00:00C'est un merveilleux matin soleil.
00:02Ah, quel beau jour pour ne rien faire.
00:06Daddy Pig aime ne rien faire.
00:09Daddy, tu ne vas pas travailler aujourd'hui?
00:12Non, Peppa, c'est lundi.
00:15Daddy Pig ne travaille pas les lundis.
00:17Daddy Pig, tu seras en retard pour le travail.
00:20Mais c'est lundi, Moumy Pig, n'est-ce pas?
00:23Non, c'est lundi.
00:26Daddy Pig travaille les lundis.
00:28À plus tard.
00:29Au revoir.
00:31Pauvre Daddy, il doit travailler.
00:34Heureusement, Moumy, tu peux jouer à la maison toute la journée.
00:38Je ne joue pas, je travaille sur mon ordinateur.
00:44George veut jouer au jeu Happy Mrs. Chicken.
00:47George, nous pouvons jouer au jeu Happy Mrs. Chicken après la soirée.
00:53Moumy, Cheep et Suzy viennent chercher Peppa pour le jeu.
00:57Bonjour, Peppa. Bonjour, Suzy.
01:01Bonne journée au jeu.
01:03Au revoir, Moumy. Travaillez fort.
01:08Mme. Cheep, vous travaillez ou vous jouez?
01:13Je vais travailler très fort aujourd'hui.
01:16Moumy, Cheep, vous travaillez ou vous jouez?
01:21Aujourd'hui, je vais à l'atelier.
01:24Que faites-vous à l'atelier?
01:26Jouer, sauter et sauter.
01:29Moumy, ce n'est pas travailler, c'est jouer.
01:37Peppa et Suzy arrivent à l'atelier.
01:40Bonjour, tout le monde. Bonjour, Peppa. Bonjour, Suzy.
01:46Enfants, aujourd'hui, nous allons jouer à l'atelier.
01:51Qui veut être le gardien de l'atelier?
01:53Moi! Moi! Moi!
01:55Peppa et Suzy peuvent être les gardiens de l'atelier.
01:57Tout le monde peut être le client.
02:00Peppa et Suzy vont gérer un atelier.
02:03Que devons-nous faire?
02:06Je prendrai l'argent, Suzy.
02:08Et tu peux stocker les cartes.
02:12Danny Dog est le premier client.
02:15Bonjour, gardien de l'atelier.
02:17Bonjour, Monsieur Dog.
02:18Je peux avoir des biscuits, s'il vous plaît?
02:21Suzy, avons-nous des biscuits?
02:24Non, mais nous avons un téléphone pour les jouets.
02:27Combien sera-t-il?
02:29Ça sera 100 pounds, s'il vous plaît.
02:35Deuxièmement, s'il vous plaît.
02:38Bonjour, gardien de l'atelier.
02:40Je peux avoir un morceau de pain, s'il vous plaît?
02:43Mais vous pouvez avoir une maison de jouets.
02:45Est-ce que vous aimeriez en avoir un sac, Monsieur?
02:48Oui, s'il vous plaît.
02:50Ça sera un centimètre, s'il vous plaît.
02:54Oh, je n'ai pas assez d'argent.
02:57Vous pouvez nous le payer la prochaine fois que vous venez.
03:00C'est du travail dur.
03:05Bonjour, gardien de l'atelier.
03:06Qu'est-ce que je peux acheter pour un million d'argent, s'il vous plaît?
03:11Suzy, qu'est-ce qu'on a acheté pour un million d'argent?
03:16Hmm... une carotte?
03:18Oui, s'il vous plaît.
03:20Rebecca Rabbit aime les carottes.
03:25C'est l'heure de rentrer chez nous.
03:27Daddy Pig est venu récupérer Clever et Suzy.
03:32Papa, as-tu passé un jour occupé?
03:35Oui, j'ai travaillé très dur.
03:38Nous avons aussi travaillé très dur.
03:41Nous avons été gardiens d'ateliers.
03:47Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
03:50Et prince.
03:53Maman Pig a terminé son travail.
03:57OK, George.
03:58Peut-être qu'on peut juste jouer un jeu de Happy Mrs. Chicken.
04:02On l'a gagné.
04:09Naudique, maman.
04:11Tu joues à Happy Mrs. Chicken.
04:14Ah, c'est parce que George et moi avons terminé notre travail.
04:17N'avons-nous pas, George?
04:19Nous avons tous terminé notre travail.
04:21Alors, allons-y jouer.
04:30Le Rainbow.
04:31Peppa et sa famille vont faire un tour dans les montagnes.
04:35Y en a-t-il encore?
04:38Pas encore, Peppa.
04:40Allons jouer à un jeu.
04:42Nous devons tous trouver un véhicule de notre couleur préférée.
04:46Ma couleur préférée est la rouge.
04:49La mienne est l'orange.
04:51La mienne est la rouge.
04:53George, quelle est ta couleur préférée?
04:57La couleur préférée de George est la bleue.
05:00Voyons d'abord quel véhicule vient d'arriver.
05:05Voici Candy Cat dans son véhicule vert.
05:08Vert! C'est ma couleur préférée.
05:12J'ai gagné!
05:14Bonjour, Candy!
05:16Bonjour, Peppa.
05:19Voici Danny Dog dans le véhicule de démarrage de Grandad Dog.
05:22Orange! Alors, j'ai gagné!
05:24Bonjour, Danny!
05:26Bonjour, Peppa!
05:28Voici un autre véhicule.
05:30C'est Suzy!
05:33Bonjour, Peppa!
05:36Oui, George, c'est un véhicule bleu.
05:38Donc, tu as gagné.
05:42C'est un jeu stupide.
05:44Il n'y a pas de véhicule rouge partout.
