• last year


00:02:50Mrs. White, this is Mr. Bridey.
00:02:52Guten Tag.
00:02:53Er ist hier die Seele vom Ganzen.
00:02:54Seine Exzellenz wollte Sie sofort nach Ihrer Ankunft sprechen.
00:02:57Guten Tag, Mr. Bridey.
00:02:58Ich melde mich sofort bei Ihnen.
00:02:59Würden Sie bitte mitkommen, Mrs. White.
00:03:04Ihnen ist offenbar nicht klar, dass ich britischer Bürger bin.
00:03:07Wir alle sind britische Bürger, Mr. Peters,
00:03:09auch wenn wir darüber keine besondere Bescheinigung haben.
00:03:12Ich finde es unverantwortlich, dass ich nicht gewarnt worden bin.
00:03:14Ich war nur in Nuran, und da ist ein Telegrafen.
00:03:16Ja, aber die Leitungen waren zerschnitten,
00:03:19Hören Sie, ich bestehe darauf.
00:03:21Ich verlange, dass Sie mich sofort zum Gouverneur bringen.
00:03:23Glauben Sie mir, Mr. Peters, der Gouverneur kann Ihnen auch nicht helfen.
00:03:26Der letzte Zug ist weg.
00:03:27Ich mache Ihnen keinen Vorwurf, Scott.
00:03:29Dadurch, dass Mrs. White dabei war, ist es bestimmt nicht schneller gegangen.
00:03:32Oh, sie hat sich wacker gehalten.
00:03:34Gar nicht wie eine Gouvernante, Herr Gouverneur.
00:03:37Ihr Mann ist Arzt gewesen.
00:03:39Er hat dem Prinzen als Baby das Leben gerettet.
00:03:41Der Maharaja hat es ihm nie vergessen.
00:03:43Wir konnten ihn nicht zur Flucht bewegen.
00:03:44Das habe ich auch nicht erwartet.
00:03:46Aber das Wichtigste ist jetzt Prinz Kishan.
00:03:48Daly hat einen dringenden Befehl geschickt für ihn sofort herbefördern.
00:03:51Offenbar habe ich versagt.
00:03:54General Eames, Sir.
00:03:55Kommen Sie rein, Eames, kommen Sie rein.
00:03:57Sie haben ihn also hergebracht, ein bisschen spät.
00:03:59Scott hat getan, was er konnte.
00:04:00Wo ist der Knabe, Sir?
00:04:01In der Bibliothek.
00:04:10Hoheit, ich freue mich, Sie in meinem Hause willkommen zu heißen.
00:04:13Danke, Eure Exzellenz.
00:04:17Er ist sehr müde.
00:04:18Mrs. Hoheit, ich kannte Ihren Mann von Bombe her.
00:04:20Das ist General Eames.
00:04:21Sehr freut.
00:04:22Ich weiß nicht, ob Ihnen die Situation bekannt ist.
00:04:24Der letzte Zug ist weg.
00:04:25Wir haben ihn für den Prinzen so lange wie möglich festgehalten.
00:04:27Ich habe versprochen, ihn in Sicherheit zu bringen.
00:04:30Das war das Letzte, was ich seinem Vater versprochen habe.
00:04:32Hier bei uns ist er in Sicherheit.
00:04:33Wie kommen Sie zu der Ansicht?
00:04:35Es ist keiner der üblichen Bandenaufstände.
00:04:36Es ist diesmal viel ernster.
00:04:38Wir haben keinen Grund, das anzunehmen, Mrs. Hoheit.
00:04:40Doch, Sie haben Grund.
00:04:41Glauben Sie mir.
00:04:42Fürsten, die sich bisher bekämpft haben, stehen jetzt auf derselben Seite.
00:04:45Rasied Hussein, sogar Rahim.
00:04:47Sie hat vollkommen recht, Sir.
00:04:49Hätten Sie sofort gehandelt, als ich Ihnen vor drei Tagen die Botschaft schickte, wäre Prinz Kishan jetzt schon in Delhi.
00:04:54Ich glaube, solche Dinge können wir etwas besser beurteilen, Mrs. Hoheit.
00:04:57Ich bin anderer Ansicht.
00:04:58Die Briten scheinen nichts unternehmen zu können, bevor sie ihre Tasse Tee getrunken haben.
00:05:01Und dann ist es gewöhnlich zu spät.
00:05:06Verzeihen Sie, aber uns Amerikanern kommt es manchmal so vor.
00:05:10Ich bitte um Entschuldigung, ich habe nicht gewusst, dass Sie da sind.
00:05:12Ich war bei dem Verwundeten.
00:05:14Warum ist mir nichts gesagt worden schon?
00:05:16Euer Hoheit, Mrs. White, nicht wahr?
00:05:19Ich habe schon viel von Ihnen gehört.
00:05:20Guten Tag.
00:05:21Der Kleine sieht ja ganz erschöpft aus.
00:05:23Sie werden müde sein, Captain Scott, und Sie sehen sich bestimmt nach einem Bad.
00:05:27Oh ja, Lady Vanden.
00:05:28Kommen Sie mit, ich zeige Ihnen Ihre Zimmer.
00:05:38Bedanke dich.
00:05:39Danke, Captain Scott.
00:05:41Hoheit sind ein guter Soldat.
00:05:44Verzeihen Sie mir, dass ich meine Meinung so offen gesagt habe,
00:05:46aber ich glaube, dazu hat man eine Meinung.
00:05:50Hussein, Razid und Rahim, alle vereint gegen uns.
00:05:53Durchaus möglich, dass Sie sich irrt, Sir.
00:05:55Ich wollte, Sie hätten Recht, Eames.
00:05:57Gehen Sie, Scott, ruhen Sie sich ein bisschen aus.
00:05:58Danke, Sir.
00:07:45Sir, they've captured the railway gates,
00:07:47which means that we're virtually in a state of siege.
00:07:49But can we hold out? That's the point.
00:07:51If we get reinforcements.
00:07:52Suppose we don't.
00:07:53Then we haven't a hope.
00:07:54Prince Kishin must be got out somehow.
00:07:56That dispatch from Delhi made it quite clear that we must save his life,
00:07:59and it was the last thing we did.
00:08:00It may well be the last thing we do, Sir.
00:08:03Is Captain Scott here yet?
00:08:04He's waiting, Sir.
00:08:05Oh, send him in, please.
00:08:07The boy, of course, is only a figurehead.
00:08:09Well, his family have been a figurehead,
00:08:11if that's the way you wish to put it, for generations.
00:08:13In any case, it's our only chance of restoring order in the province.
00:08:16You think he's as important as that, this one small boy?
00:08:19I know he is.
00:08:20He may be only five years old,
00:08:21but he's the religious and political leader of hundreds of thousands of Hindus.
00:08:25Come in.
00:08:44Excuse me, Mrs. Wyatt,
00:08:45but I don't think His Excellency would like you to be here.
00:08:48I think that what you're advising me about
00:08:50concerns me more than anyone else in this room.
00:08:53Mrs. Wyatt is absolutely right.
00:08:55So, can you take him to Kalapur?
00:08:57But I think the last train is gone, Sir.
00:08:59The army doesn't just train trains.
00:09:01How about horses?
00:09:02We can't do that, Sir.
00:09:03We haven't come through here with horses yet.
00:09:05They have their snipers on every mountain.
00:09:07But still, you came through.
00:09:09Yes, Sir, before they closed the ring.
00:09:12That's true, of course.
00:09:14Well, I'm afraid the Prince will have to stay here.
00:09:17He will be absolutely safe here,
00:09:18because we expect reinforcements at any moment.
00:09:21I'm starting to understand the English a little bit.
00:09:24In reality, they think nothing is safe here
00:09:26and their reinforcements will most likely not arrive in time.
00:09:28Dear lady, you are completely mistaken.
00:09:30No, no, please.
00:09:32Maybe you'll get used to things better this way.
00:09:35You just have to get used to the method.
00:09:37Thank you, Scott.
00:09:42There's absolutely no use your waiting, Mr. Peters.
00:09:45No use at all.
00:09:46Well, when can I see him? Tell me when.
00:09:48The Governor is very busy.
00:09:49I'm sure he'll see you when he can.
00:09:50I shall most certainly lodge a complaint when I get to Delhi.
00:09:53If you get to Delhi.
00:10:11Well, you see, Seib.
00:10:13She makes a lot of steam.
00:10:14Yes, I'm just afraid she'll let him get out at the wrong places.
00:10:17What wrong places, Seib?
00:10:19Well, Victoria is old.
00:10:21I admit that.
00:10:22But she has experience, Seib.
00:10:24And if she has experience, she can't do anything wrong.
00:10:33It's not Victoria's fault, Seib.
00:10:35I asked her last week.
00:10:37Last week.
00:10:38And last month I asked her 17 times to give me a little day to repair.
00:10:43But no, like you.
00:10:44Everyone says Victoria is too old.
00:10:46Victoria isn't good.
00:10:47Only good for arranging.
00:10:48But no one understands that.
00:10:50You know, from here to Kalapur it's more than 300 miles.
00:10:53What is 300 miles?
00:10:54What are 300 miles for my Victoria?
00:10:57Seib, do you know what she had to do on the Karachi route?
00:11:00Twice in one week.
00:11:01One week for twice.
00:11:02Yes, but how many years ago is that?
00:11:04Look at the boiler, Seib.
00:11:06A tiny hole.
00:11:07Not a millimeter of steam can slip out of it.
00:11:10And if the boiler is good, the whole locomotive is good.
00:11:13See for yourself if you don't believe Gupta.
00:11:36There is no one but that one.
00:11:38But that's broken down.
00:11:41What about that pair of wheels over there?
00:11:42Will they fit?
00:11:44Yes, Seib.
