The Power Of One -- Bishop Dale C. Bronner

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00:00This is Bishop Dale Broder. Thank you so much for joining our YouTube channel today.
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00:31Well, our scriptural lesson today comes from the 22nd chapter of the book of Ezekiel, the Old Testament.
00:37You don't throw away the old because you get something new. It is the old that gives context and meaning to the new.
00:44But Ezekiel chapter 22 and verse 23 through 31, I know some of you are behind on your Bible reading, so we're going to catch up today.
00:54Reading from the New Living Translation of the Scriptures, notice these words.
00:58Again, the message came to me from the Lord. This is the prophet Ezekiel.
01:03Son of man, give the people of Israel this message.
01:06I hope you know that the church is a type of spiritual Israel today.
01:10In the day of my indignation, you will be like a polluted land, a land without rain.
01:17Your princes, the King James Version says prophets, plot conspiracies just as lions stalk their prey.
01:25They devour innocent people, seizing treasures and extorting wealth, and they make many widows in the land.
01:33Your priests have violated my instructions and defiled my holy things.
01:38They make no distinction between what is holy and what is not.
01:43And they do not teach my people the difference between what is ceremonially clean and unclean.
01:49They disregard my Sabbath days so that I am dishonored among them.
01:54Your leaders are like wolves who tear apart their victims.
01:58They actually destroy people's lives for money.
02:01And your prophets cover up for them by announcing false visions and making lying predictions.
02:08They say my message is from the sovereign Lord, and the Lord has not spoken a single word to them.
02:14Even common people oppress the poor, rob the needy, and deprive foreigners of justice.
02:20And I looked for someone who might rebuild the wall of righteousness that guards the land.
02:27I searched for someone to stand in the gap in the wall so that I wouldn't have to destroy the land, but I found no one.
02:37So I will pour out my fury on them, consuming them with the fire of my anger.
02:44I will heap on their heads the full penalty for all their sins.
02:49I, the sovereign Lord, have spoken.
02:53It sounds like this is a modern-day message to a modern culture in which we live today.
02:59But it is because human nature never changes.
03:04And God's word is still true.
03:07I'm speaking today simply from the subject, the power of one.
03:10The power of one.
03:13God said he began to describe the immorality, the illicit nature, the corruption, the greed that was driving the culture.
03:27As many of these same elements drive the culture today.
03:31And the falseness, the dishonesty, the getting over by any means necessary.
03:39And God is saying, listen, they have profaned that which is holy.
03:43They've acted as though God himself is not holy and they've not taught that there's a distinction between things that are holy and things that are secular or profane.
03:54And God says, I looked, he said, I didn't want to destroy the world.
04:00I didn't want to come and judge the culture.
04:02He says, so I looked for just one.
04:06One person that would stand in the gap and make up a hedge of protection so that I wouldn't have to come and do it.
04:14I looked for one person, a man.
04:17I looked for a woman.
04:18I looked for a son or daughter.
04:20I looked for one, just one.
04:22That's what I'm saying about the power of one.
04:24Just the power of one.
04:27You remember when God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah and Abraham is negotiating with him and said, if I find 50, will you save it?
04:35What about 45?
04:36What about 40?
04:37And he says, what if I find 10?
04:41I believe that he would have saved it for one.
04:43I believe it had only been one person on the earth.
04:45Jesus still would have come and spilled his blood.
04:48You're talking about the power of one.
04:51If I can find one person that will step in and step up.
04:56If I can find one person that will become a hedge of protection.
05:00When the devil has broken loose and is working, trying to dismantle and destroy families and mental health of individuals.
05:07If I can find one person that will be the one that will say, you've come thus far, devil, and no further.
05:14That no longer will you wreak havoc in my bloodline, in my family.
05:19He's looking for one person that will stand up and become an intercessor in the family and begin to plead the blood over all of the demonic tactics of the devil.
05:28He's, God says, can I find just one?
05:30The power of one.
05:32He's not looking for a whole crowd.
05:33He's not trying to get you to get on Facebook and Instagram and TikTok and find thousands of people to agree with you.
05:40God says, if I can find one person that will stand in the gap and make it up.
05:47You know, because you know, a chain is only as strong as its weakest link.
05:52And if he's going to get something about it to break, he'll go to that weak link.
05:56And God says, if I can just find one person who's willing to lay down their will.
06:02Risk it all.
06:04That's just willing to lose their life so they can save a whole community.
06:08Lose their reputation.
06:10Somebody that will lose, you know, just being ridiculed.
06:14He says, if I can find just one.
06:16I'm not looking for 10 or 20.
06:18If I can find one, one, one.
06:20He's just, he was just looking for one.
06:23It's not too much for God when there is corruption in the land.
06:28All he needs is one voice.
06:31When the world was filled with moral proficacy and sensuality, he raised up one, Jesus the Christ.
06:38I mean, when the children of Israel were in slavery, he raised up one, Moses.
06:43I'm just telling you, God, I'm just, he can just raise up one.
06:46When he was, wanted a king after his own heart, he raised up one, David.
06:50He just looked for one. He's looking for one.
06:53He was looking for a faithful person that would stand in the gap.
06:58A faithful person is not a perfect person.
07:00A faithful man is not a perfect man, but he's a man that is faithful to repent every time that he's wrong.
07:09He was just looking for one integrous person that he could speak his truth,
07:17that would stand up for righteousness, stand up for justice, stand up for sanity.
