Formula-1 2001 R01 Australian Grand Prix

  • 2 days ago
00:00:00Normally excuse the pun, but I noticed down on the grid slot where Michael is there's been a three-way
00:00:08Competition thing involving a winner last year's Williams. There's a lot of rubber on the grid
00:00:13So Michael's got a good slingshot out of that pole position
00:00:16But the pair of them will be very conscious that Mika Hakanen there in third place
00:00:22Is a brilliant start and if they try and choreograph too much that first and indeed the third corners
00:00:28Hakanen will be there. I think to punish them
00:00:30So looking forward to seeing what happens at the start right at the very front
00:00:34and I think mid pack as I said a lot of new drivers in there and
00:00:38It's very high speed the first
00:00:40Section of this lap and you you're away
00:00:43You're soon up to 180 185 miles an hour before you've even reached turn three
00:00:48You've been to 180 miles an hour probably twice already and it is very easy as I know to my own cost
00:00:53To trip over somebody on the first lap of this Grand Prix
00:00:57Yeah, just a reminder about Michael Schumacher not necessarily being a good starter
00:01:02He got punted off twice at the start last year in Germany and Austria. It cost him dear
00:01:07It didn't cost him the world championship in the end
00:01:10But there are so many different things this year and there is one of them Ralph Schumacher
00:01:15In the Williams powered by a brand new BMW engine
00:01:19Which seems to be very very effective indeed and riding on Michelin tires now
00:01:25There's a massive tar war going on
00:01:27Bridgestone have
00:01:28understandably got the whip hand at the present moment because they've had three years experience of the kind of tires that the cars are on
00:01:34Now and you can see the heaters coming off. Yes
00:01:37It's surprisingly hot and muggy out there considering how overcast it is as you pointed out the track temperature already Murray
00:01:43I'm told that the cloud covers only a few hundred meters thick and there should not be any
00:01:49Significant rain, maybe just a little bit of spitting of rain
00:01:52So we're not expecting the weather to interfere too much with this race according to the forecast
00:01:58Anyway, cool thought as he said on the grid is really at least a line out of position
00:02:03He was fastest on all throughout till Saturday morning
00:02:06Fastest again in the warm-up this morning had an appalling qualifying for one reason another mistakes red flags traffic
00:02:13And he's out of position. He's got an interesting
00:02:16Tactical tactical race to run as David Coulthard this I would imagine for all of the key players should be a one-stop
00:02:24It's fractionally fast. I'm sure James Allen's already taking you through this
00:02:27It's fractionally faster as a two-stopper
00:02:31But that relies on no traffic when you're lapping them and no holdups when you're lapping the slower cars and
00:02:38Not getting you need track position here
00:02:40So I think they'll one stop and that puts a lot of pressure on the brakes just look at the heat haze in about
00:02:56Lights in
00:02:58Melbourne and off they go for the parade
00:03:02That the formation left which gives Martin an opportunity to tell you about this magnificent Melbourne
00:03:08Albert Park circuit, that's a very high shot, of course from the helicam there
00:03:13Turn one looks so easy doesn't it sweeping into that turn to
00:03:17The Ferrari is absolutely mighty through there and but they're all fast
00:03:22I've been around for one class for 18 years now
00:03:25and it's a long time since I've gone to a corner and stood back and said
00:03:29Wow, you get used to the speed you become comfortable with the amazing speeds of a Formula One car after a time
00:03:34But I have to say when I was out there with Marky on the first corner and some other corners on Friday
00:03:40Just the arrival speed and turn in and grip and commitment of these latest cars remember despite having the grooved tires
00:03:47There's some 2.6 seconds faster than the fastest ever lap around this racetrack from some time ago with
00:03:55Theoretically much more aerodynamics and much more rubber on the track. The cars are absolutely
00:04:01Superbly fast and committed and that's why you're seeing a lot of drivers make mistakes
00:04:06They're carrying so much speed into the corners if they get it slightly wrong, they're always going to run right
00:04:10They're not going to tippy-toe their way around the corners. They're down now
00:04:14That's a very very long shot to be able to talk too much about the racetrack
00:04:18but into 11 and 12 150 miles an hour and then
00:04:22130 through the second part and immediately straight back up to a hundred and seventy miles an hour before
00:04:28turn 13 there, which is relatively easy good grip around the outside of 13 and
00:04:34And then a difficult 14 you have to trail the throttle you want to get on with it
00:04:39But you have to be patient and then try not to outbrake yourself into the little Mickey Mouse left
00:04:44That is 15 Schumacher's just turning through now
00:04:47try to keep it inside there grab a bit of curb to pluck the front of the car around and
00:04:53Then 16 the final corner very very important. I see on the computer screen
00:04:59investigation involving car 8, which is Jensen Button is
00:05:03Under investigation by the stewards. We have no idea what that could be at the moment
00:05:07Maybe maybe he did not get off the line and has rejoined his grid
00:05:12Position in the queue in the Snape and if so, he will be disqualified
00:05:17So Michael Schumacher on the right of your screen pole position on his right your left Rubens Barrichello
00:05:24Behind Michael Schumacher Micah Hacken and the behind Rubens Barrichello is the yellow Jordan Honda
00:05:29Honda works engine of heights Harold Frenson fifth on the grid the white and blue BMW Williams of Ralph Schumacher and
00:05:37In sixth position. It is David Coulthard as
00:05:41Bernalde driving for his first Grand Prix in the arrows in the background peels into position
00:05:46Incidentally both the Minardi's are in because Tarso Marquez there. He is in the background was given a dispensational
00:05:53They just failed to qualify outside time. So it's ready
00:06:00Go go go go and Schumacher leads brilliant start brilliant start
00:06:06How can he not be the second position Barrichello is down there and Ralph Schumacher?
00:06:11He's up alongside Frenson who takes third position off onto the grass goes. I think it was Montoya
00:06:18But anyway Schumacher leading that's what he wanted
00:06:22He's got a magnificent start and look at Ralph Schumacher fourth position down to fifth place goes Rubens Barrichello
00:06:28Yes, Michael had a blistering start. It was Barrichello that was slow away and held up
00:06:34Held up Coulthard and Frenson. That's Irvine off in turn one. Didn't you have a problem there in turn three rather?
00:06:39He had a problem there last year
00:06:40I think on the first lap of this Grand Prix for Jaguar and then Coulthard getting pinched everybody
00:06:46Caught up behind at Rubens Barrichello if we see a replay, but it's played beautifully into Schumacher's hands
00:06:52But look Hakanen is also there ready to pounce
00:06:56Sensational bit of passing there by Kimi Räikkönen the Finn. He's only 21 years old
00:07:01There he is in the Sauber with the Ferrari engine and it's his first Grand Prix
00:07:07It's only his 24th car race and he's been a sensation in practice
00:07:10But now Michael Schumacher has got a fairly sizable gap between himself and Micah Hakanen
00:07:16With Heinz-Harald Frenson about the same distance behind him. So it's Ferrari
00:07:21McLaren, Jordan, there is Ralf Schumacher, Rubens Barrichello and behind Barrichello is Jarno Trulli in sixth position
00:07:29David Coulthard has lost the place. He's down to seventh position
00:07:32Jack Villeneuve is eighth and here comes Schumacher completing lap one in this 58 lap race
00:07:40It's got a long long way to go. This race is going to last an hour and 30 minutes at least
00:07:46But Michael Schumacher has got it by the throat now
00:07:49Let's just simmer down for a moment and remember what everybody's been saying
00:07:54Reliability is going to be the name of the game in this race
00:07:58You heard Martin saying that in his view neither Ferrari nor McLaren have done a genuine race distance in testing
00:08:05They've both had problems here and they could have problems again because they are all under pressure
00:08:11All the cars now are designed right to the edge of the envelope for performance and the balance with reliability
00:08:19Michael Schumacher led by
00:08:211.2 seconds at the end of the first lap and Micah Hakanen has just done a very quick first sector
00:08:27This circuit like all of them is divided into three sectors each of which are
00:08:33Individually timed and it enables us to tell you exactly what is happening in terms of the gaps as you look at the yellow
00:08:40Jordan in the background
00:08:42Heights Harold Frentzen
00:08:44He has been very cautious about talking about the new Jordan this year
00:08:48but after qualifying he said I can now come out in the open and tell you that this is a
00:08:55Fabulous motor car and it's fabulous
00:08:57We are riding with Frentzen now
00:09:00we are round about coming up to turn 14 and then 16 into the last turn there Murray and
00:09:07Look reasonable grip
00:09:08They did not have to correct the car at all Frentzen's car
00:09:11Working very nicely in these cooler conditions today over the grid hatchings as he head down to turn one the Jones corner about
00:09:18183 184 miles now put the apex on the inside ride the yellow line on the left and just let the car have its head
00:09:25Sweep to the outside and be ready now diagonal the straight for the shortest route down into turn three
00:09:31Don't break too late
00:09:32Otherwise, you'll just understeer wide and it's a bit of no-man's-land air through the car park park of turn four and five and we're now
00:09:39Watching Frentzen from another angle sweeping through five over the curbs
00:09:44Look at Rubens Barrichello. He's he's really flying
00:09:48He's closed up right on the rear wing of heights Harold Frentzen very poor start for Barrichello
00:09:53Remember, he started second on the grid. He's down into fourth place and he's going for it
00:09:58Yes, and they're going to touch their guarantee
00:10:03Barrichello has tremendous speed. He may even be on a lighter fuel
00:10:06And he was just all over the back of that Jordan like a bad suit and he really wasn't quite far enough
00:10:13Up into the inside of turn nine there before I mean Frentzen had to turn in he had no choice
00:10:19Barrichello a bit of a look. Here's the replay and he's coming in from too far away
00:10:23It's already into the turn in zone and well Rubens. That's your fault, but you got away with it
00:10:28Well Rubens Barrichello has improved his position, but he's paid a terrific price in terms of reputation there
00:10:35He won't have done it deliberately, but it's happened
00:10:37And anyway, he is now up into third position can he close on that Mika Hagen and ahead of him?
00:10:43Here is Schumacher and it looks to me as though Hagen and has closed the gap
00:10:47It was 1.2 seconds and over the line
00:10:50They go into turns one and two Barrichello third David Coulthard is up into fourth position
00:10:56From his sixth position on the grid fifth is Riano Trulli and in six places Ralph Schumacher is lost a place
00:11:03Yes, we know I don't know where Ralph Schumacher has had a problem, but surely he has dropped down
00:11:08So that's put Barrichello with that spinning of Frentzen helped very much by the front left wheel of Rubens Barrichello
00:11:15But Barrichello into third David Coulthard then up to fourth and I'd like to see a replay of the start
00:11:22We were so close to a big accident
00:11:24I could see it outside the comedy box window here and quite a lot of the front runners were getting together
00:11:29They managed to just about keep it under control and Hagen and can match Michael Schumacher
00:11:35No doubt about it
00:11:36Hagen and has the car underneath him to at least stay with Schumacher and it has appeared up till now that Ferrari may have a
00:11:43Quarter of a second a third of a second advantage per lap, but at the moment, it's not showing
00:11:48Well as we've seen in the past it is the two rivals up ahead because there's Barrichello
00:11:53Behind Barrichello is David Coulthard. Here's that replay
00:11:56Here's the start look and it needs to be a bit earlier on than that
00:12:00But actually yeah that they it was Barrichello that bundled them all up the Jordans got through
00:12:06Well Montoya we think got pushed off in the first corner, but literally not far away from the grid hatchings
00:12:11They were really getting together and they got away with it. Nicely watching Coulthard through the last turn now currently P4
00:12:18But he is 6.6 seconds down on the leader. Now. We're on to lap five now
00:12:25So what Schumacher and Hagen and there is David Coulthard and I'll tell you the positions
00:12:31Schumacher's leading Hagen and by 1.3 seconds Barrichello is third in Coulthard
00:12:36There he is his fourth. Jarno Trulli is in fifth position ahead of Ralf Schumacher, the top Michelin driver
00:12:42Jack Villeneuve in the BAR is seventh ahead of his teammate Panis. Ninth is Jasper Stappen and the Arrows. Tenth is Nick Heidfeldt
00:12:49Eleventh is Fisichella. Now that's terrific because Fisichella started way down on the grid in 17th position
00:12:56And he's now up into 11th place in the Benetton ahead of Montoya and out goes Ralf Schumacher
00:13:01No rear wing on that Williams of Schumacher's probably after he's connected with the wall
00:13:06But we'll have to wait for a replay
00:13:08did he lose the rear wing first looks almost certain that he lost the car then the rear wing doesn't it give him the
00:13:13dust and
00:13:14The bits and pieces laying all over the place. So Ralf then off the road. Let's have a look
00:13:19Oh big shunt
00:13:21Oh and that's that's the BAR
00:13:23It's Villeneuve
00:13:24I wondered why the marshals were not looking at Schumacher as they ran away. Jack Villeneuve a tremendous crash. Safety car Murray
00:13:31The race will now be controlled by the safety car and Villeneuve there
00:13:36I think it's down in turn three, isn't it where they connect it?
