humanology 2085.2 .

  • last month
00:00:00Hello friends, welcome back. We are back. Yeah, while the previous episode digitizing,
00:00:08yeah I looked at the board and I came up with something. Well, I discovered something very
00:00:13cool. Yeah, let's call it fraction arithmetic or fraction algebra, okay? Yeah, a fraction
00:00:21operator is distributive upon plus operator, summation operator, addition, okay? But when
00:00:31it comes to the complement operator, it's kind of distributive, but it's like complement
00:00:40plus complement wrapped up with a fraction. I have never seen anything like this before,
00:00:48not even in groups, okay? So this is something really cool, something brand new, okay? So
00:00:55I'm glad we are doing this, okay? It works like magic, okay? Yeah, so let's take five
00:01:04minutes break and let's go to Instagram live, okay? I'll explain this to you tomorrow. Yeah,
00:01:09it's a brand new discovery. Fantastic, okay, yeah. Welcome to Humanology. Oh, this is nice.
00:01:18I didn't expect to discover something new like this, but we did, okay? Very cool. Five
00:01:26minutes break, thank you. Amazing. Okay, five minutes please, thank you. Yeah, then we'll
00:01:38go to Instagram live. I'll explain this to you tomorrow, okay? Yeah, sure. Okay, no doubt.
00:06:01Yeah, it's fantastic. I mean,
00:06:06I did not expect to discover something new today. I was like, yeah, it's already proven.
00:06:14It's already in Wikipedia. But we discovered something new, okay? Yeah. Fraction algebra,
00:06:23fraction arithmetic. I'll explain to you tomorrow, okay? It's very cool stuff. Yeah.
00:06:33Yeah. Wow. The distributive property of fractions and complements. Oh, it's magical. Wow.
00:06:50Yeah. Cool stuff, yeah. I didn't expect this at all.
00:06:58It's just, you know, just going along, solving one problem at a time,
00:07:04and then boom, all of a sudden, we discovered something new, okay?
00:07:09Wow. Unexpectedly. What a pleasant surprise. Yeah.
00:07:26Friends, thank you. God, thank you. Professor Donald Knuth and his friends,
00:07:33thank you. And Wikipedia, thank you. Yeah. I typed that in, how to prove this thing,
00:07:42okay? Then the Master State Exchange, they discussed about that. I didn't go there because,
00:07:48yeah, I don't want to go back to Master State Exchange, okay? No. Why? There are good people
00:07:55there, like 99%. But 1% of people, very mean to me. And also their policy, I disagree with their
00:08:05policy. They can suppress creativity, okay? Mathematical conservatism. I cannot agree with
00:08:13that policy, okay? So, yeah. I don't even visit their websites anymore, okay? I'm glad I didn't,
00:08:25because we found something new. As opposed to just learning what other people already proved it,
00:08:33okay? Yeah, reinventing the wheel, but
00:08:40put it in a more different way, maybe? All the way, we discovered something very cool,
00:08:45something very, very new, okay?
00:08:51Now, let me close my eyes.
00:09:16So, during the lunch hour, yeah, as I was driving to the hiking trail where I run,
00:09:42yeah, I listened to The Daily, New York Times, NPR. Yeah, I love that show. They're quite nice.
00:09:55And they talked about the ideological fluidity of Kamala Harris. Yeah, basically, she, as a
00:10:04Democrat, but sometimes adopting Republican Party agenda. Yeah, I hope she does that, okay?
00:10:14Yeah, there's some signs that she's willing to do that, okay? Yeah, kind of crossing the party
00:10:19line. Sure, sure. If she is capable of doing that, then it would be nice. Because that means that
00:10:31they're learning, okay? They're evolving, okay? Yeah, sure. We'll see what happens, okay? Yeah.
00:10:49I'm not satisfied with the hairstyle.
00:10:56Let's spice it up a little bit.
00:11:02Better? I don't know.
00:11:09A little bit of the shirt on.
00:11:31Okay. Okay, let's go to the exam. Work and play and rest. After the exam, yeah,
00:11:48best for that, okay? Now, time check. Yeah, Daily Motion, yeah, back in full working system, yeah.
00:12:01Which is cool. It's been more than 10 minutes.
