Peppa Pig English Episodes - New HD Peppa Pig Playlist

  • le mois dernier


00:00:00Je m'appelle Peppa Pig, c'est mon petit frère George, c'est ma maman Pig et c'est papa Pig.
00:00:12Peppa Pig.
00:00:22It is a lovely bright sunny day. Peppa and her family are going for a picnic. Daddy Pig is bringing the picnic basket.
00:00:33Pic-Nic blanket, bread, cheese, tomatoes and lemonade. Is there anything we've forgotten?
00:00:40Mommy's strawberry cake!
00:00:42I was just teasing. Mommy's homemade strawberry cake is there too. Is everybody ready?
00:00:51Then let's go!
00:01:01This looks like just the spot for our picnic.
00:01:09It's great to be outdoors. We should run around a bit and get some exercise.
00:01:14I want to eat then have a nap. I certainly don't want to run around.
00:01:19Maybe daddy should run around a bit. His tummy is quite big.
00:01:23My tummy is not big. But later I will get some exercise, even if no one else does.
00:01:30Let's eat!
00:01:32Good idea, Mommy Pig. I'm really hungry.
00:01:45I feel quite sleepy.
00:01:48I thought you wanted to run around a bit, Daddy Pig.
00:01:57Look, there's a little duck pot.
00:02:02Mommy, can we feed the ducks?
00:02:04Yes, you can feed them the rest of the bread.
00:02:10Peppa and George love feeding bread to ducks.
00:02:18Mommy, I think they want some more.
00:02:21That was the last of the bread. I'm sure they've had enough.
00:02:25Sorry, Mrs Duck. We've no more bread.
00:02:32The ducks want more food.
00:02:36So much for Daddy Pig and his exercise.
00:02:43You lot again! Peppa told you, there's no more bread.
00:02:48Mommy, we do have strawberry cake.
00:02:51Well, if there's any cake left over, you can give it to the ducks.
00:02:56Everyone likes Mommy Pig's homemade strawberry cake.
00:03:00A wasp! I hate wasps!
00:03:03What a fuss, Mommy Pig. It's only a little wasp.
00:03:07Go away, wasp!
00:03:09Just stay still, Mommy Pig, then it will fly away.
00:03:14There, you see? All you had to do was stay still.
00:03:18Get away! Scram!
00:03:25Get it off me!
00:03:27I hope the wasp doesn't sting, Daddy.
00:03:29Get away, you little pest!
00:03:32No, Daddy Pig is running better than I am.
00:03:35No, Daddy Pig is running too fast for the wasp to catch him.
00:03:41Let's eat our cake before the wasp comes back.
00:03:50Oh no, we forgot to leave any for the ducks.
00:03:56I think I lost it.
00:03:58You said you would run around and get some exercise, Daddy Pig, but I didn't believe you'd do it.
00:04:06Luckily, I managed to hang on to my slice of strawberry cake.
00:04:11Stop, Daddy! We promised the rest of the cake for the ducks.
00:04:17You are very lucky, ducks.
00:04:22Say thank you to Daddy Pig.
00:04:26You're most welcome.
00:04:29It's time to go home. Say goodbye to the ducks.
00:04:32Bye-bye, ducks.
00:04:35See you next time!
00:05:06I'm Peppa Pig.
00:05:08This is my little brother, George.
00:05:11This is Mummy Pig.
00:05:13And this is Daddy Pig.
00:05:17Peppa Pig.
00:05:20Delphine Donkey.
00:05:27Hello, Daddy Pig speaking.
00:05:29Monsieur Pig, comment allez-vous?
00:05:31Oh, something's wrong with the phone.
00:05:34Que t'en fais-tu à la Grande-Bretagne? Il y a de la pluie, du soleil?
00:05:37You see? The phone's talking nonsense.
00:05:39Allô, comment allez-vous?
00:05:41Allô, Monsieur?
00:05:42Est-ce que Delphine peut rester pour un jour?
00:05:45Elle vient juste de prendre le train.
00:05:46Au revoir.
00:05:47That was Monsieur Donkey. He was speaking French.
00:05:49Ah, I thought as much.
00:05:51Mummy, what did Monsieur Donkey say?
00:05:55He asked if little Delphine Donkey could visit us.
00:05:58Oh, goody.
00:06:00Delphine Donkey is Peppa's very special friend from France.
00:06:04Delphine's coming to practice talking English with us.
00:06:09We'd better hurry. Delphine's train is arriving any minute.
00:06:15Last stop, all trains.
00:06:18That's Delphine's train.
00:06:24Bonjour means hello in French.
00:06:32Bonjour, Monsieur Donkey.
00:06:34My goodness, is that huge case for Delphine?
00:06:38Yes. Delphine has brought a few little things for her visit.
00:06:42Things you do not have over here.
00:06:44Cheese, bread, tomatoes, water.
00:06:49Au revoir, Delphine.
00:06:50I will be back to pick you up tomorrow night.
00:06:54Where shall I put Delphine's luggage?
00:06:57In my room, at the very top of the house.
00:07:05And this luggage is for one night's stay?
00:07:07Oh, yes. That is why I only pack a little bag.
00:07:14Now, Delphine is here to practice talking English, so we must all help her.
00:07:19Yes, Mummy.
00:07:22First, I must say sorry. I do not speak English very well.
00:07:27You don't speak too badly.
00:07:29You are very kind, Monsieur Pig, but may I ask you a question about talking English?
00:07:36Of course. I am an expert at talking. Ask away.
00:07:40Are English split infinitives a form of irregular verb or past pronoun?
00:07:48Actually, it's quite late. Shall we set up Delphine's bed?
00:07:52Mummy, Mummy, can Delphine sleep in my bed with a pillow at each end?
00:07:58Good idea, Peppa.
00:07:59Peppa and Delphine are sleeping at each end of the same bed.
00:08:05Now, children, try to go to sleep.
00:08:07You've got a busy day tomorrow. Delphine is visiting your playgroup.