00:13:39It's your turn. He has my piece of gravel there and Villeneuve there connecting very very badly with the wall
00:13:45He should be okay
00:13:46the problem is you do sit on the floor of these cars and it's the floor of the car that hit the wall there for
00:13:53Villeneuve and your backside literally is it just a few millimeters of carbon fiber away from the action there
00:14:00Then so the race is neutralized under the safety car all of these laps count, of course, there's an arrows in the wall there
00:14:07Yeah, I know I noticed that but I think it's been oldest car. Yes
00:14:12It is Enrique Bernal D the Brazilian starting in his first Grand Prix didn't last very long
00:14:17Look at the debris though, you know that corner
00:14:18Well, the problem is with this kind of accident
00:14:21There's a lot of shards of carbon fiber and it's so easy to pick up a puncture just cruising through this sort of crash
00:14:28Zone here and it's so so easy to get it
00:14:31Something very sharp in the tire and have a problem two or three laps down the road now
00:14:36Let me tell you what happens here
00:14:37Let me tell you what caused it first of all, obviously Jack feel no trying to get through on the inside with Ralph Schumacher
00:14:43So out goes the BA are out goes the Williams the safety car has come out the lights on the roof are flashing
00:14:50Everybody has to line up behind it until the debris has been removed from the track and it's judged safe to drive on
00:14:58Again, and then the safety car will turn its lights out and pull into the pit lane
00:15:05On this lap. It's right. Thanks Martin Villeneuve's clear of the car
00:15:09Look, they're just gonna bring the crane in so they know they've got about two and a half minutes of pace behind that safety car
00:15:15they practice with the safety car just like any other car on it, so they know how long it takes and
00:15:20That's good action there to get this race underway might be a touch early. Actually. They've got they've got to clear
00:15:29Let me tell you that no passing is allowed until they have passed the start and finish point on the track
00:15:38Villeneuve is okay. So Villeneuve is out of the car and
00:15:42He's okay
00:15:43I can see on a diamond screen outside the commentary box here a Villeneuve on the back of a motorcycle
00:15:48Recovering to the pit. So is that amazing?
00:15:53Once again
00:15:56Emphasizes how incredibly strong these modern Formula One cars are
00:16:01David Kulthar then up at the fourth place now followed by Jarno Trulli and Olivier Pannis
00:16:07Well, I did say I thought the safety car was coming in a tad early is now a new mess
00:16:10It's a safety car will not come in this lap. There's just a bit too much debris. We'll be back shortly
00:16:16Mika Häkkinen
00:16:18Rubens pari kello
00:16:20David Kulthar
00:16:22Siinä neljän kärkiä. Kaikki tietysti näitä kärkitallin miehiä
00:16:24Jarno Trulli viidentenä Jordanilla
00:16:26Kuudentenä Bar-tallin Olivier Pannis
00:16:28Eli Jacques Villeneuve tallikaveri joutuu nyt
00:16:32Siellä puolustamaan tallinsa mainetta
00:16:34Arrowsilla Jos Verstappen
00:16:38Ja Jos Verstappen samalla kun näemme tässä näitä
00:16:40Auton romuja
00:16:42Näin voi olla
00:16:44Romuja, näin voidaan sanoa
00:16:46Jacques Villeneuve autosta ei ole mitään muuta jäljellä
00:16:48Kun tuo monokokki
00:16:50Mutta kuten tietysti tämäkin kuva osoittaa niin
00:16:52Monokokki on täysin kunnossa
00:16:54Ralf Schumacher käy siinä vähän huolestuneena kattomassa
00:16:56Että mitä siellä oikein on
00:16:58Villeneuven auton sisällä tapahtunut
00:17:00Onko polkimet esimerkiksi samassa järjestyksessä
00:17:02Kun ne oli lähtiessä
00:17:04Toisaalta mistähän tietää missä järjestyksessä ne edes oli lähtiessä
00:17:06Verstappen siis seitsemäntenä
00:17:08Kimin tallikaveri
00:17:10Nick Heidfeld kahdeksantena
00:17:12Benetton kuljettaja Gian Carlo
00:17:14Fisi kella yhdeksäntänä
00:17:16Kymmenentenä Juan Pablo Montoya
00:17:18Yhdestoista Jenson Button
00:17:20Kaadentänätoista Gian Alesi
00:17:22Kimi Reikkönen ajaa siinä Alesiin perässä edelleen
00:17:24On kolmantena toista
00:17:26Heinz Harald Frenzén neljäntenätoista
00:17:28Viidentänätoista Luciano Burtti
00:17:30Kuudentänätoista Fernando Alonso
00:17:32Ja perää pitää tällä hetkellä
00:17:34Edi Öhwain
00:17:36Seitsemännelatoista tilalla
00:17:38Ja siinä oli muuten Enrique Bernoldin auto
00:17:40Voihan sitä tuollastakin pyörähdykseksi kutsua
00:17:42Tässä ei enää pyörähdellä vaan tässä kuvassa pyörääillään
00:17:44Sellaisia tietoja tuosta Villnöövin tilanteesta
00:17:46Että hänet on mahdollisesti nähty myös kootterin päällä
00:17:48Eli sehän kertoo siitä että mitään vakavaa ei ole tapahtunut
00:17:50Mutta tämä nyt on vielä vahvistamatonta tietoa
00:17:52Toivotaan että pitää kuitenkin paikkansa
00:17:54Joo kyllähän se tietysti
00:17:56Mutta en näe että Jyrki on sieltä Texasista käsin
00:17:58Valtamereen Helsingissä
00:18:00Valtamereen Helsingissä
00:18:02Valtamereen Helsingissä
00:18:04Valtamereen Helsingissä
00:18:06Valtamereen Helsingissä
00:18:08Valtamereen Helsingistä päin katsottuna
00:18:10Valtamereen toisella puoleen
00:18:12Kertoi että jossain kuvissa
00:18:14Oli vähän vilattanut että Villnöö olisi
00:18:16Omin voimin sieltä autosta tullut pois
00:18:18Mikä luonnollisesti on se tärkein asia
00:18:20Viisi kuljettajaa on poissa pelistä
00:18:22Eikä tätä kilpaa ole ajettu
00:18:24Kuin kuusi kierrosta täyteen ja niistäkin pari
00:18:26On vedetty turvauton perässä
00:18:28Ralf Suumaher siis keskeytti niin kuin
00:18:30Teki myös Jacques Villnöö
00:18:32Tarso Marquesin
00:18:34Tilanne on se että hänkin
00:18:36On pysähtynyt tuonne radalle
00:18:38Ja ilmeisesti myöskin keskeyttänyt
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00:26:00Valtamereen Helsingissä
00:26:02Valtamereen Helsingissä
00:26:04Valtamereen Helsingissä
00:26:06Well, let us hope that that is not the case
00:26:10Although I fear it may be
00:26:12Because of the way the cars are out on the track
00:26:15Meantime, of course, there is the confirmation
00:26:17There is a problem of some kind there
00:26:21And we're going to leave Melbourne for a couple of minutes
00:26:25The door is open and there are bars and everything
00:26:28So it's not like there's been a train watchman or a ticket man
00:26:31So it's not like there's been a train watchman or a ticket man
00:26:33So it's not like that, of course, as soon as
00:26:35So it's not like that, of course, as soon as
00:26:36So it's not like that, of course, as soon as
00:26:37So it's not like that, of course, as soon as
00:26:38So it's not like that, of course, as soon as
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00:26:42So it's not like that, of course, as soon as
00:26:43So it's not like that, of course, as soon as
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00:26:45So it's not like that, of course, as soon as
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00:26:49So it's not like that, of course, as soon as
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00:28:52So it's not like that, of course, as soon as
00:28:53So it's not like that, of course, as soon as
00:28:54So it's not like that, of course, as soon as
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00:41:59So it's been running for nearly 15 minutes and
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00:42:01So it's been running for nearly 15 minutes and
00:42:02So it's been running for nearly 15 minutes and
00:42:03So it's been running for nearly 15 minutes and
00:42:04So it's been running for nearly 15 minutes and
00:42:05So it's been running for nearly 15 minutes and
00:42:06So it's been running for nearly 15 minutes and
00:42:07So it's been running for nearly 15 minutes and
00:42:08So it's been running for nearly 15 minutes and
00:42:09So it's been running for nearly 15 minutes and
00:42:10So it's been running for nearly 15 minutes and
00:42:11So it's been running for nearly 15 minutes and
00:42:12So it's been running for nearly 15 minutes and
00:42:13So it's been running for nearly 15 minutes and
00:42:14So it's been running for nearly 15 minutes and
00:42:15So it's been running for nearly 15 minutes and
00:42:16So it's been running for nearly 15 minutes and
00:42:17So it's been running for nearly 15 minutes and
00:42:18So it's been running for nearly 15 minutes and
00:42:19So it's been running for nearly 15 minutes and
00:42:20So it's been running for nearly 15 minutes and
00:42:21So it's been running for nearly 15 minutes and
00:42:22So it's been running for nearly 15 minutes and
00:42:23So it's been running for nearly 15 minutes and
00:42:24So it's been running for nearly 15 minutes and
00:42:25So it's been running for nearly 15 minutes and
00:42:26So it's been running for nearly 15 minutes and
00:42:27So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:42:28So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:42:29So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:42:30So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:42:31So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:42:32So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:42:33So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:42:34So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:42:35So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:42:36So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:42:37So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:42:38So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:42:39So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:42:40So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:42:41So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:42:42So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:42:43So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:42:44So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:42:45So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:42:46So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:42:47So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:42:48So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:42:49So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:42:50So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:42:51So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:42:52So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:42:53So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:42:54So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:42:55So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:42:56So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:42:57So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:42:58So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:42:59So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:43:00So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:43:01So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:43:02So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:43:03So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:43:04So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:43:05So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:43:06So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:43:07So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:43:08So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:43:09So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:43:10So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:43:11So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:43:12So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:43:13So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:43:14So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:43:15So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:43:16So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:43:17So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:43:18So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:43:19So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:43:20So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:43:21So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:43:22So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:43:23So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:43:24So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:43:25So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:43:26So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:43:27So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:43:28So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:43:29So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:43:30So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:43:31So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:43:32So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:43:33So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:43:34So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:43:35So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:43:36So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:43:37So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:43:38So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:43:39So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:43:40So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:43:41So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:43:42So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:43:43So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:43:44So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:43:45So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:43:46So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:43:47So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:43:48So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:43:49So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:43:50So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:43:51So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:43:52So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:43:53So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:43:54So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:43:55So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:43:56So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:43:57So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:43:58So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:43:59So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:44:00So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:44:01So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:44:02So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:44:03So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:44:04So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:44:05So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:44:06So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:44:07So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:44:08So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:44:09So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:44:10So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:44:11So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:44:12So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:44:13So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:44:14So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:44:15So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:44:16So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:44:17So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:44:18So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:44:19So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:44:20So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:44:21So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:44:22So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:44:23So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:44:24So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:44:25So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:44:26So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:44:27So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:44:28So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:44:29So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:44:30So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:44:31So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:44:32So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:44:33So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:44:34So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:44:35So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:44:36So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:44:37So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:44:38So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:44:39So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:44:40So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:44:41So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:44:42So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:44:43So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:44:44So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:44:45So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:44:46So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:44:47So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:44:48So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:44:49So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:44:50So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:44:51So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:44:52So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:44:53So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:44:54So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:44:55So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:44:56So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:44:57So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:44:58So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:44:59So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:45:00So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:45:01So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:45:02So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:45:03So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:45:04So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:45:05So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:45:06So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:45:07So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:45:08So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:45:09So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:45:10So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:45:11So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:45:12So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:45:13So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:45:14So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:45:15So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:45:16So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:45:17So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:45:18So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:45:19So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:45:20So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:45:21So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:45:22So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:45:23So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:45:24So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:45:25So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:45:26So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:45:27So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:45:28So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:45:29So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:45:30So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:45:31So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:45:32So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:45:33So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:45:34So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:45:35So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:45:36So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:45:37So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:45:38So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:45:39So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:45:40So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:45:41So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:45:42So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:45:43So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:45:44So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:45:45So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:45:46So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:45:47So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:45:48So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:45:49So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:45:50So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:45:51So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:45:52So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:45:53So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:45:54So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:45:55So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:45:56So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:45:57So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:45:58So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:45:59So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:46:00So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:46:01So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:46:02So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:46:03So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:46:04So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:46:05So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:46:06So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:46:07So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:46:08So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:46:09So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:46:10So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:46:11So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:46:12So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:46:13So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:46:14So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:46:15So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:46:16So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:46:17So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:46:18So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:46:19So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:46:20So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:46:21So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:46:22So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:46:23So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:46:24So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:46:25So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:46:26So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:46:27So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:46:28So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:46:29So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:46:30So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:46:31So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:46:32So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:46:33So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:46:34So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:46:35So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:46:36So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:46:37So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:46:38So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:46:39So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:46:40So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:46:41So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:46:42So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:46:43So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:46:44So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:46:45So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:46:46So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:46:47So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:46:48So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:46:49So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:46:50So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:46:51So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:46:52So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:46:53So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:46:54So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:46:55So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:46:56So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:46:57So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:46:58So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:46:59So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:47:00So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:47:01So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:47:02So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:47:03So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:47:04So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:47:05So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:47:06So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:47:07So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:47:08So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:47:09So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:47:10So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:47:11So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:47:12So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:47:13So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:47:14So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:47:15So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:47:16So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:47:17So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:47:18So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:47:19So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:47:20So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:47:21So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:47:22So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:47:23So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:47:24So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:47:25So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:47:26So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:47:27So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:47:28So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:47:29So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:47:30So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:47:31So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:47:32So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:47:33So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:47:34So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:47:35So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:47:36So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:47:37So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:47:38So it's two McLarens, two Ferraris as before, coming
00:47:39A late stop would be round about lap 38, we're on lap 20 at the present moment, with therefore
00:47:4538 laps to go. Michael Schumacher is continuing to increase his pace, he's just gone faster
00:47:52than ever in the first sector, as we look at Nick Heidfeldt being pursued by Montoya.
