Understanding The Devil And Demons -- Herbert Cooper

  • le mois dernier


00:00I want to answer some of the most frequently asked questions about the devil and
00:06Demons, I want you to be informed
00:09Not fearful. I want you to be equipped
00:13Not unprepared. So today here's what I want to do. I want to just give you a really a theological
00:21Foundation kind of lay that today on the devil and demons
00:25Now the next three weeks after today are going to get a whole lot more practical but today
00:32Let's dive deep and let's let me just give you this very important
00:38Theological foundation. Are you ready today for it? All right. Let me let me lay some foundation number one
00:44Where did the devil come from?
00:47The devil was once a heavenly angel
00:51Created by God before creation
00:54Along with all of the other angels. It says in Colossians chapter 1 and verse number 16 all
01:02Things were created things in heaven and on earth
01:07visible and invisible whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities all
01:13Things have been created through him through Christ and for him for Christ God created all
01:20things notice in heaven on
01:24Earth the visible and the invisible world. It says thrones
01:31rulers and
01:33Authorities and those words are frequently used to describe
01:38Spiritual beings so so God created angels
01:42God created the unseen world and in Genesis chapter 1 and verse number 31
01:47It says that God all that he made was very good
01:53So we know that the devil was created good because everything God made was
01:59Good, but like you and I the devil and the angels had free will and they could choose to worship God
02:07or they could choose to to not worship the Lord and
02:12Lucifer who we now call Satan
02:15Chose not to worship God
02:20Let's look at a second question
02:22Theological foundation today. I want to educate you what role did the devil have in heaven?
02:29there are some scholars who believe that Satan was created as a cherubim angel and
02:36Some also believe that he was created as a seraphim
02:39Angel and we talked about these two types of angels in week two of
02:43The series go back on YouTube and watch those two that that message there week two
02:48But but here's why some scholars believe that Satan was a cherubim angel. Let's look at this a cherubim angel in
02:56Ezekiel chapter number 26 or excuse me, Ezekiel chapter 28
03:01The Prophet began to pronounce judgment on this ruler called the Prince of Tyre
03:07And and he was a Phoenician ruler in the city of Tyre and scholars believe that
03:13Ezekiel was looking past the Prince of Tyre to a power
03:18Behind the power in Ezekiel 28 Satan was the power behind the Kings power
03:24Yes, he's the power behind the throne and whenever we see people
03:31Today leaders today nations doing evil and wickedness. We always know that there's a power
03:39behind the power and that's Satan and
03:42Ezekiel in Ezekiel 28 was pointing to the power
03:47behind the power and let me give you five insights right now five insights of why scholars believe
03:55Satan was a cherub
03:57Angel in heaven
04:00Before he was kicked out. Let's let's look at this and the first is this the phrase you were created
04:06instead of
04:09Created instead of conceived notice this in Ezekiel chapter 28 in verse 12 and 13
04:14It says son of man take up a lament concerning the king of Tyre and say to him
04:21This is what the sovereign
04:24Lord says
04:25You were the seal of
04:28Perfection. I want you to catch this full of wisdom and
04:33perfect in beauty
04:35you were in
04:38Eden the garden of
04:43Every precious stone adorned you
04:47crystal light and emerald
04:50topaz onyx and
04:52Jasper lap eyes
04:55Lazuli turquoise and Baruch Baruch
04:59your settings and mountains were made of gold and
05:03One and one day you were I want you to catch this and one day you were
05:10They were prepared
05:13You were created. Here's what Scott scholars believe since it says you were created
05:18It's referring to when God
05:20Created Satan because if it was a man it would have said the day you were conceived or the day you were
05:29born not
05:30Created let me give you a second reason scholars
05:33But believe that he was a chair of angel the phrase you were in the garden of Eden
05:39I read slow so you could catch all of that you were in the garden of Eden
05:42We know that there's no way that this king of Tyre was in the garden of Eden
05:47But we know Satan was there and he tempted Eve
05:52Here's a third reason the reference to Satan having
05:56this musical ability in verse 13
06:00It gives a descriptions of settings and and mountain
06:04Mountains made of pure gold some some some Bible translations translated pipes
06:13Scholars believe that this is referring to Satan having this crazy
06:18Gift as a musician. He was crazy
06:22Gifted musically and and he had these gold pipes pure gold pipes some even
06:29Believe he was the main worship leader in heaven
06:33number four is the phrase you were
06:37The anointed cherub you were the anointed cherub notices in Ezekiel chapter 28 verse 14
06:43So again, the the many scholars believe he's referring to it's talking about the king of Tyre
06:49But he's pointing to the power behind the power in verse 14
06:53It says you were anointed as a guardian cherub for so I or don't I ordained you you were on the holy mount of God
07:00You walked among the fiery stones and we know that the king of Tyre was not a cherub angel
07:07So this seems to be pointing to the power behind the power Satan number five
07:11Is this the phrase you were perfect or blameless notice in Ezekiel chapter 28 verse number 15?