00:11:45They are very fitting wheels.
00:11:48Tell me, Gupta.
00:11:49How many miles per hour could Victoria go pulling just one coach?
00:11:54At least 50 miles, Seib.
00:11:56Well, at least, if not 50 miles, then at least 40 miles, Seib.
00:11:59And when it is mended, Seib, you don't know what speed it will go.
00:12:02It is very speedy.
00:12:03She'll be mended and the coach.
00:12:05Now, the only other problem is coal.
00:12:06We'll never get enough in there.
00:12:08Yes, Seib.
00:12:09We need five to six times much more coal than this.
00:12:11Yes, but where can we put it?
00:12:12Have you got a truck or something?
00:12:14Yes, Seib.
00:12:15We have got a truck in the shed.
00:12:17I'll get the sappers down here right away.
00:12:18And you can tell them what you want.
00:12:19Seib, you will be never sorry for the judgment you are making today.
00:12:23I hope you're right, Gupta.
00:12:25I hope you're right.
00:12:29And get that damn thing fixed at once.
00:12:30Yes, Seib.
00:12:31At once.
00:12:36She's like the lady, Seib.
00:12:38She shouts too much when she's happy.
00:12:40Oh, come on.
00:12:41You must know one way or the other.
00:12:43These rumors must have some foundation.
00:12:45Must they, sir?
00:12:46In my experience, rumor is seldom backed by truth.
00:12:48Surely you can tell us if the prince is here.
00:12:50Of course he's here.
00:12:51That's why they're attacking the town.
00:12:52Gentlemen, gentlemen.
00:12:53When the time comes, you'll be told everything.
00:12:55Why don't you trust us?
00:12:56We could help you, you know.
00:12:57Look here.
00:12:58We know that they burnt the palace to the ground and killed the boy's father.
00:13:00Isn't that so?
00:13:01I assure you, gentlemen.
00:13:02I know simply nothing.
00:13:03I'm not in a position of authority.
00:13:05It's the John wants you upstairs.
00:13:06Oh, thank heavens.
00:13:07Excuse me.
00:13:08Well, look.
00:13:09Neither governor cannot make a statement yet.
00:13:10Well, just tell us this.
00:13:11Why is the city being attacked?
00:13:12Isn't it because the British patrol rescued the prince and brought him here?
00:13:14Isn't it true that this entire situation hinges on Prince Gishan?
00:13:17His Excellency has never denied that.
00:13:19This province has been loyal to Prince Gishan's family for hundreds of years.
00:13:21While he's alive, there's absolutely no possibility of a successful rebellion.
00:13:24Well, then he is alive and here in government house.
00:13:26The governor will make a full statement tomorrow morning.
00:13:28There's no hurry, gentlemen.
00:13:30It's impossible for you to get your dispatches out of the city.
00:13:32The wires have been cut.
00:13:33Well, in that case, why don't you tell us the truth?
00:13:35Why all the secrecy?
00:14:00Yes, of course.
00:14:05Yes, of course.
00:14:29It's obvious that we still have one locomotive.
00:14:31As you know, the outer railway gate is in your hand.
00:14:36And most likely it's also closed.
00:14:38I'm not a great artist in drawing.
00:14:41So we're going through the inner gate here.
00:14:44Between the inner and the outer gate there's a gap.
00:14:50Despite its age, the Victoria is an excellent locomotive.
00:14:53But it makes a terrible lot of noise.
00:14:55A little too much, I'm afraid.
00:14:56That's why we're going to stand under steam.
00:14:58But first, we're going to drive in neutral.
00:15:00We should get a pretty good speed here at the depot.
00:15:03Enough speed to break through this gate.
00:15:06Before they notice what's going on.
00:15:10Well, that's our plan in a big way.
00:15:14Yes, of course we have to be prepared for surprises.
00:15:17They may have blocked the rails to prevent our reinforcement from getting there.
00:15:21But that's something we have to deal with,
00:15:23because we're facing the situation first.
00:15:26Mr. Van Leiden, what's wrong with you?
00:15:29So it's true. He's here.
00:15:31Excuse me, sir, he must have been stabbed. He came up the back stairs.
00:15:34Could you please send him out? He makes me nervous.
00:15:36Could you please leave this room immediately, Mr. Van Leiden?
00:15:38So you want to try to get him out?
00:15:40You won't be able to do that. Get out of here.
00:15:42Leave it, Scott. He can stay here. It's good, thank you.
00:15:44Since you've discovered our two most important secrets,
00:15:46there's no point in throwing you out.
00:15:48You want to get him out by train,
00:15:50even though the outer gate is in the enemy's hands.
00:15:52It's an improbable story.
00:15:53You won't be able to get to your newspaper.
00:15:57Unless I go by train, too.
00:15:59Well, isn't that an idea? I could go with you.
00:16:02There are a thousand people out there I'd rather go with than you.
00:16:04I know, I know. You can't get rid of me.
00:16:06None of you.
00:16:07Ah, good day, madam. We don't know each other yet.
00:16:09My name is Peter Van Leiden.
00:16:10All right, you have your story now.
00:16:12Even if you can't do anything about it,
00:16:14would you be so kind as to leave?
00:16:16It would be terrible to imagine what would happen
00:16:19if all the thousands down there knew that a train was leaving.
00:16:22They would beat the crap out of them if they weren't allowed to go.
00:16:25But the station is closed and everything is strictly confidential.
00:16:27Who's supposed to know anything?
00:16:29Mr. Van Leiden.
00:16:32It would be wise to inform the world press about our situation.
00:16:37No, no, no. Please don't bother. It's not that important.
00:16:39Mr. Van Leiden.
00:16:43You can go with us if you want to.
00:16:45Thank you very much.
00:16:47We both understand each other.
00:16:50All right.
00:16:52The luggage has to be at the station at 11 o'clock.
00:16:54I'll check the telegraph apparatus again.
00:16:57What are you going to do? Where are you going?
00:16:59To get my luggage. What else?
00:17:00That's just a brilliant idea.
00:17:03Oh, is that so?
00:17:05You mean if I leave now, the train will leave without me?
00:17:07Yes, Mr. Van Leiden. That's how it is.
00:17:09Well, good. Then I'll go without luggage.
00:17:11As a journalist, I'm used to it.
00:17:13Here, a wonderful travelogue.
00:17:15The decline and decay of a world empire.
00:17:17The Roman Empire, not the British.
00:17:48You're going.
00:17:50No, I'm not. I'm staying here with you.
00:17:52Oh, my dear, can't you see? I really have no right to get on that.
00:17:55Right? Right?
00:17:57Haven't I my rights?
00:17:59Am I governor of a province for nothing?
00:18:01But I can't be so selfish.
00:18:03I'm being selfish, my dear. Don't you understand?
00:18:05For once, I'm being selfish.
00:18:07You're going on the train, and that's that.
00:18:12That's that, my dear.
00:18:17Your luggage has been loaded.
00:18:27Your luggage has been loaded.
00:18:29Will you board the train, please?
00:18:34Say cheese to the guy, Dr. Seif.
00:18:36Cheese up.
00:18:48I hope they shoot far enough at least.
00:18:50Have a nice trip.
00:18:52Thank you.
00:19:17I had a feeling I'd never see it again.
00:19:31You trying to kill us all?
00:19:33We're trying to save you.
00:19:35The British are incurably optimistic.
00:19:37But you're British, Mr. Peters.
00:19:39My passport's British.
00:19:41Do you really think we can get through?
00:19:43Would I be trying it if I didn't think so?
00:19:45Well, you've been ordered to try it.
00:19:47Get aboard, quickly.
00:19:51How's the pressure, Gupta?
00:19:53Pressure is not very forcing to go yet, sir.
00:19:55But it will be very forcing in a soon moment.
00:20:06Do let me.
00:20:16It certainly won't take long.
00:20:18Mr. Bridie, please turn off the light.
00:20:23If all goes well, we'll get through without stopping.
00:20:25But if the train stops, please don't look out the window.
00:20:28Don't leave the car.
00:20:30Close the windows immediately and wait for further instructions from me.
00:20:36How's the pressure, Gupta?
00:20:38Pressure is not very forcing to go yet, sir.
00:20:40But it will be very forcing in a soon moment.
00:20:42But it will be very forcing in a soon moment.
00:20:46Come, Kishan, lie down here.
00:20:48Mrs. Wyatt, there are still a few good seats available for you.
00:20:52I feel very comfortable over here, thank you very much.
00:20:54Don't worry, Mr. Peters.
00:20:56The Americans are the tradition for isolation.
00:20:59Now Victoria is ready for Fahim Sahib.
00:21:01Incredibly ready.
00:21:06Ready, ladies and gentlemen?
00:21:08Good. Let's go.
00:21:12It will go wrong.
00:21:16Ready for departure, sir?
00:21:18Good luck, Captain Scott.
00:21:20Thank you, sir.
00:21:45Let's go.
00:22:15Close the fire door, Gupta.
00:22:39Full speed, Gupta!
00:22:41Full speed!
00:22:45On the move!
00:23:28Stay down!
00:23:30Don't worry, we'll get over it soon.
00:23:45Don't worry, we'll get over it soon.
00:24:09Good morning, Mr. Peters.
00:24:11Good morning.
00:24:17Sorry, it's a Lee Enfield.
00:24:19The rival firm.
00:24:20Ten rounds.
00:24:21I've never used one of these things before in my life.
00:24:24They're for killing people with.
00:24:26Why do fighting men pretend to despise those that make and sell them their tools?
00:24:30A soldier's job, Mr. Peters, is not primarily to kill.
00:24:35We have to keep order to prevent your customers from tearing each other to pieces.
00:24:38You really believe that?
00:24:40I wouldn't say it if I didn't.
00:24:41No, I don't believe you would.
