15th August 2024

  • last month


00:00Just go.
00:13Don't you want to introduce me to our new friend?
00:18Well, maybe she's not so new.
00:21Who knows?
00:23Is this who you gave your family up for?
00:26Sent Gina a package?
00:28This has got nothing to do with you.
00:30No, of course not.
00:31I should just step back and not comment
00:34while you prioritise a quick fumble over your marriage and Gina.
00:37I told you, it's over.
00:38But it's here.
00:40Gina, really?
00:42It's your son's birthday tomorrow. You know that.
00:44Of course I do.
00:46But you're not there celebrating with him.
00:48You're here getting your end away.
00:49Well, he lives in Dubai.
00:50What do you want me to do? Get over there and give him a present?
00:52Make an effort. A real effort. Prioritise him.
00:55What, like what you did?
00:58Learn from my mistakes.
01:00No, come on, you.
01:01You of all people should know the impact of separating a father from their son.
01:06Is that what you want for him, really?
01:07Is that really what you want?
01:10You're going to give up a shot of family for whoever's behind that door?
01:16All sorted.
01:18Bereavement leave.
01:20Do you want to buy the tickets?
01:22They're not cheap.
01:24I looked at my bank.
01:25It's okay.
01:27I'll get them.
01:29I'm sorry.
01:30No, it's fine. This is important.
01:34For us.
01:36For the baby.
01:43What about Jasper?
01:46Why not stay here?
01:49No, a bit of distance would do us all some good.
01:52Besides, I bet you're dying to get rid.
01:54You know that's not true.
01:56I'll miss you.
01:57Yeah, I'd miss me sticking my nose in where it's not wanted and messing with you and Bobby, eh?
02:01I know you only did that because you care.
02:03But you do have to let me live my life. I know what I'm doing.
02:06Do you?
02:09You focus on you, and I'll focus on me, and maybe we'll start to get along again.
02:14Even if you're not here.
02:17You okay?
02:19What happened?
02:20No, she's fine. She's just tired.
02:22You need a good night's sleep. Come on, darling.
02:26She been drinking?
02:28Uh, yeah, kind of.
02:31Bernie. Proud of her booze.
02:34Well, why would she do that?
02:36I don't know. I went there.
02:38Anyway, I'd better go up.
02:43I'm so glad you're home. Are you okay?
02:46How are the kids?
02:49Um, Annie went to sleep talking about the tooth fairy.
02:52She thinks she's getting a big payout.
02:55Thanks. I appreciate it.
02:57Right, let's get you to bed.
03:00You have no right to preach to me.
03:02Not after what you did, what you put me through.
03:05Look, son, things happen.
03:08It weren't all my fault.
03:09Oh, but this? This is mine, yeah?
03:12I should have stayed here on her marriage, even though it was obvious that it's dead in the water.
03:15You could have tried. You could have tried harder.
03:17Well, look what you did!
03:18You made me a fool of myself.
03:20I'm sorry.
03:21I'm sorry.
03:22I'm sorry.
03:23I'm sorry.
03:24I'm sorry.
03:25I'm sorry.
03:26I'm sorry.
03:27You could have tried. You could have tried harder.
03:28Well, look what you did!
03:29Like how you went the extra mile to make sure I was all right,
03:31putting Box and Annie over me and Mum!
03:33You can be better than this!
03:34You can be better!
03:36A lot better!
03:37So don't come round here now trying to run my life,
03:40trying to be the father that you never were,
03:42because I don't need saving!
03:43I don't need fixing!
03:44I certainly don't need you!
03:48I don't need anyone!
03:52I told her that was where the brush is from, right?
03:54So she didn't rip the ring off and give you a black eye then?
03:56She tried.
03:57Listen, I need a favour.
03:59You're going to go away for a bit,
04:01so I need someone to look after Jasper.
04:03I think that's the job for Martin.
04:05I'm working, aren't I?
04:10Yeah, that's fine.
04:14What a man.
04:15That's what I've been saying for weeks.
04:17Martin Fowler, a total man.
04:19It's going to be fun, isn't it?
04:20Living with you and a parrot.
04:22You want to have a drink?
04:25So where are you going?
04:29We thought it would be a good idea to get away for a bit.
04:32You know, for the pregnancy.
04:34All the stress.
04:35It's not good.
04:41So Rhys sold us the ring.
04:43We paid two grand cash for it,
04:45and he's got the ring back.
04:46And we're empty-handed.
04:49Yeah, he's got the ring back.
04:51And we're empty-handed.
04:53Yeah, he's good for it.
04:55Do you really think so?
04:57Because I don't trust him not an inch.
