• last year


00:00:30You bring him around. Enough. Enough.
00:00:41Look here. Look closely!
00:00:43Six years ago, in Liao Yuan, you kidnapped my daughter.
00:00:49Where is she? Tell me!
00:00:52Where is she? Tell me!
00:01:01Come up! Get up!
00:01:04Come on! We're leaving!
00:01:06You asshole! Stay here!
00:01:30Where are you?
00:01:35Do you know me?
00:01:37Is that you?
00:01:38No, it's not you.
00:01:40Do you know me?
00:01:42Where are you?
00:01:44Do you know me?
00:01:46You're not here.
00:01:50She's not here.
00:02:00She's not here.
00:02:14Open the truck!
00:02:16You can't be serious!
00:02:22Hold him! Get the kids out of there!
00:02:30You're not here.
00:02:32You're not here.
00:02:40This is unit two, report to headquarters.
00:02:43We've captured one of the kidnappers. Over.
00:02:50Little little little flower, you're so pretty.
00:02:54Soon you'll grow up, very fast in the garden.
00:02:59Little little little flower, you're so pretty.
00:03:03Soon you'll grow up, very fast in the garden.
00:03:08Little little little flower, you're so pretty.
00:03:12Soon you'll grow up, very fast in the garden.
00:03:30Little little little flower, you're so pretty.
00:03:42Little little little flower, you're so pretty.
00:03:45Officer Moo, are you coming back to headquarters?
00:03:48How about dinner?
00:03:49Yes, sure. We'll bring the suspect.
00:03:51Today is our lucky day.
00:03:53Oh yeah? What happened?
00:03:55Six children in one truck.
00:03:57These child traders are getting worse and worse.
00:04:00You'll get them all, you dirty bastards.
00:04:02Okay, I'll see you later.
00:04:11Give it back to me!
00:04:13Sit down!
00:04:14Sit down!
00:04:15Give me the photo back!
00:04:16Let go!
00:04:17Give it back to me!
00:04:18You're crazy!
00:04:20Give me the photo back!
00:04:22Give me the account back!
00:04:24Calm down!
00:04:25Sit down!
00:04:26Sit down!
00:04:28Let go!
00:04:30Let go!
00:04:32Let go!
00:04:36Open up! Now!
00:04:39Officer Moo, open the door!
00:04:43Hey, open the door! Now!
00:04:47Officer Moo, the lock!
00:04:53It's broken.
00:04:57Don't move!
00:04:59Don't move!
00:05:18Don't think too much about it.
00:05:20You don't know me.
00:05:22But soon you'll be one of our most important business partners.
00:05:27You're mistaken.
00:05:29Her name is Guan Ming.
00:05:31From Liao Yuan.
00:05:32Formerly a bank employee.
00:05:34Six years ago, her daughter Lily disappeared,
00:05:36and since then they've been looking for her.
00:05:38They sold her house and divorced her wife.
00:05:40Six years. Not bad.
00:05:43Everyone would have given up long ago.
00:05:45And you have bad dreams, don't you?
00:05:47What are you talking about?
00:05:50You're afraid of sleeping because of your nightmares.
00:05:53You're dreaming of your daughter.
00:05:55And a big city.
00:06:04All right.
00:06:05You got it.
00:06:07Hold on.
00:06:09Hold on! Hold on!
00:06:20Oh, yes.
00:06:22The police are looking for you.
00:06:24I'll do anything.
00:06:26I can explain everything.
00:06:28Go and wash your name.
00:06:30Or come with me and maybe find your daughter.
00:06:35You have a choice.
00:06:41What did you say?
00:06:49What did you say?
00:08:05Leave him alone!
00:08:19Go west.
00:08:20Run for your life.
00:08:27Don't worry.
00:09:50Go west.
00:10:18Geh, mach schon.
00:10:23Tu, was ich sage.
00:10:35Auf Befehl von Lord FeuermÀhne
00:10:39sollt ihr geköpft werden.
00:10:44Tote können nicht wieder auferstehen.
00:10:47Tut mir leid, Junge.
00:10:56Das schmerzt.
00:10:59Na los.
00:11:02Schneid ihr den Kopf ab
00:11:05und bring mich zu einem Heiler im nÀchsten Dorf.
00:11:08Dann verspreche ich dir einen schnellen Tod.
00:11:22Du solltest mich nicht töten.
00:11:26Ich trage das Zeichen von La...
00:11:42Jahrelang sind wir zusammen weggelaufen.
00:11:46Sollte ich damit aufhören?
00:11:53Hör auf deine Schwester, Junge.
00:11:57Du solltest mich nicht töten.
00:12:01Du solltest mich nicht töten.
00:12:05Hör auf deine Schwester, Junge.
00:12:13Mal sehen, wie weit du es schaffst.
00:12:30Sobald Lord FeuermÀhne dein Leben fordert,
00:12:33bist du so gut wie tot.
00:12:35Sie werden deinen Kopf an das Tor des Kaiserlichen Palastes hÀngen
00:12:39und den deiner Schwester nebendran.
00:12:42Und dann werden eure SchĂ€del im kalten Wind gegeneinanderstoßen.
00:12:46Immer und immer wieder.
00:12:48Wie zwei große, runde FleischbĂ€llchen, die vertrocknen.
00:12:54Denk erst gar nicht dran.
00:12:56Du wirst ihn nicht besiegen können.
00:12:58Du hast keine Chance.
00:13:01Schwester, ich kann nicht wieder weglaufen.
00:13:04Ich werde deinen Tod rÀchen.
00:14:05Der Alter hat so gestunken. UnertrÀglich.
00:14:08Der Geruch hat mich die letzten 40 Jahre in den Schlaf begleitet.
00:14:12Du bist nicht wie er.
00:14:15Du willst meinen Augapfel rausreißen?
00:14:17Vergiss es.
00:14:19Weißt du, du bist ein echt leckeres StĂŒck Fleisch.
00:14:22Schön saftig und zart.
00:14:25Ein Normalsterblicher, der einen Gott erlegen will.
00:14:31Klingt aufregend.
00:14:33Oh ja, nimm mich mit.
00:14:35Ich hab Lust auf ein Abenteuer.
00:14:55Siehst du das?
00:14:57Dort befindet sich FeuermÀhne.
00:15:01Geh und reiche dich.
00:15:14Vor sieben Jahren bin ich in die Stadt gefahren,
00:15:18weil ich Lust hatte auf meine Lieblings-Krabbendumplings.
00:15:22Ganze zwei Stunden hat die Fahrt gedauert.
00:15:25Es braucht nur einen Stau und man verliert zwei kostbare Stunden.
00:15:29Einfach weg.
00:15:31Zeit ist so wertvoll.