00:24:43What I dislike about you chaps is that you sell your stuff without discrimination.
00:24:46To the other side, you mean?
00:24:48You think we should be like God?
00:24:50Only on the side of the British.
00:24:53But the Germans and the Japanese and the Hottentots, they all think Todd's on their side.
00:24:58And so do these rebels.
00:25:00They're only children.
00:25:01Would you give this to a child?
00:25:03They are not children.
00:25:04They are grown men.
00:25:06Uneducated men, I grant you, but fighting for freedom.
00:25:09For the freedom of their country.
00:25:11You see?
00:25:12Well, you may feel differently about it when you get one of your own bullets in the stomach.
00:25:16If you think I'm ashamed that these are my merchandise, you're wrong.
00:25:19Men make wars, not guns.
00:25:21Before there were guns, men used swords, spears, stones, blocks of wood, anything they could lay their hands on.
00:25:26Oh, go away, I'm sleepy.
00:25:29Oh, can't you shoot either?
00:25:32Oh, yes, I can shoot.
00:25:35Newspaper men have to be able to protect themselves sometimes.
00:25:39I'm not surprised if all their reports differ from the truth as much as yours do.
00:25:43Oh, you read my reports.
00:25:44I'm honored.
00:25:45Of course I do.
00:25:46But truth, you see, is like God, not always on the side of the British.
00:25:52It pleases you to mock us, Mr. van Luyden.
00:25:54We're used to that.
00:25:55Half the world mocks us.
00:25:57And half the world is only civilized because we have made it so.
00:26:00Good for you, ma'am.
00:26:05Already we split into factions.
00:26:07Our little train, trundling across this desert, is like our little world, trundling through space.
00:26:14Mr. Peters here will sell us guns, and we can fight each other.
00:26:20Men are really absurd.
00:26:21You stand around arguing, and who does all the work?
00:26:24We do, as usual.
00:26:26Oh, now, wait a minute.
00:26:27This journey is quite dangerous enough as it is.
00:26:29Well, Arizona isn't England, you know.
00:26:31From the time I was 13, my father never let me out of the house without one of these.
00:26:35Could I have one?
00:26:36I don't suppose I could hit anybody, but I could frighten them to death.
00:26:39Here you are, Mr. Bridie.
00:26:40Oh, I've never shot anyone in my life, I'm afraid.
00:26:43Well, with a bit of luck, you won't have to.
00:26:44Come to think of it, I once won a cigarette case or something with one of these on Brighton Pier.
00:26:49You did better than me.
00:26:50All I ever won was a bag of sweets.
00:26:52Here, 15 francs.
00:26:53Thank you very much.
00:26:54I think Gupta and the sergeant outside on the wagon could also need a sip of warm tea.
00:26:58Are you so kind, Captain?
00:26:59With pleasure.
00:27:06Dr. Seib.
00:27:08Herr Bannisam.
00:27:16Danke, Seib.
00:27:17Gupta, danken.
00:27:22Lokomotive sehr gut, Seib.
00:27:24Ihre Freunde das auch merken.
00:27:26Hier, vielleicht wirst du's brauchen.
00:27:28Gewähr für Gupta?
00:27:29Oh, nein, Seib.
00:27:30Gupta nur für Lokomotive.
00:27:32Sehr gut für Lokomotive.
00:27:3430 Jahre in Dienst bei Eisenbahn.
00:27:36Aber ohne Gewehr bist du vielleicht sehr schnell nicht mehr in Dienst bei Eisenbahn.
00:27:40Nein, Seib.
00:27:41Gupta sein Inder.
00:27:42Wenn Inder töten Inder, das böse Sache.
00:27:45Seib, vielleicht denken Gupta blöde Kerl.
00:27:48Nein, Gupta.
00:27:49Ganz im Gegenteil.
00:27:50Wenn andere Mann beten zu andere Gott, was gehen das Gupta an, Seib?
00:27:54Gehen Gupta nichts an.
00:28:00Stop, Gupta.
00:28:02Halt an.
00:28:05Seib, Gupta auf andere Gleis.
00:28:15Fenster läden runter.
00:28:17Und bitte, auf keinen Fall verlässt einer von Ihnen den Zug.
00:28:19Ist hoffentlich nichts Schlimmes.
00:28:20Nichts, was uns betrifft, Mr. Barty.
00:28:33Sobald du schießen wirst, fährst du so schnell wie möglich zurück.
00:28:36Du wartest nicht auf uns.
00:28:37Ja, Seib.
00:28:38Gupta werden das tun.
00:28:39Aber, Seib, bitte müssen gut aufpassen für euch.
00:31:01That's maybe.
00:31:06Come out!
00:31:18Hey, come up.
00:31:20Heads up girl.
00:31:21Oh, Kishan, do stop playing with that.
00:31:31Come along, Kishan. Have something to eat, my boy.
00:31:33It's dangerous to stay here so long.
00:31:35What does Captain Scott think he's doing?
00:31:39He's supposed to be protecting us.
00:31:51Then tell us what's going on out there.
00:31:54The refugee train is here.
00:31:56The refugee train should be on the left in Kalapur.
00:31:58That's what it says here.
00:31:59What's going on with the train, Leiden?
00:32:00Can we help?
00:32:01Can we do something?
00:32:03Do something? No, no, you can't do anything.
00:32:06None of you.
00:32:07Only one thing. You can all go home and take care of things there.
00:32:11And stay there. Forever.
00:32:22I'm sorry. We can't do anything.
00:32:25You're all dead.
00:32:27But there were hundreds of people on that train.
00:32:30How do you know you're all dead?
00:32:32Could you tell so quickly?
00:32:34We're going on.
00:32:35But maybe someone's still alive.
00:32:36We can't leave before we've convinced ourselves.
00:32:38Please believe me, Mrs. White.
00:32:40I haven't seen this for the first time.
00:32:42If these devils do something like this, then they do it thoroughly.
00:32:47Gupta, let's go.
00:32:57Stop, Gupta. Stop it.
00:32:59Mrs. White, for God's sake, get back in.
00:33:01Mrs. White!
00:33:05You won't be able to bring her before the court of war.
00:33:07She's not a soldier who can support you.
00:33:09Just as little as we can.
00:33:12If Sahib allows me, then Gupta will try to bring M'am Sahib back.
00:33:17No, Gupta.
00:33:19M'am Sahib will convince herself.
00:33:41We can't do anything anymore.
00:34:11Let's go.
00:34:41Let's go.
00:35:11Let's go.
00:35:41Let's go.
00:35:59We'd like to get in.
00:36:11I can't.
00:36:25The chance was one in a million.
00:36:27The little boy was completely hidden.
00:36:29His mother protected him with her body.
00:36:31You couldn't...
00:36:32Don't try to excuse me. I know I was wrong.
00:36:35Let's go.
00:36:42I think it's better that he doesn't see what's there.
00:36:46Yes, that's good.
00:36:47Let's see how we can best accommodate our little boy.
00:36:50I think I have just the right thing.
00:36:52Look at this.
00:36:54What you did was very brave, my love.
00:37:00I still remember how my friends used to pull me up with this thing.
00:37:03They said, there comes Brady with his baby body.
00:37:06They weren't that wrong, were they?
00:37:08What do you think? Do you think he'll fit in there?
00:37:10That would be a nice bed for him.
00:37:12Get him something under it, so he can lie down comfortably.
00:37:14Will that do?
00:37:15Yes, that's excellent.
00:37:17One life saved.
00:37:19And thousands destroyed.
00:37:24Shall we put something waterproof in there, Lady Windham?
00:37:26Well, yes.
00:37:42The driver of that engine was a friend of mine, sir.
00:37:46Thirty years on the railway train service.
00:37:49He had four small children, sir.
00:37:55You know, sir,
00:37:57sometimes I want to get hold of my people.
00:38:01All my people.
00:38:03And beat their heads together
00:38:05to put a little sense into them.
00:38:10What's the matter, Gupta?
00:38:12Say something serious to Victoria.
00:38:14She's growling like a snail.
00:38:16Victoria is old.
00:38:18Victoria does her best.
00:38:20Her best isn't enough.
00:38:22But there isn't enough steam.
00:38:24Then make a little more steam.
00:38:40You can behave as you like.
00:38:42You're under army command.
00:38:43Not Victoria.
00:38:44She can't do it anymore.
00:38:45She doesn't want to.
00:38:46You promised me you'd make it to Kalapur.
00:38:48We'll make it to Kalapur, but not with that.
00:38:51Is that all?
00:38:53I wish you'd scare me like that again.
00:38:55We'll get rid of that thing.
00:38:57That's a sign?
00:38:58Yes, sir.
00:38:59Who's been allowed?
00:39:00That's us, sir.
00:39:01I don't go by.
00:39:02That's us, sir.
00:39:03We'll hold off for a few minutes
00:39:05to disassemble something.
00:39:10If we're in danger for a few miles,
00:39:12we'll hold off again.
00:39:13I don't know how Captain Scott
00:39:14will get us to Kalapur like that.
00:39:16He'll get you there, Mr. Peters.
00:39:18Don't worry about it.
00:39:28Mr. Van Lyden, would you mind passing me my case?
00:39:31It's just on the rack there above your head.
00:39:41Yes, that's it.
00:39:46Thank you.
00:40:10Thank you.
00:40:27Ah, thank you very much.
00:40:29I think those two up there
00:40:30could use a drink of water, too.
00:40:31I'll get you something.
00:40:35I'm sorry I...
00:40:38Are you talking about the baby?
00:40:40Now get to the point.
00:40:42It was great what you did.
00:40:44I didn't want to do anything great.
00:40:46To understand it,
00:40:47you have to know something about my life.
00:40:49I think I understand you.
00:40:51You were married to a doctor.
00:40:53A wonderful doctor, as they say.