07:23He was looking for somebody that wouldn't allow the world to come and redefine what family is.
07:28Somebody that wouldn't try to alter the truth and then allow people to so-called live their truth,
07:34but to declare God's truth. God says, I'm just looking just for one.
07:38You have to realize the power of one in the little poem that says, you know,
07:42for the lack of a nail, a horseshoe was lost.
07:46For the lack of a horseshoe, a horse was lost.
07:49For the lack of a horse, a rider was lost.
07:51For the lack of a rider, a battle was lost.
07:54For the lack of a battle, a war was lost.
07:58And he said all of this for the lack of a single nail in a horseshoe.
08:05And if one nail can make that kind of a difference,
08:10if you don't think that one is too small of a number to make a difference,
08:14you've never had an issue with a mosquito being in your house.
08:21All it takes is one pebble in your shoe to make you uncomfortable.
08:25You're talking about the power of one?
08:27God says, if I can just find one, just one, not 10, not 20.
08:32If I can just start it with one, if I can just start it with one.
08:36He says, I'm just looking for somebody that will stand up and say enough.
08:42I need somebody who's willing to be able to rebuke the evil that is coming.
08:47To rebuke means to say stop it, that's enough.
08:49But it takes courage to do that.
08:52I just want to remind you today that what you allow will continue.
08:58Whatever you allow, it will continue.
09:01What you allow is what will continue.
09:05So when you get fed up with allowing certain things,
09:10that's when you rise up and rebuke it.
09:13You rebuke it.
09:15It's interesting in Genesis chapter 37.
09:19It's where Joseph's oldest brother, among all of his brothers,
09:25you know he had a host of brothers, I mean there was a ton of those children.
09:28And out of all of them, only one of them spoke up for Joseph
09:34because it was the consensus of the group of his own blood brothers,
09:38we're going to kill this dude.
09:41And he's got 11 brothers and they're all conspiring to kill him,
09:45but the oldest boy, Reuben,
09:47said hey, hey, let's not kill him.
09:51If we kill him, we don't make any profit off of him.
09:53Why don't we sell him?
09:56Well that was not much better, but at least he still had his life.
10:01And I'm grateful for old Reuben, the oldest boy,
10:04that even though it was greedy, but it was a plan that God used
10:08to preserve his life because they were going to need him later in the future.
10:14And so because he didn't agree to kill him,
10:18he said let's pull him up out of this hole and let's sell him into slavery
10:22and they sold him into slavery and you know how he wound up in Potiphar's house
10:26and over time God brought him to be second in command to the Pharaoh
10:30and he ended up saving their lives because of Reuben standing up.
10:35He just needed one, the rest of them said, you know, they were ready to kill him.
10:39But the oldest boy said no, just one.
10:43One stood in the gap because they said no, no, no, no, we're not going to kill our brother.
10:47We will not kill our brother.
10:49That was just one instance.
10:52Lay your hand on your chest. Say, I matter to God.
10:56And God matters to me.
10:58Say it again. I matter to God.
11:01And God matters to me.
11:03Say it once again. I matter to God.
11:06And God matters to me.
11:08Please remember, one is never too small a number to make a difference.
11:14One is never too small a number to make a difference.
11:18One smile can start a friendship.
11:21One conversation can shift perspective.
11:24One sound investment can bolster your financial portfolio.
11:29One look can convey unacceptable behavior or approval.
11:33One person can change your destiny.
11:36One decision can change your direction in life.
11:39Just one decision, one opportunity can be a portal to a lifestyle transformation.
11:45One prayer can break the power of the devil over a life.
11:49One step can begin a person's road to freedom.
11:54Just one, one word, just one word can lift your spirit.
12:00One word saying I believe in you.
12:02One word that says God can raise you up again.
12:05One word that can say it will be different this time.
12:09One word that says God is not finished with you yet.
12:13One word from God can shift your life and shift your destiny.
12:19Just one word from God.
12:22Sometimes you need just one person that will say you've got this.
12:27You need one person in your life that says I believe in you.
12:30You need one person that will say even if everything goes wrong, I'll still be here
12:35for you.
12:36Go for it baby.
12:37I believe in you.
12:38I believe in you.
12:39I see God's hand of destiny in you.
12:42You need somebody in whose eyes you can do no wrong.
12:46You need a grandmama that'll still say that's my baby.
12:49That will encourage you.
12:50That can speak life to you.
12:52That can prophesy your destiny so that you realize that my history is nothing to be able
12:59to hold me away from the destiny in the future that God has prepared for me.
13:05You need somebody that'll believe in you when you've messed up.
13:09When we least deserve love, that's when we need it most.
13:13And God has birthed love in somebody's heart to be able to speak to you and say I believe
13:20in you.
13:21You will finish your course.
13:23You will run your race.
13:25You will come through this.
13:27You will be restored.
13:29You will be healed.
13:30You will have your, this thing back.
13:33The vision will come to pass.
13:35No matter how long it is tarry, wait for it.
13:39God is faithful.
13:47So whether it's a grandmother, a grandfather, a mother, or a father, a husband, or a wife,
13:52a coach, a friend, a mentor, you need somebody who has the ability to look beyond your mishap,
14:00your misstep, your failure, your mix-up, your hang-up, your hiccup.
14:06You need somebody that can reach beyond the break and see the destiny of God because whenever
14:14God has purpose for your life, He will never put the full destiny of who God called you
14:21to be and what He called you to do in the hands of another two-legged human being.
