humanology 2089

  • last month
00:00:00Hello friends. Yeah, welcome to HyunA's 2089. Happy Tuesday, I guess.
00:00:12Yeah, happy Tuesday. Good evening. Okay. Well, I went to gym during the lunch hour. Good
00:00:22Very fun. Yeah. So, let's do just stretching.
00:00:58And twerk stretching, which is very very healthy stuff, although it looks distorted but doesn't matter what it looks like. It's healthy.
00:01:36This kind of stretching looks something very easy and small but it makes a huge difference. Okay. Yeah, very cool. Yeah, it's very important.
00:01:44Five minutes break, please. Thank you. Very cool.
00:06:26Yeah, welcome to HyunA's 2089.
00:06:30Yeah, took a shower. Don't work.
00:06:58Otherwise, the folliculitis, bacterial infection on my scalp, I like scratch it and oh, it smells not good, you know, yeah.
00:07:08So, today was one of those days where I very elongated work hour.
00:07:16I work until something like 8 p.m. and when I have a long day, now it's busy.
00:07:22You don't have enough time to eat, take a nap, watch the news because it's a long day.
00:07:35Yeah, the wind vibrates the windowsill.
00:07:45So, yeah, but got the job done and that's good.
00:07:51And so I came home.
00:07:57I drove home, but on the road, I saw a person, you know, a hitchhiker.
00:08:10They're not going a long distance, okay?
00:08:12So, they're still making noise.
00:08:43I don't know.
00:08:48I'm very sensitive with sound, okay?
00:08:52And it was raining, not too harsh.
00:08:55It was still raining.
00:08:57So, I was like, I saw that person, I did not know male or female, okay?
00:09:02So, you know, asking for a ride basically to drivers on the street, okay?
00:09:09So, I passed by.
00:09:14Obviously, that person is wet and if that person sit on my passenger seat, my passenger seat will get wet.
00:09:20So, I don't want that and I worked until 8 p.m.
00:09:24So, yeah, I just wanted to go home, okay?
00:09:28And then I turned the corner and I changed my mind, okay?
00:09:34So, I safely went to parking lot of some market and then drove back and gave this person a ride.
00:09:44It was a lady.
00:09:46Probably in her, like, 40s or 50s, okay?
00:09:50I didn't know.
00:09:52I do not recommend giving hitchhikers a ride, okay, because that can be dangerous.
00:10:02For me, it's fine because I know martial arts.
00:10:06But I don't recommend people giving ride to hitchhikers because that can be dangerous.
00:10:14Me, I'm okay.
00:10:16I know martial arts, okay?
00:10:18And in some states, it's even illegal.
00:10:26I don't know.
00:10:30And because I felt sorry because it was raining.
00:10:34And the lady had some waterproof jacket, okay?
00:10:42But still.
00:10:44So, I gave her a ride.
00:10:46Not too far away, still in Wasilla, okay?
00:10:48And I asked her, because part of me was like, you know, I was listening to this radio program in a.m.
00:10:56What was that?
00:10:58Talk of Alaska, I think.
00:11:00Alaska local radio show.
00:11:02They were talking about social media.
00:11:06I wanted to continue to drive and watch this through.
00:11:08I listened to this radio show through.
00:11:12And I did.
00:11:16Thanks to this lady that I gave ride to.
00:11:20This is one of the reasons.
00:11:22But I also felt sorry.
00:11:24How long have you been out there in the rain?
00:11:26She said three hours.
00:11:30I said, oh, I'm so sorry.
00:11:34And she thanked me for my kindness.
00:11:36And I said, well, I don't want to go to hell.
00:11:38You know?
00:11:40Yeah, I'm kind of God-fearing man.
00:11:42My Christian background.
00:11:48I don't want to go to hell.
00:11:50I don't want to go to hell.
00:11:52Jesus young lesson of charity.
00:11:58A big part of me has very strong Christian background.
00:12:08So I drove back.
00:12:10And then these days I do like adult entertainment activity.
00:12:12Solo adult entertainment activity.
00:12:14Also known as masturbation.
00:12:18Watching some adult videos.
00:12:20Freely available in the internet.
00:12:22Which is legal.
00:12:26During the weekday evening.
00:12:32Like once or twice during the weekday evening.
00:12:34As well as weekends.
00:12:38Because I need it as an adult.
00:12:44Keep it running.
00:12:46Keep it running.
00:12:48The semen.
00:12:50That's healthy.
00:12:52It's proven to prevent prostate cancer.
00:12:54Very healthy.
00:12:56Keep the water flowing.
00:12:58Like crying.
00:13:00Keep the water flowing.
00:13:04Very healthy.
00:13:06Don't let it go stale.
00:13:08And after that I took a shower.
00:13:10Very good.
00:13:14Before that I would just come home.
00:13:16And start a streaming show.
00:13:18And I've been doing that for a long time.
00:13:20And it was getting old.
00:13:22Boring, you know.
00:13:24So I need some change.
00:13:26There we go.
00:13:30I feel a lot healthier and happier.
00:13:32And cleaner.
00:13:34Because I take shower.
00:13:36Five minutes break.
00:13:40Thank you.
00:13:48I think that's fine.