05:47Il y a un véhicule rouge, Peppa.
05:53Quelle couleur est notre véhicule?
05:56C'est rouge!
05:58J'ai gagné! J'ai gagné!
06:01La famille est arrivée aux montagnes.
06:05On aura une magnifique vue quand on arrivera au sommet.
06:10Nous sommes ici! Hurray!
06:12Regardez la magnifique vue soleille.
06:16Oh, mon dieu! Il a commencé à pleuvoir.
06:19Où est la magnifique vue?
06:22Euh, il y a une magnifique vue.
06:25C'est l'épicerie de Miss Rabbit.
06:27Bonjour, Miss Rabbit.
06:29Bonjour, Papy Pig.
06:31Quatre sucres, s'il vous plaît.
06:33Quels goûts aimeriez-vous?
06:35Mint, orange, strawberry et blueberry, s'il vous plaît.
06:43Regardez ce que j'ai.
06:45Des sucres!
06:48Ce sont nos couleurs préférées.
06:50C'est vrai.
06:52Le vert pour moi.
06:53L'orange pour moi.
06:55Le rouge pour moi.
06:57Et le rouge pour Georges.
07:04Regardez, le soleil est sorti.
07:06Et regardez ce qu'il y a d'autre.
07:09Un oiseau!
07:11Peppa et Georges adorent les oiseaux.
07:14Un oiseau sort seulement quand il pleut et il fait soleil en même temps.
07:21Il a tous nos couleurs préférées.
07:26Rouge et orange et vert et bleu.
07:32Et savez-vous ce que vous trouverez à la fin d'un oiseau?
07:37Vous trouverez des trésors.
07:39Oh, pouvons-nous aller chercher les trésors maintenant?
07:44Le fin de l'oiseau a l'air d'être juste sur la prochaine colline.
07:53C'est le jour de l'oiseau soleil.
07:56L'oiseau est là pour jouer.
07:59Oiseau, oiseau.
08:01Rouge et orange et jaune et vert et bleu.
08:06Oiseau, oiseau.
08:09C'est le jour de l'oiseau soleil.
08:12Et voilà!
08:14Oh, où est notre oiseau?
08:17Il s'est déplacé à la prochaine colline.
08:19Votre oiseau dégueulasse!
08:21Vite! Attrapez-le!
08:23Oiseau, oiseau.
08:25C'est le jour de l'oiseau soleil.
08:28Il s'est arrêté.
08:31Et l'oiseau est parti.
08:35Ne vous inquiétez pas, George.
08:37Peut-être que l'oiseau a laissé quelques trésors derrière.
08:40Il y a quelque chose là-bas.
08:42Avez-vous trouvé les trésors de l'oiseau?
08:45Oui, j'en ai.
08:48Un grand, marrant oiseau!
08:54C'est le meilleur trésor oiseau de l'histoire!
09:00L'oiseau d'Oiseau
09:02C'est le jour de l'école.
09:04Peppa et ses amis passent une leçon de musique.
09:09Miss Polly avait un oiseau.
09:12Désolée, Madame Gazelle.
09:15Oh, mon dieu! Pedro a un cou.
09:17Ne vous inquiétez pas, je vais appeler le Docteur Brown Bear.
09:24C'est le Docteur Brown Bear.
09:26Bonjour, Docteur. C'est Madame Gazelle.
09:29Un enfant est malade.
09:31Ne vous inquiétez pas, je viendrai tout de suite.
09:35Le Docteur Brown Bear
09:43Quel est le problème?
09:45J'ai un cou.
09:47Je vois.
09:49Est-ce un cou doux?
09:51Ou est-ce un coup de poitrine?
09:53Je ne sais pas.
09:55Mais c'est comme ça.
09:59Et quand avez-vous eu ce cou?
10:01Quand Madame Gazelle a commencé à chanter.
10:04Ce n'est rien de sérieux.
10:06Mais le cou de Pedro peut être attirant.
10:09Qu'est-ce que tu veux dire, attirant?
10:12Quand une personne a un cou,
10:14parfois d'autres personnes aussi ont ce cou.
10:17Est-ce que j'ai besoin de médicaments?
10:19Juste une petite cuillère.
10:21J'ai peur que ça ne goûte pas très bien.
10:26Ça goûte comme une vieille chaussure remplie de crème.
10:30Merci, Docteur Brown Bear.
10:32Au revoir.
10:33Au revoir.
10:36Comme je pensais,
10:38le cou de Pedro est attirant.
10:41Danny Dog et Suzy Sheep ont attiré le cou de Pedro.
10:49Ça goûte comme du yogourt à goût de papier.
10:55Ça goûte comme des fleurs.
10:58Bien joué pour prendre ta médicamente si bien.
11:01Est-ce que vous vous faites mal, Docteur Brown Bear?
11:04Non, Pepper, je ne suis jamais malade.
11:06J'en mange une pomme par jour.
11:10Au revoir.
11:11Au revoir.
11:14C'est l'heure de rentrer à la maison,
11:16et les parents des enfants sont là pour les récuperer.
11:18Maman, papa, j'ai un cou.
11:23Docteur Brown Bear nous a regardés.
11:27Il nous a donné des médicaments horribles.
11:30Madame Gazelle, pouvez-vous chanter votre chanson maintenant?
11:33Bien sûr, Pepper.
11:37Miss Polly had a dolly who was...
11:46Oh, mon Dieu, tous les adultes ont eu le cou de Pedro.
11:52Docteur Brown Bear parlant.
11:54This is Pepper Pig. All the grown-ups are ill.
11:58Not to worry, Pepper. I'm on my way.
12:08Hello, everyone. Caught Pedro's cough, have we?
12:13Very well. Stand in line and open wide.
12:19It tastes like custard and old socks.
