Dig and Dug with Daisy On The Farm (1991 UK VHS)

  • le mois dernier
01:00Avec le soutien de
01:03Merci à
01:06Merci à
01:09Merci à
01:12Merci à
01:15Merci à
01:18Merci à
01:21Merci à
01:24Merci à
01:57Quelqu'un, ou quelque chose de très important, était à l'arrivée.
02:04Digue était sur son chemin à Meriwether Farm aussi.
02:20Mais où est-ce que Doug allait ?
02:22Pourquoi n'était-il pas avec Digue aujourd'hui ?
02:26Farmer Stubble commençait à se demander combien de temps il allait devoir attendre.
02:34Bonjour, Farmer Stubble !
02:42Farmer Stubble était dans un état de calme.
02:45Où est-il alors ?
02:47Est-ce que quelque chose s'est passé ?
02:49Et où est Doug ?
02:51Ne vous inquiétez pas, tout va bien.
02:55Où allez-vous maintenant ?
02:57Laissez le truc là-bas !
02:59S'il vous plaît, faites un peu de boulot dans le jardin !
03:03Farmer Stubble allait remercier Digue que la ferme était sur une colline,
03:07et qu'il devait être prudent quand il entendait un bruit.
03:14Où est-il alors ?
03:16Est-ce que quelque chose s'est passé ?
03:25Bonjour, Farmer Stubble ! Nous sommes ici !
03:29Farmer Stubble n'arrivait pas à croire ses yeux.
03:33Mon nouveau, mon très nouveau et très propre tracteur !
03:41Alors, que pensez-vous ?
03:43Oh, oui ! Oh, c'est vrai !
03:47N'y croyez-vous pas ?
03:48Je crois !
03:49Très certainement !
03:52Montrez-lui quelques morceaux intelligents du tracteur,
03:55disait Digue, qui revenait de parker le truc.
03:59Doug a indiqué les très petits rouleaux à l'avant, pour l'accélération,
04:05et les très gros rouleaux à l'arrière, pour ne pas que le tracteur s'embrasse dans le nez,
04:11et l'encoche derrière, pour l'attacher.
04:15Et puis, venait le grand moment de Farmer Stubble.
04:20« Allez, Farmer Stubble ! » riait Doug.
04:23« Commencez ! »
04:28« Maintenant, essayez à l'avant ! »
04:32« OK, arrêtez-la ! »
04:35Mais le tracteur ne l'a pas fait.
04:37« Arrête ! » « Arrête ! » riait Digue et Doug.
04:40« Je ne peux pas trouver le frein ! »
04:43« C'est la pédale sur le sol ! » riait Doug.
04:47« Quelqu'un veut du thé ? »
04:49« Mes gâteaux spéciaux sont prêts ! »
04:51Et juste au bout de temps...
04:54« Très bien, chérie, mais devriez-vous le parquer si près de la maison ? »
05:00En entrant pour le thé,
05:02Digue disait à Farmer Stubble combien importants étaient les freins.
05:07« Le truc avec les freins, c'est qu'ils sont très importants ! »
05:12Puis, ils ont entendu le plus terrible bruit.
05:18« C'est drôle ! » riait Doug.
05:21« Je pourrais voir notre truc d'ici ! »
05:24« Où est-il parti ? »
05:26« Tu sais ce que je disais à Farmer Stubble concernant les freins, Doug ? »
05:30riait Digue.
05:32Doug a pensé...
05:34« Je pense que je sais où notre truc pourrait être ! »
05:37« Oh, mon Dieu ! »
05:39Digue a laissé le frein,
05:42et le truc s'est déplacé sur la colline,
05:45et dans une grotte.
05:48« C'est mieux de l'enlever, je pense, »
05:50disait Farmer Stubble.
05:52« Mais ce n'est pas facile, car c'est mouillé et mouillé ! »
05:55« Commencez-le, Digue ! » disait Doug.
05:58« Donnez-lui plein de freins ! »
06:02Ce n'était pas bon.
06:04Les freins s'éloignaient.
06:07« Vous appuyez ! »
06:08« Je vais conduire cette fois ! »
06:10disait Doug.
06:11« Bien ! » disait Digue.
06:16Cependant, ce n'était pas bon.
