Will the O-Line hinder growth of Drake Maye?

  • last month
Will the potential mediocre Offensive-line, be a major issue for the QB situation? Did the Patriots hinder the growth of Maye, by spending that kind of draft capital, on him, but not putting enough around him?
00:00This is Joe in the car. Hello, Joe.
00:05What's up, guys?
00:06What's up?
00:07I wanted to touch on, uh, I wanted to touch up on, uh, Shime's lead about Drake May.
00:11Now he thinks, like, hey, Shime, have you not heard what's been going on with the training?
00:16Like, two days ago, that Tuesday practice, when they practiced the Eagles,
00:21you know, this guy's been looking terrible all through training camp, right?
00:25And you do know that he played, 85% of those guys that he played against last night
00:31are not even going to be playing football, buddy.
00:34So for you to be all up and arms and all gung-ho about Drake May playing against second and third stringers...
00:41Joe, you brought up Tuesday.
00:43He's got a lot to learn, my friend.
00:45Joe, you brought up Tuesday in particular.
00:47Do you know how he played on Tuesday against the Eagles in the practice?
00:51All I can go by are the parts I follow every day that is there every single second of the day,
00:59and that's what they're saying.
01:01Yes, on Tuesday in that practice, he went nine of nine to start practice.
01:05And then got sacked five of his ten dropbacks after that.
01:09I mean, look, I don't understand how you can...
01:11I don't know how he played bad.
01:12Never mind camp.
01:15I don't know how you can look at the way the guy performed last night
01:20and not believe that he ought to be the starter week one.
01:24There's no difference between he and Jacoby Brissett.
01:29Other than the fact that you spent the number three pick on the guy.
01:32He's got to be your future.
01:35And unless there's a lot of...
01:38Well, not a lot, but there are people who still say the intent is to tank it this season.
01:43Well, that can still happen.
01:45But I find it so frustrating when the people that call this show say the obvious.
01:50We all know it wasn't the Eagles' starting defense.
01:55It wasn't the Eagles' starting defense that played against Jacoby Brissett.
01:58And I would say Brissett having David Andrews at center,
02:02having starting lineman next to him as opposed to Drake May
02:05made Drake May's success more impressive than anything Brissett would have done.
02:10So I guess it's pretty simple.
02:14We don't believe the Patriots are a playoff team, correct?
02:18So the only way they become a playoff team is if Drake May improves.
02:22So Drake May watching Jacoby Brissett throw an interception on third and goal helps him how?
02:28It doesn't.
02:29So then, okay, let's see Drake May.
02:33He'll probably miss a couple games.
02:35He'll get dinged up from time to time.
02:37But at least you're building something.
02:39What else are you building with Jacoby Brissett?
02:41I don't know.
02:42And the question that like this, we shouldn't even be having this conversation
02:47because if you take the Washington Commanders, they had the number two overall pick.
02:54Marcus Mariota is the backup there.
02:56He's probably a better player than Jacoby Brissett.
03:01Why are we even having the conversation of no other team is doing it.
03:06No other team.
03:07Chicago's not doing it.
03:08Caleb Williams.
03:09I just brought up Jaden Daniels in Washington.
03:12Before J.J. McCarthy got hurt, we weren't talking about it.
03:15We're not talking about it with Bo Nix and Jared Stidham in Denver.
03:19Why is it that we in New England are talking about Drake May backing up Jacoby Brissett?
03:26Can he pick it look better than Jacoby Brissett did?
03:30Small hands.
03:31I like him because he has small hands.
03:34I mean we have that in common.
03:35But he looks better.
03:36I'd rather have him than Jacoby Brissett.
03:38But even if Drake May doesn't look good, it should be all the 80, 90 percent of the reps are going to him.
03:47And even if we're sitting here watching practice from day one when training camp started,
03:52it should be like what does Drake May got to do to get better?
03:55He made this mistake.
03:57He made that mistake.
03:58It should be we should be watching him.