00:40:55A man who sacrificed his life for others.
00:40:57It's impossible to be married to such a man
00:40:59if you don't live by the same ideals as him.
00:41:02Right? Am I right?
00:41:04Yes, somehow you're right,
00:41:06but it's different for me.
00:41:08I didn't have the same ideals as him.
00:41:10I hated them.
00:41:12I hated the dirt and the misery,
00:41:14the villages we had to live in.
00:41:16I even hated his job.
00:41:18Once I left him and went to the States.
00:41:22But one day you understand,
00:41:24even if it's too late for many things.
00:41:27Can you understand now?
00:41:30Yes, I understand.
00:41:32I may not be more than a primitive and stubborn soldier,
00:41:35but I didn't just fall on my head.
00:41:38My husband would have been very surprised
00:41:40if he had seen me in this car.
00:41:42By the way, how are you, young Indian?
00:41:45How do we feed you?
00:41:46Mr. Bridie had a brilliant idea.
00:41:48We'll take leather gloves.
00:41:50If you have leather gloves.
00:41:51Oh, Lady Windham has. She has about everything.
00:41:53You should see what she has in her suitcase.
00:41:56Perfume, salt, playing cards, iodine, bandages.
00:41:59Even the last issue of the London Times.
00:42:02How about bringing them something to drink?
00:42:04I don't have anything against a good cup of tea.
00:42:06Can it be coffee?
00:42:08Then the British Empire would collapse.
00:42:24You were happy in Hazarabad, weren't you, Mr. Bridie?
00:42:27Oh, yes, it's my home. I've lived there for 21 years.
00:42:30I was happy there, too.
00:42:32It's a little bit different for you, Lady Windham,
00:42:35if you don't mind my saying so.
00:42:36I have only a half-sister in England.
00:42:38Lives just outside Birmingham. We've never been very close.
00:42:41Don't think her husband likes me much.
00:42:43So really, you see, well, I'm alone.
00:42:46It's not so very different for me, Mr. Bridie.
00:42:48I have a few relations in England, of course.
00:42:50More than just one sister, but...
00:42:51I even had to leave my old dog behind.
00:42:53Not much of a dog, I dare say, but...
00:42:55Well, he was mine.
00:42:58I had to leave my husband behind.
00:43:00Oh, Lady Windham, I'm sorry. I didn't mean...
00:43:03You've had your home in one place for 20-odd years.
00:43:06And for 20-odd years, I haven't had a home.
00:43:08Just a succession of big houses that haven't been very easy to run.
00:43:12My husband has been my home.
00:43:15Wherever he is.
00:43:16I'm sorry, Lady Windham. Please, how could I have been so thoughtless?
00:43:19Please forgive me.
00:43:20Don't be silly, Mr. Bridie.
00:43:23Can I get you some water, Lady Windham?
00:43:25How about a drop of whiskey? There's some in the van.
00:43:31Lady Windham.
00:43:33What's the matter?
00:43:35There's nothing like a woman in tears to stop a man feeling sorry for himself.
00:43:39Mr. Bridie?
00:43:41He certainly doesn't seem sorry for himself now.
00:43:46Your husband will be all right. I'm sure he will.
00:43:50Here we are, Lady Windham.
00:43:52Oh, dear me.
00:43:53That was a near one.
00:43:55Oh, thank you. That's better.
00:43:57It's rather strong.
00:43:58Some more water.
00:43:59Oh, gracious, I'm not complaining.
00:44:00Oh, Mrs. Wyatt, what about you? A little...
00:44:02Oh, no, thank you. I'm supposed to be fixing tea.
00:44:04Leave it to me.
00:44:06You see, he's quite happy now that he's doing something for somebody else.
00:44:09You've been married, my dear. You should know that much about men.
00:44:12Maybe a doctor's wife doesn't see enough of her husband to find out.
00:44:18He was one of his patients, you know.
00:44:20So thin and wasted, like a starved little fool.
00:44:24So thin and wasted, like a starved little frog.
00:44:27Look at him now.
00:44:54Yes, sir.
00:44:55Sergeant, get the fire ready.
00:45:03Damn it. I beg your pardon.
00:45:09You've blown up the rails.
00:45:11Please close the shops.
00:45:14Maybe it has nothing to do with us.
00:45:16You probably did it days ago to prevent our reinforcements from getting here.
00:45:19What are we going to do now? We can't just sit here.
00:45:21You think so?
00:45:22We can't go on like this.
00:45:24And that we're going to go back is out of the question.
00:45:27An unusually interesting military problem.
00:45:31Or just a matter of common sense.
00:45:33What about it?
00:45:34The sergeant has to stay on guard at the MG.
00:45:36So there are only six men left.
00:45:38We're going to replace the destroyed part of the rail with a new one.
00:45:41We'll take it out behind the train.
00:45:42You're crazy. That's impossible.
00:45:44Not at all. That's been done before.
00:45:46Thank you, Mr. Bridey.
00:45:47I think we'd better do it this way.
00:45:48We'll take the train straight to the destroyed part.
00:45:50Don't you want to leave it here in the tunnel?
00:45:52It might be safer for the ladies.
00:45:54Yes, but then we'd have to march 200 meters over the open ground.
00:45:56And outside, who knows what could be going on.
00:45:58We need the greatest possible cover.
00:46:00Any other questions?
00:46:02Good. Then let's go.
00:46:04Such bad luck. Hopefully we still have a few cups somewhere.
00:46:06I don't think we can all have a sip of tea now.
00:46:18Let's go.
00:46:44Everything seems to be peaceful outside.
00:46:46I don't know why Peter noticed so suddenly.
00:46:48We can't just sit here.
00:46:52What is it, Kishan? What did you see?
00:46:54Something moved.
00:46:56Where, Kishan? Come on, show me.
00:46:58Up there.
00:47:00What was it, Kishan? What did you see up there?
00:47:02Was it a man?
00:47:04I don't know.
00:47:06Don't be scared.
00:47:08Otherwise, you'll get it from me.
00:47:10Come out when I call you.
00:47:12But then, stay put.
00:47:16Come on.
00:47:34Spitzhacken! Brecheisen! Schraubenschüssel!
00:47:36Excuse me, Lady Windham.
00:47:38I would like to advise the gentlemen to do the same.
00:47:40It should be nice and warm out there.
00:47:42Nice and warm is a little exaggerated.
00:47:44Exaggerating is an old British social game.
00:47:48All right, gentlemen, come on.
00:47:50Come on, come on.
00:47:56Come on, I'll help you, Mr. Brighton.
00:47:58Just a moment.
00:48:00The arms suppliers have the entrance.
00:48:02Come on, come on, come on.
00:48:14Come on, come on, come on.
00:48:30If there are any of the brothers here,
00:48:32that's exactly the moment you've been waiting for.
00:48:36Why don't we send one of the inns?
00:48:38But Mr. Peters...
00:48:44Come on.
00:49:04Sie bitte hier machen, Seib.
00:49:06Wo gehen hin, Seib?
00:49:08Das ist ein Stück Seib.
00:49:10Das ist ein Stück Seib.
00:49:12Oh, nein, nein, nicht so machen, Seib.
00:49:14So machen.
00:49:24Zum Donnerwetter wollen Sie sich gefälligst auf...
00:49:26Wünschen Sie nicht, dass die Nachwelt
00:49:28von Ihren großen Heldentaten erfährt, Captain Scott.
00:49:30Reden Sie keinen Blödsinn und fassen Sie mit an.
00:49:32Wissen Sie, wie sich das anhört, Scott?
00:49:34Als ob schon das gesamte Empire zusammenkracht.
00:49:36Also schön, ich komme.
00:49:42Ich finde es wirklich sehr angenehm,
00:49:44mal ein bisschen hier draußen zu sein, Captain Scott.
00:49:46Warten Sie mal, wenn Sie sich jetzt
00:49:48mit den Schienen abschleppen.
00:49:58Hört es ab! Guck da!
00:50:06Fängt du still, Victoria!
00:50:08Lass mich!
00:50:10Fängt du still, Victoria!
00:50:16Ich dachte, Victoria wäre auf unserer Seite.
00:50:20Komm, meine Herren, wir müssen uns beeilen.
00:51:10Komm, Kishan, bitte lass das.
00:51:16Setz dich mal zu mir, Herr Kishan.
00:51:18Wir werden ein schönes Kartenhaus bauen.
00:51:20Ich werde es dir zeigen.
00:51:22So, jetzt suchst du erst mal die Karten aus.
00:51:40Ich werde es dir zeigen.
00:51:42Ich werde es dir zeigen.
00:51:44Ich werde es dir zeigen.
00:52:10Jetzt beginnen wir auf dem zweiten Flur, oder?
00:52:12Das stimmt.
00:52:14Hier unten hin, Kishan.
00:52:24Jetzt versuchen wir noch eins draufzusetzen.
00:52:32Jetzt wird es spannend.
00:52:34Eine überaus interessante Situation, Captain Scott.
00:52:36Vorne die Schienen weg,
00:52:38hinten die Schienen weg.
00:52:40Was passiert, wenn die jetzt angreifen?
00:52:42Sie denken auch an alles verleiten.
00:52:46Zwei Stockwerke haben wir schon.
00:52:48Jetzt versuchen wir noch eins draufzusetzen.
00:52:52Das müssen wir aber gleich reparieren, nicht wahr?
00:53:10Da, da oben.
00:53:12Ein Spiegeltelegraph.
00:53:18Was bedeutet dieses Licht da oben?
00:53:20Das bedeutet, dass sie uns entdeckt haben.
00:53:22Sollen wir Feuer eröffnen, Captain Scott?
00:53:24Hat keinen Zweck auf die Entfernung.
00:53:26Machen wir das, wir fertig werden.
