• 4 months ago
00:00:00Hello friends here, welcome to Shumanology 2051, okay. Happy Monday. Okay, let's start
00:00:24with the physical therapy for my right shoulder. Okay, okay, a lot easier but still not 100%.
00:00:42Good, very cool. Okay, now let's do some front swing kick.
00:00:56Okay, good. Five minutes break please, thank you.
00:08:24So, we'll get back to mathematics later, okay, and for now let us talk. I listen to,
00:08:35in the morning I start listening to NPR as I get ready to go to work, like, you know,
00:08:42brushing teeth. I don't always eat breakfast at home, okay, so, but like, you know, dress
00:08:50up and brushing teeth, that's when I listen to NPR. Also when I drive sometimes I listen
00:08:56to NPR news. And they had this, introduced this medical journal, peer-reviewed article.
00:09:10They found that mental health has to do with God health. That was interesting, like, basically
00:09:20fruits and vegetables, okay, and the healthy gods, it's that simple, okay.
00:09:31Healthy God health has some positive correlation with good mental health. Okay, okay.
00:09:42Well, health in general, physical health in general, leads to mental health, and mental health,
00:09:49there are many, many dimensions, okay. You should learn how to be, how to enjoy yourself alone,
00:09:55alone time. Yeah, the healthy balance between alone time and people time, okay, and also
00:10:02good career, education, continuing education, career development, job satisfaction, very important,
00:10:10for general happiness, also diet, exercise, yeah, also good hobbies, okay, yeah.
00:10:19Romantic relationship, I mean, that's something that depends on people, because some people
00:10:30want to get married, yeah, sure. Make sure you meet a good person, don't get married too early,
00:10:37at least give it some time to get to know that person, at least one year, okay.
00:10:45And after, my recommendation, again, marriage, dating, yeah, after 25 years old, okay, yeah.
00:10:56But marriage is not for everybody, definitely not for me, okay, so it depends, okay.
00:11:06Romantic relationship?
00:11:09I mean, I'm an online dating site, I get to date like once a year or so, to me that's enough, yeah.
00:11:25It's kind of like, socialization at the same time, some romance, yeah, that's good, if done safely, okay, yeah.
00:11:45Now, I think it's a good time to get back to mathematics, okay.
00:11:50Well, we'll alternate math, non-math discussions, sure.
00:12:01Whiteboard can't be my companion.
00:12:08If it's good, something is next to me.
00:12:14Keeping me company like this.
00:12:25A lot of numbers.
00:12:30We found a pattern, as we suspected.
00:12:35This matrix is the Bessel coefficient matrix, okay, yeah.
00:12:48And small number is 3, and the bigger number is non-multiple of 3.
00:12:54Multiple of 3, yeah, then great common divisor is just 3, right, yeah.
00:13:113 and non-multiple of 3, great common divisor, 1, okay, yeah.
00:13:18Because 3 is a prime number, okay, that's why.
00:13:46It's pattern, minus 1, 2, minus 2, 3, minus 3, 4, minus 4, 5, minus 5.
00:13:55Left side, 1, minus 1, 1, minus 1.
00:13:57Yeah, it's a pattern, okay, yeah.
00:14:00Now, next step, to come up with formula.
00:14:23One formula for all this.
00:14:26One formula for all this.
00:15:34We have some room.
00:15:57With gamma of some number n and 3, okay?
00:16:20With number n times,
00:16:23Bezier coefficient,
00:16:28of n, 3,
00:16:34plus 3 times,
00:16:37Bezier coefficient, 3n, okay?
00:16:49And, this one is easy, 1, minus 1, minus 1,
00:16:53because this one is just,
00:16:58C of n, 3, is equal to,
00:17:01minus 1 to the n, okay?
00:17:07No, no, no, no, no.
00:17:26It's not that simple.
00:17:48It's this, minus 1 to the,
00:17:571 plus,
00:18:00n, rho, 3, okay?
00:18:07I mean, people did not find this,
00:18:08because they don't have rho algebra.
00:18:13This is not a very difficult concept here.
00:18:19Mathematicians are disabled,
00:18:22because they don't have rho algebra.
00:18:24They're stuck with the Gaussian,
00:18:26inefficient notation of, like, modulo, blah, blah, blah.
00:18:29Yeah, so.
00:18:30Okay, that's why they don't know this,
00:18:32all this very simple stuff.
00:18:52So that's this.
00:18:53How about this?
00:18:57C of 3n.
00:19:01I give you five minutes,
00:19:02if you want to figure that out yourself, okay?
00:19:05Otherwise, we'll detail that after five minutes, okay?
00:19:08This is fun.
00:19:14I'm glad we are doing this, okay?
00:19:15This is fun.
00:19:16It's a great gift from heaven.
00:19:23There we go.
00:19:24Five minutes, thank you.
00:20:06Thank you.
00:20:07Thank you.
00:20:08Thank you.
00:20:09Thank you.
00:20:10Thank you.
00:20:11Thank you.
00:20:12Thank you.
00:20:13Thank you.
00:20:14Thank you.
00:20:15Thank you.
00:20:16Thank you.
00:20:17Thank you.
00:20:18Thank you.
00:20:19Thank you.
00:20:20Thank you.
00:20:21Thank you.
00:20:22Thank you.
00:20:23Thank you.
00:20:24Thank you.
00:20:25Thank you.
00:20:26Thank you.
00:20:27Thank you.
00:20:28Thank you.
00:20:29Thank you.
00:20:30Thank you.
00:20:31Thank you.
00:20:32Thank you.
00:20:33Thank you.
00:20:34Thank you.
00:20:35Thank you.
00:20:36Thank you.
00:20:37Thank you.
00:20:38Thank you.
00:20:39Thank you.
00:20:40Thank you.
00:20:41Thank you.
00:20:42Thank you.
00:20:43Thank you.
00:20:44Thank you.
00:20:45Thank you.
00:20:46Thank you.
00:20:47Thank you.
00:20:48Thank you.
00:20:49Thank you.
00:20:50Thank you.
00:20:51Thank you.
00:20:52Thank you.
00:20:53Thank you.
00:20:54Thank you.
00:20:55Thank you.
00:20:56Thank you.
00:20:57Thank you.
00:20:58Thank you.
00:20:59Thank you.
00:21:00Thank you.
00:21:01Thank you.
00:21:02Thank you.
00:21:03Thank you.
00:21:04Thank you.
00:21:05Thank you.
00:21:06Thank you.
00:21:07Thank you.
00:21:08Thank you.
00:21:09Thank you.
00:21:10Thank you.
00:21:11Thank you.
00:21:12Thank you.
00:21:13Thank you.
00:21:14Thank you.
00:21:15Thank you.
00:21:16Thank you.
00:21:17Thank you.
00:21:18Thank you.
00:21:19Thank you.
00:21:20Thank you.
00:21:21Thank you.
00:21:22Thank you.
00:21:23Thank you.
00:21:24Thank you.
00:21:25Thank you.
00:21:26Thank you.
00:21:27Thank you.
00:21:28Thank you.
00:21:29Thank you.
00:21:30Thank you.
00:21:31Thank you.
00:21:32Thank you.
00:21:33Thank you.
00:21:34Thank you.
00:21:35Thank you.
00:21:36Thank you.
00:21:37Thank you.
00:21:38Thank you.