05:23Ten minutes.
05:25The boxing den.
05:26I'll be there.
05:34I am scared for you, son.
05:37I'm scared that you're going to push everyone away,
05:39and then one morning you're going to wake up alone.
05:41Totally alone.
05:43I understand you keep me at arm's length.
05:45I deserve it.
05:46But I'm struggling to see why you have to treat Gina
05:49the same way.
05:50I really am.
05:51Are you finished?
05:53What did you say?
05:55I don't know who you've got in there.
05:57And, to be honest, I'm not that interested.
06:00But whoever she is, I hope she's got a lot of luck,
06:03because odds are you're going to treat her badly too.
06:05In fact, I guarantee it.
06:06Did you meet her?
06:08What, no bring her out?
06:10You can tell her exactly what I'm like.
06:12What she's letting herself in for.
06:14Yeah, that's a great idea.
06:15No, no, no, I mean it.
06:16She's a nice woman.
06:18A little older, but...
06:19Oh, gorgeous.
06:20Your type.
06:21In fact, she's had some bad experiences with men,
06:24those blokes who worked her,
06:26who didn't understand what she needed.
06:28Maybe I should let her out right now.
06:30You can tell her I'm just the same,
06:32and have a bad lot she's got in bed with.
06:37Maybe next time.
06:39Thanks for the thought, though.
06:41Enjoy your evening.
06:58Look, I was out of order, OK?
07:00What I said...
07:02You really didn't deserve that, OK?
07:04And you don't need to move out, I was just upset.
07:07But you still said it.
07:10You blamed me for Linda almost dying.
07:13Yeah, but I didn't...
07:15I didn't mean it, OK?
07:17If anything, I was just angry at myself.
07:19Oh, it doesn't matter.
07:23It's time for me to go, anyway.
07:26I need to move out, I need to grow up a bit.
07:29Where are you going to go?
07:32A mate of a mate.
07:34He's got a room just off the high street, it's there.
07:42Oh, Mum.
07:45I might ask if I can move in with her.
07:49I mean, what was that?
07:51You suggesting they meet him?
07:52What were you going to do, drag me in there?
07:54Nothing, I didn't mean it.
07:55Well, it sounded like it.
07:57What did you want to do?
07:59Humiliate me? Him?
08:01Both of us, maybe?
08:03Is that what all of...
08:06Is that what this is about?
08:08You just want to get back at him.
08:10No, no, of course not. I like you.
08:12No strings, just a bit of fun.
08:15Yes, really.
08:16It doesn't feel like that. Not anymore.
08:18What are you doing?
08:19Getting dressed.
08:20You don't have to do that.
08:21Oh, yes, I do.
08:22Do you know what? Maybe George has a point about you.
08:24What's that supposed to mean?
08:26You weren't exactly honest with the Gina situation, were you?
08:29You said it was a mood killer.
08:30It was. It is.
08:32First you hire Peter behind my back,
08:35and then you hide the fact that Gina's homeless
08:37and wants to come and live with you.
08:38What did you want me to do? Say yes?
08:40And then where are we going to meet?
08:42I feel lied to.
08:45Oh, come on!
08:46No, no.
08:48You don't understand, do you?
08:50I've been here before.
08:52More than once.
08:54And affairs are messy, messy things.
08:57What, you think I don't know that?
08:59People get hurt, Junior.
09:01I don't want to get hurt.
09:03And I don't want my daughter being dragged into all of this.
09:05Well, she's not going to.
09:06Look, I like you. I like spending time with you.
09:09Oh, I know what you like.
09:10Oh, well, you seemed to like it yourself earlier.
09:12I mean, you were pretty damn vocal about it.
09:14How nice! Classy.
09:16No, look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean that.
09:18I'm going to go and see my daughter and check up on her.
09:21Maybe you ought to go and see your son, too.
09:23Sim, wait!
09:57You OK?
09:58Yeah. Yeah, yeah, I'm great.
10:00You know, you're not a very good liar. Has anyone ever told you that?
10:03Usually I'm a pretty good liar. You just call me on an off night.
10:07What, do you want to talk about it? I'm a good listener.
10:09Oh, yeah?
10:11Go for a drink, if you like.
10:14All right.
10:18Is Gina around?
10:19Yeah, upstairs.
10:23What if there's some truth to it?
10:25What if Rhys is only after the money?
10:27Oh, yeah, he's a right master criminal, isn't he?
10:29Oh, I'm scared.
10:30Well, if I was him, I'd have bumped off my ex for the cash
10:33and got my nurse fiancée to help.
10:35It's not even funny, is it? And Rhys hasn't even got the pulse.
