Emmerdale 15th July 2024

  • 3 months ago
Emmerdale 15th July 2024


00:00And how are we feeling? I'm guessing I know the answer.
00:08I drowned in my sorrows, wasn't I? All the way to the final and England lose.
00:13Yeah, well, it feels quite good to be Scottish at the moment. Or it would do. Precious little
00:19else to feel positive about right now.
00:21Yeah, I know. Look, maybe you've done enough.
00:25Maybe Lydia's persuaded Samson to tell the truth. That's all I can hope for.
00:30Is that all you're taking? You said travel light.
00:44Yeah, probably best. Right, yeah, you're booked on the ferry.
00:49Aunt Lilith will meet you at the other end. I've got a few things I need to pick up for
00:52you first.
00:54Well, you're going to need money. My wedding ring from when I married your mum should be
00:59worth a few quid, so I'm going to see if I can get it pawned.
01:01You don't need to do that.
01:03Yeah, well, you did it once before, didn't you?
01:05Yeah, and I wish I hadn't.
01:07Right now, we're in a corner. Hopefully, something will come up and we can buy it back. Again.
01:13I hate that it's got this far.
01:14Yeah, well, maybe you should have thought about that before. Never mind. Right, when
01:21I'm done, I'll text you and you can meet us in that lay-by. I don't want anyone seeing
01:25us leaving the village together.
01:26I'm sorry, Dad.
01:27What's done is done.
01:28Yeah, and if I could go back and change it all...
01:32Yeah, well, you can't. And I've got to look out for you, so you're going away where no
01:38one can find you, right?
01:40What the hell's going on?
01:41Ah, one sec, Mr Teacher.
01:49Yeah, apparently today, we are doing the Normans.
01:52And how are you on the Normans?
01:53In 1066, a geezer got shot in the eye and he wasn't called Norman. After that, clueless.
02:00Anyway, those kids won't homeschool themselves.
02:03Er, just before you go, Kim's told me.
02:08About someone's fairly devastating screw-up. What do you think? And I'll tell you what,
02:13I am not happy about lying to Dawn. I'm even less happy that my missus has taken all the
02:17stick for it.
02:18Yeah, I get it. I'm sorry.
02:21Billy didn't ask me to step in.
02:22Although I am grateful. So you're on board?
02:27I've been persuaded that it's necessary. But I'll tell you what, in future, do not do stupid
02:33stuff, OK?
02:34Of course.
02:35Go on then, off you go. Class is waiting.
02:38That was good of you.
02:44What, tearing a strip off Billy?
02:46Supporting the missus. Me. Supporting me. Eventually.
02:52Yeah, I regret how hard I've been on you. Till they put me six foot under.
02:57I know.
03:01Erm, you got a rash or something?
03:05Why? You keep scratching. I noticed it last night.
03:08Dog fleas. Comes with the job.
03:10I have never found you more attractive.
03:12It's just dry skin. It's fine, I'll buy some cream.
03:15I've got some stuff that's really good, that'll make the salon.
03:18Right, maybe I'll pop over and see you then.
03:20Hey, er, are you ready to get going? Only apparently you're not responding to texts,
03:25and there's a herd of cows that need screening.
03:27Sorry, lost track of time.
03:29That'll be our night out to blow.
03:30Oh, that was two days ago. You had a night out?
03:33Didn't we?
03:34Oh yeah, big hangover. Arriving home at some point the next day.
03:39Oh, nice one. Life in the old girl yet, eh?
03:45I can't believe you would do this.
03:53Well, don't go off on one.
03:54Oh, what do you expect me to do?
03:56Congratulate you? The pair of you?
03:58I mean, what's the plan here?
04:00I was going away till it blew over.
04:02I was taking a trip anyway, so it's not sus.
04:04Oh, well that sounds well thought out.
04:07Supposing Josh was to visit while you were travelling with him, yeah?
04:11And Moira, she'd be quick to work it out too.
04:13She already suspected you'd do something like this.
04:15And you were helping him. Why?
04:18After everything he's done.
04:20I'll tell you why.
04:22Cos if this comes out, he's going to prison.
04:24That's if Cain don't get to him first.
04:26And what about Matty?
04:28Samson's just gonna leave the poor lad to rot.
04:30Samson's gotta come first.
04:33I'm getting him out of here, so don't try and stop me.
04:37There you are. I'll make you a cup of tea.
04:39Oh, just give me a minute.
04:41Are you all right?
04:43Yeah, I think I just overdid it bringing that washing in.
04:47Do I need to call Manpreet?
04:49No, don't be silly.
04:51I'm fine, I'm just a bit tired.
04:53It doesn't mean I'm having a heart attack.
04:55OK, I'm just looking after you.