06:19Le truc ne s'éloignait pas.
06:22« Bonjour, M. Doug ! »
06:24appelait Daisy, arrivant sur la colline.
06:27Mais quand elle s'approchait,
06:29elle trouvait ça très difficile de ne pas rire.
06:32« Qu'est-ce que tu rires ? »
06:34« Oui, qu'est-ce que tu rires ? »
06:36« Toi ! » disait Daisy.
06:38Soudain, Digue a vu le visage de Doug.
06:41« Regarde-toi ! »
06:43Et Doug a vu le visage de Digue.
06:45« Regarde-toi ! »
06:52Et quand ils expliquent ce qui s'est passé,
06:54et comment tout a commencé,
06:55en leur fournissant le nouveau tracteur
06:57pour fabriquer un trou,
06:58et ce qu'ils ont besoin maintenant
07:00c'était quelque chose de très fort sur les roues
07:02qui avait un bâton à l'arrière,
07:04Daisy a trouvé un plan.
07:07Revenant à la farme,
07:08alors que Mme Stubble fabriquait le tracteur,
07:11elle a accidemment commencé l'engin.
07:27« Mildred ! »
07:28« Tu vas bien ? »
07:30« Ernest ! »
07:31« Qu'est-ce que tu fais ici ? »
07:33« Est-ce que tu vas bien ? »
07:35« Ernest ! »
07:36« Qu'est-ce que tu fais ici ? »
07:37Elle a demandé.
07:38« Digue et Doug a eu leur tracteur
07:40dans le bâton »
07:41a dit-elle.
07:44« Ne t'en fais pas ! »
07:46elle a appelé.
07:47Et elle est allée à l'intérieur
07:48pour terminer de cuisiner
07:49son gâteau spécial.
07:51« À plus tard ! »
07:57Daisy a regardé
07:58comme ils ont commencé
07:59à mettre son plan en action.
08:02Mais quelque chose manquait.
08:04« Je sais ! »
08:05« On a besoin de quelque chose
08:06pour l'enlever ! »
08:08« Qu'est-ce que d'une rope ? »
08:09a dit Daisy soudainement.
08:11« Rope ! »
08:12« Bien sûr ! »
08:13a dit Digue.
08:14Alors Doug est allé voir
08:15s'il en avait.
08:17« Oh, bien ! »
08:18Et malheureusement,
08:19il l'a fait.
08:23Il a collé l'un de l'endroit
08:24du gâteau spécial
08:28et l'autre de l'endroit
08:29de la voiture.
08:32ils étaient prêts.
08:34La grande question maintenant
08:36est-ce que ça allait marcher ?
08:39« Prêts, Doug ? »
08:40a dit Digue.
08:42« Prêts, Digue ? »
08:43a dit Doug.
08:45Tout le monde a gardé
08:46son respiration
08:47quand le gâteau
08:48a commencé à s'allonger.
09:02« C'est bon ! »
09:03a dit Digue.
09:04« Je vais le réparer plus tard. »
09:06« Essayons de nouveau. »
09:08Donc, ils l'ont fait.
09:10Et pendant que le gâteau
09:11s'est allongé dans le gâteau,
09:13Digue a collé la rope
09:14à la voiture
09:15et Doug a reposé
09:16pour voir ce qui allait se passer.
09:22« C'est bon ! »
09:23a dit Digue
09:24à la gâteau.
09:25« Elle est sortie maintenant ! »
09:27« C'est bon ! »
09:29« C'est bon ! »
09:30« C'est bon ! »
09:31« C'est bon ! »
09:32« C'est bon ! »
09:33« C'est bon ! »
09:34Et les trois hommes
09:35se sont félicités
09:36de faire
09:37un bon travail.
09:41Daisy a souri.
09:42Elle savait
09:43que c'était vraiment
09:44son idée,
09:45mais elle n'a rien dit.
09:49« C'était bien,
09:50oncle Doug ! »
09:51a dit Digue.
09:52« Comment as-tu pu
09:53avoir de telles
09:54bonnes idées ? »
09:57Ils sont tous retournés
09:58à Meriwether Farm,
09:59où Mme Stubble
10:01son gâteau spécial.