04:01So even if you don't think he's good or Joe saying that, you know, the reports that he's struggling down there, I'm fine with that.
04:08I'm fine with it because that's the quarterback that we're all hoping and praying on is the guy that can turn this franchise around.
04:15And if we're getting the reps, at least we get to see him.
04:18And if he's not good, then we re-evaluate where we are in two to three years.
04:23He has no real legit, neither of them do, no real legit weapon.
04:32You know, you see some progress when it comes to Pop Douglas.
04:36We were talking earlier about Javon Baker.
04:39He made a great catch.
04:40I mean, but it's like it is what it is down there.
04:45And you might as well start him.
04:47Well, look, think back to the 90s, right?
04:49It feels like the Patriots are back in 93.
04:52You have Bledsoe.
04:53You have a new coach.
04:56And you're trying to build something from literally the ground floor.
04:59I brought that up with Charlie Weiss.
05:00And so that year, the final, I think Bledsoe won the final four games.
05:05There was something to hold and grab onto as a fan.
05:10And you knew that despite the fact that the team wasn't contending, that you had a quarterback that was going to be able to drag you out of the abyss.
05:18We don't know what Drake May will be.
05:20I hope Shyam's right.
05:21We all do.
05:22But at least you'll have something to build toward.
05:25I'm still waiting.
05:27What does Jacoby Brissett build you toward?
05:30He don't build you towards anything.
05:32The question becomes, you know, with Drake May, even if he's bad his rookie year, what we then hope or we then evaluate, okay, how does he look in his second year?
05:45Maybe he'll put a better offensive line around him.
05:47Maybe he'll put some better weapons around him.
05:49We can now start looking and going, okay, let's give him his second year.
05:55And if he stinks again, now it's time to say, do we go in a different direction?
06:01But then at least you know that he isn't the guy.
06:05So at least if you do the approach that Burt Breer, I guess, said, I didn't see the report.
06:09I'm just taking the Colorado's word.
06:11So Burt Breer says they're going to bench him the whole year.
06:14That was the intention, was to sit him the entire year.
06:18So my intention was to go to Harvard.
06:20I didn't exactly land there.
06:21So Drake May sits the whole year.
06:25Then next year, let's say week 13, the Patriots are, you know, 3-10.
06:31And he stinks.
06:33So then you're going to wait and then draft your quarterback in two drafts starting right back where you are now.
06:40And if he sucks, if he's Rosen, then you draft another quarterback.
06:45Oh, I mean, here's a great text, a 401 text from a Rhode Island listener.
06:50And thank you to everybody who listens to the show on our Providence station.
06:54I still can't get over the fact that you invest that kind of draft capital in a quarterback and you do nothing,
06:59literally nothing to put any kind of an offensive line in front of him.
07:05And he's, and he's right.
07:07I mean, that is the issue.
07:09You got, you got guys out there who resemble the, the bumper brush in a, in a car wash.
07:18But like you can, you can cobble together an offensive line.
07:21When was the last time you drove your car through a car wash?
07:24I mean, I like a good car wash.
07:26But, you know, I mean, you're just kind of gliding right by the bumper brush.
07:29I mean, it just kind of touches you a little bit.
07:31And I, I am, you know, I, last night they couldn't even run the ball to the right side.
07:38I mean, you're going to have your struggles.
07:39I see the thing, Greg, it's not for me.
07:43It's not so much about your struggling offensive line.
07:48It's for me, it's more about him learning on the job.
07:54And let's see if the learning on the job either helps them get better next year.
08:01Or it starts for us to say, okay, as we watch him next year, maybe the Patriots swung and miss, and this isn't the right guy.
08:10I hate to do it to you, but Eternity21 in the Twitch chat says, you don't know ball.
08:18Anyone saying play him doesn't know ball.
08:23We know ball.
08:25I would say if you think Jacoby Brissett should start in the NFL, you don't know ball.
08:30So you can see it from last night's offense, purely from a football perspective.