00:21:39Thank you.
00:21:40Thank you.
00:21:41Thank you.
00:21:42Thank you.
00:21:43Thank you.
00:21:44Thank you.
00:21:45Thank you.
00:21:46Thank you.
00:21:47Thank you.
00:21:48Thank you.
00:21:49Thank you.
00:21:50Thank you.
00:21:51Thank you.
00:21:52Thank you.
00:21:53Thank you.
00:21:54Thank you.
00:21:55Thank you.
00:21:56Thank you.
00:21:57Thank you.
00:21:58Thank you.
00:21:59Thank you.
00:22:00Thank you.
00:22:01Thank you.
00:22:02Thank you.
00:22:03Next thing industry, state, and local government interests.
00:22:04So thanks for paying attention to these things.
00:22:06There's others.
00:22:08So I like that whiskey because it's been out without any lead.
00:22:10So alcohol evaporated, but otherwise it's just too strong, you know?
00:22:16No, lemme dirt some drinks over there.
00:22:24A little bit more.
00:22:30Yeah, Korean ginseng and arrowroot, yeah, there are so many of them, you know, so easy.
00:22:58I have a whole package.
00:23:07How much are they?
00:23:08$20 each, about.
00:23:13Yeah, I went to Gyeongdong Market, this legendary Korean traditional medicine market in north of the river, Gangbuk.
00:23:22And it didn't take long at all for me to find it.
00:23:26I get off from the subway station and walked up, and then within like 5-10 minutes, yeah, I found it.
00:23:42Cheers! Happy Monday.
00:23:55I think it's this.
00:24:09First, the sign, minus 1, plus 1, minus 1, plus 1, right?
00:24:25minus 1 to the n, row 3, okay? Yeah.
00:24:38And the unsigned number,
00:24:43this one times, n, plus 1, q, 3.
00:25:04Quotient function, okay? Yeah, that works.
00:25:28Just by looking at it, it works out.
00:25:32Proof? Well, we don't really need that, okay?
00:25:38We can, I mean, when I write this into paper, yeah, maybe I will provide proof, but for now, it's not necessary, okay?
00:25:54Because we know this is true, okay?
00:25:59And formal proof of this small stuff, at this point, it's a waste of energy and time.
00:26:06Why? Because we have a long way to go.
00:26:10After we get there, like O of 1, constant time formula to find Bezos coefficients,
00:26:21we need to do that.
00:26:22Next step, yeah, O of 1, constant time formula for Chinese remainder theorem.
00:26:32That's what we are after, okay?
00:26:33Because they have O of log n algorithm, not a formula, okay?
00:26:39So, okay, we want to make it better.
00:26:42Bezos coefficients, anyway, currently they have O of n algorithm, okay?
00:26:47And we want to find the O of 1, the constant time formula.
00:26:52Okay? Yeah.
00:27:00So far, it's working very well.
00:27:22Next prime number, 5.
00:27:29First composite number, 4.
00:27:33Okay? Yeah.
00:27:40But I'd rather do 5 first, because prime number, it's just easier.
00:27:44It's easier.
00:27:45Well, maybe, yeah, 5 first, and then 4, first composite number, okay?
00:27:50So, because we are learning more about this Bezos coefficients,
00:27:57world of Bezos coefficients, okay?
00:27:59So we're getting used to it, okay?
00:28:03And so far, we found O of 1 formula, constant time formula, okay?
00:28:08Which is great.
00:28:40And I think this formula is generic, and it can be applied to many of these too, okay?
00:28:44Yeah, yeah.
00:28:46So we're getting there.
00:28:50This formula, I think, works when the smaller number is 2 as well, okay?
00:29:14It does, yeah.
00:29:15I just verified it.
00:29:37Well, not exactly, but it's similar, okay?
00:29:40We'll work that out later, okay?
00:29:45But it is very similar, okay?
00:30:06Here in the left side, yeah, you add n plus 1, right?
00:30:10But here we did not add 1, okay?
00:30:12That's the only difference, okay?
00:30:14So why are we adding 1 here?
00:30:17Well, we need to make more examples.
00:30:19Like the smaller number is 5, 4, whatever, okay?
00:30:24Then we'll find some pattern there, okay?
00:30:30Let's take it nice and easy, slow, all right?
00:30:38We do not want to be fed up with this.
00:30:40We do not want to burn out, okay?
00:30:48This is a marathon.
00:30:49It's a long-term project, okay?
00:30:51It's a big project, as it turned out.
00:31:08Okay, let's take 5 minutes break, okay?
00:31:10Thank you.
00:31:11Add some vocal rest.
00:31:13Time to take a break.
00:31:21Maybe it's been, like, more than 30 minutes.
00:31:34Okay, 5 minutes.
00:31:35Thank you.
00:31:37Very cool.
00:31:41All right.
00:31:48Yeah, like, there's no need to, like, prove
00:31:51or even no need to understand why this is the case.
00:31:55We just make some example and find some common pattern,
00:31:57you know, and common formula that works.
00:32:00For now, that's good enough, okay?
00:32:02All right, 5 minutes.
00:32:03Thank you.
00:32:32Thank you.
00:33:02Thank you.
00:33:32Thank you.
00:34:02Thank you.
00:34:21Okay, so the strategy we adopted here is induction, okay?
00:34:28We make a lot of examples and find a pattern
00:34:31and then find a formula that works in all cases.
00:34:38Yeah, because pattern is undeniable here.
00:34:41So, yeah.
00:34:45Okay, so...
00:34:55Now some new mathematics.
00:34:56Yeah, during the lunch hour, I went to Lake Lucille Park,
00:35:00which is, like, 10 minutes from my workplace by car in Wasilla.
00:35:06And it's a nice park.
00:35:08People camp out there, okay?
00:35:10And there's a camping ground there, yeah,
00:35:11with, like, a restroom and, you know, parking lot.
00:35:15Lake is, like, right next to it.
00:35:17The hiking trail, it's a good park.
00:35:19It's a big park, too.
00:35:23And that's what's great about Alaska.
00:35:27It's, like, parks, lakes.
00:35:29Oh, there are many, okay?
00:35:31So, yeah.
00:35:35And so I ran there for, like, maybe 10 minutes, 15 minutes.
00:35:40Mosquitoes, right?
00:35:41So I had to run faster.
00:35:45It's a great motivator to exercise harder.
00:35:50I had to run faster.
00:35:51Otherwise, I get bitten by mosquitoes, you know, so.
00:35:55Well, it worked.
00:36:12I'd rather stop mathematics for tonight, okay,
00:36:16because I don't want to burn out, okay?
00:36:19Tomorrow, we'll do when similar number is 5 and 4, maybe, okay,
00:36:25and find formula for those.
00:36:27And then if it looks like this, something like this,
00:36:31maybe n plus 2, maybe, or n plus 3, okay?
00:36:39Yeah, it looks something like this, okay?
00:36:42That's great, yeah.
00:36:47Then we'll generalize even further.
00:36:52Well, for any two numbers, formula for best coefficients, okay,
00:37:03that will be revolutionary.
00:37:07And we are getting close.
00:37:12Because we have this Royal Zebra.
00:37:15Amazing tool, okay?
00:37:19That's advantage that we have over other mathematicians.
00:37:23They don't have it.
00:37:26They just worship Carl Friedrich Gauss.
