The Toxic Crusaders - 1x05 - Tree Troubles

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00:00Toxic Crusaders
00:06I had no friends, no girls that hugged me
00:08Till I got radioactive ugly
00:10Toxic Crusaders
00:15I live in a dump, cause the rim's real long
00:17Gotta let a bat climb in and love me some
00:20Toxic Crusaders
00:25Now me and the boys fight against love
00:29Though we're hideously deformed
00:43Hey, I'm sitting on top of the world
00:48With my mom, choo-choo, and girl
00:52Toxic Crusaders
01:05It all started one peaceful day in the Tromaville Public Park.
01:08Major disaster, Junkyard and I were just kicking back and relaxing.
01:12It's rare when hideously deformed creatures of superhuman size and strength like us can have a day off.
01:20It sure is, Junkyard. More breeze, if you please.
01:27Ah, what a life. We're young, we're free, and we're radioactive.
01:31Who could ask for anything more?
01:33Help! Help!
01:36That sounds like a lady in distress.
01:39Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!
01:41Oh, help me, someone! Help me!
01:45I was right. It is a lady in distress.
01:48She's not in distress. She's in this surgeon's gown.
01:51That's because I'm a tree surgeon. Now please, rescue me!
01:55I'll handle this.
02:05Oh, how did you do that?
02:07Oh, I have a way with vegetation.
02:10So do I. That's why I'm a tree surgeon. Elmo Oakley's the name.
02:15I'm Major Disaster, and these are my fellow mutated mates, Toxy and Junkyard.
02:20How are you?
02:22Won't you take off your mask so I can see what you look like?
02:25Oh, well, if you insist.
02:28Why, you're kind of plain looking.
02:31You're no Tom Cruise yourself.
02:34But that's okay. I think I'm in love with you anyway.
02:37Where'd that music come from?
02:39From Russia. It was written for some ballet.
02:41Well, I've got to be running. I've got so much to do before Arbor Day.
02:45Arbor Day?
02:46That's when everyone runs around planting trees.
02:49Yeah, and trees are nothing to be sniffed at.
02:52There's so much poor defenseless vegetation that needs looking after.
02:58Fellas, I think I'm in love with Elmo.
03:01Do you suppose she'd go out on a date with me?
03:05The answer is yes.
03:08All right!
03:10Meanwhile, in Island City,
03:12the evil Killimoff was up to another of his villainous schemes.
03:15That's Dr. Killimoff to you!
03:18Sorry, the evil Dr. Killimoff was up to another of his villainous schemes.
03:23That's better.
03:29Behold, bonehead, the answer to all my problems.
03:33Here, test it yourself.
03:37I'm okay. I'm wearing one of those 30-day deodorant pads.
03:40It isn't a pit spray, you dunce.
03:42It's something from my home planet of Smogula.
03:45It's called Smog in a Can.
03:51Ah, delightful, isn't it?
03:54It brings the outdoors indoors.
04:01I notice that subtle hint of mint.
04:04Here it is, Dr. Killimoff, the bonsai tree you asked for.
04:07Splendid, Psycho.
04:09Watch closely as I demonstrate Smog in a Can's special side effects.
04:21What is it, smog?
04:23It mutates the process of photosynthesis
04:26so that instead of producing oxygen,
04:28the trees produce thick pores.
04:32The trees produce thick, poisonous, gorgeous smog.
04:37I must go into full-scale production immediately.
04:40What if there are no factories left in Tromaville
04:43and you have to schmear Mayor Grody
04:45in order to find some place to manufacture it?
04:48Psycho, you are such a woolly wart!
04:51Mayor Grody!
04:55Dr. Killimoff, what a pleasant surprise.
04:59Your name pleasantries, Grody.
05:01Have you located a factory for me to manufacture my smog in a can yet?
05:06Finding just the right location isn't easy, you know.
05:11Will a $500 contribution to your campaign fund speed things up?
05:16Hey, wait.
05:18It suddenly hit me.
05:20The chewing gum factory I sold to the Toxic Crusaders.
05:27Invest them immediately.
05:29Oh, a delicious irony.
05:32Using the Toxic Crusaders' very own factory
05:35to manufacture the means of their own destruction.
05:45I never realized he was such a good dancer.
05:50You gotta hand it to Killimoff.
05:52He's just one jump ahead of everybody.
05:54Yeah, you'd think he was a giant grasshopper instead of a cockroach.
05:59Here comes one of those toxic creeps.