00:14:32Let me grab my jacket.
00:16:24okay so yeah so let's talk about social media then um I mean social media is
00:16:32like brand new phenomenon that being social media being mainstream thing well
00:16:37let me touch my cell phone
00:16:58there's some less to be concerned about safety just like when the very first
00:17:02time car came out in the very first time airplane came out right yeah there's
00:17:08some less to a safety concern yeah understand that but I think social media is a great tool
00:17:15okay for me yeah the human knowledge show is about mutual education I learn
00:17:20from people people learn from me from all around the world the internet
00:17:25international mostly human registry Instagram live mostly like America
00:17:32Canada Australia United Kingdom the country or New Zealand the country where
00:17:40their first language is English so other times anywhere in the world
00:17:45because they speak English many of them okay yeah international harmony that's
00:17:52a powerful tool right yeah Cheers
00:17:59hmm and um what else
00:18:09yeah I have what's after I well right long hour right it is because I I do my
00:18:16job and I pass it over to other personnel and then I wait on them right
00:18:20and so during that time I would some documentary about some what year was
00:18:28that was it like 20 I don't even remember what year what it was 2011 or
00:18:34something in Norway just like a neo-nazist man mass shooting in Norway
00:18:46okay yeah also I think around there and um
00:18:55documentary YouTube okay so some commentators saying it's difficult to
00:19:01understand those mass shooters it is but not in human knowledge though it's
00:19:10homeostasis okay measured on like in America for example I mean like school
00:19:18shooting for example okay why do they do that because they're angry at people
00:19:26okay to them people are their enemy everybody okay so don't inflict maximum
00:19:35pain to the society because in their mind they were pained by everyone or
00:19:44surrounding them maybe they were bullied at school whatever okay so they want revenge
00:19:52okay yeah negative copium coming in now they want to get out that negative
00:19:58copium okay pain okay they want to inflict the maximum pain to the society
00:20:04that's why they do it okay so in human logic it's easy it's simple to
00:20:11understand anyone okay that's the power of human logic copium analysis I'm not
00:20:19justifying them of course not crime is bad
00:20:24we just understand why they do what they do mass shooting okay then what's the
00:20:30solution education this they never learned how to love people okay why
00:20:39possibly because they have never been loved in their childhood yeah my sugar
00:20:44they typically came from like bad neighborhood or bad parents I mean I
00:20:50don't know they're bad parents because but two parents who don't know do not
00:20:55know how to educate their children okay yeah it's two kinds of love soft love
00:21:01and tough love to learn it both okay
00:21:08so basically education parenting education okay we need to teach people how to
00:21:14parent their children it's that simple that's the solution okay
00:21:22it is easy in human logic we have all the solutions to all the problems in the
00:21:29world so okay let's take five minutes break and let's do mathematics just a
00:21:35little bit okay five minutes okay
00:21:45we'll do my words very pertinent
00:22:26let me fix this windows with scotch tape okay
00:22:31I love scotch tapes
00:22:42great image of scotch tapes
00:23:35well five minutes thank you
00:26:26oh no
00:26:34yeah I like a centaur anyway yes so like I remember the
00:26:40Jesusian parable like good Samaritan you know so I afford all the lady
00:26:47bottle water I didn't give her any money because I don't have money to spare
00:26:52like that okay but I gave a bottle water new one okay
00:26:58there are multiple in my car okay so and I called to turn the heat off in the car
00:27:05and yeah but mostly I listen to that radio show okay why because I wanted to
00:27:13yeah yeah so there was that good Samaritan yeah sure
00:27:21but I would do it still even if there is no afterlife no heaven and hell
00:27:28I was to do it because I feel sorry I mean she's been standing for three hours
00:27:33in the rain how can I just pass by no so I mean if she's I'm not sure she's
00:27:44telling the truth though okay if she's been standing I'm sure he's been
00:27:48going on because I heard other stories by pulled by hitchhikers written by
00:27:54hitchhikers yeah it's typical like sometimes hours and hours okay and I
00:28:02don't know whether she's actually stood for three hours that I don't just that's
00:28:09what she told me okay yeah so I understand other Alaskans okay but maybe
00:28:16some of them are Christians okay who passed by I don't know Alaska there are a lot of
00:28:22Christians in Alaska okay so but I don't see myself as Christian I'm a formal
00:28:27Christian okay but I do believe in God
00:28:33I love Jesus yeah but I'm a humanologist not a Christian okay
00:28:40welcome to humanology okay but I appreciate Christianity
00:28:46now let's do mathematics okay
00:28:52I just thought about it and I discovered something interesting
00:29:00okay yeah
00:29:06so we have this curly fractional parallel let's define this parallel as a