12:23Thank you for looking after us, Doctor Brown Bear.
12:26Who looks after you when you're ill?
12:29No one looks after me. I'm never ill.
12:35Oh, dear. Doctor Brown Bear has caught Pedro's cough.
12:38Not to worry. Goodbye.
12:43Poor Doctor Brown Bear.
12:45He's ill and there's no one to look after him.
12:57Who can that be?
12:59Hello. We've come to look after you.
13:03Here's some fruit.
13:05And some cushions.
13:07And here is your medicine.
13:11And here's a song to make you feel better.
13:19The library.
13:21It is bedtime.
13:23Good night, Pepper. Good night, George.
13:26Can I have a story, please?
13:29OK. I'll read you The Red Monkey.
13:32It's a story about a red monkey.
13:35Can I have a story, please?
13:38OK. I'll read you The Red Monkey Book.
13:41But we always have that one.
13:44The red monkey has a bath, cleans his teeth and goes to sleep.
13:49Er, yes. That is what happens.
13:52Can we choose another story?
13:55The Blue Tiger, the Green Spider, the Orange Penguin.
14:00Oh, what's this one?
14:04I've been looking for that.
14:06Is it your book, Daddy?
14:08It's a book I borrowed from the library.
14:11What's a library?
14:13It's a place you borrow books from.
14:16And when you've finished reading them, you take them back.
14:19But Daddy Pig has forgotten to take this book back.
14:23I have had it for rather a long time.
14:26Never mind. You can take it back tomorrow.
14:29But now it's bedtime.
14:31After Daddy reads this story.
14:34It's not much of a story, Peppa.
14:36Please read it, Daddy.
14:56Peppa, George and Mummy Pig have fallen asleep.
15:01It is morning.
15:04Peppa and her family have come to the library.
15:08Wow! What a lot of books!
15:11Shh! Peppa, you must be quiet in the library.
15:17Because people come here to read and to be quiet.
15:21Next, please.
15:23Miss Rabbit is the librarian.
15:25Hello, Mummy Pig. Are you returning these books?
15:28Yes, Miss Rabbit.
15:30Right you are.
15:33Why is the computer beeping?
15:36It's checking to see that you haven't been naughty and borrowed the book for too long.
15:40I may have borrowed this book for a bit too long.
15:44Don't worry, Daddy Pig. It can't be that bad.
15:50Gosh! Daddy Pig, you've had this book out for ten years.
15:55Naughty Daddy!
15:57Sorry, Miss Rabbit.
15:59That's all right. Now you can borrow another book.
16:02Miss Rabbit, can George and I borrow a book, please?
16:07Yes. The children's section is over here.
16:12Oh, look! Berries, flowers, pretty dresses.
16:18Hello, Peppa.
16:19Oh, hello, Daddy.
16:21I'm borrowing a book about football.
16:24Hello, Peppa.
16:25Hello, Suzy.
16:27I've got a book about nurses.
16:30George has chosen a book about dinosaurs.
16:36Look what I've found.
16:38Further adventures in the world of concrete.
16:42Here's a red monkey book.
16:44Not the red monkey book. It's boring.
16:49But this is a different story.
16:51It might be more fun.
16:53I bet it's not.
16:55Once upon a time, there was a red monkey.
16:59He had a bath, cleaned his teeth, and went to bed.
17:03No. He jumped in a space rocket and went to the moon.
17:08He had a picnic with a dinosaur, swam under the sea,
17:12and climbed the highest mountain.
17:15That was a busy day. The end.
17:18Wow! Read it again.
17:20We can borrow it and read it at home, Peppa.
17:23But I was going to choose this book or this one.
17:28You can take three books home if you want, Peppa.
17:32But you must remember to bring them back on time.
17:35Yes, Miss Rabbit.
17:37And you must remember to bring your book back too, Daddy Pig.
17:43I'll make sure Daddy remembers.
17:46Yes, Peppa.
17:49The Campervan.
17:51Peppa and George are very excited today.
17:54They are going on a holiday.
17:56Oh, where's Daddy?
17:58He's bringing a secret surprise.
18:03What's that?
18:05It's a campervan.
18:07We've borrowed it for our holiday.
18:10It's a campervan.
18:12It's a campervan.
18:14It's a campervan.
18:16We've borrowed it for our holiday.
18:19This campervan has everything.
18:22This button works the sink.
18:27And this button works the TV.
18:31What does this button do?
18:33I'm not sure.
18:35Maybe don't press it until we know.
18:38Is everybody ready to go on holiday?
18:40Yes, Mummy Pig!
18:42Then let's go!
18:46We're going on holiday in a campervan.
18:52Hmm, this map is a bit tricky.
18:55Daddy, we don't want to get lost.
18:58Don't worry, Peppa.
19:00I'm an expert at map reading.
19:03Oh, that's strange.
19:05Are we lost?
19:07Er, yes.
19:11It's Granddad Dog with Danny Dog.
19:14Hello, Peppa.
19:15Hello, Danny.
19:16We're lost.
19:20Is your sat-nav broken?
19:23You're driving a campervan T-3200.
19:27Sat-nav comes as standard.
19:30Welcome to the car of the future.
19:33Ah, so that's what that button does.
19:37Where are we going today?
19:40The campervan is talking.
19:44The computer voice helps you find your way.
19:47But how does it know where we want to go?
19:51You tell it.
19:52Er, hello, Mrs. Campervan.
19:57We're going on holiday.
19:59Can you tell us the way?
20:01Proceed on the current road in a straight line.
20:05Thanks for your help, Granddad Dog.
20:07You're welcome.
20:09Have a lovely holiday.
20:11We're going on holiday in a campervan.
20:17Danger. Danger. Oil is low.
