This Esme: Purple Jones interviews Esme Higgs

  • 2 weeks ago
Super-fan Purple Jones interviews celebrity horsewoman Esme Higgs - better known as This Esme - at the World Horse Welfare Stable Squad launch event
00:00So, I thought, can you give me one funny fact about each of your horses?
00:06Well, first of all, thank you very much for the interview.
00:08So, funny facts...
00:10Goodness, okay, so Duke's funny fact is that he does this thing,
00:13I don't know if it's very good or not,
00:15but if you come up to him in the field,
00:17I thought he was going to do it then,
00:18is that he'll come and put his bum right up to the fence
00:21because he loves butt scratches,
00:23so that's his kind of way of being like,
00:25hello, here's my bum, can you give me a bum scratch?
00:28So, that's really his funny fact.
00:30Mickey's funny fact is that,
00:32well, you probably know him if you watch my channel,
00:35but his nickname is Licky Mickey,
00:38so he will literally lick anything,
00:41that's his thing, he's like a little dog sometimes,
00:45and he also is a bit of an escape artist as well,
00:48there's been times where he's tried to break into the feed room,
00:50so that's quite a little funny fact about him.
00:53Casper, his fact is that he's a little bit more shy,
00:56we have this thing in my family where we say that
00:58you have to be part of the Casper club to get really close to him,
01:02he's kind of got more like a cat energy,
01:04so not like a dog where they want to come up and say hi,
01:07you have to let him come up to you,
01:09but if you get part of the Casper club,
01:11then it's a very exclusive club,
01:13but then he'll love to get cuddles and things from you,
01:16so he's a little bit more introverted.
01:18And then Joey, his little weird fun fact,
01:21he does this thing every single time he goes into a stable
01:24to have his haylage, he makes tea,
01:27that's what we say, he does this thing called Dippy Dippy
01:29where he gets his haylage, or his hay,
01:31and he loves to put it in his water bucket
01:33and make some sort of soup,
01:35so I have to make sure every time I walk out,
01:37I make sure I clean his water bucket correctly,
01:39sometimes I have to give him two different bits of water,
01:41one for making his Joey tea,
01:43and one for him to just drink, so there we go.
01:46Very quirky horses I have.
01:48Yeah, definitely.
01:49And are you planning on extending the family any more?
01:53Well, in the future, I would love to rehome more horses
01:56from World Horse Welfare, it's been so rewarding having Duke.
01:59At the moment, I think for the lifestyle
02:01and the life that I live at the moment,
02:03four is probably enough for me,
02:04because I want to make sure that I have enough time
02:06to give them all the love and attention that they deserve,
02:08but definitely in the future,
02:09I'd love to rehome again from World Horse Welfare.
02:11Brilliant, and we all know you love Machu Machu,
02:14but what is your actual favourite from here?
02:16Well, I think the answer that I'm going to have to give
02:19is the one that I've recently come out with,
02:22which is my own collection,
02:23but before that, before that,
02:25I would say I love all sort of pastely colours,
02:28so the mist, the wisteria, the new fern
02:30are probably my favourites.
02:32Yeah, I love all those as well.
02:34So to finish off, I thought we might do a quick fire round.
02:37Yes, sounds good.
02:38So, cheese and onion flavour crusts.
02:42Yes, like them.
02:43Yeah, you like them.
02:44Right, okay.
02:45Doggers or jeans?
02:48Like, what, the clothes?
02:49Yeah, clothes.
02:50Oh, it's got to be dogs.
02:58Oh, joggers, I thought you said dogs, I'm so sorry.
03:01Jeans, jeans.
03:05Staycation or vacation?
03:07Ooh, I'm going to say vacation, actually.
03:10So, that is the sort of few questions I came up with.
03:14Thank you very much for answering them.
03:16Oh, thank you very much, yeah, for the interview.
03:18I'm going to do it for being in the background and doing some lovely eating.
03:21Eating noises in the background, perfect.
03:24Eating noises.