00:08:13Dormez bien.
00:08:14Dormez bien is French for sleep well.
00:08:18I'm not sleepy at all.
00:08:21Let's sing a little song to make her sleepy.
00:08:36Delphine's pretty French song has sent everyone to sleep.
00:08:45Delphine has come to visit Peppa's playgroup.
00:08:50Madame Gazelle, this is my French friend, Delphine Donkey.
00:08:59Delphine sang a pretty French song last night.
00:09:03Can we teach her an English song?
00:09:06How about the Bing Bong song?
00:09:09Yes, sing me this Bing Bong song. It would be good for my English.
00:09:40Good. I have learnt lots of new English words.
00:09:44Bing, bong, bingly, bangly, boo!
00:10:10I'm Peppa Pig.
00:10:12This is my little brother, George.
00:10:14This is Mummy Pig.
00:10:17And this is Daddy Pig.
00:10:21Peppa Pig.
00:10:23Madame Gazelle's sleeping party.
00:10:26It is home time at Peppa's playgroup.
00:10:29Children, next week, there won't be any playgroup.
00:10:33Why, Madame Gazelle?
00:10:35I am going away.
00:10:39Goodbye, children.
00:10:41Goodbye, Madame Gazelle.
00:10:43Peppa and George are home from playgroup.
00:10:46Mummy, there is no more playgroup.
00:10:49No more playgroup?
00:10:51Madame Gazelle is going away.
00:10:54I suppose she has been teaching a long time.
00:10:57Madame Gazelle taught all the mummies and daddies when they were children.
00:11:01Madame Gazelle taught me everything I know.
00:11:04Who can count to three?
00:11:07One, two, three.
00:11:10Thinking about it, Madame Gazelle must be very old.
00:11:14Which is probably why she has decided to stop teaching.
00:11:18I know. We should give Madame Gazelle a leaving party.
00:11:23That sounds fun.
00:11:25It is the day of Madame Gazelle's leaving party.
00:11:28Everyone has come to help.
00:11:30Pedro, you stay outside and tell us if Madame Gazelle is coming along.
00:11:38We don't want Madame Gazelle catching us getting her party ready.
00:11:42Oh, it wouldn't be a surprise.
00:11:47I hope we have invited everyone.
00:11:49What about Madame Gazelle's old friends?
00:11:51Wasn't she once in a pop group?
00:11:54That's right. She played guitar with the Woking Gazelles.
00:12:01Hello, Woking Gazelles.
00:12:03Hello, Madame Gazelle is leaving the playgroup.
00:12:06Gigi leaving? How sad.
00:12:09We're having a party.
00:12:11A party? What fun. We'll be there.
00:12:16Good. Everyone's coming.
00:12:18Now, let's make the party food.
00:12:21This is the playgroup kitchen.
00:12:23Everyone is helping with the party food.
00:12:25Everyone is helping with the party food.
00:12:27Emily Elephant and Wendy Wolf are decorating cupcakes.
00:12:31I'll do the icing.
00:12:33I will sprinkle the hundreds and thousands.
00:12:37Pepper and George are making jelly.
00:12:39Wobbly jelly.
00:12:41Wobble, wobble, wobble.
00:12:45Pedro Pony is outside keeping guard.
00:12:48Here comes Madame Gazelle.
00:12:50Madame Gazelle is coming.
00:12:52We're not ready. Stop her, Pedro.
00:12:55Hello, Pedro. You're early for playgroup?
00:12:58Yes. Don't go inside.
00:13:01Why not?
00:13:02It's a nice day out here, isn't it?
00:13:05Er, yes, Pedro. Can I go inside now?
00:13:08Er, no. It's against the law.
00:13:12What are you talking about, Pedro?
00:13:14We're ready.
00:13:15You can go in now.
00:13:21For she's a jolly good fellow.
00:13:24For she's a jolly good fellow.
00:13:26For she's a jolly good fellow.
00:13:29And I shall say all of us,
00:13:34Here is a present for you.
00:13:36An antique clock.
00:13:40It's made of solid plastic.
00:13:43Thank you. But why is there a party for me?
00:13:47Because everyone wanted to thank you
00:13:50for being the best teacher in the world.
00:13:53So, we've made you a leaving party.
00:13:57Because you're going away forever.
00:14:00I'm not going away forever.
00:14:02But you said there was no more playgroup.
00:14:06Oh, Peppa.
00:14:08All I said was no playgroup next week.
00:14:12I'm going on holiday.
00:14:16I will be teaching for many years to come.
00:14:20Who else could be the teacher?
00:14:23No one.
00:14:25I'm very happy Madam Gazelle is not leaving.
00:14:29Yes. And I can't think of a better reason for a party.
00:14:33And every party needs music.
00:14:37Oh! The Rocking Gazelles.
00:14:41Hello, Gigi. Have you still got your guitar?
00:14:45Of course. Let's rockety rock!
00:15:16This is Mommy Pig.
00:15:18And this is Daddy Pig.
00:15:22Peppa Pig.
00:15:48Don't drink your juice too quickly.
00:15:56George drank his juice too quickly.
00:15:58And now he has hiccups.
00:16:15Can we go out to play now, Bobby?
00:16:17Not while George has hiccups.
00:16:19But George's hiccups have gone, Bobby.
00:16:21Haven't they, George?
00:16:28Oh, all right. You can go out and play.
00:16:31But look after George.
00:16:38Peppa and George love playing in the garden.
00:16:41George, I'm going to throw the ball.
00:16:43And then you have to catch it.
00:16:47George, please stop hiccuping.
00:16:55Now you throw the ball to me.
00:16:57And I have to catch it.
00:17:05Oh, dear. George's hiccups are spoiling the game.
00:17:08George, I know how to cure hiccups.
00:17:12You have to do what I say.
00:17:17Rub the top of your head and rub your tummy.
00:17:24Good. Now your hiccups have gone.
00:17:30Peppa's cure for hiccups doesn't seem to have worked.