08:34Drake May creates so many more opportunities on offense than Jacoby Brissett.
08:39Jacoby Brissett is one dimensional.
08:40It's run the football or five steps, seven step drop, and the ball is coming out.
08:44With Drake May, there's read option.
08:46There's scrambles.
08:47There's designed runs.
08:48There's deep balls.
08:49There's play action.
08:50There's, you can literally, it opens up the entire playbook.
08:53It's totally different.
08:55People are saying on the Twitch chat, the comp on starting him with this offensive line is David Carr, where he's going to get killed.
09:01That's totally different.
09:02That's an expansion franchise.
09:04I want that person to tell me two things about that season, because everybody just regurgitates that because other people have said it.
09:11That was also, what, 24 years ago?
09:14Well, if I don't know ball, you know who else doesn't know ball?
09:16Because they said you should be playing a young quarterback.
09:20He should be getting his reps is Matty Ice.
09:23Not only Matty Ice, Billy O said it the same thing.
09:26Yeah, Bill O'Brien said that on this show this week.
09:29And Bill Belichick said, you know what?
09:31You give a young quarterback, you give him as many reps and see what he looks like.
09:35This is Tristan in the car.
09:36Hey, Tristan, what's up?
09:37Yeah, I mean, you got to get the guy reps when it's time.
09:41It's preseason.
09:42This is when we got to see him.
09:43I mean, last night, six for 11 for 47 yards.
09:46My advanced stats, I mean, the Javon Baker drop was crazy.
09:50So that's another 50 yards.
09:52Then the roughing the passer, that's 20 more yards.
09:55I had Drake May at eight for 12 for 120 yards.
09:58No touchdowns, but the rush was good.
10:00And the line, but he's a mobile quarterback.
10:03So just like that guy said, you guys don't know ball.
10:08All right.
10:09I mean, he's going to take his lumps.
10:10I mean, that's what, excuse me, rookie quarterbacks on a bad team do.
10:14They take their lumps.
10:16And it's really about you playing Drake May is not about this year.
10:21It's about next year and giving him that on the job knowledge
10:29to see if it helps him next year.
10:32That's all this year is for Drake May.
10:35And it's a way that this year in a way is also a weighted bat
10:39because the hope is Drake May this year will struggle with everybody else.
10:44But next year, the position will be easier because he'll have more time.
10:49Hopefully they'll get better linemen, they'll get better weapons,
10:52and he'll continue to grow with the roster.
10:54Well, Gerard Mayo said post-game that Drake May can win this spot.
11:00For me, we always talk about competition, and that's at all spots.
11:03So even if Drake beats out Jacoby, I mean, he earned that role.
11:08And we don't really take that into consideration when he's ready to go.
11:11And if he's better than Jacoby, then he'll play, he'll start.
11:15Sounds like somebody's capping, either Albert Brea or Mayo.
11:18Well, I can't wait to ask Gerard Mayo about this on Monday morning.
11:22I cannot wait.
11:23Me either.
11:24He will be on here at 8 on Monday morning,
11:27on the first Patriots Monday of this season.
11:30And it would be interesting if we kind of, you know,
11:34great questioning somehow can slip in the Brea,
11:39where they're already kind of saying he's going to sit.
11:42Well, you could say there are reports that you've already settled on that.
11:45But I think you bring up what Matt Ryan said.
11:48You bring up what Bill O'Brien said.
11:50I think we'll have the opportunity to do all of that.
11:53Very open guy, Gerard Mayo.
11:54That he is.
11:55We'll see if he's changed at all when it comes to being open.
11:58I mean, we're at the point where you would announce one.
12:01I mean, next week you're getting ready.
12:03The last preseason game is just a dress rehearsal.
12:05I mean, not really a dress rehearsal.
12:07I'm sorry.
12:08It's just like a nothing.
12:09All right.
12:10Well, preseason game number two is in the books, as they say.
12:14And you can talk about that all day long here on Boston Sports Original,
