The Toxic Crusaders - 1x04 - The Pollution Solution

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00:00Toxic Crusaders
00:02Toxic Crusaders
00:05Toxic Crusaders
00:07I had no friends, no girls that hugged me
00:09Till I got radioactive ugly
00:12Toxic Crusaders
00:14Toxic Crusaders
00:16I live in a dump cause the rim's real long
00:18Gotta let em back by me
00:20Love is so
00:21Toxic Crusaders
00:23Toxic Crusaders
00:26Now me and the boys fight against love
00:30Though we're hideously deformed
00:45Hey I'm sittin' on top of the world
00:49With my Mk. 22 handgun
00:53Toxic Crusaders
00:55Toxic Crusaders
01:05It all started one day in Killamoff's Island City Penthouse
01:09That's Dr. Killamoff!
01:11Sorry, Dr. Killamoff's Island City Penthouse
01:15Excuse the coughing
01:17The smog around this place always gets to me
01:20Anyway, the doctor was addressing his troops of bad guy Radiation Rangers
01:25Radiation Rangers!
01:27Today marks a momentous day in smogulan history
01:31The time has come for the long-awaited smogulan invasion
01:36Your mission, to infiltrate the Tromaville toxic dump
01:39Where the Toxic Crusaders live
01:42And bring them to their knees
01:44Take care of the Toxic Crusaders
01:47And the rest of Tromaville will crumble like monk-o'-smogulan cheesecake
01:54While back at the Toxic Waste Dump, we call home
01:57We Toxic Crusaders had gotten wind of the invasion
02:00And were trying to tidy up the place before they got here
02:03Don't you just hate it when invaders drop in without calling?
02:10Wubby, will you cut that out?
02:14We finally finished dumping everything out of the dump
02:18And just in time, too
02:20Because I was suddenly having a full-fledged Tromaton attack
02:24I've seen enough of these episodes to know that means your body senses some evil presence
02:29That's right, Nozone
02:31But where could it be coming from?
02:33Maybe it's all those Radiation Ranger paratroopers
02:36You're right, Junkyard
02:38Thanks for pointing that out
02:40Hey, I'm Park Pointer
02:42Here they come, and they're in full attack deployment
02:45We're Toxic Crusaders till we die
02:49Die? Hold on, that wasn't part of the deal
02:52It's just a temporary battle cry
02:54I'm working on a better one
02:58Meanwhile, let's take care of these Radiation Rangers
03:01What's wrong, man? Got a headache?
03:04I saw this guy wear one in a movie
03:06It looked real cool
03:07Oh, right, Bruce Springsteen
03:10I can handle these bozos
03:12There's only a dozen of them
03:20All right, bop, it's clean-up time
03:23Hey, there's a battle cry we can use for the rest of the series
03:29Take that, and that, and that, and that
03:33Blast it! Those Toxic Crusaders have done it to me again
03:38So, what else is new?
03:40Sarsoster? I didn't recognize your shimmer
03:45What brings you to this miserable, oxygen-breathing planet?
03:49You're incompetent
03:51You've botched your assignment once again
03:53On the other hand, if I'd succeeded in putrefying the environment in the previous episodes, we wouldn't have a series
04:00A giant bug! Don't worry, Doc, we'll take care of it
04:04I know we should have put the screens up
04:09Ow! Hey, Doc!
04:11What are you doing?
04:12Hey, what are you doing? Hey!
04:14He's a hologram, you amoeba brains!
04:18And stay out!
04:20Sorry about that interruption
04:22I rather enjoyed it
04:24Hey, see if you can give me some of that bug spray for my personal use
04:28I just love the aroma
04:30Killamoth, this is your last chance to poison the environment and make it livable for us Smookylands
04:36It will be done, Sarsoster
04:39Remember, we have exactly one week to vacate the planet Smookyland
04:43Otherwise, we lose our last month's deposit
04:45Never fear, almighty one
04:48This time, I have the final pollution solution
04:51The citizens of Fromoville are about to meet the new, improved Dr. Killamoth
05:01Mom, what's that thing?
05:03I rented this early model portable TV so you could see this with your own toxically bulging eyeballs
05:10And so, fellow Fromovillians, I've had a complete change of heart
05:16It's Killamoth
05:17No, that's Dr. Killamoth
05:20Oh, yeah
05:21I forgot
05:22I have come to realize that smog and pollution are no good and must be eliminated
05:28I've already put my radiation rangers to work building the world's largest redemption center
05:33In which all of Fromoville's junk and garbage will be recycled
05:37While giant smog suckers will suck up all the choking, smog-filled air
05:42And send it back into the environment in the form of pure, life-sustaining oxygen
05:48Why, that double-dealing cockroach
05:51Promising people things he can't deliver
05:54Is he trying to steal my job as mayor?