07:18It says you were perfect
07:20The NIV says blameless in your ways from the day you were created till iniquity was found in you
07:27Don't miss this
07:29We know that no human being was perfect or blameless except for Jesus
07:35When when when the first humans Adam and Eve?
07:38Sinned against God in the garden sin entered our world and every human being since then has been born into
07:46Sin Romans chapter 3 and verse 10 says as it is written
07:50There is no one righteous not even one look at your neighbor and say and that includes you go ahead and let them know
07:56Yeah, you're not righteous
07:59Humans are born sinners
08:01But Satan was created good
08:04perfect and blameless and just like God created Adam and Eve perfect and blameless, but again Satan
08:13Had free will
08:14Just like we do and he chose to rebel against God. He chose not to serve God
08:21He chose
08:23To serve himself instead of to serve the Lord
08:26And let me give you one reason some scholars believe that Satan was a seraphim angel
08:32Just look at your neighbor say pastor taking us deep today. Go ahead and tell him he's taking us deep
08:36Okay, we looked at at why scholars believe he was a cherub angel, but let me just tell you why some scholars believe he was a
08:44Seraphim angel the word seraph means fiery
08:48serpent fiery serpent
08:51And so in Genesis chapter 3 when the devil was tempting Eve he came as a
08:57Serpent and scholars believe that he came as a serpent because that's what he was
09:01He was a seraphim angel a serpent angel a snake like angel and the Bible describes
09:08Satan several times as this snake like or serpent like angel
09:12Let's look in the book of Revelations Revelation chapter 12 and verse number 9
09:16It says the great dragon was hurled down the ancient serpent
09:22called the devil or
09:25Satan so they some scholars believe he was a seraphim angel
09:28Revelations 12 verse 15
09:30then from his mouth the serpent spewed water like a river the the
09:36Serpent is talking about the devil
09:39Revelations chapter 20 verse 2 he sees the dragon that ancient
09:46Who is the devil or?
09:49Satan I'm not a hundred percent sure if the devil was a cherub or a seraphim angel
09:55But what I am a hundred percent sure of is that the devil was created as a good angel
10:02Number three is this number three is this why is the devil no longer in heaven serving God?
10:08One word describes why the devil is no longer in heaven
10:13Worshipping and serving God and that one word is pride
10:17First Timothy chapter 3 and verse 6 says he must not be a recent convert or he may become
10:24Conceited or prideful and fall under the same judgment as the devil the devil came under God's
10:31Judgment because because he became proud
10:36Ezekiel back in Ezekiel chapter
10:40Verse 15 it says you were blameless in your ways the day you were created till wickedness
10:47Catch this
10:49Wickedness was found in you
10:52Through your widespread trade you were filled with violence and you sin
10:57So I drove you in disgrace catch this from the mount of God and I expelled you
11:05Guardian cherub, there's another reference to guardian cherub from among the fiery stones
11:11Your heart became if you are reading from a paper Bible just circled the word proud your heart became proud
11:19on account of your beauty and
11:21You corrupted your wisdom because of your splendor. So I threw you to the earth
11:28I made a spectacle of you before Kings
11:31Satan became proud of his beauty. He became proud of his gifts of his talents
11:38He became proud of his position and power in heaven church my church family
11:43Please hear your pastor today be very careful because it's easy for all of us to allow pride
11:50to creep into our hearts
11:53Watch out for pride because it will distance you from God
11:58God opposes the proud and let me just quickly show you this if they're in Isaiah what Isaiah says about Satan's pride
12:06and his
12:07downfall and scholars believe in
12:10Isaiah chapter number 14 that he does something very similar to what I what Ezekiel does in Ezekiel chapter
12:1828 he begins to pronounce judgment on this king of Babylon and he he begins to pronounce this judgment and when he does
12:25He starts talking about the power
12:28behind the throne
12:30Isaiah starts talking about the power behind the power and that's Satan
12:36Let's look at this in Isaiah chapter 14 verse number 12. It says how you have fallen from heaven
12:44morning star son of the dawn some translations say day star or
12:50shining star
12:51Morning star in the KJV or the the New King James Version is translated as Lucifer right there
12:59You have been cast down to the earth you who once
13:03Laid low the nation's you said in your heart catch this notice his pride
13:09I will ascend to the heavens. I will raise my throne above the stars of God
13:15I will sit enthroned on the Mount of Assembly on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphin
