xian wang de richang shenghuo 2 dub episode 12

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00:00Hey guys, do you feel like we're being watched?
01:06It's okay you've almost got it daddy. Am I really one of the butterflies? Why do you ask?
01:15My friends could fly when they were little but I don't even have my wings yet
01:20When I was a child, like you, it took until I was 10. Then one day, your grandfather threw me into the butterfly valley, where I learned how to fly.
01:34Why would he do something so cruel?
01:37Our wings are special. We have the power to travel through space-time. This magic has always been coveted by other demons.
01:45So if we weren't able to fly, and got captured by another race, we would suffer a fate worse than falling.
01:55But daddy, those bad demons, do you think they'll be able to find us here?
01:59Don't worry, daddy will save you.
02:15I'm scared, what are those things?
02:29Fly! Now!
02:45That's how I ended up in the human world, raised by my sword spirit.
03:08It's also how the demon emperor conquered my people. To the butterflies, it was the end of the world.
03:14But to the demons, it was just part of the routine.
03:19They're driven by one thing, power.
03:22When a dominant race conquers a weaker foe, they steal their spiritual energy and amass more resources to help them conquer their next victims.
03:31Did you fight back?
03:34Are you serious? Come on, what did you expect me to do?
03:39The demon emperor has conquered tens of thousands of civilizations over the years.
03:44He doesn't have to lift a finger, his legions will continue to enslave anyone he conquers and repeat the cycle forever.
03:51The demon scourge is unstoppable. It's not a myth, it's your reality.
03:57We managed to crush them ten years ago.
04:01Forget it. You'll meet the emperor soon enough, then you'll see.
04:07See what?
04:22Warning, your delivery will soon be late.
04:26Master, where are you?
04:41Fellow practitioners, I'm a senior at Faction 60, Sun Rong.
04:45And today is one of the most consequential days of our lives.
04:49The demons have launched their premeditated attack.
04:53The demons have launched their premeditated invasion.
04:56They think that by beating the Seven Star Squad, they'll also be crushing our spirits.
05:02But they're forgetting something important.
05:05Every one of us, wherever we are.
05:09Whatever our social status, whether we're a young student learning how life works, or an elder who's seen it all.
05:17We are practitioners.
05:21Every one of us is a scientific cultivator.
05:24Sure, years of peace may have diminished our combat instincts.
05:28But we've been practicing. We've managed to keep pushing ourselves to higher phases in case we needed to fight.
05:35We grew up practicing in school, and now we're all Foundation phase or higher.
05:40As we face the enemy, we'll prove that each of us has the strength to protect our homeland.
05:46If they take our cities, we will fight in the streets.
05:51We will fight in the fields.
05:53We will fight in the forests.
05:56We will fight in the sky.
05:58We will fight wherever we must, at all costs.
06:01Because we will never surrender.
06:05Gua Shu calls on every practitioner to fulfill their duty until every invader is driven out.
06:11We will all fight to the bitter end.
06:23What a rousing speech, human. You really are one of ZUN's descendants.
06:31But you will fail. Your words are the dying gasps of an insignificant race that's about to suffocate on their own arrogance.
06:39Oh no! What now? They've surrounded us!
06:43With my infinite legion closing in let's see how long it takes you to implode
06:59My noble Emperor of demons I have delivered him to you as promised
07:03Please honor our agreement
07:05Free my sword spirit
07:08on your knees
07:11Haha, your feeble kind hasn't earned the right to stand before his majesty's throne
07:18You cheeky little brat you bow before the throne of the great demon Emperor
07:40You know I haven't risen from this throne for thousands of years
07:48Finally someone has given me a compelling reason to walk yet again
07:56You must be the boy Richmond warned us about
07:59A mischievous little wolf masquerading in sheep's clothing
08:03If I kill you would it end the war?
08:10I don't fight nameless practitioners, boy. Go on. Who are you, really?
08:17Songhai, Faction 60.
08:27That all you got?
08:31Xinrong, we gotta do something now!
08:33If we don't take out that carrier, they'll keep coming!
08:40Wait, aren't you Wang Ling's sword spirit?
08:58Yeah, thank god! You finally remembered!
09:01Do you know where he is? You think he's in danger?
09:04My master? I think whoever he's fighting is in real danger.
09:10Who are you? And why do you exist?
09:38I don't understand when the humans found a practitioner like you. And how have I never heard of you before?
09:44If I had no worthy fights on Earth, you would be destroyed. But, we're not on Earth, are we?
09:52Don't get too ahead of yourself!
10:02You think you're fast? You can't compete with me, for I am the master of the universe!
10:32Say goodbye while you still can!
10:48No! That's impossible!
11:12Come on, sis! Let's get you home!
11:18You're alive?
11:28No, stop! Freeze! I don't understand! My demons, they've conquered millions of worlds, eradicated countless civilizations!
11:41For eons, I've watched as stronger races crumbled under the weight of my immense power!
11:48And now, for reasons beyond my comprehension, a race as insignificant as yours is doing what no other has been able to accomplish!
11:57We've lived a long time, suffered many defeats, nearly collapsed as a civilization. But we never gave up.
12:07Humans will never bow to evil tyrants like you.
12:12Spare me your tripe! I fell to your unprecedented power, not by the perseverance of your race!
12:18One Wing, look out!
12:20Finally, a chance to end this mess! Everything in this universe has its vulnerabilities!
12:26And while observing your daily life, I discovered that you had a spiritual figure applied to your neck every week!
12:32My dear boy, it's over! You could hide your weakness forever!
12:37Looks like the demons will have the last laugh after all!
13:07There it is.
13:08They're disappearing!
13:39We just won! We freakin' won!
14:01Spiritual energy in the rain!
14:04What's happening? The world's spiritual force keeps rising!
14:07There is an explosion in the demon world. It's gone.
14:11Wait, where's Wang Ling?
14:34I know I betrayed your kind. And also, I saw your power. So whatever you do...
14:41Please let my sword go! She's innocent!
14:44Xiao Yu, there's a cell phone in my right pocket.
14:48I see. You're about to call the police. I understand.
14:52Call my dad now. Tell him what's happening.
14:57Hurry. If you want to save the world...
15:01Yeah, of course!
15:03In Hua Shu's history books, this event would forever be known as Demon War II.
15:09Humans proved that the Demon Emperor wasn't invincible after all.
15:13And Zhuo Yi became the hero who saved the world... again.
15:18Under Sun Rong's new leadership, the Flower Fruit Water Curtain Regained its prosperity.
15:24Timely and efficient reconstruction efforts helped repair the war-torn city.
15:28And everyday practitioners got back to living their normal lives.
15:34The next day
15:37Don't you think something weird was going on with the demon invasion?
15:41Halfway through the battle, they just disappeared.
15:44They were scared by how brave we fought. They just got up and left.
15:48Who do you think the mystery practitioner was that sunk the carrier?
15:52There's too much glare to see anything in the picture.
15:55I bet it was the world's top practitioner. He's legendary, bro!
15:59Wang Ling, what actually happened that day?
16:10Wang Ling?
18:25Ah, well boy, looks like you won the war.
18:30Now that's all over, you wouldn't mind if I went home for a bit, would you?
18:35Sorry, Demon World's destroyed.
