The Toxic Crusaders - 1x12 - Still Crazy After All These Shears

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00:00Toxic Crusaders
00:30Oh, we're hideously deformed
00:44Hey, I'm sittin' on top of the world
00:48With my mob, choo-choo and girl
00:53Toxic Crusaders
00:55Toxic Crusaders
01:01It was springtime in Tromaville
01:06And just as I was about to plant the seeds of the story for another Toxic Crusader episode
01:11His Honor Mayor Grody was asking all the good people of Tromaville to plant a few seeds of their own
01:17Is this on?
01:20My fellow Tromavillians, it is with great pride that I announce the commencement of Beautify Tromaville Week
01:33Now, Blobby, everyone has the right to his, her, or its opinion
01:37Even an overweight, basically corrupt mayor
01:39As part of my Grody Says Just Say Grow campaign
01:44I myself will be passing out free seeds to help beautify your lawns and gardens
01:51Grody Says Just Say Grow
01:53I like that
01:55Maybe the mayor's not such a bad guy after all
01:57Plantin' flowers is nice
01:59Even though I'm not thrilled about all the pollen it's gonna bring
02:03I just hope these seeds grow into trees
02:07Guys, it's our hideously deformed duty to keep Tromaville clean
02:10So we've got to support the mayor's Beautify Tromaville Week
02:13But what can we do?
02:15Nothing will grow in the despoiled soil around this dump
02:18Lighten up, Benjamin
02:20There's tons of landscaping we can do over at Toxie's mom's place
02:23That's a great idea, Fender
02:25It's clean-up time at mom's
02:27Just Say Grow!
02:31As we moseyed on over to mom's, Mayor Grody was picking up a few more votes
02:36Here you go. Happy plantin'
02:38Why, thank you, Mayor Grody
02:51Now that's what I call a flowerbed
02:54While we all thought Mayor Grody was finally planting something good
02:58In actuality, something sinister was sprouting
03:01Especially back on Island City
03:03I'll take it from here, you lumpy-headed lout
03:07Sure, Dr. Killamoff. I kind of forgot what comes next anyway
03:10All right, Mayor Grody, you may come in now
03:15I've done what you asked, Doctor
03:18So far I've given out 3,462,272 of your free seeds
03:26Now, at my commission of three cents each
03:28You only let me see now
03:30If I take this and carry it over, I'll...
03:33A lot of dough here
03:35Yeah, that's it. A lot of dough
03:39Gotta go
03:40Excellent! Those stupid Tromavillians have taken the bait
03:45Soon those sinister seeds our Zoster sent us from Smogula will be in full bloom
03:51I don't get it, boss
03:53How's planting beautiful flowers gonna toxify Tromaville?
03:57Bonehead, you fool!
03:59The fancy flowers are a floral facade
04:01Soon Tromaville will be faced with a monstrous mass of vicious vines
04:05And violent vegetation unlike anything you've ever seen
04:09And maybe even a special big surprise at the end of the show
04:19Since it was already quite clear that this episode was about gardening
04:23We got right to work beautifying the city
04:25Attention! Leaves about face and march out of this place
04:31Oh boy, you're doing such a wonderful job
04:35Don't thank us, mom. Thank Mayor Grody and his beautified Tromaville week
04:39Don't tell me that Mayor Grody has turned into a good guy
04:43It sure seems that way, Toxie's mom
04:46And I've written a special song for the occasion
04:49While strolling through the garden one spring
04:53I discovered such a beautiful thing
04:56Oh, Toxie, when you work with doit
04:58I'm so proud to be your scite
05:02It makes me wanna float and sing
05:07Thanks, Yvonne. That was a sweet song
05:10Oh, no! Dandelions!
05:14Uh-oh! This won't be pretty
05:19Incoming gale force winds! Take cover!
05:27Quick thinking, mop
05:30Ooh, that was close
05:32Thanks, mop. You're a real friend
05:39I don't know, boss
05:40The Toxic Crusaders planting Zarzoster's sinister seeds
05:43I don't think that's such a good idea
05:45Psycho, I don't need your advice!