10:03Tout le monde
10:05Elle leur a dit
10:06que c'était
10:07le gâteau
10:08le plus dangereux
10:09qu'elle ait jamais fait.
10:10Qu'est-ce qu'elle
10:11pouvait dire ?
10:13Mme Stubble a souri.
10:15« J'ai oublié
10:16de mettre
10:17des briques sur le gâteau ! »
10:18a dit Digue.
10:19« Il vaut mieux
10:20manger le gâteau
10:21avant qu'il s'échappe ! »
10:29Digue et Dougue
10:30dans une petite voiture jaune
10:31sont les amis préférés
10:32de Daisy.
10:34Ils conduisent ici
10:35et ils conduisent là-bas
10:37avec leurs chiens
10:38Bix et Ben.
10:40Regardez-les travailler
10:43les aider
10:44dans leur style.
10:46Toujours à l'avance
10:48un panneau
10:49et un sourire.
10:52Digue et Dougue
10:53et Daisy aussi
10:54apportent un sourire
10:55à vous.
10:57Daisy peut être
10:58quelque part près
10:59en pensant
11:00à un plan,
11:02en se demandant
11:03comment aider
11:05une main
11:09Digue et Dougue
11:10et Daisy aussi
11:12un sourire
11:13à vous.
11:19Digue et Dougue
11:20étaient dans la voiture jaune
11:21sur leur voyage
11:22à un site de bâtiment.
11:24Au moins,
11:25c'est ce qu'ils pensaient.
11:30« Je ne vois pas
11:31de site de bâtiment ici »,
11:32disait Dougue.
11:33« Moi non plus »,
11:34disait Digue.
11:41« Ça me ressemble
11:42à un bâtiment ! »
11:51Tout d'un coup,
11:52ils devaient apporter
11:53un sourire
11:54à une main endogène.
11:58Quelque chose
11:59se bloquait dans la voie.
12:02« Ça me ressemble
12:03à un bâtiment »,
12:04disait Dougue.
12:05« Ça me ressemble, »
12:06disait Digue.
12:07« À un bâtiment ! »
12:14« Ça me ressemble
12:15à celui que nous avons
12:16délivé à Farmer Stubble. »
12:18« Ça me ressemble
12:19à des tournips ! »
12:20disait Digue.
12:21« Ça me ressemble
12:22à des tournips ! »
12:23disait Dougue.
12:28Puis, quelque chose
12:29de plus étrange
12:30s'est passé.
12:43« Des tournips ! »
12:46« Je n'aime pas ça ! »
12:48« Moi non plus ! »
12:49disait Digue.
12:50Et juste
12:51quand ils étaient
12:52sur le point de partir,
12:53la chose la plus étrange
12:54du monde s'est passée.
12:56« Bonjour ! »
12:58« Farmer Stubble ! »
13:00disait Dougue.
13:01« Tu vas bien ? »
13:05« Non, je ne vais pas bien ! »
13:08Et il expliquait
13:09ce qui s'était passé.
13:11Il prenait
13:12un volet
13:13rempli de tournips
13:14jusqu'au pigsty
13:15quand tout
13:16s'était cassé.
13:17Et il était sûr
13:18que quelque chose
13:19avait un problème
13:20avec un nouveau volet.
13:24« Bien ! »
13:25disait Dougue.
13:26« La première chose
13:27qu'il vaut mieux faire
13:28c'est d'aller voir. »
13:29« Bien ! »
13:30disait Digue.
13:31« Allons faire un tour ! »
13:34« Oh ! »
13:35« Oh ! »
13:36« Oh ! »
13:37« Oh ! »
13:38« Oh ! »
13:39« Oh ! »
13:40« Oh ! »
13:41« Oh ! »
13:42« Oh ! »
13:43« Oh ! »
13:44« Oh ! »
13:45« Oh ! »
13:46« Oh ! »
13:47« Oh ! »
13:48« Oh ! »
13:49« Oh ! »
13:51« Oh ! »
13:52« Oh ! »
13:56« Oh ! »
13:57« Oh ! »
14:02« Oh ! »
14:08« Oh ! »
14:13On n'avait donc pas
14:14assez d'attractions
14:15car à travers le volet
14:16non connu
14:17Looks all right to me too, said Dig, but Farmer Stubble wasn't happy.