00:15:34Zeit ist das grĂ¶ĂŸte Problem der Menschheit.
00:15:38Wir von der Aladin Group haben uns als Ziel gesetzt,
00:15:42ihnen mehr Zeit zu schenken.
00:15:45Heute nutzen wir alle die Wunderlappe-App,
00:15:48um Rechnungen zu bezahlen, zum Chatten, Spiele spielen und shoppen
00:15:52und sogar, um mit einem Arzt zu sprechen oder Straftaten zu melden.
00:15:56Und natĂŒrlich, um Dumplings im Umkreis zu finden.
00:16:00FrĂŒher haben wir zwei Stunden gebraucht, um eine Sache zu erledigen.
00:16:04Doch heute erledigen wir zehn Dinge in zwei Stunden.
00:16:08Denn wir haben die Zeit neu erfunden.
00:16:15Nein! Sie sind der Beste!
00:16:21So ein DomschwÀtzer.
00:16:24Wo ist meine Tochter?
00:16:30Ich bin die CIO der Aladin Group. Chief Information Officer. Tu Ling.
00:16:35Was interessiert mich das? Ich dachte, Sie helfen mir.
00:16:39Wir denken, wir haben sie gefunden.
00:16:45Vielleicht nicht direkt gefunden,
00:16:48aber wir haben unsere Suchergebnisse so gut wie möglich gefiltert.
00:16:53Eines dieser fĂŒnf MĂ€dchen ist Lily.
00:16:57Können Sie sie erkennen?
00:17:20Ich weiß es nicht.
00:17:22Ich erkenne mein altes Kind nicht mehr.
00:17:25Machen Sie sich keine VorwĂŒrfe.
00:17:27Nach all den Jahren sieht sie bestimmt anders aus.
00:17:39Keine Sorge. Sobald wir DNA-Analysen durchfĂŒhren,
00:17:42werden Sie Gewissheit haben.
00:17:46Wie lange wĂŒrde das Ganze dauern?
00:18:00Was wollen Sie von mir?
00:18:06Gerade rechtzeitig.
00:18:10Hallo zusammen. Fahren wir mit meinem Roman fort.
00:18:14Wo waren wir stehen geblieben?
00:18:17Die Schwester schĂŒtzte sich geschwert. Ihr Körper war erschöpft.
00:18:21Sie schaute auf zu kommen, wenn...
00:18:24Er zwang ein LĂ€cheln und sagte...
00:18:27Lauf! Nach Westen! Schnell!
00:18:30Doch bevor sie ihren Satz beendete,
00:18:32drĂŒckte ein Feind sie von hinten mit dem Fuß zu Boden.
00:18:35Es war der boshafte alte Mönch.
00:18:39Mit einem schwarzen Zettel in seiner rechten Hand.
00:18:42Er stach der Schwester skrupellos in den RĂŒcken
00:18:45und ihr Bruder musste hilflos zusehen,
00:18:47wie ihr Leben langsam verblass.
00:18:51Kongwech stand an der Klippe und blickte Richtung Nordosten.
00:18:54In der weiten Ferne sah er ein Licht schimmern.
00:18:58Als er genauer hinschaute,
00:19:01sah er...
00:19:03Eine Stadt?
00:19:05Eine Stadt.
00:19:09Sonnenstrahlen durchdrangen die Wolken und umhĂŒllten die Stadt.
00:19:14Auf dem Berg befand sich...
00:19:16ein massiver Palast.
00:19:18Die Hauptstadt des Kaiserreichs.
00:19:20Auch bekannt als...
00:19:22Die Stadt der Wolken.
00:19:24Die aus ihren TrÀumen.
00:19:26Tief im Inneren des verbotenen Palastes der kaiserlichen Hauptstadt
00:19:30befand sich FeuermĂ€hne, der in diesem Moment etwas spĂŒrte.
00:19:38Die Wunderlande-App verspricht uns allen ein besseres Leben.
00:19:41Distanz und Zeit sind keine Hindernisse mehr.
00:19:45Die Augen des jungen Helden waren wie versteinert.
00:19:48Aladin ist immer an ihrer Seite.
00:19:51Ich bin immer an ihrer Seite.
00:19:54Er griff nach seinem Schwert.
00:20:03Und als er fest zugriff,
00:20:05verspĂŒrte FeuermĂ€hne plötzlich stechende Schmerzen in seinem Kopf.
00:20:10Verursacht durch eine alte Wunde,
00:20:13die plötzlich wieder aufplatzte.
00:20:18Die Schmerzen waren so stark,
00:20:21dass sie ihn zu Fall brachten.
00:20:29Der PrĂ€sident der Aladin Group, Limo, kollabierte wĂ€hrend seiner Rede plötzlich auf der BĂŒhne.
00:20:34Was als kleines Biowissenschaftsunternehmen begann,
00:20:36wuchs binnen weniger Jahre zu einem großen internationalen Multikonzern.
00:20:40Limo ist MitbegrĂŒnder der Aladin Group und leitet die Entwicklung des Unternehmens.
00:20:51Wie geht es Ihnen?
00:20:54WorĂŒber hat er diesmal geschrieben?
00:20:56Der junge Kongren
00:20:59machte sich auf den Weg zur Hauptstadt.
00:21:02FeuermĂ€hne hat das gespĂŒrt,
00:21:04was dazu fĂŒhrte, dass eine alte Kopfwunde wieder aufplatzte.
00:21:15Sind Sie sicher, dass er der Richtige ist?
00:21:18Ich habe meine GrĂŒnde, warum ich ihn gewĂ€hlt habe.
00:21:21Er schafft es seit sechs Jahren nicht, sein Kind zu finden.
00:21:24Ich bezweifle, dass er uns eine Hilfe sein wird.
00:21:27Tuling, ich weiß, dass Ihre Eltern
00:21:30Sie verstoßen haben.
00:21:33Aber Grunding ist anders.
00:21:35Vermischen Sie niemals Arbeit und Privatleben.
00:21:38Ja, Sir.
00:21:45Was muss ich tun?
00:21:48Wie weit wĂŒrden Sie gehen fĂŒr Ihre Tochter?
00:21:51Ich wĂŒrde alles tun.
00:21:52Sehr gut.
00:21:54Sehr gut.
00:21:56Sie mĂŒssen jemanden töten.
00:22:01Geben Sie ihm einen Schubs.
00:22:03Sie mĂŒssen nur Ihre Superkraft nutzen.
00:22:05Wir haben geforscht.
00:22:08Sie sind nicht der Einzige mit solchen FĂ€higkeiten.
00:22:11Manche spĂŒren keinen Schmerz.
00:22:13Andere können Strom produzieren.
00:22:15Und dann gibt es solche wie Sie.
