No Females Allowed Records: On Being A Hardcore Felon For Life, Traveling With Cannabis, Flashy Phones, Rejection, New Solo Album

  • last month


00:00So, yesterday I was talking about becoming a house sitter as a side hustle.
00:12That's going to be more challenging than I thought.
00:15I went on again and the people were still messaging me talking about work
00:20from home.
00:21So I realized it was a scam and I deleted my profile.
00:23I know that I'm not going to get any work on there.
00:26So, that's out the way.
00:29Never getting on that website again.
00:31I added them to the list of places that I will never shop at.
00:34I started that list in 2021.
00:36It's still going strong now.
00:38I stay out of a lot of places, hundreds and hundreds of businesses and websites on that
00:43list that I will never shop at again or go to again.
00:46There's some places on that list that I still go in, the stores I still go into, but I have
00:51to use caution when I go into the store.
00:54I can't just go in there all willy-nilly whenever I want.
00:58I have to use caution when I'm going into those stores that are on my list.
01:01It's only like a handful.
01:03It's like hundreds and hundreds of businesses and restaurants and websites, but it's only
01:07a handful of stores that I still go in from time to time, like the liquor store or the
01:11dollar store.
01:13When there's an emergency and I don't have a lot of money, I might have to go into the
01:17dollar store and those stores are on my list.
01:19So I have to raise a red flag whenever I go in there and watch my back because those stores
01:26are on my list for a reason.
01:27It just happened to me there or the environment is bad or whatever other reason.
01:34I'm not going to go through the list.
01:35That's a personal list.
01:36It's private.
01:37I don't share that list with anyone and I'm not going to put all those businesses on blast
01:41because no one cares.
01:45The second thing I was talking about yesterday was joining a website called Luxury House
01:50That's not going to work because when I went on the site today, I looked at their terms
01:54and conditions and their filing print and it says that you cannot be a felon.
01:58So that is not going to work out for me.
02:01I'm not going to be able to pay the $25 a year to sign up for that.
02:04It's really hurtful.
02:05As bad as I want my charge to go away, I caught this charge in a state where felonies can't
02:11be expunged.
02:12So there's no such thing as erasing it.
02:14It's not a sex charge or anything like that, but I can't erase it.
02:19It's there forever.
02:21That's the type of state that I caught it in.
02:22If I had caught it in one of those states where I could get it expunged after seven
02:25years or whatever, that would have been great, but the state that I caught it in, no, they
02:30don't allow that.
02:31So I'm not going to be able to join Luxury House Sitter.
02:34It really breaks my heart.
02:37I kind of want to shed a tear, but I can't cry.
02:40I'm too hardcore of a felon to cry over something like that.
02:45A lot of people say when you're a felon, you shouldn't tell people you should conceal it,
02:50but I confess to it because people are going to snitch on me.
02:56I'm not telling on myself.
02:58Some people might say that I'm telling on myself.
03:00I'm not telling on myself.
03:02Other people will tell on me.
03:03There's too many snitches in this world that's trying to rat me out.
03:08They're going to tell on me.
03:10So I might as well confess and keep it real up front and just say, put that on my application
03:16and stuff like that.
03:17I always check yes, and they always reject me.
03:21So if you're out there thinking about becoming a felon, I would suggest that you think again
03:26because it's not going to go away, especially the states you live in.
03:30You might want to research what state you're in and see if they can kind of sponge those
03:33type of stuff because all states don't do that.
03:36Some of that stuff, once you get it, it's on there forever.
03:38It don't matter what it is.
03:40You don't have to be a sex offender.
03:41You don't have to be a murderer, but it will stay on there.
03:47I don't tell people that often, but whenever a job arises, I have to confess.
03:53I can't lie because I'm not a liar.
03:57I always keep it real.
03:59There's nothing.
04:00I'm not proud of it.
04:01I'm not bragging on it.
04:03It's nothing to brag on.
04:04Being a gangster and a hardcore felon is nothing to brag on, especially being a female.
04:12People look down on me.
04:13They think I'm dirty.
04:14They think I'm trifling.
04:17They think I'm a racist.
04:20I'm not welcome in a lot of places.
04:21I'm not welcome in a lot of jobs, not welcome in a lot of environments.
04:27And that's just how my life is.
04:29People tell on me all the time, even when I'm not doing anything wrong.
04:33I haven't broke the law since the last time I was arrested, which was over seven years
04:37ago, and I'm still suffering as a felon.
04:40It's kind of like a condition.
04:42A couple years ago, when I was back in Iowa, I knew that I was a felon, and I felt like
04:46I was.
