:51tomorrow, okay? Because I am just too drunk and we did enough mathematics for tomorrow, okay? Yeah.
03:58Thank you. Five minutes break, okay? Then we'll go to Instagram Live. Yeah. Thank you. Very cool.
04:06Yeah. How nice, huh? Yeah. Okay.
09:32Okay, friends. Welcome back, my friend.
09:43Yeah, let's put this behind us and continue tomorrow. Very interesting problems.
09:55Oh, yeah, for sure. Yeah, yeah. Very interesting.
10:02But before we go to Instagram Live, okay? Let's talk about politics a little bit, okay?
10:10I do not like the idea of these political appointees, okay? It goes the same way for
10:18Democratic Party, Republican Party, okay? So they appoint some politicians to be secretary of
10:25transportation, secretary of state, whatever, the department secretary, cabinet members, right?
10:34But they do not have expertise in that particular expertise area, secret department of defense,
10:41well, that's typically military people, okay? Well, like department of transportation,
10:46department of state, whatever, department of agriculture. Political appointees, yeah,
10:51politicians who lack the expertise in that area, okay? And Trump, especially, he take this photo
11:00of like appointing this appointee and then photo op, like I find that extremely, extremely
11:08objectionable and vomit inducing, okay, to put it lightly. I just, this elitism, right?
11:16But wrong kind of elitism there. Yeah, I do not like that at all, okay? So
11:21what I would do if I'm US president, yeah, I would appoint a person like deputy secretary,
11:35okay? A person who went into that department, if it's state department, department of agriculture,
11:41department of transportation, who've been there for a very long time, yeah, the deputy secretary,
11:45I would appoint them because they've been in that department for a very long time.
11:50Yeah, climbing up the agency ladder, just like corporate ladder, okay, they have all the
11:56expertise, knowledge in that department, that area. Could be state department, agriculture,
12:01department of education, whatever department, okay? Yeah, put them in charge. The person,
12:08like deputy level, like number two person, okay, who've been in that department for like decades,
12:14with all this records and knowledge, okay? I'll put them in charge, appoint them as secretary
12:20of that department, okay? That's what I'll do. And I'm not going to do this very vomit inducing,
12:26like photo op, like pointing finger at this person that trumped us, okay? That's like very, very
12:33like vomit inducing, okay? Really. That kind of elitism, political elitism, okay?
12:42I find it extremely objectionable and execrable, okay? Yeah. For lack of a better word, okay?
12:52That's like vomit inducing. Yeah, the D word, I cannot say that because
12:59Yeah, the D word, I cannot say that because I have to be age appropriate, okay? But yeah,
13:09I'm sure you know what I mean, okay? It's just like highly objectionable. Photo op by Trump,
13:18okay? What's that word I'm trying to find? English vocabulary. It's like
13:30highly objectionable. Vomit inducing. It's like repulsive. Yeah.
13:41Yeah, Trump photo op with his appointee, political appointee, the elitism. Like, oh, repulsive.
13:49Repulsive. Okay, let's go to Instagram live together, huh? Sure.
14:02After that, yeah, Facebook live, okay? So Dailymotion and Humanology is the main show,
14:07right? It's like work, you do mathematics, and then Instagram live is more like party time,
14:13socialization. That's play. So work, play, and rest. That's like Facebook live where we watch
14:22YouTube videos and make some video commentaries here and there, okay?
14:25Yeah, these days we are watching some documentaries about Alaska,
14:32in YouTube, right? In Facebook live, okay?
14:39Yeah, I need some vocal rest, okay? Let's take five minutes break, okay? Time check.
14:44Yeah, having a lot of fun, right? Yeah.
14:52It's been less than 20 minutes, okay? Yeah. Five minutes break, okay? Thank you. And then we go to
14:58Instagram live to let go, okay? Sure, yeah. Very cool, let go. Yeah, good evening. Okay.
17:28Okay, let's go ahead and go to Instagram live.
17:59Yeah, sure. We can do that, yeah.
18:06Yeah, like radio talk show, right? Yeah, with video and audio at the same time.
18:46Hello, friends. Yeah, welcome to Kumanology Instagram live edition. Happy Wednesday.
18:55Good evening. Yeah, welcome. Good evening. Yeah, yeah. Good evening. Yeah.
19:11It's very challenging to covering all my body parts because I'm aging,
19:14losing my hair. But I'm doing my best.
19:18Yeah, welcome. Yeah. Good evening. Yeah. Now, let me take some selfie.
19:44Good enough.
19:44Yeah, welcome.
20:00Cheers. Yeah.
20:08Happy Wednesday.