00:12:10Okay, yeah, let's go, yeah.
00:13:01Welcome, friends. Yeah, happy Monday. Welcome to Humanology, Einstein Label Show. Yeah,
00:13:28yeah. I love Mondays, okay? Because I'm like, over the weekend, fully rested, and then,
00:13:36welcome, good evening, happy Monday. Yeah, so Monday is when I fully recover from the hangover
00:13:46over the weekend, right? So, yeah, cheers. Welcome to Humanology, Einstein Label Show. Welcome, yeah.
00:13:53Yeah, so, past two hours, mathematics in Daily Motion. Oh, yeah, we discovered something very
00:14:07cool. Yeah. Yeah, welcome. Good evening, yeah. Yeah, I can show you.
00:14:23Mathematics we did in Daily Motion. Yeah.
00:14:32The stuff.
00:14:42Yeah. Oh, my job is fantastic. I'm very proud of you. Oh, yeah, you did great.
00:14:52Martial arts, fantastic, yeah. You're on the right track, yeah.
00:15:01Very proud. Future leaders. Cheers.
00:15:10Yeah, very cool.
00:15:23Yeah, so, martial arts, you can learn in school. Also, you can learn in YouTube for free.
00:15:30Type martial arts lessons in YouTube and practice, like, kicking and punching in there, in your room,
00:15:36without making any noise, you know? Yeah. Sometimes, I practice martial arts in a hiking trail
00:15:46when there's, like, nobody around, okay? I run in hiking trail, lunch hour, and if there's nobody
00:15:56around, yeah, I practice martial arts there. Yeah, hiking trail, yeah, when there's nobody around,
00:16:07yeah. When there's nobody around, okay? Yeah. Cheers.
00:16:17What do I kick and punch in a hiking trail? Yeah, tree branch, tree brick.
00:16:23It does not hurt a tree, no. It is a sway, yeah. I love trees. I'm a tree hugger, okay?
00:16:31So, yeah. Now, let's take five minutes break. I just want to go rest, okay? Thank you.
00:16:38Welcome. Good evening. How nice. Happy Monday, yeah. Okay, five minutes break, please. Thank you.
00:16:48Oh, yeah. Nice. Very nice. What a good Monday today, right? Yeah. Highly proud of you.
00:16:56Amazing. Oh, yeah.
00:21:27Welcome, friends. Good evening.
00:21:34Yeah. So, we kind of discovered brand new algebra, fraction algebra, fraction arithmetic,
00:21:43okay? So, yeah. Welcome. Yeah. So, I didn't expect this to happen today. Not at all. No.
00:21:53Surprise. Pleasant surprise.
00:22:12It's something very beautiful. Yeah. It's in daily motion, okay? And we'll continue
00:22:18tomorrow in daily motion, the fraction algebra, okay? Cheers. Yeah.
00:22:37Well, okay. Now, let's get out of mathematics, okay? So, politics, sure.
00:22:48Oh, foxtrot. That's very good. Dancing style, right? Yeah. Mighty proud of you. Oh, yeah.
00:23:07Good dancing. Yeah. Foxtrot. Yeah.
00:23:14Yeah. Welcome. Yeah. Cheers.
00:23:21So, DNC or Democratic National Convention, whatever.
00:23:25I'm sure it's a very boring one, okay? So, same speeches.
00:23:37Yeah. I'm not just watching that at all, okay?
00:23:42Didn't say the same thing, right? But in mathematics, yeah, we discussed something
00:23:48brand new, you know? So, we'll create a keyword there. So, yeah. Cheers. Yeah.
00:23:55Yeah. Welcome. Yeah. Good evening. Yeah.
00:24:09Yeah. Happy Monday. Yeah.
00:24:21Yeah. Sure. Yeah. Welcome. If internet works okay. Yeah. Sure. Welcome. Good evening.
00:24:30Good evening. Yeah. I guess in your time, maybe it's good morning. Yeah.
00:24:41Yeah. Welcome. Welcome. Yeah.
00:24:44Yeah. Welcome. Welcome.
00:24:53Oh, nice. Yeah. Okay. Nice.
00:25:06Yeah. Yeah. Nice.
00:25:24Uh, just a little bit. Yeah.