00:17:35George, you've done it all wrong.
00:17:39I know a better way to cure hiccups.
00:17:42First, jump up and down three times on one leg.
00:17:50Now, wave your arms up and down and stick your tongue out.
00:17:56And now, close your eyes and turn around quickly three times.
00:18:10Peppa's new cure hasn't worked either.
00:18:12George still has hiccups.
00:18:16I know!
00:18:24I know!
00:18:26To cure hiccups, the ill piggy must be given a shock.
00:18:31George, I'm going to scare you.
00:18:33But you must remember, it's only a game and it'll stop your hiccups.
00:18:40Remember, this is just pretend scaring.
00:18:45Peppa, you mustn't play so roughly with George.
00:18:49He's only little.
00:18:51Sorry, Mummy. I was just trying to stop George's hiccups.
00:18:57George's hiccups have gone.
00:19:03Here comes Daddy Pig with two beakers of juice.
00:19:07George, if you drink too quickly, you will get hiccups again.
00:19:11I'm not as little as George.
00:19:13I can drink juice as quickly as I want to.
00:19:57Peppa Pig
00:20:01Peppa Pig
00:20:05Peppa Pig
00:20:16I'm Peppa Pig.
00:20:18This is my little brother George.
00:20:21This is Mummy Pig.
00:20:23And this is Daddy Pig.
00:20:27Peppa Pig
00:20:31George catches a cold.
00:20:34Today it is raining a little bit.
00:20:40Peppa, George, put your rain clothes on.
00:20:43When it rains, Peppa and George must wear their rain clothes.
00:20:50George does not like wearing his rain hat.
00:20:52George, you must keep your hat on.
00:20:56Because you must keep dry.
00:20:59Because you might catch a cold.
00:21:02George, do you want to play in the garden?
00:21:05Then keep your hat on.
00:21:07Come on, George!
00:21:09Peppa and George are going to jump in muddy puddles.
00:21:17George does not want to wear his rain hat.
00:21:24Come inside!
00:21:26The rain is too heavy to play in the house.
00:21:30Oh, George, where's your hat?
00:21:35George has caught a cold.
00:21:39Oh, poor little George.
00:21:41You don't sound well.
00:21:44Don't worry.
00:21:45I'll ring Dr. Brown Bear.
00:21:50Dr. Brown Bear speaking.
00:21:53I see.
00:21:54Put George to bed and I'll be straight round.
00:21:57Thank you, Dr. Brown Bear.
00:22:01Will George be taken to hospital and given medicine?
00:22:06George just has to go to bed.
00:22:09So George is not really properly ill.
00:22:15That's disgusting!
00:22:18Poor George.
00:22:20Let's get you straight to bed.
00:22:24You have to stay in bed for a bit.
00:22:27George does not want to stay in bed.
00:22:31You have to stay in bed until you are better.
00:22:34Because you have to keep warm.
00:22:39Because Dr. Brown Bear says so.
00:22:42Where's my patient?
00:22:46Open wide and say,
00:22:48Open wide and say,
00:22:52George is a little bit worried.
00:22:55Peppa, you're big and brave.
00:22:57Can you show George how to say,
00:23:02Of course.
00:23:09George has caught a cold.
00:23:11Does George need medicine?
00:23:14But he can have some nice warm milk at bedtime to help him sleep.
00:23:19Thank you, Dr. Brown Bear.
00:23:20You're welcome.
00:23:28George has been in bed all day.
00:23:30Now it is Peppa's bedtime.
00:23:33George, are you better?
00:23:36George is not better.
00:23:39George, please don't sneeze so loudly.
00:23:44This is impossible.
00:23:46George, here's some nice warm milk to help you sleep.
00:23:53The warm milk makes George feel very, very sleepy.
00:23:58Good night, my little piggies.
00:24:02It's so nice and quiet.
00:24:13It is morning.
00:24:15George has slept very well.
00:24:24George is better.
00:24:28Come on, everyone. It's a lovely sunny day.
00:24:33George is wearing his rain hat.
00:24:35He doesn't want to catch another cold.
00:24:37Oh, George, you don't need to wear your hat.
00:24:41Because it's hot and sunny.
00:24:44George, can you stop saying why all the time?
00:24:52George certainly is better.
00:25:01Peppa Pig.
00:25:06Peppa Pig.
00:25:08Peppa Pig.
00:25:39Daddy Pig is sitting in his favourite sunny spot.
00:25:47Daddy Pig loves doing nothing.
00:25:56Grandpa Pig has come to see Peppa and George.
00:25:59Grandpa Pig.
00:26:00Peppa Pig.
00:26:02Hello, Peppa and George.
00:26:04You're going to have your very own flower garden.
00:26:07Oh, a garden for George and me.
00:26:10I've got a packet of flower seeds for each of you.
00:26:15Now, we need a nice sunny spot to plant your seeds.
00:26:21Here we are.
00:26:23Grandpa Pig is digging Peppa and George's garden.
00:26:27Ah, tea for the workers.
00:26:30Thank you, Daddy Pig.
00:26:33Er, what's going on?
00:26:35We're making a flower garden.
00:26:37Do we need a flower garden?
00:26:40But that's where I sit in my chair.
00:26:42There are more important things than chairs, Daddy Pig.
00:26:46But I always read my newspaper here.
00:26:49There are more important things than newspapers, Daddy Pig.
00:26:54Yes, like flowers.
00:26:57Look, Daddy.
00:26:59Peppa has lots of flower seeds.
00:27:01George only has one flower seed.
00:27:04But it is quite a big seed.
00:27:08Could you fetch us some water, Daddy Pig?
00:27:13Seeds need water to grow.
00:27:16They get very thirsty.
00:27:18Some little birds have come to watch.
00:27:21Don't let the birds eat the seeds, Peppa.
00:27:24Shoo, shoo! Fly away, birdies!
00:27:29Here's the water.
00:27:31Daddy scares the birds away.
00:27:35Daddy Pig looks like a scarecrow.