00:22:17Sie werfen Steine
00:22:19mit einer unglaublichen Geschwindigkeit und PrÀzision.
00:22:24Ich werde die Flugbahn bestimmen.
00:22:26Da wird es Ihnen doch nicht schwer fallen, jemanden umzubringen.
00:22:29Sie haben nicht ausspioniert?
00:22:37Jeden Tag durchsuchen wir ein Meer an Informationen
00:22:40auf der Suche nach NĂŒtzlichem.
00:22:44Was denken Sie,
00:22:46wie wir diese MÀdchen sonst gefunden hÀtten?
00:22:55Hinter wem sind Sie her?
00:22:58Einem Schriftsteller.
00:23:00Der Roman, den ich Ihnen vorhin gezeigt habe,
00:23:02trÀgt den Titel Gottesmörder
00:23:04und der Autor heißt Lou Congwen.
00:23:06Es geht um Folgendes.
00:23:08Mein Chef befĂŒrchtet,
00:23:10dass der Roman seinen Gesundheitszustand beeinflusst.
00:23:12Wie bitte?
00:23:14Es gibt eine Figur namens FeuermÀhne.
00:23:16Und jedes Mal, wenn FeuermÀhne sich verletzt,
00:23:18wieder fÀhrt meinem Chef ein Flugzeug.
00:23:21Es ist bereits zum dritten Mal passiert
00:23:23und das kann kein Zufall sein.
00:23:25Wir haben alle legalen Methoden versucht,
00:23:27um den Autor vom Schreiben abzuhalten.
00:23:29Jedoch ohne Erfolg.
00:23:31Und jetzt hat er angekĂŒndigt,
00:23:33dass sein Roman in drei Tagen enden wird.
00:23:35Und man muss kein Hellseher sein,
00:23:37um zu wissen,
00:23:39dass FeuermÀhne sterben wird.
00:23:45Sie drehen doch alle völlig durch.
00:23:48Sie wollen mir erzÀhlen,
00:23:50dass Ihr Chef durch den Roman sterben wird?
00:23:54Ich wusste, dass Sie mir nicht glauben.
00:23:56Glauben Sie das etwa?
00:23:58Was mein Chef glaubt, zÀhlt.
00:24:02In Ordnung.
00:24:04Wenn Sie nicht interessiert sind,
00:24:06dĂŒrfen Sie jetzt gehen.
00:24:18Wo finde ich diesen Schriftsteller?
00:24:20Rian Gangstadt.
00:24:22Ich werde ihn töten. FĂŒr meine Tochter.
00:24:24Sie haben drei Tage.
00:24:26Wenn Sie Ihre Lily wiedersehen wollen,
00:24:28ist das Ihre einzige Chance.
00:24:32Notieren Sie Ihre TrÀume
00:24:34und schicken Sie sie mir jeden Tag.
00:24:36EnttÀuschen Sie uns nicht.
00:24:42Der junge Kongwen
00:24:44verließ den heiligen Wald.
00:24:46Und begab sich in Richtung der Wolkenstadt.
00:24:50Die ersten 300 Kilometer waren hart.
00:24:54Kongwen war zu Fuß unterwegs,
00:24:56bis er den Hafen von Luo Shui erreichte.
00:24:58Dort ging er an Bord eines Frachtschiffes,
00:25:00das ihn Richtung Hauptstadt verlegte.
00:25:08Die starken Wellen und Meeresbiester
00:25:10machten ihm Angst.
00:25:12Doch ausnahmsweise wurde Kongwen
00:25:14nicht seekrank wie sonst immer.
00:25:16Kongwen wusste nicht,
00:25:18was passieren wird.
00:25:20Alles, was er wusste, war,
00:25:22dass wenn er sich nicht auf die Suche
00:25:24nach FeuermÀhne machte,
00:25:26es keinen Sinn mehr gab,
00:25:32Niemand auf dieser Erde
00:25:34interessierte sich fĂŒr Kongwen
00:25:36oder erwartete ihn.
00:25:38Mit der Ausnahme von FeuermÀhne.
00:25:40Er konnte seine Gegenwart spĂŒren
00:25:42und erinnerte sich
00:25:44an Kongwens Vater.
00:25:48Einst ein guter Freund
00:25:50und der einzige Mensch,
00:25:52vor dem er sich jemals gefĂŒrchtet hatte.
00:25:54Sehr gut,
00:25:56dachte sich FeuermÀhne.
00:25:58Er hatte sich schon lange genug
00:26:00alleine gefĂŒhlt.
00:26:06Das war nicht gut.
00:26:12Kongwen, wie geht's?
00:26:14So ein unhöflicher Junge.
00:26:42BegrĂŒĂŸung auf Polnisch
00:27:12Come on, let's go!
00:27:17This boy is a total loser.
00:27:24Come on, it's lunchtime.
00:27:26He comes here every day to eat. I can't stand him.
00:27:30He's almost 30 and still has no job, no income.
00:27:33Can you believe what a loser he is?
00:28:12I can't stand him.
00:28:42Why are you staring at me like that?
00:28:44Why are you stalking me?
00:28:46What do you mean?
00:28:56I saw you when I was playing football.
00:28:59And then again at the noodle soup shop.
00:29:01So why are you stalking me?
00:29:03I'm not stalking you.
00:29:05I'm not stalking you.
00:29:07I'm not stalking you.
00:29:09And then again at the noodle soup shop.
00:29:11So why are you stalking me?
00:29:15I'm a fan.
00:29:18A fan?
00:29:31You're really my fan?
00:29:35That's why you're stalking me?
00:29:39Where are you from?
00:29:41I'm from Liyue.
00:29:43The long way just for me?
00:29:45I don't believe it.
00:29:48How did you get here? By plane?
00:29:50Oh, by ship.
00:29:52Are you married?
00:29:53I'm divorced.
00:29:54It takes forever by ship.
00:29:57That's true.
00:29:58Which of my novels is your favorite?
00:30:03God, Godmurder.
00:30:06Godmurder, yes?
00:30:11And which is your favorite character?
00:30:14Of course.
00:30:15The young Kongwen, of course.
00:30:17So you like the version with Kongwen better?
00:30:24So you do.
00:30:26The version with Baihan Fang just doesn't have an appeal.
00:30:31Who is it?
00:30:33What is Baihan Fang?
00:30:36I'm just creating a new character.
00:30:40Someone who is blind,
00:30:42and therefore can't see the truth.
00:30:45But I just don't know how to write that.
00:30:48Fire Mane could feel his presence,
00:30:52and remembered...
00:30:56and remembered Kongwen.
00:31:00Why are you talking to him?
00:31:02Just do your job.
00:31:04You're watching me again?
00:31:05Does that surprise you?
00:31:07Of course, that's not normal.