14:29He will not.
14:31As long as we have given God our yes, nobody can reverse it.
14:38When God blesses you, He says I will not take it back.
14:42It is irrevocable.
14:44I will not call it back.
14:46I bless you to be able to succeed.
14:49And the Bible says that when we are God's servant, He said, who are you to judge another
14:54man's servant?
14:58I don't know about you, but I'm just glad that sometimes just the power of one to be
15:02able to encourage, to say go and do it again, go and rise up and live and be who God called
15:09you to be.
15:11But one thing is sure, nobody just drifts toward holiness.
15:18Holiness and righteousness is always done by intentionality.
15:22You don't stumble into salvation.
15:26You don't fall into repentance.
15:30That has to come by an act of a decision.
15:34All change is a result of a decision.
15:36It's where I decided to follow Jesus.
15:39Nobody can pull a rope and pull you and make you do it.
15:42No, no, no.
15:43That's something that you've got to do volitionally.
15:46You got to say, Lord, I come and I, I, I fall on the rock so that the rock doesn't
15:50have to fall on me.
15:52It's where we see him and then we, we yield ourselves to him.
15:55But nobody just drifts toward holiness.
16:00You leave things to themselves and they decay, they decline.
16:05My friend Aaron McManus says that we must never underestimate the importance of one
16:12One word or one deed in the life of another human being.
16:17Just the power of one.
16:19Sometimes one moment, God can shift your life in just one moment.
16:24Sometimes everything is going topsy-turvy and sometimes in a moment of time, God will
16:29just send a moment and it's a divine moment and it begins to shift your life.
16:33One word can shift your life.
16:35One word from God can change your life.
16:38One deed, just one deed, it was this one thing that happened that shifted and made
16:43me start believing a different way.
16:45Just one deed.
16:46You don't ever know the value of the power of just one, just the power of one.
16:51It only takes one spark to get a fire going.
16:55That's all, just one, just one, just one spark.
16:57And you might feel like, you know what, I, I want to paint the town red.
17:01I want to, I want to start a fire of, of, of a revival.
17:04But listen, and I don't want you to feel like that your boss is just one spark.
17:08That's all it takes is a spark to get a fire going.
17:12Ask some people out in California that have had these fires that just burn out of control.
17:18You ask one of them what a spark can do, a spark from the butt of a cigarette.
17:22You ask them what it can do and then it ends up destroying acres and acres of land.
17:27Just one spark, one spark, one spark.
17:32It only takes a spark to get a fire going and you think that you can discount the little
17:38spark that's in your voice, the spark that is in your act of kindness, the spark is in,
17:45that's in your sharing your story and your testimony of what Jesus has done to you.
17:51Don't ever underestimate the power of a spark.
17:54It may not be much, but it only takes a spark to get a fire going.
17:58Just a spark, just a spark.
18:01But listen, whenever God gives you a word, the devil will bring and create circumstances
18:08that look like the antithesis of what God said prophetically concerning you.
18:13It is a common strategy of the enemy.
18:15And this is why we're reminded, you know, Joseph had to be reminded Psalm 105 and verse
18:2119, until though that word came to pass of what God told him about his dream, the word
18:28of the Lord tested him.
18:30Listen, until that word came to pass, that word tested him.
18:36Until whatever God promises you prophetically comes to pass, it will test you.
18:42Trust me on that.
18:43It will test you.
18:44It'll test you.
18:46And here's the test.
18:48It's a test to get you to doubt God.
18:52In Matthew chapter three and verse 17, this is when Jesus is being baptized by John and
18:58all of a sudden a voice spoke from heaven saying, this is my beloved son in whom I
19:06am well pleased.
19:08He spoke from heaven and said, this is my beloved son in whom I'm well pleased.
19:17Now God said that as a word that's given to Jesus.
19:21This is my beloved son in whom I'm well pleased.
19:27Then in Matthew chapter four, the very first verse, now the spirit, capital S, the Holy
19:32Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil for 40 days and 40 nights.
19:40Chapter four of Matthew and verse three, the devil comes to Jesus and said, has God not
19:50said to get him to doubt what God said?
19:55He says, if you are the son of God, turn these stones into bread.
20:04Now God had just told him in Matthew chapter three, verse 17, this is my beloved son and
20:13whom I'm well pleased.
20:14The last thing God said to him, this is my son.
20:19It's like he was on the Maury show.
20:21You are the father.
20:24He knew he was the father and this is my beloved son.
20:32And a few verses over, the last thing God told him, this is my beloved son.
20:39It's the first thing that was tried in the wilderness of temptation.
20:44He tried him saying, if you are the son of God to make him doubt whether he was God's
20:51son or not.
20:53The same devil is still getting people to doubt whether they're a son of God or daughter
21:00of God because of what's happening to them.
21:03That if I were his daughter, if I were his son, why would I be feeling this way?
21:08Why would I be going through this?
21:10Why am I having such a hard time?
21:12Why is that resistance?
21:13It's because until that word comes to pass, the word will test you.
21:17It's going to try you.
21:18You're going to go through hell and high water with that thing because everything demonic
21:22is going to come to try to make you believe that this is not so.
21:26You remember that same devil?
21:28It's not a new tactic.
21:29It's an old tactic.
21:30He doesn't have to create new tricks because all of his old ones still work.
21:36And so you go back to the book of beginnings and you see the work of Satan operating in
21:43the garden with Adam and Eve.