06:07I'm in love with a wonderful tree surgeon.
06:10And you thought Dr. Killimoff was the only good dancer in this show.
06:18Oh, there you are, Major.
06:20I picked these just for you, Elma.
06:25Sorry, I've got a major allergy to flowers.
06:29That's funny. Me too.
06:38We have so much in common.
06:40This is a great take.
06:45There's something wrong with this tree.
06:50How bad is it?
06:51It's Major, Major.
06:53Major, it's suffering from bug blight.
06:56Heck, I can fix that easy.
06:58Oh, by changing your name?
07:00You see, ever since my toxic accident,
07:02I've had this special power over plants and trees.
07:05Step aside and I'll demonstrate.
07:10I can't believe it.
07:11My powers of healing are gone.
07:13Oh, I'm so humiliated.
07:15I can never look another green thing in the face again.
07:20Wait, Major. Come back.
07:22I had no idea hideously deformed creatures
07:25of superhuman size and strength were so sensitive.
07:30Well, what do you know?
07:31This stuff Killimoff invented actually works.
07:34Maybe, but I still say something's bound to go wrong with this idea.
07:37Oh, yeah? Like what?
07:42Like that, for starters.
07:45I'm so embarrassed.
07:47I've lost my ability to control plant life.
07:50All right, so you got a brown thumb.
07:52Last week, I drowned a foin by overwatering it.
07:54Does that make me a bad poison?
07:56No, just a bad person to come to for comforting.
07:59Don't you understand?
08:00I humiliated myself in front of the first date I've had
08:03since my nuclear accident.
08:04Ah, there's no reason to sulk.
08:06If Toxy lost his special powers, I'd still love him.
08:09Of course, that wouldn't leave us with much of a show.
08:11Let me sing you a song I wrote on that very subject.
08:14Please, Yvonne. Hasn't he suffered enough?
08:17When a woman loves a man
08:20She gives it all she can
08:23Even when he loses his powers
08:27She'll stick by him, him, him
08:31Sometimes for hours
08:36I knew that'd make you feel better.
08:38Whoa, it's a full-fledged traumaton attack.
08:41That usually means that evil's brewing somewhere nearby.
08:45Exactly. But where's it coming from?
08:49It's coming from...
08:51the Bubble Gum Factory!
08:53Oh, no!
08:54Not the Bubble Gum Factory that Mayor Grody sold you
08:57so you could become self-sufficient superheroes
08:59and no longer have to live on handouts
09:01and could hold your heads up high
09:02and we short-covered a lot of backstory in one sentence.
09:04That's the one. Come on, Major Disaster.
09:06We've got a job to do.
09:08I know it's not much of an act, Greg,
09:10but it's the best we could come up with on such short notice.
09:13And now, these messages.
09:21We now return to the Toxic Crusaders.
09:27What do you think of our slogan?
09:29It's toxic, but it's tasty.
09:31It's catchy, but it's kooky.
09:33Get ready, everyone.
09:34We're about to turn out our first batch ever
09:37of Toxic Crusaders chewing gum.
09:39All set down here, Toxies, Mom.
09:41Well, Bender, my man, hold on.
09:43Who ever heard of gray bubble gum?
09:45Oh, Bender, you're such a traditionalist.
09:48Here, let me add a pinch of pepper.
09:50Way to go. Now you're cookin'.
09:53Colorizing our bubble gum?
09:55Who does he think he is, Ted Turner?
09:57We're about to start the assembly line.
10:00Higher when ready, Toxies, Mom.
10:03The uninitiated.
10:05I'll explain the process as we go along.
10:07Gum enters a bin known as the goop cutter,
10:10which cuts it, then feeds it onto a roller thingamajig,
10:13and this other gizmo chops it into slices,
10:16and this Swatch McCoward wraps it up with a card.
10:19And this gadget catches it.
10:21I hope this hasn't been too technical for you.
10:23And best of all, the cards have our pictures on them.
10:27Totally turbo, don't you think?
10:32Oh, sorry. I really must have my brakes adjusted.
10:39You did this on purpose. You'll pay for this, young man.
10:43No way, lady.
10:45Hey, that's no lady. That's Toxies' mom.
10:48Get with the program, folks.
10:50Mayor Grody just condemned this factory.
10:53You got five minutes to clear out.
10:55But how can he sell us this place,
10:57then throw us out one episode later?
11:00I don't know. I guess that's how long it took for the check to clear.
11:03Okay, guys, waste this place!