00:37:31He's a good mathematician.
00:37:33Yeah, I like him.
00:37:34I don't hate him.
00:37:37But they just worship Carl Friedrich Gauss,
00:37:40so they do not dare to deviate from Gauss's Gaussian notational convention,
00:37:50modular arithmetic, very inefficient notational convention.
00:37:55That's why they cannot do this, because that's stuck in there.
00:38:01Not us.
00:38:04We are better than Gauss.
00:38:08Other mathematicians, they don't like me because of my attitude like that.
00:38:14They think I'm blasphemous, like offending their god, Gauss, Euler, Riemann.
00:38:25They worship those big mathematicians, okay?
00:38:29So they don't venture out of their bubble.
00:38:36We do.
00:38:40Because we worship God.
00:38:41We don't worship people.
00:38:43Gauss, he's the only person.
00:38:49We are better than Gauss.
00:38:54Other mathematicians, they regard that as heresy, unorthodox, blasphemy, sacrilege.
00:39:07Because they are kind of like adulterers.
00:39:10They worship people.
00:39:11We don't.
00:39:12We only worship God.
00:39:13We don't worship people.
00:39:15Okay, so.
00:39:17Yeah, my mathematical attitude is quite a religious one, okay?
00:39:21Like monotheism.
00:39:23Okay, yeah, cheers.
00:39:24Welcome to Humanology.
00:39:36Kind of like some monotheistic religions, like anti-idolatry-ism.
00:39:44In Islam too, yeah.
00:39:54But I'm not against polytheism like in Hinduism, okay?
00:39:59They are cool.
00:40:00Great religious diversity there, yeah.
00:40:02They are cool.
00:40:03Like Sikhism, yeah, yeah.
00:40:05I love all of them, okay?
00:40:08Good religions, yeah.
00:40:10How about in India, some Sikhists.
00:40:15Sikhism is a religion in India, different from Hinduism, okay?
00:40:21Maybe related, but I do not know too much about Sikhism.
00:40:24But that could be good.
00:40:26But some of them want to make their own nation.
00:40:30Do I support that movement?
00:40:33I just want them to be safe and peaceful.
00:40:37Okay, that's all.
00:40:47That's all, okay.
00:40:52Because I've seen some Sikhism gentlemen in the airport as I was traveling to Korea, okay?
00:41:00What country?
00:41:02I think it's in Canada maybe, okay?
00:41:06They are cool.
00:41:08Very cool people.
00:41:10Yeah, something I noticed, yeah.
00:41:13In Sikhism, I think like men are supposed to cover their hair.
00:41:19But not women, okay?
00:41:21So it's opposite of Islam, right?
00:41:23In Islam, women are supposed to cover their hair, right?
00:41:26So it's opposite of that, okay?
00:41:29Okay, very interesting.
00:41:33But I think in Canada, I watched a couple, Indian-Canadian couple, a gentleman.
00:41:40They're kind of young couple, okay?
00:41:42Gentleman wearing like turban in Sikhism, traditional.
00:41:47But his lady was not wearing any hair cover.
00:41:51Okay, that's cool.
00:41:59So, Donald J. Trump...
00:42:02Okay, let's take five minutes break, okay?
00:42:04I need some vocal rest, okay?
00:42:05Let's put this behind us, okay?
00:42:07We'll continue this tomorrow, okay?
00:42:12Five minutes, thank you.
00:42:22Yeah, we did today's show of mathematics, so we're good.
00:45:10Well, that's what's done with Donald J. Trump.
00:45:14Yeah, some documentaries I watched on YouTube about Andrews.
00:45:17He's an interesting guy.
00:45:19That was a drama, okay, so.
00:45:21Like, during his 2016 election,
00:45:25presidential election campaign,
00:45:28Democratic Party invited this Gold Star family.
00:45:32What is Gold Star family?
00:45:34It's US military personnel who passed away
00:45:38and their family is Gold Star family, okay, so.
00:45:41Yeah, US military.
00:45:45Who passed away in a war
00:45:47and their family is Gold Star family, okay, so.
00:45:52So, the Gold Star family
00:45:56invited by Democrats to give a speech
00:45:59back in like 2016, something like that.
00:46:02It was a Muslim family, okay?
00:46:05Yeah, Middle Eastern Americans, okay?
00:46:08And it was parents of their son
00:46:13who passed away during the war, okay?
00:46:16Which war, I'm not sure, okay?
00:46:19Maybe Iraq or Afghanistan, I don't know, okay, so.
00:46:28this is basically, yeah,
00:46:29Trump does not know about US Constitution, yeah, so.
00:46:33Does not follow Constitution, okay.
00:46:36Party territorial, okay.
00:46:44but Trump's criticism of them is that
00:46:48the gentleman's wife did not speak during the speech event.
00:46:52So, he was kind of attacking
00:46:54the gender discrimination in Islam, okay, okay, okay.
00:47:04And then, okay.
00:47:07But, okay, it get better in Islam.
00:47:10Yeah, I don't like gender discrimination,
00:47:13I don't care, so, okay.
00:47:15Whatever country, maybe, okay, yeah.
00:47:23Also, Trump, you know, attacked, like,
00:47:27Senator John McCain, like, he got captured, so.
00:47:33In Vietnam War, so, like,
00:47:35he's been treated as a war hero because he was captured.
00:47:39He said, like, he prefer people who did not get captured,
00:47:41okay, so, okay, okay.
00:47:45Also, like, he did not want to invite wounded veterans
00:47:48because it would make him look bad, or,
00:47:52like, in Europe, like, all these, like,
00:47:55cemeteries, memorials, he did not go there because, like,
00:47:59he kind of criticized American veterans
00:48:03who passed away during the war, like, what's in it for them?
00:48:08Yeah, I'm a veteran, yes, I'm a veteran myself.
00:48:10I did not, never saw combat.
00:48:12I was lucky, okay.
00:48:14My job was electrician for helicopters.
00:48:18Well, some of our friends in different units,
00:48:21same job as mine, got recruited as a,
00:48:25the gunner for helicopters, okay, so,
00:48:31because they are very athletic, okay, so,
00:48:34although it was not their job to shoot a gun
00:48:37as electrician for helicopters, okay.
00:48:40They belong to different units, okay.
00:48:41So, some of my U.S. Army friends saw combat, okay.
00:48:47I didn't, I was lucky, okay.
00:48:50I was inside the base in Afghanistan whole time,
00:48:53for a year, okay, so.
00:49:01So, was I offended by Trump's remarks about veterans?
00:49:09Not particularly, no, I'm being honest, okay.
00:49:14But I can see why other veterans
00:49:19could have been offended by Trump, Trump's remarks.
00:49:23Yeah, I can see that.
00:49:26But, look, I'm a comedian, I'm a joker, okay, so.
00:49:30Trump, I appreciate his sense of humor, he's funny, okay.
00:49:36But I can understand why other U.S. Army,
00:49:42U.S. military veterans may find him very offensive.
00:49:45I can understand that.
00:49:50But me, particularly, I wasn't offended.
00:49:55What I was offended is January 6th, okay, yeah.
00:50:01But, that was wrong, that is, yeah.
00:50:12I got out of Republican Party because of January 6th, okay.
00:50:21As a principal, as, yeah, I could not be out of that party.
00:50:26But that is to support Trump.