00:25:34You too. Yeah. Thank you.
00:25:38Thank you. Thank you. Yeah. Fantastic. Yeah. Wonderful friends. The future leaders
00:25:44in Australia. Fantastic. They even showed us like wild kangaroo. Oh, what a treat. What a treat.
00:25:56Yeah. Kangaroo. Yeah. Amazing. I checked out this lady from Australia, the break dancing,
00:26:07breaking dancing. Okay. In Paris Olympics, 2024 summer. I like her dancing. Okay.
00:26:14I think she's a great dancer and I think she deserves to be in the Olympics. Okay. I think
00:26:23she's a great dancer. Very humorous. Okay. So, the criticism on her dancing style, in my opinion,
00:26:32is because they don't know how to dance. I know how to dance. Okay. I appreciate her dancing
00:26:38style. I think she's fantastic. Okay. Yeah. Cheers. Okay. Uh, yeah. Australian, uh, breaking
00:26:45dancer. I do not remember her name. Okay. But I think she's a great dancer. I did check out
00:26:50the YouTube. Okay. Yeah. I think she's fantastic. Okay. Cheers. Yeah.
00:27:01Okay. Now, let's have a rest. Let's take five minutes break, please. Thank you. Welcome.
00:27:06Happy Monday. Five minutes. Thank you. Yeah. Well, happy Tuesday in your time zone, maybe.
00:27:12Okay. Very cool. Mighty proud future leaders. Fantastic.
00:29:48So, I do not like this online trolling, cyberbullism. Okay. Like, uh, whether they are
00:29:55like athletes or even mathematicians. I was trolled. Online bullism. That's why I'm not
00:30:05there anymore. I don't even visit their websites anymore. Okay. I mean, they told me, oh,
00:30:12you're such a horrible mathematician. I'm paraphrasing what I said. Okay.
00:30:24Really? I didn't expect that from my fellow mathematicians in the world.
00:30:30They're highly educated. I thought they would be different. I thought they would have class.
00:30:43It was surprising to me. That happened earlier this year. Okay. Maybe five months ago, They would troll me, bully me. They would laugh at my mathematics.
00:30:59I was shocked.
00:31:04I did not expect that kind of attitude from my fellow mathematicians in the world.
00:31:12Okay. They proved me wrong. Mathematicians, yeah, they're like anybody else. I thought
00:31:20they are better people. I realized that. I learned that they are not. Like, 99% good people.
00:31:291% not so good people. It was shocking to me.
00:31:36I was surprised.
00:31:41Very. And disappointed.
00:31:55Because mathematicians, they're highly educated people.
00:31:59You know, more formal setting. Okay. They went to college. Many of them went to graduate school.
00:32:12So, when they show me that attitude, cyberbullying, online, internet,,
00:32:20online, internet,, it's like blocks, space for mathematicians. Okay.
00:32:28And when they bullied up on me, ganged up on me,
00:32:34calling me names like, what's that though? Confused newbie.
00:32:42I was shocked.
00:32:46Cheers. And cheers.
00:32:50And they're not teenagers in high school. Okay. Look, I love teenagers in high school. Okay.
00:33:01You're the future leaders. Absolutely. Yeah. Like Gen Z, Gen Alpha, you people are amazing.
00:33:08The future generation. Okay. Mighty proud of you. Future leaders. Okay.
00:33:13But this mathematician,, most of them, they're in their 30s, 40s,
00:33:19even 50s, 60s. Okay. They're professional mathematicians, sometimes amateur mathematicians
00:33:27like me, and who are highly educated, just like me. Okay. So, I thought that they would be more
00:33:35mature people, more professional, more serious. And that was my expectation.
00:33:44Okay. Yeah., 99% of people there are nice, but 1% of them
00:33:55kind of retarded. They're in their 30s, 40s, 50s, and their behaviorism is like
00:34:06elementary school level, their mental age. Okay. Welcome, friends. Yeah. Good evening.
00:34:13Happy Monday. Yeah. Welcome.
00:34:19So, my guess is that they studied mathematics too much, and they did not
00:34:25spend time developing their character, personality, something that they omitted.
00:34:33Yeah. So, their mental age, five or seven, in their 30s,
00:34:3940s, 50s. Yeah. I felt sorry for them. Yeah.
