• last year
00:00Uh, here's what we're doing for tater time, uh, this evening. I actually got two
00:04From that atlanta philly game, uh, which I told you I think is going to go way over that seven and a half
00:09I'm going to start with the big bear marcello zuna, uh plus 350 for him tonight in his career against aaron nola
00:17233 he's got like over 50 60 at bats against them, but he's homered four times off of him in his career
00:23Uh, he's hot hit one last night as well plus 350
00:27For ozuna tonight joe to get that one going and a double dip like I said
00:32From that game on the other side of things
00:36trey turner
00:37For the phillies, how about these numbers joe?
00:4117 for 43. That's a nice 395 clip
00:45Three homers and six rbis, uh off of max freed. He sees max freed very well
00:51So we are gonna go with trey turner tonight and a big fat price
00:55How's plus 750?
00:58Sound to you, uh for trey turner, uh tonight against max freed and that's surprising to me joe
01:03I know turner's been hasn't been playing
01:06Cold he had that really hot stretch in july. He's cooled off but plus 750 for him
01:12So double dip for atlanta and philly ozuna 350 trey turner at plus
01:17750 next miami and arizona down at south beach
01:21We're going to burger time baby, I know we got monos on the other side
01:25He's a gas can he gives up a lot of homers
01:28But i'm going back to burger time because he hits montgomery very well your boy burger four for six with a homer
01:35Off of monty. He's had a huge month of august. It's time for our boy burger to ring the bell again, joe
01:41Were you on him last night?
01:43Uh, I was not
01:45Okay, a couple nights, all right a couple of nights to go so you're back to big jake burger look at that
01:51Look at those forearm. Uh, maybe he could come through. I think that game's got got legs to potentially get over the eight and a half
01:58Nine, so it looks pretty good to me
02:00Uh again, I think arizona will will score some runs too. So we'll see
02:05your game
02:07Milwaukee and st. Louis. That's right. Milwaukee and st
02:10Louis we're gonna go to that one as well
02:12Lots of options here, honestly, because I don't think tobias meyers or kyle gibson are any good
02:17I will go with william contreras. It was a price for me plus 520
02:21Probably should be a little bit lower than that tonight
02:23So william contreras at plus 520 you've got I kind of like burleson too. Joe on the st. Louis side
02:29Uh going up against meyers, but we'll stick with contraris here at plus 520 to get us going next you talk about bell cows
02:37Doesn't get more bell cow than your boy. Ohtani who actually hasn't hit one the last couple days
02:42Two things for me. Joe hasn't hit one against seattle the last two nights
02:46And he's got a good price plus 240. He's homered off of gilbert grape in his career
02:52So i'm gonna go with otani late night in los angeles. And are you ready joe for?
02:57The big bomb of the night. I can't believe that i'm actually putting this guy into overtime
03:02This is not uh going with the bell cows. That's for sure because this guy's had
03:06An awful year, but he's gotten hot
03:09In the last three or four weeks it and you got a little sentimental value here tonight
03:14Javi baez in chicago against the cubs. You got the big round of applause last night standing ovation tip of the hat
03:22to the crowd
03:24But tonight joe he's facing jamison. Tyone 12 for 21
03:28Two homers in his career off of tyone plus 600 for bias now understand this
03:34Bias is usually joe like nine to one ten to one to homer down to six because of the great history against tyone
03:41Let's take advantage joe six to one for bias
03:44Follow the money the money's going on bias tonight. They don't want the exposure
03:50Ring that dinner bell. Can you ring the dinner bell tonight carver?
03:54Mathias better get it ready for carver and lisi tonight. I want to hear that bell a lot. Ozuna
04:00Burger time william contreras. Oh, tony. Javi bias the six pack of taters for wednesday night joe
04:07Let's go you're getting you don't care. I'm just blowing in do you in in chicago, right? You don't care
04:14Don't care don't care right through that back door. Javi's got
04:18Javi's gotta have a moment back at wrigley gotta have a moment
04:22A guy every moment against jameson tayo rumor on the street is he's swinging a hot bat like you said in the bad talk
04:29That could be big tonight. He's swinging a hot bad the bat joe's worried about the bat torque
04:34He's always got to throw that in there when we talk about the home runs. What's his bat? What's the launch angle?
04:39Uh that he's been going with recently. Uh, there you go. Joe tater time for this evening
04:45Please let's ring the bell a little bit, uh on carver. Please very very happy