21:46He's in the garden and he doesn't tempt Adam and Eve to murder.
21:52He doesn't tempt them to lie.
21:54He doesn't tempt them to steal.
21:57He tempts them to question God's word to them.
22:01Has God not said that you may eat of the fruit, all of these, he just made them question what
22:09God said.
22:10He didn't tempt them to steal and kill and commit adultery.
22:13He tempted them to doubt God's word.
22:16Because when you doubt God's word, you doubt his character.
22:22God's character is impeccable.
22:26He is without spot or blemish.
22:28He is without blame.
22:30There is no fault in him.
22:33God is impeccable.
22:37And there, if he can get you to doubt the character of God, now I can't trust anything
22:42you say.
22:45You know when the Bible says that a good name is rather to be chosen than great riches?
22:50The only reason that a name is good, a good name, the only reason that a name is good
22:58is because the character is good behind it.
23:01You don't get a good name if you don't have good character.
23:05A good name, he's saying good character, is rather to be chosen.
23:10God is the character of integrity itself.
23:14God is integrity personified.
23:16And if you can't, if the devil can get you to distrust God's character, you'll also question
23:23and deny God's power.
23:27It's amazing what happens in just that.
23:30It's interesting how the Bible says that God made Abraham's name great.
23:39But before God made Abraham's name great, Abraham made his name good.
23:45Because if your name is no good, God can never make it great.
23:51You can trust that.
23:53So his strategy today is to get people to doubt what God told you.
23:59He's not trying to get you to do all of these other things.
24:03God's greatest need is to be believed.
24:08Trust me, trust in the Lord with all of your heart.
24:11And if he can get his people to distrust, it is the greatest way to insult and impugn
24:16the character of God.
24:18So the devil's real ultimate pinnacle sin is to get you to where you question God because
24:26that's the doorway into all of the sin.
24:30It's when you question the validity and solidity of God's word.
24:38God said that he exalted his word above his name.
24:43And so he says, trust me, take me at my word.
24:49We used to have a saying, it used to mean something when you said a man's word is his
24:55A man's word, God's word is his bond.
25:01That's why I used to love it, you know, in the 10 commandments when they would say, so
25:05let it be written, so let it be done.
25:08Because the word, it was etched in stone, they put a seal on it, so let it be written,
25:12so let it be done.
25:14And when God speaks it, a thing decreed shall be established.
25:20And the word, God says, my word that goes forth out of my mouth, it shall not return
25:26unto me void.
25:27It's going to keep on going and keep on going and keep on going until it accomplishes that
25:32which I please.
25:35It might skip over you, it might hit your son, your daughter, your grandson, your granddaughter.
25:41The promise that was given to Abraham manifested in the grandchild Jacob.
25:47Abraham had one son of promise, Isaac had two, but Jacob, the nation, was born with
25:54But see, that was a word that kept on, that was the prevailing word.
26:01That was the proceeding word that never stops, that whatever God has declared, it may not
26:05look like it yet.
26:07Keep on speaking it, keep on believing it, never doubt the word of God, you speak it,
26:13speak it, faith comes by hearing and hearing.
26:16Faith comes by hearing and hearing that God, I believe you, God, I trust you.
26:20Speak it, speak it, speak it, speak it, speak it, declare it, declare it, declare it.
26:26Establish that thing, that it's not what it looks like.
26:30Faith comes by hearing, doubt comes by seeing, so the devil will show you that it's not here
26:37yet and make you doubt that it will ever come.
26:40But the devil is a liar and he's a deceiver.
26:46The world says, show me and I'll believe you.
26:49God says, believe me, and then I will show you.
26:53It's amazing.
26:58One of the main reasons that it's so difficult to find people that will stand up and represent
27:04truth is because it has consequences.
27:09There's a price that you pay for it.
27:12You get attacked if you stand up just for the truth nowadays and that's why the word
27:17that God gives you is going to be tried.
27:20The moment that you give your testimony, you testify about a healing and then the next
27:24thing you know, here comes a symptom of that thing back to try to make you believe that
27:28you are not healed.
27:31A symptom is nothing more than a temptation to reclaim a condition over which God has
27:36already healed you.
27:41But I love the words of Albert Camus who said that those who lack courage will always find
27:47a philosophy to justify it.
27:50If you lack courage, courage, courage, strength of heart, courage, courage, a resolve of your
28:01If you don't have courage, courage is a merger of your, your mind and your will and your
28:06emotions all coming and converging on one thing saying that we will do this.
28:12You may not even know how, but there is a courage that rises up with all of your mind,
28:17your soul, your emotions, your will, your intellect, and it says, I will not give up.
28:22I will not give up.
28:26You will discover this, that behind every strong person is a story that gave them no
28:39And I'll just say this, that when God used a, a flawed person like Jacob, the wonderful
28:48beauty about Jacob is that Jacob didn't pretend to be perfect.
28:52He was honest before God, flawed as we all are, but he admitted it.
29:03You see, if you ever walk through a wrong door, just admit it.
29:11It's better to admit that you walked through a wrong door than to live in a wrong room
29:16all your life.
29:22And uh, I mean, I, I was, I was in a restaurant and I went into the restroom and there was
29:28a lady standing up in there and I'm like, excuse me.
29:31She looked at me and she said, excuse me.
29:36And she was thinking that she was in the women's restroom and I'm thinking that she was in
29:42the men's restroom.