00:27:40Peppa, George, bath time.
00:27:43Oh, but what if the birdies come back?
00:27:46Don't worry, Peppa.
00:27:48I'll make sure the birds don't eat the seeds.
00:27:51Thank you, Daddy.
00:27:53Good luck, Daddy Pig.
00:27:55See you tomorrow.
00:27:59Ah, this is nice.
00:28:03Daddy, you have to be the scarecrow.
00:28:07Oh, shoo, shoo! Naughty birds!
00:28:11Now, stay there until the birdies go to bed.
00:28:16Oh, OK, Peppa.
00:28:20All the birdies have gone to bed.
00:28:22Daddy Pig can go inside now.
00:28:26It is morning.
00:28:28George, let's look at our flower garden.
00:28:33Ooh, baby plants.
00:28:37Ah, your plants have started to grow.
00:28:41Soon they'll have flowers on them.
00:28:43A little snail has come to take a look.
00:28:46Oh dear, snails like eating plants.
00:28:50Grandpa Pig, can you take Barbara to your garden?
00:28:54OK, I'll take care of Barbara.
00:29:00It is one week later.
00:29:02Peppa, George, come and look.
00:29:06My flowers!
00:29:08They're so pretty.
00:29:10And look at George's plant.
00:29:13It's a beanstalk.
00:29:15And it goes all the way up to a giant's castle.
00:29:20No, Peppa, but it does go quite high.
00:29:24George's flower is taller than our house.
00:29:29George has grown a sunflower.
00:29:32Well done, George.
00:29:34I love our flower garden.
00:29:37Now let's make you a vegetable garden.
00:29:42But that's where I sit in my chair.
00:29:45There are more important things than chairs.
00:29:48Daddy Pig?
00:29:49Like tomatoes, carrots and potatoes.
00:29:53I do like a nice potato.
00:29:55Daddy Pig loves potatoes.
00:29:58Everyone loves potatoes.
00:30:19I'm Peppa Pig.
00:30:21This is my little brother George.
00:30:24This is Mummy Pig.
00:30:26And this is Daddy Pig.
00:30:30Peppa Pig!
00:30:49Edmund Elephant's birthday.
00:30:54Mr. Zebra the postman is delivering a letter to Peppa's house.
00:30:59Oh look, someone's got a party invitation.
00:31:02It must be for me.
00:31:04It says, to George Pig from Edmund Elephant, please come to my party.
00:31:10Doesn't it say George and Peppa?
00:31:13No, just George.
00:31:15I didn't want to go to a silly baby party anyway.
00:31:23Oh, it's for you Peppa.
00:31:25It's Emily Elephant.
00:31:28Hello Peppa.
00:31:29Do you want to come to Edmund's party as my friend?
00:31:32Oh, yes please.
00:31:34My mummy wants to help with the little ones.
00:31:38Yes, I can help.
00:31:40Danny and Susie are helpers too.
00:31:43Oh goody!
00:31:51Oh, the helpers are here.
00:31:53Hello Mrs. Elephant.
00:31:55Let's get this party started.
00:31:57Who wants to play musical statues?
00:32:01This is what you do.
00:32:03Dance when the music is playing and when it stops, freeze like a statue.
00:32:11Prêts, prêts, go!
00:32:13Head, shoulders, knees and toes.
00:32:15Just dance already.
00:32:17Head, shoulders, knees and toes.
00:32:19Knees and toes.
00:32:22This one is still blinking.
00:32:24You're out.
00:32:30You're moving George.
00:32:32You're out.
00:32:35Richard and Edmund are out.
00:32:37So Zaza is the winner.
00:32:40You've got a medal.
00:32:41It's made of real plastic gold.
00:32:48Mummy, musical statues is over.
00:32:53Now it's time for pass the parcel.
00:32:57When the music plays, pass the parcel round.
00:33:01When the music stops, take some paper off.
00:33:05Ready, steady, go!
00:33:11George passed the parcel.
00:33:18Edmund has got a medal.
00:33:24Hurry up Richard.
00:33:26Just take the paper off.
00:33:30Richard has got a medal.
00:33:36George has got a medal.
00:33:44Pass the parcel.
00:33:47Oh dear, George isn't passing the parcel.
00:33:55No George, that's Zaza's medal.
00:34:06It's a giant teddy.
00:34:08Edmund has won.
00:34:13Mummy, pass the parcel is finished.
00:34:17Now it's time for food.
00:34:22Oh, the helpers have taken all the seats.
00:34:25This is Edmund's party, remember?
00:34:28The helpers can eat after the little ones.
00:34:31Oh yes.
00:34:33Juice, please.
00:34:35Jelly, please.
00:34:37More, please.
00:34:41Happy birthday, Edmund.
00:34:43Happy birthday, Edmund.
00:34:49It is the end of the party.
00:34:51Thank you to the helpers.
00:34:53You all did a great job.
00:34:55Thank you to the helpers.
00:34:57Thank you to the helpers.
00:34:59It is the end of the party.
00:35:01Thank you to the helpers.
00:35:03You all worked really hard.
00:35:06It's not easy looking after little children.
00:35:10I need to lie down.
00:35:12I need a holiday.
00:35:21Peppa Pig.
00:35:26Peppa Pig.
00:35:29Peppa Pig.
00:36:05Race you to the post box.
00:36:14What have you all asked Father Christmas for?
00:36:17A scooter.
00:36:19A toy spaceship.
00:36:21A little guitar.
00:36:22A toy mouse.
00:36:24A skipping rope.
00:36:25A trumpet.
00:36:26A bat and ball.
00:36:28George has asked for a toy train.
00:36:32And I would love a yo-yo.
00:36:39It is Mr. Zebra the postman.
00:36:41My goodness, a lot of posts today.
00:36:44They're all our letters to Father Christmas.
00:36:47It's very important that Father Christmas gets them.
00:36:51He lives at the North Pole.
00:36:53Yes, I can see that.
