Peppa Pig English Episodes New HD Peppa Pig Playlist

  • le mois dernier


00:00:00I'm Peppa Pig. This is my little brother George. This is Mummy Pig. And this is Daddy Pig. Peppa Pig. Gym class.
00:00:17Peppa and her friends are going to the gym today.
00:00:21Let's check you've all got your gym kits on.
00:00:25Pedro is wearing a superhero costume.
00:00:28Pedro, where is your gym kit?
00:00:30It's at home. I thought it was dressing up day.
00:00:35Follow me children.
00:00:37This is the gym where mummies and daddies come to exercise and enjoy themselves.
00:00:43Are you all having fun?
00:00:45Yes, lots of fun.
00:00:48Your gym teacher for today is Grumpy Rabbit.
00:00:52Where is he?
00:00:54Hello children. Are you ready to exercise?
00:00:58Yes, Grumpy Rabbit.
00:01:03Do we have to do that?
00:01:06No, that's only for big athletes like me. Not for little explorers like you.
00:01:11We're not explorers.
00:01:13I'll make explorers of you. But you, you look like a superhero.
00:01:19It's just pretend.
00:01:22Pretending, that's good. Right, let's warm up.
00:01:27Everyone, run on the spot.
00:01:30And clap your arms.
00:01:33Now stretch.
00:01:37Bubble like a jelly.
00:01:45And rest.
00:01:47Now we're all warmed up, we can start.
00:01:50Start what?
00:01:52Your adventure. I want you to pretend that this room is a jungle.
00:01:58It doesn't look like a jungle. Where are the trees?
00:02:02You have to imagine it. The trees, the rain, the fast flowing river at your feet.
00:02:08Your first adventure is to walk on this beam across the river.
00:02:14That's easy.
00:02:17But it's night time and it's windy.
00:02:23That's how it was for me. It was a dark and stormy night.
00:02:29I was on an adventure.
00:02:36But it's not windy or night time.
00:02:40You have to pretend.
00:02:43Everyone crosses the pretend river safely.
00:02:49Well done, my little explorers.
00:02:52What's next, Grumpy Rabbit?
00:02:54Your next adventure is to swing across this swamp full of crocodiles.
00:03:01I can't see any crocodiles.
00:03:04You've got to pretend.
00:03:06Let those crocodiles know who's boss.
00:03:10Go away, you naughty crocodiles.
00:03:13That's the spirit.
00:03:15Did you ever swing across a crocodile swamp?
00:03:18Of course I did.
00:03:19Were you scared?
00:03:21Not as scared as they were of me.
00:03:32Ready? Don't forget to do the call.
00:03:36Everyone has crossed the pretend crocodile swamp safely.
00:03:40Well done.
00:03:41What's our next adventure?
00:03:43This is a vault. Big athletes jump over it like this.
00:03:50But you can pretend it's a dinosaur and crawl through its legs.
00:03:55Have you crawled through a dinosaur's legs, Grumpy Rabbit?
00:03:59Oh, yes. Once I was walking in the jungle when I stumbled into a lost world of dinosaurs.
00:04:13And that's it. You've made it out of the jungle.
00:04:18Did you have a good gym class, children?
00:04:22Yes, Madame Gazelle.
00:04:24They're real little explorers.
00:04:27They're real little explorers now.
00:04:30We walked across a river.
00:04:32And we swung over crocodiles.
00:04:34And we crawled under a dinosaur.
00:04:37I love doing gym class with Grumpy Rabbit.
00:04:58I'm Peppa Pig.
00:05:00This is my little brother George.
00:05:03This is Mummy Pig.
00:05:05And this is Daddy Pig.
00:05:09Peppa Pig.
00:05:27I am Detective Potato, the world famous detective.
00:05:32Please help me, Mr. Detective. I cannot find my flower anywhere.
00:05:36Hmm. Your flower is on the top of your head.
00:05:40Oh, thank you, Mr. Detective.
00:05:42That was easy. I could do that.
00:05:45I'm sure you could, Peppa.
00:05:48Daddy, when I grow up, I want to be a famous detective.
00:05:53George wants to be a detective too.
00:05:56If you're going to be detectives, you'll each need a hat.
00:06:00Detectives always wear hats.
00:06:03Now you look like two proper detectives.
00:06:06And we need one of those funny things that makes everything look big.
00:06:11A magnifying glass.
00:06:13I think we've got one in the kitchen drawer.
00:06:16Here we are. A real magnifying glass.
00:06:20Wow. How does it work?
00:06:23You hold it in front of things and they look bigger.
00:06:26The magnifying glass makes the little fish look big.
00:06:30Can I have a go?
00:06:34The magnifying glass makes George's eyes look very big.
00:06:38Now what you detectives need is a mystery to solve.
00:06:43Daddy, what's a mystery?
00:06:46A mystery is something detectives are good at sorting out.
00:06:51Like finding things that are lost.
00:06:53I know. We can find George's toy dinosaur.
00:06:57That's always getting lost.
00:07:01Mr Dinosaur is not lost.
00:07:04Oh. What about your glasses, Daddy?
00:07:07You're always losing them.
00:07:10Not today. I'm wearing my glasses.
00:07:14It's not fair. There aren't any mysteries.
00:07:18Would you like me to make you a mystery?
00:07:20Yes, please.
00:07:23Daddy Pig is going to make a mystery.
00:07:26Now, what's on the table?
00:07:28The little fish, Teddy, a jack-in-the-box and Mr Dinosaur.