00:34:56They're mentally ill. Okay.
00:34:58If somebody meets online, in the internet, in a blog, web page,
00:35:08and insult that random stranger, a confused newbie, what does that tell me about that person?
00:35:18That person actually used, I think it was a male, okay, his own real name,
00:35:25I think it was a male, okay, his own real name. So, like, on my face, using his real name,
00:35:32calling me a confused newbie mathematician. What does that say to me about that
00:35:43male adult? Yeah. Mental illness. Okay. They were my diagnosis. Okay. Yeah.
00:35:51I feel sorry for them. And it was not just one person. It was many, many people.
00:36:06Cyberbullying in online mathematics community, I did not expect that at all. It was
00:36:14even shocking and traumatic. That's why I left that website.
00:36:28My attitude? Yeah, you guys believe me. And math, I say, it's from the editors, top dogs.
00:36:36Top dogs. They allow that. Okay. I'm out of here.
00:36:44This organization does not deserve to have me. Okay. It was horrible.
00:36:56Nightmare. Yeah.
00:37:00I don't even visit their website anymore.
00:37:16Well, I've taken many mathematics classes. Okay. Yeah.
00:37:23Like in college.
00:37:30It's like, I guess, looking back, it's like any other classes, right? 99% people. Good people.
00:37:381%. Kind of rude and mean. Right. Yeah.
00:37:48But not too bad, though.
00:38:00Cyberbullying, online troll, it happens even in mathematics online community. And
00:38:19it was surprising to me. But understandable as a humanologist. Okay. Yeah. They study too much
00:38:26mathematics, and they are bored. Yeah, because they do too much mathematics, it becomes boring.
00:38:40Sometimes I get bored with mathematics, too.
00:38:46When that happens, I do something else. I talk about politics.
00:38:50Let's say five minutes is very handsome for us. Okay.
00:38:54Okay. Yeah. Very cool. Yeah. Happy Monday. Yep.
00:39:02Five minutes. Okay. Thank you. Very cool.
00:39:07Five minutes. Thank you. Yep.
00:39:13Oh, yeah.
00:43:12So, yeah. I mean,
00:43:15yeah. I'm not there anymore. I cancelled my own account.
00:43:20They did not expel me. I voluntarily cancelled my account there because I don't want to be
00:43:27associated with that kind of organization where they approve toxic culture of cyberbullying.
00:43:37Oh, for the record, and by the principle, I do not associate with that kind of organization. Okay.
00:43:55Yeah. So, yeah.
00:43:59Cheers. Yeah.
00:44:06They didn't appreciate my mathematics. I mean, they would delete
00:44:10the many times.
00:44:17The thread that I created there. Okay. Questions. Lesbian ones in mathematics. Okay.
00:44:23They just delete it. Delete that stuff. Okay. My friends, I'm kind of guilty of that too. Yeah.
00:44:30Some comments, I do delete them because I want to protect your identity and privacy. Okay.
00:44:35Because, yeah, on your account, yeah, in the internet, social media, there are some people
00:44:41who are kind of like trolls. So, I have to protect you from them. Okay. That's why.
00:44:52Yeah. So, if you have something important to say, write a book.
00:44:56Okay. That's what I do. Like, Amazon Kindle for free. Okay.
00:45:05Yeah. So, yeah. Welcome. Good evening. Yeah. Happy Monday. Yeah.
00:45:17Yeah. So,
00:45:24yeah. Let's move on. Okay. Time check.
00:45:39It's been less than one hour. Okay.
00:45:46So, Twitter, right? I still have many friends there. Okay. Yeah. But once Elon Musk took it
00:45:55over and renamed it as X. Okay. They canceled my account for whatever reason. I don't know why.
00:46:07And so, I don't go back there. Why? I don't want to be associated with that organization.
00:46:16Elon Musk X. Kind of dictatorial regime, I guess. I guess I'm not conservative enough
00:46:25in the eyes of Elon Musk and these people. Okay. So, yeah. They canceled my account
00:46:31after they renamed Twitter as X. Okay. Yeah. I was X-ed.
00:46:39So, I don't go back there. Why? I don't want to be a part of those people.
