No Females Allowed Records: How To Protect Yourself In A Fight, Avoiding Sex Trafficking Rings [[ Explicit]]

  • last month
On podcast number six, I am giving self defense techniques that listeners can use if they were to ever find themselves in a domestic violence situation, a sex trafficking ring, a gang initiation, or in a random street fight or planned street fight. Please excuse my southern ebonics, as it is the only way I know how to talk.

This is a real, unscripted, and raw podcast. Don't forget to subscribe to me on YouTube and on Dailymotion. At the end of the podcast, I accidentally said my phone number wrong too. I meant to say 1-888-491-1626. I didn't want to re-record the whole thing just to try to sound perfect.
00:00This is No Females Allowed Podcast number 6. Today I'm just going to be going over a couple of things.
00:08The first thing I'm going to go over is self-defense. I know I talked about domestic violence in one of these podcasts.
00:17And some of you probably want to know how I made it out. So I'm going to give you some tips on how I made it out with those getting beat up by grown men.
00:29I've never been beat up by a female. I don't even let women get close to me. They're yucky.
00:34I feel like if a female get within a thousand feet of me I might catch a disease.
00:39So I don't even let them get near me. I've never been beat up by a woman, first of all.
00:46Some of these men might have been undercover transgender women but they had a dick between their legs so technically they're still not female.
00:55But anyway, I'm going to tell you how I made it out of being beat up by a bunch of grown men.
01:05These men were twice my size. These bullies won't even pick on their own size or gender.
01:11They're grown ass men twice my size beating me up.
01:15So I'm going to tell you how I made it out.
01:19The first thing I did was exercise.
01:22I do a lot of exercise. I'm already in shape.
01:27I had a punching bag. I use the punching bag everyday.
01:32Run on the treadmill, do sit ups, do push ups, play basketball, whatever you have to do to stay in shape.
01:39Because if somebody is trying to fight you, you want to make sure you're in shape.
01:44So the first thing I do is exercise and stay in shape and get on a good diet or whatever.
01:49Use the punching bag.
01:51The second thing I did was when somebody is punching you, you want to shield your face.
01:57Shield your face. Take your arms and cover your face.
02:02That way they won't do anything to your face.
02:04They can't knock your teeth out or stab you in the face.
02:09Cover your face with both of your arms to shield yourself.
02:15You want to protect your head too. Cover your arms and your face with your head while they're beating you.
02:24Cover your face with your arms and your head as much as possible.
02:29You don't want them to kick you in the head.
02:31Try to shield your head and your face as much as possible.
02:35If you know you're about to get into a fight, go get a pair of mouth guards.
02:41Order one on Amazon or something and wear that around them if you think they're going to punch your teeth out.
02:47You might want to get one of those mouth guards.
02:49They're not expensive. They're less than $10.
02:52So if you're around somebody and you feel like they might punch you, go get you a mouth guard.
02:59If you don't have access to one, use your arms and your head to cover your head and your face.
03:05I can't stress this enough.
03:07Don't cap. This is my own personal experience.
03:12I went through this myself.
03:18You don't want to use a gun.
03:20Even if you try to scream self-defense, they still might say it ain't.
03:27You're just going to have to fight your way through it.
03:33Don't fight back.
03:35I can't stress that enough.
03:37I don't know if you've seen the Hollywood movie, What's Love Got To Do With It?
03:45I watched that movie when I was a kid all the way up until when I was 21 or 22.
03:53I used to look at that movie a lot.
03:56I don't like how Anna Mae fought back.
04:01She would start throwing punches and stuff.
04:04Don't do that. I don't do that.
04:07If I'm getting beat up, I don't throw punches back.
04:10That's too dangerous.
04:13That's too dangerous.
04:15Especially if it's more than one person beating you up at a time.
04:18That is too dangerous.
04:20Do not try to fight back.
04:22Do not start throwing punches.
04:23Don't start screaming and kicking and scratching at niggas.
04:26Don't do that.
04:28They will un-alive you.
04:34Don't do that.
04:37Just cover your face and your head.
04:39Make sure you're in shape.
04:43Don't fight back.
04:45Do not start throwing punches.
04:47Don't spray them with maize.
04:50It will make them retaliate.
