xian wang de richang shenghuo 2 dub episode 7

  • last month
00:00Hey guys, do you feel like we're being watched?
00:56Well, we were classmates, and we don't need much to stay solvent. Just a couple hundred million.
01:04Madam, he can take care of this. Why don't you get some rest?
01:10Really? What is there to think about? We're about to lose it all and you're abandoning me?
01:17Hey, wait, don't hang up!
01:20That ungrateful little prick! I would cover for him every time he skipped class, and now he's bailing on me?
01:32Evening. Mr. Soon? This is a court summons.
01:38The liquidation is tomorrow. Please don't be late.
02:09The long-awaited beauty of life and death
02:12The more precious it is, the more dangerous it is
02:16The beauty of medical love
02:20Reincarnation and reincarnation
02:23Reincarnation and reincarnation
02:27Reincarnation and reincarnation
02:31Reincarnation and reincarnation
02:34Calling out to the puppet
02:36Perfectly adorned by blood and red
02:40Reincarnation and reincarnation
02:44Waiting for the rain to break the stars
03:04Reincarnation and reincarnation
03:07Reincarnation and reincarnation
03:10Reincarnation and reincarnation
03:13Reincarnation and reincarnation
03:16Reincarnation and reincarnation
03:19Reincarnation and reincarnation
03:22Reincarnation and reincarnation
03:25Reincarnation and reincarnation
03:28Reincarnation and reincarnation
03:32A few days later
03:36I don't know. Are you sure this is Soonrong's homeland?
03:39Yeah, man. This is where the map took us.
03:42You're telling me she's back at Mount Flowerfruit?
03:45The mountain's enormous. How are we supposed to find her up there?
03:57Hey, guys. Sorry for the wait.
04:11Soonrong, we know your family's going through a lot.
04:15But you didn't have to go back to the Stone Age!
04:19We did. Our other properties were liquidated.
04:22This is all we have left.
04:24But why now?
04:26Our family group primarily focused on making magic pills.
04:30When the world's energy dropped, so did the herb harvest.
04:33And we lost it all... for now.
04:37Don't worry, Rongrong.
04:39Just remember, way back in the early days, our family thrived on this beautiful mountain.
04:44Our company harnessed this mountain's spiritual vein to grow.
04:48We're simply starting over, is all.
04:50When herbs disappear, we plant more. Money goes, make more.
04:54If we focus and work harder, one generation after another,
04:58the Soon family will prevail and rise once more!
05:01You've got that worker bee spirit, sir!
05:04Ah, worker bee spirit. I really like that.
05:07To our worker bee spirit!
05:12Soon's family is done.
05:15We've battled for ages, but finally the Tongs have the last laugh.
05:20It's all thanks to Mr. Richmond's advice.
05:23We couldn't have done this without you, sir.
05:27Spiritual capitalism is my specialty.
05:31The world's total energy value was low, and the stock was too high.
05:35All I had to do was spread a few negative rumors
05:38and offload a large sum of my stake in their company.
05:41That caused a panic, and other shareholders dove off the sinking ship.
05:46But remember, they still have their spiritual vein.
05:51We must see this plan through to ensure that we eliminate the Soon family once and for all.
05:58Thank you so much.
06:00But sir, may I ask why you've decided to help us?
06:05Because, dear boy, I need the spiritual energy.
06:10Our family business used to be the biggest enterprise in Wushu!
06:15We had tons of employees, and we were always in all the headlines.
06:21What's up?
06:23This. Just look at it.
06:27It's super clear.
06:29It's what's left of the water curtain over the cave.
06:33A giant waterfall used to cover the entrance here.
06:36But now it's down to a trickle.
06:39When the water's all tapped out,
06:42our spiritual vein ties with it.
06:46We can help.
06:47Thanks, but I'm okay.
06:49We may have lost everything, but we still have our spirit.
06:53From now on, I'll fend for myself.
06:59Hey dude, gotta go!
07:02How are we getting home?
07:04Light rail or taxi?
07:07Come on! Watch the road!
07:09Why does everyone drive like a maniac now?
07:20She seems alright.
07:22I thought she'd be more depressed.
07:24With that worker bee spirit?
07:26I wouldn't worry.
07:28Yeah, they may be bankrupt,
07:30but they've still got their magic mountain.
07:32And now, breaking news.
07:34The world-renowned Flower Fruit Water Curtain Group
07:37is being taken over by Tang Finance.
07:40The company heirs are expected to sign a blood-borne agreement.
07:44The official ceremony will take place tomorrow at the Water Curtain Cave.
07:49A blood oath with Tang Birdie too?
07:52But we were just there! That was so fast!
07:55We're sorry, the number you...
07:57Guys, something's wrong! Her line's dead!
08:00We've gotta go back now!
08:02You guys remember the limo that passed us?
08:05Of course!
08:06You mean the one that was speeding and almost hit me?
08:09This symbol was on the door.
08:13It's Tang's finance! It was Tang Birdie too!
08:16She must have been forced into signing something like this!
08:19So what do we do now?
08:21Go back.
08:23And we stop it.
08:28This way.
08:32This mountain truly is divine.
08:35Look at the view from this cave!
08:37Pity you squandered it.
08:39Those immortal herbs are so primitive.
08:41We can clear out these woods.
08:43Plant some chives.
08:45No, you can't!
08:46Some of these herbs have been growing here for thousands of years!
08:49This is the mindset that bankrupted the Flower Fruit Water Curtain group.