20:21What's oil?
20:23Oil helps engines to run smoothly.
20:26Will the oil run out?
20:29No. These warnings always give you plenty of time.
20:33Oil is gone.
20:36Oh, dear.
20:39Luckily, I've got a spare can of oil.
20:42Well done, Daddy Pig.
20:44We simply pour the oil into the engine and...
20:49What's wrong?
20:50There's nothing in here.
20:52The engine's gone.
20:55It's Mummy Sheep with Suzy Sheep.
20:58Hello, Suzy.
21:00Hello, Peppa.
21:02We've lost our engine.
21:05Lost your engine?
21:07It's completely disappeared.
21:09I'd like to help, but I don't know a thing about engines.
21:13I'm probably just being silly,
21:16but this looks a bit like an engine.
21:19Ah, yes. Well spotted, Mummy Sheep.
21:22The campervan has its engine at the back.
21:29That should be enough oil.
21:31Thank you, Mummy Sheep.
21:33You're welcome. Have a lovely holiday.
21:38Are we nearly there yet?
21:41Just up the next hill.
21:44You have reached your destination.
21:48Time for bed.
21:52Where will we sleep?
21:54Mummy Pig and I will sleep on this bed.
21:58And you two will sleep upstairs.
22:01But there isn't an upstairs.
22:05Watch this.
22:08The campervan's roof is lifting up.
22:11The campervan is just like our little house.
22:16While we're on holiday, it is our little house.
22:20Good night, my little piggies.
22:23Good night.
22:26Camping holiday.
22:28Peppa's family are on holiday in their campervan.
22:33Good morning, my little piggies.
22:35Good morning, Daddy Pig.
22:38I love camping.
22:40Since we're in the countryside,
22:42I thought we could spend the day looking at nature.
22:46Good idea, Mummy Pig.
22:48Let's watch a nature program.
22:51One of the wonders of nature, birds.
22:54How lovely.
22:58Shush, shush, little birdie.
23:00We can't hear our TV.
23:03Oh, Daddy Pig.
23:04There's no point being on a camping holiday
23:07and just watching TV.
23:09We can do that at home.
23:11Er, good thinking, Mummy Pig.
23:14There are lots of fun places we can visit.
23:17There's Tree World.
23:19What's Tree World?
23:21Tree World is a big forest full of trees.
23:25It sounds a bit boring.
23:28Or there's Potato City.
23:30What's Potato City?
23:32There's a tour of the potato fields ending with a potato tasting.
23:37Sounds interesting.
23:39Or there's Duckland.
23:41What's Duckland?
23:43It's a wide river full of ducks.
23:48Let's go to Duckland.
23:51Peppa and George love ducks.
23:54How do we get to Duckland?
23:56The camper van can guide us.
23:58Hello, where are we going today?
24:02Duckland, please.
24:04Follow the road ahead in a straight line.
24:08We're going to Duckland in a camper van.
24:12Welcome to Duckland.
24:17How many tickets, please?
24:19Two adults and two children.
24:22Enjoy the ducks.
24:26Where are the ducks?
24:28Maybe they're on holiday.
24:30Let's have our picnic lunch.
24:33The ducks always turn up when we have picnics.
24:38Peppa and George love picnics.
24:43Look, it's the ducks.
24:46Stop, Daddy, we need bread for the ducks.
24:51All right.
24:53Hello, Mrs Duck.
24:55Here come more ducks.
24:57All the brothers and sisters are here.
25:00And here come more ducks.
25:02It's the granny and grandpa ducks.
25:05And here are all the aunties and uncles.
25:10That's the last of our picnic gone.
25:13Ducks, say thank you to Daddy Pig.
25:18You're most welcome.
25:21I love Duckland.
25:25It is time to go home.
25:27I wonder what's the shortest way home.
25:30Drive straight ahead into the river.
25:34Oh, are you sure?
25:36Yes, drive into the river.
25:40But we can't drive in the river.
25:42Yes, it's talking nonsense.
25:45Please press the blue button.
25:48The camper van is driving into the river.
25:52Our camper van has turned into a boat.
25:55I wasn't quite expecting that.
25:58Welcome to the car of the future.
26:02Look, it's Granddad Dog and Daddy Dog.
26:06Ahoy there, Daddy Pig.
26:10Ahoy there.
26:12Drive up the next hill.
26:16You have reached your destination.
26:19We're home.
26:21Thank you for a lovely holiday, Mrs. Camper Van.
26:25Ho, ho, you're most welcome.
26:31We're home.
26:33Thank you for a lovely holiday, Mrs. Camper Van.
26:36Ho, ho, you're most welcome.
26:39It's nice going on holiday,
26:42but it's nicer to be back in our own little house.
26:46Good night, my little piggies.
26:48Good night.
26:59Daddy Pig is making vegetable soup for lunch.
27:02Daddy, can I help?
27:05Thank you, Peppa.
27:07Can you clear away all these vegetable peelings?
27:11Stop, Peppa.
27:13Vegetable peelings don't go in the normal bin.
27:16They go in this brown bin.
27:18Ooh, banana.
27:20That's right, George.
27:22It's a banana skin.
27:24And there are onions and carrots
27:26and all sorts of fruit and vegetable leftovers in here.
27:29Granny and Grandpa will like these.
27:31Do Granny and Grandpa Pig eat potatoes?
27:35Grandpa Pig, eat potato peelings.
27:39No, Peppa.
27:41They're for Grandpa's garden.
27:43They help his plants grow.
27:46We can take these round there after lunch.
27:48Oh, goody.
27:50Mummy Pig, Peppa and George
27:52are taking the vegetable peelings
27:54over to Granny and Grandpa Pig's house.
27:56We're here.
28:00Grandpa Pig.