04:57I'll be back in a minute.
04:59I'll be back in a minute.
05:01I'll be back in a minute.
05:03I'll be back in a minute.
05:05Hey, I'm just looking after you.
05:07I know, and I'm grateful.
05:11I bet you're glad I stuck around now.
05:13Yeah, well, I wasn't.
05:15It's turned out all right, hasn't it?
05:17You know, it's funny.
05:19Even when it's raining,
05:21it just makes me put life into perspective.
05:25Oh, great. Philosophy.
05:27Contemplating the hereafter.
05:29No, it's just, you know,
05:31life is too short.
05:33You know everything, haven't you?
05:35Yeah, well,
05:37maybe there's still good things to come here.
05:41I think it's time to move past what happened.
05:47I'll get that.
05:57I'm off to the pawn shop.
05:59Thanks, Dad.
06:01Get to the lay-by around 11.
06:03Don't let anyone see you leaving.
06:05I can take him.
06:07How come you're onside suddenly?
06:09I want to say goodbye.
06:11If he's going away, who knows when I'll next see him.
06:13I suppose.
06:15I'll see you later.
06:25You really going through with it?
06:27It won't be forever.
06:29And if I'm out of the picture for a bit,
06:31then maybe the case will be dropped
06:33and I can come back.
06:37What about in the meantime?
06:39You've done a runner and the truth comes out.
06:41Like I said,
06:43it might not.
06:47Samson Dingle goes on his hauls,
06:49can't be contacted.
06:51Nothing suspicious there.
06:53In the meantime, your uncle, he just calms down.
06:55And then he's ready to welcome you back
06:57and buy you a pint once it's all blown over.
06:59He might.
07:01You know damn well he won't.
07:03And who takes the flak in the meantime?
07:07And your dad for getting you away in the first place.
07:09Dad's dealt with worse than this.
07:11He shouldn't have to deal with anything.
07:13He hasn't done anything wrong.
07:15And neither has Matty.
07:17I don't know what else to do.
07:19How about the right thing?
07:21Because that seems the favourite option
07:23from where I'm standing.
07:25And it's what I've always tried to teach you to do.
07:27You don't understand.
07:29I've got to look out for me.
07:31It's looking out for you
07:33that I'm trying to do here.
07:37Think about it, Samson.
07:39I mean really, really think about it.
07:41Really think about it.
07:43Do you think
07:45you're going to be able to live with yourself
07:47knowing that somebody else is inside
07:49because of what you've done?
07:51The only thing
07:53that Matty is guilty of
07:55is defending himself against you.
07:59Do you really think you should go to prison for that?
08:03Dad thinks it's for the best.
08:05Your dad's doing this
08:07because he loves you
08:09because it's right.
08:11And believe me, it isn't.
08:17Can I have a word?
08:19I'm just on my way out.
08:21It won't take long, I promise.
08:23What's up?
08:25I heard you earlier and I wanted to thank Kim
08:27for stepping up like that
08:29and covering for Billy.
08:31That's big of you.
08:33I mean it.
08:35Dawn's lucky to have you in her life.
08:37Back in the day
08:39maybe Dawn would have avoided some of her troubles.
08:41Where's this going?
08:43We all know why I'm such a screw up
08:45or what makes me one.
08:47Yeah, she's usually got a 40%
08:49proof label on it.
08:53And yesterday at the kids party
08:55I was so busy I
08:57went knocking them back
08:59and it made me realise it felt good
09:01to have a clear head so I'm stopping the booze.
09:06That's the plan.
09:08I want to be a bit more present
09:10for Dawn and the kids.
09:16You believe that?
09:18She's got no reason to lie,
09:20has she?
09:22Well, at least the brandy
09:24bill will go down.
09:36Where is he?
09:40He's not coming, Sam.
09:42What do you mean he's not coming?
09:44Everything's set.
09:46Look, you're not going to like this but
09:48we had a chat.
09:50About what?
09:52Where is he, Lydia?
10:00take me through a bit.
10:02From the beginning.
10:04It all happened
10:06really fast.
10:28Josh was trying to
10:32hang with Amy but Matty, well,
10:34he took him down a peg.
10:36Yeah, and chucked us out.
10:38But you wanted your money back.
10:40Well, we'd paid
10:42for them drinks so
10:44I told Josh we should go back
10:46and get them.
10:48And that's when I saw that the two was left open.
10:50So you decided to take the cash?
10:52To get Matty back for insulting Josh?
10:56I did.
10:58It was my idea.
11:00Josh had nothing to do with it.
11:02He was nowhere near us.
11:04And it all goes bad
11:06when Matty refuses to give you the money?
11:08It went bad, alright.