04:47It's kind of like AIDS.
04:48It don't go away.
04:49It's like a disease.
04:50But being a felon, it doesn't go away.
04:54It's really sickening.
04:56Even though I don't catch any more, it's still in the way.
05:03Even if you stop catching them, it's still in the way.
05:06And that's why I don't go to Cali.
05:07I already said this in one of my AI documentaries on YouTube, the gruesome travel history of
05:15I already said why I won't go back to California.
05:19All those states where they have the little three-stripe laws, you might want to stay
05:22out of there if you're a felon, because they don't play.
05:25Them snitches are terrible.
05:27They don't play.
05:31Even people in the projects look down on me.
05:34Everybody in the projects ain't hardcore.
05:36Everybody in the projects told me, blickies ain't no gangsta.
05:39I can tell you that myself.
05:41They not no gangstas, like for real.
05:44I'm more a gangsta than some people that's been living in the projects all they life.
05:48They don't even accept me.
05:51These people can't even get an apartment.
05:54I'm sitting up here talking about month-to-month leases and don't even know if I can get in.
05:58I haven't even tried yet, because of the felon status, you feel me?
06:03A lot of people can't relate to this, especially women.
06:07A lot of men don't like felons, like that nigga I was talking about.
06:11One of them rappers on the Pot of Balloons show was saying they didn't want a felon,
06:16but they wanted a dyke.
06:18That was crazy to me.
06:20But anyway, men have their certain preferences.
06:22All men don't want to date somebody that's a gangsta.
06:26People make judgments about me.
06:28They think I'm always breaking the law.
06:30They think I'm always going to cause trouble.
06:32They think I'm always going to do this and that to their family.
06:34They think I'm going to hurt them.
06:35I don't have no intentions on hurting these fucking snitches, bro.
06:39I might rap about it.
06:40That's my way of expressing myself, but I'm not doing nothing to those people.
06:44I'm going to sit up here every day minding my business, being a blogger and being a rapper
06:50and looking for money in side hustles and surviving off the EBT, okay?
06:59That's how I got to live my fucking life, and there's people out here that's still hating on me.
07:03I ain't even bothering them.
07:05I stay out of the club.
07:06I don't like the club scene.
07:08Every time I step foot in the club, I feel like I'm about to catch a venom.
07:12I don't fuck with them people, bro, and I ain't sitting up here telling on myself.
07:16I don't have nobody to talk to.
07:18I'm talking to the internet.
07:20I'm talking to you youngins out there that might be listening to me and think that being
07:24gangsta cool.
07:25I'm talking to them old heads out there that making judgments about me and passing me off
07:31and writing me off as nothing.
07:34I'm a human being, okay?
07:35I don't care what I did in my past.
07:37I did a lot of stuff in my past because I grew up in a troubled home.
07:41I did not grow up in a two-parent home.
07:44My mother did not get married until I was 18 years old.
07:51I grew up in a single home.
07:53My father was missing in action, and I ain't had nobody.
07:57You know what I'm saying?
07:58I grew up in a bad neighborhood.
08:01I ain't grew up in no rich Hollywood, Beverly Hills type of neighborhood.
08:04I ain't grew up in no five-bedroom house near palm trees and stuff.
08:10I ain't grew up on the good side of town.
08:12I grew up in the trenches, okay, downtown, part of town, where all the crime at, where
08:18all the heathens and gangs at.
08:20That's where I grew up at.
08:21I ain't grew up in no two-parent home, 11th home.
08:23Why you think I ain't graduate college?
08:27Why you think I ain't never get to go back to school like everybody else?
08:33I grew up being abused, neglected, group home to group home, teen pregnancies, shit like
08:41That's the type of life I had to live.
08:44The life that I had to live was forced on me.
08:47I didn't ask for it.
08:48I didn't ask to come in this world.
08:54It's hard living like that.
08:57It's always police on me, always snitches on me, always rats on me, always racist people
09:04on me, always white supremacists, black supremacists.
09:06I don't like black supremacists either.
09:09I don't like white supremacists.
09:11I don't like black supremacists.
09:13I don't like people that are white and only like white people.
09:17I don't like black people that only like black people.
09:20I believe in diversity.
09:23I don't believe that somebody should put me in a category with a bunch of African-Americans
09:28or Africans, and I don't believe that white people should be the way they are.
09:34I can't even travel to white racist supremacist cities where there's a lot of redneck stuff
09:39going on.
09:40I can't do that.
09:41I might want to go there, think I'm going to relax and go on vacation and stuff, but
09:45if there's a bunch of white racist supremacists there, they're not going to want to see my
09:48black ass.