00:53:40Komm, setz dich hier unten hin, Kishan.
00:53:44Tu, was man dir sagt, Liebling.
00:53:46Ich setz mich auch hier her.
00:54:40So, Mr. Bridie, zurück in den Wagen.
00:54:42Ich mach die beiden letzten Bolzen ins andere Ende rein.
00:55:10Mach sie, dass sie in den Wagen kommen, fix!
00:55:14Runter mit den Katzen!
00:55:20Gupta, komm zurück!
00:56:28Sergeant, geben Sie mir Feuerschutz, schnell!
00:56:50Mein Vater Gott, nicht weg sind von deinem indischen Sohn.
00:56:52Bitte ihn retten!
00:57:28Feuer bereit!
00:58:24Los, Gupta!
00:58:56Was ist mit dir los, Gupta?
00:58:58Was abgekriegt?
00:59:00Ja, Seib.
00:59:02Er haben sein indische Sohn geschützen,
00:59:04hat nur klein wenig getroffen in die Fuß.
00:59:06Und ein klein wenig in die Arm oben, Seib.
00:59:08Das kriegen wir schnell wieder hin, Gupta.
00:59:10Noch ein paar Meilen und wir sind unten in der Ebene.
00:59:12Da können wir etwas verschnaufen, hoffe ich.
00:59:14Ja, Seib.
00:59:16Und, Gupta, müssen wir lernen, sie zu fahren.
00:59:18Victoria, Seib.
00:59:20Kannst du es vielleicht jetzt noch einen Moment machen?
00:59:22Ich will nur sehen, wie es denen da drinnen geht.
00:59:24Ja, Seib.
00:59:26Hast deine Sache gut gemacht.
00:59:36Der Druck lässt nach, Gupta.
00:59:38Victoria möchte Wasser, Seib.
00:59:40Wie weit ist es bis zur nächsten Station?
00:59:44Zwanzig Meilen noch dahin.
00:59:46Wird sie es schaffen?
00:59:48Oh ja, Seib, sie werden es schaffen.
00:59:50Aber langsam, langsam.
00:59:52Gut so?
00:59:54Das ist sehr viel gut so.
00:59:59This time tomorrow we'll have you in hospital, Gupta.
01:00:01Oh, no, Seib.
01:00:03Gupta does not like to live in hospitals.
01:00:05Why not?
01:00:07Those nurses there, Seib, they're not women.
01:00:09Oh, you'd be surprised.
01:00:11She's going too quick, Seib.
01:00:13The compression is losing.
01:00:20Victoria talks to me.
01:00:22I understand her language.
01:00:24Just as well, because I can't understand a word she says.
01:00:28Oh, this is ridiculous.
01:00:30It would be quicker to walk.
01:00:32There's nothing to stop you walking, Mr. Peters.
01:00:34I don't know why the British buy these things.
01:00:38Our models are twice as good.
01:00:40Twice as good?
01:00:42Oh, I see.
01:00:44You mean it can kill twice as many people.
01:00:46Exactly, and twice as fast.
01:00:48It's an ingenious piece of mechanism.
01:00:50But this thing...
01:00:54It won't fire again?
01:01:00No, not I hope.
01:01:02Let's go.
01:01:22I don't know why.
01:01:24Me, Ruthless? What makes you say that?
01:01:26The things you write.
01:01:28Crude sensationalism.
01:01:30It doesn't matter that you're such an attentive reader of my work.
01:01:34Reading newspapers is like everything else in life.
01:01:36One must take the good with the bad, the informed and the shoddy.
01:01:41Thank you.
01:01:43You do an awful lot of harm, you know that, don't you?
01:01:47Sometimes I think you're even inciting violence.
01:01:50The cure for some diseases is often violent and painful.
01:01:54War is like that, but it's sometimes the only cure.
01:02:00I'm sorry. I was just quoting from one of my shoddy articles.
01:02:13Is the engine driver still sitting out there in the sun?
01:02:16That wound will dry up superficially and then heaven knows what will happen in this climate.
01:02:29No, you. He likes you.
01:02:32You think so?
01:02:34Would you bring him this good piece? It will keep the sun at least a little.
01:02:38Yes, I'll bring it to him.
01:02:44Captain Scott!
01:02:49Lady Windham says it's dangerous for him to sit in the sun like that.
01:02:52What did I tell you? She has everything.
01:02:55Here you are, old man.
01:02:57I just hope that none of your railway colleagues see you with that thing.
01:03:00No, sir. Then they would call me Lady Gupta.
01:03:05All set for Henry Regatta.
01:03:07Who is Henry Regatta, sir?
01:03:10He says, who is Henry Regatta?
01:03:12It's not a who, Gupta. It's an occasion.
01:03:15When all the most sive sives in England get themselves together,
01:03:19dress up in a lot of silly little hats and row themselves up and down a river.
01:03:24That is very funny. Why do they do that?
01:03:27Why? Why indeed? You may well ask. I don't know.
01:03:32It's one of the things I joined the army to get away from.
01:03:35Pressure, sir.
01:03:41There's an attractive little song that goes with it.
01:03:47And a hay-harvest breeze
01:03:51Blade on the feather
01:03:54Shade off the trees
01:03:58Swing, swing together
01:04:01With your bodies between your knees
01:04:05Swing, swing together
01:04:08With your bodies between your knees
01:04:11Swing, swing together
01:04:14With your bodies between your knees
01:04:17All together now.
01:04:25Blade on the feather
01:04:28Shade off the trees
01:04:31And a swing, swing together
01:04:34Mind your business, sir.
01:04:36And a hay-harvest breeze
01:04:39Raggedy may be for us
01:04:42But we won't go forever
01:04:46Steady from so long ago
01:04:49And nothing in life shall divide
01:04:53The chain that is round us now
01:04:56And nothing in life shall divide
01:05:00The chain that is round us now
01:05:09And nothing in life shall divide
01:05:14The chain that is round us now
01:05:19And nothing in life shall divide
01:05:24The chain that is round us now
01:05:29And nothing in life shall divide
01:05:34Sergeant, get ready to fire!
01:05:36Attention, your car!
01:05:38Go all in cover!
01:05:40Kumar, come up to me!
01:05:55Get down! Don't come any closer!
01:06:04Get down!
01:06:18You've done a fine job here at the Shara.
01:06:22Tell me, please,
01:06:24if you haven't spilled the water
01:06:27and if the pumps are still working.
01:06:29If not, we'll have to go to Kalapur for a while.
01:06:32Sergeant, go up to the roof.
01:06:34And watch your step.
01:06:40Everything's fine, gentlemen. You can come out.
01:06:45Mr. Peters, Van Leiden,
01:06:47get some wood and bring it to the pump house.
01:06:57I'll try to heat the pump boiler.
01:06:59Careful, Sahib! Careful!
01:07:09If I can get the pump running, we'll get to the water.
01:07:12But we'll have to make a locomotive out of it.
01:07:14If you could look around for any vessels,
01:07:17that would help us a lot.
01:07:19Oh, Mr. Van Leiden,
01:07:21just so you know,
01:07:23whether you make it or not depends on whether we make it.
01:07:26So get some wood.
01:07:29Thank you.
01:07:59You're not allowed to leave empty-handed.
01:08:01Gupta has to give you something.
01:08:03He's an Indian.
01:08:06Please, have some water.
01:08:13Please put it in here.
01:08:16If it works, we'll have water soon.
01:08:18And if it doesn't?
01:08:20Then we'll sit here until you've had enough.
01:08:23Then I'd rather it worked.
01:08:29Thank you.
01:08:37I think it's all right.
01:08:39Get rid of that thing. It's making a mess.
01:08:47Now comes the big moment.
01:08:50Come on.
01:08:56All right, get out of here.
01:08:58Keep the fire going, Van Leiden.
01:09:00What do you say?
01:09:02Please fill the buckets.
01:09:04Come on, help carry the water.
01:09:06Sergeant, let me take good care of it.
01:09:11Well, Gupta,
01:09:13where does the old lady take her drink?
01:09:15She always drinks from the roof pipe.
01:09:21Come here.
01:09:34You're soaking wet.
01:09:36Go away. Take your shoes off.
01:09:50Come on.
01:10:04Thank you, Mr. Bridie.
01:10:06A few more buckets and we can go.
01:10:20You look surprised.
01:10:22I am, to see you working so hard.
01:10:24Everybody can if they have to.
01:10:26Does that mean the armament business is hard work?
01:10:29Good heavens, no. People are always fighting each other.
01:10:32We are the only salesmen
01:10:34who are actually pursued by our customers.
01:10:37I have had to work hard, though, at other jobs.
01:10:40What other jobs, Mr. Peters?
01:10:42For many years I devoted myself
01:10:44to the business of marrying a rich woman.
01:10:47No, truly, it's very, very difficult.
01:10:49Did you succeed?
01:10:51With my child? Of course I did.
01:10:53But you know, it's a funny thing.
01:10:55A man can keep a woman,
01:10:57but a woman can't keep a man.
01:10:59Oh, Vera, I ended up by despising her.
01:11:02Myself, too, come to that.
01:11:04But it wasn't a good job anyway.
01:11:06Too much hard work.
01:13:51Would you like a drink of water, Gupta?
01:13:54No water, Mipsa.
01:13:56No water.
01:13:58Try to sleep.
01:14:03I understand.
01:14:05I will like hospitals after now.
01:14:33How's Gupta?
01:14:35Not too good. Bit of a fever, I think.
01:14:37We shouldn't have let him stay out so long.
01:14:40Good heavens, who's driving the train?
01:14:42The gunner, ma'am. Is that seat?
01:14:44I think so.
01:14:46Victoria is most intelligent.
01:14:50No, why not?
01:14:52Thus comes with the setting of the sun.
01:14:54Have a whiskey?