20:19Oh, yeah, I got, yeah, wake up, wake up. I have so many whiteboards here. So, oh, it's like,
20:26like, like, you know, movie, right? Yeah. The closing walls. It's that way.
20:35Like Indiana Jones movie, like closing the wall, or like Star Wars movie.
20:40Yeah, walls like kind of closing in.
20:47Okay. Yeah. Better. Yeah.
20:54Yeah. So, welcome, friends, future leaders. Yeah. Yeah.
21:09Yeah. But unlike radio talk show, right? I don't always talk like I'm like, sometimes I
21:20look at the wall. Yeah, I'm running for US president. Yeah. Thank you.
21:29Yeah, we're more laid back than radio talk show. Okay. So, yeah.
21:33Yeah. Also, we have video, audio visual, right? Yeah. Oh, yeah. And I also drink alcohol.
21:43Okay. Yeah. Cheers. Yeah.
21:49Thank you for your support. You're so kind and generous. Yeah. And very smart, too. Yeah.
22:00Thank you. Yeah.
22:10Mm hmm. Yeah.
22:14So, radio talk show, yeah, that commercial, right? Yeah, that's great. Okay. I support commerce,
22:21industry, okay? So, I've been to callers, or callers of radio talk shows many times, okay?
22:32In the past, like two years ago, okay? Yeah, I don't do that anymore, okay? But because now I have
22:38my own show, yeah, the humanology show, okay? But I learned a great deal from radio talk shows,
22:48okay? So, yeah. Yeah, learning the ropes. Now I have my own show, right? Yeah. Humanology show,
22:56right? But I don't, like, talk all the time because it's not commercial. It's more based
23:04on volunteerism, right? Using social media platforms and more laid-back, relaxed, right? So,
23:13yeah. Cheers. Yeah.
23:21Yeah, comfortably, like, drinking alcohol in my house in the evening and, yeah, just laid-back.
23:35Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah.
23:55Yeah. Cheers. Yep.
24:13Like, Sound of Silence, right? Yeah, Simon and Garfunkel.
24:17Are you going to Scarborough Fair?
24:34Mm-hmm. I don't remember the lyrics.
24:40But good song, yeah.
24:46Mm-hmm. Yeah, sure.
24:53Yeah. Yeah.
25:03How about we take five minutes break, okay? Yeah. And, hey, feel free to go to bed because,
25:09yeah, in Alaska time, it's like 8 p.m. But in your time, it may be quite late at night, right? So,
25:16let's take five minutes break, okay? Yeah. Feel free to go to bed, okay? Yeah.
25:21Future leaders, mighty proud of you. Absolutely. You'll be the saviors and leaders of the future,
25:27okay? Oh, yeah. Mighty proud. Five minutes break, please. Thank you.
25:34Mm-hmm. Good evening. Welcome. Yeah. Fantastic.
25:41All right. Five minutes. Thank you. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you. Mighty proud.
25:50All right. Okay.
26:50Thank you.
27:20Thank you.
27:50Thank you.
28:20Thank you.
28:50Thank you.
29:20Thank you.
29:50Thank you.
29:52Okay. Welcome back. Yeah. So, yes, we're in the Instagram live, right? Yeah. That's
30:03very nice platform to this live show, right? Yeah. So, it's like a
30:13talk show, right? And what's great is
30:21you can join us with video or you can type your comments, answers, questions in the chat room,
30:33or you can just listen to me. Yeah. Monologue. It's all up to you, okay? Yeah. That's like best.
30:42We have three options, right? You can join us in the video, audio video, or
30:47you can type in the chat room your comments, answers, questions, or you can just listen to me.
31:01Okay. It's three options, right? That's great format here in Instagram live. Okay. So,
31:08and it's very secure too. Okay. Yeah. So, but you are the future leaders. You decide
31:16if you want to, yeah, what topic you would like to discuss. Okay. Yeah. We can talk about anything
31:25as long as it's Asia-appropriate. Okay. So, yeah. We can talk about anything that you want.
31:32Yeah. Cheers and welcome. Good evening. Yeah. Welcome to Humanized School. Yeah. Cheers.
31:37Yeah. Yeah. If not, yeah, I can just keep talking. It's up to you. Okay.
31:48Yeah. But please feel free to interrupt me. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah.
31:56Yeah. Yeah.
32:12Oh, palaces. Nice. If I'm US president, yeah, martial arts education.
32:20Why? Because martial arts strengthen your body and mind. Also, self-defense, defense of others.
32:32Yeah. Just keep to this problem of crime prevention. I mean, police officers, I love
32:45police officers. Some of my friends are police officers. Okay. But they're not God. They're not
32:51omnipresent. They're not everywhere. Okay. Sometimes I have this dream.