13:21I will ascend above the tops of the clouds. I will make myself like catch this
13:27I'll make myself like the most high I'll make myself like God
13:31Satan saw his own beauty and his own gifts and instead of worshiping the gift giver. He began to worship the gift
13:40He wasn't satisfied with the power God had already given him he wanted more power
13:46So he said I will raise my throne above God's throne. He wanted the same power that God had
13:52He wanted to be in charge
13:54He wanted to be worshipped the devil became so full of pride that he had the audacity to try to fight
14:02Against God come on church. That's some serious pride when you think you can fight and win against God
14:09and of course
14:11Satan's plan did not work. He was a light work for God
14:16God didn't even get involved in this battle. This is easy. This is easy stuff
14:20He let his angels take care of his light work
14:24We see this in Revelations chapter 12 and verse number 7 through 9. It says then war broke out in heaven
14:31Michael and his angels fought against the dragon and the dragon and his angels fought back
14:37But he was not strong enough to fight against those angels and he lost a lot
14:42They lost their place in heaven. The great dragon was hurled
14:46down that ancient serpent called the devil or Satan who leads the whole world astray he was hurled to the earth and
14:55His angels with him write this down for all of my students that love the Word of God
15:01Isaiah chapter 14 verse 15 talks about Satan getting kicked out of heaven write this down as well
15:07Ezekiel chapter 28 verse 17 talks about Satan getting kicked out of heaven
15:13Jesus talked about Satan getting kicked out of heaven in Luke chapter 10 verse number 18
15:18He replied I saw Satan fall like lightning
15:24from heaven
15:25Satan's pride got him kicked out of heaven. Here's the question now that he's on the earth is the devil
15:33Omnipresent is he omnipresent?
15:35Church the devil can't be in more than one place at a time
15:41Only God is
15:43Omnipresent the devil was a created angel. He is a limited by space
15:49That's why in Job it says this in Job chapter 1 verse 7
15:53The Lord said to Satan where have you come from Satan answered to the Lord from roaming throughout the earth?
16:00going back and
16:02forth on it
16:04Satan has to roam from place to place because he can't be in more than one place at a time
16:11He isn't omnipresent
16:15Pastor where do demons come from?
16:19Look at the neighbor and just tell him we're digging deep today. We're digging deep. Come on. We're digging deep
16:22Yeah, we're digging deep today. Where do demons come from most scholars?
16:28Believe demons were once angels in heaven
16:31They they were created before creation along with all of the other angels
16:37These angels were once in heaven
16:41serving God Almighty
16:43But Satan convinced them to follow him and they rebelled
16:49against God
16:50So when this war broke out in heaven, not only was the devil kicked out of heaven
16:55But so were the angels who chose to follow Satan and they rebelled against God
17:00We read it a moment ago right revelations 12 verse 4. It actually we didn't read this script
17:05It'd be the next scripture in Revelation 12 verse 4 talks about his tail
17:08swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth many scholars believe the
17:16third of the stars are
17:18Referring to the angels who were thrown out of heaven to the earth in
17:22Revelations chapter 12 verse 9 is as the great dragon was hurled down
17:26The ancient serpent called the devil or Satan who leads the whole world astray now catch this church don't miss this
17:32He was hurled to the earth and his angels
17:37Hill many scholars believe demons are the angels who were kicked out of heaven and were thrown to the earth
17:44another theory
17:46That's not nearly as common on where where demons came from and that's not
17:51Nearly as supported or clearly as supported in scriptures
17:55It is scripture is that demons are the disembodied spirits of the Nephilim?
18:00But perhaps what you talking about?
18:03the Nephilim were the offspring of the sons of God the angels of God or
18:09Angels who had sex with women the Bible talks about this in Genesis in Genesis chapter 6
18:15And in verse 4 says in those days and for some time after
18:20Giant Nephilites lived on the earth for whenever the sons of God these angels
18:28had intercourse with women they gave birth to children who became the heroes and
18:34famous warriors of ancient times the Nephilim were the offspring of
18:39Angels who had sex with human women
18:43Some believe when the Nephilim died their spirits became
18:48Demons because they weren't fully the human spirits
18:51They had this angelic this did this demonic and and then there's human and and some believe that that they became
18:58Demons, I don't personally believe this. I believe demons are fallen angels who were kicked out of heaven
19:05Number six is this number six. Who are the angels bound until judgment?