00:46:44Okay. Again, I have many good friends there still. Okay. Yeah. But I've been blocked.
00:46:52I've been canceled by social media accounts or streaming service too. Vimeo,
00:47:04online dating site. Yeah. Some online dating site was blocked. Okay. That's fine.
00:47:12That's fine.
00:47:17I've been blocked by TikTok too. Okay. Yeah. No problem. I have many friends in TikTok. Okay.
00:47:23Yeah. I do not want America to ban TikTok. Okay. Yeah. I'd rather save TikTok. Okay.
00:47:29Chinese company. I love China. Okay. So, yeah. Part of it is like hyper paranoia about China.
00:47:38I think TikTok should stay in America. Okay. I think it's a good platform. Although they blocked
00:47:43me. Canceled me. Okay. That's fine. Okay. So, like Vimeo canceled me and
00:47:52back in days like... What's their website? I don't remember.
00:48:03I've been canceled. Okay. No problem.
00:48:14Yeah. I've been canceled by LinkedIn,
00:48:17X, former known as Twitter. After Elon Musk took it over. Okay. So, I'm not a huge fan of that guy.
00:48:24Okay. Yeah. And I'm not going back. Okay. Because no, I don't want to be part of that stuff. Okay.
00:48:34Okay. And also... What other platform blocked me? Canceled me?
00:48:53I don't remember.
00:48:57There's so many of them. Okay. Not too many.
00:49:01Do I block people too? I do. Okay. Why? It's for educational purpose. Okay. They do something
00:49:11that I don't quite approve. Okay. So, yeah. TikTok one lesson. Okay. Did I learn a lesson
00:49:19by being blocked? Canceled? Yeah. I have become a better person. I watch my language. This is...
00:49:29Tough love. Okay. Yeah. Sure. I'm okay with being blocked. Canceled. I'm okay with that.
00:49:42But it did make me a better person. I watch my language. Okay. So, it's good educational experience.
00:50:44This is one platform in the internet that canceled my account. I'm trying to remember its name.
00:50:59I don't remember. Okay.
00:51:11It was about... The social internet platform is about writers.
00:51:16Yeah, I'm a writer, right? So, I post my writings there and...
00:51:20I don't remember the website name.
00:51:40Well, maybe I looked them up. Okay. So, I don't remember.
00:51:50So, let me look them up right now. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Give me like two minutes. Okay. So,
00:52:08what are their names? It's a long time ago. I think it says Medium. Right? Yeah. Okay. Yeah.
00:53:34It was Yeah. Welcome. Welcome. Yeah. Good evening. Yeah. Welcome. Yeah. Good evening.
00:53:42Welcome back. Yeah. Great to see you. Yeah. Yeah. Future leaders might be proud of you. Okay. Yeah.
00:53:55Cheers. Yeah.
00:53:56Cheers. Yeah.
00:54:03Now, I remember. Okay. Yeah. They canceled my account.
00:54:08Yeah. I used to upload my short story, fiction, novels to for whatever reasons.
00:54:20Yeah. They canceled my account. Okay.
00:54:35It's fine. Okay. So, I've been canceled many times in all those different platforms like
00:54:43X, formerly known as Twitter, after Elon Musk took it over. I got canceled. Okay.
00:54:50LinkedIn, I got canceled., canceled.
00:54:57TikTok, canceled., canceled. Yeah.
00:55:02Also, some online dating site canceled me, too. Okay. So, yeah. I learned a lesson. I became a
00:55:11better person. Watch my mouth. Watch my choice of words. So, I've become a better person. So, yeah.
00:55:19Good. Tough love, educational experience. Continued education as an adult. Right.
00:55:28I'm okay with that.
00:55:33Yeah. Yeah.
00:55:48Oh, thank you, friends. Yeah. The future leaders might be proud of you. Very proud of you. Yeah.
00:55:57You're the best. Okay. Yeah. Absolutely. You're better than me.
00:56:02Okay. Yeah. Yeah.
00:56:10Yeah. So,
00:56:17yeah, I made mistakes, errors, and other people corrected me, and I repented.
00:56:29Yeah. I admitted, acknowledged my mistakes, errors. Then I became a better person, yeah.
00:56:43I'm humble. I appreciate the correction. Yeah.