00:50:29I don't.
00:50:32Not anymore, no.
00:50:33Not after January 6th, no.
00:50:38It's more than an offense, it's about principle, okay.
00:50:46It was like coup d'etat, you know, yeah, treason, yeah.
00:51:02So three days from now, yeah, Thursday,
00:51:06yeah, Trump and Biden rematch, okay, the debate.
00:51:09Yeah, I look forward to that.
00:51:11And most likely, yeah, maybe I'll listen to it on the radio
00:51:15as I drive back from work to my house.
00:51:20It should be like 15 minutes, okay.
00:51:22And I will still rest, maybe in YouTube,
00:51:25like maybe next day or so, okay, because I'm busy, okay.
00:51:35But it's interesting.
00:51:37Maybe at that night, Thursday night, maybe Facebook Live,
00:51:41maybe I watch it in YouTube.
00:51:44Kind of like, because that's what I do in Facebook Live,
00:51:48yeah, watch some video in YouTube,
00:51:50and then make some commentaries.
00:51:52Yeah, maybe I'll do that Thursday night, sure.
00:51:55That can be done, yeah.
00:52:00If Facebook Live is very significant,
00:52:04because I made a lot of commentaries,
00:52:07then I upload that to Dailymotion,
00:52:09because Facebook only keep it for 30 days, okay.
00:52:13So, yeah.
00:52:29So, after I watch some YouTube videos,
00:52:31like police officers, body cam,
00:52:36or windshield cam, camera cam, car camera, car cam.
00:52:44Yeah, the chasing scene, or even like shootout scene.
00:52:50Let's talk about that, okay.
00:52:52It is important that we learn about those potential dangers.
00:52:59Okay, yeah.
00:53:01It is highly educational.
00:53:03And to be honest, entertaining too,
00:53:06because it looks like a movie, but it's real.
00:53:10It's not even reality TV.
00:53:12Reality TV is halfway between reality and fiction, okay.
00:53:17But police officers, body cam, or car cam,
00:53:22they are not scripted at all, they're real.
00:53:26All right, so it is highly educational.
00:53:30And to be honest, entertaining too.
00:53:38Okay, five minutes, okay, thank you.
00:53:40Then we'll talk about it, okay, sure.
00:53:43It is important, okay, safety.
00:53:45I'll do my police officers, okay.
00:53:47They're amazing, yeah.
00:53:50All right, five minutes, thank you.
00:54:14All right, five minutes, thank you.
00:54:44All right, five minutes, thank you.
00:55:14All right, five minutes, thank you.
00:55:44All right, five minutes, thank you.
00:56:09Okay, welcome everybody.
00:56:15About four years ago, okay, 2022,
00:56:18yeah, I ran for Alaska, in Alaska.
00:56:21I ran for US Senate.
00:56:22And this is Police Appreciation Day, okay.
00:56:25So yeah, I attended and I raised my hand.
00:56:30Yeah, and I, yeah, people speak in time, okay.
00:56:34So yeah, I give like one or two minute speech, okay.
00:56:38As an audience, not as a candidate, okay.
00:56:42I didn't talk about my US Senate candidacy, okay, yeah.
00:56:46I said something like, yeah, I'm a US Army veteran,
00:56:48but I was deployed to war zone, Afghanistan for one year.
00:56:52But police officers, they are in war zone every day for,
00:56:59how many years they serve as a police officer, okay.
00:57:02So we really appreciate police officers, okay.
00:57:06But very, very soon, okay.
00:57:13Yeah, so in YouTube, yeah, the body cam or car cam,
00:57:16yeah, police chase in or sometimes shoot outs in.
00:57:20Yeah, it's like, some criminals, they are wounded.
00:57:25They look like a victim, okay.
00:57:27They are like slashing on the floor, on the street.
00:57:33But actually, maybe it was like some gang violence.
00:57:38Yeah, maybe this criminal was shot somewhere in his body,
00:57:44but he has a gun still, he's not dead.
00:57:47So he, police officers thought that guy's a victim.
00:57:54Yeah, maybe he was victim too.
00:57:56Or maybe he was pretending to be a victim, okay.
00:57:59So he shot at the police officer.
00:58:03It happened in Minnesota,
00:58:05Minnesota a couple of months ago, okay.
00:58:09Such a dangerous job.
00:58:11I'm very sorry about all these crimes, okay.
00:58:21And car chasing scene, yeah.
00:58:23Nowadays, police officers,
00:58:25they have this like Spider-Man style device.
00:58:30I've seen it on YouTube, okay, maybe a year ago.
00:58:34Like, it deployed this kind of web,
00:58:40just like Spider-Man, okay, from police car.
00:58:44And it's like a web, like a fishing net,
00:58:47and it kind of disables the criminal's car up front,
00:58:54the back tires, okay.
00:58:57Yeah, it works amazing, yeah.
00:59:03Because this wild car chase, okay,
00:59:06it's very dangerous situation.
00:59:12The highway, sometimes in parking lot,
00:59:16neighborhood roads, they drive too fast.
00:59:18It's criminals, okay, so very dangerous situation, okay.
00:59:29Well, about maybe a year ago, five months ago,
00:59:33I don't know, okay.
00:59:34Yeah, I was in cars,
00:59:37yeah, full known as Safeway in Wasilla, downtown.
00:59:42And there was this young guy running away
00:59:48from police officer, and police officer caught him
00:59:52and arrested him, okay, in the parking lot, okay.
00:59:57There was like seven months ago, something like that.
01:00:00I think it was last year, okay.
01:00:02Yeah, I saw that, okay.
01:00:05I was shopping in the car's grocery, supermarket,
01:00:10which is great grocery, okay, so.
01:00:14But it was rather peaceful kind of arrest, okay.
01:00:18Yeah, no weapons.
01:00:22In that sense, okay, so, yeah.
01:00:38Yeah, I really appreciate police officers, okay.
01:00:42I was in the US Army, so the bulletproof helmet, Kevlar,
01:00:51and bulletproof jacket, they're heavy, they're heavy.
01:00:57And police officers, they run with all those gears.
01:01:02They have this, like the antenna, walkie-talkie,
01:01:07whatever, radio, baton, gun, extra ammunition, right,
01:01:15the clips, whatever the,
01:01:18it's been a long time since I've been to corn range, okay.
01:01:25I forgot all those terminologies.
01:01:30Yeah, the bullet cartridges, they're heavy, they're metal.
01:01:36Bulletproof vest, oh, they're heavy, okay, yeah.
01:01:46They run with those to go after criminals, okay.
01:01:56When I was in the US Army, every morning, yeah,
01:01:58the army put old style, old school, like shoestring, okay.
01:02:04And yeah, in America, yeah, army uniform is not too bad.
01:02:11But when I deployed to Afghanistan, yeah,
01:02:15when we do gate guard, yeah,
01:02:17we have to wear this bulletproof vest,
01:02:21bulletproof helmet, Kevlar,
01:02:24and bulletproof vest, yeah, it's IOTV, okay, so.
01:02:28And yeah, the AR-15, M16, also rifle.
01:02:34They're fully loaded, and we have two extra magazines.
01:02:37Again, fully loaded, okay, so.
01:02:41When we do gate guard, okay,
01:02:44otherwise, we didn't have to wear it.
01:02:47All right, gun, yeah, also rifle and two magazines,
01:02:51yeah, we have to carry it everywhere.