01:14:56No, thank you.
01:14:58Oh, come on, do you good.
01:15:00I don't drink.
01:15:02What? Are you a journalist?
01:15:04It's not an essential part of the job.
01:15:06I'm sure we're all very good friends.
01:15:08I said no, didn't I?
01:15:16Mr. Van Lyden, are you a Muslim by any chance?
01:15:22Why should you say that?
01:15:25Because you won't touch alcohol,
01:15:27and because this morning you were most unwilling to give Lady Wyndham her case.
01:15:32Her pigskin case.
01:15:34Yes, I am a Muslim. It so happens.
01:15:37A Dutch Muslim? That's a bit unusual, isn't it?
01:15:40Not so unusual, no.
01:15:42Many Dutch Indonesians are Muslims.
01:15:44Are you an Indonesian, Mr. Van Lyden?
01:15:46Or half-Indonesian?
01:15:49Yes, I am.
01:15:51I don't see why an Indonesian should be quite so anti-British.
01:15:55Indonesian, Dutch, British, Christian, Muslim, what has it got to do with it?
01:15:59I merely sympathize with small minorities fighting the aggression of big nations.
01:16:05In any case, the accidents of my birth have nothing to do with you.
01:16:10Any of you.
01:16:11You're perfectly right, I'm happy to say.
01:16:13You're being very slow, young man, snap.
01:16:19A very ill-natured fellow.
01:16:40No, thank you.
01:16:41You should not be so touchy.
01:16:43There's no harm in being a Muslim.
01:16:45One would think there was, from your attitude.
01:16:47Not all Muslims are in sympathy with the rebels.
01:16:50Thank you very much.
01:16:52But some are.
01:16:56Oh, are you?
01:16:58What are you driving at?
01:16:59I'm no Muslim.
01:17:00Muslim or no Muslim, after all, you are the man who sold them the arms.
01:17:04In my opinion, people in glasshouses should mind their own bloody business.
01:17:09And I mean bloody.
01:17:10I'll tell you.
01:17:14You should not be so touchy.
01:17:17I think I'll change my mind.
01:17:18I'll have that cigar after all.
01:17:27Thank you.
01:17:40I hope you can get some sleep afterwards.
01:17:42Could you please pass me the scissors?
01:17:50The boy is tougher than he looks.
01:17:54Anything else?
01:17:56Yes, if you could pour me some more water.
01:18:03You are the first American I have met.
01:18:06Are you all like her?
01:18:08Why, what am I like?
01:18:13Well, let's say, a little more independent than most women.
01:18:18Is that a tactful description for you to keep your head above your head?
01:18:21May I ask you something?
01:18:23Why did you become a soldier?
01:18:25Is it so unusual to become a soldier?
01:18:27It's completely crazy.
01:18:29Come on, tell me why.
01:18:31Well, how was it actually?
01:18:33I was about eight years old when my dear grandfather gave me a box of lead soldiers.
01:18:38And since then you've been a soldier?
01:18:41If you want to put it that way, yes.
01:18:43Do you ever feel like it's something inferior?
01:18:53A soldier doesn't need to use his mind?
01:19:01We are not machines.
01:19:03We are humans, like everyone else.
01:19:11Do you mean that this transport is not responsible for him?
01:19:14But not for him.
01:19:15The governor has ordered you to bring us to Kalapur.
01:19:18If you can't do it, he is responsible.
01:19:21Thank you very much.
01:19:22Really, thank you very much.
01:19:23This thought is very reassuring.
01:19:27Not that I'm not grateful to you for trying to save my life,
01:19:30but that doesn't change my opinion about soldiers.
01:19:38Are you also one of those emancipated women with whom we have so much trouble in England?
01:19:43If possible.
01:19:44Oh, they're totally crazy.
01:19:46You think a woman who has her own opinion is crazy?
01:19:49In my eyes, a man who has only been following orders all his life is crazy.
01:19:52Listen, you can't always do what you want in life.
01:19:56My job is to follow orders.
01:19:58Like an animal that can't think.
01:19:59I am quite your opinion, Mrs. Wild.
01:20:01How long have you been sneaking around here?
01:20:03I'd like to give you a nose job so you don't get stuck everywhere.
01:20:08I'm just on my way to do a few moves.
01:20:11Don't worry, I see the platform has just been cleared again.
01:20:15I'm leaving.
01:20:41I didn't mind.
01:20:42You looked as if you did.
01:20:44You still do.
01:20:46Do I?
01:20:48Is there any sugar?
01:20:49Oh, how silly of me.
01:20:50Come on.
01:20:51Back to the footplate.
01:20:52Good night, Ben Lydon.
01:20:53Good night.
01:20:54Good night, Mr. Bridey.
01:20:55Good night, Captain Scott.
01:20:56Don't stay out there too long.
01:20:57Must get some sleep.
01:20:58Good night, ma'am.
01:20:59Try and get some rest.
01:21:01I've got a nightmare.
01:21:04You know, I've got a lot of friends back home in Hazirabad
01:21:09who are out, who are of mixed blood.
01:21:12Don't be shy, Mr. Bridey.
01:21:14They are half-breeds.
01:21:16So am I.
01:21:17There's nothing to be ashamed of.
01:21:18No, that's just what I tell them.
01:21:19They're charming people.
01:21:20I do hope they're all right.
01:21:22They're charming to you because you are charming to them.
01:21:25No, no, that's nothing to do with it.
01:21:26They're my friends.
01:21:27I told you, they're my friends.
01:21:29Half-breeds in this country, Mr. Bridey, are hungry for friends.
01:21:35They spend most of their time worrying about what they are and what they are not.
01:21:38I think it's degrading.
01:21:40I'm not ashamed to be what I am.
01:21:42I think I'm all right.
01:21:44I have a certain amount of power, you know.
01:21:47I don't think power has anything to do with it, Mr. Bridey.
01:21:51Oh, yes, it has.
01:21:52It is vital.
01:21:53If people know that you can hit back, they're careful how they treat you.
01:21:58You mustn't be angry with her.
01:21:59She's one of the old school.
01:22:01I'm not angry.
01:22:03In fact, I rather admire her.
01:22:06She's proud, tough, ruthless, unashamedly patriotic.
01:22:12A real pain in the neck.
01:23:07Oh, His Highness.
01:23:09I'm sorry.
01:23:10I cannot rise to bow to His Highness.
01:23:15When did you learn to drive the engine?
01:23:19I was the same old as Your Highness.
01:23:21My father taught me.
01:23:22He was also an engine driver like your father is king.
01:23:26Don't you want a bigger engine?
01:23:28I don't want a bigger engine.
01:23:30I don't want a bigger engine.
01:23:32I don't want a bigger engine.
01:23:34I don't want a bigger engine.
01:23:36Do you want a bigger engine now?
01:23:37Oh, no, His Highness.
01:23:39I'm in the habit of Victoria now.
01:23:41Bigger engines only bring troublesomeness.
01:23:43When people become unsatisfactory with small engines, they want bigger engines.
01:23:48But one morning, there are no bigger engines than the very big ones.
01:23:52And people again become unsatisfactory.
01:23:54So why not have small engines and be satisfactory?
01:23:57Gupta, your English is hopeless.
01:24:00Yes, His Highness.
01:24:02But I'm doing practice with Scott now.
01:24:04His English is very hopeful.
01:24:06Come along, Kishan.
01:24:23We're stopping, aren't we?
01:24:25Yes, this is the Kubra Bridge.
01:24:27I was here five years ago when I came back from vacation.
01:24:30That was a little different than today.
01:24:36Let's go.
01:25:14This time it's the bridge.
01:25:16They blew it up.
01:25:18At least a part of it.
01:25:20So I have to ask you to get out and walk a few meters.
01:25:24But if it's blown up, what are we supposed to walk on?
01:25:26Fortunately, the guys here didn't know how to deal with explosives.
01:25:28The pressure went down instead of up.
01:25:30One railing survived.
01:25:32It only has a few meters of ground and hangs free in the air.
01:25:34So we're supposed to balance over the ground?
01:25:36Without being able to hold on?
01:25:38Two or three meters at most.
01:25:40It won't be easy and certainly not a pleasure.
01:25:42But we'll make it.
01:25:44Captain Scott, maybe we should be lured back into a trap.
01:25:46There is a possibility, but I don't believe in it.
01:25:48I don't think they did it for us.
01:25:50It looks like it happened a few days ago.
01:25:52You say we should walk over it.
01:25:54And what happens next?
01:25:56Free rails can't carry the weight of a locomotive.
01:25:58They probably wanted to disrupt the regular train traffic with the explosion.
01:26:00Ammunition trains and refugee trains can no longer happen.
01:26:01But our rector might still be able to do it.
01:26:03In any case, we have to try.
01:26:05There's nothing else we can do.
01:26:07And if it's a trap after all?
01:26:09In any case, I'll send the two soldiers with the MG gunner.
01:26:11You'll give us fire protection if necessary.
01:26:13So, if you're ready, please come down to the bridge.
01:27:10Give me the baby, please.
01:27:12Thank you.
01:27:27It's nothing unusual for us soldiers.
01:27:29It won't be that easy for you.
01:27:31Who wants to go first?
01:27:35Bravo, Mr. Peters.
01:27:38And don't look down.
01:27:52And now, madam,
01:27:54sit down very calmly.
01:27:56Don't look down.
01:28:02Well done, madam.
01:28:05Mr. Brady,
01:28:07take a deep breath.
01:28:11Don't look down.
01:28:13Oh, dear.
01:28:16I can't get my feet off.
01:28:18It'll be all right, sir.
01:28:22Well, you did a good job.
01:28:28Go on, Kishan.
01:28:29Captain Scott will make sure you don't fall.
01:28:33I'll show you.
01:28:35If I can do it, so can you.