00:56:58But in mathematics, yes,, I mean,
00:57:10to be honest, I appreciated them spending time with me there, but some of them are just too mean,
00:57:20and I do not think that I needed that. Okay. Because I studied mathematics, no matter what.
00:57:31Okay. So, some of them calling me a confused newbie. I don't think that's necessary. It was
00:57:41funny. It is funny now, but back then, it was very hurtful, painful, traumatic.
00:57:50And shocking. And looking back, it's funny. Yeah. Sure. Time heals. Okay. But I don't think it was
00:57:59necessary. Well, maybe it was necessary for a sense of humor. Sure. So, another mathematician
00:58:05calling me a confused newbie. Well, Mr. Another Mathematician, I disagree with you respectfully.
00:58:15I'm neither confused nor newbie in mathematics. I'm 46. I did not say that to him. Okay. But
00:58:24I'm saying it now. Okay. Yeah. I've been studying mathematics for decades of my life. I'm 46. Okay.
00:58:3140 years, I've been studying mathematics. Okay. So, I'm not new to mathematics,
00:58:37and I'm not confused at all. Okay. Yeah. So,
00:58:48but maybe necessary for a sense of humor. Sure.
00:58:57My guess is he's suffering from probably a personality disorder. I mean, I never know that
00:59:03person. I don't know what country that gentleman is from. Not so gentle though. Okay. But he called
00:59:12me a confused newbie in mathematics. Right. Okay. If somebody called some other person,
00:59:20random stranger, a confused newbie, that person must be suffering from some serious mental illness.
00:59:29Maybe dementia, Alzheimer's disease. I mean, that's a horrible thing to say
00:59:39to somebody that they just met online in the internet. That's like
00:59:50serious mental illness. So, I feel sorry for him. Okay.
00:59:55Yeah. Based on his name, yeah, it's God. Okay. I'm 46. Is he younger or older than me? I don't
01:00:03know. We're all around the same age, maybe. I have no idea.
01:00:12So, I pray for him. Okay. So, that God will heal him of his mental illness, perhaps.
01:00:19Who said such a thing?
01:00:26Yeah, I pray for him. Okay.
01:00:32So much contempt despised on me.
01:00:41I'm like, why so much hatred?
01:00:49Look, mathematics community is a very small community. Not many people
01:00:56do mathematics for fun.
01:01:00I do. Very small number of people in the world, maybe 0.001% of people in the world,
01:01:08they study mathematics for fun. It's a very small community. Okay.
01:01:19Yeah. That's why it's so hard for me, deeply. Not just that one male,
01:01:29many others in math study center, okay, many of them, dozens of them, okay,
01:01:39gang up on me, making fun of my mathematics.
01:02:11Look, I'm an amateur mathematician. I did not major in or minor in mathematics. I majored in
01:02:16computer science. Okay. But I still continue to study mathematics and some others too. Okay.
01:02:25And it's a very small community, mathematicians, both professional and amateur, okay,
01:02:33who love mathematics, who do mathematics because they love mathematics. Not many people do that.
01:03:02So one day,
01:03:06insulted my mathematics, insulted me, frankly, as a mathematician.
01:03:16I was hurt. They broke my heart into, okay, they did.
01:03:30I was heartbroken, yeah,
01:03:37by my fellow mathematicians did not appreciate my mathematics.
01:03:45Welcome, friends. Good evening. Happy Monday. Yeah. Welcome.
01:03:51And they insulted me as a mathematician. Okay. They insulted my mathematics,
01:04:02my mathematical ambition.
01:04:05They made fun of me.
01:04:07They made fun of me.
01:04:11Math.State is a chance I found, and Math.State is a chance I found. They allowed them to do so.
01:04:17That's why I had to leave there. And I never went back. I don't even visit their website anymore.
01:04:26Ugh. But again, 99% of people there, good people, okay? 1%? Ugh, very bad. Okay.
01:04:35Editorial, top level, too, okay? Bad policy. Very toxic culture there, okay?
01:04:46My response? I pray for them, okay? Hopefully, they become better people.
01:04:53Welcome, friends. Yeah.
01:04:56Thank you. Welcome. Yeah. Yeah. Good evening. Future leaders. Yeah. Yeah. My problem. Yeah.