01:02:55For one year.
01:02:56Police officers, they do that every day.
01:03:02And I appreciate their service, really.
01:03:06I was in US Army, okay, so it's kind of similar, okay, yeah.
01:03:16And YouTube video, yeah, police officers explained, yeah,
01:03:20yeah, when we shoot, we get,
01:03:23I'm paraphrasing from what they said in the YouTube videos,
01:03:27okay, yeah, we train with guns all the time,
01:03:31but statistically speaking, in a real situation,
01:03:36in a real situation, like 20% of the time,
01:03:41we hit the target, or criminal, okay.
01:03:4680%, yeah, we hit something else.
01:03:51Because, look, when I was in the US Army,
01:03:55yeah, shooting range, we have to re-certify
01:03:58something twice a year or something like that, okay,
01:04:00yeah, shooting range, paper target, okay.
01:04:03But those paper targets, they're not moving,
01:04:06they're steady, okay, but police officers,
01:04:11criminals, they're not standing still,
01:04:15most of the time, they're running away, right?
01:04:21Yeah, 20% accuracy, okay,
01:04:24although they are fully weapon-trained, regular basis.
01:04:28Okay, I can understand that, yeah.
01:04:42So I said this many times before,
01:04:46maybe a year ago, two years ago,
01:04:48yeah, non-lethal weapon, it has to be based
01:04:51on electricity, okay, so, yeah,
01:04:53then Taser, but it's just connected to the wire, right,
01:04:59they need to invent the wireless bullet
01:05:07that is electric shock, maybe chemical-based,
01:05:10maybe ions, separate this wall,
01:05:14like a paintball, kinda, yeah, a paintball, okay,
01:05:21positive charge, negative charge,
01:05:23separated by this insulator, whatever, okay,
01:05:28and then when this paintball pops,
01:05:34yeah, positive, negative charge,
01:05:36mix, electric shock, something like that, okay,
01:05:40kind of a chewable battery, something like that, okay,
01:05:42they have to invent that stuff, okay, yeah.
01:05:49So there were some of that kind of things.
01:05:52The police officers, they do care about these criminals,
01:05:55okay, and after they are shot, criminals,
01:06:00police officers give them CPR and call an ambulance.
01:06:05If they're Christian, like love your enemy kind of concept,
01:06:10they do care about criminals,
01:06:13we deal with them all the time, okay, okay, yeah.
01:06:26They had to shot them because they pose danger to the public
01:06:35and to police officers, their weapons, criminals, yeah.
01:06:49I mean, in Korea, they don't have gun problems.
01:06:52In Korea, South Korea, they don't have any guns
01:06:58on the streets, but America does, okay, yeah.
01:07:04But most gun owners, they're good people.
01:07:08But some criminals, they have guns, knives, okay, yeah.
01:07:23It's kind of an American problem, okay, so.
01:07:36I have guns, okay, I'm in Alaska, I have to have guns, okay,
01:07:40I go to hiking sometimes to the mountains
01:07:42and there are bears, okay, so yeah.
01:07:46But these days, I don't even go to mountains to hike,
01:07:51I just run in the park where there are no bears.
01:07:55Well, yeah, some of the parks I go running,
01:07:58yeah, there are bears, but I don't go like deep
01:08:01to the trail where there might be bears, okay, so.
01:08:08No, because I'm kind of getting old, okay.
01:08:13Love it?
01:08:17Time to interrupt it.
01:08:24It's been more than one hour, okay, yeah.
01:08:27Let's take five minutes break and let's go to Instagram live,
01:08:32sure, sure, yeah, because I don't want to get to the wrong,
01:08:37okay, because I don't want to get to the wrong,
01:08:40because I don't want to get to the wrong, okay,
01:08:42because, yeah, these days, we do like
01:08:45Human Allergy Daily Motion, solo Zoom show,
01:08:49and then Instagram live, and then sometimes,
01:08:52if I'm not to the wrong, yeah, Facebook live, right,
01:08:55yeah, so, okay, we kind of shorten the period
01:08:59of each episode, okay.
01:09:03Okay, so we have less than one hour left,
01:09:06well, more than 30 minutes left, okay, so yeah,
01:09:08let's go to Instagram live, okay.
01:09:17More than 30 minutes left, we have, yeah,
01:09:19we can show, yeah, five minutes left, thank you.
01:09:28Okay, five minutes, okay, yeah, let's bring the tripod.
01:09:33Okay, five minutes, thank you, sure.
01:09:44Yeah, let's bring some fresh Alaskan oxygen in the room.
01:10:14Thank you.
01:11:03Thank you.
01:11:33Thank you.
01:12:03Thank you.
01:12:17Well, before we go live with Instagram, okay,
01:12:20yeah, I remember it was somewhere in California, okay,
01:12:27yeah, I was still in the U.S. Army, okay,
01:12:30so I stopped by a gas station somewhere in California,
01:12:34maybe it was, I don't know, San Jose, Los Angeles,
01:12:36somehow, that was a long time ago, okay,
01:12:40and there's this, in gas station,
01:12:42there's these two police officers,
01:12:46and they kind of like, well, kind of like sarcastic
01:12:50about me wearing U.S. Army uniform, okay.
01:12:54Yeah, I guess they kind of joked about me, okay, together.
01:13:00At least one of them were white guys, okay.
01:13:04But maybe the other one's Hispanic, I don't know.
01:13:07Okay, but was I offended?
01:13:10No, look, we are buddies, we are uniformed officers.
01:13:17I was not an officer, I was a junior soldier, okay,
01:13:20but they're police officers, okay, so.
01:13:22Yeah, so yeah, they kind of joked about me
01:13:25wearing U.S. Army uniform.
01:13:27Oh, I'm paraphrasing what they said, okay.
01:13:32Okay, so you're a U.S. Army soldier, huh?
01:13:35Yeah, but you're police officers, okay,
01:13:38you may get deposed, like, for one year,
01:13:41but we are in a war zone every day, okay.
01:13:44I think that's what they meant, okay, so.
01:13:47Yeah, don't expect any special treatment
01:13:51just because you are wearing U.S. Army uniform, okay.
01:13:54Not from us, okay.
01:13:55Yeah, I think that's what they meant, okay.
01:13:58That was my guess.
01:14:02Was I offended?
01:14:04Was I annoyed?
01:14:05Was I annoyed?
01:14:06A little bit, but I'm like, yeah, let boys be boys, okay.
01:14:11We are similar kind of people, we are friends, okay, so.
01:14:14Okay, I remember, okay.
01:14:17No problem.
01:14:19Look, police officers, they are people too, okay.
01:14:21Sometimes they make mistakes, errors.
01:14:26Look, they are people too, okay, so.
01:14:29People are people, okay, yeah.
01:14:31Okay, yeah, okay.
01:14:33Okay, yeah, let's go Instagram Live, and, sure.
01:14:43Yeah, I enjoy interacting with young people.
01:14:47Yeah, very fresh.
01:14:50Grooking, yeah, yeah, yeah, sure.
01:14:53Yeah, that's cool.
01:14:54Yeah, the future generation, right, yeah, future leaders.
01:14:57Oh, yeah.
01:14:59Mighty proud, yeah.
01:15:05Not me, not having any children of my own.
01:15:08Yeah, I enjoy interacting with young people, yeah.