08:53It takes immortal herbs a hundred years to mature.
08:56Chives, on the other hand, grow year-round.
08:58And they can be harvested five, maybe six times a year if grown properly.
09:03If you do that, you'll exhaust the spiritual vein!
09:07Oh, I don't think the chives mine.
09:11They're here.
09:31Did you guys come all this way for the signing ceremony?
09:35Be a good boy and get out of our way!
09:37Didn't you already get your butt kicked enough?
09:41I don't know whether you cheated to knock me out of the competition or not,
09:45but I still haven't forgotten.
09:47And now, I'm about to get my revenge.
09:56First of all, I'd like to thank everybody for being here today.
10:00As you know, our two families have had a rivalry for years.
10:05But today, that rivalry will be history.
10:09As Tom's Finance will take over the Soon family business,
10:13our children will sign a blood agreement to make the purchase official.
10:17So, join me in this toast.
10:19Please raise your glasses and celebrate this joyous moment!
11:00Hold up. Something's off.
11:02One of them is missing.
11:04Where's that Value 5 loser?
11:09Huang Ling, we leave Soon Rong to you.
11:12Children, would you please join me and let the signing begin.
11:26And that's that. Now it's your turn.
11:30What's the hold up? Just sign it.
11:39Huang Ling!
11:43Stop them!
11:45No, wait!
11:47You're safe. Let's go.
11:51Hey, dude! We just won!
11:53Soon Rong!
11:55Did you forget the promise you made your family yesterday?
11:59I can't. I'm sorry.
12:01I'm sorry, too.
12:03I'm sorry, too.
12:05I'm sorry, too.
12:07I'm sorry, too.
12:09I'm sorry, too.
12:11I'm sorry, too.
12:13I'm sorry, too.
12:15I'm sorry, too.
12:17I'm sorry, too.
12:19I'm sorry.
12:21This is my choice.
12:25Come on! This is bullshit!
12:27I can't believe you would sign an agreement like that!
12:30Yesterday. Right after you left.
12:35Mr. Soon, I heard that your company isn't doing so hot these days.
12:39So you've come here to humiliate us?
12:42Huh? No, no, no.
12:44On the contrary.
12:46Tong's Enterprise is willing to invest in your flower fruit water curtain group.
12:51What do you want? Huh?
12:53Cut the crap.
12:55It's simple.
12:56See, your daughter and my darling son sign a blood-borne agreement.
13:01No way!
13:03Us Soons would farm our whole lives before ever bowing to you.
13:08She's right.
13:10But what if we do?
13:13Honey, just think.
13:15If we worked hard, it would take hundreds of years to get the business back to where we had it.
13:21Wrong, wrong. The water curtain is about to run dry.
13:24Mount Flower Fruit can't sustain us anymore.
13:27But father, what about our worker bee spirits?
13:32Can't I decide my fate?
13:34The Soon family is so much bigger than the three of us.
13:37The Flower Fruit Water Curtain Group employs thousands of people, each with their own families to worry about.
13:43Think of your uncle. If we fail, what about him? And your aunt?
13:48After what happened yesterday, I understand my place.
13:53I'm responsible for more than myself.
13:56As sole heir, I have an obligation to the Soons.
14:00If sacrificing my aspirations puts the whole family on the right track, then that's the route I'll take.
14:07But, madam...
14:09Wang Ling, I'm sorry. Goodbye.
14:17Don't make me call the police. Who are you anyway?
14:21Oh, you mean these inferiors? They want to challenge us.
14:26You think you can do whatever you want, huh?
14:29Uh, yeah. I'm rich. Of course I can do what I want.
14:39What are you doing, dude?
15:10What is that?
15:13Isn't it... a starworm?
15:16What's that?
15:18It's an ancient demon that feeds on Earth's spiritual veins.
15:21Is this why their veins run dry? There's a demon?
15:30These dolts actually found it. But they're too late.
15:35The starworm has sucked all the spiritual energy from Mount Flowerfruit.
15:39And I have already begun to transfer it.
15:42What? Why is the energy flowing back?
15:47We may have lost everything, but we still have our spirit.
15:51From now on, I'll fend for myself.
15:54This belongs to Zun. Give it back now!
16:13No! It's collapsing!
16:25Now we just need Miss Zun's fingerprint.
16:31It's the right choice.
16:52It's flowing again. Backwards.
16:56Everyone, stay calm! It's just a little noise outside.
17:01Right. Nothing to see. Let's carry on.
17:05We have a problem! Tong's finance froze the markets!
17:09What? How?
17:11Madam, I have great news. The Flowerfruit Water Curtain Group's stock is rebounding!
17:18Mr. Tong, your company was caught colluding with the demon world.
17:22Any suspicious capital has been frozen. Gentlemen, you're coming with us.
17:28No, it can't be!
17:32The Zun family's vein is revitalized!
17:35Huh? Have you guys seen Wang Ling?
17:38Madam, that was close. What were you thinking back there?
17:42We don't have to sign it, Madam. It's over.
17:58阳起了 湖面围绕
18:07如一雨 随着风飘散了
18:13光 穿过街隙洒落
18:17停在指尖 点一点点闪烁
18:22心 被照亮的瞬间
18:26像星空一样 闪耀着光芒
18:31环绕着我 在微亮的夜
18:35有你们陪伴 漫步在梦境外
18:40守护着我 回忆在驱散烦恼
18:46有温柔力量 去拥抱
