King of Fists & Dollars 1979

  • last month
English dubs
00:00:00Judge Wu's term of office is soon up, so Master Chen's present will be halved.
00:00:20Have you got that?
00:00:24Now then, Professor Fan's nephew will be taking over Judge Wu's position, so I hear,
00:00:32and so Master Chen will double his present.
00:00:36Five thousand pieces, you arrange that.
00:00:45Excuse me, representatives from the disaster area, they wanted to see...
00:00:50I know just what they want.
00:00:55Well, our Master Chen is a generous man.
00:00:59I'm sure he'll want to help you out.
00:01:02Thank you, sir.
00:01:20The survival of the fittest is one of nature's basic laws, and it's the same in business.
00:01:25So then, one, Mr. Wang's rice store is competing with us.
00:01:31What we'll do is reduce our prices twenty percent.
00:01:35When he goes broke, then we'll raise them again.
00:01:39Two, we don't have to lower our salt prices, because all the salt comes in by boat.
00:01:45What we'll do is keep the boats out.
00:01:51The purchase of those hills, is it arranged yet?
00:01:56Not yet.
00:01:58That's holding up the coal mine expansion.
00:02:01Master Chen wants them.
00:02:03What's the problem?
00:02:04It's the people who own the land there.
00:02:06They're just refusing to sell.
00:02:08One of them's making a lot of noise.
00:02:10That so?
00:02:11Then why not shut him up permanently?
00:02:14You mean...
00:02:16Just close his mouth.
00:02:45What do you have to report?
00:02:47Well, Master Ma, Miss Yin says her father's business went bust.
00:02:52So she'd like Master Chen to help him out.
00:02:55She's not getting any money?
00:02:58She isn't Master Chen's favorite anymore?
00:03:00Get away!
00:03:05There's one problem.
00:03:07Cao Li's sick, and this Chen's very worried.
00:03:13You goddamned fool!
00:03:15That's important!
00:03:16Why didn't you tell me sooner?
00:03:18Miss Chen happens to be the Master's favorite girlfriend now!
00:03:21I'm very sorry, very sorry.
00:03:23I want you to get the best doctor in town.
00:03:25Get all the best doctors in the neighborhood.
00:03:27Oh God, you'd better pray that we're not too late!
00:03:31Hurry, hurry!
00:03:33Come on, quickly!
00:03:34All right.
00:03:40Miss Chen, the doctors are here.
00:03:42Cao Li's so sick.
00:03:45I hope that you can help him.
00:03:50How'd you treat him?
00:03:51Good dog!
00:03:52Hold it!
00:03:55Here's Master Chen's coin.
00:03:57It's worth a thousand tails, do you want it?
00:04:45Master Chen.
00:04:49Greetings, Master.
00:04:51Chen Tso?
00:04:54Yes, my lord.
00:04:55The birthday gift for Mr. Wu's nephew.
00:04:58I want you to arrange to double the amount.
00:05:01The official scene is looking very unsettled,
00:05:03and we may soon need Mr. Wu's help.
00:05:08Gou Xiong?
00:05:10Yes, sir.
00:05:11That man who talks too much,
00:05:13I must arrange it that he talks no more.
00:05:17Mr. Chen?
00:05:18Yes, my lord.
00:05:20Reward Gou Xiong with a gold plate.
00:05:22Sir, thank you, sir.
00:05:25Ma Tung?
00:05:27Yes, sir.
00:05:29You gave a thousand silver tails just to have a goddamn dog treated.
00:05:33Don't you think that was a bit much?
00:05:36Mr. Chen?
00:05:38Yes, sir.
00:05:40I want you to dock Mr. Ma's pay
00:05:42by a thousand silver tails.
00:05:46Yes, thank you, sir.
00:05:49Niu Fan?
00:05:51Yes, sir.
00:05:52I've noticed that some of the workers are slacking on the job.
00:05:56You keep an eye on them.
00:05:59Kui Sun?