01:28:44Don't look down.
01:29:00Now I'll go and show you to the boy.
01:29:11Thank you.
01:29:14Now the boy.
01:29:21always look at me, Kishan.
01:29:25Look at me, Kishan.
01:29:30Give him to me.
01:29:33Stretch out your arms.
01:29:35Give him to me.
01:29:38Come on, man, push him over.
01:29:41Look at me, Kishan.
01:29:43That's good, my boy.
01:29:46Don't look down.
01:29:48Come on, man, push him forward.
01:29:50Peters, hold me.
01:29:54Do it, finally!
01:29:56Go on.
01:29:57Hold him tight.
01:29:59Push him to me.
01:30:01Come on.
01:30:03Grab the boy.
01:30:13Come on.
01:30:14Come on.
01:30:27What the hell were you thinking?
01:30:31What do you mean, please?
01:30:33You held him back on purpose.
01:30:35What do you think?
01:30:37You almost dropped him.
01:30:39And you still dare to accuse me?
01:30:41That's what it should have looked like, as if I'd done it.
01:30:42And what was in the pump house with the damn swing wheel?
01:30:45Pump house, pump house.
01:30:47What are you fantasizing here? Let me go.
01:30:49Oh no, Mr. Van Leiden. We're not done yet.
01:30:52You're a Muslim, aren't you?
01:30:54I was waiting for you to come to me with that.
01:30:57And the people who want to kill the boy are also Muslims.
01:30:59Come on! Come here right now!
01:31:04I'll lock you up and let you watch.
01:31:07If you dare, Captain Scott,
01:31:10then I'll bring you to the entire world press, from Calcutta to Berlin.
01:31:14I'll take that risk.
01:31:16I overestimated you.
01:31:18For a while I thought you would have some sense, even though you're a professional.
01:31:21But I'm a professional, Mr. Van Leiden.
01:31:23And I'm a professional journalist.
01:31:25I warn you, you're crossing your limits.
01:31:28I'm a free journalist and I have the right to free press.
01:31:31And I have the duty to bring this boy to Calapur.
01:31:35This man is crazy. He can't stand the sun.
01:31:38Madam, take your hands off his neck, or he'll say you want to rape him.
01:31:41Kumar, arrest this man right now.
01:31:47Very well, Captain Scott.
01:31:49So you really want to see your name in the headlines.
01:31:52But you'll regret that.
01:31:55Let him go!
01:32:00Do you know what you just said?
01:32:03Please leave the bridge, all of you.
01:32:05There might be a dozen guns pointed at us right now.
01:32:07So please leave the bridge.
01:32:09Each of us could have slipped off the track.
01:32:11There's no reason to suspect a person like that.
01:32:14Why did you do that? Was it necessary?
01:32:16We're all sitting in the car together. We're already...
01:32:18Oh, for heaven's sake.
01:32:20Of course I can be wrong, maybe because I'm wrong.
01:32:22But I have to get to the point. It's about the life of the boy.
01:32:25So please, leave the bridge.
01:32:29Please leave the bridge with the boy.
01:32:32Do you know if the bridge will withstand this huge weight?
01:32:35Of course I know. It's my hobby to drive locomotives over broken bridges.
01:32:39Don't behave like a schoolboy playing with the railroad.
01:32:42How else should I behave, Mrs. White?
01:32:44Would you rather hear from me that it's going wrong?
01:32:46I have to try to get this thing over.
01:32:48And only I am responsible, all right?
01:32:50I don't know if this is a human or military problem.
01:32:53You can figure it out.
01:32:56Is that all right?
01:32:57You have to get over there quickly.
01:32:59Nonsense. This skeleton would break apart due to the shaking.
01:33:02I'm of a different opinion. The carriers would be less...
01:33:04One of us will do it. You or me.
01:33:19All right, Gupta.
01:33:26Well, let's go.
01:33:28Be careful.
01:33:43It's about to happen, Gupta. Now it's our turn.
01:34:07Stop! Stop!
01:34:09Much more slowly! Much more slowly!
01:34:26Now the snail!
01:34:44Much more slowly! Much more slowly!
01:34:48Yes, and now a little bit more.
01:34:56A little bit more.
01:35:05Yes. Much more slowly, Sahib.
01:35:15That's it. Very good. Very good.
01:35:19That's it. Very good. Very good.
01:35:22Don't worry, Gupta.
01:35:24Victoria will do it.
01:35:30Victoria did it. She did it.
01:35:32Be understanding with Victoria, Sahib.
01:35:35Thank God.
01:35:49I'm sorry, Mr. Van Leiden,
01:35:51but I'm sure you'll be satisfied with the result.
01:36:02What do you say now?
01:36:04Bravo! Bravo!
01:36:06I'll take it all back.
01:36:08But now get in the dining car and have a nice cup of tea.
01:36:18Thank you.
01:36:30Thank you.
01:36:38Captain Scott.
01:36:39Yes, madam?
01:36:40I'd like to tell you it was very reasonable
01:36:42how you dealt with Mr. Van Leiden.
01:36:44I hope so, otherwise I'd have saved myself something.
01:36:46Is Victoria going to continue or does she need to catch her breath?
01:36:49Victoria is not as strong as you, Sahib.
01:36:51Victoria needs to catch her breath.
01:36:53How long will it take?
01:36:54Oh, just a few minutes.
01:37:11Aren't you going a little too far
01:37:13with your rejection of everything that is a soldier?
01:37:15What do you mean?
01:37:16You look very unhappy,
01:37:17just because I didn't land in the abyss as a minced meat.
01:37:27Now you look like the woman from Schornsteinfeger after work.
01:37:32I hope there won't be any more bridges.
01:37:34I was very afraid of you.
01:37:36Oh, what? I myself was very afraid.
01:37:39Are you sure about your case with Mr. Van Leiden?
01:37:41I mean, there can be a lot of trouble if you are mistaken.
01:37:44Wouldn't you like to see me fly out of the army
01:37:46if I tore the medals from the men's chests in front of a crowd?
01:37:49That would be a Sunday pleasure for you.
01:37:51Do you really think such a thing is done?
01:37:53Of course.
01:37:55My best friend comes to my apartment,
01:37:57puts a loaded revolver on the table
01:37:59and says to his comrade,
01:38:00the only way out for a man of honor.
01:38:08Please, Captain Scott.
01:38:10William Charles Willibald, to be selected.
01:38:13Oh, I like Willibald best.
01:38:19I'm very sorry, Mr. Peters.
01:38:21I know Mr. Van Leiden is a difficult man
01:38:23and we had our differences of opinion,
01:38:25but we have been through so much together
01:38:27that this discord should have been spared us.
01:38:59Can I fly now?
01:39:01Later, when we're out of the mountains.
01:39:03When I'm big, I'll buy myself a locomotive.
01:39:06Yes, that's a good idea. Come here.
01:39:09Hold on tight and watch what I do.
01:39:13Kishan did it. He can play the locomotive driver.
01:39:16You're playing out, Mr. Bridley.
01:39:18Excuse me, I'm a little confused.
01:39:20Did you tie him up, Lady Windham?
01:39:22You should stop worrying about Mr. Van Leiden.
01:39:24I think Captain Scott knows what he's doing.
01:39:26Yes, of course, but I think it's a bit exaggerated
01:39:28to lock him up here during the ride.
01:39:30What can he do?
01:39:31That's why he's locked up,
01:39:32so we don't experience what he can do, Mr. Bridley.
01:39:34I don't suppose he's even got anything to read.
01:39:36Well, what in heaven's name does reading have to do with it?
01:39:39Captain Scott thinks he tried to kill Kishan.
01:39:42What else can he do but lock him up?
01:39:44Mrs. Wyatt, it is clear that you do not understand the British mentality.
01:39:48While Van Leiden was a Dutch journalist,
01:39:50Mr. Bridley here disliked him intensely.
01:39:54As soon as he discovered that he was a half-breed,
01:39:57Mr. Bridley began, well, felt a certain sympathy for him.
01:40:00Now that you all suspect him of being anti-British, fanatic,
01:40:03and maybe a murderer,
01:40:05Mr. Bridley will start crusading for him.
01:40:07He has become an underdog, and the British love underdogs.
01:40:10It's better than kicking them, Mr. Peters.
01:40:24That tells us how much steam is in the boiler.
01:40:27Boom, boom, boom.
01:40:29Boom, boom, boom.
01:40:39Hello, Mark.
01:40:59Boom, boom, boom.
01:41:11Ach, erlauben Sie. Ich werde Ihnen neues Wasser holen.
01:41:14Und danke.
01:41:29Es stimmt also doch, Mr. Van Leiden.
01:41:35Stellen Sie sich so hin, dass ich Sie sehen kann.
01:41:41Sie alle.
01:41:48Der Junge auch.
01:41:50Er ist nicht hier. Er ist draußen auf der Lokomotive.
01:41:59Sie, rufen Sie den Jungen. Rufen Sie ihn.
01:42:03Nein, tun Sie's nicht.
01:42:04Sie glauben, dass Sie damit durchkommen, Van Leiden?
01:42:07Keine Sorge, Mr. Peters. Es wird keine Zeugen geben.
01:42:11Selbst wenn Sie uns aus dem Weg räumen, ist noch der reine Soldat da.
01:42:14Der bewacht die Lokomotive.
01:42:15Dem hier wird er gehorchen.
01:42:18Also rufen Sie den Jungen!
01:42:22Also schön, Sie brauchen ihn noch nicht zu rufen.
01:42:25Er wird ja nicht ewig da draußen bleiben.
01:42:28Wenn Sie uns unbedingt massakrieren wollen, müssen Sie das Ding da erstmal entsichern.
01:42:34Bleiben Sie, wo Sie sind!
01:42:40Kann ich mal Lokomotivführer sein?