00:47:59So Heidfeldt in the Sauber Ferrari, in thou way with Montoya. Martin, talk us through.
00:48:07He's hanging on for grim death, I'm wincing here, watching Montoya trying to get to grips
00:48:11with that car, on the way out of 10 and 11, and you've got to look for a tiny little piece
00:48:15of kerb, there it is, look, and it's so difficult to see at 150 miles now, it's a real yahoo
00:48:20on the exit. A lot of people had some 360s coming out of there, a spot of water on Montoya's
00:48:25camera there, probably coming off of the back of Heidfeldt's car. We don't see any signs
00:48:30of rain outside, and now back on board with Michael Schumacher, and wow, we're moving
00:48:35around the place today. Jenson Button is recovering, unfortunately he's down there in last place.
00:48:43Lap 22, Michael Schumacher leads Micah Hackenham by 2.4, an ever-increasing gap. Rubens Barrichello
00:48:50is 2.8 seconds behind Hackenham, and David Coulthard, fourth, is 2.3 seconds behind Barrichello.
00:48:57Jarno Trulli, fifth position, nearly five seconds behind Coulthard, Olivier Panis completes
00:49:02the top, points, scoring sixth. 1.3 seconds behind Trulli, 14 seconds covers the first
00:49:10six. Nick Heidfeldt will find seventh, Montoya, as you've just seen, is eighth, Fittich Keller
00:49:15is ninth, Kimi Räikkönen is tenth, and Frentzen is now up to eleventh. Luciano Berti is twelfth
00:49:22ahead of Alessi, Eddie Irvine is fourteenth, and Fernando Alonso in the Minardi still running.
00:49:29Sixteenth is Jos Verstappen, and Jenson Button has dropped right to the rear of the field
00:49:35in the Benetton. Now you can see visually as they go past the powerhouse, approaching
00:49:41Turn 13, the gap between Schumacher and Häkkinen, and we will be back soon.
00:50:12Rubens' time is 7.2 seconds, so four seconds behind Häkkinen, David Coulthard eight and a half
00:50:20ahead, one and a half ahead of Barrichello, so that's also a good battle, or actually
00:50:25not a good battle at the moment, being in the hottest of hands, but from the bronze position
00:50:30it's going to be a good battle, and according to this it's going to be a really good battle
00:50:34between Schumacher and Häkkinen, if the difference is that small, but I believe that
00:50:38the picture, either the picture is lying, or I see it wrong again, that's also what happened
00:50:43during this weekend. Antti Haajanen, in the Varrikko area, is there any
00:50:49whistle in the form of Varrikko stops?
00:50:54Well, it doesn't seem like it, at least at the moment it's a very calm atmosphere,
00:50:58one McLaren guy in the pitlane, but at least we're still calm, of course everyone is
00:51:04in a good position, Salomon is fast, so of course it's a real battle, it's good that
00:51:09there haven't been any technical problems with McLaren, for example Ron Dennis, after the
00:51:14warm-up, confirmed that the cars in the pitlane are very reliable, but in the morning
00:51:18it was suspected that the fastest guy in the warm-up, David Coulthard's car, had an oil leak
00:51:23in the engine, but it was apparently a useless suspicion, and so everything seems good
00:51:27for McLaren and Mika Häkkinen.
00:51:31There was quite a lot of talk before the start of the season about these technical
00:51:35problems between the two top drivers, not top drivers, but top teams.
00:51:39The difference is now 3.4 seconds between the top two, so it will be a little more.
00:51:45In the free practice, one engine blew out on Ferrari, starting from a couple of o'clock car.
00:51:51In what way, Antti, do you have any information, how this has affected the team's personnel
00:51:58at the start of the season, that before the start of the season there were technical problems
00:52:02and now here it has gone relatively well, except for Ferrari, who now has the one engine.
00:52:06Well, when it goes well, of course it's satisfying.
00:52:10I don't doubt that.
00:52:28is nearly 5 seconds behind Mika Häkkinen, but still ahead of David Coulthard,
00:52:33who doesn't seem to be able to do anything about the Brazilian in front of him.
00:52:37And as we expected, the battle for the 5th and 6th remaining points,
00:52:42scoring positions, with the removal of Ralf Schumacher in the Williams BFW,
00:52:47are between a Jordan driver and a BAR driver.
00:52:51They're both powered by the works Honda engine, and in 5th place at the moment,
00:52:55it's Jarno Trulli, but Trulli's last lap was in 1'31.1".
00:53:01Michael Schumacher's last lap was 1'29.3".
00:53:05He's just completed the fastest lap of the race.
00:53:08He is really on it, is Michael.
00:53:11He is inexorably increasing his lead, lap by lap.
00:53:15It's 4.3 seconds now.
00:53:17Olivier Panis, with his teammate Jacques Villeneuve out of the race,
00:53:21looks as though he's likely to be the only BAR point scoring driver here,
00:53:26provided he finishes the race, and we've still got 34 laps to go.
00:53:30He is in 6th position.
00:53:32And Nick Heidfeld is lapping in the Sauber,
00:53:352 seconds behind Panis at almost exactly the same time and speed.
00:53:41The times between the cars from 5th position down to 8th position
00:53:47are very, very close indeed.
00:53:501'31.1", Trulli.
00:53:52And there's Raikkonen.
00:53:54Raikkonen passing Fisichella for 9th place.
00:53:56A nice, clean move.
00:53:58And Frentzen lining himself up.
00:54:00Remember, Frentzen recovering from a spin in turn 9
00:54:03that he was very much helped into early in the race
00:54:06by, obviously, some kind of problem then for Fisichella
00:54:10because that's not a normal overtaking place.
00:54:13I was getting ready to wince there again,
00:54:15but Frentzen then recovering from that spin.
00:54:18In this corner, he's coming into now,
00:54:20when Barrichello pushed him off early in the race.
00:54:22I don't know, Martin, but I suspect the problem is
00:54:26that Fisichella, like Button, is dramatically down on time.
00:54:29He sounds like he's got a couple of cylinders missing there, actually.
00:54:32The engine's sick, so he'll be in the pits soon.
00:54:35This being the first Grand Prix for the new Renault engine.
00:54:39James Allen, what's the news?
00:54:41Well, Murray, you really need a computer to work this one out
00:54:43rather than a pen and paper, which is what I've got down here.
00:54:45But I reckon they've saved around 32 kilos of fuel
00:54:48due to that safety car period,
00:54:50and that's about 10 laps worth of fuel.
00:54:52So that means that the one-stoppers,
00:54:54who I expected to see around about lap 35,
00:54:57they can run as long as 45 if they want to.
00:54:59But bear in mind, they'll be on a set of tyres
00:55:01which, although they've been driven very softly for 10 laps,
00:55:04they have nevertheless done 45 laps.
00:55:06I reckon most of them are starting with about 109 kilos
00:55:09and will be coming in for a splash and dash, literally.
00:55:11It's going to be a sprint to the finish,
00:55:13and in an ideal world for Ferrari,
00:55:15I think they would love to come in the same lap as Hakkinen.
00:55:17Hakkinen may have other ideas on that, though.
00:55:20Yeah, I think they were under the safety car
00:55:22probably a full 11 laps in the engine.
00:55:24It would be surprising if they saved 10 laps worth of fuel
00:55:27in a simple car dealer,
00:55:28but that seems a little bit too many to me.
00:55:30But nonetheless, they're going to be well into the lap 40s,
00:55:34those that are one-stopping, as you rightly say.
00:55:38Right, well, we'll see.
00:55:40We're on lap 25 at the present moment,
00:55:42and the one thing I'm absolutely sure of
00:55:45is that if Michael Schumacher keeps going the way he is going
00:55:49and the Ferrari proves to be reliable,
00:55:52he's going to be winning this Australian Grand Prix
00:55:54for the second year in succession.
00:55:56And out goes Mika Hakkinen from second position.
00:56:01Now, I'm just trying to spot where that is.
00:56:04He's obviously gone heavily into the tar wall.
00:56:06He's obviously perfectly all right from the way he's walking away,
00:56:09but this is another bad, bad, bad Australian Grand Prix
00:56:13for the McLaren team.
00:56:14It's not reliability this time.
00:56:16It's either a driver problem, just overdoing it,
00:56:20or a car problem.
00:56:22Well, we'll find out later on.
00:56:24But now, David Coulthard is up into third place.
00:56:27Here it is.
00:56:28Oh, he's arrived at the corner backwards, obviously,
00:56:32and gone into...
00:56:33I would imagine those tyres...
00:56:34No wonder he was looking a bit sore as he was wandering away.
00:56:37Those tyres would have come into the cockpit,
00:56:39so Hakkinen completely out of shape,
00:56:42and I hope they're not going to bring that digger on the track
00:56:45while the cars are coming in there flat out.
00:56:48It'll be covered under double yellows,
00:56:50and I wonder if they need to have the safety car for that one.
00:56:54But double yellows means workers on the track slow down.
00:56:58It's the responsibility of the driver to slow down
00:57:02when he's got double-waved yellows, and they should be doing that.
00:57:06The sector times, and remember,
00:57:08they've got loops every couple of hundred metres.
00:57:11Hakkinen quite a long way off the road there,
00:57:14but quite clearly there's a bit of rear wing hanging around there,
00:57:18but I wonder where the rest of it is.
00:57:20So I wonder if Hakkinen arrived into that corner quite clearly.
00:57:24He didn't lose it in the corner, not a driving error.
00:57:26He was well out of corner.
00:57:27He arrived in the corner backwards.
00:57:29So just a guess,
00:57:30he may have been minus a bit of rear downforce when he arrived.
00:57:34Well, Michael Schumacher's lead now over his teammate.
00:57:37We've got a reproduction of the year 2000,
00:57:41because there is Rubens Barrichello,
00:57:44with David Coulthard almost breathing down his exhaust pipe.
00:57:48One second behind the Ferrari,
00:57:50but Rubens Barrichello is ten and a half seconds behind Michael Schumacher.
00:57:55Ferrari leads, Ferrari second.
00:57:57McLaren third.
00:57:58Up to fourth place comes Jarno Trulli.
00:58:00Up to fifth place comes Olivier Pannis.
00:58:03To sixth position comes Nick Heidfeld.
00:58:06Now, I've said one or two harsh things about Sauber over the winter,
00:58:11but Heidfeld is driving a magnificent race.
00:58:15The young German, who has been the McLaren test driver in the past,
00:58:20and last year drove for the Prost team,
00:58:23who had an awful motorcar,
00:58:25is reveling in the new Sauber.
00:58:27It handles extremely well.
00:58:29It's got a Ferrari engine.
00:58:30He's in the points.
00:58:32I remind myself that Micka Salo, driving for Sauber,
00:58:36has finished in the points in the past,
00:58:38in Australia, in the first race.
00:58:41And traditionally, in the past, Sauber have started well,
00:58:44failed to develop the car enough,
00:58:46and have tailed off in the later races of the season.
00:58:49Let's hope that doesn't happen this year,
00:58:51because the car is looking good.
00:58:53And you can see now, David Coulthard there,
00:58:56the Flying Scot,
00:58:58trying to close on Rubens Barrichello in front of him,
00:59:01as we watch Fisichella, last,
00:59:04being caught and being about to be lapped in the Benetton by that man,
00:59:09Michael Schumacher-Ferrari,
00:59:11who is on his 29th lap out of 58,
00:59:14leading Rubens Barrichello by 9.7 seconds.
00:59:18Yes, Fisichella's 13 seconds a lap off the pace.
00:59:21You can hear why.
00:59:22There he goes.
00:59:24Obviously, Benetton desperately trying to get as many laps under their belt as they can,
00:59:27so they can learn something else before the engine lets go.
00:59:30I can't see a lot of point in myself when you're 13 seconds off the pace.
00:59:33And if it does lunge itself,
00:59:35it's going to spill an awful lot of bits and oil on the racetrack.
00:59:39Michael Schumacher goes flying past Giancarlo Fisichella,
00:59:43who got a tongue-lashing from Flavio Briatore,
00:59:47the Benetton team boss, last year.
00:59:51The implication being that Briatore thought that Fisichella wasn't trying hard enough.
00:59:55And this year, he's got young Jenson Button against him in the team.
00:59:59Button down at the bottom of it, 15th position.