01:15:13Look at that.
01:15:15Great people, yeah.
01:15:17Very smart.
01:15:21Oh, yeah.
01:15:30Young people from all around the world, right, yeah.
01:15:32Great, great people, yeah.
01:15:34The future leaders, yeah.
01:15:38Hello, friends, yeah, welcome to Humanology
01:15:42Instagram Live Edition, yeah.
01:15:44Happy Monday, yeah.
01:15:48Oh, yeah.
01:15:54Oh, yeah.
01:15:57Cheers, yeah.
01:15:59Happy Monday, yeah.
01:16:13Yeah, so my recommendation to you, friends,
01:16:17yeah, focus on education and career development, okay,
01:16:19and martial arts, exercise, diet, eat a lot of fruits.
01:16:24And vegetables, yeah, got health, okay, very important,
01:16:28okay, regularity, yeah.
01:16:36Yeah, yeah, the Skibidi.
01:16:40Dong dong, yes, yes, okay, that was funny in YouTube, okay.
01:16:44Yeah, yeah, in the bathroom, yeah,
01:16:46is important for health, regularity, okay.
01:16:50So, yeah, eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, okay.
01:16:52Fiber, dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals,
01:16:58important to choose, yeah.
01:17:11Yeah, also exercise, like running, because
01:17:16physical strength, physical health leads to
01:17:22mental health, mental strength, okay.
01:17:25They're interrelated.
01:17:27Also, yeah, education, career development.
01:17:31Yeah, job satisfaction, very important for happiness.
01:17:35Okay, so, oh, yeah.
01:17:40Also, martial arts, right, very important.
01:17:45Mm-hmm, oh, yeah, so, thank you.
01:17:52Yeah, also, have good, find your passion.
01:17:59Find some area, it could be arts, music,
01:18:05business, academia, writing, novels, poetry,
01:18:13or music, painting, whatever it may be.
01:18:18Painting, whatever it may be, or medicine,
01:18:23teaching, doctor, lawyer, or computer programming,
01:18:27or like science, philosophy, religion,
01:18:32whatever it may be, okay.
01:18:34Yeah, find your passion, explore diverse areas
01:18:39in the world, and then, yeah, explore and find something
01:18:44that you enjoy doing, okay.
01:18:49Yeah, it could be a hobby first,
01:18:52but it can be your profession as well, your job, okay.
01:18:56Yeah, oh, yeah, you have a job you're satisfied with,
01:19:02yeah, now, yeah, do something else in your spare time,
01:19:05like healthy hobbies, okay, yeah.
01:19:14It's very important, welcome to humanology, okay, so.
01:19:18Mm-hmm, cheers, yeah.
01:19:33How about dating, getting married, having a family?
01:19:39That's something you have to wait until you turn 25, okay,
01:19:42so, take it easy on that one.
01:19:47My recommendation, yeah, masturbation.
01:19:50I know it's controversial, so it doesn't matter.
01:19:52Some religion are against masturbation, right?
01:19:56Well, in humanology, yeah, we actually recommend
01:19:59the masturbation because it's very safe outlet, okay.
01:20:08Operating system, nice.
01:20:13See language, mighty proud of you, yeah.
01:20:17Yeah, I mean, that's great, I majored in computer science,
01:20:23just like you are, okay, it's nice, yeah,
01:20:28like operating system, yeah, like, thank you.
01:20:44France, yeah, fantastic, French language, that's great,
01:20:47yeah, yeah, so, operating system is,
01:20:52yeah, I remember, I was in Madison, Wisconsin,
01:20:55like, 20 years ago, I majored in my computer science
01:21:01and I did take operating system class,
01:21:04it was mandatory, okay, like concurrent programming,
01:21:07right, yeah, a little, it's been a long time,
01:21:17but 20 years ago, okay, 25 years ago,
01:21:29Madison, Wisconsin, University of Keso.
01:21:38It was nice class, operating system, yeah.
01:21:42Kind of multitasking, right?
01:21:49We used mostly Unix, sometimes Linux,
01:21:54it's computer science major, okay, so.
01:21:59But in the computer lab, yeah, there's Microsoft,
01:22:03well, back then, well, the, I don't know,
01:22:08Windows, I guess, and yeah, some computer lab
01:22:14have Macintosh, like the Macintosh, Apple, okay,
01:22:19it's right here, yeah, but mostly we used Unix,
01:22:27sometimes Linux, okay, yeah, the Shell, right,
01:22:32yeah, mostly we used Java, okay, yeah,
01:22:36but I know some C and C++, too, yeah.
01:22:41Very fond memories, right, yeah, it was nice, yeah.
01:22:49Cheers, yeah, yeah.
01:22:54So, yeah, you have exam tomorrow, operating system,
01:22:57my advice, yeah, have a good night's sleep, okay?
01:23:02Have a good night's sleep, okay?
01:23:06That would be my advice, okay?
01:23:10Yeah, drink some orange juice, okay,
01:23:11you need a lot of energy, maybe lemonade, limeade, okay,
01:23:15that would be my advice, I'm sure you studied very well,
01:23:20and you'll do very well tomorrow, okay, yeah, no doubt.
01:23:27No, time check, okay, yeah, we'll take five minutes break,
01:23:29okay, thank you for joining us.
01:23:31Oh, yeah, mighty proud of you.
01:23:41Okay, in telemotion, how many minutes do we have?
01:23:52Yeah, we have 30 minutes left, okay, good enough.
01:23:56Wait, five minutes break, okay, thank you,
01:23:58and then we invite our friends, okay?
01:24:01Yeah, five minutes, okay, thank you, yep, yep.
01:24:05Yeah, study, but also take a good rest, too, okay?
01:24:08It's about balancing, like exercise.
01:24:11Yeah, go to the gym sometimes, okay?
01:24:14Yeah, five minutes, thank you, yeah, welcome, yep.
01:24:31Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
01:25:01yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
01:25:31yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
01:26:22Okay, welcome back, we're back.
01:26:24So yeah, operating system class, very interesting,
01:26:27like dive stars algorithm and like a deadlock situation,
01:26:31like traffic jam, semaphore,
01:26:34yeah, all different processes, computing, right?
01:26:37And okay, yeah, concurrent algorithm, yeah,
01:26:41I remember that, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, okay.
01:26:46So as promised, yeah, let's bring our first guest here.
01:26:50If the internet works, okay.
01:26:59Yeah, welcome friends, yeah, welcome, yeah, cheers, yeah.
01:27:09Hi, I'm Kay.
01:27:10Welcome, welcome, yeah.
01:27:12I have a lot of questions.
01:27:14Yeah, yeah.
01:27:16Okay, first off, are you an alcoholic?
01:27:20Well, that's what my parents said a week ago
01:27:24when I was in Korea.
01:27:27Okay, what's your favorite alcoholic beverage?
01:27:33I like vodka, yeah.
01:27:36Oh, okay, okay, you're that kind of guy.
01:27:40Okay, okay, I have a lot of questions also.
01:27:42You have, you speak five languages, right?
01:27:48Well, I think, well, okay, I speak English and Korean
01:27:52and other languages.
01:27:54I know like some Spanish, French,
01:27:58a little bit of Russian, Arabic, German,
01:28:01and just a few words in Japanese, Chinese,
01:28:04and some Alaskan native languages,
01:28:07and some Italian, some Portuguese,
01:28:12and just a little bit of everything, yeah.