11:10Why do you think
11:12Matty picked up the knife?
11:16There was this bottle
11:20I picked up first
11:22and maybe
11:24maybe waved it round.
11:26Threatened him a bit.
11:32Yeah, so, I know someone
11:34who does tattoo laser removal.
11:36And they're good. They're not like them cowboys you might have read about online.
11:38So when can he see me?
11:40Well, that's the thing, he's booked up solid.
11:42And I do need to warn you, it's not painless.
11:44I mean, some say it's worse than having a tattoo.
11:46And them that don't say that, they're lying.
11:48And it does take a while.
11:50You have to wait a month between each appointment
11:52for what's been lasered to heal.
11:54So there will be quite a few of them.
11:56The appointments!
11:58Well, that's no good to me, is it?
12:00I think Marlon's going to notice that I haven't always had a Spice Girl on my back.
12:02Well, I hate to be wise after the event, but you should have thought of that.
12:04Yeah, I mean, if only I'd have had someone with me
12:06to say, don't be stupid, Rona, you're drunk.
12:08Oh, wait a minute.
12:10Don't blame me, you're the one who's obsessed about being full.
12:12Yeah, and now I've got a picture of Mel C on my back.
12:14I suppose clarifying it's sporty then.
12:16No, not necessarily. But the point is, you could have stopped me.
12:20I'll put it this way, right.
12:22You're not fuddy, and you're definitely not duddy.
12:24And our Marlon will see that when he puts his ear to your back
12:26and hears drones of wannabe.
12:30maybe you could keep the tattoo.
12:32You never know. Might be really into it.
12:34Oh, yeah, that's definitely what we both want.
12:36A permanent reminder of my mini-midlife crisis.
12:38Yeah, but keeping it secret.
12:40I mean, several appointments over months.
12:42Him always wondering why you're wearing a T-shirt during...
12:44Okay, I get it.
12:46I'm going to have to tell him.
12:52I can't tell if it's working.
12:54I got some brownie points yesterday,
12:56but I don't know.
12:58I've got to go.
13:08I'm all right.
13:10I'm just having a moment.
13:12What's up?
13:18Come on.
13:20Call me soft.
13:24I got emotional
13:28I feel grateful.
13:30Grateful for?
13:34When you said you were glad I was here.
13:36Yeah, I meant it.
13:38I know, and it was lovely.
13:42I mean, I hate what's happening to Evan,
13:44but I feel like I've been
13:46given a second chance with you all.
13:48I'm glad you feel that way.
13:50So does Dawn.
13:52Oh, and ditching the booze is definitely
13:54a step in the right direction.
13:56Look, just keep doing
13:58what you're doing.
14:02You know, I still can't believe I'm here
14:04sometimes with you and
14:06my daughter and my grandchildren.
14:08And whatever that
14:10bowel disease throws at Evan, we'll get through it.
14:12I'm here to
14:14try, anyway.
14:16Yeah, you're making amends.
14:18It's why I said what I said.
14:20Is it?
14:22Of course it is.
14:24Whoa! What are you doing?
14:26I'm sorry, I just... I'm sorry.
14:28What is wrong with you?
14:38What is stopping you?
14:40It's not like the prison.
14:44Here we go.
14:46Hey, alright if I join you?
14:48Yeah, sure. Excuse me.
14:50That makes me feel wanted.
14:52Oh, don't worry. She's gonna talk to her ma
14:54on about something serious.
14:56Okay. Guess she's confiding in other people
14:58these days.
15:00Doesn't matter.
15:04you two had a night out?
15:06Missed her out, doozy.
15:08Did I? Miss a doozy?
15:12if you'd have been there, certain things might have happened.
15:14Marlon, sorry.
15:16There's something I need to tell you.
15:18Urgent? Dangerous? I mean, in other words, can it wait?
15:20I've just got a few modes to feed.
15:22That night out,
15:24you know, incidents happen
15:26on nights out when you've had a few too many.
15:30Ron, what's happened?
15:32Rona got a tattoo!
15:34It's a very
15:36un-Rona-like decision. Where?
15:38Hotten. Oh, sorry, no, lower back.
15:40May I ask why?
15:42I was going through a thing.
15:44You know, kind of fed up of being called
15:46old Mrs. Fingerwaggy all the time.
15:48Hey! It wasn't for old Mrs. Fingerwaggy.
15:50I'd be Mr. Can't-Tie-Shoelaces-Together
15:52without... You know what, I'm gonna stop that. Can I see?
15:54And can I just get this in quickly?
15:56I love you, even with the body art, maybe even more so.
15:58Meanwhile, inevitably...
16:00Come on, then, show us.
16:06Is that sporty or posh?
16:24He's still being interviewed. He won't let me see him.