00:07:35That's right. Now look very hard and try to remember them all.
00:07:40The little fish, Teddy, a jack-in-the-box and Mr Dinosaur.
00:07:45Have you remembered them?
00:07:48OK. You just have to go outside for a moment.
00:07:52I'll call you when I'm ready.
00:07:56It sounds like Daddy is going upstairs.
00:08:01And now he is coming down again.
00:08:04All right. You can come back inside now.
00:08:08One thing is missing from the table. Do you know what?
00:08:12Mr Dinosaur is there, little fish, jack-in-the-box.
00:08:17So, who's missing?
00:08:19Um, Teddy.
00:08:21That's right. Teddy's gone.
00:08:24Well done, Peppa and George.
00:08:26It was quite easy for us. We are famous detectives.
00:08:30Ah, but that's only half the mystery. Where has Teddy gone?
00:08:35Oh, I don't know.
00:08:37What are those little things on the floor?
00:08:40They're cake crumbs.
00:08:42The magnifying glass makes the cake crumbs easy to see.
00:08:46I wonder if Teddy has been eating cake.
00:08:49And the crumbs lead this way.
00:08:53Teddy's been eating a lot of cake.
00:08:56The crumbs lead into Peppa and George's bedroom.
00:08:59Oh, the crumbs have stopped.
00:09:02How can we find Teddy?
00:09:04Ask me some questions, but I will only answer yes or no.
00:09:09OK. Um, is Teddy in this room?
00:09:14Is Teddy in George's bed?
00:09:17Is Teddy somewhere high up?
00:09:22Teddy's in my bed!
00:09:25The mystery is solved.
00:09:29Do you still want to be a detective when you grow up, Peppa?
00:09:32Being a detective is quite hard.
00:09:35Next time, I want to be the one who makes the mysteries, like you did, Daddy.
00:09:44Peppa Pig
00:09:46Peppa Pig
00:09:48Peppa Pig
00:09:50Peppa Pig
00:09:51Peppa Pig
00:09:52Peppa Pig
00:09:53Peppa Pig
00:09:54Peppa Pig
00:09:55Peppa Pig
00:09:56Peppa Pig
00:09:57Peppa Pig
00:09:58Peppa Pig
00:09:59Peppa Pig
00:10:00Peppa Pig
00:10:01Peppa Pig
00:10:02Peppa Pig
00:10:03Peppa Pig
00:10:04Peppa Pig
00:10:05Peppa Pig
00:10:06Peppa Pig
00:10:07Peppa Pig
00:10:08Peppa Pig
00:10:09Peppa Pig
00:10:10Peppa Pig
00:10:11Peppa Pig
00:10:12Peppa Pig
00:10:13Peppa Pig
00:10:14Peppa Pig
00:10:15Peppa Pig
00:10:16Peppa Pig
00:10:17Peppa Pig
00:10:18Peppa Pig
00:10:19Peppa Pig
00:10:20Peppa Pig
00:10:21Peppa Pig
00:10:22Peppa Pig
00:10:23Peppa Pig
00:10:24Peppa Pig
00:10:25Peppa Pig
00:10:26Peppa Pig
00:10:27Peppa Pig
00:10:28Peppa Pig
00:10:29Peppa Pig
00:10:30Peppa Pig
00:10:31Peppa Pig
00:10:32Peppa Pig
00:10:33Peppa Pig
00:10:34Peppa Pig
00:10:35Peppa Pig
00:10:36Peppa Pig
00:10:37Peppa Pig
00:10:38Peppa Pig
00:10:39Peppa Pig
00:10:40Peppa Pig
00:10:41Peppa Pig
00:10:42Hello Suzy
00:10:44Hello Peppa
00:10:46Suzy Sheep has come to play with Peppa
00:10:51Peppa loves Suzy
00:10:53Suzy loves Peppa
00:10:55They are best friends
00:11:03Peppa, why don't you and Suzy go and play in your bedroom?
00:11:06Yes, Bobby
00:11:09George wants to play too
00:11:17Peppa and Suzy love playing in Peppa's bedroom
00:11:23So does George
00:11:28No, George! This game is just for big girls
00:11:32Go and play with your own toys
00:11:36Peppa and Suzy want to play on their own
00:11:39I'm a tiny little fairy princess
00:11:51I'm going to wave my magic wand
00:11:55and turn you into a frog
00:12:00George doesn't like playing on his own
00:12:06George wants to play too
00:12:09No, George! I'm playing with Suzy
00:12:13You have to play somewhere else
00:12:17George wants to play with Peppa
00:12:19He feels a bit lonely
00:12:21George, I need some help
00:12:23I'm making chocolate chip cookies
00:12:29Someone needs to lick out the bowl
00:12:33George likes helping Mummy make cookies
00:12:38But he likes playing with Peppa more
00:12:45I want to be a nurse
00:12:47I want to be a doctor
00:12:49But who's going to be the sick person?
00:13:02Peppa and Suzy love playing doctors and nurses
00:13:05So does George
00:13:08Peppa listens to George's chest
00:13:11Now, George, take a big breath in, then cough
00:13:18I think your heart's a bit loose
00:13:21How about a plaster on it?
00:13:25Open wide, please
00:13:27Suzy takes George's temperature
00:13:30Oh dear! You're very, very hot
00:13:34I think you have to stay in bed for three years
00:13:40Daddy Pig has come to find George
00:13:43Oh no! What's wrong with George?