33:00Couple nights ago, actually. Okay. There's this guy chasing me.
33:06Yeah. Self-defense. Okay. Yeah. Go to YouTube, type martial arts lessons and learn martial arts
33:16for free in your house. Yeah. Learn how to kick and punch in there. You know, that's what I do.
33:22Okay. Yeah. So, I mean, because a couple of nights ago, I had this dream. Okay.
33:30Yeah. I'm not making this up. Okay. It's kind of funny.
33:41This guy was chasing me in my dream. Okay. I start to run. But he was catching up to me.
33:49Okay. What did I do? I was like,
33:55what? Yeah. Then I woke up.
34:04In that dream, I did not quite hit him. I was about to. He's chasing me for no reason, right?
34:12Then I woke up. I didn't quite hit him. I was just about to. Then I woke up. I was like,
34:44Well, I mean, I would not characterize it as a nightmare because it was fun. It's more like an
34:49action movie. Dream is like a movie, right? More like an action dream. Martial arts, right?
34:57I enjoy that kind of dream. Okay. So, like an action movie, like chasing and then martial arts
35:03stuff. I like that stuff.
35:18Right? Yeah.
35:23And if I'm US president, I'm hypothetical. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Martial arts, that's the first thing.
35:29Okay. Crime prevention. Okay. If everybody knows martial arts and they're good at it,
35:37there will be no crimes. No more crimes. Okay.
35:47How about guns? Well, yeah. Gun violence in America, right? Yeah.
35:56Yeah. We'll talk about that after five minutes break because there's a lot of topics, right?
36:01Anson Bucharest. Okay. I'm 46. I was born in 1978. Okay. Although I may not look that old.
36:10Maybe I look like, I don't know, maybe 35 something.
36:16We'll take five minutes break, okay? And we'll talk about
36:21solution of gun violence problem in America because when it comes to human
36:29school, we are problem solvers. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Five minutes break. Thank you. And welcome. Good
36:37evening. Yeah. Happy Wednesday. Yeah. Fantastic. Okay. Welcome. Welcome. Yeah. The future leaders,
36:48my proud of you, you'll be the presidents, prime ministers, governors. Yeah. Sky's the limit. Okay.
36:56Leaders, saviors. Okay. Yeah. Humanized school is like leadership academy. Okay.
37:05Fantastic. Yeah. Five minutes. Thank you. Yep.
40:13Okay. Welcome back.
40:18Yeah. Welcome to the show. And yeah, let's talk about gun violence problem. Okay. Come up with
40:29solution, right? So, I mean, FBI, Secret Service, they investigating
40:40the incident in Pennsylvania. So, Mr. Trump's rally, right? Presidential candidate or president,
40:54ex-president. They have the security forces there in Pennsylvania, right? I'm sorry it happened,
41:04I'm sorry it happened. So, let's talk about that incident. Okay. So, it is important. Yeah, it is.
41:17Okay. So, they confiscated FBI, Federal Bureau of Investigation. Okay. Confiscated his cell phone,
41:31laptop computers. Yeah. Trying to find what's his motivation. And he's quite young, he's like
41:3820 years old male in Pennsylvania, right? What is his motivation? If they ask me as a humanologist,
41:50it's simple. Yeah. He, I guess, wanted to have some fun in a wrong way, right? Make some headlines
42:00in the news. I guess he was a very bored individual. Okay. So, solution? Yeah, education
42:14is the solution. Healthy hobbies, focusing on education, career development.
42:20Healthy hobbies, okay? Like martial arts.
42:23Yeah. Or dancing, singing, writing. Painting. Sculpture. Animation. Digital. Healthy hobbies.
42:45And focusing on education, career development, okay? So that, but crime is not the right
42:52way to pursue excitement or happiness. That's what it is, okay? It's lack of education. That's
43:01what it is, okay? So, okay. Now, next question is, does martial arts help in the situation,
43:16like mass shooting situation? If you ask me, yeah, it does. Why? Because if you are trained
43:25in martial arts, you become very sensitive, okay? Yeah. Yeah, welcome. Yeah, yeah. Welcome,
43:34welcome. So if you are trained in martial arts, you become very sensitive, okay? You can avoid
43:40the danger before it comes to you, okay? Yeah. Yeah. You become very perceptive and sensitive
43:53if you are trained in martial arts, okay? Yeah. Yeah, take it from me, okay? Cheers.
44:01Cheers. Welcome, yeah. Yeah, so.