00:36:55Well, if I'm off to the North Pole today,
00:36:58I can't stand around chattering.
00:37:06We're off to get the Christmas tree.
00:37:10Is everybody ready?
00:37:12Yes, Daddy Pig.
00:37:14Then let's go!
00:37:20This is Miss Rabbit's tree shop.
00:37:23Hello, Miss Rabbit.
00:37:24Hello there.
00:37:26We'd like to buy a tree, please.
00:37:28What sort are you looking for?
00:37:30Please don't say an apple tree or a cherry tree.
00:37:33I don't have them.
00:37:34We want a Christmas tree.
00:37:37Phew, I've got hundreds of them.
00:37:41These are the littlest ones.
00:37:43We were looking for something bigger.
00:37:45This is our mid-range.
00:37:47Still not big enough.
00:37:49Are you sure, Daddy Pig?
00:37:51They look lovely to me.
00:37:53And this is our biggest tree.
00:37:57Jolly good.
00:37:58I'll ask Mr Ball to carry it to your car.
00:38:01Mr Ball!
00:38:04Hello, everyone.
00:38:07Big tree, this one.
00:38:09Got a big car?
00:38:11Er, yes.
00:38:13So, where's your car?
00:38:15This is it.
00:38:16Oh, our car is quite small, isn't it?
00:38:21Daddy's just going to have to choose a smaller tree.
00:38:24No need for that.
00:38:26I'll carry it home.
00:38:28It can't be that heavy.
00:38:30See you later.
00:38:32See you later.
00:38:40Daddy's been gone for ages.
00:38:42I hope our tree is okay.
00:38:46What's that noise?
00:38:49It's Daddy! With our tree!
00:38:58Daddy, was the tree heavy?
00:39:00It was a bit heavy, yes.
00:39:03I hope the tree fits in our house.
00:39:06Don't worry. I'll make sure it fits.
00:39:11It is a lovely tree.
00:39:13Thank you for carrying it all the way home, Daddy Pig.
00:39:16You're most welcome.
00:39:18Let's get it decorated.
00:39:20Peppa puts the glitter on the tree.
00:39:22It's so glittery.
00:39:24George hangs the baubles.
00:39:28Mummy Pig fixes the fairy lights.
00:39:31And Daddy Pig puts a star on the very top of the tree.
00:39:37Little star on the Christmas tree
00:39:40Goes twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle
00:39:45What a charming song.
00:39:47And all the little piggies on Christmas Eve
00:39:51Go oink, oink, oink, oink
00:39:54Lovely, Peppa. Now it's time to...
00:39:56Wait! There's more!
00:39:58Oink, oink, oink, oink
00:40:01Sweet little star on the Christmas tree
00:40:07Maybe that's enough singing.
00:40:09Do you know what day tomorrow is?
00:40:12Christmas Day!
00:40:15Here's a little snack for Father Christmas.
00:40:17Daddy, why does Father Christmas come down the chimney?
00:40:22Why doesn't he just use the front door?
00:40:25Good question, Peppa.
00:40:28If you see him, you should ask.
00:40:30But Father Christmas won't come unless you're asleep in bed.
00:40:35Up you go.
00:40:39I hope Mr. Zebra gave our letters to Father Christmas.
00:40:43I'm sure he did.
00:40:45Danny wanted a spaceship, Suzy a scooter, Pedro a guitar...
00:40:50Can you remember everything your friends asked for?
00:40:53Of course I can, Daddy. It's very important.
00:40:57Good night, my little piggies. Sleep well.
00:41:04George, let's stay awake all night and see Father Christmas.
00:41:11George is asleep.
00:41:13Well, I'm going to stay wide awake all night.
00:41:20Peppa is asleep.
00:41:23What was that flying past the window?
00:41:29And what was that noise?
00:41:31George, there's a loud banging noise coming from the roof.
00:41:41It is Father Christmas.
00:41:45Father Christmas just has a few more presents to deliver.
00:41:48Peppa wants a yo-yo. George wants a train.
00:41:56Why do they make these chimneys so small?
00:42:00Oh no, Father Christmas has lost his list.
00:42:06Why are these chimneys always so sooty?
00:42:09Ah, I see someone's left me a mince pie and a drink.
00:42:20George, it's Father Christmas.
00:42:24Ah, hello there. And who might you be?
00:42:28I'm Peppa.
00:42:30And who is this very smart young gentleman?
00:42:33It's only George.
00:42:35Pleased to meet you, George.
00:42:40Are those presents for George and me?
00:42:43They might be.
00:42:45Can we open them now?
00:42:47You have to wait till morning.
00:42:50Father Christmas, how do you know what presents to give everyone?
00:42:54I have a list, which I seem to have lost.
00:43:01And I only had a few more to deliver to Suzy Sheep, Danny Dog, Pedro Pony...
00:43:08That's easy!
00:43:09Suzy wants a scooter, Danny a spaceship, Pedro a guitar, Emily a toy mouse,
00:43:16Zoe a bat and ball, Candy a skipping rope, and Rebecca a trumpet.
00:43:22Thank you, Peppa.
00:43:24You're most welcome.
00:43:26Right, let's get these last presents delivered, which means climbing back up this confounded chimney.
00:43:34Father Christmas, why don't you use the front door?
00:43:38Galloping goblins! What a good idea!
00:43:42Bye-bye, Peppa and George!
00:43:46Happy Christmas! Ho-ho-ho!
00:43:58Wake up, Peppa and George! It's Christmas Day!
00:44:02Daddy! Mummy! We saw Father Christmas and he left us these presents!
00:44:10George has a toy train.
00:44:15And Peppa has...
00:44:16A yo-yo!
00:44:22All of Peppa's friends are here.
00:44:24Happy Christmas, Peppa!
00:44:26Happy Christmas, everyone!
00:44:29I got a scooter!
00:44:31I got a spaceship!
00:44:33A little guitar!
00:44:35A toy mouse!
00:44:37A bat and ball!
00:44:40A skipping rope!
00:44:42A trumpet!