00:29:13correspondence okay
00:31:10there's a little bit more Christianity okay so I think there are many good things
00:31:15okay so yeah God fearing fear of God meaning if I do not give this lady a ride
00:31:22God may punish me okay
00:31:29that's what it means fear of God God fear in person okay so it's a good thing
00:31:35okay it sounds like bad thing but it's not okay it's about doing the right
00:31:41thing although no other people are watching okay but in Christianity yeah
00:31:48God is watching so we have to do the right thing although no people are
00:31:55watching us because God is watching okay so that's Christian concept which is
00:32:00very good concept okay yeah it's about morality okay righteousness okay
00:32:08yeah it's a good concept yeah okay so fraction operator is like multiplying by
00:32:20one plus one it's a positive okay and the curly operator okay slash operator
00:32:26the complement operator is like multiplying by minus one minus R okay
00:32:31it's like that okay so for example
00:32:38call slash X is slash X it's like plus one times minus one becoming minus one
00:32:46okay now slash call X is slash X it's like minus one times plus one is minus
00:32:53one works like magic okay yeah fraction algebra it is fantastic
00:33:00great discovery yeah nobody knows about this as far as I know okay who knows
00:33:08maybe some obscure textbook maybe they discovered this before and but well at
00:33:13least this is not in Wikipedia but this is very significant
00:33:19if somebody publishes somewhere it most likely would be in Wikipedia because
00:33:25it is so cool and beautiful
00:33:29and quite easy to understand actually okay
00:33:33let me drink some strong whiskey yeah cheers yeah
00:33:42I call evaporated
00:33:46but still cheers yeah
00:33:59because like plus okay times plus one okay so curl curl
00:34:07is equal to X? no no no just curl of X okay
00:34:22now slash slash X is equal to
00:34:32hint minus one times minus one what is it plus one is curl X okay
00:34:39there's something very cool about it for example
00:34:44slash slash 1.7 slash slash is equal to slash 0.3 right
00:34:54is equal to 0.7
00:34:59which is curl 1.7 okay yeah curl is a truncated integer part except the fraction okay
00:35:13we'll prove this maybe tomorrow okay but for now I think this is good enough okay
00:35:19I have a long day okay yeah time check
00:35:24it's 1030 now
00:35:36it's been 30 minutes already more than 30 minutes wow
00:35:40it's been more than 30 minutes oh
00:35:44wow time flies huh okay
00:35:51so uh social media well it's a great tool okay for education and also
00:35:58socialization too well socialization is important okay for entertainment and
00:36:02also education okay yeah and but of course
00:36:06bullism very bad okay also online crimes like scams
00:36:13frauds very bad okay there's danger there yeah
00:36:19hmm but it's like anything else in school
00:36:24K-12 system they are bullies right but the way I see
00:36:28bullism is part of education actually okay I was bullied
00:36:32and as a result I became a stronger person
00:36:36okay I took it as God's disciplining me
00:36:40okay yeah so yeah love martial arts okay it's so important
00:36:45strengthen your body and mind okay
00:36:48in social media if somebody bothers you block those people I do that all the time
00:36:53block them
00:36:58and um online fraud okay it's like anything else
00:37:03okay in the commerce yeah there are fraudsters
00:37:07scammers scam artists the investment area
00:37:12right like pyramid scam right out there on the street yeah there are criminals
00:37:18okay internet social media there's nothing different there
00:37:24okay we just need to educate ourselves to avoid those people
00:37:30and recognize them and then yeah block them
00:37:36even report them
00:37:39to like social media companies okay
00:37:47it's that simple
00:37:56so in the talk of Alaska it's good program in Alaska local radio
00:38:00show and uh so they invited some legislators and uh
00:38:05well let's have five minutes break yeah it's time for rest
00:38:09because it's important topic okay all right five minutes thank you
00:38:20there was very interesting intellectual discussion that in the program
00:40:16so uh the alaska legislator introduced this bill uh modeled after florida bill
00:40:26uh it goes like this okay that's interesting like uh between our age if
00:40:34somebody is under 14 years old okay then no social media is illegal okay
00:40:42but uh between age of
00:40:4614 and 15 like 14 years old 15 year old uh they need parental permission to do
00:40:52social media but 13 or below uh social media is illegal okay uh 14 and 15 year
00:41:00old uh need parental permission okay 16 and over they don't need parental
00:41:07permission to do social media okay so that's the bill i'm not sure it passed
00:41:12in florida i'm not sure it's passed in alaska i don't know okay i don't keep up
00:41:19with legislations okay
00:41:28and um well not too much okay so unless it'll get big in the news okay so
00:41:35um i understand the concern but uh and there's a call law in alaska okay very
00:41:43interesting point the lady said well uh that's like unconstitutional
00:41:51deprivation of freedom of speech for americans who are 13 or younger okay
00:42:00that's an interesting point so now constitutional protection okay