04:54They're not going to run off like a little bitch like you think they are.
05:01You think that once you spray them, they're going to run off like they're animals or something.
05:07No, they're not.
05:09Once you spray them, they're going to retaliate.
05:11They're going to be fighting and scratching.
05:13They might pull out a weapon.
05:17While this stuff is in there, they're going to be doing all that.
05:28I don't care what the strength is.
05:30These are human beings I'm talking about.
05:32I don't care what the strength of the pepper is.
05:35They're going to retaliate.
05:37They're not just going to run off and be like,
05:40No, that's not going to happen.
05:43Don't spray them.
05:44Don't pull out the type of weapon.
05:50The one that starts with a B and ends with a Y.
05:53Don't pull that out.
05:58Another thing you want to do is
06:03You don't want to stab them either.
06:08Don't pull out any type of weapon.
06:12Just fight with your fists.
06:15Don't punch them back.
06:18I didn't mean fight with your fists, but don't punch them back.
06:24Don't beat them back.
06:26Just cover yourself.
06:28Cram into the smallest ball you can and take the punches.
06:33Do not let anybody punch your teeth out.
06:36I still have my teeth in my mouth.
06:40Because I won't let anybody punch them out.
06:47That's all I have to say for real.
06:50Crawl into the tiniest ball you can while you're taking these punches.
06:55Do not fight back.
06:56Just take the punches until they stop.
07:05Enough about self-defense.
07:09I finally joined the house sitter platform Mind My House.
07:13I've only been up there for one day.
07:15I haven't found any gigs yet.
07:17I only applied to three.
07:21I haven't heard anything.
07:23One of them hit me back and said they already fulfilled a position.
07:27The other two haven't said anything back yet.
07:30I'm going to be on that platform for quite some time.
07:34I might never get a response.
07:38After that, I'm going to have to put them on my list of places to do not shop.
07:44That's kind of whack.
07:48What else do I have to go over?
07:50That's it.
07:55In a situation like that and you have to take that many punches,
08:00just try to protect yourself as much as possible.
08:03If you can, don't even go around anybody that you feel like would do that to you.
08:14Don't get lured into human trafficking.
08:18That's rule number one.
08:20Don't sell yourself for money because it's a crime.
08:24Even if you think you're getting away with it,
08:27there's a lot of snitches and you might end up in a sting or something.
08:32You don't want to do that.
08:34You might end up in a bus or something.
08:38I've said this before a lot too.
08:41I find myself repeating myself a lot because people still do the same things over and over.
08:46They're still the same bullies.
08:49They never grow up.
08:51If they were bullying you in elementary school or middle school,
08:54they could still bully you as a grown-ass adult.
08:57They never grew up.
08:58They're still kids in their head.
09:01They're old as fuck and still picking on somebody in second grade or something.
09:06It's crazy.
09:09Childhood bullies never fucking grow up.
09:12What the fuck?
09:13You're still not picking on people your own size, bruh.
09:18You're still picking on girls and whatever.
09:23I'm a girl. I'm a lady.
09:24I deserve respect.
09:25I'm not a man.
09:27These niggas can't even fight me.
09:31Is you fighting other men?
09:32What the fuck, nigga?
09:36Can you even fight another grown-ass man your size or twice your size?
09:42Because I ain't never seen these men fighting no men.
09:48Bitch-ass niggas.
09:53I ain't letting no nigga knock my teeth out.
09:56I ain't going to let no nigga throw nothing at me.
09:59Ain't about to throw no table, no chair, no book, no nothing at me.
10:05They ain't about to light me with no blowtorch.
10:08Nigga, they ain't about to chop me up with no chainsaw.
10:11I know this sounds gruesome, but it's some gruesome, sick fucks in this world.
10:18These niggas ain't about to get that close to me.
10:22Like they a girl and act like that towards me.
10:25I'm a human being.
10:29Go to my website
10:38DV can be deadly.
10:41DV like AIDS too.
10:45You can still die for me.
10:48Because niggas act way and shit.
10:53If you or anybody out there is a victim and needs somebody to talk to
10:58call me at 1-88-491-1626
11:05Again, that's 1-88-491-1626
11:10I'm not a licensed therapist.
11:13I am just a listening ear.
11:17Have a nice day.