00:44:45Everyone got what they wanted!
00:44:48Father Christmas is very clever!
00:44:50Well, actually, it was me who told him what you all wanted!
00:44:55Don't be silly, Peppa!
00:44:57It's true! George and I saw Father Christmas!
00:45:02Here are Granny and Grandpa Pig.
00:45:04Happy Christmas, everyone!
00:45:06Happy Christmas!
00:45:08I say, look at those big boot prints!
00:45:14And there's more of the same boot prints on our roof!
00:45:17You see, it's true!
00:45:19I saw Father Christmas!
00:45:24Happy Christmas, Peppa!
00:45:27Can't catch me!
00:45:31Can't catch me!
00:45:40This is the best Christmas ever!
00:45:50Peppa Pig
00:45:55Peppa Pig
00:45:57Peppa Pig
00:46:28Let's play hide-and-seek!
00:46:31We'll all hide and Peppa can find us!
00:46:38Everyone must find a hiding place before Peppa counts to ten.
00:46:42Danny and Candy are hiding in the branches of a little tree.
00:46:46Zoe, Pedro and Rebecca are hiding behind a fence.
00:46:50Suzy and Emily are hiding behind a bush.
00:46:57Where do you not? Here I come!
00:47:00I know where you are!
00:47:06Peppa cannot find anyone.
00:47:09This is impossible!
00:47:12Freddy Fox has come to play.
00:47:15Hello, Freddy!
00:47:16Hello, Peppa!
00:47:18What are you doing?
00:47:19We're playing hide-and-seek, but I can't find anyone.
00:47:23Shall I find them for you?
00:47:25You can try, but it's impossible.
00:47:29Watch this!
00:47:34Found you!
00:47:35Oh, hello, Freddy!
00:47:38Aha! There you are!
00:47:42Freddy Fox has found everyone!
00:47:45How did you do that?
00:47:47I'm good at smelling.
00:47:49What's smelling got to do with it?
00:47:52I can find you by sniffing your smell!
00:47:57I'm not smelly! I had a bath last night!
00:48:01I know! You smell nice!
00:48:06I could even find you with my eyes closed!
00:48:10Go on, then! Find Suzy with your eyes closed!
00:48:15Hide Suzy!
00:48:17One, two, three...
00:48:21Suzy is looking for somewhere to hide.
00:48:24Six, seven, eight, nine, ten!
00:48:29Ready or not, here I come!
00:48:32Freddy is looking for Suzy with his eyes closed.
00:48:36He is sniffing where Suzy Sheep has walked.
00:48:39Round the tree, behind the little bush, and back up the hill.
00:48:45Found you!
00:48:47All thanks to my nose!
00:48:50It's a super nose!
00:48:52Yes, it is!
00:48:54Has everything got a smell?
00:48:57Oh, yes! Everything has a different smell!
00:49:01What do I smell of?
00:49:04You smell of flowers and Wellington boots!
00:49:10What do I smell of?
00:49:12You smell of wet grass and biscuits!
00:49:18What do I smell of?
00:49:20Bananas and jam!
00:49:24What do I smell of?
00:49:26Milk and fish fingers!
00:49:30What do I smell of?
00:49:32Pedro, you smell of toothpaste!
00:49:37What's your favorite smell?
00:49:40What is the worst thing you've ever smelled?
00:49:43Blue cheese!
00:49:49It's nearly dinner time!
00:49:51How do you know?
00:49:53I can smell carrot soup!
00:49:57I can smell carrot soup too!
00:50:00And me!
00:50:01Dinner's ready!
00:50:03Come and get your carrot soup!
00:50:07Everyone is enjoying Mummy Rabbit's carrot soup.
00:50:11This soup is yummy!
00:50:14Who can that be?
00:50:15Mr Fox is going to take Freddy home.
00:50:18Mmm! I can smell dinner!
00:50:21Oh! Mr Fox! Hello!
00:50:24Hello, me rabbit!
00:50:25Hello, Dad! I've just had my dinner down a rabbit hole!
00:50:30Good lad!
00:50:31And can you guess what's for pudding?
00:50:34Smells nice!
00:50:35I'd say strawberry jelly!
00:50:38That's right!
00:50:40Mr Fox loves smelling things!
00:50:45Everyone loves smelling things!
00:50:54Peppa Pig!
00:50:59Peppa Pig!
00:51:03Peppa Pig!
00:51:15Mommy Pig!
00:51:17And this is Daddy Pig!
00:51:20Peppa Pig!
00:51:25At the playground!
00:51:48Peppa is playing on the swing.
00:51:51Mummy! Mummy! Push me, please!
00:51:54Are you ready?
00:51:56Yes! I want to go really high!
00:52:03Higher, Mummy!
00:52:10George wants to play on the swing.
00:52:13Now it's your turn, George!
00:52:16Hold tight!
00:52:18I want to push George!
00:52:20Push George gently, Peppa!
00:52:22Yes, Mummy!
00:52:23Hold tight, George!
00:52:29Oh dear! Peppa has pushed George too high!
00:52:32George does not like being up high!
00:52:35Peppa, you know George is a bit scared of heights!
00:52:39Sorry, George!
00:52:42Let's play on the climbing frame!
00:52:47Hello, Susie!
00:52:49Hello, Danny!
00:52:50Hello, Peppa!
00:52:59You were doing it all wrong!
00:53:01This is the proper way to swing across!
00:53:05Stand back!
00:53:06Ready, steady, go!
00:53:09Oui! Look at me! I'm flying like a bird!
00:53:20Oh! I can't get out!
00:53:23Peppa is stuck in the tyre!
00:53:28It's not funny!
00:53:30Well, it does look a bit funny!
00:53:35We'll have to pull you out!
00:53:37Peppa's friends are helping to free her!
00:53:44Thank you, everyone!
00:53:47George, do you want to play on the climbing frame?
00:53:51The climbing frame is quite high!
00:53:53George does not like being up high!