00:42:06okay constitution is law about government how government should behave
00:42:11okay uh it does not apply to private entity like employers okay constitution
00:42:18about private employers okay that's more a statutory level okay country high level
00:42:24so is it law about law like metal okay uh so state or federal laws statutes
00:42:32uh should be constitutional okay so constitutional law it governs like lower
00:42:39level law like state federal statutes okay so that's what constitution is about
00:42:43okay yeah so now uh does constitution protect minors rights
00:42:52what do you think or do they does constitution only protects adults rights
00:43:02yeah what an interesting point
00:43:11so the very intelligent color said uh well constitution does not specify the
00:43:19ages okay like minimum age
00:43:25constitution is silent about that so then by default i'm kind of paraphrasing
00:43:30what you said okay yeah by default yeah constitution protects everybody's rights
00:43:35regardless of age and i agree
00:43:40okay yeah
00:43:58and the host also said uh well but constitutional constitutional case though
00:44:04there's like supreme court level federal and state level as well okay
00:44:08yeah some speeches are not protected by constitution like uh the host said like
00:44:13yeah there's a fire in the theater when there is none that's not protected and
00:44:18also obscenity is not protected and also hate speech is protected but
00:44:26uh incitement of violence that is not protected according to supreme court
00:44:32supreme court case law okay yeah okay uh but if a minor person in social media
00:44:44say advocate for Donald Trump or Kamala Harris
00:44:51there's a free there's constitutionally protected speech yeah
00:44:56even for minors okay yeah so i agree with the color already okay
00:45:05so banning social media when they're under the age of 14 uh i think that's too extreme
00:45:15okay yeah
00:45:19what a better solution would be
00:45:25uh a law
00:45:30that mandates social media companies uh to have some filters for content
00:45:45like minors cannot access adult content
00:45:52okay yeah social media companies can implement that right
00:46:00yeah so when like for example like uh for minors
00:46:07well they are paid by their parents mostly right because minors typically
00:46:12don't have jobs right yeah so parents buy their children minor children cell phone
00:46:19and then they have some control over their children's cell phone right yeah so
00:46:31okay yeah so now this cell phone is registered as a minor cell phone
00:46:40so that parents can control
00:46:45like to prevent minors accessing adult content
00:46:53yeah it can be implemented with cell phone companies and social media
00:47:00okay we have a solution there okay good
00:47:09now uh let's take five minutes break and let's do Instagram live yeah
00:47:20yeah good
00:47:24five minutes okay thank you yeah
00:47:28uh how much time do you have
00:47:33it's been less than one hour so okay
00:47:37start at ten okay
00:47:43five minutes of this thank you
00:51:02Okay, welcome back, welcome back Yeah, let's put this behind us and yeah, some
00:51:24genderist joke, like men say, it's such a joke, okay, so men says to, well, husband
00:51:35says to wife, woman, go back to your kitchen, okay, then, well, I advocate for women's rights,
00:51:44so counter joke that I came up with, yeah, man, man, go back to your garage, all right,
00:51:54all right, yeah, counter joke, all right, yeah, go to the gym, during lunch hour, oh,
00:52:21it was fun, I love going to gym, yeah, but I prefer, like, running outside, because gym
00:52:29is still indoors, inside the building, so I prefer running outside, but it was very
00:52:37windy and rainy, I mean, when it just rains, sometimes I run with my umbrella on, but when
00:52:47it's windy, umbrella, not a good idea, because it's kind of like, you know, wind blocker,
00:52:53you know, that's why I answered this one, okay, oh, it was fun, yeah, just, if my shoulder
00:53:02is still recovering from the injury, yeah, lightweight, yeah, my shoulder is still a
00:53:08lot better now, lightweight, okay, yeah, strengthening, yeah, okay, let me redo my hair,
00:53:34there we go,
00:53:47now without glasses,
00:53:52okay, good,
00:54:13wait a minute,
00:55:45okay, yeah, let's do this, uh, what's the episode name, Humanology 2089, yeah, okay,
00:56:10hello friends, yeah, welcome to Humanology, uh, 2089 Instagram live edition, yeah, happy Tuesday,
00:56:18good evening, yeah, yeah, welcome,
00:56:26yeah, cheers, yep,
00:56:27yep, yeah, welcome, yeah, uh, yeah, I got off work at 8 p.m., it was a long day,
00:56:43so that's why it's kind of late, but, uh, yeah, I took a shower, and
00:56:51oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, you have a good night, okay, yeah, good night, yeah,
00:56:57yeah, I live alone, yeah, yeah, happy single guy, yeah,
00:57:03oh, live, yeah, well, sometimes, like, uh, our friends from foreign countries join us, sometimes,
00:57:10yeah, but, yeah, feel free to go to bed, okay, it's late, okay, yeah, yeah, so, yeah, good night,
00:57:20yeah, cheers,
00:57:24yeah, yeah, good luck to you, yeah,
00:57:48it's like, uh, 11 p.m. in Alaska, let me grab some drinks,
00:58:03yeah, uh, I took a nap, so that's why I'm wide awake, yeah, but, uh, please feel free to go to