01:05:06Okay. Yeah. Future leaders. My problem. Yeah. Welcome.
01:05:18Mm-hmm. Yeah. Mm-hmm.
01:05:23Promise. Come to Europe, okay?
01:05:26Still time, huh? Sure.
01:05:46Okay. So, we have more than 30 minutes left, I guess.
01:05:52Yeah. More than 30 minutes left we have. Okay. Yeah.
01:05:55Five minutes break, please. Thank you. Mm-hmm. Welcome. Welcome. Yeah.
01:09:42Yeah. Welcome to Human Rights Show. Yeah. Let's still time. Sure. A little bit. Yeah.
01:09:47Yeah. I'm losing my voice, okay? But I tell just a little bit more stories, okay? So,
01:09:56welcome. So, I mean, I'm 46. I've been to many different places, different times,
01:10:06time and space, and different people, okay? And yeah, I do many things, like dancing, singing,
01:10:12writing, acting, mathematics, yeah, computer programming, lawyering, okay?
01:10:22So, if some people say, yeah, Hong-Ki-Li, you're such a horrible dancer. Hong-Ki-Li, yeah, well,
01:10:30back in the day, in Afghanistan, okay? 2011, okay? Yeah, at night, okay, night shift, okay?
01:10:39Yeah, when sometimes we do not have that much work. What did I do? Yeah, martial arts,
01:10:46Chinese Kung Fu, okay? And some of my colleagues in U.S. Army, Afghanistan, 2011, okay?
01:10:56They told me, okay, oh, yeah, Hong-Ki-Li, yeah, I saw you doing martial arts, but it's no good.
01:11:10You're not very good at it. You're not good at martial arts, Hong-Ki-Li. I saw you doing Kung Fu,
01:11:17okay? Solo style, like animal form. Yeah, I saw you, but yeah, you was not very good at all.
01:11:25And I think it was right. Back then, yeah, I was learning as a beginner Chinese Kung Fu, okay?
01:11:33Maybe I was not very good at it, but nowadays, I'm better because there was like,
01:11:39how many years ago? 2011, more than 10 years ago, okay? Since then, I learned more about
01:11:47Kung Fu, animal form, okay? So I'm better now. But back then, yeah, I agree with them, okay?
01:11:53I was not very good at it, yeah. There was a fair assessment, okay? Yeah. I was also single,
01:12:06okay? Oh, Hong-Ki-Li, you are not very single, okay? Some friends of ours told me, okay?
01:12:14Okay, yeah, well, maybe you're right. But it doesn't matter. I enjoy singing.
01:12:29Although I'm not a... I may not be a good singer, but I enjoy singing.
01:12:34Don't say that's all that matters.
01:12:41Right? Yeah.
01:13:04Uh, have anybody ever tell me that I'm not good at dancing? I don't think so, okay? Yeah,
01:13:15I have been criticized as a singer, martial artist. They say I was not very good at all,
01:13:23okay? I heard that, but as a singer, I've been criticized. As a martial artist, I've been
01:13:32criticized. But as a dancer, has anybody told me that I'm not good at dancing? I don't think so.
01:13:44Thank you. Our friends in Alaska, they saw me in karaoke bars, yeah. They saw me singing and
01:13:52dancing, okay? Some of my Alaskan friends told me, well, Hong-Ki-Li, yeah, you're a better dancer
01:13:58than you're a singer, okay? You're better at dancing than singing, okay? Okay, okay. Thank you.
01:14:09Cheers. Welcome. Good evening. Yeah. Happy Monday.
01:14:20But wake up the mathematics.
01:14:28Yeah, some people told me, uh, I'm not good at mathematics.
01:14:36Earlier this year, 2010, okay? I was offended. I was hurt. My feelings were hurt.
01:14:44Because mathematics is something that I feel very confident about, passionate about. I spend a lot
01:14:51passionate about. I spend a lot of time with mathematics. So when they say I'm not a good
01:14:58mathematician, I was genuinely offended. It did hurt my feelings. I'm just being honest.
01:15:22Did some people say I'm not a good lawyer? I think so. Was I offended? No.
01:15:34Uh, did somebody say I'm not good at acting? Actor? I don't think so, okay?