00:13:46Don't worry, Daddy, it's only a game
00:13:48George is our patient
00:13:50Oh, I see
00:13:52Can the patient have a visitor?
00:13:55Just for a little while
00:13:57He might get tired
00:14:02Yes, they're for George
00:14:04They're his medicine to make him feel better
00:14:14Excuse me, Doctor, can you help me?
00:14:17I have a sore tummy
00:14:20That tickles!
00:14:25I can hear him rumbling
00:14:27I think you're hungry, Daddy
00:14:31Then I think I need lots of cookies to make me better
00:14:36And me
00:14:38And me
00:14:40And me
00:15:20I'm Peppa Pig
00:15:22This is my little brother George
00:15:25This is Mummy Pig
00:15:27And this is Daddy Pig
00:15:31Peppa Pig
00:15:38Daddy loses his glasses
00:15:50Daddy Pig wears glasses
00:15:54He needs to wear glasses to see clearly
00:15:57When Daddy Pig wears his glasses, everything looks fine
00:16:03But when Daddy Pig takes his glasses off
00:16:06he can't see things clearly
00:16:09Everything looks a bit soft and fuzzy
00:16:13So it is very important that Daddy Pig knows
00:16:16where his glasses are
00:16:29Sometimes Daddy Pig loses his glasses
00:16:32Peppa, George, have you seen Daddy Pig's glasses?
00:16:36He can't find them anywhere
00:16:38No, Mummy
00:16:40Peppa and George do not know where Daddy Pig's glasses are
00:16:44Oh dear! Daddy Pig cannot see a thing without them
00:16:48And it makes him very grumpy
00:16:53Without his glasses on, Daddy Pig cannot read his newspaper
00:16:57This is ridiculous
00:16:59I can't see anything
00:17:01Somebody must have put my glasses somewhere
00:17:04Do you remember where you last put them, Daddy Pig?
00:17:07When I don't wear them, I always put them on
00:17:10But they aren't there now
00:17:12Daddy, can we help find your glasses?
00:17:15Good idea, Peppa
00:17:17If you find them, Daddy will stop being so grumpy
00:17:20I'm not grumpy
00:17:25Peppa and George are looking for Daddy's glasses
00:17:29Peppa looks under the newspaper
00:17:31But Daddy Pig's glasses are not there
00:17:34Peppa looks under the newspaper
00:17:36But Daddy Pig's glasses are not there
00:17:41George looks on top of the television
00:17:44But Daddy Pig's glasses are not there
00:17:49Let's look upstairs in Mummy and Daddy's bedroom
00:17:59Peppa and George are looking in Mummy and Daddy Pig's bedroom
00:18:03George, be careful not to knock anything over
00:18:10It's not funny
00:18:16Peppa looks under the pillows
00:18:18But Daddy Pig's glasses are not there
00:18:23George looks in Daddy's slippers
00:18:25But the glasses are not there either
00:18:31Let's look in the bathroom
00:18:40Peppa and George are looking in the bathroom
00:18:43The glasses are not in the bath
00:18:47The glasses are not in the toilet
00:18:52It's too difficult
00:18:56Peppa and George cannot find Daddy Pig's glasses anywhere
00:19:02We've looked everywhere, but we can't find Daddy's glasses
00:19:06Oh dear, now what can we do?
00:19:09I suppose I'll just have to learn to do without them
00:19:13If I move slowly I won't bump into things
00:19:17There they are, Daddy's glasses
00:19:22Daddy Pig, you were sitting on them all the time
00:19:29Silly Daddy
00:19:33I don't know how they got there
00:19:37I wonder how
00:19:44Well you may have been a bit silly Daddy Pig
00:19:47But at least you're not grumpy anymore
00:19:50I was not grumpy
00:20:23I'm Peppa Pig
00:20:25This is my little brother George
00:20:28This is Mummy Pig
00:20:30And this is Daddy Pig
00:20:34Peppa Pig
00:20:38Pirate Island
00:20:41Grandpa Pig is taking Peppa and her friends for a day out on his boat
00:20:46Everyone on board?
00:20:47Aye aye Captain Grandma
00:20:49Full sail
00:20:50See you later
00:20:52See you later
00:20:57Peppa and her friends are all wearing life jackets
00:21:00George, you could wear my pirate hat
00:21:06Today we are sailing to Pirate Island
00:21:12If we're lucky we might find buried treasure
00:21:16Pirate Island sounds like a great place
00:21:20Land ahoy
00:21:26Here we are
00:21:28Pirate Island
00:21:34What's that?
00:21:35It's a metal detector
00:21:38It finds buried treasure
00:21:42Grandpa Pig is using the metal detector to find buried treasure
00:21:48The metal detector has found something
00:21:50Let's dig it up
00:21:54It's a little coin
00:22:00Let's find some more
00:22:04We found something else
00:22:06It's a coin
00:22:11We found something else
00:22:13It sounds big
00:22:19My goodness
00:22:20This piece of treasure is quite heavy
00:22:24Oh dear
00:22:25That is not buried treasure
00:22:27That is a rusty old shopping trolley
00:22:31Maybe that's enough treasure hunting
00:22:33Who wants to help build a big sandcastle?
00:22:38That's a good idea Granny Pig
00:22:41I'll just check on the boat
00:22:43Granny Pig is going to help the children build a big sandcastle
00:22:47And Grandpa Pig is doing important boat things
00:22:51Ah, this is nice
00:22:54Maybe I'll just close my eyes for a little bit
00:23:03Granny and the children are making a big sandcastle
00:23:07Lots and lots of sand
00:23:09They use buckets to make the castle's turrets
00:23:15What a splendid castle
00:23:20Time to go home
00:23:23Where's the boat gone?