01:42:42Ja, später.
01:42:44Wenn ich's dir sage. Hier, jetzt bist du Heizer.
01:42:48Sie hatten von Anfang an den Aufgab, das zu tun.
01:42:52Finden Sie das ungewöhnlich?
01:42:54Der Mann ist verrückt.
01:42:56Nicht verrückter als Sie.
01:42:58Genau wie Sie, meine Herrschaften, verteidige ich die Rechte meines Landes.
01:43:02Sie sind Holländer.
01:43:03Ich bin Inder. Meine Mutter war Holländerin.
01:43:05Ich bin einer dieser Bastarde, die von Ihnen so verachtet werden.
01:43:08Wenn Sie uns umbringen, beweisen Sie dann damit, dass Sie kein Halbblut sind?
01:43:12Ich beweise damit, dass ich ein Moslem bin.
01:43:15Dass ich bereit bin zu kämpfen und wenn's sein muss, zu sterben. Für meinen Glauben.
01:43:18Und für ein Indien, das musulmanisch sein wird.
01:43:21Ein freies Land, in dem ich atmen kann.
01:43:23Sind Sie imstande, das zu begreifen?
01:43:25Sie sind ein Verbrecher und man müsste Sie aufhängen.
01:43:30Ich finde die moralische Entrüstung eines Mannes, der Mordwaffen verkauft, großartig.
01:43:46Mrs. Wyatt, drehen Sie mal die Lampe da etwas höher.
01:43:51Wir fahren gleich durch einen Tunnel.
01:43:53Und ich möchte Sie da ungern im Dunkeln stehen lassen.
01:43:56Tun Sie, was ich sage.
01:44:23Tun Sie, was ich sage.
01:44:39Gehen Sie weg!
01:44:40Ich werde Sie töten!
01:44:42Gehen Sie weg!
01:44:46Wenn das Töten von unbegabten Kindern das Beste ist,
01:44:49dann bin ich ein guter Verräter.
01:44:52Grupta, warum bist du nicht gegangen?
01:44:56Erwürden haben Sie getöten, M'am Sahib.
01:44:58Ja, es wäre ihr Tod gewesen, M'am Sahib.
01:45:18I've had enough tricks.
01:45:23He's choking.
01:45:31Sit with it.
01:45:39Das ist eine feine Sache, was?
01:45:42Prinz Kishan wird niemals durch diese Tür hier kommen, auch Captain Scott nicht.
01:45:47Das werden wir sehen.
01:45:50Ich werde es verhindern. Bevor Sie reinkommen, werde ich schreien und Sie warnen.
01:45:57Sie haben Angst, nicht wahr?
01:45:59Es ist nicht so einfach, einen kleinen Jungen kaltblütig zu ermorden.
01:46:03Denken Sie an den Flüchtlingszug.
01:46:05Als Sie das gesehen hatten, waren Sie genauso krank vor Entsetzen wie wir.
01:46:10Das war eine sinnlose Schlechterei.
01:46:13Ist ein Töten nicht immer sinnlos?
01:46:15Hat die Vernichtung eines Menschenlebens jemals ein Problem gelöst?
01:46:18Oh ja, so wie jetzt hier.
01:46:22Ich, ich liebe Kinder genauso wie Sie.
01:46:25Aber dieser kleine Prinz, mein Gott, begreifen Sie das nicht.
01:46:28Dieser fünfjährige Junge ist ein Symbol.
01:46:31Ein zerschlissenes Symbol, das zwischen meinem Land und seiner Freiheit steht.
01:46:36Ich werde ihn nicht töten.
01:46:38Ein zerschlissenes Symbol, das zwischen meinem Land und seiner Freiheit steht.
01:46:43Ich werde ihn töten. Ich muss ihn töten. Ich muss.
01:46:46In order to save the lives of thousands,
01:46:48one life will be lost, one life, one Indian life lost, but thousands will be saved.
01:46:53Stand back, stand back from that door.
01:47:00So, jetzt gehen wir erst mal essen, junger Mann.
01:47:03Darf ich dann wieder mitkommen und der Lokomotivführer sein?
01:47:06Ich hab's dir doch versprochen, hä?
01:47:11Kannst du wachsen?
01:47:16Herr Jan, lösen Sie mich ja ab.
01:47:20Passen Sie ja gut auf, dass der Druck nicht nachlässt.
01:47:36Guck mal da. Da!
01:47:41Kein Laut, sonst gnade ihn Gott.
01:47:45Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
01:47:48Du kannst doch nicht mit so schwarzen Händen bloß essen gehen.
01:48:00Moment mal.
01:48:05Moment mal.
01:48:08Keine Bewegung. Niemand rührt sich.
01:48:32Schreien Sie bitte nicht.
01:48:36Wenn Sie nicht schreien, würde Ihnen nichts geschehen.
01:48:39Nicht reinkommen!
01:48:40Hinlegen! Alles runter!
01:48:46Guck da!
01:48:47Sag dem der Jan, er soll nicht halten! Er soll weiterfahren!
01:48:54Das hat keinen Zweck von Leiden! So tief können Sie mit dem MG nicht runter!
01:49:23Kümmer Sie sich um Kumar!
01:49:25Ich glaube, ich habe was abgekriegt.
01:49:27Ja, zeigen Sie mal her.
01:49:32Ich werde Sie gleich verbinden, Mr. Friday.
01:49:35Die sind doch nicht etwa auf dem Dach.
01:50:01Hey, hey, hey.
01:50:31Am I losing much blood?
01:50:47Am I losing much blood?
01:50:50Move, or you scratch. You'd hurt yourself more falling off a bicycle.
01:50:53You're quite wrong, Mr. Peters. Mr. Friday will have to take very great care.
01:50:56So, jetzt kriegen Sie erst mal einen Graffiti in Whiskey und dann werden wir den Arm in eine Schlinge legen.
01:51:00Danke, Lady Windham. Die sind reizend.
01:51:07Wo ist Mr. Van Leiden?
01:51:09Er ist, äh, abgesprungen.
01:51:13Abgesprungen? Ach, nein, sowas.
01:51:19Wissen Sie, ich habe immer noch gewisse Sympathien für Mr. Van Leiden, obwohl er uns alle durchlöchern wollte.
01:51:25So, trinken Sie mal. Das ist die beste Medizin.
01:51:27Danke sehr. Danke sehr, Lady Windham.
01:51:29Ich nehme an, dass wir sämtliche Schwierigkeiten jetzt hinter uns haben.
01:51:32So, das wär's, Mr. Friday.
01:52:00Und nach dem Schock, den Sie hatten, ist es nicht gut, die Sonne auf den Kopf zu kriegen.
01:52:04Danke, Lady Windham. So ist er falsch rum. Vielen Dank.
01:52:30Mr. Friday!
01:52:50Helfen Sie mir mit dem Hut!
01:53:50Helfen Sie mir mit dem Hut!
01:54:21Helfen Sie mir mit dem Hut!
01:54:34Oh, ho, that's a bit of luck. This is the Bindar Tunnel. They'll never catch us now.
01:54:38It's two miles long and twists all the way. Come along, Captain Scott. Come along.
01:54:43Captain Scott!
01:54:46Well, that's a funny thing.
01:54:53Is he all right?
01:54:56He will be. Get me some water, Mr. Bridie.
01:55:04I don't think he can have been hit.
01:55:07Oh, it looks like just this wound.
01:55:09That's just about the luckiest thing that ever happened to anybody.
01:55:14Keep still, keep still.
01:55:18Oh, I tell you, this is a mugs game. I think perhaps you're right.
01:55:24What would you say if I put those tin soldiers back in the box?
01:55:27I'd say you'd probably want to get them out again tomorrow.
01:55:31Don't tell me you've changed your opinion about soldiering.
01:55:34Well, let's just say I've learned a couple of things on this journey.
01:55:39Well, let's just say we've both learned a couple of things on this journey.
01:55:51Here I see.
01:55:53What did I tell you? It's the uniform. They all fall in the end.
01:56:04They all fall in the end.
01:56:15They all fall in the end.
01:56:34They all fall in the end.
01:57:05No, Sir John, it's in the best order. The higher-ups didn't take it.
01:57:09Did the reinforcements get through, sir?
01:57:10Yes, last night. The rebels didn't attack anymore. They knew the prince was gone.
01:57:14We'll see each other again, Captain Scott. I live in the house of the vice-king.
01:57:16He'll be very interested in hearing about your achievements.
01:57:19Thank you, madam.
01:57:20Don't forget Mr. Bridie. He kicked like a mule after the MG. He saved our lives.
01:57:24Well, Gupta.
01:57:26Yes, yes, Sahib. Everybody said Victoria was too old.
01:57:29Only good for a little bit of acting.
01:57:31They can't say anything anymore now.
01:57:32Victoria showed them.
01:57:34Yes, she did.
01:57:39We were worried that you wouldn't come to Delhi in time for the conference.
01:57:43The government is very interested in the new rifle that your company will launch.
01:57:54Thank you, Captain Scott, for saving my life.
01:57:57You are my friend now.
01:57:59I hope so.
01:58:00But you are English. Do I have to fight against you?
01:58:04No, my dear. Why?
01:58:06My father said...
01:58:08What did he say?
01:58:10I have to fight against the English so they can go on.
01:58:18I wanted to be a locomotive driver.
01:58:30Now you know.
01:58:32Next you have to fight against little Kishan.
01:58:34That's the thanks you get.
01:58:36That's the thanks we always get.
01:58:38Be grateful that you live and trust your luck.
01:58:41Always go your way like a soldier.
01:58:43Who said that?
01:58:45A certain Kipling.
01:58:47Also a tea drinker.
01:58:50Your baby.
01:58:52We'll have to make sure it gets a home soon.
01:59:30THE END