00:31:23Don't talk to him and just do your job.
00:31:25Stop ordering me around.
00:31:27Tell me what's going on with Baihan Fang.
00:31:30What is this?
00:31:31I'm hearing this for the first time.
00:31:33Apparently there are several versions of the novel.
00:31:35I help you kill people,
00:31:37and you hide important things from me?
00:31:40What difference would it make to you?
00:31:42That's enough!
00:31:43I'll just ask him myself.
00:31:44Did you hear?
00:31:45What's going on here?
00:31:52Hey, my fan.
00:31:57I completely forgot.
00:31:59What's your name?
00:32:01Guan Ning.
00:32:02Guan Ning.
00:32:03What's up?
00:32:07You have this...
00:32:09What was it?
00:32:10Baihan Fang?
00:32:11Baihan Fang, yes.
00:32:12What is it?
00:32:24Everything okay?
00:32:26You almost killed us.
00:32:28I'm sorry.
00:32:29I was thinking elsewhere.
00:32:31Everything okay?
00:32:32Open your eyes!
00:32:34I'm sorry.
00:32:35I called the police.
00:32:36They should be here any minute.
00:32:38Wait a minute, okay?
00:32:46Guan Ning?
00:32:48Guan Ning!
00:32:56Guan Ning!
00:33:26Guan Ning!
00:33:56Guan Ning!
00:34:15I'm a giant!
00:34:19So this is the capital.
00:34:24What kind of party is this?
00:34:29You'll find out soon enough.
00:34:37Everything okay?
00:34:39Everything okay, boy?
00:34:42You seem well prepared.
00:34:44The armor you're wearing looks very strong.
00:34:51Excuse me.
00:34:52What's going on here?
00:34:53Where are all these people going?
00:34:55Of course they're going to burn in hell.
00:35:26Long live Lord Fire!
00:35:33Cursed be to all living creatures!
00:35:36Cursed be to all living creatures!
00:35:39Under the wings of dragons!
00:35:42Under the wings of dragons!
00:35:45Our enemies are scattered!
00:35:48Destroy our enemies!
00:35:51Long live Lord Fireman!
00:35:53Long live Lord Fireman!
00:35:55What is this? Who is this Fireman?
00:35:59At least not a normal mortal like you.
00:36:03Under the wings of the dragon, destroy our enemies!
00:36:08Destroy our enemies!
00:36:10Destroy our enemies!
00:36:13When the dragon is safe, the dragon will fall!
00:36:16Stand in line, take your sides!
00:36:19The dragons are coming, Bavaria will fall!
00:36:22Stand in line, take your sides!
00:36:24The dragons are coming, Bavaria will fall!
00:36:26This is not a festival.
00:36:27Of course not. This is a battlefield.
00:36:29The Cloud City once had 18 districts, but now only the Dragon District and Bavaria are left.
00:36:35Firemen order everyone to fight each other until no one is left.
00:36:48This is a war. But why does everyone look so happy?
00:36:52Firemen created this world full of chaos and madness.
00:36:56And you? Do you really think you can defeat him?
00:37:00Firemen order! Stand in line, take your sides!
00:37:04The dragons are coming, Bavaria will fall!
00:37:06Stand in line, take your sides!
00:37:08The dragons are coming, Bavaria will fall!
00:37:11Stand in line!
00:37:24Archers, advance! Archers, advance!
00:37:30Archers, advance!
00:37:34Archers, advance!
00:37:52Bavaria! Bavaria!
00:38:13Archers, advance!
00:38:18Archers, advance!
00:38:34Archers, advance!
00:38:37Oh! Oh!
00:38:39It's them!
00:39:01It's them!
00:39:06It's them!
00:39:15Fire! Fire!
00:39:52Fire! It's fire!
00:39:54It's fire!
00:40:04It's fire! It's fire!
00:40:06It's fire! It's fire!
00:40:08It's fire! It's fire!
00:40:10It's fire! It's fire!
00:40:12It's fire! It's fire!
00:40:22It's fire!
00:40:24It's fire!
00:40:26It's fire!
00:40:28It's fire!
00:40:48Fuck you!
00:41:13Stay here!
00:41:19Look at this!
00:41:22Take it all!
00:41:25In the midst of the coming disaster, there will be dry lips and throats.
00:41:30But today we are happy, so let us enjoy life.
00:41:34Mr. Hertz!
00:41:38Just like the summer moistens the winter.
00:41:42It will fall at hand.
00:41:44But forever.
00:41:54That's not true.
00:41:57You are afraid.
00:41:59What's wrong with this city?
00:42:38By order of Lord Fire Mane, you shall be beheaded.
00:42:53It's getting dark!
00:42:55Get out of the way!
00:43:18I almost got run over yesterday.
00:43:33It was you, wasn't it?
00:43:35You forgot an assignment.
00:43:37Or don't you want to see Lily again?
00:43:41And it seems you are not interested in seeing your father either.
00:43:44What's this bullshit?
00:43:46You don't know what it's like to lose a child.
00:43:58What's this?
00:44:16Enough! Stop it!
00:44:26Enough! Stop it!
00:44:36That's enough!
00:44:47Defeat the monster!
00:44:49Come on!
00:44:59Pull him out!
00:45:06You are tough in life, you have to let it go.
00:45:10I will not die.
00:45:12And I will bring my daughter home.
00:45:14She is waiting for me.
00:45:32I'm coming down.
00:45:37You dropped this.
00:45:40Your hotel card was in it, that's how I found you.
00:45:52Can we talk?
00:45:54Best in a quiet place.
00:45:56There is a new cafe in the old town.
00:45:58It's so cool up there.
00:46:00I want to hang new photos online.
00:46:08Did you read it?
00:46:14Godmurder, of course.
00:46:16I updated it last night.
00:46:20It doesn't load.
00:46:22Your phone is just junk.
00:46:25I was so excited last night.
00:46:27Thanks to your notebook.
00:46:29It really inspired me.
00:46:30Thank you.
00:46:31Of course.
00:46:33My notebook?
00:46:36You just read it?
00:46:38I know.
00:46:39I should have asked you first.
00:46:41But I was stuck for so long and just didn't know what to do.
00:46:45Tell me.
00:46:46How did you come up with these ideas?
00:46:48The ones you wrote down.
00:46:50What's it to you?
00:46:53I dreamed them, okay?
00:46:56I'm sorry.
00:46:58I didn't mean to upset you.
00:47:01You know, I wasn't as nerdy as I am now.
00:47:05I was very extroverted.
00:47:07I even had a girlfriend.
00:47:11But then...
00:47:15I discovered this novel.
00:47:17In the library.
00:47:20It was called Whipper.
00:47:22Man, it touched me.