01:00:03Curiously, Michael Schumacher, having been setting a lot of 1 minute 29, low 29s,
01:00:08slipped back into the late 1 minute 30s.
01:00:11He's now only the fourth fastest man on the track.
01:00:15That was last time around, so that doesn't include this lap,
01:00:19where he was having to pass Fisichella.
01:00:21Fisichella getting out of the way pretty quickly anyway.
01:00:23Let's see what it's like this time.
01:00:28There's all sorts of engine noises coming in.
01:00:31Oh, what's he waving about?
01:00:33Does his engine sound a little bit rough?
01:00:35I keep wondering if I'm hearing...
01:00:37He's going wide, isn't he?
01:00:38Oh, he just hooked it up.
01:00:40He was waving his hand above his helmet,
01:00:44almost into the air intake above his head, to the engine.
01:00:48I suspect you could be right, Martin.
01:00:51That was a 1.30.0, that lap.
01:00:54I'm wondering if he's got a radio communication problem or something.
01:00:58Normally, that...
01:01:00Well, Barrichello has got the gap down.
01:01:03He's only a couple of tenths of a second faster than Michael Schumacher,
01:01:08but he's done it.
01:01:09We're on lap 30 now, 28 laps to go for the first Grand Prix of 2001
01:01:15here at Melbourne, Australia.
01:01:18The weather conditions have...
01:01:19We were expecting the sun to come burning through.
01:01:23It has failed to do so.
01:01:24The track temperature remains the same.
01:01:26David Coulthard still on the tail of Rubens Barrichello,
01:01:30but with enough car distance between the two of them
01:01:33not to be able to make a challenge.
01:01:35As Barrichello flies round the outside of Fisichella,
01:01:39David Coulthard is held up momentarily,
01:01:41but gets through on the inside,
01:01:43waves his hand at Fisichella.
01:01:45Whether that was in acknowledgement or irritation, I don't know.
01:01:48Irritation. He held him up quite badly.
01:01:50So he was hooking up nicely there with Barrichello,
01:01:53and Fisichella elected to park in the middle of that tricky chicane.
01:01:57But anyway, he had to be somewhere.
01:01:58He can't just evaporate.
01:02:00And Coulthard letting him know he wasn't impressed.
01:02:02But meanwhile, Barrichello, as you said, 9.4 seconds.
01:02:05Now Michael's back down in the low 29s again,
01:02:08so suddenly he's found his original pace back.
01:02:12James, what do you think?
01:02:13Well, the lap where he backed off,
01:02:15it was because as he came across the start-finish line,
01:02:17Ross Brawn, the team's technical director,
01:02:19had come off onto the side of the pit wall
01:02:21to take a close look at the car,
01:02:23and Michael came near to him
01:02:24so that Ross could take a good look.
01:02:26And it seems that they're happy,
01:02:28and they've told Michael to get back on the gas again.
01:02:30It might have been something to do with Coulthard being unhappy with the tyres
01:02:33or a piece of aerodynamic work,
01:02:35but anyway, Ross is happy.
01:02:37Michael's back on it.
01:02:38And I can look down into the pit lane
01:02:40and see a despondent Micka Hakkinen walking in.
01:02:44We're on lap 31 now.
01:02:46Michael Schumacher 9.7 seconds ahead of Rubens Barrichello.
01:02:51Now, there is Micka Hakkinen.
01:02:53Now, who is doing particularly well in the places behind Michael Schumacher?
01:02:59Well, the answer is Nick Heidfeld.
01:03:01He's in 6th place in the...
01:03:05Nick Heidfeld in the Sauber.
01:03:06Montoya is almost up into the points.
01:03:09He's in 7th position in his first Grand Prix for Williams.
01:03:12Kimi Räikkönen is in 6th position,
01:03:15so the Saubers are 6th and 8th.
01:03:17Heinz-Harald Frentzen is closing on Kimi Räikkönen
01:03:21at the rate of about four-tenths of a second a lap.
01:03:24He's in 9th place and is 1.7 seconds behind the fifth.
01:03:30Luciano Berti in the Jaguar is in 10th position ahead of Jean Alési.
01:03:35Eddie Irvine is 12th,
01:03:37and Fernando Alonso in the Minardi is still running,
01:03:40looking good for a race finish.
01:03:42So a new fastest lap then for Michael Schumacher, 29.0.
01:03:45Barrichello and Coulthard seconded at 29.3,
01:03:48one minute 29.4.
01:03:50Now, the only reason you make signals like that to your team
01:03:53are either your radio has failed
01:03:55or you don't want to pass information over that radio
01:03:58because other teams, despite encryption,
01:04:01may be able to hear what's going on.
01:04:04But I know Ferrari have got a very, very good digital system.
01:04:07I'm surprised they're nervous about security.
01:04:10But nonetheless, Schumacher,
01:04:11clearly some kind of prearranged signal there
01:04:14that maybe only Ross Brawn understands.
01:04:16I was going to say,
01:04:17so what does flapping your hand about over the helmet mean?
01:04:20I don't know.
01:04:22Anyway, it doesn't seem to be affecting him.
01:04:24The gap is now up to over 10 seconds.
01:04:27But David Coulthard is on a charge.
01:04:29He's just done the first sector fastest of all.
01:04:32No change in the first six.
01:04:35And it's fairly well spread out now,
01:04:38all the way down the field.
01:04:40The closest battle that we've got at the present moment
01:04:42is that John Alessi in 11th place
01:04:45is just eight-tenths of a second behind
01:04:47Luciano Berti's 10th-placed Jaguar
01:04:51and is not actually closing on it
01:04:55because their lap times are virtually identical.
01:04:58Look at the lines of the Ferrari.
01:05:00Look at the lines of any of them,
01:05:02and you'll see differences this year
01:05:04because of the aerodynamic changes.
01:05:06As Olivier Pannis surges past Jarno Trulli
01:05:10and moves up into fourth place.
01:05:12Too easy. He's got a problem.
01:05:15Well, that won't worry Pannis.
01:05:18He's got the Honda engine.
01:05:20There's terrific rivalry between the BAR and the Jordan team.
01:05:24Yes, you're absolutely right
01:05:26because there is Nick Heidfeldt in the Sauber
01:05:29closing up on the Jordan to go through
01:05:33as Olivier Pannis has done.
01:05:35And he's just done it.
01:05:36So Nick Heidfeldt moves up from 6th to 5th.
01:05:40Pannis moves up from 5th to 4th.
01:05:42I was saying that there is terrific rivalry
01:05:45between the BAR and the Jordan teams this year
01:05:48because they're both vying for the attention
01:05:51as now Montoya goes past.
01:05:55So the Jordan is now out of the points altogether.
01:06:00And Heinz-Harald Fredsen in the other one
01:06:02is in ninth position.
01:06:05Well, he's lapping faster than anybody else
01:06:08apart from the first three people.
01:06:10So Fredsen is going to start closing up through the field.
01:06:13He's closing up on Kimi Räikkönen now
01:06:16as we ride with Juan Montoya from Colombia
01:06:21in the BMW Williams.
01:06:24Listen to that engine.
01:06:26We're talking about over 18,000 rpm in qualifying,
01:06:30well over 17,000 in the race.
01:06:33Puts down a couple of gears.
01:06:35Group 12.
01:06:37And the Montoya now just one place away
01:06:40from the World Championship points
01:06:42on his first ever Grand Prix.
01:06:44And a good solid drive from him.
01:06:45He's fighting the back end of that car
01:06:47on quite a lot of corners of the lap.
01:06:51Group 14 then.
01:06:52And this is a frustrating little corner.
01:06:54Always seems slower than it really needs to be
01:06:56but you can't attack it until the exit.
01:06:58And that's Coulthard taking Barrichello.
01:07:01Coulthard up into second place.
01:07:02Just got to keep a tight line through four.
01:07:04And that is a clear pass then it would seem
01:07:07from Coulthard to take that second place.
01:07:09He was about a tenth or two quicker on the previous lap.
01:07:12Maybe Barrichello had a small mistake somewhere.
01:07:15Hopefully we'll be able to see that.
01:07:16But Coulthard then easing away in second place.
01:07:20Well, people have said in the past
01:07:22that David Coulthard is too nice to be aggressive.
01:07:26Yes, he is nice but he's not too nice to be aggressive.
01:07:29He showed that in the French Grand Prix last year.
01:07:32Now here's a replay.
01:07:35That's a good one.
01:07:36Round the outside.
01:07:37That's round the outside into three, of course.
01:07:40And then giving him a squeeze.
01:07:41He does like to beat up on a Ferrari
01:07:43when he gets half a chance, doesn't he, David Coulthard?
01:07:45And that was a sweet pass.
01:07:48And look at the gap he's pulled out already.
01:07:51I was saying he showed in the French Grand Prix last year
01:07:54when he won brilliantly by catching and passing
01:07:57Michael Schumacher and being very, very aggressive indeed.
01:08:02And that was what David, I think, regards as the best race of his life.
01:08:06He was very, very happy with that one and rightly so.
01:08:09And he can be very happy with that passing move now
01:08:12and the fact that he's pulling away from Rubens Barrichello.
01:08:16But Michael Schumacher, if there was a message there, has got it.
01:08:20He's just made the fastest lap of the race.
01:08:221 minute 28.2, which is 2.3 seconds faster
01:08:27than the previous lap record held by Heinz-Harald Frentzen
01:08:31in 1997 in the Williams.
01:08:34So that's another indication of the fact that the new tyres
01:08:39are making an enormous difference to performance here
01:08:42and will make an enormous difference everywhere else this year.
01:08:46Schumacher leading, Coulthard second, Barrichello third,
01:08:49Paddish fourth, Heidfeld fifth, Montoya now in the points
01:08:54and Raikkonen is in seventh place.
01:08:58Frentzen eighth, Bertin ninth, Alessi tenth
01:09:02and still 15 cars out of the original 22 are running.
01:09:06Fisichella is last. No, he's not, but Jenson Buck is.
01:09:11So Benetton with their team reorganisation, new tyres,
01:09:15a lot of new people there, the new Renault engine.
01:09:18I've always said that they're working towards 2002 rather than 2001
01:09:24and they're doing their car development in public
01:09:27but it's pretty painful for them at the present moment.
01:09:30Retirements, Mika Hakkinen as a result of that massive off
01:09:35from which he walked away. We still don't know the reason
01:09:38but we'll let you know as soon as we do.
01:09:40Ralf Schumacher's collision with Jacques Villeneuve
01:09:43so there have been three big ones already.
01:09:46Tarso Marquez out in the Minardi, Enrique Benoldi out in the Arrows,
01:09:51Mats Sakkani out in the Prost.
01:09:54We're out because we're leaving you, but of course we will be coming back.
01:10:00American Racing's driver is doing a great job.
01:10:04He came back to the Grand Prix tracks
01:10:06as McLaren's test driver last year.
01:10:11Here you can see Miha Schumacher and David Coulthard's difference of 15.1 seconds.
01:10:17Now it's interesting to look at the lap times
01:10:21between these two drivers.
01:10:24Will Coulthard make it to the Summits after he overtook the Summits team mate
01:10:29by a couple of hours in the previous lap?
01:10:33Coulthard's difference of 2.10 seconds.
01:10:38But because it's over 15 seconds,
01:10:41you need a lot of laps of 2.10 seconds before you're stuck in the gearbox.
01:10:46Nowadays in Formula 1 overtaking doesn't happen by snapping your fingers.
01:10:5236 laps to go.
01:10:56That's a lot of laps already.
01:10:59Remember that it's a question of 58 laps,
01:11:02so we'll have to wait and see what happens.
01:11:06Miha Schumacher is in a pretty safe position.
01:11:1115.6 seconds,
01:11:15which means that the Summits team mate
01:11:18overtook him by 0.5 seconds.
01:11:21That's a big difference.
01:11:24It's probably easier for the team to tackle the Summits team mate
01:11:28than the difference of 2.10 seconds.
01:11:31We'll have to wait and see what happens.
01:11:36I don't know what Schumacher said in the previous session,
01:11:41if they have any problems or what's going on.
01:11:44Is he giving too much gas?
01:11:47But he's checking a lot.
01:11:50He's checking and studying
01:11:53and thinking about what to do for the rest of the race.
01:11:56It's easier for the team mate to tackle the Summits team mate
01:11:59and go through the rest of the race.
01:12:02Kimi Räikkönen's first stop for the team.
01:12:05The best time in F1 history.
01:12:07And now it's over.
01:12:09Kimi Räikkönen is dropping to 9th place.
01:12:13He's dropping to 10th place.
01:12:15Fisi Kelle has also managed to do it.
01:12:18Fisi Kelle hasn't dropped to the farthest place.
01:12:21Kimi Räikkönen is in 9th place.
01:12:24Back in Melbourne, Michael Schumacher
01:12:27touring into the pit lane for his entire stop.
01:12:31He was leading David Coulthard by 15.6 seconds.
01:12:35It's James!
01:12:36Yes, Schumacher comes in for his one and only stop here today.
01:12:39And I'm talking to the Ferrari mechanics.
01:12:41They've done all-nighters Friday and Saturday night.