00:23:25Look Granny
00:23:28Oh no
00:23:29Grandpa Pig is fast asleep
00:23:31And the boat is drifting away
00:23:33We have to wake Grandpa up
00:23:35Shout as loudly as you can
00:23:37Grandpa Pig! Wake up! Wake up!
00:23:43Oh no
00:23:44Grandpa Pig is still asleep
00:23:46Grandpa's too far away to hear us
00:23:49We're stuck on Pirate Island
00:23:52We're castaways
00:23:54We'll be here for a hundred years
00:23:57We'll have to eat wild fruit and berries
00:24:01And we'll have to eat insects and slugs
00:24:10The parents are here to collect the children
00:24:16Where am I?
00:24:19Hello everyone
00:24:21Have you had a nice time?
00:24:24Actually, I just left something behind
00:24:27Back in a t...
00:24:31Look! There's Grandpa!
00:24:33We're saved!
00:24:37Welcome aboard me hearties
00:24:39Naughty Grandpa Pig
00:24:41We thought you'd left us behind
00:24:43Sorry about that Granny Pig
00:24:45Next time I promise not to fall asleep
00:24:52Goodbye Pirate Island
00:24:54See you again soon
00:24:57I love Pirate Island
00:25:00Of course we can Peppa
00:25:30I'm Peppa Pig
00:25:32This is my little brother George
00:25:35This is Mummy Pig
00:25:37And this is Daddy Pig
00:25:41Peppa Pig
00:25:44Mummy Rabbit bump
00:25:46Peppa and George are playing with Suzy Sheep and Pedro Pony
00:25:51Here are Rebecca and Richard Rabbit
00:25:54Hello Rebecca
00:25:56I've got a secret
00:25:58What is it?
00:25:59My mummy's got a bump in her tummy
00:26:03Has she eaten too much?
00:26:06No! There's a baby rabbit inside
00:26:09Mummy Rabbit, is there really a baby rabbit in your tummy?
00:26:15Would you like to listen to it?
00:26:17Yes please
00:26:19Can you hear a little heartbeat?
00:26:22Yes I can
00:26:24It's going boom boom boom
00:26:27Oh it just moved
00:26:30Yes, sometimes babies give a little kick
00:26:34What will you call it?
00:26:36I don't know
00:26:37Would you children like to think of a name?
00:26:40Yes please
00:26:41Hello Mummy Rabbit
00:26:43Would you like a cup of coffee?
00:26:44I can't have coffee but I am quite hungry
00:26:48Would you like a carrot?
00:26:49I'm a bit off carrot
00:26:51Have you got any potatoes?
00:26:53Yes we do
00:26:54Maybe a potato with jelly and cheese and strawberry jam please
00:27:00A potato with jelly, cheese and strawberry jam?
00:27:04What a funny mixture of food
00:27:07We need to think of a name for the baby
00:27:10Yes, if the baby is a girl she'll be called Rachel Rabbit
00:27:15Or how about Ruth Rabbit?
00:27:18Roxanne Rabbit
00:27:20Sharon Rabbit
00:27:22I don't think so Pedro
00:27:24Sharon Rabbit sounds wrong
00:27:27I like Rosie
00:27:29Rosie Rabbit
00:27:31It's perfect
00:27:33But what if the baby is a boy?
00:27:37How about Rufus Rabbit?
00:27:41Raymond Rabbit
00:27:42Michael Rabbit
00:27:44Michael Rabbit? No
00:27:47Robbie Rabbit
00:27:49Yes, Robbie Rabbit
00:27:51Thank you for the potatoes with jelly, cheese and strawberry jam Mummy Pig
00:27:56My pleasure
00:27:57We thought of a name for the baby
00:28:00Rosie if it's a girl and Robbie if it's a boy
00:28:04They're lovely names
00:28:06It's sad that the baby can't have both names
00:28:10Oh, my tummy
00:28:12It's all that funny food you've been eating
00:28:15I don't think so Daddy Rabbit, the baby is coming
00:28:18Right, to the hospital
00:28:21Quickly now, don't panic
00:28:26Good luck
00:28:28Did you pack everything on the list?
00:28:30I've got it all
00:28:32Pillows, scented candles, yoga music and enough food for three days
00:28:38Don't panic, don't panic
00:28:41Anyone in? We are having a rabbit
00:28:44Hello sister, what are you doing here?
00:28:47We're having a baby, remember?
00:28:49Oh yes, you better come inside then
00:28:52Can I come too?
00:28:54No, you'll have to park the car first
00:28:57Don't worry, having a baby always takes a long time
00:29:05Out of the way everyone, my sister's having a baby
00:29:10A kettle and plenty of towels
00:29:13This lot should last us a good few days
00:29:18Where shall I put all this stuff?
00:29:20Back in the car, we don't need it now
00:29:24Squeak Daddy, you missed all the excitement
00:29:27Have I? Is it a boy or a girl?
00:29:30Both, we've got baby twins
00:29:36It is the next day and Mummy Rabbit is home from hospital
00:29:41Hello, can we see the twins please?
00:29:44Of course Peppa
00:29:49Are they boys or girls?
00:29:52They're both, a boy and a girl
00:29:55They're called Rosie and Robbie
00:29:58So you did use both names?