00:06:02Yes, my lord.
00:06:03Have you finished the arrangements for the moon festival party yet?
00:06:07Yes, sir, it's all fixed.
00:06:09But one person sent his regrets.
00:06:13Then everything hasn't been fixed.
00:06:15Why did you say it had?
00:06:17I'm very sorry.
00:06:18Please forgive me.
00:06:21And I should imagine the one who refused is the teacher,
00:06:26Chuang Ye.
00:07:27Still practicing?
00:07:28Just take it easy, huh?
00:07:32I'm no expert in any way.
00:07:34But when it comes to Kung Fu,
00:07:36I know it needs more than big muscles for sure.
00:07:41That's right.
00:07:49Hey, take a rest.
00:08:00There's no need to check.
00:08:02You see?
00:08:04Full of water.
00:08:05I guarantee.
00:08:06Just like yours.
00:08:10Hey, hey, hey, hey.
00:08:15Hey, mate.
00:08:19Oh, brother.
00:08:34Oh, no.
00:08:36Oh, brother, no.
00:08:37No, please.
00:08:38Come on, brother.
00:08:39No, brother, please, no.
00:08:40Please, no.
00:09:02Hey, boss.
00:09:03Are you gonna get yourself wet?
00:09:20Oh, my God.
00:10:04Well, now, I warned you that would happen.
00:10:06I said that you'd get wet.
00:10:08And you got wet.
00:10:12No point getting mad at me.
00:10:14Your fault.
00:10:15After all, I did warn you.
00:10:18Hey, now look.
00:10:19Not my fault if you're an idiot.
00:10:23Hold it.
00:10:31Pong Pa.
00:10:33What's this?
00:10:34You're fighting again?
00:10:35No, I'm not.
00:10:39In fact, I was helping him.
00:10:41As you know, he is my senior.
00:10:44I wouldn't fight.
00:10:45Not with him.
00:10:46I'm just helping him with his practice.
00:10:49Now you know I don't like bragging.
00:10:52But still, my new technique
00:10:56can beat him.
00:10:57That's for sure.
00:11:17Just look at you.
00:11:20Go wash your face.
00:11:27You hurry up and cure your Uncle Kung
00:11:30or I'll have no chess partner.
00:12:17Come on, Yenor.
00:12:29This place?
00:12:30The school of Iron Fist King?
00:12:33Why do you want it?
00:12:34I've come a hundred miles to study his Kung Fu.
00:12:38Study with him?
00:12:40You're pulling my leg.
00:12:43What do you mean?
00:12:44Because old man Chuang is as god damn useless as they come.
00:12:55What's funny?
00:13:00I tell you, sooner than coming here
00:13:03and studying with Chuang,
00:13:06you'd do better to go home
00:13:08and stay in bed.
00:13:11You're wrong.
00:13:12My father
00:13:14says Chuang is the greatest.
00:13:19But still, in my opinion though,
00:13:22he's a useless bum.
00:13:24Tell me.
00:13:25Does Chuang live here?
00:13:28I want to study with him.
00:13:32Got the wrong place.
00:13:33Is that it?
00:13:53Oh, that's good.
00:13:55I first went to the wrong place.
00:13:57Then I met some men.
00:13:58They said Mr. Chuang lived here.
00:14:01I want to be his pupil.
00:14:07You mean that he's not taking pupils?
00:14:14Hey, open up!
00:14:16Open up!
00:14:22Now listen.
00:14:23Let me in.
00:14:24Let me talk to him.
00:14:26Do me a favor.
00:14:27All right?
00:14:28All right?
00:15:07Oh, why isn't he ever back?
00:15:17What are you doing?
00:15:20I'm showing that I'm sincere.
00:15:23The teacher that I want, he lives here.
00:15:26Waiting to see him.
00:15:28Hey, you two.
00:15:29You want to be his pupils as well?
00:15:31All right.
00:15:32You kneel too.
00:15:35But we don't need to kneel here.