05:48If Zarzoster didn't want to use his putrefying plant life on the Toxic Crusaders
05:55He would have told me so
05:57Kill him off, you bird-brained bug!
05:59Why are the Toxic Crusaders planting sinister seedlings at Toxie's mom's house?
06:04Well, Zarzoster, I thought...
06:07Don't think. That's my job
06:09But if the Toxic Crusaders are going to plant my seeds
06:12Then you better be sure they get rid of that military mutant major disaster
06:16His plant-controlling powers might interfere with my plans
06:20Uh, plans
06:21Oh, here's your sign, this all-great-and-powerful one
06:25I'll get rid of Major Disaster right away
06:28See that you do. But you have to hire another bad guy
06:34Fender, we need more seeds
06:39Hey, Major Disaster, Sergeant Psycho reporting for duty
06:44Let go of my leg!
06:46Now that's an order!
06:52Hey, Major Disaster!
06:57Hey, you! Freeze!
06:59Hey, you! Sneeze!
07:02Uh-oh, not again
07:12Okay, Rangers, make rain!
07:20My goodness, it's raining cats and dogs
07:23I resemble that remark
07:25Yvonne is right. I think I just defecated a poodle
07:30Would you look? It just stopped raining
07:34Awesome arrangement
07:36Well done, my cats
07:39A rainbow! It's enough to make me want to compose a song
07:43Every rainbow has its cloudy lining
07:45Uh, something like that
07:58My bones!
07:59My home!
08:00My Christmas!
08:01My guess is we've got some heavy-duty problems in Act 2
08:10And now, these messages
08:14We now return to the Toxic Crusaders
08:20The sinister seeds and weird weeds were rapidly strangling the houses in Tromaville
08:26I'm a Toxic Crusader!
08:28Yeah, these weeds kind of grow on you
08:34Hey, watch it! The back, Wicked Weed! The back, I say!
08:43Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
08:46Whoa! Uh-oh
08:54Without major disaster, we were having a tough time trying to whack the Wicked Weeds
08:59And what's worse, the bad guys were hiring more help
09:02We got him on the ropes now, Doc
09:05All set, boss. The ad is running in today's Tromaville Times
09:09Ad? What ad? Bad guy needed
09:12Bad guy needed? Long hours, low pay, but lots of dirty, messy fun
09:17You bumbling buffoon! I don't need more help!
09:20Everything is going according to plan
09:23The Czar's Oaster set to hire another bad guy
09:26Besides, the guy's here already
09:28Oh, all right. Send him in
09:32The name's Mower Man, but you can call me Mower Man
09:36Hmm, Mower Man. I like the sound of it
09:40Yeah, boss. It's real cutting edge. You get it? Cutting edge?
09:45Yeah, only kidding, Mower Man
09:48It says here you were last employed as a gardener. What happened?
09:52Do we have time for a flashback?
09:54Always, if it's good and gory
09:57Oh, this one's gory all right
09:59You see, here's how it happened
10:01Like my resume said, I was a gardener by trade
10:05Clipping and pruning were second nature to me
10:07Then one terrifically hot day, I decided to take a little siesta inside a metal gardening shed
10:14It was so hot, the door to the shed got welded shut, trapping me inside
10:24The next thing I knew, I was a hideously deformed gardener with superhuman shears and strength
10:30And I was out of work
10:31Hmm, you seem like a sharp guy. You're hired
10:37Now, I have a very special assignment for you
10:40Don't worry, I can cut it
10:43Meanwhile, back in Tromaville, the beautiful flowers Mayor Grody handed out were turning into wicked weeds and indestructible ivy
10:51And they were growing way out of control
10:53It's no use. They're growing faster than we can contain them
10:57Dudes, without Major Disaster's powers to help, these wild thing weeds are gonna win
11:04Hey, who are you?
