• 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - È in corso il recupero, da parte dei sommozzatori dei vigili del fuoco, del corpo della 18enne Hannah Lynch, ultima dei dispersi nel naufragio del veliero Bayesian affondato lunedì scorso nelle acque di Porticello a Palermo. Il cadavere della ragazza, figlia del magnate Mike Lynch è stato individuato dopo giorni di ricerche in una cabina della barca, sommersa di mobili e suppellettili galleggianti


00:00It was found a few moments ago inside the 50-meter-deep hull of the Baysean sailboat,
00:10also the last dispersed of the shipwreck.
00:13It is the body of Hannah Lynch, the 18-year-old daughter of the English magnate Mike Lynch,
00:21who was found instead yesterday morning.
00:24Her body was inside the sailboat, lying on the right side, about 50 meters deep.
00:33At the moment, the firefighters of the fire brigade,
00:37who have been working tirelessly since Monday,
00:41are trying to recover the girl's body.
00:46You can imagine the difficulties,
00:49because inside the hull there are skeletons, furniture and many other objects
00:55that are inside the cabins.
00:58Even mattresses, of course, have to do this job safely.
01:03And then there is also a time problem,
01:05because they can stay inside the hull for no more than 12 minutes,
01:09including the descent and the ascent.
01:12So, at the moment, the recovery of Hannah Lynch's body is underway.