00:15:37Why not?
00:15:38I'll tell you.
00:15:39The Iron Fist King is her dad.
00:15:43And my teacher.
00:15:47Hey, well help me then.
00:15:49All I want is to be his pupil.
00:15:51Are you sincere?
00:15:53Of course!
00:15:54Hey, you see?
00:15:58I even brought him a present along.
00:16:02It isn't very much.
00:16:03But it's all I got.
00:16:05I saved it.
00:16:06One cent at a time.
00:16:20It seems you're sincere.
00:16:23But still, you'd better keep the money.
00:16:27You won't help me?
00:16:29Your sincerity has to be tested further.
00:16:32Any test!
00:16:33I don't care!
00:16:34Well, I shall set you a task to do.
00:16:37My father likes to eat...
00:16:46Hey, so off you go now and catch a hundred
00:16:49to demonstrate your intent.
00:16:52I'll go and catch a hundred frogs.
00:17:46There you go.
00:18:00Who's knocking at this time of night?
00:18:03Coming, coming, coming.
00:18:06Hey, what the hell?
00:18:08I'm sincere.
00:18:10Here's a hundred frogs.
00:18:12I caught them all by myself.
00:18:14God, so you made your point.
00:18:20Now, can I see the teacher then?
00:18:24First, though,
00:18:25you have to pass a test of patience.
00:18:28I'm patient.
00:18:30I'm patient.
00:18:31But you have to prove it, though.
00:18:32All right?
00:18:33If you're really patient, well,
00:18:35then hang upside down
00:18:37for the whole of the night.
00:18:44You've really got to come on here.
00:19:15I'm patient.
00:19:23I'm patient.
00:19:25I'm patient.
00:19:29I'm patient.
00:19:33I'm patient.
00:19:36I'm patient.
00:19:44I'm patient.
00:19:47I'm patient.
00:19:49I'm patient.
00:20:10How could you do that?
00:20:11What happens if he died?
00:20:13I was only having a joke. Never thought for a minute he'd do it.
00:20:27Is he dead?
00:20:32He's passed out. Take him in.
00:20:43I have patience.
00:20:51I have patience.
00:20:52Hey, awake?
00:21:02Dear Buddha, please don't let him die.
00:21:06Buddha has answered me.
00:21:08He hasn't died.
00:21:09Be quiet. Give him something to eat.
00:21:13Come on, you eat something.
00:21:27Come on, eat up.
00:21:29Hey, miss, I'm patient and sincere.
00:21:44Where's the teacher? I must see him.
00:21:46Hey, hey, hang on.
00:21:49What's your name?
00:21:53Hey, that can't be your name.
00:21:55You must have another one, a real name.
00:21:58Hey, that's the name of an egg dish.
00:22:00Hey, my name's Lieutenant. My real name.
00:22:04But still, many folks call me Omelette as a nickname.
00:22:09You see, I'm very fond of eating eggs.
00:22:12I can eat 50 eggs.
00:22:14Huh? 50?
00:22:23He is sincere and patient. He proved it.
00:22:26Hey, Dad, couldn't you consider taking him on then?
00:22:30You may as well give up. I've got to checkmate him.
00:22:36Dad, I see a way to turn the tables.
00:22:52Hey, so you can eat 50 eggs at one sitting?
00:22:58Thanks. Thanks.
00:23:56Good. I'm feeling much better.
00:23:59Those are really damn good eggs.
00:24:02Thank you.
00:24:05Hey, you're great.
00:24:10Hey, miss, you ask him?
00:24:13Can you work hard?
00:24:15Sure, I can.
00:24:16Well, Father will let you stay, but as a worker.
00:24:19But still, the work gets pretty tough.
00:24:22Hey, do you think you can do it?
00:24:25Hey, do you accept that?
00:24:27Sure, I do.
00:24:28So as to stay here, I'll do anything.
00:24:55The casualties and damage.
00:24:57Seven miners dead, 31 injured.