01:28:17Okay, okay, cool.
01:28:19Um, you always ask us about our ambitions.
01:28:24What's your ambition?
01:28:27Well, currently I'm working on this mathematics project.
01:28:32Do you like mathematics?
01:28:37Do you like mathematics?
01:28:42How much do you know about mathematics?
01:28:45Um, not much, honestly.
01:28:47I just like mathematics because I get good at it sometimes.
01:28:50Okay, okay.
01:28:52Do you know what number theory is about, number theory?
01:28:57No, not really.
01:28:58Okay, okay.
01:28:59So you want to be a mathematician?
01:29:01Yeah, I'm kind of working on that.
01:29:03I want to make some big discovery in mathematics.
01:29:06Yeah, yeah.
01:29:11What do you do on Friday nights?
01:29:13What do you do on Friday nights?
01:29:18What do you do on Friday nights?
01:29:21No, same thing.
01:29:22Like, I do daily motion, solo Zoom show,
01:29:25like humanology, Friday night live with live,
01:29:29Friday night live with Hankye Lee,
01:29:31and then Instagram live, and then Facebook live,
01:29:36and then I go to bed, yeah.
01:29:42Hankye, I think you should stop drinking.
01:29:45Maybe your parents are right.
01:29:47No, my parents told me exactly the same thing
01:29:50a week ago when I was there.
01:29:51So South Korea, yeah.
01:29:53They told me exactly the same thing, yeah.
01:29:57Yeah, you should stop drinking.
01:29:59Okay, okay.
01:30:02If you stop drinking, I will learn martial arts.
01:30:05Okay, okay, okay.
01:30:08Do you know any martial arts?
01:30:11I started learning karate.
01:30:15Nice, yes, nice.
01:30:19I'm also thinking of learning, what do they call it?
01:30:24Muay Thai, I think.
01:30:25Muay Thai, oh, yeah, kickboxing, yep, yep.
01:30:30You should accept others into the life.
01:30:35Well, sure.
01:30:37You can ask questions, too.
01:30:38Yeah, sure.
01:30:38There's, there's, yeah.
01:30:42You have very garbles, like, leadership material, yep.
01:30:50You have very leadership material, yeah.
01:30:54Welcome, welcome, yeah, yeah.
01:30:56Hello, I have one question for you today.
01:31:00So, okay, it's a bit of a controversial one.
01:31:03I hope that's all right.
01:31:05Go ahead, I wanted to ask some, but I was nervous.
01:31:10Yeah, this one, okay.
01:31:12I've had a lot of different mixed opinions on it,
01:31:14but I saw someone ask the other day, someone on Twitter.
01:31:18Would you rather marry a black woman
01:31:21or go into the electric chair?
01:31:28Would I marry a black woman or go into an electric chair?
01:31:35Yeah, that's a question.
01:31:36Yeah, I would marry a black lady, yeah.
01:31:39Okay, good, that's, that's all I wanted to know today.
01:31:42So I'm, thank you for your response.
01:31:45Thanks for the feedback.
01:31:46You're welcome, yeah.
01:31:47Have a good one.
01:31:50Look, I have dated, yeah,
01:31:54I have dated black ladies before, yeah, several times.
01:31:57Yeah, they're cool, yeah.
01:32:00They're beautiful.
01:32:01What are their names?
01:32:03What are their names, if you remember them?
01:32:07I do not remember their names,
01:32:08but I do remember their faces.
01:32:14You dated them back in Korea or you dated them here?
01:32:18I dated an African-American lady when I was in Georgia,
01:32:25when I was in US Army.
01:32:26And also, I also dated a black lady
01:32:30when I was in Ann Arbor, Michigan, law school, yeah.
01:32:37Oh, that's nice.
01:32:39No, yeah, no hanky-panky, just like one or two dates
01:32:43in the public restaurant, that was that, yeah.
01:32:47Oh, so just like a hookup?
01:32:53Okay, Hunky, what is your opinion on LGBTs?
01:32:58Yeah, they should be straight.
01:33:03Do you think they should go to church?
01:33:07Well, they can go to church or mosque or temple,
01:33:13but they do need to be straight.
01:33:17And why do you think they need to be straight?
01:33:20Because LGBT ideology is not very natural,
01:33:25it's very unnatural, it's...
01:33:33Even though I saw in nature,
01:33:35in nature, there are homosexual tendencies,
01:33:39like animals do tend to have that,
01:33:41so it's not really unnatural.
01:33:45For you to be, listen,
01:33:47for you to be our president for 2024,
01:33:5025, 25, sorry,
01:33:53you should be more open, you know?
01:33:58You should be, what do they call it?
01:34:02Yes, we can be straight.
01:34:07You should accept, you know?
01:34:11Give me one second, let me check the time limit
01:34:14in Dailymotion, because they have two hour limit, okay?
01:34:16Give me one second again.
01:34:19Oh, I guess we have like more than 20 minutes, okay.
01:34:22Yeah, so, you know about biology?
01:34:29Kind of, yes.
01:34:29Yeah, tell us about what you know about biology.
01:34:35I mostly know about, what do they call it?
01:34:40Mostly how animals are,
01:34:45each animal and their features
01:34:47and how it actually benefits them.
01:34:50And also, not only in animals, even in humans,
01:34:56like the reason why each race has a different,
01:35:00has a different facial features.
01:35:03For instance, Arabs, they have long eyelashes,
01:35:06so it would prevent dust from getting to their eyes.
01:35:11The Eskimo people, I think they have,
01:35:16what do they call it?
01:35:18Like their eyelids are kind of tight,
01:35:22so the ice wouldn't actually hurt their eyeballs and stuff.
01:35:29And, yeah.
01:35:34Okay, how about white people?
01:35:35Why do you think white people are white?
01:35:39I think white people are white.
01:35:43Oh yes, monoliths, monoliths.
01:35:45Sorry, English is not my first language,
01:35:47so I kind of tend to get lost.
01:35:50What's your first language?
01:35:53My first language?
01:35:56Oh, it's Arabic, it's Arabic.
01:36:00Oh, yes.
01:36:01Oh, hey, salam alaikum.
01:36:04Wa alaikum salam.
01:36:05Yeah, marhaban, marhaban.
01:36:08Marhaban, marhaban.
01:36:09Aloha, how are you?
01:36:13Okay, so why do you think white people are white
01:36:17in evolution, biology?
01:36:19Why do you think white people are white?
01:36:23I'm not really sure, but I think,
01:36:25I haven't done any research on that.
01:36:27I just only know that, you know,
01:36:31how Arabs and Eskimos and also Africans,
01:36:37but white people, I'm not sure why they're white.
01:36:42Yeah, let me explain to you my theory, okay?
01:36:47Because I'm in Alaska, America, right?
01:36:53Yeah, so there are polar bears in Alaska.
01:36:55They're like snow owls, Arctic fox, they're all white.
01:37:04It's camouflage.
01:37:08Okay, you got a point.
01:37:09You have a point.
01:37:10Yeah, they want to blend in with snow.
01:37:13Yeah, they want to hide themselves
01:37:16in white background snow, okay?
01:37:18That's why they're white, okay?
01:37:20It's camouflage, it's evolution, biology, okay?
