Coronation Street 5th August 2024

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00:44Hiya. Do you mind if I grab a swig of that? I am so late.
00:49Oh, it's freezing, babe!
00:51How long you been sat there?
00:53I lost track of time.
00:55How are you this morning?
00:57Yeah, I'm... I'm OK, all things considered.
01:00Yeah. Seemed hard at your heart, didn't it?
01:03Yeah, well, you know,
01:05talking about organ donation, it just...
01:08made it all more real.
01:11And Lauren's baby just hanging on to life.
01:13I feel like we're surrounded by so much pain and suffering at the moment.
01:19Thank you for being great.
01:22I didn't do much.
01:23You did.
01:25You know, you always know exactly what to say and do,
01:28and last night reminded me of that.
01:34Anyway, what you up to today? You got a busy one?
01:37I've just got meetings all morning.
01:40What about this afternoon?
01:42I'm not sure why.
01:44How do you fancy coming to the hospital with me?
01:47See Lauren?
01:48Again? Why?
01:50Why do you think?
01:52I honestly have no idea.
01:54Come on, the poor girl's been through hell.
01:57I mean, you saw how frightened she was yesterday,
01:59and now she's got a preemie to look after.
02:01I just feel like we should show her some support.
02:04Yeah. You're right.
02:06But why don't we wait a day?
02:08She's going to be exhausted, and if she's not sleeping,
02:10she'll want to spend time with the baby.
02:12OK, well, how about tomorrow, then? You free?
02:14I'll make sure I am.
02:17See you later. Bye.
02:20Is that all you're having?
02:22Yeah, I'm not hungry.
02:23You need something more substantial in you.
02:25Let me make you some porridge or something.
02:27All right, well, maybe not porridge.
02:29Come on, let me get you something before I head out.
02:31Why? Where are you going?
02:33Well, once Alfie's up, I'm going to drop him off at Wendy's.
02:37Cos I don't want him coming to court.
02:41No, Jack's in a bad place at the minute.
02:43He can't be left alone.
02:45Well, I want to be there. What if they lock you up?
02:47Well, if they do, it doesn't matter whether you're there or not.
02:49What does matter is Jack needs at least one of us right now.
02:52And if I'm not going to be around, you have to be.
02:57One tea to go. Anything else?
02:59Um, actually, yeah, how much is a full English?
03:03Do you do student discount?
03:06So, er, full English or not.
03:10Can I get that in a mug I'm going to sit in?
03:13What's wrong with the paper cup?
03:15What's wrong with the paper cup?
03:17Bad for the environment.
03:18Yeah, well, it's already been used, hasn't it? So what's the difference?
03:20Mug, please.
03:24Perfect timing.
03:26Buy me breakfast.
03:28Excuse me?
03:29Don't you go harassing my paying customers.
03:31We're all friends.
03:33You've, er, still got making up to do.
03:35Not here.
03:37What's the matter?
03:38Don't want to be seen with the likes of me?
03:40I don't have time for this today.
03:43I know it.
03:45You owe me.
03:47Hey! What have you said to him?
03:51It's my fault.
03:53What are you on about?
03:56He were born too early.
03:58And he might not make it.
04:00And even if he does make it, who knows how that'll affect him.
04:04Yeah, but how does that make it your fault?
04:09Cos it was my stress that did it to him.
04:12That mugger.
04:14I should have seen him coming.
04:16You can't blame yourself for something the mugger did.
04:23I do owe you one.
04:26If it weren't for you, he probably wouldn't have made it.
04:32You know, I don't really get why your mate just locked you in.
04:38Well, she didn't know the mugger took my keys.
04:43Has she been to see you yet?
04:49Well, it would be nice to meet her.
04:53You on the pub?
04:56She's your mate.
04:57All right, I'm your mate. Is that weird?
05:00I mean, I'm assuming that when you're out of here,
05:03you'll be going back to live with her.
05:05I don't know.
05:06You're not still thinking about going away, are you?
05:08I haven't thought about it.
05:10Well, you're going to have to, Lauren.
05:12Because you've got him to think about now.
05:14Really, Max?
05:15Because I hadn't noticed.
05:26I, um...
05:28I'm sorry.
05:30I'm just tired.
05:34Rash vest?
05:36Rash vest?
05:38What is that?
05:39Is it like a hair shirt?
05:41No, you wear them on the beach.
05:43They're cool.
05:44But why don't they get proper names for things?
05:46I mean, it's like fanny packs all over again.
05:49They're a really good idea, actually.
05:51Stop you having to put sun cream on all the time.
05:53Is that anything to do with that thing on your nose?