00:25:00The new shaft is completely destroyed.
00:25:02Do what must be done. I'll tell Master Tian.
00:25:08This will cost money, for sure.
00:25:11We'll have to save, won't we?
00:25:19Give up the rescue attempts.
00:25:22The survivors have paid.
00:25:24The wounded, no medical fees.
00:25:27And any men not affected,
00:25:29we shall put them to work rebuilding the mine.
00:25:36Kui Sun.
00:25:38Yes, my lord.
00:25:40When will Chi Hung arrive here?
00:25:42He's on his way, I think today.
00:25:45Good. That's good.
00:25:48This time, he's taking a really tough line.
00:25:55I think he expects trouble.
00:25:57And he's gonna stamp down hard.
00:26:00Only half pay? No medical fees?
00:26:03What is this? Doesn't he think we're humans?
00:26:06And the mine blew up,
00:26:08because there was no decent safety standards.
00:26:11All he was thinking of was saving money.
00:26:14That's right.
00:26:17Chi Hung is rich, tough, powerful.
00:26:20What can we do?
00:26:25Well, first of all,
00:26:27we shall have to let Master Chi Hung know how we're feeling.
00:26:30Our grievances.
00:26:34And then perhaps he may treat us a bit more fairly.
00:26:37In fact, I have sent some people to see Mr. Ho.
00:26:41And Mr. Wu.
00:26:43Ask them to speak to Master Chen on our behalf.
00:26:46Mr. Li, is he the one that passed the imperial exams,
00:26:49but still likes to speak for the common people?
00:26:52That's him.
00:26:53Mr. Li!
00:26:54Oh, you're back.
00:26:56Have you seen Ho? What did he say?
00:26:58He can't help, although he'd like to.
00:27:05It's Ha Kee.
00:27:07And not only that, he threw me out!
00:27:11Master Li!
00:27:13Master Li!
00:27:15They found my husband's body.
00:27:17And my son's been hurt.
00:27:19What am I going to do?
00:27:21They won't even bury the body.
00:27:24Mr. Li, what can we do?
00:27:27What can we do?
00:27:31There must be somebody who will help us.
00:27:34It's too much!
00:27:36Who will help us?
00:27:38It's too much!
00:27:40She has gone too far now.
00:28:13A little demonstration.
00:28:16Mr. Chee Hong.
00:28:18You have great ability.
00:28:22Master Chen.
00:28:23Yes, my lord.
00:28:24Have a contest with Chee.
00:28:33Chee Hong.
00:28:35Chen is the head of my household.
00:28:37And his Kung Fu is quite impressive.
00:28:42So be careful.
00:28:44I'll be careful.
00:28:48Don't disappoint me.
00:28:50I shall do my best, sir.
00:29:32No, sir.
00:29:33Do you want to test me further?
00:29:35No need.
00:29:37Take this gold as a mark of my respect.
00:29:44Thank you, sir.
00:29:45And there's more too.
00:29:47From now on, you will take Chen's job.
00:29:50Chen Tan.
00:29:52You are demoted.
00:29:53Down to a guard.
00:29:55I've served you loyally all these years.
00:30:00And now you do this to me?
00:30:15Your daughter and Lu have gone to the village.
00:30:18Won't be back till late.
00:30:20Can't wait.
00:30:21Let's go.
00:30:23Let's go.
00:30:35This is the last warning.
00:30:37Go now or there'll be trouble.
00:30:40We want to talk to Chen.
00:30:42Yes, we want to talk to Chen.
00:30:45You're likely to get a coffin.
00:31:17Did you see that?
00:31:19They tried, they tried to stop us.
00:31:21Wait outside.
00:31:23I'll see Master Chen now.
00:31:26And you'll get justice.
00:31:27Thank you.
00:31:28Thank you
00:31:32Can't go in and
00:31:34Why can't I?