05:57Next thing you know, he'll be kissing babies
06:01Kiss me, baby
06:03This is a kinder, gentler Dr. Killamoth saying to all of you
06:08Read my lips
06:10No more smog
06:16Robbie, stop eating the TV
06:18You don't know where it's been
06:20Well, Sonny, what do you think?
06:22Actually, the picture's kind of fuzzy
06:24And I've never been crazy about a round screen
06:26No, no, no
06:27I mean Killamoth's complete flip-flop
06:30He's suddenly become one of the good guys
06:32I wouldn't bet on it, Mom
06:34My Tromatons are signaling me that there's something rotten in the state of New Jersey
06:39So that's your brilliant scheme?
06:42To clean up Fromoville?
06:44Of course not, Sarcoster
06:46This is the real plan
06:48The garbage those Fromoville idiots bring to the recycling plant
06:52Will actually be converted to noxious, poisonous air
06:56Which will then be pumped out into the sky
06:59Surrounded by a gigantic airtight dome
07:02It will create the perfect environment for our invading smogulan goombas
07:07Hmm, a most ingenious plan
07:10And I've kept it all secret, even from my associates
07:14That way, the toxic crusader can't pick up any vibrations
07:19Through his super-sensitive Tromatons
07:22But what if Mayor Grody finds out what you're up to
07:25And tries to throw a monkey wrench into your plans?
07:28Hmm, I wouldn't even consider such a preposterous possibility
07:33Besides, that's Psycho's line
07:35Oops, sorry
07:37Don't worry, your Sarship
07:39There won't be a monkey wrench in this plan
07:44So, Kilomorph has decided to become a hero, has he?
07:50Now where is that thing?
07:52Ah, at last, I found it
07:55The perfect thing to foul up that traitor's plans
08:05There's a new breath of fresh air blowing through Tromaville
08:08Soon it will be known as the cleanest town on the face of the earth
08:12Oh, people, what excitement
08:16Ah, be still my beating heart
08:20You say that isn't enough? I'll tell you what I'm gonna do
08:23I will personally offer the grand total of
08:26Not $10, not $20
08:30But a full $38.50
08:33Tax-free to the person who brings in the most recyclable garbage
08:38Offer prohibited where void, must be a resident of Tromaville winner
08:43Did you hear that, Bonehead?
08:45$38.50, big ones
08:48So what are we waiting for? Let's start cleaning up the air
08:55Isn't it wonderful, Toxie?
08:57Dr. Kilomorph has actually changed
09:00I don't know, Yvonne
09:02I've still got a funny feeling about this
09:04Why so suspicious?
09:06You stood right next to Psycho and Bonehead
09:09You stood right next to Psycho and Bonehead
09:11and didn't get a single twitch
09:13Nozone's right
09:15Even Mayor Grody didn't trigger your Tromatons
09:18Well, perhaps we can express it best in a little song
09:22Ready, fellas?
09:23Well, now you can change a dollar into 22 nickels
09:27You can change a cucumber into a lot of little pickles
09:32You can give that bad guy to it
09:34There ain't nothing to it, happens all the time
09:37Well, come on and change your mind about change
09:42You're right, anyone can change, even Kilomorph
09:46That's Dr. Kilomorph
09:48Remember, he's a good guy now
09:51I've got a few surprises in store for Kilomorph
09:55That's Dr. Kilomorph
09:58Don't you start it, too
10:00Anyway, my surprise is this
10:06Oh, Mr. Mayor
10:08You're so cute when you're ticked off
10:11Now, with that huge cash prize, the people of Tromaville tried to outdo each other gathering junk
10:17Even we toxic crusaders got into it
10:20What a genius that vendor is
10:22Just like that, he comes up with inventions to help clean up the Tromaville environment
10:26Like that letter-getter gadget he invented that sucks the graffiti right off a fence
10:31It even sucks the printing off a newspaper
10:34That way, you can use the same paper again the next day
10:37The letter-getter needed some fine-tuning, though
10:40Hey, you! Come back with my newspaper!
10:44Gangway, man!
10:51Not to be outdone, No-Zone worked on his own invention
10:55A special magnet that attracts aluminum cans
10:58Uh-oh, trouble at 12 o'clock
11:02It looks like No-Zone's invention still had a few bugs in it
11:08Don't you be pleased
11:10There were a few other small problems with his aluminum attractor, too
11:14Hey, what's going on?
11:18And a couple of light problems, too
11:21Who ordered the limo?
11:23It sure wasn't me
11:27Look, so it didn't work perfectly
11:30Thanks, Toxic Bomb
11:32I feel like such a failure
11:34Listen, I'm sure you'll find a use for your aluminum attractor
11:38Now it was Major Disaster's turn
11:41He came up with a gadget he called
11:43The Noise Pollution Solution
11:47It really worked great
11:49Bzzz! Bzzz! Bzzz! Bzzz!