29:44She saw a man in the, in the woman's restroom and it turned out that I was in the women's
29:51And, and because I, I looked at her and I said, can I help you?
29:56She said, can I help you?
30:01And then it made me wonder, so I looked around and I saw no urinal against the wall.
30:07I said, my bad, my bad.
30:13I mean, if you walk through a wrong door, admit it and quit it instead of living in
30:21a wrong room the rest of your life with regret, questioning your identity.
30:29I just, I just had to back out and go to the men's room.
30:36I was thinking she was on my territory when I was on hers.
30:41And it so reminded me, that's why sometimes if you are wrong, you just have to admit it.
30:52And there was a lady that had walked in the Starbucks to have a coffee and she'd bought
30:59a package of cookies and she's sitting there with an older gentleman at the table across
31:04from her and she'd put all of her things down and she, she reached in the package of
31:11cookies and started eating one and then the man in front of her reached in the pack of
31:16cookies and ate one.
31:20She was like, I know this man didn't just eat one of my cookies and then she reached
31:26in and got another and then he reached in and got another and there were not but six
31:33there and she reached in and got another and he reached in and got the last one.
31:42And she said, the nerve of him.
31:45And it wasn't until she was on her way out and went to reach down and got her bag and
31:50realized that her unopened package of cookies was in her bag.
31:56She was not eating her cookies, she was eating, and he never opened his mouth.
32:07It's amazing.
32:09And that's why I said, just, just admit when you've gone through a wrong door than to live
32:14in a wrong room.
32:17Pride is the strength of life.
32:19It's the strength of sin.
32:21Pride is the strength of sin.
32:24When people are wrong and will not change, it's because of pride.
32:29It takes humility to admit that you're wrong.
32:32And so I just admitted to the woman when I'm in the women's restroom that my bad, I was
32:41I'm in the wrong place, but I don't intend to live here.
32:45And I backed out of that situation.
32:49And whatever it is that you're in and you realize this is not where I'm supposed to
32:53be, no matter the call of nature that brought you there, your carnal nature.
33:02But when you realize this is not where I'm supposed to be, you back out of the room and
33:11go to the right room instead of living in the wrong room all of your life.
33:20I don't know about you, but failure has taught me more valuable lessons than success ever
33:26has or ever will.
33:29Here's what I believe.
33:30I believe that our failures can deepen our connection with God as opposed to dampen it.
33:37Our connection can be deepened by our failures.
33:41Failures can deepen our connection to God instead of dampening it.
33:45They are our weaknesses that reveal our need of God's strength.
33:52They're just our weaknesses when we're weak, He is strong.
33:57It is our weakness that qualifies for God's strength.
34:03You know like in order to get welfare, you know how you have to qualify for welfare.
34:07You can't just be making a million dollars and apply for welfare.
34:12You have to be financially weak enough to qualify.
34:15It is your weakness that qualifies us for His strength.
34:20So what we can't do in and of ourselves, we qualify by admitting our weaknesses.
34:27And somehow our weaknesses, our failures, they don't dampen our connection to God, they
34:34deepen our connection with God.
34:36If you've ever been broken through failure, it doesn't make you more arrogant, it makes
34:41us come to where, God I need You now more than I've ever needed You all of the days
34:45of my life.
34:46God, and if I ever needed You, I need You now.
34:50And I'm willing to change whatever it is, God, that You need to take away.
34:53Search me, God.
34:54I mean it gives us complete permission to ask God to just turn the searchlight of His
34:59Word on us and examine us so that if there's any wicked way in us that then God will lead
35:04us in the way everlasting.
35:07It's the way that God works.
35:09In Genesis chapter 32, when Jacob sent his wives ahead and all of his children ahead
35:16of him that night and it left him in a place where he was broken before God.
35:24And he was fighting so hard that he wouldn't turn loose.
35:30The Bible says the angel of the Lord realized that he could not prevail against him.
35:38This is the angel of the Lord that couldn't prevail against Jacob because Jacob was so
35:43desperate to have the blessing of God in his life that he said, I won't let you loose.
35:48I will not turn you loose until you bless me.
35:52And the only way that he could get out of that is the angel had to hit him in the, in
35:58the hip, in the hollow of his hip and cause the sinew to draw up.
36:03So that Jacob after that night, God says, I'm gonna hurt you so badly that I, I'm gonna
36:08leave you with a limp the rest of your life.
36:11But you'll still be able to move and you'll still be able to live and you'll still be
36:15able to have your being and you'll still be able to accomplish the will that I have for
36:20But I'm gonna leave a mark.
36:21I'm going to mark this night that you have wrestled with me.
36:24I'm going to mark this night that was transformational in your life, that it will let you know that
36:29this is where the accident happened.
36:31This is where the blessing came in, but he says, I'm not going to turn you loose until
36:35you bless me.
36:36But he said, I'm gonna bless you, but I'm gonna hurt you in the process.
36:39And listen, that's why you have to ask the question, can you stand to be blessed?
36:43The thing is, can you stand to be broken?
36:45Because God will break you before he blesses you.
36:50He will often before the real blessing comes out of your life, God has to break you.
36:54It is amazing that with, with the egg of a chicken egg, you know, the moment that, uh,
37:02life, uh, if you, if you break it, life ends.
37:07But if it, if it, if you break it from the outside, life ends.
37:11But if the chicken develops, matures and breaks it from the inside, life begins.
37:19And that's why if you can ever break, you can begin a brand new life.
37:25God will restore some things because you've been boxed in.