05:56No, that's a pimple patch.
05:58It's completely different.
06:00Hiya, love. I've made you a sandwich.
06:02Oh, I'm not really hungry.
06:04I'll have hers.
06:05What are you doing? Have you remembered?
06:07Let's go into town, buy some new clothes.
06:09I can't.
06:10Why not?
06:11I'm going round to Sam's.
06:12I'll get you one to go out and get yourself a pimple vest.
06:15A what?
06:16She means a rash vest.
06:18Come on, let's go shopping.
06:19We were supposed to go yesterday.
06:21Yeah, and it was your fault we didn't.
06:22Right, girls, you know what?
06:23We can go another day.
06:24I didn't realise Hope had plans.
06:28Sorry, love.
06:29I'm not going twice.
06:31We'll go again soon, I promise.
06:34Letting madam call the shots.
06:36No, it's just Ta doesn't think it's a very good idea
06:40we're spending so much time with Jack.
06:42What, because it might awaken her taste in pyromania?
06:46Well, yeah, so if Hope wants to see Sam,
06:49we should encourage it.
06:50Oh, all the world's a stage and all the men and women
06:53merely play us except for Hope, who owns the theatre.
07:05You alone?
07:08I suppose.
07:09Looks like it.
07:15You OK?
07:19I suppose.
07:22Well, I...
07:24I just wanted to bring you this.
07:35Look, I'm...
07:37I'm sorry about what happened.
07:39I didn't think...
07:40Are you sad?
07:47I can't stay long. I've got a meeting.
07:50What is it that you want, Joel?
07:53Why are you here?
07:59You can't do this alone.
08:01You can't do this alone.
08:03And I'm not saying that because I don't think you're a capable person.
08:07But this stuff, it... it's hard.
08:11Do you think you can do it alone?
08:14I'm sure you've had loads of paperwork to sign,
08:16doctors and nurses talking about things you don't understand.
08:20It's daunting.
08:23I can help you.
08:28if that email gets sent...
08:31I won't be able to.
08:38What email?
08:44The one that tells the police what you did.
08:51you said you were going to delete that when you got to Ireland.
08:54It's not my fault you went into labour early.
08:58I'm assuming it's still scheduled to send anyway?
09:04I think I've proven that I'm trustworthy,
09:07and I'm trying to help you.
09:09But if that email gets sent, I won't be able to.
09:16So, at noon, we'll place this in the ground at the Redrick.
09:19At the same time, Leon will do the same in Marseille,
09:22and he'll measure the angle of his shadow.
09:26I've told you about Leon loads of times.
09:28My French mate.
09:29From the Astronomy Forum.
09:32Yeah, forget it.
09:34OK, so, solar noon today is 1.15pm.
09:37Can I make a note?
09:39Noon's 12pm, every day.
09:41Solar noon is at 1.15pm.
09:44Please, can I make a note?
09:45Sam, this isn't working.
09:47The pen. Yeah, I'll get you another.
09:49No, not the pen. Us.
09:52I don't understand.
09:54I think we should see other people.
10:00Is it something I've done?
10:03I'm looking for someone a bit rougher around the edges.
10:06I can change.
10:08No, you can't, and I wouldn't want you to.
10:11It's over, I'm sorry.
10:13We can still be friends.
10:21Could I tell people it was mutual?
10:31Right, so that's why you got me the phone.
10:34What do you mean?
10:36Well, I can't delete the email without a phone, can I?
10:42No, it's...
10:43It's because of the mugging, you know that.
10:46And you need one.
10:48Yeah, but it's also to keep you out of prison.
10:56He's doing all right, by the way.
10:59You know, your son...
11:02I mean, he's an incubator.
11:04And I can't even hold him, cos he's too fragile.
11:08Do you know, cos he nearly died.
11:12I'm sorry.
11:15I should have asked.
11:18Forget it.
11:19I'm going to see him.
11:26Do you want to meet him?
12:05I'm sorry.
12:08I'm sorry.
12:11Sorry about that.
12:13Is everything okay?
12:15Yeah, just...
12:17Nurse wanted a word.
12:21So you've met him, then?
12:27He's so tiny.
12:32God, I feel like I'm drowning.
12:39Let me help you, then.
12:40How can I trust you, Joel?
12:42I promise you, you can.
12:43But I can only give you my word.
12:49Yeah, and what's that worth?
12:52Maybe not much.
12:54But I don't think you have any other choice.
13:07I'll delete the email.
13:16Just let me know what you need.
13:19Well, I will be putting you on that support list thing, so you can visit him.
13:29He's a survivor.