00:31:36Well, it's like this
00:31:38You weren't very respectful to Jen the last time you were here
00:31:42The master Chen has given us orders. You're not allowed in here
00:31:48Look, why do you argue with this creep if we want to go in then we just walk in
00:32:58Stop I
00:33:00Dare you break in here. Will you be leaving horizontally that I promise? Hey, I don't like to brag here
00:33:06But still the other one who's going to leave
00:34:47This isn't a courtesy call
00:34:50Please meet the workers demands
00:34:53And right away
00:34:54introduce relief measures
00:34:59Well, I could agree those it's within my power but what if
00:35:06Someone didn't agree if you agree who could say no, but I can and what grounds
00:35:15On these grounds
00:35:53You've been beaten
00:36:02Right those demands that I made
00:36:06Now, do you agree to them?
00:36:08I of course accept them. I'll see they're carried out garbage
00:36:13That old idiot. He could never beat you home
00:36:16No way that old fellow is much too timid and if he really can't fight then why didn't he accept my challenge?
00:36:23Teacher charm keeps his talents will hidden but for him. I'm sure we get nothing not a bad thing
00:36:33We should show our appreciation mmm dad, I want to be his student good me too
00:36:42You want to study with the iron fist King
00:36:45You've got a ho, huh
00:36:47And why shouldn't I I want to learn real Kung Fu not that lousy cat fighting wild teachers. That's useless
00:36:55Hey, right. I think teacher Chuang could teach us more than anyone else. I want to learn how about you?
00:37:05Well in that case, that's that we'll all go together then
00:37:09I'll go too
00:37:12Well learning Kung Fu is not a simple thing besides I've retired from teaching Kung Fu a long time ago
00:37:23So, I'm very sorry to say that I have to refuse
00:37:31Teacher Chuang who really sincere about wanting to study so couldn't you please change your mind and
00:37:38That way there'd be a lot more people to pass on your particular skill
00:37:43And besides that we could help them keep chin in his place that would help the town everybody
00:37:53Well, your reasons are admirable but still I don't want to get involved in this I
00:38:02Understand your reservations, but it's too late now. You're already involved. How come?
00:38:09Because you showed your ability and you fought them for the sake of justice
00:38:15No matter what now you are involved and there's no going back
00:38:33Don't fool is hard work
00:38:37The more you work the more you learn and what is more
00:38:44There aren't any shortcuts got that
00:38:49Now the first thing that you learn
00:38:52Is the right stance
00:38:55Ma here will demonstrate and
00:38:58The rest of you will follow him
00:39:07First step show strength and stability
00:39:11Legs are even the hands straight chest out stomach in
00:39:18Both eyes are looking straight ahead
00:39:21All right
00:39:23Now you practice together
00:39:25Lift the barrel
00:40:29Yes, my lord
00:40:31While I'm away from here, I'm ordering all of you
00:40:35You're not to get into any conflict with teacher Juan
00:40:39All right. Yes, sir
00:42:31Not bad new tan isn't bad. Do you think he could learn my special style so pink style?
00:42:42You think he's better than say oh my pal they're both his seniors
00:42:47Mars too lazy
00:42:49Forget him
00:42:51And as for Fang, I think he was suitable once
00:42:57But he's become fanatical only thinks of fighting
00:43:03Perhaps the heavens are giving me a chance to pass on my style before I die. I
00:43:10Agree that low is good
00:43:13But not yet
00:43:15You ought to allow him a little time I do agree
00:43:20That's why yeah
00:43:23I'm only thinking I
00:43:25Certainly haven't made up my mind yet
00:43:28And whether he really is a suitable candidate will depend on how he takes further testing
00:43:36First lesson a difficult one
00:43:39It will test your patience and strength. You have to keep on with the movement until the incense stick burns out
00:44:54Didn't do the ladder the ladder. Hey, how's that one go then? It's easy you watch
00:45:22By your turn, right, go on go on
00:45:35Once more
00:46:21Please hey
00:46:31Take pleasure in presenting a fighter known throughout China the finest fist under the heavens Hongying
00:46:42You flatter me
00:46:44I'm a fighter
00:46:46Nothing more now, how can I serve you? Huh? There's no rush. Let's relax get acquainted
00:46:53Anyway, we've all heard so much about your skill, but none of us here have ever witnessed your skill
00:47:08That's easily done
00:47:10Select one of your men for a contest and then you'll see well, that's a problem
00:47:16Which one of them here is worthy to take you on?