28:02Grandpa Egg.
28:04I've got a special present for you.
28:08Vegetable peelings.
28:12My garden will like these.
28:14Does your garden eat vegetables?
28:16Ho, ho, ho.
28:18No, Peppa.
28:20These peelings are for my compost heap.
28:23What's that?
28:25I'll show you.
28:27Here it is.
28:29It's a wooden box.
28:31Yes, Peppa.
28:33It's a wooden box.
28:35I put these peelings in the top
28:38and then out of the bottom
28:40comes lovely, rich earth
28:43called compost.
28:45How does it do that?
28:47Is it a magic box?
28:49Ho, ho.
28:50No, Peppa.
28:52I've got some little friends
28:54that give it some help.
28:58In here.
29:01A wriggly worm.
29:03Wiggle, wiggle.
29:05The worms turn all the fruit and vegetables
29:07into compost.
29:11can we find some more wriggly worms
29:13for your compost heap?
29:15What a good idea.
29:17Come on, George.
29:19Let's find some more wriggly worms.
29:25A wriggly worm.
29:27Wiggle, wiggle.
29:29You're a wriggly worm.
29:31You're a wriggly worm.
29:33How do you do?
29:35I love you.
29:37You're a wriggly worm.
29:39Well done.
29:41Be a good wriggly worm
29:43and turn it all into compost.
29:49Then I can use the compost to...
29:51I know, I know.
29:53You put a seed in the ground,
29:55cover it in compost
29:57and turn it into a tree.
29:59Yes, Peppa.
30:01And talking of trees,
30:03we'd better go and help Granny Pig.
30:05She's collecting fruit
30:07in the orchard.
30:09What's the orchard?
30:11It's where you find fruit trees.
30:13We've had this orchard
30:15since I was a little piggy.
30:17Hello, Granny Pig.
30:19I'm the egg.
30:21Are you going to help me collect some apples?
30:23Yes, Granny.
30:25Oh, the apples are too high up.
30:27Don't worry, Peppa.
30:29Granny and Grandpa have a little trick
30:31to collect the apples.
30:33Everybody hold on to the tree.
30:35On the count of three,
30:37shake the tree as much as you can.
30:41two, three.
30:45It's raining apples.
30:51Granny, can we have an apple, please?
30:53Of course, Peppa.
30:55Mmm, delicious.
30:57And can you guess
30:59what we do with the apple cores?
31:05Wiggle, wiggle.
31:07That's right.
31:09The apple cores go into the compost
31:11for the worms.
31:13Clever George.
31:15And clever Wiggly Worm, too.
31:23Richard Rabbit
31:25comes to play.
31:27Peppa and George
31:29are playing in their bedroom.
31:31This will be the best house ever.
31:37Richard Rabbit is here.
31:47Bye-bye, Richard.
31:49I'll be back to pick you
31:51up later!
31:53George and Richard are best friends.
32:03You've knocked my house down.
32:05Please play something
32:07not bouncy.
32:11George has made the toy basket
32:13into a volcano.
32:17Richard is using toy trees
32:19to make a jungle.
32:21George has used the building blocks
32:23to make a river.
32:27George and Richard have turned the bedroom
32:29into dinosaur land.
32:31I'm leaving.
32:33It's too noisy.
32:35I say potato.
32:37And I say potato.
32:41The good thing about rainy days
32:43is we get to watch
32:45important TV programs.
32:51Mummy, George and Richard
32:53have made the bedroom
32:55into dinosaur land.
32:57And dinosaur land is very noisy.
33:01George has his best friend here
33:03but I've got no one to play with.
33:05You could ask Suzy Sheep
33:07to come over.
33:09Suzy Sheep is Peppa's best friend.
33:11Can Suzy really come over now?
33:13Let's ring her.
33:17Hello, Suzy Sheep speaking.
33:19Suzy, it's me.
33:21Can you come to my house now?
33:23Yes, Peppa.
33:25Can I wear my nurse's costume?
33:27Yes, but come quickly.
33:39Bye-bye, Suzy.
33:41I'll be back to pick you up.
33:43Bye-bye, Suzy.
33:45Bye-bye, Suzy.
33:47Pick you up later.
33:51George, Richard,
33:53Nurse Suzy is here.
33:55And Nurse Suzy says
33:57this is not dinosaur land.
33:59It's a hospital.
34:01And a hospital
34:03must be clean
34:05and tidy.
34:07The bedroom is not dinosaur land
34:11It is a hospital.
34:15this dinosaur looks sick.
34:17I agree, Doctor.
34:19He's a very greeny
34:21ill colour.
34:23He must go to bed.
34:25And this dinosaur looks
34:27a very purpley ill colour.
34:29Yes, Doctor.
34:31He must go into bed too.
34:35Shush! Quiet!
34:37In the hospital.
34:43The bedroom is not a hospital anymore.
34:45Now it is a railway station.
34:47No, no!
34:49There aren't any trains
34:51in Fairyland.
34:53Oh! Now the bedroom is
34:57Only pretty things are allowed
34:59in Fairyland.
35:01What's all this
35:03crying about?
35:05George and Richard want to play
35:07dinosaurs and trains.
35:09And we want to play
35:11hospitals and ferries.
35:15I see the rain has stopped
35:21Maybe you could all play outside.
35:23But they like little boys
35:27And we like grown-up girls
35:31But after it's been raining in the garden,
35:33what do you normally find?
35:35Muddy puddles!
35:37And what are
35:39muddy puddles for?
35:41Jumping up and down!
35:45Everyone loves jumping up and down
35:47in muddy puddles, whether they are
35:49big girls or little boys.
35:53Fun run!
35:55It has been very stormy weather
35:57and the school roof is leaking.