09:49I can cover up all I want.
09:51They're going to be even more intimidated by the ski mask.
09:55They're going to be even more intimidated by my face being covered up.
10:01When they see me and my face being covered up, in Philly they banning ski masks.
10:07They banning them balaclavas and all that shit.
10:09I researched that too, not too long ago.
10:13So everywhere ain't going to accept me, even if my skin covered up.
10:18They going to be looking at the ski mask and looking at the cover and like, what the fuck?
10:23She can't wear that.
10:25Certain cities don't even like that.
10:27I can't even walk through certain places, I can't go to certain neighborhoods, I can't
10:31go to certain cities where there's white racist supremacists, people don't like the ski masks,
10:35all types of shit.
10:36My life is hard.
10:37And it only gets harder.
10:39It don't get no easier.
10:40I ain't trying to sound old and burnt out, but I'm telling the truth.
10:45Being a felon is hard.
10:47I wouldn't wish it on nobody.
10:49I can't date.
10:50Men don't want me.
10:51Jobs don't want me.
10:52Jobs don't want me.
10:53I said it and I wrote about it.
10:56Hundreds and hundreds of times I put my pain on paper.
11:00I put my pain on paper all, that's all I do.
11:04That's all I do to cope with the pain.
11:07I put my pain on paper.
11:13One day I might not be able to do that, something might happen to me.
11:16I might not be able to put my pain on paper, I might be in more pain, and I don't even
11:20like telling people I'm in pain.
11:22I don't even like to say people will pray on anything.
11:25They know your ass in pain, they gon' hate.
11:27They be like, who told you you can be in that much pain?
11:31There be some sick fucks in this world.
11:35And I became a felon hanging with the wrong crowd.
11:39I wanted to be a gang member.
11:42That's what I used to wanted to be.
11:45Now look at me.
11:47Everybody think I'm slow.
11:49Everybody think I'm retarded.
11:51Everybody think I'm dirty and unworthy.
11:54Everybody think I'm a prostitute.
11:58Everybody holding they nose up, even disabled people looking down.
12:02Look, I gotta watch my back everywhere I go, even felons looking down.
12:09Even sex offenders looking down.
12:11I gotta watch my back everywhere I go, everybody think they better than me.
12:16Life ain't easy.
12:17Walking and living my life ain't easy.
12:20I wouldn't wish my life on my worst enemy.
12:23I might not have a disease, I don't got no STDs and AIDs and all that, but my life still
12:34Next thing I'm gonna talk about is marijuana.
12:38If you a weed smoker and you carry weed, don't be like other people.
12:45Make sure that when you traveling across state lines, you are entering a state where
12:50weed is decriminalized and legalized.
12:54If your ass is a weed smoker and you're going into a state where weed is still illegal,
13:00it's a lot of states where weed is still illegal.
13:04A lot of states.
13:05I so happen to be in a legalized state, which is pretty decent.
13:11I'm glad about that.
13:12I'm still glad about that.
13:14That's great.
13:16They get a plus for that.
13:17That's all they get.
13:19But there's a lot of states that still aren't legalized.
13:24And if you cross over, the snitches are out there, bruh.
13:28You don't want to catch no charge.
13:30So make sure, if you a weed smoker, make sure you go to a state where it's legalized.
13:38Go to Cali if you're not a veteran.
13:39Go to Illinois, D.C., V.A.
13:44Go to Florida and get your weed certificate because you have to have one down there.
13:50Some states have different laws.
13:53Some states it's fully legalized.
13:55You don't need a weed card.
13:56In some states it's legalized, but you have to have a weed card.
14:00So before you travel, make sure if it's not recreational, make sure it's medical.
14:08Make sure you do it the right way and get your medical card or somebody might rat.
14:15You don't want to go to jail for that.
14:16I done been through that already too.
14:17I talked about that on that gruesome travel history of Olliao Benito.
14:22I talked about that already.
14:26Make sure that your weed is legit.
14:31You don't want to be sitting up behind bars behind that.
14:34It ain't worth it.
14:37Another thing I want to talk about is car inspections.
14:39I was saying that I had a rejection sticker.
14:43I don't have a rejection sticker anymore.
14:46I have a legal sticker now.
14:48I got the work fixed.
14:50This is how I did it.
14:51Instead of going into a shop that charged me $1,600 due to work, I just ordered the
14:59part and got somebody to do it for me.
15:03That's how you should do it.
15:06Find somebody that will buy the part yourself and find somebody that will put it on for
15:10you for lower than a regular car dealership or auto place.