10:38Well, maybe Sonia's the mastermind behind the whole thing.
10:41He's the patsy.
10:56Oh, I'm sorry I'm late. I had to feed Jess, but...
11:00I, er...
11:02I ain't the only one that you owe money to.
11:06No, where did you hit that?
11:08Vic, Sookie and Eve.
11:11Now I'm beginning to wonder if you ain't too stupid enough
11:14to try and steal my money.
11:16No, of course not, mate.
11:18So you wouldn't sell Sonia's engagement ring,
11:21give me the cash and claim it was from my investment?
11:26So you didn't do that?
11:28Yes or no?
11:30Look, you wanted me to cash it out, but I couldn't.
11:34If the investment hadn't matured, you'd lose money.
11:37I was scared, too scared to tell you,
11:40so I gave you the cash and the ring,
11:42but, you know, I haven't stolen from you.
11:44I was just protecting your investment.
11:47You know, I've, er...
11:50I've met a lot of liars in my time, Racer.
11:54And sometimes, sometimes, I'm one of them,
11:56and I can always tell, yeah? I can tell.
11:59I can smell it.
12:00No, you're wrong.
12:01There is no investment, is there?
12:03This whole thing is a con.
12:04Absolutely not. There is an investment.
12:06A very sound investment.
12:08Then prove it.
12:09I already have. Look, I showed you the paperwork.
12:11No, that's easy enough to fake, innit?
12:13Show me the email where you draught the cash out.
12:15Go on, show me. Give me your phone. Give it to me.
12:17No, it's dead.
12:22I want my money, Racer.
12:24Do you understand?
12:25I want every penny.
12:27Well, I do understand, and you'll get it soon, very soon.
12:30Now, now! Now!
12:32But I haven't got it.
12:33I don't think you're getting the message, Racer.
12:35Now, if you don't give me my money,
12:37I'm going to hurt you, yeah?
12:39I'm going to hurt you bad.
12:41Sonia's pregnant.
12:44Debbie's dead.
12:46We're under a lot of pressure financially.
12:49I'm worried about the stress.
12:51The effect on Sonia.
12:53Her health. I love her so much.
12:56If anything happened to her, the baby, I couldn't bear it.
13:01I will get your money, though.
13:03I'll get it all.
13:05I'll get the big payout from Debbie's life insurance.
13:08And as soon as it comes in, you're first in line.
13:14You've got till Monday.
13:15Monday? Yeah, Monday.
13:17You don't give me my money then,
13:19you ain't going to like what happens next.
13:37I just spoke to Johnny.
13:39Is it true?
13:40You gave Linda loads of booze.
13:43Well, yeah, but it was a mistake.
13:45I'd had a few myself, and I forgot.
13:47I forgot about her condition.
13:49Just the stress of this trial.
13:51I'm not myself, Sharon, really.
13:53But you forgot she was an alcoholic?
13:55Or was it deliberate?
13:56Oh, don't you have a go as well?
13:58Keanu is dead.
13:59This trial is going nowhere.
14:01I am losing my house,
14:02and I had Johnny in my face insulting me,
14:05and I ain't taking it from you as well, all right?
14:20He just said no.
14:22He didn't want me there, and I thought he'd be into it.
14:25Get to know me better.
14:27Well, his loss is my gain.
14:30You're moving in with me.
14:32What, are you sure?
14:33Yes, of course.
14:34You should have just asked.
14:36Thanks, Mum.
14:37And don't worry about Junior.
14:39I'm sure he cares.
14:40He cares. He's just being independent.
14:43Well, that's one word for it.
14:45I've just come from his place.
14:47He's got a woman stashed in the bedroom.
14:49Oh, really?
14:50That's not a crime, is it?
14:52Where do you think that's why he didn't want me there?
14:54Cramping his style?
14:56I don't think that's true.
14:57Well, who is she?
14:58Anyone we know?
14:59He didn't introduce us.
15:01But I saw her clothes all flung on the floor.
15:03Oh, tacky.
15:04Look, it's none of our business who Junior's shacked up with.
15:07Anyway, problem solved.
15:09Junior's moving in with me.
15:16So she asked me straight.
15:17Then she moved in.
15:20Didn't know what to say.
15:24Yeah, maybe.
15:25He's just...
15:27I don't know.
15:30To be honest,
15:32I can't involve with someone
15:34or it might get awkward.
15:39No one you know.
15:41What's she like, then?
15:44Got kids.
15:47Shacked up with someone.
15:50You've got to keep it to yourself.
15:54So you're into older women?
15:59I am now.
16:03And to be honest, it's not just her.