14:25One minute his turnips were on the trailer, the next minute they weren't.
14:31Hmm, said Duck, and then he had an idea.
14:37Dig, hop in the trailer a minute, so Dig did.
14:44Hey, how's this? School champion at hopping I was!
14:51I didn't mean that. I meant get in the trailer, that's all.
14:57Now then, said Duck, and he explained that they had to find out how the turnips had got from the back of the trailer to the lane.
15:06And the best way to do that would be for Dig to pretend to be a turnip,
15:11because if he did, they might be able to see where he ended up.
15:16Dig thought this was a very good way of solving the puzzle, but he did have a problem.
15:23Er, I don't look much like a turnip, do I?
15:27Not really, said Doug.
15:30I think you look more like a carrot, said Farmer Stubble.
15:35Never mind what you look like, just get on with it, said Doug, and he raised the flap on the trailer.
15:43Now, roll about a bit, Dig did.
15:58He looks more like a cabbage now, said Farmer Stubble.
16:03They were then nearing finding out how the turnips had fallen off when suddenly...
16:12I know what's wrong, said Doug, and he explained to Farmer Stubble that if he didn't lock the trailer when he carried things in the back, they'd all fall out.
16:23Things like turnips, said Dig.
16:26Exactly, said Doug.
16:29Nothing wrong with the tractor at all.
16:35Farmer Stubble was very pleased.
16:39Silly old me, he said.
16:42Silly old you, silly old you, said Dig and Doug.
16:51Oh dear, someone was wanting to get by.
16:56Come on, I've got passengers in here and they're hungry.
17:01Passengers? And all those turnips? What were they going to do?
17:07Doug said they'd have to load as many as they could as quickly as possible.
17:12But it wasn't that easy.
17:15Hey! Hey!
17:24Just then, who should appear across the field but Daisy.
17:29What are you doing, Uncle Doug? she asked, trying very hard not to laugh.
17:35And when Doug explained how Farmer Stubble had had an accident with his trailer,
17:41and how Dig had pretended to be a turnip, which had helped enormously,
17:46but now there were passengers in a hurry, turnips in the lane, and nothing to clear them away with,
17:56Daisy came up with a plan.
17:59A bit more, bit more, a bit more, bit more, that'll do, said Dig.
18:10At last, they were set to put Daisy's plan in action.
18:14Stand back, Daisy!
18:17Ready when you are, Doug!
18:30It was all very tricky, but finally the lane was clear for the lorry to pass.
18:38Hurray for Dig!
18:43And you, Uncle Doug, hurray for you too!
18:47Thank you, Daisy, he said.
18:50I now declare this lane open!
18:58As the lorry pulled forward, Farmer Stubble raised his hand.
19:02Stop! he shouted.
19:05Got a little something for your passengers.
19:13Turnips, anyone?
19:19Yes, I thought they might be favourite.
19:23And as the lorry pulled away, the passengers all said thank you.
19:29Now, where were we, said Doug?
19:33Er, lost, said Dig.
19:37Ah, so we were, said Doug.
19:40And what's the best thing to do when you're lost, said Daisy?
19:44Er, have lunch, said Doug.
19:48So they did.
19:58So they did.
19:59So they did.
20:00So they did.
20:01So they did.
20:02So they did.
20:03So they did.
20:04So they did.
20:05So they did.
20:06So they did.
20:07So they did.
20:08So they did.
20:09So they did.
20:10So they did.
20:11So they did.
20:12So they did.
20:13So they did.
20:14So they did.
20:15So they did.
20:16So they did.
20:17So they did.
20:18So they did.
20:19So they did.
20:20So they did.
20:21So they did.
20:22So they did.
20:23So they did.
20:24So they did.
20:25So they did.
20:26So they did.
20:27So they did.
20:28So they did.
20:29So they did.
20:30So they did.
20:31So they did.
20:32So they did.
20:33So they did.
20:34So they did.
20:35So they did.
20:36So they did.
20:37So they did.
20:38So they did.
20:39So they did.
20:40So they did.
20:41So they did.
20:42So they did.
20:43So they did.
20:44So they did.
20:45So they did.
20:46So they did.
20:47So they did.
20:48So they did.
20:49So they did.
20:50So they did.