15:18You don't want to blow a bunch of money that you don't have.
15:22Next thing I'm going to cover is the latest cell phones.
15:31Two years ago, I switched from using Apple's and iPhone's to Android's.
15:36I did that for a reason.
15:39I was using Apple's and iPhone's for years.
15:42I loved Apple.
15:44I like the way the phones are and they're high tech and they're cool and all this type
15:48of stuff.
15:49A couple years ago, I made a decision to switch to Android's because they're a lot more affordable
15:58and you can keep up with the latest phones.
16:05The latest iPhone is the iPhone 15.
16:08It's $1,000.
16:10I can't afford that.
16:11$1,000 is a lot of money for a phone.
16:15If I was still using Apple, I would be a couple of Apple's behind because I can't afford it
16:20for the newest one.
16:23With the Android, they're way more affordable.
16:27The phones might be like $300 or $400 which is way more affordable than Apple and you
16:33can still keep up with the latest phone.
16:37Right now, they say you should update your phone about every two to three years.
16:42Ever since I've switched to Android, my screen has never cracked.
16:45Those Apple screens cracked all the time.
16:48I was always getting them repaired.
16:50Ever since I switched to Android, I haven't had a problem with that.
16:53I always make sure I put a screen protector on there and a case.
16:56I don't try to show it off.
16:58I always keep that on there and make sure I don't crack the phone.
17:04The newest Android, I think, is the Android 14.
17:07I'm a couple of Androids behind right now and I'm going to upgrade when the new Android
17:12come out so I can stay on point.
17:14I don't want to even be five or six months behind.
17:18I want to get the latest Android when it's soon to drop.
17:22When the 15 drop, I want the 15.
17:27It's going to be more affordable than an iPhone.
17:30If you're out there and you want to make sure you have the latest technology and you want
17:34to make sure you have the latest phone, I would suggest switching to Android.
17:39It's way more affordable than those $1,000 iPhones.
17:42You don't want to be behind, you know what I'm saying?
17:47But anyway, the next thing I'm going to talk about is pet insurance.
17:52Pet insurance is a rip off.
17:54If your pet has a precondition that was already there before you tried to sign up, if they're
18:02prone to ear infections, skin infections, any type of health condition, they're not
18:10going to cover it.
18:12They're going to try to charge you maybe like $100 for the highest, the best coverage and
18:18it's not worth it.
18:19By the time you pay $100 a month for pet insurance, you might as well pay out of pocket.
18:29If your dog goes to the vet every few months and you're paying $100 a month, you might
18:35as well save that $100 a month and just pay for the vet out of pocket.
18:39Pet insurance does not make sense.
18:41I'm sorry, all y'all selling pet insurance out there, I don't like you because I don't
18:46think it's necessary.
18:48I think it's a rip off.
18:49I think out of pocket is way better way to take care of an animal.
18:53If you don't have money out of pocket, I would suggest not having one.
18:56If you have a medical condition and you have to have an emotional support animal or anything
19:02like that, you will find a way to take care of your dog without paying high insurance
19:06rates every single month.
19:08Because like I said, once they have a pre-existing medical condition, you're not going to be
19:13able to have it anyway.
19:16It's only going to cover new things.
19:19What's the point?
19:22Next thing I'm going to go over is religion and this is the last topic.
19:26I know I'm not that good at articulating what I have to say.
19:31I don't know why I am not a master's, I don't have a master's degree, I don't have a master's
19:36I did not go to college and graduate.
19:38I went to college and took a few classes and dropped out because I kept getting bullied.
19:43So please don't pick on me because of the way I talk.
19:47I don't sound like that when I rap, I sound better than that.
19:58A lot of people take their religion seriously and they don't think that it's something they
20:04should tell other people.
20:06I tell people my religion too and a lot of people keep it to themselves, they think it's
20:12a personal choice, just like who they vote for, they keep that to themselves.
20:19But I can vote again just because I already had my rights restored in 2022 or 2021.
20:30So I can vote again, I just don't do it because I don't like politics.
20:34Anyway, religion, it sucks.
20:39I'm not a Christian, I did grow up in a Christian household when I was a kid, but I don't like
20:47Christianity because I was taught a lot of things that I don't agree with.
20:52The Bible is very contradicting, there's a lot of stuff in there that don't make sense
20:56to me.
20:58And when I pray I don't feel like, when I used to pray to God I felt like he didn't
21:02hear any of my answers, it was like a joke.
21:07I'd be like, get me out of poverty, get me out of this, help me grow, help me keep relationships.