11:07It's cut-off time
11:15What a low-down trick. Just when I started my diet
11:27We finally managed to drive off Mower Man and the radiation radiators
11:32We finally managed to drive off Mower Man and the radiation rangers
11:36Hi, Lloyd family. Sorry about your picnic being ruined, but we did manage to rescue half a hoagie
11:41No problem, Toxie. Now we can go to Burpo Burger, which is much better than eating Mrs. Lloyd's cooking
11:50Yuck! Talk about your hideously deformed heroes
11:53Wait a minute. Tuna fish, peanut butter, and cream cheese. My favorite
11:58We may have won the battle, but with Major Disaster still missing in action, even the tuna, peanut butter, and cream cheese had lost its charm
12:05Bonehead, how do you like Dr. Gilmore's private zoo? Here we have a fine specimen of the Toxicus Crusaderus
12:12Toxicus Crusaderus? Gee, they sure are ugly
12:16You guys know darn well my name's Disaster. Major Disaster
12:20Oh yeah? You're the one who likes plants, right?
12:23Well, let's see how you like this. She loves me, she loves me not. She loves me, she loves me not
12:30Stop, please. You're hurting it
12:33Come on, Bonehead. We got more important things to do
12:36Yeah, like toxifying Tromaville and destroying the rest of the Toxic Crusaders
12:41You, keep an electric eye on our pal Major Disaster
12:47What a bunch of meanies picking on a poor defenseless petunia
12:52Hmm, maybe I can put that petunia to work
12:55It's time to get on with the show. Petunia, do your stuff and grow
13:03Okay, Vine, I've done my time
13:09Not so fast, plant puss
13:11Holy hedge clippers, it's a hideously deformed bad guy with superhuman shears and strength
13:18Forget it, fungus face. You're my prisoner now
13:24This mower man is working out quite well
13:27Bonehead, I want you to step up the Sinister Seed program to phase two
13:33You mean...
13:34Yes, release the mutated strain of Sotophynthesis plants
13:45I think he means photosynthesis
13:47No, you brainless baboon. Photosynthesis is good. Sotophynthesis is bad
13:54My Sotophynthesis plants breathe in oxygen and exhale carbon monoxide
13:59Causing unsuspecting humans to have coughing fits, teary eyes and runny noses
14:06Oh, kind of like being in a room with you, huh, boss?
14:09Get to work!
14:11Well, that's some impressive set of snippers you got there.
14:14I bet you must work hard to stay in shape, huh?
14:17You know, it takes dedication.
14:19I work out at the gym three days a week
14:21and visit my blade sharpener every Thursday.
14:24You know, I was thinking, mower man,
14:26while we're sitting around waiting for act three,
14:29maybe you could give me a little trim.
14:32Sure, why not?
14:34I never could resist a bit of fine pruning.
14:37Gee, how about those Dodgers?
14:39Wait till next year.
14:43There, finished. What do you think?
14:46What do I think?
14:47I think I'm out of here!
14:49Gee, what about my tip?
14:51You want a tip?
14:52Never underestimate a toxic crusader!
14:55Major disaster, your battles have just begun.
15:05And now, these messages.
15:11We now return to the Toxic Crusaders.
15:18Back in Tromaville, the bad guys were getting ready
15:21to release their sodofinensin.
15:23Ahem, uh, sodofinensinininininin, you know.
15:27They were up to no good.
15:30Hey, wasn't that...
15:32Nah, it couldn't be.
15:34Here, let me help you with this,
15:36this, this, this, this, this, this, this.
15:39Sotosensifis, uh, soto, fifth hand, six, uh, soto.
15:44Look, we ain't got all day.
15:46Just call them bad seeds and keep planting them, all right?
16:00Meanwhile, Mower Man was still chasing
16:03major disaster all over Tromaville.
16:09A stately elm so big and tall,
16:11let us have an early fall!
16:15It'll take more than this to stop Mower Man.
16:18Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
16:21You, a gardener!
16:23How can you use your gardening gifts for evil?
16:26I get paid to cut things down and to capture you.
16:36All over town, we Toxic Crusaders
16:38try to stop people from planting the sinister seeds.
16:41Excuse me, folks, but we have reason to believe
16:44that Mower Man is the one behind all this.
16:47Excuse me, folks, but we have reason to believe
16:50that the free seeds Mayor Grody gave out
16:52are actually part of an evil plan
16:54to toxify our fair town of Tromaville.