00:47:26I've loved novels ever since.
00:47:30And I started writing them myself.
00:47:34I wasn't interested in anything else.
00:47:39Enough bricks. Let's go.
00:47:44I was so into writing...
00:47:48that I didn't even realize...
00:47:51that my girlfriend had left me.
00:47:54I left college...
00:47:57and couldn't find a job.
00:48:00But I was fine.
00:48:02I was writing my own novel.
00:48:04I still had a bad conscience because of my mother.
00:48:07And now...
00:48:09I've been writing for six years.
00:48:11Six years?
00:48:14poorly paid, but...
00:48:18my mother supports me.
00:48:20Six years?
00:48:22You still haven't made it.
00:48:24Give up.
00:48:27It's hopeless.
00:48:30No matter what others say about me...
00:48:34I believe...
00:48:37that I can do it.
00:48:40Because as long as I keep writing...
00:48:44my life has meaning.
00:48:56Do you hear that too?
00:49:14What's that?
00:49:21An abandoned road.
00:49:23Kongman bravely chased the red-hot riders.
00:49:26The talking armor...
00:49:28hadn't said a word for a while.
00:49:30Maybe it was sleeping.
00:49:39Come on, let's go home.
00:49:42It's heavy.
00:49:47Go away!
00:49:57Go away!
00:50:07It's too late.
00:50:10He's dead.
00:50:16Is that your brother?
00:50:18Sort of.
00:50:24From the mouths of the dead.
00:50:26We trade them for food.
00:50:32Those red riders.
00:50:34Who are they?
00:50:36Why were they all hiding...
00:50:38when the horn sounded?
00:50:41You're not from here, are you?
00:50:45No wonder.
00:50:47Those are the firemen.
00:50:49If there are no fighting,
00:50:51a barrier is set up.
00:50:53They blow their horns.
00:50:55And when it's dark,
00:50:57no one is allowed outside.
00:50:59And what if you do it anyway?
00:51:01They kill you.
00:51:07If it weren't for you,
00:51:09I'd be dead by now.
00:51:36I can't see anything.
00:51:38Fire-red helmet.
00:51:40Little girl.
00:52:11What is it?
00:52:13It's not good.
00:52:15The sun.
00:52:17The sun?
00:52:19I forgot the time.
00:52:40Can you talk?
00:52:42No, sir.
00:53:07Over here!
00:53:20Over here!
00:53:22Over here!
00:53:34That's a dead end!
00:53:41Let's get out of here!
00:53:46Come on!
00:53:58On my back!
00:54:07You're too slow!
00:54:18Come on!
00:54:51Over here!
00:54:53Come on!
00:55:18Come on!
00:55:48Come on!
00:56:36Now back!
00:56:48Now back!
00:57:15Come on!
00:57:48Now back!
00:57:52Can you hear me?
00:58:18Help me, Guan-Ying!
00:59:20Shit, it's going to blow.
00:59:24How big are you?
00:59:26Do you want to grow up?
01:00:19This song...
01:00:21Where did you learn it?
01:00:23Who taught you?
01:00:27Tell me! Tell me!
01:00:29Where did you learn this song?
01:00:31Tell me! Where did you learn it?
01:00:33Tell me!
01:01:41That's him.
01:01:43That's him!
01:01:45Get him!
01:01:51Get him!
01:03:06Stop now!
01:03:08Where is my daughter?
01:03:11Where is my daughter?
01:03:15You mean Lily?
01:03:21My little goose.
01:03:23My little goose.
01:03:25Where the hell is she?
01:03:29Listen to me.
01:03:31It wasn't on purpose.
01:03:33I put your child
01:03:35in a sack
01:03:37and locked her up
01:03:39in the trunk.
01:03:41I was afraid she'd scream.
01:03:43So I gave her sleeping pills.
01:03:45That was my first time.
01:03:47I was a beginner
01:03:49and didn't know
01:03:51the right dose.
01:03:53I probably gave her
01:03:55too much
01:03:57and when I looked at her
01:03:59she wouldn't
01:04:01wake up.
01:04:07It's called rain,
01:04:09you know?
01:04:13It's raining.
01:04:15You've never played in the rain,
01:04:17have you?
01:04:19Shall we?
01:04:21I didn't mean it.
01:04:23I really didn't.
01:04:25I have money.
01:04:27I'll pay you.
01:04:29Please believe me.
01:05:35He's awake.
01:05:37Take good care of him.
01:05:39We need him.
01:05:47That scoundrel said,
01:05:49my daughter is dead.
01:05:51He must be mistaken.
01:05:55Or he lied.
01:05:57Calm him down.
01:05:59Make sure he's still alive.
01:06:01He was one of the five girls.
01:06:04Is she really my daughter?
01:06:18There's no hope anymore.
01:06:22There was never any.
01:06:27You're an emotional wreck.
01:06:29I'll find someone else
01:06:31who'll do the job for us.
01:06:33You can go.
01:06:35Tulling, what's this?
01:06:37We can't let him go.
01:06:39He must kill Liu Konglin.
01:06:43Where is this bastard now?
01:06:45We've got him.
01:06:47We'll take care of the transfer to the police.
01:06:49Don't worry.
01:06:51He'll get the punishment he deserves.
01:06:55Give me the bastard,
01:06:57not the police.
01:06:59A life
01:07:01in exchange for another.
01:07:03That was our deal.
01:07:05I'll trade Liu Konglin's life
01:07:07for this bastard's.
01:07:11Tomorrow is the last day.
01:07:13I'll call you.
01:07:29I'm sorry.
01:07:41Did you really
01:07:43let him go?
01:07:45Those five girls
01:07:47were all fake,
01:07:49weren't they?
01:07:51What did you think?
01:07:53Guan Ning was looking for her for six years.
01:07:55How could we have found her?
01:07:57You feel sorry for her?
01:07:59Guan Ning is no better than her parents.
01:08:01He left his child
01:08:03as if it were trash.
01:08:05They were also
01:08:09and we feel sorry for him.
01:08:13Why does he have to kill Konglin?
01:08:15He has to.
01:08:17It's important.
01:08:27The Emperor had
01:08:29two favorite generals.
01:08:31One was called Fire Mane,
01:08:33the other Earth Guard.
01:08:35They were sworn brothers.
01:08:37When the Emperor
01:08:39didn't show up for a while
01:08:41and Fire Mane
01:08:43decided on important matters,
01:08:45the people of the Emperor
01:08:47said he was dead.
01:08:49Fire Mane had them
01:08:51dragged together
01:08:53and beheaded.
01:08:55When Earth Guard
01:08:57heard about it,
01:08:59he returned with his soldiers
01:09:01to look for the Emperor.
01:09:03But Fire Mane said to Earth Guard,
01:09:05go home, my good brother.