35:59How can we raise the money
36:01to fix the school roof?
36:03We could have a fun run.
36:05What's a funny run?
36:07It's a day for picnics
36:09and giving money to see people run.
36:11And the more money you give,
36:13the further they run.
36:15Good idea, Daddy Pig.
36:17How far can you run?
36:21Well, I can run as far as you like.
36:23But Daddy, you can hardly run at all.
36:27I'm an expert
36:29at running.
36:31Good. Does anyone else want to run?
36:33No, thank you.
36:35I'll give money to see Daddy Pig run.
36:37Me too!
36:39And me!
36:41Excellent! Thank you, Daddy Pig.
36:43Peppa and her family
36:45are eating spaghetti.
36:49Is there any more spaghetti?
36:51Daddy Pig,
36:53you've already had three helpings.
36:55Eating gives me energy
36:57and I need energy for my fun run.
36:59You also need to practice running.
37:01What if I practice
37:03eating today
37:05then practice running tomorrow?
37:07No, Daddy.
37:09You need to practice running now.
37:13Come on, Daddy! Race you!
37:15This is easy!
37:17It is easy to run downhill.
37:21It is hard to run uphill.
37:23I don't think I should have
37:25eaten so much spaghetti.
37:29It is the day of the fun run.
37:31Madame Gazelle has a chart
37:33to show how far
37:35Daddy Pig must run.
37:37If Daddy Pig can run to here,
37:39the supermarket,
37:41then to here,
37:43my granddad's garage,
37:45and all the way to here,
37:47Windy Castle,
37:49then we'll have enough money
37:51to fix the school roof.
37:53I'll do it now!
37:55Ready, steady, go!
37:57I did it!
37:59Now we can have the picnic!
38:01Silly Daddy!
38:03That's just a drawing.
38:05Yes. Now you must
38:07run to the real Windy Castle.
38:11Ready, steady, go!
38:19Come on, Daddy Pig!
38:21You can do it!
38:23Phew! Phew! Phew!
38:27Come on, Mum!
38:29You can make it!
38:31The school bus has made it
38:33to Windy Castle.
38:35Now everyone can enjoy
38:37the picnic.
38:39Water! Water!
38:41What a lovely
38:43hot day!
38:45And such a relaxing way
38:47to raise money, too.
38:49Water! Water!
38:51Daddy Pig has reached
38:53the supermarket.
38:55All the running has made him very thirsty.
39:01Let's look through the telescope.
39:03I can see Daddy!
39:05The telescope makes
39:07everything look closer.
39:09Oh, he's not going very fast.
39:11Daddy Pig has arrived
39:13at Grandad Dog's garage.
39:15That's it. I can't go on.
39:17Daddy has stopped!
39:21You look rather hot.
39:23You need something to cool you down
39:25and give you energy.
39:27Have an ice lolly.
39:29Thank you, Grandad Dog.
39:33That's nice.
39:35Huh? A wasp.
39:37Shoo! Shoo! Get away, you little pest.
39:39The wasp wants to share
39:41Daddy Pig's ice lolly.
39:43No! This is my lolly.
39:45Daddy's started running again
39:47really fast.
39:53Get off! Get off!
39:55You can stop now, Daddy Pig.
39:57We have enough money
39:59to fix the school roof.
40:03Daddy Pig has lost the wasp.
40:05Well done, Daddy Pig.
40:07All that extra running
40:09means we've got enough money
40:11for a new school bus, too.
40:13Thank you, Daddy Pig.
40:15Thank you, Daddy Pig.
40:17You're most welcome.
40:27Daddy Pig is doing the washing this morning.
40:31Daddy, what's that shirt?
40:35It's my football shirt.
40:37Daddy's playing football this afternoon.
40:41But first, I have to go to work.
40:43See you later. Bye.
40:49Poor Daddy.
40:51Having to go to work.
40:53Poor Daddy.
40:55Come on, let's play.
40:57Yes, let's play.
41:03Peppa loves jumping up and down
41:05in muddy puddles.
41:07George loves jumping up and down
41:09in muddy puddles.
41:11Mummy Pig loves jumping up and down
41:13in muddy puddles.
41:19Oh, dear.
41:21Mummy, we splashed
41:23Daddy's football shirt
41:25with mud.
41:27Don't worry. We'll just wash it.
41:31It'll be washed in no time
41:33and Daddy won't know it was ever muddy.
41:37Let's find some more things to put in the machine.
41:41My dress is a bit muddy.
41:45Mummy Pig and George
41:47have found more things to wash.
41:49Very good, George.
41:51We put the clothes in here
41:53and then
41:55we switch it on.
41:57The washing machine is filling up
41:59with hot, soapy water.
42:05Splash! Splash!
42:07Splash! Splash!
42:19Oh, Peppa, where's your dress?
42:21I'm washing it.
42:25Oh, no.
42:29Look, Mummy.
42:31My red dress
42:33is all nice and clean.
42:35Yes, Peppa,
42:37but it's done to everything else.
42:39Oh, dear.
42:41Peppa's red dress has made
42:43all the white clothes pink.
42:45Pink isn't a very good color
42:47for a football shirt.
42:51Daddy Pig is home from work.
42:53Hello, everyone.
42:55Hello, Daddy.
42:57Er, Daddy Pig,
42:59we've got a bit of a problem and...
43:01Tell me later, Mummy Pig.
43:03I've got to get ready for football.
43:05Peppa, where's my football shirt?
43:09Don't be silly, Peppa.
43:11That's one of Mummy's dresses.
43:13It's pink.
43:15No, Daddy.
43:17It's your football shirt.
43:19It got a bit muddy.
43:21So we washed it.
43:23And it all went a bit wrong.
43:25Sorry, Daddy.