37:29But if you ever begin to grow, you see it's, that's the anointing, the fatness that makes
37:35you so large that what was binding you can no longer bind you.
37:40The yolk shall be broken or destroyed because of the, the fatness.
37:47All is fat.
37:52And when it comes into your life, as it came into the life of Jacob, it left him in a place.
37:58That's why I love the words of A.W.
38:00Tozer who said that it is doubtful whether God can bless a man greatly until he has hurt
38:05him deeply.
38:06And if you have been hurt deeply, you are prime candidate for an incredible blessing.
38:11That's why you got to stand to be blessed.
38:13There are some things that you will never be able to have a blessing in your life until
38:18you have gone through the brokenness and you've gone through the hurt.
38:21But when you go through that, something amazing happens in your life.
38:27But I believe that the only reason that Jacob was not able to just surrender in that fight
38:33and just give up, even though he's fighting with a divine being, he's fighting with the
38:37representative of the kingdom of God himself, but he still wouldn't turn a loose.
38:41He said, I'm not going to let you loose until you bless me.
38:45You got to bless me.
38:46I'm not going to turn it loose.
38:47I believe that it's because Jacob had suffered with this, this false identity that had been
38:52laid on him by the name Jacob, trickster, con artist, supplanter, deceiver.
39:01He had lived under the curse of that name.
39:04So every time somebody referred to him, it referred and reminded him of a crooked nature
39:10that was in him.
39:12And the only blessing that came was Israel, prince with God, that you are no longer going
39:17to call yourself a deceiver.
39:19You're a prince with God.
39:20Don't let anybody make you now not, you know, doubt that you are a prince.
39:25This is my beloved son.
39:27You are a prince of God.
39:29You got to understand your identity in him.
39:33But I believe the only reason that he was really able to hang on is not because he was
39:38such a strong man, but he knew that something coming after him was dependent on him.
39:46And that's why Jacob couldn't give up because had Jacob given up, Joseph would have given
39:53And he said, everything that's attached to me, that when I come out, they're coming
40:01That's when the God of my father's, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of
40:10I'm glad I'm so glad that he didn't change his name, that I'm the God of Abraham, Isaac
40:15and Israel.
40:16He said, I'm the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
40:20I identify as the God of that broken one.
40:23I'm the God of that messed up one.
40:24I am the God that had that old carnal nature.
40:27I'm that God.
40:28I'm the one that delivered him.
40:31But he was fighting for his family.
40:33He was fighting for his lineage.
40:35He was fighting for everything that would come after him.
40:39So he's like, this is not just about me.
40:41This is about my son and my daughter.
40:43This is about my grandchildren, my nieces, my nephew.
40:47He said, I got to fight for them because if I give up, they'll give up.
40:51If I end my life, they'll end theirs.
40:53I got to fight for them.
40:56That's why he couldn't turn up.
40:58He was shifting a generation.
41:00He was shifting a mindset.
41:03He was shifting people that would have dropped out of college.
41:06He's shifting people that would have been changing jobs every few months.
41:10He was shifting people that would move out of the apartment and not pay their bill.
41:14He was shifting and said, we've got to stop the insanity no more.
41:19The book stops here.
41:21The book stops.
41:22He needed one, the power of one in the family.
41:38It is interesting how in Joshua chapter 6,
41:46there was a single heroic act that happened by a prostitute.
41:52The Bible calls her a harlot.
41:55She worked the red light district.
41:58She had a house on the wall where everybody could see going by her place and she'd invite
42:03folks to come in and relieve themselves.
42:08That's how she made her money.
42:09That's how she paid her rent.
42:11And the spies, the Hebrew spies, the Israelite spies stumble into her place.
42:19And she was, how may I help you?
42:23And they're like, we're here to help you.
42:25We're in trouble because we own an assignment, but we're going to tear this town down.
42:30And if you'll help us, we'll save you and everything that's in your house.
42:36She let that scarlet cord out of her apartment window.
42:40It was the sign to them that this is a woman.
42:43That became the rope.
42:44It was the bloodline.
42:47It was the bloodline.
42:48It was just like the one where he said, take a lamb in the observance of the Passover and
42:53a lamb for every household.
42:55Eat the lamb, roast it and eat it and put the blood of that lamb on the doorpost.
43:00He said, I want you to get the lamb in you and on everything in your house.
43:05I want you to get it in you.
43:06If you got it in you, don't you stop until you put it on the doorpost so that everything
43:11in your house, your son, your daughter, your niece, your nephew, everybody that come to
43:15visit your cousin, your perverted uncle, that you, I mean everything that's in your family,
43:20everything that's attached to your last name, everything that's attached to your bloodline
43:24that I'm standing here, that God, that you will do something in me and through me.
43:29If God could do this through a prostitute by the name of rehab, and let me just tell
43:34you who this prostitute was.
43:36She married a man and had a baby with him, and that baby's name was Boaz.
43:43Boaz had a son named Obed, Obed had a son named Jesse, Jesse had a son named David,
43:50David had a son, thou son of David, my God.
44:00I just came to remind you today that the power of one, just one prostitute that God
44:07gave grace to and mercy because she was kind, because she saw an opportunity to say, God,
44:15if there's anything that you can use by an old prostitute that works in the red light
44:20district, if you can use anything that I've got that's available, Jesus, I give it to
44:27I submit it to you.