01:37:26Yeah, that's right.
01:37:27You're right, Hanke.
01:37:30Hanke, how many counties have you visited?
01:37:34Uh, okay, so you said you are from Middle East?
01:37:43Oh yeah, I'm from the Middle East.
01:37:45Okay, what country?
01:37:49Try to guess.
01:37:51Well, I can only tell you the country
01:37:53I visited in Middle East, okay?
01:37:55Like, I've been to Qatar, I've been to Afghanistan,
01:38:01Afghanistan, and I've been to Morocco.
01:38:11Yeah, Qatar, Afghanistan, Morocco.
01:38:19I think that's about it, yeah, yeah.
01:38:22Have you ever been to Saudi Arabia?
01:38:24No, my friends did, yeah.
01:38:28Yeah, I'm from Saudi Arabia.
01:38:30Nice, yeah, yeah.
01:38:32I heard a lot of great things about Saudi Arabia, yeah.
01:38:39What did you hear?
01:38:41Is it all about the oil we have?
01:38:43Well, about two, three years ago,
01:38:49when I used to have open Zoom show,
01:38:51I was running for United States Senate in Alaska, okay?
01:38:552022, okay, so yeah, open Zoom show,
01:38:58it's open for everybody,
01:38:59and there's this gentleman from Saudi Arabia, okay?
01:39:03He's an engineer in big oil and gas company
01:39:05in Saudi Arabia, okay?
01:39:07He got this mansion.
01:39:09He's very wealthy man, okay, like maybe millionaire, okay?
01:39:15Oh, very rich, then.
01:39:16Yeah, so engineer in Saudi Arabia, okay?
01:39:19So he gave us a house tour in open Zoom show, okay?
01:39:23He got this private elevator, Saudi Arabia,
01:39:26and this big movie theater in his own house, okay?
01:39:32It was way more luxurious than Donald Trump's house, yeah.
01:39:40That's great.
01:39:41Yeah, yeah.
01:39:45Hunky, what do you think about video games?
01:39:49It can be educational sometimes, maybe, yeah.
01:39:53It can be.
01:39:57Hmm, I think I'm done with questions.
01:40:03Okay, I have one last thing to say.
01:40:05You should stop drinking.
01:40:06We are worried about you.
01:40:08Oh, thank you, thank you.
01:40:09Now, what's your ambition?
01:40:12My ambition?
01:40:15I want to be a nuclear scientist.
01:40:27Nuclear scientist.
01:40:28Yeah, okay, nuclear, okay, very good.
01:40:31Yeah, okay, okay.
01:40:33So you must be good at mathematics and physics.
01:40:38Yeah, I like physics.
01:40:41I also like chemistry.
01:40:42Very cool, very cool.
01:40:44Yeah, nuclear power, nuclear, yeah, it's very cool.
01:40:48Yeah, it's high energy, right?
01:40:50Yeah, yeah, yeah.
01:40:54Very cool.
01:40:56Do you know martial arts?
01:41:00Do you know martial arts?
01:41:03I can't hear you.
01:41:05Do you know martial arts?
01:41:09Oh, yeah, I learned, I'm trying to learn karate.
01:41:16I also want to learn Muay Thai.
01:41:18Muay Thai, okay, kickboxing, fantastic.
01:41:22I'm mighty proud of you, yeah.
01:41:25You will be future leader, yeah.
01:41:29Oh, thank you.
01:41:31But what if I told you that I'm gay?
01:41:34Be straight.
01:41:37I can't be straight.
01:41:40Yeah, just think about it.
01:41:46Okay, I will think about it,
01:41:47and then I'll tell you what I think.
01:41:53Okay, thank you.
01:41:55Oh, God bless you.
01:41:56Well, alhamdulillah, and, you know,
01:42:01alhamdulillah, and, yeah,
01:42:06mighty proud of you, my friend.
01:42:08Yeah, I just learned martial arts and Arabic.
01:42:13Oh, thank you, thank you, yeah.
01:42:14Shukran Ghazalan, shukran Ghazalan, yeah.
01:42:19Okay, goodbye.
01:42:20Yeah, Afwan, yeah, yeah.
01:42:26Fantastic, right, yeah, so.
01:42:31This is what I really like about this time in life, right?
01:42:35We have friends, they're like very young friends,
01:42:38yeah, from all around the world,
01:42:40all different backgrounds, okay,
01:42:42different ambitions, right?
01:42:45Oh, I got the best job in the world, okay,
01:42:51so I'm 46 years old, Asian, male,
01:42:58in Alaska, America, all over places, right?
01:43:03Yeah, but thanks to the social media, right,
01:43:06I get to interact with, have conversation with
01:43:12very young people, very beautiful, ambitious,
01:43:17and very
01:43:28future leaders all around the world, yeah.
01:43:35Best job in the world, okay, so, yeah.
01:43:39Yeah, it's good to be me, okay,
01:43:41I'm being selfish somewhat, okay, but
01:43:44I am blessed by Allah, okay, our God, okay.
01:43:52Absolutely, I am blessed.
01:43:57Yeah, I'm very
01:44:02forgiven, I'm a sinner, I made mistakes,
01:44:07I'm only human, okay, so,
01:44:09but I am blessed by Allah, God, okay, so,
01:44:24Mighty proud of you, young friends.
01:44:31Yeah, you're amazing, okay, so, yeah.
01:44:36Conquer the world with love and peace,
01:44:39martial arts and exercise diet.
01:44:43Yeah, eat vegetables, fruits, very important, okay,
01:44:48healthy diet, huh, yeah, learn to run.
01:44:55Also, I have to tell you this, okay,
01:45:00this is a very important lesson, okay, right.
01:45:06When you go out there camping, hiking, okay,
01:45:11pick up a branch, tree branch, okay,
01:45:15and grind it on this, like, rock,
01:45:21make it sharp, make it a weapon, spear, okay,
01:45:25out there, you know, like,
01:45:32there are bears,
01:45:35mountain lions,
01:45:37maybe crocodiles, depending on where you're at,
01:45:41okay, or snakes, dangerous animals, right.
01:45:48Yeah, you have to learn to make a weapon ancient way,
01:45:52yeah, you pick up a tree branch,
01:45:57sharpen it on this rock, bulldog, okay,
01:46:06now you have a weapon, okay,
01:46:07to fend off bears, mountain lions.
01:46:15I like a moose, they can be very dangerous, too,
01:46:18yeah, they are herbivores, they eat plants,
01:46:21they are vegetarians, okay,
01:46:23but moose, yeah, they can be very dangerous, okay,
01:46:26so, yeah, you have to be very mindful about that,
01:46:32so, my recommendation, yeah, learn martial arts,
01:46:36also learn, legally, shoot a gun, okay,
01:46:40when you go out there, hiking, camping,
01:46:43carry a gun, legally, okay,
01:46:46also, yeah, pick this tree branch, sharpen it,
01:46:51make a spear, okay,
01:46:54now you have a weapon, okay, so,
01:46:57yeah, okay, okay, yeah, let's take a final break, okay,
01:47:04so, let's take time limit in daily motion, yep,
01:47:22okay, daily motion in less reference tonight, okay,
01:47:26yeah, thank you, yep, fantastic, yep,
01:47:29see you tomorrow, yep,
01:47:31we'll get back to mathematics tomorrow, okay, yeah.