01:12:43They're absolutely exhausted.
01:12:45They were expecting to be asleep today,
01:12:46but it's been such a gripping race
01:12:48as Schumacher exits the pits after 10.7 seconds stationary time.
01:12:51Super pit stop by them.
01:12:53They obviously are not asleep today.
01:12:55So David Coulthard now leads the Australian Grand Prix
01:12:59with Rubens Barrichello in 2nd position
01:13:02as Michael Schumacher goes out in 3rd position.
01:13:06Goes out of the pit lane, I mean,
01:13:07and gets up to speed on his new tyres
01:13:10on which he will remain unless he has a problem
01:13:12for the remainder of this race.
01:13:14He's on lap 38, 20 laps to go.
01:13:17Yes, Michael obviously didn't start this race
01:13:19with a chocolate block full of fuel.
01:13:20He's come in, you know, the first man in really for the fuel.
01:13:23And that is Heidfeld in for his stop.
01:13:27He was down there in 6th place as he came in.
01:13:31So Heidfeld then, a good clean stop for him too.
01:13:3410 seconds exactly, slightly quicker than Ferrari.
01:13:37But of course, as we know, just 21 laps to go.
01:13:40Now for sure they can go to the end of the race.
01:13:43Yeah, lots of them coming in now.
01:13:45Heidfeld in.
01:13:46Fredsen, of course, has been in.
01:13:48But there we look at the salvo.
01:13:53And behind it, the Jaguar.
01:13:56So that is Nick Heidfeld in 6th position.
01:13:59Eddie Irvine in 7th position.
01:14:02If Kulthard wants to win this race,
01:14:04he's somehow got to sprint this next,
01:14:07however many laps of fuel he's got on board, I'd guess.
01:14:09It must be another 6 or 7.
01:14:11We would have thought,
01:14:12it depends how much they were using behind that safety car.
01:14:15I don't know if telemetry can tell you that,
01:14:17but Kulthard's got a window here,
01:14:19where if he can sprint while the Ferrari has a bit more fuel in it,
01:14:22he may just close down what was a 15.4 second gap
01:14:26before Michael stopped.
01:14:28I mean, it's a bit of a tough challenge, that one.
01:14:30I don't see him taking 15 seconds out of Michael,
01:14:33but he should be able to close him down a little bit.
01:14:35I would say that even David Kulthard,
01:14:38for whom I have consummate admiration and respect,
01:14:41would have a job to do that.
01:14:43And there's Rubens Barrichello,
01:14:45trying to keep David Kulthard honest.
01:14:47Rubens Barrichello, who is in second place,
01:14:50which is where he finished last year.
01:14:53If Hakkinen went off with a rear wing failure,
01:14:56if he did, and I don't know,
01:14:58it was just my surmise,
01:14:59we caught only the end of his accident,
01:15:01but certainly McLaren team would be very nervous,
01:15:04if it was any kind of mechanical failure, actually,
01:15:06to be sure that it can't happen to David Kulthard's car.
01:15:09That's a tough decision, a tough call for a team.
01:15:12I'm not saying McLaren are necessarily exactly in that position,
01:15:15but if he went off with a mechanical failure,
01:15:17which is very much possible,
01:15:19then clearly they have to be absolutely comfortable
01:15:22that it can't happen to the other car.
01:15:24Yeah, it reminds me of the situation in 1986
01:15:27in Australia at Adelaide,
01:15:29when Nigel Mansell had that colossal tyre failure.
01:15:33More about that later. Louise?
01:15:34Well, I'm here with Adrian Newey,
01:15:36so we'll see what we can find out from the man himself.
01:15:38Adrian, some suggestions that something happened to the car
01:15:40with Mika's accident. What can you tell us?
01:15:42At the moment, we don't know what happened.
01:15:45It's certain that something happened.
01:15:46We've spoken to Mika,
01:15:48and we had some sort of either suspension or brake problem,
01:15:51which caused the accident.
01:15:53That's all that we can say at the moment.
01:15:55Mika's had a little...
01:15:57There are some marks on his helmet,
01:15:59so he's very slightly concussed.
01:16:02Is there a chance that this could happen to David as well,
01:16:04or is it impossible to say?
01:16:06It's obviously a concern,
01:16:07and we're reviewing it at the moment, as I like to call it.
01:16:09Thanks, Adrian.
01:16:10Well, that's very significant.
01:16:11We're reviewing it at the moment.
01:16:13I was saying that I remember in 86,
01:16:16when Nigel Mansell had that colossal tyre failure
01:16:18that cost him the World Championship,
01:16:20Nelson Piquet, his teammate,
01:16:22lost the race because, quite rightly,
01:16:25the Williams people decided to bring Piquet in
01:16:28to check his tyres after Mansell had had that colossal blowout,
01:16:32which resulted in Alain Prost winning the race and the championship.
01:16:36So, now, both the Ferraris in.
01:16:38Michael Schumacher stopped.
01:16:40He was stationary for 10.7 seconds,
01:16:43plus, of course, the slowdown time coming into the pit lane
01:16:47and the speed-up time getting back onto the track.
01:16:50Rubens Barrichello was half a second quicker.
01:16:5210.2 seconds.
01:16:54Can't help but feeling, you know,
01:16:55that that safety car period really played into the hands of Ferrari.
01:16:59It's almost certain, then,
01:17:00that McLaren had more fuel on board than Ferrari.
01:17:04So, Ferrari may even well have been two-stopping.
01:17:07So, that's played beautifully into Ferrari's hands.
01:17:11They were able to just stretch out that first stop
01:17:13and turn it into a one-stopper.
01:17:15But, right now, Coulthard bared his fastest lap of the race,
01:17:18a 1.28.8.
01:17:21Which is six-tenths of a second slower
01:17:23than the fastest lap of the race put up by Michael Schumacher
01:17:27and gives you an idea of the comparative performance of the cars.
01:17:30But still 1.1 seconds faster, Murray,
01:17:32than Michael's going at the moment.
01:17:34Remember, his car's a little bit fatter now
01:17:36that he's been in for some fuel.
01:17:38Yeah, and the gap is 18 seconds with 18 laps to go.
01:17:44And David Coulthard, of course, has got to make his tyre stop
01:17:48as Olivier Panis comes in in the B.A.R. Honda
01:17:52from fifth position.
01:17:54He should get back out onto the track
01:17:56before Nick Heidfeldt comes through
01:17:58because the German, Heidfeldt, in sixth place
01:18:01was 30 seconds behind Panis
01:18:04when the Frenchman came in.
01:18:06There is Heidfeldt in the background.
01:18:09As Panis rejoins, he has not lost his place.
01:18:13He's still in fifth position.
01:18:15And it's going to be a wonderful reward
01:18:17for the very, very popular and charming Frenchman, Olivier Panis,
01:18:2134 years old, one of the older drivers in this race,
01:18:25if he can score points on his return to Formula 1.
01:18:29After having been McLaren's test driver
01:18:31and their third driver, I emphasize that,
01:18:34because he would have taken the place of Hakkinen.
01:18:37As into the pit lane comes David Coulthard now.
01:18:41Yeah, I just think that Montoya's blown up as well.
01:18:44I've just been noticing.
01:18:45But David Coulthard comes in now.
01:18:47He's 18.1 seconds ahead of Michael Schumacher.
01:18:49He needs 33 to get out ahead.
01:18:51He won't do that. Michael will be in the lead.
01:18:52But the significant thing is Barrichello.
01:18:54He was only 36 seconds ahead.
01:18:56McLaren have reacted here.
01:18:59He should be just ahead of Rubens Barrichello when he comes out.
01:19:02Schumacher has gone through and leads the Australian Grand Prix
01:19:06as David Coulthard rejoins the track
01:19:10ahead of David Coulthard.
01:19:12You are absolutely right.
01:19:13And Montoya is out of the race.
01:19:16So both the Williams BMWs have failed to finish here
01:19:20the first Grand Prix of the year.
01:19:22That is the reason.
01:19:23And if that isn't an engine blow-up, I am a Chinaman.
01:19:28Look at his front left tyre, by the way, while it's blowing.
01:19:31Absolutely bald as a coot.
01:19:33So those Michelins down to virtually no groove.
01:19:36We're expecting a bit of a fracas sometime through the season
01:19:39over these grooved slings and Montoya wandering away.
01:19:42So Schumacher leads then from Coulthard.
01:19:47Heidfeld in fifth.
01:19:48And then Frentzen after Montoya's demise
01:19:51will be coming through into the final point scoring position at the moment.
01:19:55I noticed that Montoya couldn't or wouldn't remove his car from the track.
01:20:00He's left it on the tarmac.
01:20:02They may argue that it's locked up,
01:20:04in which case it's going to be very difficult for Marshalls to remove it.
01:20:07BMW actually took a policy decision this year
01:20:11after having produced a very conventional
01:20:15and cautious for a Formula 1 engine motor last year
01:20:19to go for performance with a vengeance this year
01:20:22knowing that it could lead to failures which they could develop out of the system.
01:20:27Well, it has led to a failure.
01:20:29Both cars out, one of them with presumably an engine failure,
01:20:32the other with a collision.
01:20:34You're watching Michael Schumacher,
01:20:36world champion of 1994,
01:20:38world champion of 1995,
01:20:41a brilliant world champion of 2000
01:20:44after pledging his future in 1996
01:20:47to bring Ferrari back to the front,
01:20:49which he brilliantly now has done,
01:20:52leading the Australian Grand Prix on lap 43 out of 58,
01:20:57looking good for a second successive victory
01:21:00and his fifth in a row if he can just keep going.
01:21:05He's ten and a half seconds ahead of David Coulthard.
01:21:07He's closing up on Jenson Button,
01:21:1015th position in the Benetton-Renault
01:21:13and Rubens Barrichello is now ten seconds behind David Coulthard.
01:21:20So all the runners now have made either one or two stops,
01:21:26most of them one for more fuel and tyres,
01:21:29some of them two for other reasons.
01:21:32Jenson Button has been in twice,
01:21:34Verstappen has been in twice,
01:21:36he's running in 11th place incidentally
01:21:38and Fernando Alonso has now retired from the Australian Grand Prix
01:21:45but he and the Minardi team did a brilliant job to get into it in the first place.
01:21:50Sure, doesn't that out mean that he's just left the pits, Murray,
01:21:53rather than out of the race?
01:21:55I think on reflection, Martin, you're right.
01:21:58I'm sorry, I'm looking at a computer screen as I talk to you.
01:22:02I sincerely hope you are right.
01:22:04We'll know in just a few seconds.
01:22:06But anyway, there is Schumacher on his 44th lap.
01:22:10There is Coulthard on his 44th lap.
01:22:14David's had an extremely good career in Australia because he won in 97.
01:22:20He won morally, I have to say, in 98,
01:22:23although there was enormous controversy in Australia
01:22:27when he backed off at the very last moment as he approached the finishing line
01:22:31and let his team-mate Mika Hakkinen through on team orders
01:22:35because it was a judge that Mika Hakkinen had lost time,
01:22:39which perhaps he didn't deserve to,
01:22:41and he went through and passed David Coulthard.
01:22:45So, David Coulthard's got a first in 97, a second in 98.
01:22:51It looks as though he's going to have a second this year as well.
01:22:54But of course, 99 and 2000 were bad years for McLaren.
01:22:59David Coulthard went out both years with engine problems.
01:23:03The Mercedes-Benz, Ilmore-designed and produced engine,
01:23:06which is powering his McLaren, is a completely new motor,
01:23:11well, a very, very highly developed motor this year.
01:23:14And as you can see, there's a 9.6-second gap
01:23:18between Paolo Martinelli, the designer of the Ferrari engine,
01:23:24and Mario Iliot, the designer of the Mercedes-Benz engine.
01:23:29Mature drive from Coulthard, out of position on the grid,
01:23:32just about kept his nose out of trouble on that first lap.
01:23:36I know he was planning to save fuel in the early stages of the race
01:23:40so that he could go a little bit longer than everybody else
01:23:43and maximise that window around the pitstop area that has,
01:23:48with that good move on Barrichello, elevated him.
01:23:51And now just 8.6 seconds off of the lead.
01:23:54Lap 45, race order.
01:23:56Michael Schumacher leads Coulthard by 8.6 seconds.
01:24:00Coulthard's last lap was 1.5 seconds quicker than that of Michael Schumacher.
01:24:05Rubens Barrichello still 10.5 seconds.
01:24:08There he is in third place behind Coulthard.
01:24:10Olivier Panis going well.
01:24:1327 seconds behind the leader.
01:24:15Sorry, 46 seconds behind the leader.
01:24:1727 seconds behind Barrichello, fourth place.
01:24:20Nick Hyde felt looking good for two World Championship points
01:24:24in his first drive for Sauber.
01:24:26And Frentzen, who you remember,
01:24:28ran third until he was nerfed off by Barrichello.
01:24:32Dropped to 14th.
01:24:33He's back up into sixth place in the points for Jordan.
01:24:37So, I was talking about the Honda battle with B.A.R. and Jordan.
01:24:43At the moment, Panis is fourth for B.A.R.
01:24:46and Frentzen is sixth for Jordan.