44:28Not only did she, it saved her, it saved everybody in her family, her mama, her daddy,
44:36her brother, her sister, her son, her daughter, it saved her son, Boaz.
44:47And she put herself in the lineage of Jesus.
44:50If you'll go to Matthew chapter one and verse four, you will see rehab, rehab, rehab, rehab.
44:56She is in the lineage of Jesus the Christ because she was bold enough to do something
45:02that nobody else would do.
45:06I love the words of Confucius, Confucius said, we have two lives and the second one begins
45:12when we realize we only have one.
45:16It's amazing that sometimes the life that you have can change the world.
45:26Never underestimate the power of one person's prayer.
45:34Never underestimate the power of one person's idea.
45:40Never underestimate the power of one responsible child in the family.
45:46You can have 10 children, 12 children, 15 children, and there's one responsible child
45:51that they know when something goes down, when somebody dies, you call this child.
45:57And you wonder sometimes that only child feels like, well, why is everything all falling
46:01on me like I don't have any brothers and sisters?
46:02Why is everything falling on me?
46:05God bless you.
46:06I mean, thank God for the power of one.
46:08Thank God for one that will take responsibility, that will rise up and say, God, use me, use
46:15God will use you to deliver the whole family.
46:16You wonder, and they, you got to still smile and you can't let them know that you're hurting.
46:21And they look at you like you're a superwoman, like you're a superman, like you're the only
46:24one and you wonder why.
46:27And everything needs to be done and nobody is coming and offering help, nobody is bringing
46:31you money, nobody is sending you things to take care of your bill, and you got to stand
46:35there and struggle and pray and believe God and trying to pull everybody together and
46:40try to get everybody on one — God says if I just got one, if I've got one, it only takes
46:44a spark.
46:45I just need one somebody and if that one person, just one, one person, one vision can change
46:52a whole city.
46:53One person's gift, just using your gift, just one book can be able to be something that
46:58will shift somebody's mindset.
47:00Just one example, one example.
47:02I love it when I can find videos of older people, older people, I mean octogenarians
47:07and centenarians.
47:10I love to be able to see them lifting weights and doing push-ups and pull-ups and all kind
47:14of stuff.
47:15It inspires me and it says if they can do this while they're nearly 100 years old and
47:21what's my excuse?
47:22They inspire me.
47:23That one example encourages me to do better.
47:27Just that's all you need is one.
47:29One victory makes a difference.
47:31It's almost like the domino effect.
47:33If you never get the first one to fall, it's always getting the first one, but when the
47:38first one falls, if everything else is lined up behind it, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, the
47:46power of one.
47:47You just, God will tap the one, but he's waiting on us to get things lined up.
47:52If you knock the one down, but where there's no alignment, nothing happens.
47:56You don't get the domino effect and God is waiting.
47:58You wonder, Lord, why are you waiting so long?
48:00He's waiting for you to get all of your chips in a row.
48:03He's waiting because when all that he has to do is send the wind to blow the first one
48:09and when one falls, it will start the domino effect of everything after that that's going
48:15to call and fall into place and the older that you get, it'll fall the easier and faster
48:21the older that you get.
48:23One victory can shift it.
48:24One sacrifice can change the whole destiny of the world.
48:29Because all that he needed was one, just one.
48:34And then let's notice this in Romans chapter five and verse 12 down through 19.
48:39Therefore, as sin came into the world through one man and death through sin, so death has
48:46spread to all men because all have sinned.
48:51For until the law, sin was in the world, but sin is not counted where there is no law.
48:56Nevertheless, death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over those who had not sinned in its
49:01likeness of Adam's sin, who was a type of him who was to come.
49:06But the free gift is not like the trespass.
49:10For if through the trespass of one, one man, many died, then how much more has the grace
49:16of God and the free gift by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ abounded to many.
49:22The gift is not like the result that came through the one who sinned for the judgment
49:27from the one sin led to condemnation, but the free gift, which came after many trespasses
49:33leads to justification.
49:36For if by one man's trespass, death reigned through him, then how much more will those
49:42who receive abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness reign in life through the
49:47one Jesus Christ.
49:49Therefore, just as through the trespass of one man came condemnation for all men, so
49:55through the righteous act of one came justification of life for all men.
50:01For just as through one man's disobedience, the many were made sinners, so by the obedience
50:08of one, of one, the many will be made righteous.
50:15One is never too small a number to make a difference.
50:19It is the power of one.
50:23And France was in trouble with a 19-year-old girl by the name of Joan of Arc that risked
50:29her life because here she was, a courageous, fiery young woman that said that she felt
50:36that she was under a divine mandate to do what she did.
50:40And her courage became contagious to the men and bristled courage on the inside of them
50:48and she said, follow me as she went over the hill and led them into a victorious battle.
50:54She was doing that to preserve the king of France.
50:59And if a daughter, a 19-year-old courageous woman did this for an earthly king, how much
51:06more can we be an army of one that will then inspire somebody seeing our courage to serve
51:14God and to love God and to sacrifice.
51:17She died at 19.
51:19They put her to death, but she was not afraid.
51:24She led courageously.
51:26And that's why if you're really going to have a life in him, you got to be willing to lay
51:30yours down.
51:32Bow your heads.
51:33Nobody walking, please just in reverence to God as we wait in him.
51:40God honors our reverence of him.
51:42He's holy.
51:44He's sovereign.
51:45He's merciful.
51:47Somebody's life is hanging in the balance right now.