00:54:00Sorry, George! Let's play on the slide!
00:54:03Yes, the slide!
00:54:08Peppa loves the slide!
00:54:10Everyone loves the slide!
00:54:12Mummy, Daddy, look at me!
00:54:14Ready, steady, go!
00:54:30George wants to play on the slide!
00:54:32Are you sure, George?
00:54:34It is a bit high!
00:54:36All right! I'll help you up the steps!
00:54:42Oh dear! It is a bit too high for George!
00:54:48Don't worry, George! I'll slide down with you!
00:54:51Daddy, you're too big to go down the slide!
00:54:54Don't be silly, Peppa! I'm not too big!
00:54:58Stand back! Ready, steady, go!
00:55:04Daddy Pig is stuck!
00:55:09It's not funny!
00:55:11It looks very funny, Daddy!
00:55:15I suppose it is a bit funny!
00:55:18We'll have to push you down!
00:55:35Daddy's tummy is just like a bouncy castle!
00:55:40George loves bouncing on Daddy's tummy!
00:55:45George isn't afraid of heights anymore!
00:55:51Peppa Pig!
00:55:56Peppa Pig!
00:56:00Peppa Pig!
00:56:04Peppa Pig!
00:56:35Peppa and George are going shopping!
00:56:40Peppa and George like shopping!
00:56:44George loves sitting in the trolley!
00:56:49So does Peppa!
00:56:51Daddy, can I sit in the trolley too?
00:56:54You're too big for the trolley, Peppa!
00:56:57But you can help with the shopping!
00:57:00Oh, goody!
00:57:02We've got four things on the list!
00:57:05Tomatoes, spaghetti, onions and fruit!
00:57:09I'll find it all!
00:57:15This way!
00:57:17Peppa and George love shopping!
00:57:22Peppa, first we need tomatoes!
00:57:26I can see them, I can see them!
00:57:29Here are the tomatoes, Mummy!
00:57:31Well done, Peppa!
00:57:38Now, put them in the trolley!
00:57:41I've found the tomatoes!
00:57:44Well done, Peppa!
00:57:46Tomatoes, that's one thing off the list!
00:57:50What's next on the list?
00:57:54That's right, George, but it's called spaghetti!
00:58:00Spaghetti is Peppa and George's favourite food!
00:58:03I wonder where the spaghetti is?
00:58:05I can see it! This way!
00:58:09Look, Mummy, here's the spaghetti!
00:58:12Well done, Peppa! Let's put the spaghetti in the trolley!
00:58:15Yes, Mummy!
00:58:20George, it's called spaghetti!
00:58:29What's next on the list, Peppa?
00:58:33Crisps are not on the list!
00:58:35We have plenty of crisps at home, Peppa!
00:58:37Have another guess!
00:58:40I just can't remember!
00:58:42Can you remember, George?
00:58:46George, there aren't any dinosaurs in the supermarket!
00:58:52No, George, the next thing on the list is onions!
00:58:58Onions! I remember now!
00:59:01Here they are!
00:59:04Well done!
00:59:06One, two, three, four...
00:59:14Very good! That's nearly everything on our list!
00:59:18There's one last thing on the list!
00:59:21A plant? Is that on the list?
00:59:24Oh no, George, the last thing on the list is fruit!
00:59:30Never mind, George, you can choose the fruit!
00:59:34Where is the fruit?
00:59:36Over there!
00:59:38There are apples and oranges and bananas and a very big melon!
00:59:44What fruit shall we have, George?
00:59:47What fruit shall we have, George?
00:59:54A melon!
01:00:01This is the checkout, where all the food is paid for!
01:00:12Chocolate cake...
01:00:15Chocolate cake?
01:00:17Chocolate cake? Is that on the list?
01:00:20Peppa, did you put the chocolate cake in the trolley?
01:00:23No, Mummy!
01:00:25George, did you put the chocolate cake in the trolley?
01:00:29Well, I didn't put it in!
01:00:31Then who did?
01:00:35I thought it might be nice for pudding!
01:00:37Daddy Pig!
01:00:39Naughty Daddy!
01:00:41Sorry, it just looked so delicious!
01:00:44It does look rather yummy!
01:00:46Oh, let's pretend it was on the list!
01:00:49Chocolate cake!
01:01:00Peppa Pig!
01:01:05Peppa Pig!
01:01:07Peppa Pig!
01:01:37It is a lovely sunny day.
01:01:39Peppa is playing with her bouncy ball.
01:01:42George and his friend, Edmund Elephant, are playing with their space toys.
01:01:50George is pretending that the bouncy ball is the moon.
01:01:57Edmund's space toy has landed on Peppa's head.
01:02:07It's not for babies, Daddy! It's not real!
01:02:11But space is real, Peppa!
01:02:13And there are real rockets that go to the moon!
01:02:16The museum has a show all about the moon.
01:02:19Shall we go and see it?
01:02:21Will we really have to go to the moon?
01:02:24No, Peppa, we're not going to the moon.
01:02:27We're going to the museum!
01:02:31Here is the museum.
01:02:34Hello, everyone. Have you come to see the moon show?
01:02:37Yes, Miss Rabbit. Five tickets, please.
01:02:41There you are. Enjoy your trip to the moon!
01:02:45Oh, we really are going to the moon!
01:02:48No, Peppa, it's just pretend.
01:02:51This way for our trip to the moon!
01:02:54Mr Rabbit is the tour guide.
01:02:58Prepare for take-off!
01:03:00It's just pretend, isn't it?
01:03:02That's right, Peppa. It's just pretend.
01:03:05Five, four, three, two, one, blast off!
01:03:14We live on a planet. Does anyone know what it is called?
01:03:19The Earth!
01:03:20That's right!
01:03:21I'm a bit of an expert at space things.
01:03:25There are seven other planets that go around our sun.
01:03:29Does anyone know what they are called?
01:03:33Oh, well done, Edmund!
01:03:35Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus!
01:03:41Edmund knows all about space.
01:03:43I'm a clever clogs!
