Kuzu No Honkai - Episode 4 Eng Subs

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00:00After all, maybe I love myself too much.
00:27I don't like to claim things.
00:32I don't want to be unique.
00:46If I can't be sought, there's no meaning.
00:51Above all...
00:57Akane! Akane!
01:01Above all, isn't it nice to be sought?
01:13That's right.
01:16There's nothing more pleasant than human love.
01:23Hey, do you have someone you like?
01:24Come to think of it, it was when I was in middle school.
01:27My friend Mio-chan secretly told me about a boy she liked.
01:33That's right.
01:35It's Saito-kun.
01:39Hey, it suits you!
01:44But for some reason, at the same time, I couldn't forgive that pre-arranged feeling.
01:53Ah, thank you.
01:57It was easy to steal a man.
02:03Ah, it's nothing.
02:06I was just spaced out.
02:07It's not like I had any interest in Saito-kun.
02:13It's just that maybe I was interested in Saito-kun's actions.
02:23It's been like this for a long time.
02:27Sorry to keep you waiting.
02:28If I don't say I like someone, I don't know how good that person is.
02:33What's wrong?
02:34If someone doesn't prove it to me, I can't find the value.
02:38You know...
02:40I thought I'd be taken advantage of, but Mio-chan said this with a smile.
02:47It suits you, Akane-chan and Saito-kun.
02:51I'm totally fine.
02:54So let's keep getting along.
02:57I may be strange.
03:02I'm sorry.
03:04I'm sorry.
03:08I'm sorry.
03:11But at that time, I thought...
03:14I don't want to die.
03:17I don't want to be exploited like this.
03:43I'm sorry.
03:52No, we're friends.
03:56It's a secret between us.
04:04We can help each other when we're lonely.
04:13It's been a long time, Kanae-kun.
04:15I've been waiting for you.
04:20What's wrong, Onii-chan?
04:22He brought this for you.
04:25He seemed to be in a hurry the other day.
04:29Hey, it's been a long time since we had a meal together.
04:32Come on in.
04:33I bought this for you.
04:35You bought this for me again.
04:38What about tomorrow?
04:41Tomorrow is my mother's death anniversary.
04:44Oh, I see.
04:46I'm sorry, ma'am.
04:48I'll come again.
04:49See you, Hana-chan.
04:56She's a good girl.
04:58I wonder if there's anyone else.
05:00The one who will be my bride.
05:04I can't.
05:07I can't have him.
05:18I can't, Onii-chan.
05:22I can't have him.
05:45Do you want to have lunch together?
05:50I'm sorry.
05:52I can't today.
06:12I've been thinking about you lately.
06:17Do you like me?
06:19I don't like you.
06:22You don't, do you?
06:24All men are like that.
06:52Are you resting?
06:58Can we have lunch here?
07:01Yes, but...
07:02What's wrong?
07:03Did you have a fight with your friend?
07:06Not really.
07:10I'm sorry.
07:18The sports festival is coming up, right?
07:23Do you remember?
07:25The sports festival in elementary school.
07:33Mom didn't come after all.
07:36It's work, so it can't be helped.
07:38You made lunch for me, didn't you?
07:44A lot of sausages, fried chicken, and eggs.
07:49Here you go.
07:51This is normal.
07:53You don't understand, Hana-chan.
07:55I'm grateful for this homemade food.
07:58And there's even my favorite spring roll.
08:02I'll eat it.
08:05It's delicious.
08:06It's delicious.
08:07Do you like it?
08:09My mom used to make it for me.
08:15I'm really envious.
08:16You have a mom.
08:20But you went fishing with your dad, didn't you?
08:24I was envious because you didn't have a dad.
08:30I see.
08:31Then how about this?
08:33Hana-chan and I are both envious.
08:36We can help each other when we're lonely.
08:44Okay, let's eat.
08:50It's delicious.
08:56Your mom...
08:59She had long hair.
09:03I've already forgotten her face.
09:06How long?
09:11About this long.
09:29That's right.
09:31This is it.
09:37What is it?
09:53Your favorite spring roll...
09:57Excuse me.
10:00Ms. Murakawa.
10:03I'm sorry I didn't tell you.
10:06What's wrong?
10:08Is it okay, Ms. Yasuraoka?
10:15That's great.
10:17I took this from the teacher earlier.
10:21I'll leave it here.
10:24Is this for tomorrow?
10:27I thought it would be better if it was early.
10:29That's great.
10:30Thank you very much.
10:31It's nothing.
10:32I was just asked to do it.
10:34But it's lunchtime.