01:24:49Kimi Räikkönen, the Finn in the second Sauber,
01:24:53a sensational, and I use the word advisedly,
01:24:57seventh place in his first Grand Prix.
01:24:59And lapping very quickly.
01:25:01Here we are, 45 laps into the race.
01:25:03This is his 24th ever motor race,
01:25:0613 of which he's won in Formula Renault back in the UK
01:25:11and other sort of lower formulae.
01:25:14And he's pulling in the 1 minute 31s up there in seventh place
01:25:18and does not appear to be tiring mentally or physically.
01:25:21Stunning debut performance from him.
01:25:23Yeah, he said he'd never driven in a race that was longer than half an hour
01:25:26and now he's already been going for an hour and one.
01:25:30Getting for a long, long time in this race
01:25:35and it's going to be the longest race of his career.
01:25:37That is Olivier Panis and he is in fourth position.
01:25:41The scary thing about Räikkönen, he doesn't even look 21, does he?
01:25:44I think he'd be blown out of a few pubs in the UK.
01:25:48Olivier Panis.
01:25:51Well, it's great to see that Jacques Villeneuve in the BAR team
01:25:56has got some real competition and he will be the first chap to welcome it.
01:26:01He had Riccardo Zonta in the team with him
01:26:04who I think suffered from the psychological mind games that Villeneuve is apt to play.
01:26:11There's Juan Montoya walking in from his first Grand Prix.
01:26:16Looks devastated.
01:26:21Good drive from him. Solid drive from Montoya.
01:26:24Very, very much a man to watch. I'm extremely impressed with him.
01:26:29Charming personality and a very tough character too.
01:26:33He hadn't yet stopped for tyres but he did drop out of this Grand Prix in a strong third place.
01:26:38So a good run from Montoya.
01:26:40Meanwhile, Coulthard is calm now. He's any more of that lead out of Schumacher.
01:26:46Schumacher is pacing himself, I think, on Coulthard's pace at the moment.
01:26:49They're both dropping Barrichello and the rest of the field
01:26:52but it's pegged at the late eight seconds of a lead.
01:26:56John Tote, who's the Ferrari team boss, said to me yesterday
01:27:01we are really looking to score points tomorrow, Murray,
01:27:05because reliability is the name of the game.
01:27:08If we get some points on the card at the beginning of the season, as we did last year,
01:27:13it will put us in a strong position for the remainder of the season.
01:27:17Well, they're doing a brilliant job because Michael Schumacher is on...
01:27:20There's Kimi Räikkönen, incidentally, in the Sauber in seventh place.
01:27:25And Schumacher is on a potential ten points for Ferrari.
01:27:30Barrichello is on a potential four, making 14.
01:27:34David Coulthard is going to be the only point scorer for McLaren if he finishes six points.
01:27:39So there's going to be an eight-point difference between the teams.
01:27:43It's Heidfeld, actually, in the Sauber.
01:27:45And the reason they're showing this is because Frentzen, in sixth place,
01:27:48is homing in on fifth-place man Heidfeld at about three-quarters of a second per lap.
01:27:54So a little squabble shaping up there as we move into the final stages
01:27:58of this interesting, alarming in places and surprising Grand Prix.
01:28:03Yeah, Heinz-Harald Frentzen has driven a very, very sturdy, determined race
01:28:10because he was well, well up in the points and looking good
01:28:14when he had that collision with Rubens Barrichello,
01:28:17who tried a pretty difficult move, which was looked, from my point of view,
01:28:21as though it was never going to come off.
01:28:23And he's just knuckled down to making his way up through the field
01:28:28from 14th position, and he's certainly done it.
01:28:31I reckon he's going to get that fifth place with a bit of luck.
01:28:35Although catching Heidfeld when the time difference between the two of them
01:28:41is not all that great is one thing.
01:28:44As I've said many times in the past, getting past is quite another
01:28:48because Heidfeld will, who is an experienced driver, after all.
01:28:53He was the Formula 3000 champion, and he's been the McLaren test driver
01:28:57for a long time before driving for Prost last year.
01:29:01He got a lot of experience with Prost, very hard-won experience,
01:29:05but he's a good Grand Prix driver, and he knows that he can make his car wide
01:29:10without being illegal by just adjusting his line on the corners
01:29:15to make it very difficult for Frentzen to get past when he catches it.
01:29:18Yes, it's a tough track to pass on, despite the long straights and chicanes at the end.
01:29:22The corners are very fast at the end of most of these straights,
01:29:25but Frentzen, just looking at the computer while you were saying that,
01:29:28got about three kilometres per hour advantage through all the speed traps,
01:29:32so with a good old toe as well in the slipstream,
01:29:36he might just be able to edge up alongside Heidfeld,
01:29:39and that's once he catches him, of course.
01:29:42That gap down now, still three-quarters of a second on the last lap.
01:29:46Yes, there's Schumacher, and Heidfeld has got last year's Ferrari engine in the salvo.
01:29:53It's a customer deal, it costs them about £14 million a year,
01:29:58and it's obvious that this year's Honda engine is marginally better.
01:30:04Now, lap 49, Michael Schumacher leads David Coulthard,
01:30:08Rubens Barrichello is third, and Olivier Panis is fourth.
01:30:12Nick Heidfeld is fifth, Heinz-Harald Frentzen is in the sixth position,
01:30:16followed by Kimi Räikkönen, Eddie Irvine is eighth,
01:30:19Luciano Berti in the other Jaguar is ninth,
01:30:22and Jean Alessi in the Prost is tenth position,
01:30:26as we leave Melbourne for a break.
01:30:30You haven't been in action since then,
01:30:32but as far as I understand, you've driven the F1,
01:30:35both with and without the slipstream, if I remember correctly.
01:30:38Yes, last year was in 1993, when I was driving the Sauber.
01:30:42Back then, the slipstream was still in full force,
01:30:45and of course, they were quite fast back then,
01:30:48they had a lot of different controls,
01:30:50and you could adjust them,
01:30:52and the slipstream was slower, but also faster, but in different ways.
01:30:56Of course, it's a different kind of driving,
01:30:59because you can go into a corner,
01:31:01you can turn the car inside,
01:31:03it doesn't really hit the bottom of the throttle,
01:31:05and the slipstream handles it in such a way
01:31:07that the rear doesn't come off,
01:31:09and you get the maximum grip through the whole corner.
01:31:12In my opinion, it takes away a lot from the driving skills of the driver.
01:31:42Jyrki, you've got some pretty good points going in the last ten laps.
01:31:46Kulta is holding Sumi for a second per lap,
01:31:49and now the difference is exactly 8 seconds.
01:31:52Do you think, Jyrki, that Sumi is just making sure,
01:31:54or is it a question of a possible technical problem?
01:31:56Of course, it's possible to estimate that,
01:31:58but give us an estimate.
01:31:59Well, it's hard to say,
01:32:01but of course, the examples that Sumi showed earlier,
01:32:03maybe they had a purpose,
01:32:05and maybe they have some kind of small problem.
01:32:07Of course, Sumi at this stage,
01:32:09he doesn't have many laps to go,
01:32:11and he's trying to make sure,
01:32:13and maybe he'll let Kulta come a little closer,
01:32:17but then he'll still control the race,
01:32:19and see where we're going all the time.
01:32:21You don't need to drive all the time in Soccer.
01:32:24That's right.
01:32:25We remember Mika Häkkinen,
01:32:27when he secured the world championship here in Japan,
01:32:29he almost stopped at the last chicane,
01:32:31and later announced that he wanted to see the Ferrari coming from the mirror behind him.
01:32:35Well, in the last sector,
01:32:37Kulta is no longer holding Sumi,
01:32:397.7 seconds,
01:32:41the difference between these two gentlemen,
01:32:43when we go around the track again,
01:32:47the last laps,
01:32:4950 are full, and 58 are driven in total.
01:33:09Racing him hard in the yellow Jordan,
01:33:11for that extra point,
01:33:13is Heinz-Harald Fredsen.
01:33:15But Michael Schumacher is leading David Coulthard,
01:33:18by 7.7 seconds,
01:33:20and Rubens Barrichello in the second Ferrari,
01:33:23is 11.5 seconds behind Coulthard,
01:33:25and 34 seconds ahead of Panis.
01:33:28This is the battle for 5th.
01:33:30Yes, two Germans then fighting it out over 5th place.
01:33:33Heidfeld, we didn't see any of his skills last year,
01:33:36in an appalling cross that looked like it was struggling to handle,
01:33:39in a straight line, let alone around the corners.
01:33:41But meanwhile, Coulthard is really taking some time,
01:33:45out of Michael Schumacher.
01:33:47He's going to close in on him before the end of the race.
01:33:49I'm standing here with Juan Pablo Montoya.
01:33:51Juan Pablo, a bit of a smoky end to your first Grand Prix.
01:33:53Would we be right in presuming that was an engine problem?
01:33:56Yeah, it was.
01:33:57But I think the engine performed really well.
01:33:59You know, really strong engine.
01:34:01I thought we were going to get to the end.
01:34:03It was really consistent throughout the run.
01:34:05It didn't give me any warnings or anything.
01:34:07So I was a bit disappointed in that perspective.
01:34:09But, you know, it was a lot of fun.
01:34:11I made mistakes, I got them back, I passed people.
01:34:14It was quite exciting.
01:34:15Obviously not the result that you were looking for,
01:34:17but on the whole, are you satisfied with the way that your first race has gone?
01:34:20Yeah, very much.
01:34:22And so he jolly well should be,
01:34:24because making a debut in a Grand Prix is no mean achievement.
01:34:30And Heinz-Harald Fredsen continues to press.
01:34:33Heidfeld very hard indeed.
01:34:35But the German in front is resisting the German behind very well indeed.
01:34:41Heidfeld looking into his mirrors.
01:34:43He wants those two points for fifth position
01:34:46just as much as Heinz-Harald Fredsen does.
01:34:49And it's a wonderful comparison
01:34:51between a new driver and a comparatively experienced driver now.
01:34:56Because Heinz Fredsen, comparatively, is in his 115th Grand Prix.
01:35:01He's driven for Sauber, he's driven for Williams, he's driven for Jordan.
01:35:05And he's very happy where he is now.
01:35:07And he'd be happier still if he could just get past the Sauber.
01:35:11Is he going to do it?
01:35:12He's got a nice toe there.
01:35:14And they're into three already.
01:35:16The struggle to get around.
01:35:17Heidfeld covering the apex nicely.
01:35:19But Fredsen shaping up, I think, for a move on that Sauber.
01:35:23As I said, he's got about a 3K advantage,
01:35:25KPH advantage through all the speed traps,
01:35:28plus the slipstream effect.
01:35:30And I think his best chance really is going to be
01:35:34to get Fredsen a bit out of shape there, actually, in Turn 5.
01:35:37But his best chance is going to be keep calm, stay as close as he can
01:35:40and get a good slingshot out of Turn 2
01:35:42and he'll have him down into Turn 3.
01:35:44And I maligned Minardi.
01:35:47I maligned Paul Stoddart.
01:35:49I maligned Fernando Alonso.
01:35:51He has not retired.
01:35:53He is still running.
01:35:55He is in 12th position in his first Grand Prix.
01:35:58A miraculous situation,
01:36:00bearing in mind the fact that
01:36:02Minardi itself looked on the brink of extinction
01:36:05just a few weeks ago.
01:36:07They've done a sensational job to get the team here,
01:36:10to get Alonso and Marquez in the race.
01:36:12Marquez retired early, of course.
01:36:14Alonso still going strong.
01:36:17Yes, and up front, this is where Fredsen's got to be calm now.
01:36:21There's no way of passing him.
01:36:23He's just got to make sure he keeps his line,
01:36:25keeps as close as he can
01:36:27and brake nice and late into Turn 1,
01:36:30smooth through Turn 2,
01:36:31and he'll have a half a chance.
01:36:33But look, Heidfeld, good speed down that particular straight, hasn't he?
01:36:36But meanwhile, up front, Michael Schumacher said,
01:36:38OK, it's enough, DC.
01:36:39You're hauling in my lead.
01:36:41And he reversed it on the last lap.
01:36:43Michael Schumacher increasing his lead by 4 tenths
01:36:46and Fredsen nowhere near near enough this time around.
01:36:49Yeah, Fredsen is going to have to hope
01:36:51that Heidfeld is held up by the Jaguar in front of him
01:36:54and so are the Irvines.
01:36:56But Irvine's an experienced campaigner.
01:36:58He'll look in his mirrors and realise
01:37:00that there are two cars coming up to lap him.
01:37:02He won't need or shouldn't need the blue flags to tell him to move over.
01:37:07And it's just a question of where he chooses to do so,
01:37:09whether Heidfeld can get past him and Fredsen can't,
01:37:12or whether they can both make it.
01:37:14Meantime, Fredsen sees his chance
01:37:16because the closer that Heidfeld gets to Irvine,
01:37:20the better opportunity that Fredsen has got
01:37:23to whizz round the outside of the Sauber,
01:37:27like Nigel Mansell did to Ayrton Senna
01:37:30in the Hungarian Grand Prix years ago.