00:30:02Rosie Rabbit and Robbie Rabbit
00:30:05They're the best names in the world
00:30:08And we thought of them
00:30:38This is Mummy Pig
00:30:40And this is Daddy Pig
00:30:44Peppa Pig
00:30:46This rabbit's day off
00:30:49Peppa, George and Suzy Sheep have had a sleepover at Rebecca Rabbit's house
00:30:54It's fun having carrots for breakfast Mummy Rabbit
00:30:59Yes, we always have carrots for breakfast
00:31:02I could eat carrots all day, but I'd better go to work
00:31:06Have a nice day
00:31:37See you later then sister
00:31:40Bye sister
00:31:44Miss Rabbit has tripped over one of Richard's toys
00:31:47Oh, my ankle
00:31:49I can still hop to work
00:31:51No, you stay here and get better
00:31:54But I've got so much work to do
00:31:56I'll do your work for you
00:31:58Which job is first?
00:32:00The supermarket
00:32:01OK, Rebecca, look after your auntie
00:32:05Mummy Rabbit has arrived at the supermarket
00:32:08Thank goodness you're here Miss Rabbit
00:32:11Miss Rabbit is ill, I'll be doing her job today
00:32:14Are you not Miss Rabbit?
00:32:16No, I'm her sister, Mummy Rabbit
00:32:18Is this where I sit?
00:32:20Er, yes
00:32:21Have you ever worked a checkout before?
00:32:25How much is this?
00:32:26Oh, I don't know
00:32:28I've got a voucher
00:32:29Do you take book tokens?
00:32:31Can I pay with a card?
00:32:35Suzy Sheep is dressed up in her nurse's costume
00:32:38Don't worry, I'm only a pretend nurse
00:32:42Stick your tongue out and say, ah
00:32:49Rebecca Rabbit's house
00:32:51Who's speaking please?
00:32:53It's Mummy Rabbit
00:32:54Is everything OK?
00:32:57Good, because this job is going to take me all day
00:33:00What about Miss Rabbit's other jobs?
00:33:03We'll need more help
00:33:08Er, Miss Rabbit's ice cream stall
00:33:11Daddy, why are you buying an ice cream?
00:33:14Oh, Peppa, I was on the way to the gym
00:33:18when I thought an ice cream would be nice
00:33:21Miss Rabbit is ill
00:33:23You've got to sell the ice cream today
00:33:26Oh, oh, I'm an expert at ice cream
00:33:29Can I have a cherry ice cream?
00:33:32Er, strawberry, vanilla, chocolate, banana
00:33:37With pistachio and strawberry please
00:33:40Ah, strawberry
00:33:42Oh, it's melted
00:33:45How about ice cream soup instead?
00:33:53Grandad Dog's breakdown service
00:33:56Miss Rabbit is ill
00:33:58Can you drive a bus today?
00:34:01Of course, Peppa
00:34:06All aboard!
00:34:12Mummy Sheep's car has broken down
00:34:18Grandad Dog's breakdown service
00:34:21Can you rescue me please?
00:34:23I'll be straight there
00:34:26We would like to apologize for any inconvenience this may cause to your journey
00:34:33Driving a bus is quite hard
00:34:36Selling ice cream is quite hard
00:34:39Running a supermarket checkout is quite hard
00:34:46Er, I'm feeling better
00:34:48Can I get up now?
00:34:50No, you must lie very still
00:34:53But please keep breathing
00:34:58Are you feeling any better Miss Rabbit?
00:35:01It's not easy doing all your jobs
00:35:03It's not easy looking after your little bunnies
00:35:06You will be back to work tomorrow, won't you?
00:35:10And you'll be back at home, won't you?
00:35:18Peppa Pig
00:35:21Peppa Pig
00:35:25Peppa Pig
00:35:51Fancy dress party
00:36:21Hello Suzy
00:36:23Hello Mr Pig
00:36:25I'm glad the nurse has arrived
00:36:27Have you just come from the hospital?
00:36:29Er, I'm not a real nurse
00:36:32It's just pretend
00:36:34Very good
00:36:36My, my
00:36:38Who have we here?
00:36:40I'm a pirate
00:36:42Shove me timbers
00:36:44I'm a witch
00:36:46I can turn you into a frog
00:36:50I'm a clown
00:36:53That's funny
00:36:55What are you Rebecca Rabbit?
00:36:57I'm a carrot
00:37:00Come in
00:37:01There's a fairy princess and a dinosaur waiting to meet you
00:37:06Hello everyone
00:37:10Hello Suzy
00:37:11I'm Princess Peppa
00:37:13You must bow when you speak to me
00:37:15Hello Your Majesty
00:37:18I'm Nurse Suzy
00:37:20Open wide and say ah
00:37:27I'm a clown
00:37:29Do something funny
00:37:33Rebecca, why are you dressed as a carrot?
00:37:35I like carrots
00:37:41A scary dinosaur
00:37:49Mirror, mirror on the wall
00:37:51Who's the fairest of them all?
00:37:54You are Peppa
00:37:58Hello Peppa
00:37:59Hello, I'm a little fairy princess
00:38:02I'm a witch
00:38:04And I've got a magic wand
00:38:06I've got a magic wand too
00:38:08I can turn you into a frog
00:38:10And I'll turn you into a frog
00:38:19Oh dear
00:38:20George is scared of his own reflection
00:38:22Oh silly George
00:38:24Look, it's you in the mirror
00:38:31It's time to decide who has the best fancy dress costume
00:38:35We need a judge
00:38:36Me, me
00:38:38As it's Peppa's party
00:38:40Maybe she should be the judge
00:38:42I'm the judge, I'm the judge
00:38:45Daddy, what is a judge?