44:15Well, in Hollywood movie, right? Yeah, like Spider-Man, like dancing the fist, like slowing
44:23over time, right? Or like Matrix movie, dancing the roulette, right? Yeah. Yeah,
44:31it's kind of like, it does sound like superstitious, but actually learning martial arts,
44:39yeah, it can protect you from guns, from bullets, okay? Because when you are trained in martial
44:48arts, right? Yeah, you become very sensitized. Yeah, and become very perceptive and very
44:57sensitive, okay? You can perceive the danger before it comes to you. Yeah, take it from me,
45:05okay? Because this punch, dancing the punch is like fractional range, right?
45:11Like boxing, western boxing, okay? Yeah, if you can, like, that's the punch,
45:22then you can dance the roulette. Okay? Or, better yet,
45:31better yet,
45:35my recommendation, do not go to the rallies, because it's too dangerous. America today,
45:44too divisive, divided, okay? So, going to rallies, too dangerous, okay? My recommendation,
45:52don't go to those places, okay? Okay. It's too dangerous, okay?
46:07Yeah. Yeah.
46:27Back on, back on, yeah.
46:33You know journals, sure, if internet works.
46:51Yeah, if internet works, okay? Yeah, we'll keep on trying, okay? So, yeah, back on, yeah.
46:59Yeah, internet connection now, okay? Why don't you de-join and re-join? Sometimes that works,
47:12okay? Yeah, yeah, back on, yeah. Yeah, if you de-join and re-join, it may work.
47:20It's internet connection issue. My apologies.
47:29Yeah. Yeah, so.
47:59Okay, let's take five minutes break, okay? Yeah, you can de-join, yeah, de-join and re-join.
48:15Yeah, yeah, leave this live, de-join, leave this live, just put an x, x out, and then re-join,
48:27okay? Yeah, sometimes it works that way, okay? It's internet connection, re-routing,
48:34okay? I majored in computer science, I know how it works, okay, internet, okay? Yeah,
48:39just leave the live chat, and then you can re-join. Sometimes that works, okay? We'll see.
48:47Yeah, thank you for your support. Yeah, future leaders, yeah, you be the president and
48:52Prime Minister, yeah. Vodka, sure, sure. Cheers, good evening, yeah.
49:04Very nice, okay. Five minutes break, please, thank you. Yeah, fantastic, yeah. Future leaders,
49:11very proud of you. You're amazing, okay, yeah. Okay, five minutes break, thank you. Okay, yeah,
49:19very cool.
49:40Thank you.
50:10Thank you.
50:40Thank you.
51:10Thank you.
51:40Thank you.
52:10Thank you.
52:40Thank you.
53:10Thank you.
53:27Okay, welcome back, welcome back. So, yeah.
53:33So, yeah, internet connection not working, okay? Maybe next time, okay? So, yeah, thank you, yeah.
53:43Yeah, thank you for your compliments, and acting is very good, acting, like actors,
53:50like actors, Hollywood actors, whatever, okay? So, like, whispering, okay?
54:05Creepy, right?
54:09Yeah, I think it's very, uh, therapeutic activity, okay? So, oh, yeah, okay.
54:17I just wanted to share with you by acting experience and
54:24part methodology to get you, okay? Yeah, it's kind of late at night, right? It's like almost 9 p.m.
54:30in Alaska, so, uh, yeah. Friends, yeah, thank you, and, uh, let's, uh, wrap it for tonight,
54:38okay? I did a lot of mathematics, okay? So, yeah, the algebra, yeah, the generalized
54:47contraction theorem, right? Yeah, we proved that.
54:54Yeah, the power rule algebra, right? And, uh, yeah, the number theory.
54:59So, okay, so, okay, yeah. So, let's make transition to Facebook Live, where we watch
55:07YouTube videos and make some video commentaries, okay? I think it sounds like a good idea, okay?
55:15Okay, thank you. Yeah, see you tomorrow, okay? Or maybe I'll see you in Facebook Live,
55:21depending on your time, okay? Yeah, feel free to go to that, okay? Okay, thank you. Yeah,
55:27yeah, fantastic. Future leaders, mighty proud of you, yeah.
55:30Yeah, yep.
55:38Creative pool, yep.
55:53Very cool.
56:03Yeah, President Daniel Monshan, yeah, I'll see you tomorrow, too, okay? Or in Facebook Live,
56:08where we watch some YouTube videos together and make some video commentaries, right? Yeah, sure.
56:17Okay, thank you. Yeah, God bless you, God bless you, and, uh, God, yeah, he or she created this
56:25concept of gender, so God, divinity is not subject to this concept of gender that divinity created,
56:33okay? So, like, transcendental to gender concept, okay? So, okay, yeah, kind of philosophical
56:43account there, okay? Yeah, see you tomorrow, or see you in Facebook Live, okay? Thank you, yeah.
56:49Future leaders, mighty proud of you, be the leaders, okay? Yeah, be the saviors, absolutely.