11:52Bzzz! Bzzz! Bzzz! Bzzz!
11:54Bzzz! Bzzz! Bzzz! Bzzz!
11:56The Noise Pollution Solution had one little drawback, though
12:00I even forget when to eat
12:04Except when I eat something sweet
12:10Yes, well...
12:14He couldn't tell ugly noise from beautiful noise
12:18Kinda like Toxy himself
12:20Even Junkyard got into the act by doing public service announcements
12:24Canines of Tromaville, can we talk?
12:26You know, it's not just humans who can stop polluting the environment
12:31Us dogs can do our part, too
12:34So next time you feel the urge, don't raise your leg crossing
12:40Meanwhile, inside the brand new recycling plant
12:43Those bad guys turned good guys, Psycho and Bonehead
12:46Were doing their part in supervising the operation
12:49Move it, you jerks! Lift that bag and tote that smock!
12:53I still can't get used to being a good guy
12:55Me neither, Bonehead
12:57Being a bad guy was lots more fun
12:59Yeah, the boss sure turned into a wuss
13:01Next thing you know, he'll change his name from Kill-'Em-Up to Kiss-'Em-Off
13:05I got a feeling there's something real funny going on here
13:08Yeah, I sure hope so
13:10For the sake of the audience
13:13Thanks to our new recycling plant, exactly one month later
13:18Tromaville was the cleanest city in the world
13:21Just the way Dr. Kill-'Em-Off promised
13:23The place was so clean and sparkling, even the birds had to wear sunglasses
13:28Being the cleanest city in the world had its drawbacks, though
13:31Like, take those tour buses, please
13:34Here we are, folks, Tromaville
13:36The cleanest, quietest, smogless, litter-free city on the face of the earth
13:40Oh, Harold, get a picture, isn't it lovely?
13:44Luckily, the Toxic Crusaders were on the job as a welcoming committee
13:49Bender used his letter-getter gadget to scoop up souvenirs, which Fender handed out to them
13:54Whoa, chill out, people, there's enough for everyone
13:57Major Disaster checked out their exhausting mission
14:00Okay, you're fine
14:01One nose-on-an-eye put them on the right road back
14:06Toxic Crusaders to the rescue!
14:11Well, Lloyd, how does it feel to be the big winner of the $38.50 first prize for bringing in the most junk?
14:19I'm still kind of in shock, Toxic
14:21What do you intend doing with all that money, Lloyd?
14:24Well, I already spent some of it by taking the wife and kids out to dinner to celebrate
14:30We went to Pizza by the Ton
14:35We interrupt this program to bring you a special announcement from our generous benefactor, Dr. Kelimoff
14:42Fellow Tromobilians, how proud you must feel to be living in the most pollution-free city in the world
14:51And now we must strive to protect our environmental paradise
14:57By building an enormous dome that will completely enclose the city
15:02So it will remain free of chemical impurities forever
15:06A dome over Tromoville? Far out
15:11And I'm asking my close friends, the Toxic Crusaders, to use their incredible strength to help build it
15:19Did you hear that? He's asking for the Toxic Crusaders
15:23What do you say, Crusaders? Will you do it?
15:26You bet we'll do it
15:28I knew I could count on you. I mean, count on you
15:33While we Toxic Crusaders got busy building the dome, Yvonne sang us a special work song she wrote
15:39They do the work, joik, they do the work, joik
15:43They do the work, joik
15:48What's the matter, Yvonne, honey? You seem upset
15:53You bet I'm upset. I've got to figure out some way to sabotage Project Dome
16:01Why don't you relax like me? Watch a little TV. It's real educational
16:07Worried about your false teeth slipping? Well, your worries are over with new improved chopper stick
16:13Chopper stick is guaranteed to cement those babies tight for a full 24 hours
16:19After that, you're on your own
16:25That's it. I found the answer
16:40What an ingenious plan
16:43I simply replaced the glue they've been using with this vat filled with chopper stick
16:5324 hours after it's up, the entire dome will come crashing down along with Kilmoff's credibility
17:14Hey, Mom, what are you doing?
17:19What's that? You say this stuff isn't really glue?
17:22It's actually a barrel of chopper stick that Mayor Grody switched it with?
17:26Uh-oh, Toxic, we'd better not use it
17:29No, Zon, are you going to take the word of a mop over a mayor?