20:51So they did.
20:52So they did.
20:53So they did.
20:54So they did.
20:55So they did.
20:56So they did.
20:57So they did.
20:58So they did.
20:59So they did.
21:00So they did.
21:01So they did.
21:02So they did.
21:03So they did.
21:04So they did.
21:05So they did.
21:06So they did.
21:07So they did.
21:08So they did.
21:09So they did.
21:10So they did.
21:11So they did.
21:12So they did.
21:13So they did.
21:14So they did.
21:15So they did.
21:16So they did.
21:17So they did.
21:18So they did.
21:19So they did.
21:20So they did.
21:21So they did.
21:22So they did.
21:23So they did.
21:24So they did.
21:25So they did.
21:26So they did.
21:27So they did.
21:28So they did.
21:29So they did.
21:30So they did.
21:31So they did.
21:32So they did.
21:33So they did.
21:34So they did.
21:35So they did.
21:36So they did.
21:37So they did.
21:38So they did.
21:39So they did.
21:40So they did.
21:41So they did.
21:42So they did.
21:43So they did.
21:44So they did.
21:45So they did.
21:46So they did.
21:47So they did.
21:48So they did.
21:49So they did.
21:50So they did.
21:51So they did.
21:53Who put the lights out?
21:59Don't muck about.
22:01We've got work to do.
22:03Pick up those posts and bring them over here.
22:06So Dig did.
22:14And eventually, they started on Farmer Stubble's fence.
22:23Hmm. Need to hit it with something heavier, I reckon.
22:31Like this, said Doug.
22:33Just the job, said Dig.
22:45I know what.
22:47And Doug went to get something else.
22:52How about this, said Doug.
22:55Just the job, said Dig, who was sure there was an easier way of doing it.
23:01Are you sure there isn't an easier way of doing this, Doug, he asked.
23:05Quite sure, said Doug, taking a huge swipe at the post.
23:14There you are.
23:15What did I tell you?
23:18Oh, right.
23:21There's only one thing for it.
23:23Uh-oh, said Dig, who guessed what was coming.
23:27And he was right.
23:38This should do the trick, he said.
23:43Poor old Dig.
23:46He was shaking like a jelly.
23:51Hold it still, said Doug.
23:58Now, said Dig.
24:01On the count of three, then, said Doug.
24:14Oh, dear.
24:16It didn't look as though they would ever get started, let alone finish.
24:22We'll be here all night at this rate.
24:26Cheer up, we'll think of something.
24:30Just then, Daisy arrived.
24:34Hi, Uncle Doug, how's it going, she asked.
24:37Fine, said Doug.
24:39Almost finished, haven't we, Dig?
24:43Daisy knew they were in trouble.
24:45She'd been watching them and wanted to help.
24:48I was wondering, she said.
24:51Are you ready for the tractor yet?
24:56Why would they want the tractor?
24:59Because if you are, Farmer Stubble said to give him a wave.
25:06Did he? said Doug.
25:08Yes, said Daisy.
25:11He said he'd put the bucket on the back.
25:15Did he? said Dig.
25:17Yes, said Daisy.
25:22What use would the bucket be?
25:25Dig and Doug were very confused.
25:28But before they could answer,
25:31Daisy gave Farmer Stubble the signal.
25:35Here you are, gents, said Farmer Stubble.
25:38I'll see you later.
25:40Oh, Farmer Stubble, where are you going? asked Doug.
25:45Lunch, said Farmer Stubble.
25:48You couldn't give us a hand, I suppose, asked Dig.
25:54Sorry, lads, he said.
25:56Nothing comes between me and my lunch.
25:59And he went on.
26:01Dig and Doug just couldn't think how a tractor with a bucket on the back was going to help them.
26:07But they had a feeling Daisy did.
26:10Uncle Doug, she said at last.
26:13Do you know how to put fence posts in with a tractor?
26:16Of course we do, said Dig.
26:19And while he tried to explain,
26:21Doug climbed aboard and started the engine.
26:26What next? shouted Dig thought.
26:30Raise the bucket, Uncle Doug.
26:33That's it, shouted Dig.
26:35Rise the bucket.
26:37I'll tell you what I'll do.
26:39I'll raise the bucket.
26:41Doug shouted over the engine noise.