01:09:07Listen to me and we will rule together.
01:09:09Earth Guard refused
01:09:11and showed Fire Mane the fight.
01:09:13What happened then?
01:09:15Earth Guard was killed
01:09:17and declared a traitor.
01:09:19His entire clan was wiped out.
01:09:21Fire Mane was angry
01:09:23at the citizens who helped Earth Guard.
01:09:25So he raided
01:09:27all 18 districts against each other.
01:09:29Time passed
01:09:31and it became a war.
01:09:33Whenever a fight begins,
01:09:35Fire Mane sets off a firework.
01:09:39he loves wars.
01:09:45Mother, I'm home.
01:09:53A few years ago
01:09:55my parents left
01:09:57to look for food
01:09:59and never came back.
01:10:01They're probably dead.
01:10:07My father painted this.
01:10:09My mother as a child.
01:10:11It's beautiful.
01:10:13Art was the most valuable thing
01:10:15here in Weihan.
01:10:17But all the paintings in the district
01:10:19were looted.
01:10:21They will come
01:10:23to get the paintings of my mother.
01:10:25And then they will kill me too.
01:10:27Let's run away.
01:10:29We can't go anywhere.
01:10:31The world belongs to Fire Mane.
01:10:35Kill them all!
01:10:37Break the gate!
01:10:39We know you're there!
01:10:41Open it! Now!
01:10:47Go! Go! Open the gate!
01:10:53This way!
01:10:55Search the house!
01:10:57Search the well!
01:10:59It's empty!
01:11:01Can't find anything!
01:11:05Damn it!
01:11:07There's nothing left.
01:11:09Let's bring the two of them
01:11:11and move on.
01:11:15Don't hang my head
01:11:17on a tree!
01:11:43Are you serious?
01:11:45You want to die that way?
01:11:47How boring.
01:11:51Let's move on.
01:11:59This is Guanling. Where are you?
01:12:03You were right yesterday.
01:12:05I've been writing for years
01:12:09and I'm just unsuccessful.
01:12:13I live at the expense of my mother.
01:12:17I'm totally inconsiderate of her.
01:12:19Yesterday I was suddenly thrown out of the blue
01:12:21with stones.
01:12:23I thought I was dying.
01:12:25I could hear my heart
01:12:29as it raced in my chest.
01:12:33For a moment
01:12:35I was so sure
01:12:37that dying
01:12:39would be the best solution.
01:12:41It would free me
01:12:43from all my burden.
01:12:49I understand that.
01:12:53Our whole life
01:12:55consists of hope.
01:12:57But this hope
01:12:59is never fulfilled.
01:13:01My father...
01:13:03He was fine the day before
01:13:05and the next day
01:13:07he was dead.
01:13:09If someone
01:13:11pushed me now
01:13:13all my problems would be solved.
01:13:19I would be very grateful to that person.
01:13:29But unfortunately
01:13:31I haven't finished your figure yet.
01:13:41What do you mean by my figure?
01:13:45I told you
01:13:47in your notebook.
01:13:49The warrior with the fire-red helmet on his head.
01:13:51The one who can't see.
01:13:53That inspired me so much.
01:13:55And I thought of you.
01:13:57You are now a figure in my novel.
01:14:01I wrote my ideas in your notebook.
01:14:05Well, strictly speaking
01:14:07it's not really about you.
01:14:09But you created it, so to speak.
01:14:11You created
01:14:15the warrior in the fire-red armor.
01:14:33Come on!
01:14:43The wound in your face
01:14:45is identical to the
01:14:47of the warrior.
01:14:57As you wrote it
01:14:59the warrior
01:15:01is not behind Kongwen
01:15:03but behind the girl.
01:15:05I think
01:15:07he is behind the flute of the girl.
01:15:09What kind of flute?
01:15:11I don't know, but the warrior
01:15:13was enchanted
01:15:15by the flute-play
01:15:17of the little goose-flower.
01:15:27Which goose-flower?
01:15:29The little one in my novel.
01:15:31The ten-year-old.
01:15:33She comes from Beihanfang
01:15:35and has lost her parents.
01:15:39Every time
01:15:41when Fire Maiden gets hurt
01:15:43my boss repeats the same thing.
01:15:45Just like today.
01:15:47The version with Beihanfang
01:15:49just doesn't make sense.
01:15:51Because of her dreams
01:15:53my boss also chooses her.
01:15:55He thinks it's fate.
01:15:57I would bring her home
01:15:59at any cost.
01:16:01Fang can't dance!
01:16:03But you have to be fast!
01:16:05Fang can't dance!
01:16:07But you have to be fast!
01:16:09The monster is coming!
01:16:11Catch me!
01:16:13Fang can't dance!
01:16:15But you have to be fast!
01:16:17The monster is coming!
01:16:19Catch me!
01:16:27Can your novel
01:16:29change reality?
01:16:31That's a strange question.
01:16:33A novel that changes reality?
01:16:35I don't know.
01:16:37But I believe
01:16:39that the world and the characters
01:16:41in my novel,
01:16:43that they exist.
01:16:45They are like us.
01:16:47Somewhere out there
01:16:49they live.
01:16:51Tell me.
01:16:53You killed the fire-red warrior
01:16:55but now you are surrounded
01:16:57by an angry mob.
01:17:00How do you escape this time?
01:17:07That's your story.
01:17:09You decide how it goes.
01:17:14But tell me one thing.
01:17:16The speaking armor.
01:17:18Whose side is it on?
01:17:20The armor is nourished
01:17:22by Kongwen's blood.
01:17:24So the two have this
01:17:26strange symbiosis.
01:17:28I've got it!
01:18:16They will kill GĂ€nseblĂŒmchen
01:18:18and the paintings
01:18:20of their parents.
01:18:22I can feel your heart beating,
01:18:24young hero.
01:18:26Ah, the taste of adrenaline.
01:18:56Ah, you little scum.
01:19:00Come closer.
01:19:02I will tear you to pieces.
01:19:40GĂ€nseblĂŒmchen, now back!
01:20:07You will pay for this!
01:20:09Hurry up!
01:21:09Run away, boy!
01:21:11Do it!
01:21:27You were that?
01:21:53No, no, no, no, no, no!
01:21:59That can't be!
01:22:01How did you do that?
01:22:14Are you hurt?
01:22:22Are you done?
01:22:24I've had enough.
01:22:31Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!
01:22:37Why are you coughing?
01:22:49Please don't do this!
01:22:51I didn't think
01:22:53you were so mean!
01:23:01What else do you want?
01:23:11For 400 years
01:23:13I believed
01:23:15a mortal boy
01:23:17could never defeat me.
01:23:23You drank too much of my blood.
01:23:25It's just delicious.