19:09Have you ever read the Bible and thought you know, all of you Bible students who are the angels bound until judgment?
19:15Well, there isn't 100% clarity on who these angels are
19:19But there are scholars who believe that these angels are the ones who had sex with human women in Genesis chapter 6
19:27God was very displeased with these rebellious
19:30Angels for having sex with women and he bound them in chains so that this would never happen again
19:37You say pastor. What are you talking about?
19:402nd Peter chapter 2 in verse 4
19:422nd Peter chapter 2 in verse 4 for if God did not spare angels when they sinned
19:48But sent them to hell putting them in chains of darkness to be held
19:55For judgment now church think about this
19:57We know that the devil's sin in heaven did not get him bound with chains
20:04So it seems to be another sin that angels committed that got them bound in
20:10Chains, I believe it was the sin in Genesis chapter 6 when angels had sex with human women
20:17Jude also talks about these angels being chained in
20:21Jude 6 and the angels who did not keep their positions of authority and
20:27Abandoned their proper dwelling these he has kept in darkness
20:32Bound with everlasting change for judgment on the great day
20:37Okay, listen to me. I'm taking you to school. I'm taking a class that I got you got to catch this
20:42There are literally angels who are bound in chains right now
20:47And then there are demons that are loose on the earth
20:52causing havoc most scholars believe these demons are fallen angels and
20:58Scholars many of them believe that these angels
21:00Chains these demons that are chained are the ones that had sex with human women everybody following me today
21:08Number seven is this is there a hierarchy of demons?
21:14Demons were once angels and we learned in week two of this series go back and watch it on YouTube
21:21that even the good angels have a hierarchy and
21:25It's no different with the fallen angels
21:28Demons have a hierarchy
21:30We see it in Ephesians chapter 6 in verse 12 for our struggle is not against flesh and blood
21:35but against the rulers
21:38Against the authorities or the principality some versions say against the powers of this dark
21:44World and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms Paul
21:51teaches us
21:52That there is this this hierarchy amongst demons rulers authorities powers and spiritual forces
22:01Daniel talks about this in Daniel 10 in verse 13
22:04It says but for 21 days the spirit prince of the kingdom of Persia
22:11blocked my way
22:12then Michael one of the archangels came to help and I left him there with the spirit prince of the kingdom of
22:19Persia the prince of
22:22Persia was an evil spirit who had the authority and influence over the Persian Kingdom church
22:30You got to catch this. It's very clear that the Bible is giving us some intel that some
22:37Demons have authority over nations over countries over states
22:42Over cities the demonic world is very very organized
22:49Number eight is this can demons know things that people don't and do things that people can't and
22:56First, let me just say this that God is the only one who is all-powerful and all-knowing don't get confused
23:04But demons do know things that we don't know because they are spirits they don't die
23:12So they've been around since before Adam and Eve were created thousands of years ago
23:17So so demons know more about heaven than we know because they lived in heaven at one point
23:24They know more about God than we know because they lived in heaven with God at one time
23:29They know more about the unseen world than we do because they operate in the unseen world
23:34They know more about the earth and the scene world than we do because they've been
23:39Observing the scene world and the earth for thousands of years
23:44They know a lot
23:45Because they've been around for years
23:48and let me just give you a couple of passages of scriptures of how demons can know and even do things that we can't and
23:55Acts chapter number 16 and verse 16 and 17. It says once we were going to the place of prayer
24:02And there was this female slave girl who had a spirit talking about a demonic spirit and she predicted the future
24:10She earned a great deal of money by predicting the future
24:14She followed Paul around and shouting and these men's are the servants of the Most High God
24:20She meets them and she goes these are God's
24:24People who are telling you the way to be saved
24:27Can I tell you how she knew the demons knew who Jesus was because they had seen Jesus
24:33They had known they knew the power of God. They knew the presence of the presence of the Holy Spirit
24:39They knew it and they began to say these men are
24:43servants of God they know things that you and I don't know and
24:48Demons can do things that you and I can't do the Bible talks in Matthew chapter number 8 in verse 31 and 32
24:55How Jesus began to drive out these demons out of pigs out of humans into pigs?