51:49And there are people who assume that if they had the right circumstances that everything
51:55would be right in their life and they would be happy.
51:57It's not about your being in the right circumstances.
52:01It's about the right one being in you.
52:06We have to be in Christ.
52:07He has to be in us.
52:08Jesus said, except you eat my flesh and drink my blood, you have no part of me.
52:13We have to have the lamb in us.
52:15We have to consume the lamb.
52:16The lamb must be in us, not around us, not on the coffee table.
52:21The lamb must be in us.
52:24And when it's in us, then we can plead the blood over the doorposts of everything else
52:27that's in the house.
52:29But he's after you.
52:32You're in the biggest battle of your life right now.
52:38And while the world is going to hell in a handbasket, God is standing as a loving father
52:43waiting on the portal saying, come home.
52:46He's like, I know that you've been out there while and out, but I still love you.
52:51I know you wasted everything that I've given you, but I still love you.
52:56And it's amazing that here after he had spent all, he had asked for his inheritance and
53:03the father gave it to him and he had spent everything.
53:08But when he came home, the father says, bring a ring, bring shoes, bring a robe.
53:15I thought he got all of his stuff when he left.
53:19There are some blessings that can never be exported from father's house.
53:25They abide in the house.
53:29And when you are in Abba's house, there are some things that God will provide over your
53:36life that nobody can rob.
53:39And you might have messed up and lost all kind of stuff, but God is a restorer.
53:46While heads are bowed, the day and eyes are closed and you realize, God, I've messed up,
53:49I've done some freaky things, some crazy things, some disrespectful things, some dishonorable
53:54things, some shameful things.
53:55But Jesus, listen, you don't die because you fall in the water, you die because you stay
54:01The good news of the Gospel is that you don't have to stay there.
54:05There's a life raft called Jesus that's been extended out to us.
54:10And as we get on board, he receives us.
54:15While heads are bowed and eyes are closed, if you're in this place and you say, God,
54:20I need you.
54:21I know that, I know that I'm not where I need to be with you.
54:27I'm doing things that I know better than to do and I really don't have peace.
54:33I need peace, Lord, in my life.
54:35I need peace, I wasn't designed to live this way, I need peace.
54:39One word, one decision can change your life right now.
54:43One decision, one decision can change the direction of your life, one decision.
54:51If you're ready to make that decision today, while heads are bowed and eyes are closed,
54:56just slip one hand up to God.
54:57Just slip one hand up to God, it's, it's your sign of surrender saying, God, I'm surrendering
55:01to you.
55:02This is the most noble thing that you can do.
55:04Thank you, thank you, thank you, yes, thank you, thank you, yes, thank you.
55:07Thank you so much for your honesty today, God loves that.
55:10Thank you.
55:11Those of you that raised a hand or should've raised your hand, I want to ask you to stand
55:13up right where you are.
55:14Just stand up, just stand up.
55:15If you raised your hand or should've raised your hand, stand up right where you are.
55:18Just stand up, just stand up, just stand up.
55:20My, he so loves that.
55:22He so loves that.
55:23You're, you're, you're, you're standing up as your way of saying with your body, I'm
55:27coming up out of this.
55:28I'm coming up out of this, I'm not gonna live like this anymore.
55:32There's some other folks that need you.
55:34They need to see the example of what you're doing.
55:36And when God brings you out, there are some others that he knows that you're gonna bring
55:41Those of you that are standing, come, come, come right here, meet me here.
55:43I've got some literature that we want to leave with you today, come, come, come, come.
55:47We celebrate you today, this is the best decision of your life.
55:50My God, these, these are sons and daughters coming back home, come, come, come, come.
55:55Come this way, come, come, come, come to Jesus today, come on to Jesus today.
56:02The blood still works, miracles still happen.
56:05He's a God that has delivered, that does deliver and yet shall deliver.
56:09He's still in the delivering business.
56:12You think that you're in something too deep and that you can't get out?
56:15I'm telling you, God can get you out.
56:18If they got a contract on your life, the blood overrides the contract.
56:23Today we cancel every assignment, every contract.
56:29In the name of Jesus, come on, come on, come on.
56:33You've been dealing with addictions, come on, come on.
56:36Your willpower will not get you free out of an addiction, but the blood can.
56:40The blood breaks the curse, the blood breaks the curse.
56:44The blood of Jesus breaks the curse, the blood breaks the curse, the blood breaks the curse,
56:51the blood breaks the curse.
56:56In the name of Jesus, come, come, come.
56:58They're still coming, they're still coming.
57:00Thank you, Jesus.
57:02Thank you, Jesus.
57:03Thank you, Jesus.
57:04Thank you, Jesus.
57:06Thank you.
57:07Thank you.
57:08Thank you.
57:09Thank you.
57:10Some mother's prayers being answered right now.
57:12Some grandmothers, there's been a word that's been after you.
57:21God didn't want to let you go.
57:22He didn't want to let you go.
57:23He didn't want to let you go.
57:25He's over your life right now.
57:26He's over your life right now.
57:28God's getting ready to shift destiny in this room.
57:31He's getting ready to shift destiny in this room, that make you — put you on a brand
57:36new path, give you a brand new purpose, open up your eyes.
57:40God's going to bring you peace and a rest that's coming to your soul.
57:43God's going to restore your dignity.
57:46He's going to take away the shame.
57:49He's going to take away the guilt.
57:53He's a healer.
57:55We hope that you enjoyed that message.
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58:09Thank you for what you do.