00:47:18Hmm mr. Chi, yes, my lord, you can go a few rounds with mr. Hongying
00:48:18Know you're here. I'm feeling a great deal more relaxed. Oh, yeah, I toast you again
00:48:30Down to business
00:48:32Tell me when you want me to deal with this teacher right now
00:48:37There's no big rush. I want to make sure we choose the right time
00:48:41First of all, enjoy your stay you want something just say
00:48:54Mean anything
00:48:59Well, I guess so
00:49:01Anything at all you mean that
00:49:04of course and if I
00:49:08Want me none
00:51:07Know this guy
00:51:10Let's take him back there
00:51:12Don't you worry we'll get him
00:51:45Wouldn't do a thing like that. That's right. I'll never believe it. Do you have any proof then?
00:52:02You say he tried to rape you
00:52:05Yes, he did he attacked me also you say well do you have any proof
00:52:15At least you can tell us what happened can't you though
00:52:19Now then was mr. Phone enticing you or were you enticing him?
00:52:30He said said what
00:52:34He said
00:52:37Well now he happens to be a mute
00:52:41So then he said what?
00:52:58Who knows what you do
00:53:01Hey, don't worry now
00:53:03Huh, she won't do anything
00:53:05Except to collect her money a reward for this trick. You've got no right to say that
00:53:12Keep your trunk won't punish his own man. And this girl tries to say it's the victim's fault, but I'm her
00:53:19Let them talk we came expecting justice we want your people to punish him
00:53:27Let's keep calm. It's obvious. The key is the pupil phone. So first of all, let us find him
00:53:36Teacher Trump, do you agree? Of course, I want to find him and clear this up
00:54:05Got you
00:55:16Teach a trunk said he'd hand him over but there's no sign of him here
00:55:21Trans probably got him hidden protecting him. That's what I think. But I tell you it isn't gonna work. Shut up
00:55:30All of you can shut your mouth
00:55:33Hmm. Who do you think he is? Oh, we wanted some justice for some girl an innocent victim
00:55:40Justice he can have but you're wrong. I
00:55:44Tell you this your memories and too good
00:55:47You remember begging my teacher to teach you to fight ha but that's all forgotten now, isn't it?
00:55:53I and now he's a villain can't be trusted
00:55:58Let's not get all worked up yet the girl and Lou have gone to find phone and I'm sure they'll bring him back
00:56:05No, they won't
00:56:17Church one
00:56:19Here's your student. I'm afraid I had to teach him a lesson
00:56:23And now I'd like to test your kung fu see who's best
00:56:33Well before that mind if I talk with phone go on
00:56:39All right, just calm down now what happened tell me
00:56:47You shouldn't bother talking to him the man's guilty we know it so does he
00:56:54You confess or would you like another lesson in front of your teacher here?
00:57:12What happened
00:59:07My friend it seems we'll have to fight if you do you'll wind up like him
00:59:31Would look everywhere not a trace let's go back
01:03:04Must admit that
01:03:17In a fight you trusted me a mistake
01:04:05But why why can't we go after Hong Ying and then Chen too he's behind this right
01:04:11We should go after them and not just sit here. We must do something
01:04:15Teachers the first king of fists we can't let people think that he's been beaten, huh?