11:16It sure is sad.
11:18All our dreams popped, chewed up, and spit out like...
11:22like... well, like bubblegum.
11:25Help! Help!
11:27Don't worry. I'll handle this.
11:30Sorry. I mean, we'll handle this.
11:35Oh, no. I must save him.
11:42Oh, young man.
11:44This is epic. It was all a dream.
11:47I was dreaming I shared my bod with some moldy old scientist.
11:51I'm having the same dream.
11:53Only in my case, it's a nightmare.
11:55Okay, troops, back to headquarters.
12:00By the way, anyone know where there's a drive-thru tank wash around here?
12:07Some good neighbors you are.
12:11What do we do now, fearless leader?
12:13Are you talking to me?
12:15Do you see any other fearless leaders around here?
12:17I guess not.
12:19Okay, then. I say we go straight to Mayor Grody's office and demand some action.
12:23Okay. Let's do it.
12:26We're the Toxic Crusaders
12:29We're the Toxic Crusaders
12:32We're the Toxic Crusaders
12:35A plan we're pretty sure of
12:38Wait. We forgot something.
12:40It's probably me.
12:42I was never very good at remembering lyrics.
12:44No, I mean Mom.
12:46Didn't we leave her back in the factory?
12:48I think so.
12:49No wonder I'm feeling so guilt-free.
12:52We're the Toxic Crusaders
12:55We're the Toxic Crusaders
12:58We're the Toxic Crusaders
13:01My plan is working brilliantly.
13:04Soon those interfering Toxic Crusaders will be but a memory.
13:09We're the Toxic Crusaders
13:12A plan we're pretty sure of
13:19Heartbeat highly irregular.
13:21This is one sick sycamore.
13:23Well, no wonder.
13:25It's surrounded by its own personal smog bank.
13:28Even the Trombeville Tree Preserve is becoming polluted.
13:31And so close to Arbor Day.
13:33Well, Mayor Grody will hear about this.
13:36Yvonne, feisty little devil that she is, decided to call on the mayor with us.
13:41Mayor Grody, you had no right to condemn the Bubblegum Factory.
13:44Suddenly, the door burst open and there stood another feisty lady.
13:48Mayor Grody, we have to have words.
13:51It was Elma Oakley, noted tree surgeon, botanical bacteriologist and major disaster's main squeeze.
13:58All the trees in Trombeville Park are dying.
14:01You've got to do something about stopping this pollution.
14:04Right. That's why I shut down the Bubblegum Factory.
14:09It was creating too much smog.
14:12Now hold on. Our bubblegum doesn't cause smog.
14:15I haven't got time to discuss it.
14:18Case closed.
14:20I've got to look after tomorrow's big Arbor Day parade.
14:30I may be nearsighted, but even I can see this is appointment to start manufacturing in our factory.
14:37Why, that dirty dog. Our building wasn't condemned after all.
14:42Fellas, there's something suspicious about this.
14:45I think it's time we paid a visit to our ex-Bubblegum Factory for some answers.
14:50You were right, Toxie. Something is going on.
14:53I wonder what they're up to.
14:55That's just what we're going to find out.
14:57No way, Tox Man. We'll never get in there with those radiation rangers checking out the entrance.
15:02Not from the outside, Fender, but I know a shortcut.
15:05The sewer? Oh, barf.
15:08For the first time in my life, I agree with you.
15:11Listen, if it's good enough for mutants in another series,
15:14it's good enough for hideously deformed creatures of superhuman size and strength.
15:19Oh, boy, it stinks down here.
15:22And that's coming from someone who lives in a toxic waste dump.
15:25In New Jersey, no less.
15:27Okay, gang, end of the line.
15:30Someone want to give me a boost?
15:40The radiation rangers have taken over the factory.
15:43Let's show them they can't get away with this.
15:45It's clean-up time!
15:47Let's get him!
15:51It's those blasted Toxic Crusaders again!
15:55Let me use the proton energizer on them, Doc.
15:58Why use up the battery? My radiation rangers will take care of them.
16:02I may have lost my flower power, but I can still handle a couple of petunias like you.
16:15I'm telling you, Doc, better let me use the proton energizer.
16:19I said no!
16:24Blast it! Those cretins are actually winning!
16:28Quick, use the proton energizer!
16:30Great idea, boss.
16:39What's going on?
16:42Whoa, bummer.
16:44No bumper!
16:46Finally, the end of the Toxic Crusaders!
16:56And now, these messages.