01:37:33If he was as good a move as that, I would be delighted
01:37:36and so would Heinz-Harald Fredsen.
01:37:38But now, Heidfeld is alongside the Jaguar
01:37:41and goes through.
01:37:43Irvine lets Fredsen through as well,
01:37:47so there is no change in the situation.
01:37:50Meantime, up front as we concentrate on this battle,
01:37:53the only one on the circuit at the present moment,
01:37:56I can reassure Ferrari fans
01:37:58that Michael Schumacher is on his 54th lap now
01:38:02with a comfortable 7.4 second lead
01:38:05over David Coulthard
01:38:07and a 25 second lead over his teammate Rubens Barrichello.
01:38:12Fourth is Olivier Pannis,
01:38:14and this is the battle for fifth between Heidfeld and Fredsen,
01:38:17followed by Kimi Räikkönen in the second Sauber,
01:38:20seventh place if he finishes there in his first Grand Prix.
01:38:24It will be a magnificent achievement.
01:38:27Räikkönen is just 11 seconds behind Fredsen and his teammate Heidfeld
01:38:31and the third fastest man on the racetrack last time around,
01:38:34so Räikkönen has still got a lot of pace,
01:38:36not in the points at the moment.
01:38:38The interesting thing is that Räikkönen was taken on by Peter Sauber,
01:38:43largely because he couldn't get anybody else of merit
01:38:46to drive for him on account of the fact that he hadn't got the budget.
01:38:49Several drivers turned him down,
01:38:51including Pedro de la Rosa, who went as Jaguar's test driver,
01:38:56and Peter Sauber said,
01:38:58I'm just going to take a chance on youth,
01:39:01and Jenson Button showed that youth could get the job done last year.
01:39:04Kimi Räikkönen is showing that youth can get the job done this year.
01:39:08This is making quite a difference to the way that drivers come up
01:39:11towards Formula 1, not from Formula 3000,
01:39:14but from Formula 3 and the lesser categories.
01:39:17Yeah, the average or the combined age of the Sauber drivers
01:39:21is just 44 years old.
01:39:23The rest of the key running teams,
01:39:25the combined age tends to be around 60 years old of the two drivers,
01:39:29BAR being the oldest at about 64,
01:39:32with those two ages added together,
01:39:34but a very young team.
01:39:36For that car, the Sauber is obviously pretty handy too,
01:39:39because whilst the two young drivers are doing a great job,
01:39:42the car is clearly giving them some grip.
01:39:45John Alessi, the oldest driver in the race, incidentally, 36.
01:39:48There is David Coulthard, 29 years old,
01:39:52from Twynham in Scotland,
01:39:54looking good for six World Championship points.
01:39:57He's on his 56th lap now.
01:40:01This and two more to go.
01:40:03He's going to be tantalisingly close at the end, is David Coulthard,
01:40:07but I don't think close enough.
01:40:09I think Michael can pace him when he needs to.
01:40:12He's down to just 5.6 seconds,
01:40:14and he's taking about one 1.1 on some laps,
01:40:17six 7.10s on others,
01:40:19so he looks like he'll just be getting a decent view
01:40:22of the back end of that Ferrari
01:40:24as Michael Schumacher punches the air
01:40:26to take yet another win.
01:40:28In which case, it will have been another victory
01:40:32for the Ferrari Quartet
01:40:35that I've talked about so much in the past.
01:40:37Michael Schumacher, the driver.
01:40:39Jean Trott, the team manager.
01:40:42Ross Brawn, the technical director.
01:40:44Rory Byrne, the designer.
01:40:48And to make it five, and he's just as important as the other four,
01:40:52Paolo Martinelli, the Ferrari engine boss.
01:40:56They do a fantastic job at Marinello.
01:40:58And so that is Rubens Barrichello, well on his own.
01:41:02He's 23 seconds behind Coulthard.
01:41:05He's 31 seconds ahead of Panis Ousmane.
01:41:08Yeah, his pace has been very slow this last ten laps, really.
01:41:12Barrichello, I don't think he's nursing some kind of problem,
01:41:14or I can't imagine he's lost interest.
01:41:16He was running quite well earlier on,
01:41:18but he's fallen away quite a lot from the front two.
01:41:21Well, there is an enormous Italian contingent
01:41:25living in Melbourne,
01:41:27and this is going to be a very happy result
01:41:30as far as they are concerned,
01:41:32because they are just as Ferrari-oriented
01:41:35as the Tifosi at Monza and Imola in Italy are.
01:41:39If it happens, and Michael Schumacher is on his penultimate lap,
01:41:4457 out of 58.
01:41:46If it happens, this year it's going to be Ferrari first and Ferrari third.
01:41:51Last year it was Ferrari first and Ferrari second.
01:41:55Schumacher has got a reduced lead over David Coulthard,
01:41:59as Martin has just pointed out,
01:42:01but he's on his 57th lap,
01:42:03with just one more after this one to go,
01:42:06with a 5.4 second advantage.
01:42:09Well, it's a complete and miserable weekend for Jenson Button.
01:42:11Unfortunately, he's just stopped,
01:42:13so Button out of the race.
01:42:15Just 13 runners then at the moment,
01:42:17including Fisichella,
01:42:18who's been cruising around with a sick engine now
01:42:21for the best part of half the race.
01:42:23So Fisichella down there in 13th.
01:42:26So Michael Schumacher then at the start of this race,
01:42:29a flying start, went off.
01:42:31Barrichello, a poor start, letting Hakkinen through.
01:42:34A bit of squabbling into the first corner,
01:42:36and then it settled down until there was an enormous accident
01:42:39when Villeneuve misjudged the back end of Ralf Schumacher's Williams
01:42:43and slammed into the barrier.
01:42:45Both drivers okay.
01:42:47Possibly somebody on the side of the racetrack hurt, unfortunately,
01:42:50and we had 11 or so laps under the pace car.
01:42:54Got underway again,
01:42:56and immediately then Barrichello tripping over Frentzen,
01:42:59putting him down the field,
01:43:01and Coulthard and Barrichello then coming through 3rd and 4th place.
01:43:05And we've seen a lot of blow-ups, a lot of unreliability,
01:43:09unfortunately, including Jarno Trulli in the Jordan,
01:43:12one of the cars I really expected to be fully reliable here.
01:43:16And it's Montoya then, who was the next key runner,
01:43:19who was up in a strong 3rd place,
01:43:21dropping out with engine failure.
01:43:23And that brings us pretty much up to where we are at this stage of the race.
01:43:27The final lap of the race,
01:43:29with Michael Schumacher almost home for his 45th career Grand Prix victory,
01:43:35to bring him within 6 victories of the great 3 times world champion,
01:43:414 times world champion Alain Prost,
01:43:44and Michael Schumacher could beat that record this season.
01:43:48He's stroking the car home to victory now.
01:43:51He's going to make it 5 wins in a row,
01:43:54because he won in Italy at Monza last year,
01:43:58then he won at Indianapolis,
01:43:59then he won at Suzuka in Japan,
01:44:02then he won at Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia,
01:44:04which incidentally is our next race.
01:44:06Alain Jones, Australia's world champion of 1980,
01:44:10waiting to flag Michael Schumacher home
01:44:14as the victor of the 2001 Australian Grand Prix at Melbourne.
01:44:20And Michael Schumacher gives it the welly out of the last corner
01:44:25and wins the Australian Grand Prix
01:44:28to the delight of the Ferrari mechanics
01:44:31who provided him with a wonderful motorcar,
01:44:34which had to be rebuilt.
01:44:36And David Coulthard there finishes 1.7 seconds behind Michael Schumacher.
01:44:44Partly because David was giving it his all on that last lap,
01:44:49and partly, I suspect, because Michael Schumacher,
01:44:52a magnificent race tactician that he is,
01:44:55was just not taking any chances.
01:44:57Yeah, Coulthard will be pleased to have six points in his pocket
01:45:01over teammate Hakkinen.
01:45:03There's a perennial fight between those two
01:45:05and getting established early is quite important to Coulthard,
01:45:09but really McLaren couldn't match the pace of Ferrari this weekend.
01:45:13But reliability, three of the top four finished the race,
01:45:17true to just about everybody's expectation in the paddock,
01:45:20and really just Hakkinen dropping out with that suspected suspension failure,
01:45:25it would seem, to one of the only top four not to finish this race.
01:45:29Panis then, a strong return to Grand Prix racing for him.
01:45:32He is over the line in fourth place,
01:45:34and Heidfeld was a half a second ahead of Frentzen last time around.
01:45:38Who is going to take those two points?
01:45:40Heidfeld does, Frentzen sixth,
01:45:43and some 11.5 seconds down the road
01:45:46for Kimi Räikkönen finishing his first Grand Prix in seventh.
01:45:49Berti eighth then in the first of the Jaguars.
01:45:53Eddie Irvine had a late pit stop,
01:45:55and so Berti then up to eighth for Stappen ninth,
01:45:58John Alessi tenth, then Irvine eleventh,
01:46:00Alonso, and Fisichella cruising around at the back.
01:46:04Yeah, lots of meritorious drives there,
01:46:08particularly Panis back to Grand Prix racing in fourth place.
01:46:12Heidfeld first drive for Sauber in fifth place.
01:46:15Kimi Räikkönen a magnificent Grand Prix debut in seventh position.
01:46:20Luciano Berti's got nothing to be ashamed about.
01:46:23He finished in eighth position.
01:46:26And also Fernando Alonso in the Minardi.
01:46:31The man from Spain driving for the Australian-Italian team,
01:46:36for Stoddart's Minardi team,
01:46:39has given the Australian his life's ambition,
01:46:44because he not only bought the team,
01:46:46he got it into the race and they've finished it.
01:46:49Wonderful. Twelfth position.
01:46:53Well, Michael Schumacher starts off 2001 as he means to continue.
01:46:59Four points ahead of David Coulthard in the World Championship.
01:47:03And in third position, of course, Rubens Barrichello,
01:47:07another two points further back.
01:47:09So let's look at the Constructors' Championship.
01:47:12Ferrari are very handy.
01:47:14Eight World Championship points ahead of McLaren after the first race.
01:47:20With BAR in third position.
01:47:23That's the highest they've ever been and they deserve to be there
01:47:26after all the work they've done with the Honda and everybody else over the winter.
01:47:31They're in third position, eleven points behind Ferrari.
01:47:35Sauber, a great job with their drivers in fifth and seventh positions.
01:47:40One of them in the points and one of them only just out of the points.
01:47:43Fourth in the Constructors' Championship.
01:47:45And Jordan, the other Honda Works engine team.
01:47:50One point from Heinz-Harald Frenzel in sixth position.
01:47:54It's been a good, it's been an interesting,
01:47:57and it has been an Australian Grand Prix full of happenings.
01:48:03Remember, they're coming together. James Allen, what's the news?
01:48:06I'm down here with Ross Braun.
01:48:07Ross, twelve months ago you and I stood in exactly the same position.
01:48:10Michael Schumacher went past us again.
01:48:12The only difference this time is it isn't a one-two,
01:48:16but you still must be very happy with today.
01:48:18Yes, I mean, I've commented before,
01:48:21we haven't done as much running over the winter as I would have liked.
01:48:24And we were pretty anxious to get through to the end.
01:48:27So, yeah, it's a very good result, but pretty tense.
01:48:32Clear up a little mystery for us.
01:48:33Michael lost us about a second or two a lap.
01:48:35You came off the pit wall to just check something on the car.
01:48:38What was that?
01:48:39Well, we didn't have good radio communication today,
01:48:42and I just asked him to give us an indication that he could hear me,
01:48:45because we couldn't hear him properly.
01:48:47But he just tapped his helmet to say he was getting clear radio communication.
01:48:50And then it came back towards the end of the race.
01:48:52I'm not sure what was going on.
01:48:53You were right, Martin. Thanks a lot, Ross.
01:48:55I thought he was patting himself on the head.
01:48:57He knew he was going to win the race, Murray, actually,
01:48:58but that was only halfway through.
01:49:00But Schumi, as ever, looking cool, calm and collected.
01:49:05Sorting out his bits and pieces and earplugs, gloves, balaclava,
01:49:09laying them inside the car.
01:49:11They're of great value, many of those items,
01:49:13and they tend to disappear, so you have to be very careful.
01:49:17He's well pumped up, and well he may be.
01:49:19Typically, the first thing he does is to go over and thank his mechanics,
01:49:24his race engineers, everybody that has helped put together
01:49:28the magnificent motorcar that Rory Byrne designed
01:49:31and that Paolo Martinelli provided the engine for,
01:49:34that Ross Broad supervised.
01:49:37Ferrari are very, very strong now.
01:49:40Luca de Montezemolo, the boss of Ferrari,
01:49:42said that he was looking forward to a Ferrari revival.
01:49:46They've won the Constructors' Championship two years in a row,
01:49:49and they won the Drivers' Championship this year.
01:49:51Looking very strong.
01:49:53I can't see a team that's going to pull Michael Schumacher
01:49:55out of that kind of relationship that he's got there.
01:49:59You can see him hanging around in that team
01:50:01until he's ready to stop flying around the world
01:50:04and travelling too fast.