01:23:27For 400 years I've held back.
01:23:39You're a little moron!
01:23:53T'Ling, I know you're listening.
01:23:55I'm out.
01:23:57I won't kill Lu Kong Wen.
01:23:59I won't kill Lu Kong Wen.
01:24:01As soon as his novel is finished,
01:24:03I'll kill myself.
01:24:05Little goose, wherever you are,
01:24:07even if you can't come back,
01:24:09even if you only appear in the story,
01:24:11I'll let you live.
01:24:13Why did you come here?
01:24:15I'm going to kill firemen.
01:24:19I think I know the way
01:24:21to the mountain palace.
01:24:23I'll show you.
01:24:29I'll show you.
01:24:51You have so many ideas.
01:24:53Maybe you could do me a favor
01:24:55and help me finish my novel.
01:24:57You're the only one who can read it.
01:25:03My father.
01:25:05I mean the man next to him.
01:25:07A friend of my father's.
01:25:09That's him.
01:25:11Yes, yes, that's him.
01:25:13The famous Li Wu.
01:25:15You were together at medical school
01:25:17and then founded a company together.
01:25:19But then you had an accident
01:25:21and my father died.
01:25:27We have to talk.
01:25:29But not here.
01:25:33You know Cong Wen.
01:25:35He's the son of your former business partner.
01:25:37Why did you hide it from me?
01:25:39And how did his father die?
01:25:41I didn't tell him
01:25:43about your own best friend.
01:25:45Do you really think you're killing your novel
01:25:47or do you just want to kill everyone?
01:25:49I believe in karma.
01:25:51Only Cong Wen and Guan Ning?
01:25:53I don't believe in karma.
01:25:55Only Cong Wen and Guan Ning?
01:25:57And then I'm in.
01:25:59Am I right?
01:26:01I quit. I'm out.
01:26:07Mr. Li, the results of your examination are there.
01:26:09All your values are good.
01:26:11Today there are a few deviations,
01:26:13but everything is still in the safe zone.
01:26:15If you're still worried,
01:26:17please come back immediately
01:26:19and we'd like to do another check.
01:26:25Hey, is that your car?
01:26:27This is an unloading zone.
01:26:29Please drive away.
01:26:55That's cool, isn't it?
01:26:57That's a lithium battery with very high voltage.
01:26:59Do you want to try it?
01:27:01I thought you could generate electricity.
01:27:03You watch too many science fiction movies.
01:27:05You know, I don't get an electric shock as easily as others.
01:27:07As a child,
01:27:09I always grabbed a socket to charge myself.
01:27:11And then I always gave the girls at school
01:27:13a shock.
01:27:25I'm sorry I have to ask you again.
01:27:27Don't worry.
01:27:29You can come here whenever you want.
01:27:31Just keep the key.
01:27:33Thank you.
01:27:51For some reason,
01:27:53there were no guards of firemen
01:27:55on the way to the palace.
01:27:57GĂ€nseblĂŒmchen and Kongren
01:27:59were able to climb the mountain path without any problems.
01:28:03Don't risk your life. Go home.
01:28:05I heard that many
01:28:07missing people are in the palace
01:28:09and will become firemen there.
01:28:11My parents could be there.
01:28:15We have to go in to find them.
01:28:45Come back!
01:29:05Kongren! Come here!
01:29:35Now we know why there is a curfew.
01:29:37Your warriors can't move at night.
01:29:41Firemen don't want people to find out.
01:29:43Let's go.
01:29:53I'm going out for a while.
01:29:55I'll be right back.
01:31:35Where is he?
01:31:37Where is he?
01:31:39Let's split up and look for him.
01:31:49You're still going?
01:31:51You must really want to die.
01:31:53Help me practice revenge.
01:31:55When firemen are dead, I'll let you go.
01:31:57Don't fool me!
01:31:59After all, I'm the one who killed your sister.
01:32:01My true enemy is firemen.
01:32:03I've killed you once.
01:32:05I don't hate you.
01:32:07All this time
01:32:09I've seen you as a friend.
01:32:43Come on!
01:32:47Come on!
01:32:51What's going on?
01:32:53Don't you have any more?
01:32:55Look again.
01:32:57I'm switching to the highest level.
01:33:01Don't worry, it won't hurt.
01:33:03I promise.
01:33:05It feels good.
01:33:07Come on, take a look.
01:33:09Trust me.
01:33:29You're a damn monster.
01:33:41The drums are getting louder and louder.
01:33:45But it's not a drummer.
01:33:47Hey, RĂŒstung.
01:33:51What does the fireman look like?
01:33:53What does he look like?
01:33:55Nobody knows.
01:34:01Show yourself, firemen!
01:34:03Are you tired of living?
01:34:05My name is Kongren.
01:34:07I came to kill you.
01:34:09There's no one here.
01:34:11Listen to me and go.
01:34:17That's your drummer.
01:34:25That's his heartbeat.
01:35:03You've been looking for me.
01:35:27You fucking idiot!
01:35:39Okay, that's enough.
01:35:41Give up.
01:35:43Just go to the hospital.
01:35:47Go to hell!
01:38:15I recognize this face.
01:38:25This smell of blood.
01:38:27What are you talking about?
01:38:31You really don't know.
01:38:33In your birthday
01:38:35I visited you.
01:38:37You are Kongren.
01:38:39Son of my sworn brother,
01:38:47I knew it.
01:38:49I shouldn't have let you and your sister
01:38:53This is true fate.
01:38:59It's okay.
01:39:03I've been alone for far too long.
01:39:05So Earthguard was
01:39:07my father.
01:39:13I killed you, didn't I?
01:39:21I will bring you
01:39:23to your father.
01:39:31Don't do anything stupid.
01:39:33You know you
01:39:35can't escape.
01:39:53Did you see a sword
01:39:55in his forehead?
01:39:59It seems like fire
01:40:01is not invulnerable.
01:40:07Let's go.
01:40:09Let's do it.
01:40:11He died under this tree
01:40:13and is buried here.
01:40:31Before I became a god,
01:40:33he was my best friend.
01:40:37We fought together.
01:40:39We drank together
01:40:41and talked a lot.
01:40:47I miss him so much.
01:40:51You killed him.
01:40:53That's right.
01:40:55Unfortunately, mortals
01:40:57can't escape death.
01:40:59I would be so happy
01:41:03if I could kill him
01:41:05one more time.
01:41:09Do you know him?
01:41:15What's the plan?
01:41:17We attack.
01:41:25Take this!
01:41:39Take this!
01:42:09Watch out!
01:42:39Watch out!
01:43:09I will find you.
01:43:31A normal mortal
01:43:35to kill a god.
01:43:37You are not a god.