01:03:48Does anyone know what these planets are made of?
01:03:51They're made of cardboard.
01:03:53These models are made of cardboard,
01:03:55but the real planets are made of rock and ice and gas.
01:04:00But of course the moon is made of cheese!
01:04:04No, the moon is made of rock.
01:04:07And this is a serious tour, so no jokes and no giggling.
01:04:12Here we are, on the moon!
01:04:15It's a pretend moon, really, isn't it?
01:04:18Yes! If this was the real moon, you could jump over my head!
01:04:24Does anyone know why we can jump so high on the moon?
01:04:29Oh, that's right, Edmund.
01:04:31Gravity is what keeps us on the ground.
01:04:34It is weaker on the moon, so you can jump higher.
01:04:39We can make you feel like you're jumping on the moon with the help of science.
01:04:44That sounds impressive. How do you do that?
01:04:48With big rubber bands.
01:04:51Everyone is strapped into Mr. Rabbit's anti-gravity rubber bands.
01:05:00Bouncing on the pretend moon is fun.
01:05:03Say moon cheese!
01:05:05Moon cheese!
01:05:09And that is the end of the tour. Please walk this way.
01:05:13Are there trees on the moon?
01:05:16Are there any cars on the moon?
01:05:19Are there any moon shops?
01:05:21No. That would be silly.
01:05:24Welcome to the moon shop.
01:05:26We've got moon maps, moon books.
01:05:28We've even got a picture of piggies on the moon with an elephant.
01:05:32Look, there we are, jumping on the moon.
01:05:35We've got moon rock, too.
01:05:37It's got a picture of the moon all the way through the middle.
01:05:41How about some real moon cheese?
01:05:44How much is it, Miss Rabbit?
01:05:46Five pounds, please.
01:05:48Five pounds?
01:05:50It's all for a good cause.
01:05:52I like the moon now because it's very interesting.
01:05:56Mmm! And very tasty!
01:06:05Peppa Pig!
01:06:10Peppa Pig!
01:06:14Peppa Pig!
01:06:22I'm Peppa Pig.
01:06:24This is my little brother, George.
01:06:27This is Mummy Pig.
01:06:29And this is Daddy Pig.
01:06:33Peppa Pig!
01:06:36Flying on holiday.
01:06:39Peppa and George are going on holiday.
01:06:42They are packing their bags.
01:06:44You can't pack everything.
01:06:46But we need to take all our toys, Daddy.
01:06:50Just take the important ones.
01:06:56I'll take Teddy.
01:06:58And George can take...
01:07:05Mummy Pig is packing a big bag for the holiday.
01:07:08Wow! That's a lot of stuff, Mummy Pig.
01:07:12Are you sure we need it all?
01:07:14Yes, it's all very important.
01:07:19It is Suzy Sheep.
01:07:50We're looking after her while you're on holiday.
01:07:52Here's Goldie.
01:07:54Don't feed her too much, Granny.
01:07:56Okay, Peppa.
01:07:58It is Mr. Bull in his taxi.
01:08:01He is taking Peppa and her family to the airport.
01:08:04Hello, Daddy Pig.
01:08:06Let me take that bag for you.
01:08:12That's heavy.
01:08:13Are you sure you need everything in here?
01:08:16Yes, it's all very important.
01:08:19Au revoir!
01:08:21Au revoir!
01:08:27C'est l'aéroport.
01:08:30Au revoir!
01:08:31Bonne vacances!
01:08:38Des tickets, s'il vous plaît.
01:08:40Des sacs?
01:08:42J'ai peur que celui-ci soit un peu lourd.
01:08:45Ne vous en faites pas.
01:08:46C'est un peu lourd.
01:08:47Ne vous en faites pas.
01:08:48Mettez-le sur la table.
01:08:52Est-ce qu'il y a quelque chose de valable dedans?
01:08:58Vous pouvez prendre ces petits sacs sur l'avion avec vous.
01:09:01Juste rejoignez la queue là-bas.
01:09:03C'est la machine X-ray.
01:09:06Qu'est-ce que c'est, Daddy?
01:09:08C'est une machine qui regarde les choses à l'intérieur.
01:09:12Mettez vos sacs ici, s'il vous plaît.
01:09:17Regarde, c'est mon sac!
01:09:19Il y a Teddy dedans!
01:09:22Je l'ai vu.
01:09:26C'est magique!
01:09:30C'est l'aéroport qui prendra Pepper et sa famille en vacances.
01:09:37George aime les aéroports.
01:09:41Bienvenue à bord.
01:09:43J'espère que vous avez apprécié votre vol avec nous aujourd'hui.
01:09:46Est-ce que je peux m'asseoir à côté de la fenêtre?
01:09:50Bien sûr, Pepper.
01:09:52Oui, George, vous pouvez aussi vous asseoir à côté d'une fenêtre.
01:09:58C'est le capitaine d'urgence qui parle.
01:10:01Est-ce que tout le monde est prêt?
01:10:03Oui, capitaine d'urgence!
01:10:05Alors, allons-y!
01:10:13Regarde, Teddy, ils volent!
01:10:16Qu'est-ce que tu peux voir à l'extérieur de la fenêtre, Pepper?
01:10:19C'est tout neigeux et pleine de pluie!
01:10:25Oh, maintenant il fait soleil!
01:10:28C'est parce qu'on est au-dessus des nuages.
01:10:31L'avion vole de plus en plus haut.
01:10:34Oh, nous volons jusqu'au soleil?
01:10:37Non, mais nous allons quelque part au soleil.
01:10:44Volant haut dans un avion,
01:10:47Au-dessus des nuages et de la pluie,
01:10:50Volant haut, le ciel sombre,
01:10:53Volant haut, haut et haut.
01:10:58Pepper et sa famille volent dans le ciel,
01:11:01Pour aller à un vacation sombre.
01:11:07Peppa Pig
01:11:09Peppa Pig
01:11:12Peppa Pig
01:11:16Peppa Pig