26:43Great, shouted Daisy.
26:45Ready, Dig?
26:47Ready, Dig.
26:50And when I say now,
26:52drop the bucket on top of the post.
26:55And she stood back to see that everything was ready.
27:00Now, said Daisy.
27:06And to Dig and Doug's amazement,
27:08nothing came between them.
27:11But they had a feeling.
27:15And to Dig and Doug's amazement,
27:18not only did the post stand up,
27:21it was as solid as a rock.
27:25It's as solid as a rock, said Dig.
27:28Well done, Daisy.
27:30Couldn't have planned it better meself.
27:33Certainly couldn't, said Dig.
27:36And with that,
27:38Doug said they hadn't time to play with Daisy anymore
27:41and they really must get on with their work.
27:46Daisy watched as they went all the way round the field,
27:50putting up Farmer Stubble's fence.
28:12When the last post went in, Daisy clapped.
28:15And the winners are...
28:17Dig and Uncle Doug on the tractor, she said.
28:21Very good, said a voice suddenly.
28:24It was Farmer Stubble, back from lunch.
28:27But I'm afraid there's a problem.
28:30A problem?
28:32Yes, a problem.
28:34What is it?
28:36But I'm afraid there's a problem.
28:39A problem?
28:41What could be wrong now?
28:44Daisy suddenly realised.
28:47She was on the outside.
28:49Dig and Doug were on the inside.
28:52And there was no gate.
28:55You think we've forgotten the gate, don't you, Farmer Stubble?
29:01Looks a bit like it to me, Doug.
29:03And I'd quite like my tractor back.
29:06No problem.
29:08We'll put a gate in for you while we dig, said Doug.
29:12Of course we will, Doug, said Dig.
29:15Just as soon as we've had our lunch.
29:18Nothing comes between us and our lunch.
29:33Dig and Doug in a little yellow truck are Daisy's favourite friends.
29:38Driving here and driving there to fetch and fix and mend.
29:44Watch them work together, helping out in style.
29:49Always at the ready with a spanner and a smile.
29:55Get Dig and Doug and Daisy to bring a smile to you.
30:01Daisy may be somewhere near thinking up a plan.
30:06Wondering how to help them out and lend a friendly hand.
30:11Get Dig and Doug and Daisy to bring a smile to you.
30:32Dig and Doug had received an emergency call from Meriwether Farm.
30:38I can hear it from here, said Dig.
30:41Me too, said Doug.
30:43Better get a move on before it blows up.
30:48Farmer Stubble had to get all of his bales of hay into the barn.
30:52And his conveyor belt was making such a noise,
30:55he had to block his ears with his mouth.
30:58Mrs Stubble brought in his mug of coffee
31:01and had covered her ears with turnips as well.
31:04Here you are, Ernest, she shouted.
31:07But of course, they couldn't hear each other.
31:19It was no use.
31:21Suddenly, the machine finally broke.
31:24And Farmer Stubble saw his wife standing next to him.
31:28What did you say, dear? he said.
31:31What? she said.
31:34I can't hear you, dear.
31:36I've got turnips in me ears, he said.
31:39What? she said.
31:42I can't hear you, dear.
31:45I've got turnips in me ears, he said.
31:49What? she said.
31:51I can't hear you.
31:53I've got turnips in me ears.
31:56It was hopeless.
31:58Neither could hear what the other was saying.
32:01Luckily, Deacon Doug arrived.
32:07What's up with you two? said Doug.
32:10And what have you got on your heads?
32:12What? said Farmer Stubble.
32:16Doug saw what the problem was
32:18and removed the scarf so he could hear again.
32:21Then Farmer Stubble explained the trouble he'd been having with his machine
32:26and how he had to get the bales of hay into the barn.
32:31Doug told him not to worry
32:33and that all he needed were his tools and a cold drink.
32:38So while Mrs. Stubble went for the drinks,
32:41Doug went to fetch his tools.
32:46Stand back! This could be tricky!
32:51I'll go and help Mrs. Stubble with the drinks, I think, said Farmer Stubble.
32:56Good luck!
33:00Give that a little turn, dig, while I give this a little tap.
33:05Well done! Try her now!
33:20Try again!
33:34He just couldn't think how to fix it.