00:38:47The judge decides who has the best costume
00:38:50Oh goody
00:38:51Peppa is going to choose who has the best costume
00:38:54Susie, can I see your costume please?
00:38:58I'm Nurse Susie
00:39:00I make people better
00:39:02Very good Nurse Susie
00:39:04Now Danny
00:39:06I'm a parrot
00:39:07Shove on me timbers
00:39:10Now Candy
00:39:12I'm a witch
00:39:13I can turn you into a frog
00:39:15Well I'm a fairy princess and I can turn you into a frog
00:39:21Children, children
00:39:22Sorry mummy
00:39:23Who's next?
00:39:25I'm a clown
00:39:30That's funny
00:39:31And Rebecca?
00:39:33I'm a carrot
00:39:38And my little brother George
00:39:40Is a scary dinosaur
00:39:43Everyone's costume is very good
00:39:47Now you say who the winner is
00:39:49Oh yes
00:39:52And the winner is
00:39:57Peppa you can't pick yourself
00:39:59You're the judge
00:40:00Oh, can't I?
00:40:02You have to pick another winner
00:40:05The carrot wins
00:40:07Thank you
00:40:08Peppa loves fancy dress parties
00:40:11Everyone loves fancy dress parties
00:40:39I'm Peppa Pig
00:40:41This is my little brother George
00:40:44This is Mummy Pig
00:40:46And this is Daddy Pig
00:40:50Peppa Pig
00:40:53Walk and play
00:40:55It is a lovely sunny morning
00:40:59What a nice day for doing nothing
00:41:03Daddy Pig loves doing nothing
00:41:05Daddy Pig loves doing nothing
00:41:07Daddy, aren't you going to work today?
00:41:10No Peppa, it's Saturday
00:41:13Daddy Pig doesn't work on Saturdays
00:41:15Daddy Pig, you'll be late for work
00:41:18But it's Saturday Mummy Pig, isn't it?
00:41:21No, it's Thursday
00:41:25Daddy Pig works on Thursdays
00:41:27See you later
00:41:28Bye bye
00:41:30Poor Daddy, having to work
00:41:33Lucky Mummy, you can play at home all day
00:41:37I'm not playing, I'm working on my computer
00:41:46George, we can play the Happy Mrs Chicken game
00:41:49after I finish my work
00:41:57Hello Peppa
00:41:59Hello Suzy
00:42:03Bye bye Mummy, work hard
00:42:08Mrs Sheep, do you work or do you play?
00:42:12I'm going to be working very hard today
00:42:16I'm off to the gym
00:42:17What do you do at the gym?
00:42:19Running, jumping and skipping
00:42:22Mummy, that's not work, that's play
00:42:28Peppa and Suzy have arrived at the playgroup
00:42:32Hello everyone, hello Peppa, hello Suzy
00:42:38Children, today we will play shops
00:42:43Who wants to be shopkeeper?
00:42:45Me, me, me
00:42:47Peppa and Suzy can be shopkeepers
00:42:49Everyone else can be customers
00:42:52Peppa and Suzy are going to run a pretend shop
00:42:57What do we have to do?
00:42:59I will take the money Suzy, and you can stack the shelves
00:43:08Hello shopkeeper
00:43:10Hello Mr Dog
00:43:11Can I have some biscuits please?
00:43:14Suzy, have we got any biscuits?
00:43:17No, but we've got a toy telephone
00:43:20How much will that be?
00:43:22That will be a hundred pounds please
00:43:27Thank you
00:43:29Next please
00:43:31Hello shopkeeper, can I have a loaf of bread please?
00:43:36No, but you can have a toy house
00:43:39Would you like it in a bag sir?
00:43:42Yes please
00:43:44That will be one penny please
00:43:48Oh, I haven't got enough money
00:43:51You can pay us next time you come in
00:43:54Gosh, this is hard work
00:43:58Hello shopkeeper, what can I buy for a million thousand pounds please?
00:44:04Suzy, what have we got for a million thousand pounds?
00:44:09Hmm, a carrot
00:44:12Yes please
00:44:13Rebecca Rabbit likes carrots
00:44:18It is home time
00:44:21Daddy Pig has come to collect Peppa and Suzy
00:44:25Daddy, have you had a busy day?
00:44:28Yes, I've been working very hard
00:44:31We've been working very hard too
00:44:35We've been shopkeepers
00:44:40Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah
00:44:43The end
00:44:44And print
00:44:46Mummy Pig has finished her work
00:44:50Ok George, perhaps we could just play one game of Happy Mrs Chicken
00:44:55We've earned it
00:45:03Naughty Mummy, you're playing Happy Mrs Chicken
00:45:07Ah, that's because George and I have finished our work, haven't we George?
00:45:12We've all finished our work, so let's all play
00:45:20Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig
00:45:24Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig
00:45:27Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig
00:45:30Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig
00:45:33Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig
00:45:36Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig
00:45:39Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig
00:45:42Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig
00:45:45Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig
00:45:48This is Mummy Pig
00:45:50And this is Daddy Pig
00:45:54Peppa Pig
00:45:58Windy Castle
00:46:01Peppa and her family are going out for the day
00:46:04Peppa, George, today we're going to Windy Castle
00:46:08What's Windy Castle, Daddy?