00:58:17bed, okay, it is late, yeah, I know, yeah, but I took a nap, so, yeah,
00:58:28well, good night, sleep, very important, okay, oh, happy birthday, yeah, yeah,
00:58:35happy birthday, oh, yeah, 11 p.m. Alaska, yeah,
00:58:42uh, do I have drinking problem, well, to me, drinking is not a problem, to me, because I
00:58:48drink in moderation, to me, drinking is like a lifestyle, okay, yeah, cheers, yeah,
00:59:02yeah, because I drink in a very healthy way,
00:59:07well, it's so cool, look at me, I'm so healthy, right, yeah, that's why drinking is not a problem
00:59:16to me, oh, yeah,
00:59:29yeah, thank you,
00:59:34yeah, I took my friend's advice, yeah, I do take shower every evening after I get back from work,
00:59:44well, oh, yeah, I like living by myself, yeah, freedom, so, I never get lonely, because
00:59:55uh, I do like mathematics and martial arts and, uh,
01:00:02uh, yeah, I do martial arts and, um, dancing, martial arts, mathematics and driving and
01:00:18I am busy, so, what is loneliness? Loneliness is a solitary boredom,
01:00:33if somebody's alone and that person's bored, it's called loneliness, I'm alone, but I'm never bored,
01:00:41because I learn foreign languages, I learn history, when I'm alone, I study mathematics,
01:00:48do exercise, martial arts, dancing, uh, social media and streaming like this,
01:00:56uh, I have no time to feel boredom, that's why I never feel lonely,
01:01:03yeah, so, we educate people, uh, learn to be alone, learn to be comfortable, comfortable being alone,
01:01:14learn to enjoy solitude, it's very important concept, it's about independence,
01:01:21uh, ability to pursue happiness, alone, ability to
01:01:33not depend upon others for happiness, okay, yeah, welcome to Humanology,
01:01:42yeah, it's like a nice school, right, yeah, I learn from you too, yeah, cheers, yeah,
01:01:51um, yeah, so,
01:02:00you're the future leaders, so that's why, uh, you are getting royal jelly
01:02:06treatment from Humanology school, okay, yeah,
01:02:11queen bees, king bees, okay, yeah, that's why you are getting royal jelly,
01:02:16um, yeah, cheers to you, future leaders, my proud, yeah, welcome, good evening, yeah,
01:02:28oh, yeah, nice,
01:02:34okay, let's take five minutes break, please, I need some vocal rest, okay, thank you,
01:02:38thank you, very cool, awesome, yeah, good times, fantastic.
01:04:59okay, welcome back, we are back, thank you for joining us,
01:05:03yeah, welcome, yeah,
01:05:10so, yeah, welcome, good evening, and, uh, this is Alaska high bush cranberry, right, yeah, it's
01:05:19known, Alaskan berries are known to have, uh, a lot of vitamins, vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber,
01:05:28and also antioxidants, that's like anti-aging, okay,
01:05:40uh, Miller,
01:05:45Paul Miller,
01:05:50Lee Miller, I'm not sure, but, uh, I'm not quite sure who you are referring to, but, uh,
01:05:59yeah, Paul Miller, yeah, yeah, yeah,
01:06:08he, uh, became a good person, he was arrested in Florida, right,
01:06:14he was released, and now he's a different person, no longer a troublemaker anymore, okay,
01:06:21I mean,
01:06:22he's not Paul Miller, he's a Paul Miller fan, okay, uh, yeah, he's made some troubles in Zoom
01:06:28meetings, right, but, uh, he came to me online, and he apologized, he's a different man, too,
01:06:35he became a way better person, well, he became a good person now, okay, yeah, yeah, he's a nice
01:06:41guy now, he used to be bad, but he is a changed man, Paul Miller fan, okay, yeah, he's a nice guy
01:06:49now, okay, he thanked me, yeah, all right, oh, welcome, yeah, yeah, cheers, yeah,
01:07:11yeah, yeah, so, uh, group chat, some group chat are good, some other group chat not so good,
01:07:19just get out of there, okay, yeah, okay, yeah,
01:07:27yeah, it's all good now, okay, yeah,
01:07:33uh, the reason why I let them attend Zoom show is for them to repent, to educate them, and I did,
01:07:42and they did repent, yeah, it's about education, okay,
01:07:52all right, now, Paul Miller fan, okay, he did not commit any crime,
01:07:56but the real Paul Miller in Florida, uh, he was arrested,
01:08:03uh, for what charge,
01:08:18I don't quite remember, but possibly,
01:08:26I don't remember, but you can google, okay, yeah,
01:08:33uh, Paul Miller fan, I don't think he committed any crime, okay, he was just
01:08:43Zumba man, he used to, but not anymore though, okay, but real Paul Miller, uh, I do not know
01:08:51what charges, yeah, you can look it up on the internet, okay, yeah, I don't know, I don't remember,
01:09:03yeah, so,
01:09:09so, some more about Alaskan berries, very low in sugar,
01:09:14high-fructose cranberry is very sour, okay, yeah, I love it, yeah,
01:09:23yeah, look, Zumba is bad, okay, yeah, so,
01:09:33so, yeah,
01:09:40yeah, now, let's take five minutes break, I need some vocal rest, okay, you're a good person now,
01:09:46you used to be bad too, huh, yeah, hey, we all repent, we become better people, right,
01:09:51that's what matters, okay, yeah, welcome to the normal society, okay, yeah,
01:09:59mighty proud of you, yeah, thank you, five minutes, okay, thank you, yeah, focus on education,
01:10:04career development, love martial arts, go to college, okay, yeah, you'll do great,
01:10:11okay, yeah, good, good, mighty proud, future leaders, five minutes, thank you.