01:43:39You are just
01:43:41a huge asshole.
01:43:49When I held your father
01:43:51in my arms,
01:43:53he suffered for a while.
01:43:55Now I want to see
01:43:57how long
01:43:59you can last.
01:44:15You are a sweet god!
01:44:23You are a sweet god!
01:44:53You deserve a slow death.
01:45:17what's that melody?
01:45:19My father taught it to me.
01:45:21He said
01:45:23that as soon as I play it,
01:45:25he will come to save me.
01:45:29he must have lied to you.
01:45:35That's enough.
01:45:37It's getting on my nerves.
01:46:51It's my fault.
01:46:53My fault.
01:46:58It's not over yet.
01:47:01I have to finish it.
01:47:09Stay for observation, dear Nacht.
01:47:23I'm sorry for being late.
01:47:25It looks like
01:47:29won't make it.
01:47:35I wanted the police to think
01:47:37he would have killed himself.
01:47:39But the police would have
01:47:41found the resemblance
01:47:43between the girl and my daughter.
01:47:45Oh, and I remember
01:47:47your little notebook.
01:47:49I forged your handwriting
01:47:51and adjusted your dreams a little.
01:47:53That confirms my suspicion
01:47:55that Congwen had something to do
01:47:57with the disappearance of Gooseberry.
01:47:59And you hacked my cell phone
01:48:01so that I
01:48:03couldn't read the passages
01:48:05about Gooseberry.
01:48:07What a coincidence.
01:48:09Your daughter is also called Gooseberry.
01:48:11That's why you chose me
01:48:13as the scapegoat.
01:48:15As soon as I'm dead,
01:48:17this case would be closed
01:48:19and no one would suspect you.
01:48:21Every five million.
01:48:23You just turn it under the carpet.
01:48:25The murder of Congwen's father
01:48:27will be enough to bring you down.
01:48:37What about you?
01:48:39Did you forget everything?
01:48:41You were my accomplice.
01:48:43Shall we stand together
01:48:45and just go on living?
01:48:51Ich nehme den Laptop mit.
01:48:55Ich brauche Ruhe.
01:48:57Ich muss die Geschichte zu Ende bringen.
01:48:59Kommen Sie.
01:49:01Könnten Sie ĂŒberhaupt schreiben?
01:49:03Sie können bloß Steine werfen.
01:49:05Ich verstehe es jetzt.
01:49:07Ich wurde nicht geschickt,
01:49:09um Congwen zu töten.
01:49:11Ich sollte mit ihm die Geschichte vollenden.
01:49:13Und diese TrÀume hatte ich,
01:49:15weil GĂ€nseblĂŒmchen mich rief
01:49:17aus der anderen Welt.
01:49:19Er hat den Verstand verloren.
01:49:21Sie drehen durch.
01:49:23Glauben Sie wirklich, Sie können sie
01:49:25durch den Roman zurĂŒckholen?
01:49:29Ich glaube fest daran.
01:49:33Sie sind verrĂŒckt!
01:49:37Nehmen Sie es mir!
01:49:39Zulingen, was soll das?
01:49:43Ich bin sehr gespannt,
01:49:45ob der Roman es tatsÀchlich schafft,
01:49:47sie zu töten.
01:49:49Kleines GĂ€nseblĂŒmchen,
01:49:51so schön bist du.
01:49:53Bald wirst du wachsen,
01:49:55ganz schnell im Loo.
01:49:59Ich bin das GĂ€nseblĂŒmchen,
01:50:03wachs zum Himmel hin.
01:50:09Ich kann das schreiben.
01:50:11Ich schaffe das.
01:50:15Lass das GĂ€nseblĂŒmchen wieder frei!
01:50:17Lass das GĂ€nseblĂŒmchen wieder frei!
01:50:43So ein störrisches MÀdchen.
01:50:49Es ist sinnlos.
01:50:51Keiner wird kommen,
01:50:53um dich zu retten.
01:50:59Vergeblich sind die Hoffnungen
01:51:01der Sterblichen.
01:51:17Dein Vater ist hier!
01:51:29Da kann noch zu meinem großen Freund!
01:51:37Ich bin hier!
01:51:39Ich komme zu dir!
01:51:43Ich bin hier!
01:51:45Ich kann mich nicht bewegen!
01:52:07Ich werde dich verlieben!
01:52:11Ich werde dich verlieben!
01:52:37Hast du Spaß?
01:52:43GĂ€nseblĂŒmchen, dein Vater
01:52:45ist wirklich hier.
01:52:51Lade nach!
01:53:03Im Lade des Mondes
01:53:05werde ich dich bestrafen!
01:53:09Ich werde dich bestrafen!
01:53:21Menschliche Kanonen!
01:53:41Das Schwert in seiner Staufe!
01:54:09Du lebst noch?
01:54:45Was soll das? Ich muss ihm helfen!
01:54:59Papa holt dich da raus!
01:56:23Du kannst es nicht rausziehen!
01:56:25Nimm das Schwert von deinem Vater zurĂŒck!
01:56:35Nimm das Schwert von deinem Vater zurĂŒck!
01:56:37Ich werde nicht sterben!
01:56:39Es gibt noch
01:56:41so viel mehr
01:56:43zu tun fĂŒr mich!
01:56:45Ich brauche noch mehr Zeit!
01:56:51Ich könnte jeden ĂŒbertreffen
01:56:53und dann werde ich
01:56:55zu einem echten Gott!
01:57:03Haltet euch!
01:57:05Ich komme!
01:57:33Ich komme!
01:57:47Wenn meine Eltern wie sie gewesen wÀren,
01:57:49hĂ€tte ich niemals fĂŒr ein Monster
01:57:51wie ihn gearbeitet.
01:57:53Der Doktor lÀsst ausrichten,
01:57:55dass Liu Kongwens Zustand stabil ist.
01:57:59Li Mu, die Polizei ist auf dem Weg.
01:58:04Guten Morgen!
01:58:18Mmh, lecker!
01:58:20Ich mag die mit Schweinefleisch lieber.
01:58:26Kleines GĂ€nseblĂŒmchen,
01:58:28wie schön bist du!
01:58:31Bald wirst du wachsen,
01:58:33ganz schnell im Nu.
01:58:36Schönes GĂ€nseblĂŒmchen,
01:58:38ach, wie groß bist du!
01:58:41Willst du schneller wachsen?
01:58:46Ich bin das GĂ€nseblĂŒmchen.
01:58:50Wachs zum Himmel hin.
01:58:52Mama sagt mir immer,
01:58:54wie wunderschön ich bin.
01:58:56Ich bin und mein Papa
01:59:00ist ein Trottel.
01:59:02Ich hab ihn trotzdem lieb.
01:59:18du hast lange gebraucht.