25:03So so so God Jesus drove the demons out and the demons left human bodies and went into pig
25:10bodies what I want you to understand is that
25:13Demons can possess people's bodies and they can also obviously according to Scripture possess animals
25:21And that's why your cat acts so crazy, but that's a whole nother a whole nother sermon, huh?
25:26But as we continue to talk about demons over the next several weeks
25:30I'm gonna teach you about demon possession and demon oppression
25:34Number nine is this can the devil and his angels repent can the devil and his angels repent the devil and his
25:43Angels their final fate is sealed
25:47They rebelled against God that they deceived the world. They've killed they've stolen
25:53they destroyed so many people's lives and God created hell for the devil and
26:00His angels somebody needs to hear this today. Hell was not created for you
26:05Hell was not created for humanity
26:08Matthew chapter 25 and verse 41 says says this then he will say to them
26:14Those on his left depart from me you who are cursed into eternal fire
26:19Prepared for the devil and his angels hell wasn't created for you
26:26God doesn't want any human being to go to hell
26:30Hell is for the devil. His fate is sealed
26:34God did not provide a plan of redemption for the angels like he did for humanity
26:40You see God the Father
26:43Loves you and I so much
26:46That he sent his one and only son Jesus Christ
26:50to die on the cross
26:52so that every human being's sins can be forgiven but God did not provide a
26:58salvation plan for fallen angels in
27:02Hebrews chapter 2 and verse 16 it says for surely it is not angels he helps but
27:08Abraham's descendants God doesn't help
27:12Fallen angels with the plan of salvation
27:14He sent Jesus for my sins and for your sins
27:18He sent Jesus for every human being to be able to be forgiven of their sins
27:23And let me say this to us today as I close
27:27Don't you dare?
27:29reject God's wonderful plan of salvation
27:33Don't you dare?
27:34Follow the devil to hell
27:37God has provided salvation for you through Jesus Christ
27:42but you have free will and you can choose to accept or reject God's plan of
27:51But the price has been paid
27:55Hell was not created for you
27:59You don't have to go to hell
28:02Jesus paid the price so that your sins can be
28:07Forgiven and here's the question
28:10Will you accept Jesus or will you reject him? Will you receive the free gift of salvation or?
28:17Will you reject what Jesus has done for you on the cross of Calvary?
28:22Today my hope and my prayer is that you accept the free gift of salvation. Heavenly Father. Thanks so much for your word as
28:29I just feel compelled and felt compelled to lay a theological foundation
28:35About the devil about demons to give people a better
28:40Understanding as we step into next week and get so much more practical, but God I thank you today
28:46for speaking to hearts
28:48Lord, I bind the devil in Jesus name
28:51I come against every demonic force
28:53That would try to hinder people from accepting Jesus as the Lord and Savior and I pray today at every location
28:59There'd be people that would say yes to Jesus and give their heart to the Lord
29:03Have your way in this place. I pray today at every location save lost people in Jesus name
29:09I pray if you're here today and you don't know Jesus as your Lord and Savior's eyes are still closed and heads are still bowed
29:15And you want to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior you you're far from God. You're not living from God for God
29:21You're serving yourself. You're serving the devil. You're serving the world
29:24Maybe you need to rededicate your life back to the Lord
29:27If that's you as I count to three, would you raise your hand high?
29:29Let me lead you in a prayer to say yes to Jesus today today is your day
29:34Don't let the devil talk you out of this decision today is your day to be made right with God one
29:41Three just lift it high right now. That's it. That's it. Come on Midwest City. It's lifted high Northwest lifted high
29:48See your hand there. Just lift it high. Is there somebody else today? You just flip your hand high say pastor
29:52I need salvation Edmund. Just lift your hand high those online. Just click the raise your hand button, Indianapolis
29:58Just lift it high. There's somebody else today. That's it. Just lift it high. That's it
30:01Come on, Midwest City. Come on Northwest. Come on Edmund. Come on Mabel Bassett in Jesus name
30:06You're gonna serve God not the devil
30:08I'm ask every hand that's raised the pray this prayer with me confess it with your mouth
30:11Believe it in your heart and God's gonna wash away your sins pray with me now Heavenly Father. I
30:16Turn my life over to Jesus Christ. I
30:21confess my sins and I confess that Jesus Christ is my Lord and as my Savior and
30:28From this day forward. I'm gonna live my life to please Jesus in Jesus name. I pray