01:12:16okay, welcome back, we are back, oh, yeah,
01:12:20yeah, good, good, yeah, that's awesome, man, yeah, that's the whole reason I did that Zoom show,
01:12:33okay, to educate people, okay, now they're good people, oh, yeah, so it worked, okay,
01:12:45cheers, yeah,
01:12:50yeah, uh, when I was in Madison, Wisconsin, okay, uh, I had a friend,
01:13:02yeah, feel free to go to bed, okay, it's been recorded, you can check this out later, okay,
01:13:06tomorrow, yeah, no problem, right, yeah, good night, okay, so, uh, back in Madison, Wisconsin days,
01:13:15I was, like, in and out of school because my English was so poor, uh, I worked in a, like,
01:13:20supermarket, quite a thing, shopping carts, okay, I was, like, 19 years old, okay, yeah, sure, sure,
01:13:28so, uh, uh, sometimes I didn't even work, I didn't go to school, okay, just studying English, you know,
01:13:37and, uh, very little money supported by my Korean parents, okay, uh, so sometimes I was hungry,
01:13:50went to soup kitchen for homeless people hosted by Catholic church in Madison, Wisconsin, okay,
01:13:57and I met a man, I was, like, 19, he was in his 30s, uh, he has been to jail
01:14:10many times, like, theft, and one time I visited him in jail, he was still things, okay,
01:14:24so I wanted to change him, uh, one time he even stole my wallet, okay,
01:14:42but I think he became a better person, actually, okay, yeah,
01:14:46yeah, yeah, yeah, he got a job, he got his own place, he got a job as a painter, okay, so,
01:14:57yeah, no more stealing, okay, yeah, he's very Christian theme, repentance, forgiveness,
01:15:09very Christian theme, okay, yeah, cheers, yeah,
01:15:17a big part of humanology is, uh, based on Christianity because I used to be a Christian,
01:15:23okay, yeah, welcome, good evening, yeah, so I'm heavily influenced by Christian upbringing, okay,
01:15:31yeah, it's a good religion, yeah, but I created my own religion, it's called humanology,
01:15:41okay, so I'm no longer Christian, but I respect Christianity, okay, cheers,
01:15:55yeah, so, okay, let's have five minutes break, okay, thank you, yeah, thank you,
01:16:03thank you, future leaders, mighty proud, time check,
01:16:08time check, we have more than 30 minutes left, good enough, okay,
01:16:38thank you,
01:17:08thank you,
01:17:38thank you,
01:18:08thank you,
01:18:27okay, welcome, yeah, good evening, uh,
01:18:32uh, you know, join us, it's kind of late,
01:18:41oh, therapy for metaphobia too, oh, that's great, yeah, thank you, I'll go for it, oh, yeah,
01:18:47yeah, sure, sure, go for it, yeah,
01:18:52yeah, therapy for metaphobia copyright wave, okay, yeah, everybody can use whatever food is there,
01:19:01if they want to, okay, yeah, thank you, yeah, now,
01:19:10yeah, oh, yeah, healing from metaphobia, that's great, yeah, well, yeah, sounds amazing,
01:19:21thank you, yeah, hello, yeah, welcome, welcome, yeah, hello, welcome, yeah,
01:19:31hello, good evening, good evening, yeah, how are you, I'm good, thank you,
01:19:41I'm from Chile, South America, yeah, South America, Chile, Chile, Chile, Chile, yeah, nice, nice,
01:19:51yes, yeah, yeah, how are you, uh,
01:20:16what, how, how was your day, oh, it was very nice, thank you, yeah,
01:20:24what are you drinking, vodka, oh, nice, nice, nice, yeah, very nice, what time is there,
01:20:34uh, it's 11 20 p.m, yep, oh, okay, here is 3, 3 a.m, oh, okay, okay, okay, so very late,
01:20:45very late, very late, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, what you were doing today,
01:20:52uh, I did some mathematics, and I went to the gym, did some exercise, yeah, yeah,
01:21:00very good, vodka, well served, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, well served, are you doing great,
01:21:09oh, uh, it's like, uh, it's called Vitaly,
01:21:19uh, where is this from, Kentucky, it's from Kentucky, yeah, it's good, yeah,
01:21:26yeah, yeah, nice, nice work,
01:21:36yeah, yeah, Chile is a great country, yeah, I'm a huge fan of Chile, yeah,
01:21:46what, what time, I'm a huge fan of Chile, it's a great country, yeah, great country,
01:21:55oh, yeah,
01:21:58oh, yeah, very high, high life quality, high quality life, oh, yeah, absolutely,
01:22:08yeah, absolutely, yeah,
01:22:15yeah, yeah, do you know some Chilean food, have you tried the Chilean food,
01:22:24have you ever gone to Chile, uh, I have not been to Chile, uh, but I've been to Mexico,
01:22:35uh, like, um, I love, uh, you get a taco, burrito, um,
01:22:43um, uh, yeah, so, uh, do you know if empanada is very common in other countries here in Latin
01:22:57America, okay, empanada, yes, uh, I have not tried yet, but I would love to,
01:23:08you know, empanada here is in a lot of countries of Latin America, it's very popular,
01:23:14and in every country, it's very different, very, very different, we have the Chilean empanada,