01:15:44But even if they did, I don't think I would be offended, I guess.
01:15:51Did anybody tell me, uh, I'm not a good computer programmer? I don't think anybody ever did.
01:16:07Okay, but, uh, but come to realize mathematics, okay? Would I be offended if somebody said so?
01:16:21Okay, but nobody told me I'm not a good computer programmer, okay? Not so far, okay?
01:16:33But as an amateur mathematician, there's something I feel very passionate about, mathematics, okay?
01:16:41As a hobby, I'm not making any money off of it, okay? But several, many people,
01:16:50two dozen people, uh, said, uh, I'm not a good mathematician, and that did hurt my feelings,
01:17:00because it's something that I feel very passionate about. I take pride
01:17:11in mathematics, if I'm allowed to say that, okay?
01:17:14I'm proud that I'm a mathematician, okay? So, I love mathematics.
01:17:25So, my fellow mathematicians saying that I'm not a good mathematician, uh, it really hurt me.
01:17:54Because there are very few of us in the world who do mathematics because they love mathematics,
01:18:14not because they have to, but because they want to study mathematics, okay? There are very few
01:18:21of us, and when some of them say that I'm one of them, people who do mathematics because they
01:18:34genuinely enjoy mathematics, there are very few of us in the world, okay? And when they tell me
01:18:45that I'm not a good mathematician,
01:19:08it was very painful.
01:19:14Because, look, I thought, I have friends.
01:19:38Welcome. Good evening. Welcome, welcome. Yeah, some confessions, actually, okay?
01:19:45As a mathematician, okay? Yeah, I thought I have friends in mathematics.
01:19:53Very few people who do mathematics because they love mathematics, not because they have to,
01:20:03but they love mathematics. Welcome. Yeah. Good evening. Yeah.
01:20:09Yeah. Good evening. Yeah, yeah. Good evening. Yeah. Welcome.
01:20:14Yeah. Yeah, we love freelance specialist. Yeah, cats, they're fantastic, okay? Yeah.
01:20:30So, I thought I had friends in mathematics community, very small community, okay? People
01:20:40who love mathematics. Yeah, meow, yes, thank you, yeah. Yeah, we love cats, okay?
01:20:47Absolutely, okay? Thank you for joining us, yeah. Yeah, meow, mathematics, sure, yeah.
01:20:59So, when some mathematician, online community, when they said I'm not a good mathematician,
01:21:10that really
01:21:17devastated me, okay? Because I thought, oh, mathematics community, mathematicians,
01:21:30I thought it was a close-knit community, but it was not, okay? It's quite divided, actually, okay?
01:21:36And so, when they told me I'm not a good mathematician,
01:21:49I realized that
01:21:53I don't belong there, okay? So, I left there. Am I married? No, I'm not. I'm single, okay?
01:22:01I like being single, okay? Yeah, thank you, yeah. No dating until you turn 25, okay? So,
01:22:07please, focus on education, quality, better world, okay? Cheers, yeah.
01:22:18Yeah, so, the mathematics community, okay, it was shocking to me because I thought
01:22:24they'd be so loving because not many people do mathematics because they love mathematics and
01:22:35small number of people, okay? But still,
01:22:41yeah, 99% very loving and caring, but 1% mathematicians, very mean and rude,
01:22:51too arrogant, okay?
01:22:57Yeah, that's why I had to get out of there,, okay? Yeah.
01:23:09Proxy culture.
01:23:10Oh, yeah. I feel sorry for them. I pray for them so that they become better organized,
01:23:24okay? Because I do care about them, okay?
01:23:41Yeah, I'm sure they will get better, okay? Yeah, I'm optimistic, always, okay?
01:23:48All right, time's up here, yeah. Still time up.
01:24:02Yeah, it's been more than one hour, okay? So, let's wrap up for this episode, okay?
01:24:08After this, yeah, we go to Facebook live and watch some YouTube videos, okay? Thank you.
01:24:13Yeah, mathematicians, yeah, my recommendation, yeah, diversify your hobbies.
01:24:18Learn dancing, martial arts, acting, writing, singing, okay? They're my recommendation,
01:24:25okay? Thank you, yeah. See you tomorrow, okay? Thank you, yeah.