00:46:10It's a castle on a very high hill
00:46:13George likes castles
00:46:15Windy Castle sounds like a boring thing for boys
00:46:19No, Peppa, you'll love it
00:46:21There's a great view from the top of Windy Castle
00:46:24You can even see Granny and Grandpa's house
00:46:26Wow, let's go
00:46:29I'll map read and Mummy Pig will drive
00:46:32Are you sure, Daddy Pig?
00:46:34When you map read, we always get lost and you get grumpy
00:46:37We will not get lost and I will not get grumpy
00:46:42Windy Castle, here we come
00:46:49Are we nearly there yet?
00:46:51Not quite
00:46:53Would you like to play a game?
00:46:55Yes, please
00:46:56Let's play I Spy
00:46:58OK, I'll go first
00:47:00Daddy Pig has to secretly look at something
00:47:03and the others have to guess what it is
00:47:05I spy with my little eye something coloured red
00:47:11My dress, that's red
00:47:14No, it's not your dress
00:47:18The car
00:47:19That's right, our red car
00:47:24My go
00:47:25I spy with my little eye something blue
00:47:29George's blue shirt
00:47:32Is it something in the car?
00:47:36Give up?
00:47:38I spy with my little eye the blue sky
00:47:42I win
00:47:45Daddy Pig, do you know where we are?
00:47:48I know exactly where we are
00:47:50although this road doesn't look the same as it does on the map
00:47:55Oh, Daddy Pig, we're lost
00:47:58We are not lost
00:48:00So how do we get to Windy Castle from here?
00:48:03Just give me a moment
00:48:05We can ring Granny and Grandpa
00:48:07There's no need to ring Granny and Grandpa
00:48:10I'll get us to Windy Castle if it takes me all day
00:48:13We haven't got all day
00:48:19Hello, Grandpa Pig speaking
00:48:22Grandpa Pig, we've got a bit lost on the way to Windy Castle
00:48:26Is Daddy Pig doing the map reading?
00:48:31Yes, Daddy Pig is doing the map reading
00:48:34You look grumpy at the moment
00:48:36I am not grumpy
00:48:40This is the best route
00:48:42Keep on the main road until you see Windy Castle up ahead
00:48:47Thank you, Grandpa Pig
00:48:49We follow the main road and look out for Windy Castle
00:48:52As I thought
00:48:55Look, is that a castle?
00:48:58Yes, it's Windy Castle
00:49:01Come on, car
00:49:03Come on, car, you can make it
00:49:09Peppa and her family have arrived at Windy Castle
00:49:12Wow, it's so tall
00:49:14Let's go inside, the view from the top is fantastic
00:49:23Wow, look at the view
00:49:27Mummy, is that Granny and Grandpa's house?
00:49:30Yes, it is
00:49:32It's so far away
00:49:34Let's take a look through the telescope
00:49:38Can I look first, please?
00:49:40Yes, but you must let George look next
00:49:45The telescope makes everything look bigger
00:49:47I can see Granny and Grandpa
00:49:50Look, George
00:49:54Thank you, Daddy Pig
00:49:56George is waving at Granny and Grandpa
00:49:59Silly George
00:50:01Granny and Grandpa are too far away to see you waving
00:50:05I know, we can ring them
00:50:12Grandpa Pig, we can see you from Windy Castle
00:50:15Wave at us
00:50:17Granny and Grandpa are waving at us
00:50:20I love Windy Castle
00:50:28Peppa Pig
00:50:32Peppa Pig
00:50:37Peppa Pig
00:50:47I'm Peppa pig
00:50:49This is my little brother George
00:50:52This is Mommy Pig
00:50:54And this is Daddy Pig
00:50:58Peppa Pig
00:51:02Jumble Sale
00:51:05It is a rainy day and the school roof has a hole in it
00:51:11Children, we are going to have a jumble sale
00:51:14The money we raise will pay for a new school roof
00:51:20Everyone has to bring something for the jumble sale
00:51:24What should we bring?
00:51:26You can bring an old toy or something you don't use anymore
00:51:32The parents have arrived to pick up the children
00:51:35Home time!
00:51:37Don't forget your old toys for the jumble sale tomorrow
00:51:43Peppa is choosing a toy for the jumble sale
00:51:46Peppa, have you decided?
00:51:49You only have to choose one toy
00:51:51Yes, and it will help pay for a new school roof
00:51:55Ok, I'm going to give Mr. Dinosaur
00:52:02Mr. Dinosaur is George's favourite toy
00:52:05Peppa, you can't give away Mr. Dinosaur
00:52:07Can't I?
00:52:09Don't bother
00:52:11Sorry George
00:52:15Why don't you give your old jack-in-the-box?
00:52:20Ok, now it's your turn Daddy
00:52:26We must all give something to the jumble sale
00:52:29I'm giving this hat and George is giving this ball
00:52:33So what shall Daddy give?
00:52:36I know, the television
00:52:38Not the telly!
00:52:39No, it's too useful
00:52:43I know, Daddy's smelly slippers
00:52:49No, too smelly
00:52:52I know, Daddy's old chair
00:52:56But that's an antique
00:52:58What does antique mean?
00:53:00Antique means it's very old and valuable
00:53:03But you found it on a rubbish tip Daddy Pig, it's worthless
00:53:07It'll be worth a lot of money when I mend it
00:53:09You've been saying that for ages Daddy Pig
00:53:14I know, I'll give these lovely socks that Granny Pig made me
00:53:23I've come to collect your things for the jumble sale
00:53:26Here they are
00:53:28Thank you
00:53:30And would you like this old chair?