13:33He's had to be.
13:42I'm not finished.
13:44Sip any more and you'll take the glaze off that.
13:46That's the best bit.
13:48Excuse me.
13:49What is your cheapest breakfast bar?
13:51Egg, 120. Do you want one?
13:55Nah, I'll have a think about it.
13:57Big commitment, innit?
13:58You and her are as bad as each other.
14:00If it isn't Mason Radcliffe.
14:03So you're out?
14:04Yeah, a couple of weeks now.
14:06I'm guessing crime doesn't pay.
14:08At least not enough to buy a bar.
14:10Maybe it just depends on the crime.
14:12How are you going to afford the wedding now?
14:14You don't think I'm daft enough to pack in my job without having another one lined up, do you?
14:18What, you've got another job lined up already?
14:23Details, TBC.
14:25I'm going to meet my new boss later on and then get things sorted.
14:28Yeah, well, that didn't sound like it's in the bag yet.
14:30Trust me, it's a done deal.
14:32All right, well, I have got to go to work.
14:36See ya.
14:38I need the answer on your phone.
14:41I'm a busy woman.
14:43We've got things that we need to sort,
14:45cos as soon as those T-shirts get delivered to Carla and she works out the fix,
14:49she's going to know what we did.
14:50And then she's going to sack me.
14:52You and her, we're all in this.
14:54Oh, not me. It's my day off.
14:56I don't care.
14:57Sorry, if this sounds like bad news, I'm more of a good news person.
15:01Come on.
15:05Cheeky cow!
15:07Excuse me?
15:08Not you.
15:09No, I know.
15:10I just don't think that's any way to talk about a young girl.
15:12We were all thinking it.
15:18Oh, hi, love. Where's Sam?
15:20Red wreck, probably.
15:21Sticking paws in the ground.
15:24So, is your date over, then?
15:26We split up.
15:28What? Why?
15:29He just wasn't working.
15:31Well, you don't seem very bothered.
15:33Is Sam OK?
15:34He's fine.
15:36So, hang on, why are you putting make-up on now?
15:40I'm going back to Jack's.
15:43Love, listen, I do not think that's a very good idea.
15:48Why not?
15:49Because Jack's in a bit of a bother with the police at the minute.
15:52Exactly, that's why I'm going round. He probably needs a mate.
15:55Is that all?
15:56Yeah, why?
15:57Because your dad's not sure he's a very good influence right now.
16:01We're friends.
16:03Hmm. Just give it a few days, OK?
16:08And listen, I know bad boys can seem more exciting,
16:12but will you trust me?
16:14That kind of excitement, it is overrated.
16:21I don't think Carla's going to believe
16:23that Morton has messed up these for designer.
16:25She doesn't have to believe it.
16:27She doesn't even have to understand it.
16:29The less it makes sense, the more it looks like some daft mistake.
16:35I'm looking for Carla Connor.
16:37Oh! I'll take that.
16:38I've got this.
16:40If it's for Mrs Connor, I shall supervise,
16:43because I was her personal assistant.
16:45Yes, was. I said was.
16:48Anyway, you don't work here any more.
16:50I'm visiting.
16:51We don't have visitors. It's not a prison.
16:53But it's not far off.
16:55Honest, Sal, Mrs Connor asked me to deal with this.
16:59Fine. Enjoy my visit.
17:04Right, I'll take them.
17:05I thought she were doing it.
17:07Oh, well, there's been a change of plan.
17:11Right, I'd better get out of here before Carla sees me.
17:14So you give her that box, and if she has any questions,
17:17just say it's some mad misunderstanding and you know nothing.
17:20Are you sure this is going to work?
17:22Yes. We're all good.
17:25So have you, er, heard out yet?
17:28He'll be getting sentenced any minute now.
17:31You worried?
17:33Yeah, of course I am.
17:35More for Jack than Kev, mind.
17:38He's not used to being in trouble.
17:40He's practically having a nosebleed just thinking about it.
17:45Yeah, maybe I should wait for Kev, then, I think.
17:48Why? Is there something wrong with the garage?
17:51Oh, no, nothing like that, no.
17:54Right, what's up?
17:56Right, well, our hope, right?
17:58You know she's easily led.
18:03So I don't think it's a good idea
18:05that she's spending so much time with Jack just at the minute.
18:09And it's not so much Jack, it's more hope.
18:13You know, she's easily knocked off the straight and narrow, you know,
18:16so I'm not so sure if he's a good influence
18:19for her to be around at the moment.
18:21Well, Jack's a bad influence, isn't he?
18:23I know that he's a good kid.