43:27But I can't wear a pink football shirt.
43:29Why not, Daddy?
43:31Pink is a lovely color.
43:35What do you think, George?
43:37George does not like pink.
43:41Here are Daddy Pig's friends.
43:43Mr. Bull, Mr. Rabbit,
43:45Mr. Pony and Mr. Zebra.
43:49Is Daddy Pig coming out to play?
43:51He'll just be a moment.
43:53My team are in white.
43:55I need a white shirt.
43:57But, Daddy,
43:59you have a white shirt.
44:01Take off your jacket.
44:07Thank you, Peppa.
44:09Hello, everyone.
44:11Hello, Daddy Pig.
44:13Like your shirt?
44:15Very smart.
44:17Thank you.
44:19Come on, let's play football.
44:29You've made your shirt all muddy.
44:33Of course, Peppa.
44:35Football shirts are meant to be muddy.
44:41Daddy Pig loves playing football.
44:43Everyone loves playing football.
44:47Especially when it's muddy.
44:51Polly's boat trip.
44:53Grandpa Pig is taking Peppa and George
44:55on a boat trip.
44:57Polly Parrot is going too.
45:17Here is Grandad Dog.
45:27My boat needs a clean.
45:29I don't know why you bother
45:31cleaning that rusty boat.
45:33I'm surprised it's still afloat.
45:35This rusty boat
45:37will still be afloat
45:39long after your old tin boat
45:41has sunk to the bottom of the river.
45:45Grandad Dog is Grandpa Pig's
45:47very best friend.
45:49Full steam ahead.
45:53I am the captain of this boat.
45:55And when the captain
45:57tells you to do something,
45:59you must do it.
46:01Aye aye, captain.
46:03Aye aye, captain.
46:05Polly Parrot copies everything
46:07that is said.
46:09George, raise the flag.
46:11George, raise the flag.
46:15Peppa, ring the bell.
46:17Peppa, ring the bell.
46:21Grandpa, can I be the captain?
46:23Captain, please.
46:25Okay, but as captain
46:27you must wear this hat.
46:29Now Peppa is the captain
46:31and everyone must do
46:33what she says.
46:35Ring the bell.
46:37Turn that wheel.
46:39Aye aye, captain Peppa.
46:41Jump up and down.
46:43Captain Peppa
46:45is a bit bossy.
46:47Perhaps I should be the captain again.
46:49We don't want to crash
46:53Steering the boat can be tricky.
46:57I'm good at steering.
46:59Oh dear.
47:01Grandpa Pig's boat
47:03has crashed into a little island.
47:07Grandpa, we're stuck.
47:09I'll ring Granny Pig.
47:11She can get help.
47:19Grandpa Pig has dropped his phone
47:21in the water.
47:25Granny Pig speaking.
47:31Somehow, we need
47:33to get a message to Granny.
47:35Message to Granny?
47:37Polly can fly to Granny.
47:39Good idea, Peppa.
47:41And I can teach
47:43Polly what to say.
47:45Grandpa Pig says...
47:47Grandpa Pig says...
47:49Help! Help!
47:51Help! Help!
47:53There you see. Easy peasy.
47:55Grandpa Pig says
47:57easy peasy.
47:59You silly old bird.
48:01You silly old bird.
48:05Hello, Polly.
48:07What are you doing here?
48:09Grandpa Pig says...
48:11What does Grandpa Pig say?
48:13You silly old bird.
48:15Help! Help!
48:17Goodness me.
48:19Grandpa must need help.
48:23Grandad Dog?
48:25Hello, Granny Pig.
48:27Grandpa Pig needs help.
48:29Please, could you rescue him?
48:31Madam, I would be delighted.
48:39You need rescuing, Captain.
48:41Um, maybe.
48:43Would you like my rusty
48:45old boat to rescue you?
48:47Yes, please,
48:49Grandad Dog.
48:51Catch this, Captain.
48:53Aye, aye, Skipper.
48:55Grandad Dog is Grandpa Pig's
48:57very best friend.
48:59Granny, did Polly tell you
49:01we needed help?
49:03Yes. Polly is a
49:05very clever parrot.
49:07Say, I'm a clever
49:11I'm a clever parrot.
49:19Dolphin Donkey
49:27Hello, Daddy Pig speaking.
49:29Monsieur Pig, comment allez-vous?
49:31Oh, something's wrong with the phone.
49:33Qu'est-ce qu'ils t'ont fait dire, la Grande-Bretagne?
49:35Il y a de la pluie, du soleil?
49:37You see? The phone's talking nonsense.
49:39Comment allez-vous?
49:41Est-ce que Delphine peut rester pour un jour?
49:43Oui. Au revoir.
49:45That was Monsieur Donkey.
49:47He was speaking French.
49:49I thought as much.
49:51Mummy, what did
49:53Monsieur Donkey say?
49:55He asked if little Delphine Donkey
49:57could visit us.
49:59Delphine Donkey is
50:01Peppa's very special friend
50:03from France.
50:05Delphine's coming to practice
50:07You'd better hurry. Delphine's train
50:09is arriving any minute.
50:13Last stop, all trains.
50:15That's Delphine's train.
50:23Bonjour means hello in French.
50:29Bonjour, Mr. Donkey.
50:31My goodness.
50:33Is that huge case for Delphine?
50:35Yes. Delphine has brought
50:37a few little things for her visit.
50:39Things you do not have over here.
50:41Cheese, bread,
50:43tomatoes, water.
50:45Au revoir, Delphine.
50:47I will be back to pick you up
50:49tomorrow night.
50:53Where shall I put Delphine's luggage?
50:55In my room,
50:57at the very top of the house.
51:01And this luggage
51:03is for one night's stay?
51:05Oh, yes.