00:53:33Oh, most generous
00:53:39Mummy, who gave away Daddy's chair?
00:53:43Shh, don't tell him, he'll never notice
00:53:53Hello Miss Rabbit
00:53:54Peppa, how about this chair? It's a bit rubbish but you can chop it up and use it for firewood
00:54:00But it's an antique
00:54:02Is it?
00:54:03Daddy said it's worth lots of money
00:54:06Well I never, I'd better put the price up
00:54:12Hello everyone
00:54:13Hello Peppa
00:54:14What did you give Susie?
00:54:16I gave my nurse's outfit
00:54:18I gave my parrot balloon
00:54:20I gave my toy monkey
00:54:27I will miss my jack in the box
00:54:31Can I buy this jack in the box please?
00:54:34I'd like this nurse's outfit
00:54:36The parrot balloon please
00:54:41Mummy, Mummy, look what we've bought
00:54:44All your old toys
00:54:46We missed them
00:54:49Look what I've bought, it's an antique chair
00:54:53Oh Daddy Pig, that's not an antique chair
00:54:56It is, Miss Rabbit just said so, and it matches my old one
00:55:01Yes Daddy, that's because...
00:55:03Shh Peppa
00:55:04It is your old chair
00:55:07What? But Miss Rabbit has just charged me lots of money for it
00:55:11Fantastic news everybody, we have just raised all the money we need for a new school roof
00:55:20Thank you Daddy Pig
00:55:23Ho ho, you're most welcome
00:55:27Peppa Pig
00:55:32Peppa Pig
00:55:36Peppa Pig
00:55:53I'm Peppa Pig
00:55:55This is my little brother George
00:55:57This is Mummy Pig
00:56:00And this is Daddy Pig
00:56:04Peppa Pig
00:56:09Not very well
00:56:14Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig have just made breakfast for Peppa and George
00:56:18Breakfast is ready
00:56:26Peppa has red spots on her face
00:56:28Mummy, I don't feel very well
00:56:32Oh dear Peppa, you don't look very well
00:56:35Don't worry, I'll ring Dr Brown Bear
00:56:42Dr Brown Bear speaking
00:56:44Peppa is not very well, her face is covered in red spots
00:56:48Hmm, put Peppa to bed and I'll come straight round
00:56:56Dr Brown Bear has come to make Peppa better
00:56:58Hello Peppa, how are you today?
00:57:01I'm not very well
00:57:03Stick your tongue out please
00:57:06Hmm, it's not anything serious, Peppa has just got a rash
00:57:11Do I need medicine?
00:57:13The rash will clear up quickly, but if you like I can give you just a little medicine
00:57:19Yes please
00:57:21I'm afraid it doesn't taste very nice
00:57:24Open wide please
00:57:27Yuck, disgusting
00:57:30You are a brave little one for taking it so well
00:57:34Peppa must stay in bed, I'll call back later to check that she's better
00:57:40Can Peppa have visitors?
00:57:42Oh yes, she can have visitors
00:57:44The rash isn't catching
00:57:48Goodbye Dr Brown Bear
00:57:50Can I get up now?
00:57:52Dr Brown Bear says that you must stay in bed for a little bit Peppa
00:57:55But it's so boring
00:57:58Dr Brown Bear did say you could have visitors
00:58:01Can Suzy Sheep visit me?
00:58:03Suzy Sheep is Peppa's best friend
00:58:06I'll ring Suzy Sheep's mummy
00:58:11Hello Mrs Pig
00:58:13May Peppa talk with Suzy please?
00:58:16Hello Suzy
00:58:18Hello Peppa
00:58:20I'm not very well
00:58:22I have red spots on my face
00:58:24Has the doctor been?
00:58:26Yes, Dr Brown Bear was here
00:58:28He said I wasn't very well
00:58:30And that I was very brave
00:58:32So are you really ill?
00:58:34Yes, yes
00:58:35It's not pretend
00:58:37I have to stay in bed
00:58:39Dr Brown Bear gave me medicine that tasted really horrible
00:58:44I'm coming to see you
00:58:46I'm going to wear my nurse's outfit
00:58:50Suzy Sheep has come to see Peppa
00:58:53Suzy is wearing her nurse's costume
00:58:56Danny Dog and Rebecca Rabbit have come along too
00:59:01Hello Peppa
00:59:06How do you feel?
00:59:08I'm not very well Suzy
00:59:10I have to stay in bed
00:59:12What can we do to make you better?
00:59:14You could get me some orange juice
00:59:20Peppa seems to be quite enjoying herself
00:59:24Thank you Suzy
00:59:27Do you feel any better?
00:59:29A little bit
00:59:33Ask my mummy if I could have some ice cream
00:59:36And Rebecca, could you bring me some flowers from the garden?
00:59:42Dr Brown Bear is here to see if Peppa is better
00:59:45Good, the nurse is already here
00:59:48How is the patient?
00:59:50I'm not a real nurse
00:59:52It's just pretend
00:59:54I see
00:59:56Would you like me to take a look myself?
00:59:58Yes please
01:00:00I say, no more red spots
01:00:03You're completely better
01:00:05Aren't I still a bit ill?
01:00:07How do you feel?
01:00:09I should stay in bed a little bit more
01:00:14I fancy a game with this ball in the garden
01:00:17Who wants to join me?
01:00:19Me, me, me
01:00:23Well I never
01:00:25A complete recovery
01:00:27Peppa Pig
01:00:31Peppa Pig
01:00:35Peppa Pig