10:36I'm sorry to bother you.
10:38You're always so sudden.
10:40Mr. Kanai.
10:46The other day...
10:57It was a secret between us.
11:02I said it because I didn't want it to become a rumor at school.
11:09I didn't want Mr. Kanai to find out.
11:12So let's just say we're friends.
11:17I won't say it unless you do.
11:21But if you're going to betray me, I won't either.
11:24Me neither.
11:27Ms. Yasuraoka?
11:30Ms. Yasuraoka?
11:34It's nothing.
11:38It's nothing.
11:40Goodbye, Mr. Kanai.
11:46What was that?
11:49Did I bother you?
11:51No, not at all.
11:53You saved me.
11:56That's great.
11:59Well, I'll get going.
12:02Would you like to have lunch with me?
12:06No, I've already eaten.
12:09I'm not hungry.
12:21I'm not hungry.
12:24I'm not hungry.
12:26I'm not hungry.
12:46It's unusual to be absent from class.
12:52I'll give it to you.
12:58Did you fall in love with me?
13:16Omelette and spring rolls.
13:19That's a lot of food.
13:21It's so luxurious.
13:26Just kidding.
13:29What's wrong?
13:31Did something happen?
13:38I see.
13:40Then I won't hold back.
13:59It's delicious.
14:05It's really delicious.
14:12Then do it like you always do.
14:26It's delicious, isn't it, Hana-chan?
14:34One more time.
14:37Do it again, Hana-chan.
14:43One more time.
14:48Thank you, Hana-chan.
14:51I eat cup noodles every day, so I like this.
15:01I eat bento every day, so I like this.
15:05No, you don't.
15:07No, I don't.
15:11Today is the day you lost someone important to you.
15:17That's why...
15:27That's why I made it.
15:31It's your favorite.
15:57It's really delicious.
16:01100 points.
16:07100 points.
17:30Can I have lunch with you?
17:33I turned you down yesterday.
17:35Please come in.
17:38Kanae-sensei, let's eat together.
17:41I'm sorry.
17:43I'm sorry.
17:47Are you doing this again?
17:50I'm embarrassed.
17:51No, you have to do it right.
18:00You said it before.
18:02You said you liked me.
18:06No, I didn't.
18:10Yes, you did.
18:12My mother used to say that.
18:14She's not here anymore.
18:16I see.
18:18Thank you for the food.
18:26Did you like it?
18:30Yes, it was very delicious.
18:33I'm glad.
18:34It was really delicious.
18:40She's here.
18:43I'm sure she's watching over you right now.
18:58Do you have time after school?
19:11She's here.
19:13It's just a little.
19:16I thought I'd talk to you over tea.
19:22I'm sorry.
19:24I have work to do after school.
19:29Then I'll call you again.
19:33No, you can't.
19:36Oh, I know.
19:37If you don't mind...
19:46Ms. Yasuraoka.
19:49I'm sorry, but could you bring me the music sheet?
19:59Why me?
20:02I heard it was your day off today.
20:05I'm sorry.
20:29Oh no, Kanai-sensei.
20:31What took you so long?
20:33I'm sorry.
20:34I didn't mean to ask.
20:43What did you want to talk about?
20:47You can't call me Kanai-sensei yet.
20:50Isn't it warm today?
20:53Yes, it is.
20:56The main character isn't here yet.
21:04But it looks like it's going to rain tonight.
21:28A little more.
21:39So, what did you want to talk about?
21:49I love you.
21:51I love you.
22:01I love you.
22:04I love you.
22:09Ah, this.
22:14I've always wanted to see this.
22:17Your face.
22:19Your face being erased.
22:46I love you.
22:47I love you.
22:48I love you.
22:49I love you.
22:50I love you.
22:51I love you.
22:52I love you.
22:53I love you.
22:54I love you.
22:55I love you.
22:56I love you.
22:57I love you.
22:58I love you.
22:59I love you.
23:00I love you.
23:01I love you.
23:02I love you.
23:03I love you.
23:04I love you.
23:05I love you.
23:06I love you.
23:07I love you.
23:08I love you.
23:09I love you.
23:10I love you.
23:11I love you.
23:12I love you.
23:13I love you.
23:14I love you.
23:15I love you.
23:16I love you.
23:17I love you.
23:43I love you.
23:44It's because I like you.
23:46You want to, don't you?
23:47You're just a piece of crap, just like that woman.
23:51There's nothing more pleasant than a love that comes from a man.
23:56I don't need you anymore.
24:00I love you.
24:02I've always loved you.