01:04:22Let him think what they want. I don't care. I
01:04:27know this
01:04:29You're not ready to fight
01:04:32So then I've decided to move
01:04:37We'll go find a secluded place
01:04:42Here's your payment
01:04:48Your performance was very good
01:04:52But that girl oh she came very close to ruining your story
01:04:58Well, anyway next time I'll be careful
01:05:03Right you any more orders take care of home
01:05:27So he sent you here instead of main name
01:05:34You mean you prefer
01:05:44What's funny when they're between the blankets women aren't too much different
01:05:51At least not to me
01:07:01Help me, please sharpen my knife sure
01:07:15He's carving something what could it be
01:07:38Thank you God not vegetables and being cured again, I can't stand it I can't
01:08:22Dad you want me
01:08:31Look who's this?
01:08:39It looks like that's right your mother sure it's her
01:08:52I have a secret to tell you
01:09:01Yes, she was your mother there's no doubt
01:09:08But I am NOT your father
01:09:14What's this I am NOT your father
01:09:25When we were real young
01:09:27Your mother and I used to be lovers and we were both crazy about kung fu. But then
01:09:34but then what I
01:09:37Wanted to be the first king
01:09:39So I left her and moved away. I
01:09:43Had to have success and I was very happy
01:09:52Well, go on until I climbed to the very top and achieved the title fist king
01:09:59That's when I started home again
01:10:02Intending to marry your mother
01:10:05too late
01:10:06Because she had married somebody else. I was broken up
01:10:14And she wasn't happy
01:10:22And then very soon
01:10:26Both she and her husband died of an illness
01:10:30In her world
01:10:34Your ma left you to me
01:10:37She asked me to bring you up as my daughter
01:10:48You did you did as she asked
01:10:53Still you are my father
01:11:03Well, that's good
01:11:30You've been fishing
01:11:32Brother told me to I guess that
01:11:35He's tired of greens and being good. So he wanted some fish
01:11:39Well, I'll keep cooking greens and being good you tell him that oh
01:11:48Your father wants you go on go on
01:11:58Ten you great give them me. Oh, they look good. Get some work. Sure. Howdy
01:12:07Tonight we'll eat. Well
01:12:10Steamed fried broiled baked. Oh
01:12:19Well, they cooked already
01:12:33About the low ping style. Ah
01:12:36That's the technique that you worked on with mother
01:12:41Yes, we did. We created that style all by ourselves
01:12:46low ping
01:12:48The ultimate fighting style a logical development of all the other styles we perfected it
01:12:54And only you know of it
01:12:57All of these years. I never taught it to anyone else. Although many people asked when you singly by a man
01:13:05It's very powerful
01:13:06But when a man and woman combined to use it, it's quite invincible
01:13:12So you want me to learn it with no time?
01:13:16That's right. And that's why I moved here for the privacy
01:13:20All right, that's settled then. What are we going to start?
01:13:27The full low ping style ought to have six forms
01:13:31But when I went and left your mother
01:13:34We hadn't finished it
01:13:37In fact, we only finished five and a half
01:13:44Jenna tomorrow you go through the five and a half bombs with Lou to let me watch it, right?
01:13:53First form balance and stability Chang Thai catches fish
01:14:36They take the hook
01:15:08Second form spirit and power protect women
01:16:17The third form form and subtlety
01:17:29His courage
01:19:07Don't form quickness and change
01:19:10Hands up
01:20:27He actually said that
01:20:29And I had a really tough job working on him getting him to say what's on his mind so I could tell you good
01:20:38That's good, I'm grateful
01:20:44Your reward
01:20:48Master would I get a chance to earn a fair go coin right now?
01:21:25Do hope there's no trick
01:21:29How could you say that
01:21:31Although we have had some differences. I
01:21:34Know that these weren't really your fault
01:21:48Was because someone was trying to make trouble between us
01:21:54You've forgotten one important thing
01:21:57What's that you send her to take care of me
01:22:00It's not likely that you didn't know what she was doing
01:22:04Well, my friend you're determined to have you show down
01:22:12Well now perhaps you tell me what's on your mind may help
01:22:19What I want is simple everything you have here you give half to me
01:22:23I see and what happens if I think your terms are too high. Don't blame me for what happens
01:22:39Now come on, why should we destroy our friendship over money
01:22:44You agree on condition you do one thing for me
01:22:48You agree on condition you do one thing for me
01:23:22Can agree hmm. Well, that's good
01:23:28We can show that Chen a thing or two
01:23:31Well, we're not very likely to get anything more out of Chen
01:23:36Well, then why help him, right?