01:23:19Argentinian empanada, uh, Venezuelan empanada, there's a lot of types, I highly recommend,
01:23:27okay, I'll check it out, yeah, empanada, yes, please, oh, yeah, I will, yeah,
01:23:34yeah, what did you, uh, eat today, uh, what's your, uh, lunch, I ate, um, celery,
01:23:43uh, carrots, and, um, okay, oh, uh,
01:23:58rice, yes, some beef,
01:24:06yeah, yeah, beef, oh, nice, yeah, right, kind of, it's kind of like a carne asada, a little bit,
01:24:13yeah, yeah, are you happy, yeah, are you happy now, yes, yeah, yeah, yeah, it's nice,
01:24:27hope you're having a great time, oh, yeah, yeah, oh, yeah, so, what are you gonna do now,
01:24:35you are live streaming, but what are you live streaming, yeah, uh, to learn from wonderful
01:24:42people like you, yeah, thank you for educating us about empanada, yeah, thank you for teaching us,
01:24:50yeah, you're welcome, oh, fantastic,
01:25:08well, uh, have you watched a movie recently, can you recommend me a movie,
01:25:14I want to watch something, okay, I know you have a lot of, you know, a lot of good movies,
01:25:19good movies, let's see,
01:25:25good movies, good movies,
01:25:44you know, um, well,
01:26:00good movies, let me try to think, um,
01:26:06action movie, how about rush hour,
01:26:10what, let me type it, okay, uh, rush hour,
01:26:21yes, what's up, yeah, Jackie Chan, uh, martial arts,
01:26:27yes, oh, okay, martial arts, yeah, yes, yes, yeah, I want to learn martial arts, fantastic,
01:26:40nice, yeah, yeah,
01:26:47yes, yes, yeah, what martial arts do you know, what do you do, yeah, I know taekwondo and,
01:26:55oh, yes, I love taekwondo, yeah, also kung fu,
01:27:02okay, okay, very cool, yeah,
01:27:09yeah, and so, I also like kung fu, Chinese kung fu, yeah,
01:27:16yeah, yes, what's about kung fu, I don't know really kung fu, I just know kung fu, like,
01:27:27the movie kung fu panda, but I don't know what they do, what's the difference between taekwondo,
01:27:36so, uh, okay, uh, Chinese kung fu is like, uh, they imitate animals,
01:27:46oh, okay, I didn't know that, yeah, oh, that's why in the movie, in the animated movie,
01:27:53like panda, monkeys, yes, snake, oh my god, oh, I didn't know, I didn't know that,
01:28:06um, very, very interesting, do you do kung fu, yeah, yeah, and what, uh, what's my style,
01:28:18so, uh, the snake, snake, okay, and, uh, crane, yes, and tiger,
01:28:28oh, and dragon,
01:28:36dragon, yeah, yeah, and a leopard,
01:28:45yeah, tiger, dragon, yeah, I know some, wow, wow,
01:28:51wow, yeah, and what are, what other martial arts besides kung fu,
01:29:07Muay Thai, Taiwan kickboxing,
01:29:11what's that about, uh, kickboxing is about, like, elbow,
01:29:17right, or knee, yeah, yeah, are you wearing with your, with your hands or with your legs,
01:29:29yeah, so, like, uh, Muay Thai, like, they use, like, elbow punch, knee kick, yeah, so,
01:29:46very nice, I will search, uh, for, uh, I will search about kung fu, oh, yeah, kung fu is,
01:29:55yes, very, very interesting, very interesting, yeah, so, if you, if you go to YouTube and you
01:30:02type, uh, kung fu lessons, yes, yeah, then you can learn it for free in YouTube, yeah,
01:30:10um, yes, yes, I will, I will do a research, okay, very interesting, thank you very much,
01:30:26okay, bye, honky, I'm going to sleep, okay,
01:30:40oh, fantastic, yeah, yeah, goodbye, yeah, adios,
01:30:56wow, maravillosa, maravillosa, marvellous, future leaders,
01:31:01mighty proud, mighty proud, yeah, thank you for joining us, oh, amazing,
01:31:07yeah, this was great about, like, uh, yeah, you have good night, okay,
01:31:14oh, thank you, thank you, yeah, I remember you, friends, yeah, you're the future leaders, okay,
01:31:19yeah, mighty proud, yeah, education, career development and martial arts, okay, yeah,
01:31:26so, mighty proud of you, yeah, future leaders, now, let's take five minutes break, okay,
01:31:31yeah, cinco minutos, por favor, okay, and some food, thank you, yeah, amazing, future leaders,
01:31:39mighty proud, okay, time check, okay, we have less than 30 minutes, so, good enough, yeah,
01:31:49five minutes, thank you, fantastic,
01:35:34okay, welcome back,
01:35:40okay, let's grab this globe,
01:35:43yeah, it's great educational tool, right, yeah, globe, yeah, so,
01:35:53yeah, yeah, good night, friends, yeah, future leaders, mighty proud,
01:36:03yeah, so, we have friends from Latin America, like Chile, also, Paraguay, Colombia, okay, Mexico,
01:36:19oh, yeah, yeah, Peru as well, okay,
01:36:27well, Paraguay, Uruguay,
01:36:34yeah, we have friends from all around the world, right,
01:36:39yeah, sure, you know, join us, yeah, if internet works, okay,
01:36:45okay, yeah, sure,
01:36:50cheers, yeah,
01:36:57hello, hi, welcome, welcome, welcome, yeah, hi, yeah,
01:37:16I haven't talked to Paul Miller Fanner in a while, okay, okay,