33:37Hmm, tricky! said Doug.
33:41Very! said Dig.
33:44Doug was also beginning to lose his temper.
33:55Oh, you fixed it! said Farmer Stubble, hearing his machine humming nicely.
34:01Piece of cake! Eh, Dig? said Doug.
34:05Nothing to it, Doug.
34:07Farmer Stubble gave them their drinks,
34:10asked them to help load the bales of hay, and they agreed.
34:17To you! To me!
34:20Stand back! And up she goes!
34:23To you! To me!
34:26Stand back! And up she goes!
34:29To you! To me!
34:32Stand back! And up she goes!
34:37Just as they finished, Mrs. Stubble arrived with another tray of cold drinks.
34:42Oh, just what I need!
34:45Me too! said Doug.
34:48But then, something terrible happened.
34:52Oh! Oh! Oh, dear!
34:56Ernest! Oh! Oh!
35:01Oh! she said as she travelled upwards.
35:05Farmer Stubble couldn't believe his eyes.
35:09Mildred! What are you doing?
35:13Luckily, they managed to stop the machine before it was too late.
35:19Poor Mrs. Stubble! She wasn't happy.
35:23I'm not happy, Ernest! she said to her husband.
35:27I can't move! I don't like heights! Get me down!
35:32Right, oh dear! said Farmer Stubble, not knowing what to do at all.
35:38In fact, no one had a clue how to get Mrs. Stubble down.
35:43And then, Daisy appeared in the yard.
35:48What are you doing, Mrs. Stubble? Trying to fly?
35:52And when Doug explained how they'd fixed Farmer Stubble's machine,
35:57and helped him get his hay bales in before it rained,
36:01which it hadn't yet, but might any minute,
36:04and how Mrs. Stubble had brought them drinks, sat on the machine,
36:08and the next thing they knew, she was stuck up there,
36:13Daisy came up with a plan.
36:17Is this plan of yours safe, Daisy? asked Mrs. Stubble.
36:22Don't worry! said Dig.
36:25Everything's under control, Mrs. Stubble! said Doug.
36:30Poor Mrs. Stubble! She didn't feel anything was under control at all.
36:36And as Dig, Doug and Daisy agreed plans.
36:41She wondered what they were going to do.
36:45Right! said Daisy suddenly, and explained what would happen next.
36:52The basket on the ground was full of turnips,
36:56but one in the air was full of Mrs. Stubble.
37:00As they unloaded the turnips, the basket on the ground would get lighter,
37:05which meant it would go up,
37:07and as it went up, Mrs. Stubble would come down,
37:11and if all went well, she'd be back on the ground in no time.
37:17What if it doesn't go well? asked Mrs. Stubble.
37:22You'll be down even quicker! said Dig.
37:25Can't lose either way! said Doug.
37:29And so they began.
37:37Mrs. Stubble could hardly look.
37:40Slowly, the pile of turnips in the basket went down.
37:45But still, Mrs. Stubble stayed in the air.
37:49And then, suddenly, the basket began to move.
37:56One more should do it! said Doug.
38:00Daisy took out another turnip.
38:03Still, one more! said Dig.
38:07Very carefully, Daisy took out another,
38:11and everyone held their breath.
38:19Mrs. Stubble was so frightened, she hadn't realised she was down.
38:24It's all right! said Daisy.
38:27You can look now!
38:29Oh, thank goodness! she said.
38:32And didn't even wait to get out of the basket.
38:35Thank you! she said. Thank you so much!
38:40Gently does it, Mildred! said Farmer Stubble, lifting his wife out.
38:46And as Daisy hugged Mrs. Stubble,
38:49the other basket, with all the turnips in, came back down again.
39:03Dig and Doug in a little yellow truck are Daisy's favourite friends.
39:09Driving here and driving there to fetch and fix and mend.
39:15Watch them work together, helping out in style.
39:20Always at the ready with a spanner and a smile.
39:26Yes, Dig and Doug and Daisy too, bring a smile to you.
39:32Daisy may be somewhere near, thinking up a plan.
39:37Wondering how to help them out, and lend a friendly hand.
39:43Yes, Dig and Doug and Daisy too, bring a smile to you.
39:56© BF-WATCH TV 2021