01:23:42Everybody in the county complains about shit. So we should get rid of him. Well
01:23:48Huh and we could get a lot of money and popularity as well
01:24:18You're gonna be next garbage
01:26:20In a very short time. You've got the essentials of low ping. I'm quite confident
01:26:26You'll master it
01:26:28I've your teaching to thank for that
01:26:32A pity that the last half form was never developed
01:26:37So this technique could achieve its final perfection
01:26:42Final form is quickness and change
01:26:46The last half is related to change
01:26:52Yeah, that's simple
01:26:56Has to be the monkey style monkeys are most changeable. So it has to be the monkey style 72 changes
01:27:08It's mr. Kong
01:27:18Damn chin is terrorizing the whole country
01:27:23We ought to do something. That's right. We got to do something
01:27:27Somebody's got to stop that bastard chin. We should
01:27:31We we should kill him. That's right. Kill him. Kill him. Yes, you should without delay
01:27:39That's the first chance
01:27:45Promise you're going to pay
01:27:51Master don't worry. I'm quite sure they'll be here in the morning. Good
01:28:08I knew that you'd come
01:28:12I have to get past me first
01:28:29Today we'll finish you
01:29:11Can't catch his fish
01:29:41They take the hook
01:30:41Can't catch his fish
01:30:43They take the hook
01:30:47Can't catch his fish
01:30:49They take the hook
01:30:53Can't catch his fish
01:30:55They take the hook
01:30:59Can't catch his fish
01:31:01They take the hook
01:31:05Can't catch his fish
01:31:07They take the hook
01:31:09They take the hook
01:31:32Here yes, I do
01:31:34What's more? I'm quite ready
01:31:36But first, I thank you for getting rid of Hung Ying.
01:31:56I will repay you well.
01:32:06You should know that I will repay you well.
01:32:08I'm so happy that you have come back.
01:32:10Till then, then.
01:32:12Do you not have any plans about your life?
01:32:13No plans.
01:32:15But if you do, I will be very happy.
01:32:17How can I be so happy, when I'm not here?
01:32:19You can be my wife, but your parents have to support your parents.
01:32:24No, no, I don't want to be your wife.
01:32:27Then I will do the same for you.
01:32:29Hong Kong, you must listen to me.
01:32:31If you don't listen to me, I will not help you.
01:32:33Hong Kong, listen to me.
01:32:34I'll show you, huh? I'll show you how to fight!
01:33:00They take the hook!
01:33:04Ha! Lady leaves her bath, hmm? Huh?
01:33:32Ha! Hmm? Hmm?
01:33:47Coin protects women!
01:34:05Cross the pass!
01:34:17What in hell?
01:34:47Hey, that guy seems pretty cool, let me at him!
01:35:07Hey, that guy seems pretty cool, let me at him!
01:35:36Hey, that guy seems pretty cool, let me at him!
01:36:03Hey, that guy seems pretty cool, let me at him!
01:36:30Hey, that guy seems pretty cool, let me at him!
01:36:57Hey, that guy seems pretty cool, let me at him!
01:37:24Hey, that guy seems pretty cool, let me at him!
01:37:51Hey, that guy seems pretty cool, let me at him!
01:38:18Hey, that guy seems pretty cool, let me at him!
01:38:45Hey, that guy seems pretty cool, let me at him!
01:39:12Hey, that guy seems pretty cool, let me at him!
01:39:39Hey, that guy seems pretty cool, let me at him!
01:40:06Hey, that guy seems pretty cool, let me at him!