16:06The idea of living with someone else
16:10and getting to really know me,
16:14I don't like it too much.
16:18I guess I'm not good at letting people get too close.
16:25Well, listen, it is hard living with someone
16:29and, you know, relationships and that.
16:32Sometimes you do just want to lock yourself away
16:35and just be on your own.
16:40My dad was like that.
16:42Proper family man.
16:44But at the end of the day,
16:47world of his own.
16:49How'd that work out for him?
16:54Not well.
16:58I was just wondering if I made the wrong move.
17:00Who knows?
17:02I mean, who knows?
17:04It could be a good thing in my life.
17:07What else have I got?
17:10A marriage.
17:12A dad that hates me.
17:15And a son I don't see.
17:20Well, why don't you just change your mind, then?
17:23Invite her to move in.
17:26This could be a really good opportunity for you to form a bond.
17:32If I had the chance now
17:35to have my sister Abby back, even if it was just for a day,
17:39there was nothing that I wouldn't do.
17:44What have you got to lose?
17:51Lisa, it's been like this.
17:54No investment, he's just taken our cash.
17:56So what are we going to do?
17:57Time he's got till Monday.
17:59He knows I ain't mucking around.
18:00If he don't pay up, then he'll be walking down the aisle on crutches.
18:04Listen, there's another problem.
18:08She's in a real state about Keanu and the trial.
18:11I was considering letting her stay at mine.
18:15Well, Martin's moved out, I've got the room.
18:17You think that's a good idea?
18:18She's acting odd, Phil.
18:20Unpredictable, aggressive even.
18:23Yeah, exactly.
18:25She got Linda drunk, nearly killed her.
18:28Do you think she knows, though?
18:30I don't know.
18:31But maybe if she's grieving, the least I can do is help out.
18:34Keep an eye on her.
18:36Make sure she don't suspect anything.
18:38What do you think?
18:40Keep tabs on her, you know, keep it friendly,
18:42but I wouldn't let her in the house.
18:44That's just us getting in trouble, isn't it?
18:49How many clients have you got?
18:51Ain't even half of them.
18:53Come on, give me a hand.
19:01Let's go.
19:02Wait, can I have a word?
19:04No, I'm ahead of words.
19:05Didn't end too well.
19:06I'd really like to talk.
19:08I hear you've got a new special friend,
19:09so why don't you just go and talk to her?
19:12Look, come on, let's go.
19:13You two can talk about this in the morning
19:14when things have calmed down.
19:15No, I changed my mind.
19:18I thought about it, and, um,
19:20well, I'd really like you to move in.
19:22She's moving in with me?
19:24Yeah, well, you've got a house full, ain't you?
19:27I'm all on my own.
19:30Look, I'm sorry how it all went down.
19:34I'd love for you to come and share the flat,
19:37if you still wanted.
19:40Because Dad had to go?
19:41No, because I want to get to know you better,
19:45spend some time.
19:52Look, I was an idiot.
19:55I should have said yes straight away,
19:57but I'm just stuck in my ways, I guess.
19:59What about your new lady friend?
20:02I mean, where are you going to meet her?
20:05Well, I'll just have to make alternative arrangements.
20:09Family comes first.
20:14So what do you say?
20:22Well, yes.
20:24Yeah, yeah, yeah.
20:26Let's go get a drink at the bar to celebrate.
20:28Yeah, all right.
20:29You too, Mum.
20:36What do you want?
20:41Do you know what happened in the bit?
20:42It wasn't very nice.
20:45Is that it?
20:48Well, it was stupid.
20:52You know, it was a bad joke.
20:54But maybe you go in, it's such a good idea.
20:58Why not?
21:00People talk.
21:02You know, it starts off as a joke, doesn't it?
21:03I mean, you and Rhys, but who knows where it leads?
21:07I mean, his wife's barely cold enough grave
21:09and you're wearing her engagement ring.
21:10I mean, don't bother me.
21:12Other people.
21:15You know, and you leaving, they might get the wrong idea.
21:18Well, who cares about them?
21:20Well, sounds like Debbie's mum ain't going to keep her mouth shut.
21:25So just be careful.
21:28Do you believe her?
21:30No, of course not.
21:32I'm on your side, aren't I?
21:35Maybe it'd be better if you just stood your ground
21:38and showed them, you know, that there is...
21:40there's nothing to hide.
21:52What's going on?
21:54Let's talk here.
21:55We need to talk.
22:03Guys, I'm out.
22:06I can't afford it.
22:08Me and Jordan, we're going to move in with Patrick.
22:11And where's that leave me and Bernie?
22:14In other words...
22:15Too busy.