51:07That is why I only pack
51:09a little bag.
51:11Now, Delphine
51:13is here to practice talking English.
51:15So we must all help her.
51:17Yes, mommy.
51:19First, I must say sorry.
51:21I do not speak
51:23English very well.
51:25You don't speak too badly.
51:27You are very kind, Mr. Pig.
51:29But may I ask you a question
51:31about talking English?
51:33Of course.
51:35I am an expert at talking.
51:37Ask away.
51:39Are English split infinitives
51:41a form of irregular verb
51:43or past pronoun?
51:47Actually, it's quite late.
51:49Shall we set up Delphine's bed?
51:51Mommy! Mommy!
51:53Can Delphine sleep in my bed
51:55with a pillow at each end?
51:57Peppa and Delphine
51:59are sleeping at each end of the same bed.
52:03Now, children, try to go to sleep.
52:05You've got a busy day tomorrow.
52:07Delphine is visiting your playgroup.
52:11Dormez bien.
52:13Dormez bien is French for sleep well.
52:15I'm not sleepy at all.
52:19Let's sing a little song
52:21to make her sleepy.
52:25Frère Jacques
52:27Frère Jacques
52:33Sonnez le matin
52:35Delphine's pretty French song
52:37has sent everyone to sleep.
52:43Delphine has come
52:45to visit Peppa's playgroup.
52:47Madame Gazelle,
52:49this is my French friend
52:51Delphine Donkey.
52:55Bonjour, Delphine!
52:57Delphine sang
52:59a pretty French song last night.
53:01Can we teach her an English song?
53:03How about
53:05the Bing Bong song?
53:07Yes, sing me this Bing Bong song.
53:09It would be good
53:11for my English.
53:15We're playing a tune
53:17and we're singing a song
53:19with a bing and a bong
53:21and a ping.
53:39I have learned lots of new English words.
53:49The Fire Engine
53:51Mummy Pig is dressed as a fireman.
53:55why are you dressed like that?
53:57I'm going to the Mummy's
53:59fire engine practice.
54:03It's just a good excuse
54:05for a cup of tea and a chat.
54:07Well, what are you doing today,
54:11I've got a very important meeting
54:13with the Daddy's football team.
54:15That's just a lot of grown-up boys
54:17kicking a football around.
54:19We're having a barbecue as well.
54:21Here are
54:23Mr. Bull, Mr. Rabbit,
54:25Mr. Pony and Mr. Zebra.
54:29Is Steady Pig coming out to play?
54:31Come on!
54:37is there a fire engine?
54:41Oh, goody!
54:47This is Miss Rabbit's fire station.
54:49Hello, Peppa and George.
54:51Come and see the fire engine.
54:55Fire engine!
54:57There's a ladder for climbing,
54:59a hose for squirting water
55:01and a big bell to ring.
55:03Ding dong! Ding dong!
55:07let's go up the tower
55:09and look for fire.
55:11Hello, everyone.
55:13Hello, Peppa. Hello, George.
55:17Who's for a nice cup of tea and a chat?
55:19That sounds nice.
55:21Ooh! A telephone.
55:25that is the fire phone.
55:27It's only to be used when there's a fire.
55:31Fire! Fire!
55:33Fire station!
55:35Where's the fire? Where's the fire?
55:37Can I speak to Mummy Pig, please?
55:39Oh, it's Daddy Pig.
55:41Daddy Pig,
55:43you're not supposed to ring on this phone.
55:45It's only for emergencies.
55:47This is an emergency.
55:49I can't find the tomato ketchup
55:53Daddy Pig, shall I light the barbecue now?
55:55Yes, please, Mr. Rabbit.
55:57Do be careful with the barbecue,
55:59Daddy Pig.
56:01Trust me, Mummy Pig.
56:03We daddies know all about barbecues.
56:07Maybe it needs more charcoal.
56:09Give it a bit of a blow.
56:11Put a few more fire lighters on.
56:15we just have to wait for a fire.
56:17How long do we have to wait?
56:19Oh, it could be a long time.
56:21I've been waiting ages.
56:23How many fires have you
56:25actually put out, Miss Rabbit?
56:27Uh, none.
56:29Not one fire.
56:31But you've got to be ready.
56:33It's the fire phone.
56:35Oh, can you answer it,
56:37Peppa? It'll probably be your daddy again.
56:41Hello, fire station.
56:43Hello, Peppa.
56:45Oh, Daddy, it is you.
56:47You're very naughty.
56:49This phone is for
56:51fires only.
56:53Can you put Miss Rabbit on, please?
56:55She's a good girl.
56:57Daddy wants to speak to you.
56:59Hello, Daddy Pig.
57:01This phone is only to be used
57:03when there's a...
57:05Fire! Fire!
57:07Oh, dear. Daddy Pig's barbecue
57:09is on fire.
57:11Fire! Fire!
57:13Mummy to the rescue!
57:17Hold tight.
57:25Fire! Fire!
57:27Ding dong! Ding dong!
57:31It's Miss Rabbit's
57:33fire engine.
57:35Stand back, Daddies!
57:37Mummy Dog,
57:39turn on the water.
57:41Aye, aye, Mummy Pig.
57:45The fire is out.
57:47Thank you for saving us,
57:49Miss Rabbit.
57:51No problem. It's all part
57:53of the service.
57:55The Mummy's fire engine service.
57:57And now that Miss Rabbit
57:59has kindly flooded our garden,
58:01we can all jump up and down
58:03in muddy puddles.
58:07I love fire engines,
58:09especially when they make
58:11muddy puddles.
58:17Princess Peppa.
58:19It is bedtime
58:21for Peppa and George.
58:23Goodnight, my little piggies.
58:25Granny and Grandpa Pig
58:27have come for dinner.