16:56How could that be?
16:58Look at all of these beautiful flowers.
17:01That's right.
17:02Mayor Grody's done a great service to Tromaville.
17:05He's got my vote.
17:07Sorry, folks, but my Tromatons never lie,
17:09and they tell me we're in the presence of some great evil.
17:24You think you're such a star, Toxie?
17:27Well, welcome to Hollywood and Vine.
17:34If only our good buddy Major Disaster were here.
17:37He'd know how to put these evil plants in their place.
17:41Thanks for the compliment, No-Zone.
17:43It's the Major! He's back!
17:45Thank goodness!
17:46Don't thank goodness, dude.
17:48Thank the riders.
17:50Yay! Major's back!
17:53It's clean-up time!
17:55Let's go, Mr. Smarty Plants.
17:58Do your stuff!
18:02Ivy and weeds, shrink back into seeds!
18:08What's that?
18:09A blast of heroic trumpets in the key of C.
18:14Well, what's wrong, Major?
18:16It's no use.
18:18These plants are unlike anything I've ever seen on Earth,
18:21or even in a toxic crusader show.
18:30The name's Mower Man, but you can call me Mower Man.
18:34Pleased to meet you, Mr. Mower Man.
18:37Say, are you a good guy or a bad guy?
18:40A bad guy, you nasal nitwit.
18:42Gee, don't you remember battling with me in Act 2?
18:45Oh, yeah.
18:47See, I'm a little fuzzy-headed this episode
18:49because of my allergies and all this pollen.
18:56Okay, next dance.
18:59It takes two to tangle Mower Mess,
19:01and now it's my turn.
19:04Chill out, dudes.
19:05Look, something's happening.
19:12Suddenly, all the weeds and vines came together
19:15to create a tremendous, humongous, gigantic,
19:18really big weed monster.
19:20So this is the evil plan Dr. Killamoth was talking about
19:23way back in Act 1.
19:25Yep, this is it, all right.
19:27Pretty neat, huh?
19:36Oy, all this excitement is making me thirsty.
19:42Excuse me, Sonny.
19:44Could you give me a hand?
19:46Or whatever those things are.
19:51Gee, what's that?
19:53A sting of evil music.
19:55No, that.
19:56It was my prune juice.
19:58Now it's my ex-prune juice.
20:00Did you say prune juice?
20:04Like in No Sense Crying Over Spilled Prune Juice?
20:08Now to an old-time gardener like Mower Man,
20:11he said prune meant only one thing.
20:14And once Mower Man got the urge to prune,
20:16there was no stopping him.
20:18Prune, prune, prune!
20:29Radiation Rangers, retreat!
20:44The idiot! What has he done?
20:47Uh-oh, boss.
20:48When Zarzoster finds out about this,
20:50he's gonna really chew you out.
20:53Killamoth, you idiotic insect!
20:55Once again, I've handed you the perfect plan
20:57to toxify Tormobile, and you blew it!
21:00What is that?
21:02I don't think it's the tooth fairy.
21:04It's a remoulade dental creature.
21:06They're better to chew you out with.
21:13I told you so.
21:22Testing, one, two, three, testing.
21:27That wasn't me!
21:28Citizens of Tromobile...
21:33and hideously deformed creatures
21:35of superhuman size and strength,
21:39we are very pleased to announce
21:41that Beautify Tromobile Week
21:43was a terrific success.
21:48What in blazes?
21:50Thanks to that Mower Man guy
21:52and our own Mayor Max Grody,
21:54Your Honor, we present you
21:56the remains of the Wicked Weed Monster.
22:03Thank you, my friends.
22:12And so, with another exciting episode
22:14winding to a close,
22:16there were just a few loose ends to take care of.
22:19Like getting rid of all these clippings,
22:21until Mop came up with a brilliant idea.
22:36As for Mower Man, he had to go find another job.
22:40Gee, here's one.
22:42Politician needs full-time paper shredder
22:44to destroy evidence.
22:46Hmm, I think I'll give this guy Grody a call.
22:56THE END