22:17I want to apologise about earlier.
22:19I'm just a bit protective of Linda.
22:21It's not your fault, really, it's not.
22:23Well, thanks, I appreciate that,
22:25but we're in a bit of a crisis right now.
22:27Yeah, you're looking for a flat?
22:29Yeah, we're desperate, actually.
22:30Well, I saw Jack earlier,
22:32and one of his flats has come up free.
22:35Minimum wage, can't afford it.
22:37Well, I tell you what,
22:38why don't I sub you for a couple of months, huh?
22:40Pay you rent.
22:42Why... why would you do that?
22:44You've had a tough time, Bernie, everyone knows that.
22:47Want to help?
22:49No, I can't, I can't accept that.
22:50You know, it's much too generous.
22:52I'm not just doing it for you.
22:54I'm doing it for Keanu.
22:58That's nice of you.
23:00It's the least I can do.
23:11Well, cheers.
23:12Cheers to that.
23:17Enjoy that.
23:22You took your time.
23:26This is hardly discreet.
23:28I don't appreciate you sticking your oar in with Gina.
23:32Changed my mind.
23:33This isn't a game, you know.
23:35Well, of course not.
23:37Why is this such a problem for you?
23:39I was actually really looking forward to Gina coming to live with me.
23:42What's up to Gina?
23:44Look, if she wants to move in with you, that's... that's cool.
23:47Yeah, but she doesn't want to, does she?
23:49She'll be excited about going to live with her brother,
23:51not a boring old mum.
23:57You're hardly boring.
23:59Don't. Don't.
24:02I mean, do you really think I'm going to just bounce back
24:05and jump into bed with you after all the stuff that you said?
24:07It was a row.
24:09People say things they don't mean.
24:10Yeah, but you did mean some of those things.
24:15Well, you just...
24:18You know how to push my buttons.
24:20Look, I'm sorry you had to hear all of that.
24:23I really am.
24:25I'm not proud of myself.
24:27Look, you...
24:29You said you wanted to know me a bit better.
24:32No, you do.
24:34Whether you like it or not.
24:37Whatever happens next is...
24:39Well, that's up to you.
24:46So where are we going to meet now?
24:52But in the meantime...
24:56Do you think I'm that cheap?
24:58Of course not.
25:11Where have you been?
25:13I was out on a walk. See where I am?
25:15I just had an interesting chat with Martin.
25:18Was he up for babysitting Jasper?
25:20There's a lot of gossip.
25:21Since Brenda's little show.
25:23She's got us, this ring, the money.
25:27She's not going to go away, Rhys.
25:29And then she's going to bring in these lawyers.
25:31I think maybe it's best that we just stay here.
25:33Some serious gossip.
25:34It makes us look guilty.
25:36How? Look, we haven't done anything wrong.
25:38We're not leaving for ourselves.
25:40We're leaving for the baby.
25:41I mean, it's not good to have that much stress so early in a pregnancy.
25:44I don't think living with Whitney is going to be very relaxing.
25:47All right?
25:48So I think it's better that we just stay here.
25:50I disagree. I think we should go.
25:51I think we should leave first thing.
25:53Well, I don't.
25:54I want to stay.
26:00Whatever makes you happy.
26:01That's all I want.
26:07She's sleeping like a baby.
26:09A couple of days, she'll be starting rehab.
26:12That's what she needs, you know?
26:14Fresh, okay?
26:16Hey, where's Junior?
26:18You all right?
26:19Yeah, I am, Mum.
26:21What, you gone home?
26:22No, no.
26:23Missed a bit of bubbly.
26:24Not my style.
26:27She's a bit close.
26:31Now, listen.
26:32I'm moving in with my brother,
26:33so I need you to make up for both of you.
26:36I don't want it to be tense when you pop around, though.
26:40Fine by me.
26:42Hear me to.
26:44Gina and Julian.
26:46Oh, wait a second.
26:47Need to get some more bubbly, don't I?
26:48You won't, do you?
26:50Yeah, let's make it a couple, eh?
26:59Gina, do me a favour.
27:01Do what?
27:02When you move in, can you keep an eye on Junior for me?
27:07I don't know.
27:08I've just got a bad feeling.
27:09I think he's going down the wrong path.
27:10He'll be fine, Dad.
27:11I don't think he is.
27:12I've just got a bad feeling about this woman.
27:15Good for you.
27:16And she was.
27:17Casey's making a terrible mistake.
27:22Let's keep it between us, Tim.
27:26Here we are.
27:36There you go, Eddie.
27:43You all right, Mum?
27:44Oh, nice.
27:46To family?
27:47To family.
28:02Saving lives.