01:37:20okay, he's kind of scary, he's a nice guy now, yeah, yeah, I haven't talked to him in like
01:37:29six months though, something like that, okay, yeah, a little too much, yeah, too much racism,
01:37:44I read your poems, thank you, they're very nice, thank you,
01:37:51they're interesting, oh, thank you,
01:38:02what you drinking, vodka,
01:38:07sweet, yeah,
01:38:22no, I know, look, uh, no flirting,
01:38:27why, I have to let you go, flirting is not allowed here, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, look, uh,
01:38:35uh, this is not place for like flirting, this is place for education, okay, uh,
01:38:44you cannot do that here, I'm very strict about this, okay, uh, yeah,
01:38:57yeah, you cannot do that here, okay, so, uh, I'm very strict about this, okay,
01:39:01no dating until you turn 25, okay, I, I don't allow that stuff,
01:39:10okay, no dating, no dating until 25, until you turn 25, yeah, focus on education,
01:39:19career development, okay, so, uh, I don't allow that stuff here, I'm very strict about this, okay,
01:39:28okay, yeah,
01:39:35okay, so,
01:39:53yeah, I mean,
01:39:53I mean, back in the days, okay, when I was in South-South Korea, okay,
01:40:00uh, yeah, I attended church in Korea, South-South Korea, okay, and
01:40:10sometimes, some guys, okay, we're in like middle school, we're talking about 1990s,
01:40:18South-South Korea, okay, all-boys school, all-boys high school, right, sometimes they go to church,
01:40:26uh, to meet ladies, because otherwise they don't get to interact with ladies,
01:40:34because of gender separation, 1990s, South-South Korea, okay, I don't know about now,
01:40:41okay, but back in the days, yeah, because it's good policy, gender segregation, gender separation,
01:40:48okay, 1990s, 1980s, South-South Korea, all-boys high school, all-boys middle school,
01:40:55and all-girls middle high school, okay, uh, because they want us to focus on education,
01:41:02studying, no dating allowed, right, I think it's a very good policy, okay, even some universities,
01:41:13like all-female university, all-male university, okay, back in the days, I think it's a very good policy,
01:41:24you know, Jonas, yeah, sure, uh, after five minutes break, okay, I need some vocal rest, okay,
01:41:29welcome, what a surprise, it's quite late at night, it's almost midnight, right, yeah, after five minutes
01:41:34break, we'll invite our next guest, okay, five minutes break, thank you, welcome to humanized school,
01:41:40okay, welcome, future leaders, very proud, okay, uh,
01:41:48uh, we have less than 20 minutes left, okay, should be good enough, okay, yeah,
01:41:53sure, five minutes break, okay, thank you, all right,
01:43:48so, thank you, so South Korea, 1990s, okay, yeah, gender separation, right, like all-boys school,
01:43:58female school, so they will come to church to interact with females, okay, I'm like
01:44:07fake Christians, right, oh, happy birthday, yeah, happy birthday, yeah,
01:44:14mighty proud of you, yeah, welcome, yeah,
01:44:20yeah, good times, huh, what a surprise, you typically, when I do like late night
01:44:28late night
01:44:32social media show, yeah, typically, it's just me talking to the camera, right, yeah,
01:44:40yeah, welcome, oh, I love you too, thank you, yeah, cheers, future leaders, mighty proud,
01:44:51happy birthday, yeah, yeah, sure, if internet works, yeah,
01:45:00yeah, oh, internet connection issue, yeah, but if you disjoin and rejoin, it may work, okay, so
01:45:07yeah, it's always challenging up here, Alaska, yeah, yeah, okay,
01:45:16yeah, cheers, yeah,
01:45:23yeah, good times, yeah,
01:45:33okay, so, it's like nearing midnight in Alaska, okay, so let's make transition to
01:45:49Facebook live, where we watch some YouTube videos and make some video commentaries,
01:45:55yeah, I need to save my voice for that, okay, yeah, good night, friends, okay, yeah,
01:46:05yeah, one more time, sure,
01:46:09if internet works, okay, yeah,
01:46:29I'm sorry, internet's still not working, okay, so,
01:46:47well, maybe tomorrow, okay, yeah, sorry about that, okay, yeah, happy birthday,
01:46:54mighty proud of you, future leaders, yeah, focus on education, career development and
01:46:59learn martial arts, okay, yeah, very important, okay, yeah, maybe I'll see you in the Facebook
01:47:05live or I'll see you tomorrow, okay, or some other time, okay, thank you, good night, thank you,
01:47:11mighty proud of you, thank you, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, mighty proud of you, yeah, future leaders,
01:47:22yeah, okay, thank you,
01:47:44very cool,
01:47:52yeah, so, it's nearing midnight and I have to get back to work tomorrow, okay, so,
01:48:00I'm not quite sure if I can do Facebook live or not, okay, but we'll see, okay, yeah,
01:48:06thank you, yeah, see you tomorrow, thank you, mighty proud, yeah, future leaders, amazing, yep.