16:26Why the hell
16:28did you make him do this? It was his decision.
16:30Not without you telling him what's what.
16:32I know you. He saw what was right.
16:35Look, if he'd have gone on the run
16:37they'd have known he were guilty of something.
16:39He'd have been in trouble either way.
16:41Yeah, well, he's in that now, all right.
16:43Don't you realise what's gonna happen to him?
16:45He's going inside. I can't help him
16:47from there, can I?
16:49Hopefully they'll take into account the fact he's come forward.
16:51It doesn't work like that, and you know it.
16:53This is exactly
16:55what happened, we live.
16:57And it split us up. Don't you ever learn?
16:59Sam! Lydia!
17:01I had it sorted, but you couldn't have that, could you?
17:03That's not fair.
17:05Neither's what's gonna happen to him now.
17:07I'll never forgive you for this.
17:15Oh, they're in the pirate ship.
17:17Are you sure you're all right?
17:19Oh, God, Bennett, I'm fine.
17:21I just had to rest. Honestly.
17:23Stop fussing.
17:25Oh, OK. Sorry.
17:27Nah, not needed.
17:29I'm getting stronger every day, Jay.
17:31And I can't tell you
17:33how pleased I am to hear that.
17:35Me too.
17:37I've been
17:39thinking about what you said
17:41this morning, about wanting to
17:43make the most of...
17:45You know, and I want
17:47that too.
17:49For us.
17:51I know you've obviously been thinking
17:53about it, the future and everything.
17:55I have.
17:59Actually, I...
18:01I think it's time to tell the kids that we're splitting up.
18:11Thanks, Jess.
18:19Why do I get the feeling you're not here with good news?
18:21You OK?
18:25Samson's gone to the police.
18:27He's telling them the truth about Mattie.
18:29Are you serious?
18:31That's good, isn't it?
18:33Yeah, of course it's a good thing.
18:35Why'd they change your heart?
18:37Look, I may as well
18:39tell you. Samson were gonna do a runner.
18:41Was he, now?
18:43Sam had arranged it, but I stepped in
18:45before it got out of hand. Well, even
18:47more out of hand.
18:49OK, so it really was throwing Mattie under
18:51the bus, it sounds about right.
18:53Except he didn't, did he?
18:55I persuaded him to do the right thing.
18:57All this means is a chance of Mattie getting out.
18:59Well, thank God for that.
19:01So, uh,
19:03are we good?
19:09Are you sure?
19:11I mean, you don't sound it.
19:13After everything that was said yesterday.
19:15Is she supposed to be grateful?
19:17Her son's in hospital and is about
19:19to go back in prison.
19:21Now the police know,
19:23surely they'll let him go?
19:25Well, you can guarantee that, can you?
19:27Samson's already lied before, and as far as they're concerned,
19:29who's to say he's not lying now?
19:31Hope you're happy.
19:43Will, about before.
19:45I don't want to talk about it. Will!
19:47Look, I don't know what you thought was happening there,
19:49but I did not encourage that.
19:51I'm sorry. I read it wrong.
19:53Too right you read it wrong.
19:55You can't really blame me.
19:57Oh, what were the extenuating circumstances?
19:59What was it like? One moment of madness?
20:01No, I just...
20:03Well, lately
20:05I've been feeling like there's something between us.
20:07You have to
20:09understand that I love my wife
20:11and nothing, nothing
20:13is gonna get in the way of that.
20:15I know.
20:17And I'm sorry.
20:21Are you going to tell Kim about this?
20:25It was a stupid mistake.
20:27One that could make her feel really insecure.
20:29And one that could send Dawn
20:31spiralling. Is that what you really want?
20:39I don't know why you're blaming me, Sam.
20:41I didn't make him go to the police.
20:43You tried, though, didn't you?
20:45And it weren't a friendly chat, either.
20:47It was his own decision, Sam.
20:49You guilt tripping him on one side
20:51and these two half-scaring him to death on the other.
20:53Will you listen to yourself?
20:55I'm gonna lose me son. Why should I?
20:57Because somebody needed to take the blame.
20:59And how about the one who really deserved it?
21:01You know, the lad who you were gonna send
21:03on the run? Cain.
21:05I had no choice. Yeah, you did.
21:07But you made the wrong choice, like you always do
21:09with Samson. This isn't helping.
21:11He needs to hear this.
21:13You've always been too soft with him.
21:15I tried to do right by him. Yeah, and every time
21:17he does wrong, you just tell him,
21:19don't worry, St Alice will be dead proud of you.
21:21You leave her out of it.
21:23Why? Because you know what she'd really think?
21:25I mean it! Shut it!
21:27That her son's a deadbeat and her dad let it happen.