01:50:06So Schumacher and his team around him and a lot of key men,
01:50:10and they declared their undying love for each other over the winter
01:50:13in many magazine articles, but it's a genuine rapport, isn't it?
01:50:17There's a great feeling there.
01:50:18You can just see it.
01:50:19You're right with them on the teamwork that's going on.
01:50:23Stefano Domenicali, his race engineer in the background.
01:50:27David Coulthard gets a pat on the back.
01:50:31Six points for him in the Drivers' World Championship,
01:50:34none for Micah Hakkinen.
01:50:35The first man you have to beat in a Grand Prix is your own teammate.
01:50:39Rubens Barrichello looking a tiny bit downcast.
01:50:42Remember, he was running second
01:50:44until that terrific passing manoeuvre from David Coulthard,
01:50:48and he never recovered from it.
01:50:49I don't know whether that argues that he had some sort of a problem
01:50:53that Michael Schumacher did not have.
01:50:55And that graphic shows you how the tyre war has gone,
01:50:59very much in Bridgestone's favour.
01:51:01The red B stands for Bridgestone.
01:51:03The blue M stands for Michelin,
01:51:05but it's Michelin's first year back in Formula 1
01:51:09after having dominated it some years ago
01:51:12and after having dominated every other category of motorsport,
01:51:16especially motorcycle racing, for many years.
01:51:19They'll be there.
01:51:20Bridgestone will be pleased, but they will also be very cautious.
01:51:24They know that they've got a very strong rival
01:51:27to match up against and to beat.
01:51:29And Australia, as you can see, is flooding the racetrack.
01:51:34Yes, of course, Bridgestone's advantage
01:51:36is they have the best four cars on the grid,
01:51:38but that's a tough one for Michelin.
01:51:40Traditionally, they've been very, very strong at Michelin.
01:51:42But, well, I would imagine they'd be a bit disappointed with today,
01:51:46despite getting car home eighth.
01:51:48They haven't really had a stunning pace,
01:51:50although the Williams didn't look too bad today
01:51:52in the middle section.
01:51:53Ralph, really, we didn't...
01:51:55After he was taken out by Villeneuve's flying BAR,
01:51:58we didn't really get a chance to judge the durability, really,
01:52:02of Michelin's on the Williams,
01:52:04but Montoya are doing a good job with them.
01:52:06Man of the race, Kimi Räikkönen?
01:52:10He's certainly one of the men of the race.
01:52:12I think you've got to give it to Michael today, really.
01:52:14Pole position, brilliant start, controlled the race when it mattered,
01:52:17didn't make any mistakes, so you've got to give it to Michael.
01:52:20But, yeah, rookie of the day by some country mile, Kimi Räikkönen.
01:52:24Very, very much a man to watch.
01:52:26Look at that.
01:52:27There were 200,000 people from Australia here
01:52:31in the first two or three days.
01:52:33Heaven knows how many there are here.
01:52:35I know they've had a record attendance.
01:52:37They're expecting a record attendance today, record income.
01:52:41Formula 1 has never looked better than it is now
01:52:44in terms of colour, in terms of competition,
01:52:47in terms of all the elements.
01:52:49Very, very much a world sport,
01:52:52starting off in Australia at Melbourne.
01:52:56I'll say it again, a great place for a race.
01:53:00Now we go on to another 16 races.
01:53:04The next one is at Brazil, Sao Paulo, Brazil, in two weeks' time.
01:53:09I'm going to Malaysia first, Murray.
01:53:11Yeah, so am I.
01:53:13I'm sorry, I know exactly how I did that,
01:53:16but thanks for reminding me.
01:53:19May see you there by the sounds of it.
01:53:23But never mind, the last one of the year
01:53:25is definitely going to be at Japan,
01:53:28and Australia will be watching that
01:53:31just as they've been watching this.
01:53:33Heaven knows how many of them there are.
01:53:35And the amazing thing about this place
01:53:37is that they will all melt away.
01:53:40Most of them come on public transport,
01:53:42super-efficient tram system,
01:53:45and they're going to go home very happy indeed, most of them.
01:53:49I dined in Melbourne last night,
01:53:53in an Italian restaurant.
01:53:55Most of the people there were wearing Ferrari hats.
01:53:58And look at the sea of red there is there.
01:54:00The shirts, the hats, the flags.
01:54:03Most of them are rooting for Maranello.
01:54:08So what do we get out of this race?
01:54:10The fact that Ferrari have set a benchmark
01:54:13for McLaren and for everybody else,
01:54:16which looks as though...
01:54:17And out onto the podium I come.
01:54:21I was just taking my time from the cheers of the crowd there,
01:54:25and I'm looking across at the podium at the present moment,
01:54:28waiting for Schumacher, Coulthard and Barrichello to come out.
01:54:33Seems to me to be taking an inordinately long time.
01:54:37I can see down there Steve Brax on the left,
01:54:40who is the Premier of Victoria,
01:54:42who's going to be giving Schumacher his trophy.
01:54:44The man, a very tall man in the light coat,
01:54:47is Ron Walker, no relation,
01:54:50and he is Mr Melbourne,
01:54:52and he's going to be giving the trophy
01:54:54to the second-placed man, David Coulthard.
01:54:57I'm just thinking now of way back to the race
01:55:03when we were expecting Ayrton Senna to come out onto the podium first,
01:55:09and instead it was Alessandro Annanini.
01:55:11This is taking an awful long time.
01:55:14I'm just wondering if somebody in that field of interest
01:55:19is in a poorly way.
01:55:21I'm wondering if they...
01:55:22I don't know, it takes so long for them,
01:55:24so little time for them normally to get up onto that podium procedure.
01:55:27It's pretty slick.
01:55:29And I wonder if they're going to possibly avoid any celebrations.
01:55:32We don't know what happened down there.
01:55:34We know somebody was injured.
01:55:35The ambulance was there for 20-odd minutes.
01:55:38Not one of the drivers.
01:55:39Somebody alongside the racetrack.
01:55:41No more information than that up in this commentary box anyway.
01:55:45And clearly there is something.
01:55:48Either somebody's locked the door behind there somewhere
01:55:51and they can't find the key.
01:55:52Here's Ron Walker coming out.
01:55:53Now here come the drivers.
01:55:54Here they are.
01:55:55Here's David Coulthard out first.
01:55:57Michael Schumacher.
01:55:59Hands aloft.
01:56:00Rubens Barrichello.
01:56:02The crowd is euphoric.
01:56:09And there is the man, happy and relaxed as ever,
01:56:15Michael Schumacher.
01:56:38Michael Schumacher.
01:56:39Michael Schumacher.
01:56:40Michael Schumacher.
01:56:41Michael Schumacher.
01:56:42Michael Schumacher.
01:56:43Michael Schumacher.
01:56:44Michael Schumacher.
01:56:45Michael Schumacher.
01:56:46Michael Schumacher.
01:56:47Michael Schumacher.
01:56:48Michael Schumacher.
01:56:49Michael Schumacher.
01:56:50Michael Schumacher.
01:56:51Michael Schumacher.
01:56:52Michael Schumacher.
01:56:53Michael Schumacher.
01:56:54Michael Schumacher.
01:56:55Michael Schumacher.
01:56:56Michael Schumacher.
01:56:57Michael Schumacher.
01:56:58Michael Schumacher.
01:56:59Michael Schumacher.
01:57:00Michael Schumacher.
01:57:01Michael Schumacher.
01:57:02Michael Schumacher.
01:57:03Michael Schumacher.
01:57:04Michael Schumacher.
01:57:05Michael Schumacher.
01:57:06Michael Schumacher.
01:57:07Michael Schumacher.
01:57:08Michael Schumacher.
01:57:09Michael Schumacher.
01:57:10Michael Schumacher.
01:57:11Michael Schumacher.
01:57:12Michael Schumacher.
01:57:13Michael Schumacher.
01:57:14Michael Schumacher.
01:57:15Michael Schumacher.
01:57:16Michael Schumacher.
01:57:17Michael Schumacher.
01:57:18Michael Schumacher.
01:57:19Michael Schumacher.
01:57:20Michael Schumacher.
01:57:21Michael Schumacher.
01:57:22Michael Schumacher.
01:57:23Michael Schumacher.
01:57:24Michael Schumacher.
01:57:25Michael Schumacher.
01:57:26Michael Schumacher.
01:57:27Michael Schumacher.
01:57:28Michael Schumacher.
01:57:29Michael Schumacher.
01:57:30Michael Schumacher.
01:57:31Michael Schumacher.
01:57:32Michael Schumacher.
01:57:33Michael Schumacher.
01:57:34Michael Schumacher.
01:57:35Michael Schumacher.
01:57:36Michael Schumacher.
01:57:37Michael Schumacher.
01:57:38Michael Schumacher.
01:57:39Michael Schumacher.
01:57:40Michael Schumacher.
01:57:41Michael Schumacher.
01:57:42Michael Schumacher.
01:57:43Michael Schumacher.
01:57:44Michael Schumacher.
01:57:45Michael Schumacher.
01:57:46Michael Schumacher.
01:57:47Michael Schumacher.
01:57:48Michael Schumacher.
01:57:49Michael Schumacher.
01:57:50Michael Schumacher.
01:57:51Michael Schumacher.
01:57:52Michael Schumacher.
01:57:53Michael Schumacher.
01:57:54Michael Schumacher.
01:57:55Michael Schumacher.
01:57:56Michael Schumacher.
01:57:57Michael Schumacher.
01:57:58Michael Schumacher.
01:57:59Michael Schumacher.
01:58:00Michael Schumacher.
01:58:01Michael Schumacher.
01:58:02Michael Schumacher.
01:58:03Michael Schumacher.
01:58:04Michael Schumacher.
01:58:05Michael Schumacher.
01:58:06Michael Schumacher.
01:58:07Michael Schumacher.
01:58:08Michael Schumacher.
01:58:09Michael Schumacher.
01:58:10Michael Schumacher.
01:58:11Michael Schumacher.
01:58:12Michael Schumacher.
01:58:13Michael Schumacher.
01:58:14Michael Schumacher.
01:58:15Michael Schumacher.
01:58:16Michael Schumacher.
01:58:17Michael Schumacher.
01:58:18Michael Schumacher.
01:58:19Michael Schumacher.
01:58:20Michael Schumacher.
01:58:21Michael Schumacher.
01:58:22Michael Schumacher.
01:58:23Michael Schumacher.
01:58:24Michael Schumacher.
01:58:25Michael Schumacher.
01:58:26Michael Schumacher.
01:58:27Michael Schumacher.
01:58:28Michael Schumacher.
01:58:29Michael Schumacher.
01:58:30Michael Schumacher.
01:58:31Michael Schumacher.
01:58:32Michael Schumacher.
01:58:33Michael Schumacher.
01:58:34Michael Schumacher.
01:58:35Michael Schumacher.
01:58:36Michael Schumacher.
01:58:37Michael Schumacher.
01:58:38Michael Schumacher.
01:58:39Michael Schumacher.
01:58:40Michael Schumacher.
01:58:41Michael Schumacher.
01:58:42Michael Schumacher.
01:58:43Michael Schumacher.
01:58:44Michael Schumacher.
01:58:45Michael Schumacher.
01:58:46Michael Schumacher.
01:58:47Michael Schumacher.
01:58:48Michael Schumacher.
01:58:49Michael Schumacher.
01:58:50Michael Schumacher.
01:58:51Michael Schumacher.
01:58:52Michael Schumacher.
01:58:53Michael Schumacher.
01:58:54Michael Schumacher.
01:58:55Michael Schumacher.
01:58:56Michael Schumacher.
01:58:57Michael Schumacher.
01:58:58Michael Schumacher.
01:58:59Michael Schumacher.
01:59:00Michael Schumacher.
01:59:01Michael Schumacher.
01:59:02Michael Schumacher.
01:59:03Michael Schumacher.
01:59:04Michael Schumacher.
01:59:05Michael Schumacher.
01:59:06Michael Schumacher.
01:59:07Michael Schumacher.
01:59:08Michael Schumacher.
01:59:09Michael Schumacher.
01:59:10Michael Schumacher.
01:59:11Michael Schumacher.
01:59:12Michael Schumacher.
01:59:13Michael Schumacher.
01:59:14Michael Schumacher.
01:59:15Michael Schumacher.
01:59:16Michael Schumacher.
01:59:17Michael Schumacher.
01:59:18Michael Schumacher.
01:59:19Michael Schumacher.
01:59:20Michael Schumacher.
01:59:21Michael Schumacher.
01:59:22Michael Schumacher.
01:59:23Michael Schumacher.
01:59:24Michael Schumacher.
01:59:25Michael Schumacher.
01:59:26Michael Schumacher.
01:59:27Michael Schumacher.
01:59:28Michael Schumacher.
01:59:29Michael Schumacher.
01:59:30Michael Schumacher.
01:59:32A great race for Australia.
01:59:34A great race for Michael Schumacher and for Rubens Barry-Curran
01:59:38and, of course, for David Colvard.
01:59:41And now, from Melbourne, Australia,
01:59:46we prepare to go to Malaysia in two weeks' time
01:59:50for the resumption of the 2001...