17:02We now return to the Toxic Crusaders.
17:07So, at last, it's the end of the famous Toxic Crusaders!
17:13Now nothing can stop me from turning every Trolloville tree into a smog-spewing organism!
17:20It's fitting I do it on Arbor Day, don't you agree?
17:24Actually, that is a nice tie you're in.
17:27Boss, how come in these things the bad guys always reveal their plans to the good guys?
17:32What can I tell you? It's tradition.
17:34It might come back to haunt you.
17:36Nonsense! Not one of them is going to escape!
17:41Enough chatter! Finish them off!
17:43Okay, Toxic, so what do we do now?
17:46We use our incredible Toxic-given strength to escape, like this.
17:56Man, that's like taking off a tight girdle.
18:00There, that's better.
18:02How come we didn't do this sooner?
18:05Because I wanted to hear what Killamaw's plan was.
18:08See? What did I tell you?
18:10Oh, shut up!
18:11Let's go! Back to the sewer!
18:13No way! I'm not going back into that smelly place again!
18:17Well, maybe just this once.
18:20No! They've escaped!
18:22I promise you, this will be one Arbor Day the Toxic Crusaders won't ever forget!
18:33Toxic Crusaders
18:37Nozone, keep your eyes peeled for anything unusual.
18:40Oh, boy!
18:43You mean like that?
18:44Oh, Arbor Day is my most favorite holiday!
18:48It used to be mine, too, until I lost my power.
18:54My plan to pollute Tromoville is nearly complete,
18:57and no one will know until it's too late!
19:00Except for the Toxic Crusaders, who we already blabbed to.
19:07These idiots are actually cheering!
19:10No one realizes what we're about to do!
19:13Except for the Toxic Crusaders.
19:15Will you stop with that nagging already?
19:17Just look at that humongous float!
19:20This is even better than the Thanksgiving Day parade!
19:23Hold on! An aerosol can in an Arbor Day parade?
19:27What? Those things burn holes in the ozone!
19:32Uh-oh. You shouldn't have said that.
19:34Nozone is allergic to the word ozone.
19:41Smog in our can?
19:44It's Kilimov! He must have made that thing out of scrap metal!
19:47And he plans to spray our beloved trees with it!
19:50They're on to us! Drag your big can straight to the park, now!
19:54It's headed for the trees!
19:56I don't know if we can help it!
19:58Major Disaster, grab that banner!
20:00Right, Tuxy!
20:06Up we go!
20:07Quick, Cycle! Release the smog, now!
20:10Okay, but I bet it's too late.
20:16What's happening?
20:19You told them your plan, and now they're stopping us.
20:22Big surprise.
20:24Happy Thanksgiving!
20:27Forget the celebration, gang. The smog is escaping anyway.
20:31Now what do we do?
20:33Leave it to me. I'll handle this.
20:42There. Finished.
20:45We can always count on Moms to clean up our messes.
20:48His messes, yes. Your messes, no.
20:51Humans can be so inhuman.
20:53You're a hero! You saved the trees!
20:56Thanks, Elma. But I wish I knew what happened to my plant powers.
21:00You still have them.
21:02You were just trying to use them on the trees sprayed with smog in a can.
21:06Really, Elma?
21:07See for yourself!
21:08Okay. Here goes!
21:15Here we go!
21:18Elma, you were right! I do have my powers back!
21:22Good. Now let's see if we can get our factory back.
21:25You guys relax. This one's on me.
21:28Okay, trees. Now listen up. We've got work to do.
21:37I never could resist a man in a toxically eaten away uniform.
21:45No problem, troops.
21:47We ain't gonna be licked by a bunch of giant marching trees.
21:50Giant marching trees?
21:53If anyone asks, I just went to go buy some white flags.
22:02Isn't this exciting, Toxies, Mom?
22:05We have our bubblegum factory back again.
22:07I'm sure dentists throughout the nation are thrilled.
22:10I have found it so inspiring that I have written a little work song.
22:14Wanna hear it?
22:15Just a minute.
22:18Okay, now.
22:19We do the work, work
22:21We do the work, jerk
22:23We do the work, work
22:25We do the work, jerk
22:27We do the work
22:28Until Friday when we all get paid
22:31We do the work, work
22:33We do the work, jerk
22:35We do the work
22:36Take that old money and we go get some fun
22:39We do the work, work
22:41We do the work, jerk
22:43We do the work
22:44All right!
22:49All right!
23:20All right!
23:21All right!