21:14I didn't get none of what I asked for, my bad.
21:20I didn't get nothing what I asked for.
21:26I gave up and I just turned to voodoo after I left Florida in 2019.
21:36And I already said that in the gruesome travel history of where y'all been here though.
21:40I said that I already went to Florida and started turning to voodoo.
21:44I've been turning to that ever since.
21:48My religion is Santeria.
21:52Not Christianity, not Catholic, not Baptist, it's Santeria all the way.
22:00And I know everything about it, I know how to do the candles and the prayers and stuff
22:09like that.
22:10And that's going to be my religion for the rest of my life, I can't change it.
22:16Everybody can tell me that God is the only way and he the only answer, but God has not
22:23been working for me.
22:28Santeria is the only thing that I have.
22:33There's some people out here that might want to take that from me, they might want to turn
22:35me into a whole atheist, but that hasn't happened yet.
22:40And if that day get here, then maybe I will turn into an atheist, but I'm not an atheist
22:45just yet.
22:46I'm actually a Santeria, I'm a Santero, and I've been a Santero since 2019, and I take
22:56my religion very seriously.
22:59And so, I don't like being discriminated against.
23:04I gotta deal with a lot of discrimination, racial discrimination, religious discrimination,
23:09mental health discrimination, all types of discrimination out here.
23:12Discrimination because I'm a female, discrimination because I'm straight and I don't want some
23:18woman's funky ass body.
23:20All types of discrimination, and religion is one of them.
23:25There's people that don't fuck with me because they don't believe in Santeria and everything,
23:29they believe that God and Jesus is the only way.
23:31That's their personal opinion.
23:34I should not be discriminated against behind somebody's personal opinion.
23:39If they believe in God and it's working for them, good for them.
23:43I'm not going to knock them.
23:46I don't think that's fair.
23:49People not bullying them, saying we're not going to mess with you Christians, and they're
23:53not welcome here.
23:55But people do that to me.
23:56They don't like witchcraft, they don't like candles, they don't like Santeria, they don't
24:00like Palo, Palo Mayombe.
24:05Because I used to practice Palo Mayombe too, but I still believe in that, and I believe
24:13it is the voodoo, and I believe in voodoo too, that's a separate religion than Santeria.
24:18Santeria and voodoo are similar, but they're not exactly similar.
24:22There's different types of voodoo, there's Haitian voodoo, there's Louisiana voodoo,
24:29Florida voodoo, shit like that.
24:34It's not always about cutting chickens and drinking their blood, and cutting goats and
24:39drinking their blood.
24:40It's not always about that.
24:42There's other ways to believe in that stuff.
24:45You don't even have to drink blood.
24:52One thing in the practice that I have been doing, whenever I cut my finger, I take the
24:58blood from my finger and draw a pinnacle every time.
25:03Whenever I cut my finger, I always leave a pinnacle somewhere with my blood, and I've
25:09gotten used to doing that.
25:11I don't cut myself on purpose, but if I cut it accidentally and the blood started pouring
25:16out, I'm going to leave a pinnacle somewhere.
25:20But anyway, that's all I had to say today.
25:22I was talking about being a house sitter, how hard it is being a felon, how I can't
25:28use certain websites because of that, how I'm not welcome in certain places, how I'm
25:34being discriminated against for my religion, how you shouldn't cross over into certain
25:41If you're a weed smoker and their state doesn't legalize marijuana, you shouldn't be there.
25:48And what else was I saying?
25:52Pet insurance.
25:53It's not worth it.
25:55So, that's all I had to say, thank you for tuning in.
26:02Tomorrow is going to be just as hard and a rough day as any other day that I've had.
26:10Stay tuned for my new album, it's going to come, I'm just not rushing it.
26:14Today I researched how often should an artist put out music, and they say you should put
26:20out a single every 2-8 weeks, and you should put out an album every 1-2 years.
26:30I just put out an album at the beginning of this year, so I'm nowhere near behind.
26:35So stay tuned for my next third solo album.
26:38The first album I had was Not Your Property, check that out, I put that out in 2022.
26:44My next solo album was The Roughout Dolls, I put that out in January of this year.
26:51And then I have a third album coming out that's untitled.
26:54I've already written 5 or 6 songs already, I just need to write some more songs because
26:59I want at least 10 to 12 songs on the album.
27:03I don't want any less than that.
27:05So I thought I'd write some more music.
27:07I'm not really inspired right now, I'm kind of trying to get some money in my pocket and
27:12I'm still having a hard time doing that because of my felling status, but one day I might
27:19get there.