17:32Hmm, that's a tough decision
17:35Not for me it isn't. Mayor Grody has now joined the good guys. He'd never do a thing like that
17:43The dome was finally finished
17:45To show our appreciation for their help, we threw the Radiation Rangers a little wrap party
17:50For these are jolly good rangers For these are jolly good rangers
17:55For these are jolly good rangers
17:59Although it's hard to tell
18:05There you have it, Zarzoster. The dome is now completed and right on schedule
18:11Planned it. Prepare Tromaviv for the highest level of toxicity
18:16As you command, mighty one
18:26What's going on?
18:28The smog sucker has gone into reverse. Instead of pumping the polluted air in, it's pumping it out
18:36Skye, it's filling up with smog and smoke and schmutz
18:42It's awful. I can hardly breathe
18:44And it's only the beginning. You have exactly five minutes to leave Tromaviv before the smogulant invasion
18:52It's Kilimov. He lied to us
18:57Up yours for you two toxic crusaders. Say bye or die
19:04Then this was all just a huge scam. Dr. Kilimov took advantage of our innate good nature and innocence
19:10Did you hear that, psycho? The boss is a rotten, low-down crooked rat after all
19:16All right! My faith in villain kind is restored
19:20Fellas, we'll have to turn off that smog sucker
19:23Forget it, you freakazoids. Get them!
19:30Every crusader for himself
19:32Whatever happened to one for all and all for one?
19:35It's copyrighted
19:41I'm the boss
19:59Hey mop, it's clean up time
20:06Hey, come back. We're not crew mopping up
20:09What's popping up?
20:11What's going on?
20:14Ma, what is with you?
20:39Oh man!
20:40A total wipe-a-thon!
20:43We've got Mop to thank for that.
20:45What do we do about the smog, Sucker?
20:47There's no way to shut it off!
20:49Major Disaster, you must use your powers
20:51to teleport this place out of Tromaville.
20:54Move this place?
20:56But I only have control over vegetation and stuff.
20:59He's right!
21:00Oh boy, looks like all is lost.
21:02No, it's not.
21:04You guys have been barking up the wrong tree.
21:07What do you mean, Junkyard?
21:09This place is a recycling plant, isn't it?
21:12Yeah, so?
21:13So, plants are something Major Disaster can control.
21:18Gosh, I never thought of it that way.
21:20I'll give it a try.
21:27It's working, man!
21:28You're doing it!
21:39Get him out of here, big dealie, but he's...
21:42Yes, you'll exalt his highness.
21:45Do you accept, Krakens?
21:47A toast, to my son, the mutant,
21:50and his equally hideously deformed friends,
21:53the Toxic Crusaders!
21:55Thanks, Mom, but Mop here is the real hero of the day.
21:59Did you really know Mayor Grody was up to no good?
22:02I'm sorry, Mom, but I have to go.
22:05Did you really know Mayor Grody was up to no good?
22:08And did you really know the glue would only hold
22:11for exactly 24 hours?
22:15But how did you know all that?
22:20You read the script.
22:30And now, these messages.
22:35Oh, man! A total wipe-a-thon!
22:38We've got Mop to thank for that.
22:41What do we do about the smog, Sucker?
22:44There's no way to shut it off!
22:46Major Disaster, you must use your powers to take control
22:49of the Toxic Crusaders.
22:51I'll do it.
22:52I'll do it!
22:53I'll do it!
22:54I'll do it!
22:55I'll do it!
22:56I'll do it!
22:57I'll do it!
22:58I'll do it!
22:59I'll do it!
23:00I'll do it!
23:01I'll do it!
23:02I'll do it!
23:03I'll do it!
23:04I'll do it!
23:05I'll do it!
23:06I'll do it!
23:07I'll do it!
23:08I'll do it!
23:09I'll do it!
23:10I'll do it!
23:11I'll do it!
23:12I'll do it!
23:13I'll do it!
23:14I'll do it!
23:15I'll do it!
23:16I'll do it!
23:17I'll do it!
23:18I'll do it!
23:19I'll do it!
23:20I'll do it!
23:21I'll do it!
23:22I'll do it!
23:23I'll do it!
23:24I'll do it!
23:25I'll do it!
23:26I'll do it!
23:27I'll do it!
23:28I'll do it!
23:29I'll do it!
23:30I'll do it!
23:31I'll do it!
23:32I'll do it!
23:33I'll do it!
23:34I'll do it!
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23:48I'll do it!
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24:39I'll do it!
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24:58I'll do it!
24:59I'll do it!
25:00I'll do it!
25:01I'll do it!
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25:12I'll do it!
25:13I'll do it!
25:14I'll do it!
25:15I'll do it!
25:16I'll do it!
25:17I'll do it!
25:18I'll do it!
25:19I'll do it!
25:20I'll do it!
25:21I'll do it!
25:22I'll do it!
25:23I'll do it!
25:24I'll do it!
25:25I'll do it!
25:26I'll do it!