18:25It's just after what he's done,
18:27I just don't want him giving Hope ideas, you know?
18:29You know...
18:31You know what, Tye?
18:33In another universe,
18:35I'd be round at yours having a cup of tea,
18:37telling Hope to keep her distance from Jack.
18:41Well, she's the OG, isn't she, arsonist-wise?
18:44So if anyone should be worried about bad influences, it's us.
18:47Are they? Except we wouldn't do that, would we?
18:49Cos when Hope's in trouble, we wrap our arms around her and help,
18:52because that's what friends do.
18:54Jack, he made a mistake and he needs all the support he can get,
18:58but it's obvious he can't count on any from you.
19:00Looks like that tea's finished.
19:03Now, personally, I'm a big fan of vanilla.
19:06Oh, no, it's a bit boring, isn't it?
19:08Why do people say that?
19:10Do you know what vanilla is?
19:12It's a taste of nothing.
19:14No, vanilla is the pod of a South American orchid.
19:17It couldn't be any more exotic,
19:19yet people talk about it like it's...
19:21like it's this world.
19:25What's happened?
19:26I'm so sorry. I think I cut my sleeve.
19:30Look at the broom.
19:33I'm so clumsy.
19:34Ah, don't worry about it, love. Accidents happen.
19:37Maybe we should remove these boxes, make it easier to sweep around.
19:40Yeah, good idea.
19:41I'll take this one. You grab the other one.
19:58They're all there.
19:59Good. Looks like we've got a deal, then.
20:02See? I get the job done.
20:04Don't get too cocky. You are a day late.
20:06Well, er, we're still on for that new job.
20:09Let's talk about it over a drink.
20:11You're paying.
20:19Are you OK to do that, then?
20:22Sorry, I... I don't know.
20:24What were we talking about?
20:27Registering his birth?
20:31No, I...
20:33I'm sorry, I can't.
20:36I thought anyone could do it.
20:38No. Mum or Dad only.
20:53Oh, thank you.
20:57You know, if I... If I could go back to that day... know I regret it.
21:07Yeah, I know.
21:10Anyway, we both need to be here for this little guy.
21:13I haven't told you what I'm calling him.
21:25Frankie, after my grandad.
21:30Is that OK?
21:33Yeah, no, it's just...
21:36That was my grandad's name, too.
21:41Yeah, erm...
21:43Actually, I need to go.
21:47What's wrong?
21:49Nothing, I just... I, erm...
21:52I need to get back to work. I'll call you later.
22:08What are you doing here?
22:27Are you all right?
22:29Yeah, just... Bless her.
22:31It's just a lot, isn't it?
22:35I suddenly thought I should put Lauren in touch with that women's charity.
22:39Oh, the one you worked for pro bono?
22:41Yeah, they support mothers of premature babies.
22:44Why it only occurred to me half an hour ago is anyone's guess.
22:47It's a Korean overload.
22:49I told you, babe, you're working too hard.
22:52Nature of the beast.
22:54Hey, did you get to see the little one?
22:56Yeah, yeah, he's dead cute.
22:58Look, here you go.
23:0050% chance of survival at six months.
23:03Well, if the baby's anything like Lauren, my money's on a happy ending.
23:07Yeah, mine too. Fingers crossed.
23:11She thinks she's all tough, but I reckon she's going to spoil him rotten.
23:14Yeah, she'll be amazing.
23:16If she gets the chance.
23:18Sorry, has Lauren had the baby?
23:20I know this is a private conversation.
23:22Well, she's three months early, so it's touch and go.
23:26Maximum here was the hero of the hour.
23:28He had to scream in and call the fire brigade to break the door down.
23:32How come?
23:33Well, I knitted lots of him by mistake.
23:35Dozing there. You couldn't make it up.
23:40Designer T-shirts.
23:42I mean, you can tell by the quality, right?
23:44Don't look at me like that!
23:45It's not like I mugged a pensioner out.
23:47Sorry, Mum. Well done.
23:49For not mugging a pensioner, you are so more abiding.
23:52It's a few poxy T-shirts. Bring back hanging.
23:55Tell by the stitching, they're fake.
23:56That stitching is bang on.
23:58I suppose it's good to have pride in your work.
24:00Even counterfeit goods.
24:03Feels very thin.
24:04Is he for real?
24:06Are we in trouble or what?
24:07As far as I'm concerned, the only crime here is the fed kiln.
24:11These are practically see-through.
24:16So, how was the tarny?
24:18A bit dry, to be honest.
24:22Listen, why don't you get a couple of ice creams?
24:25What am I? Five?
24:27Yeah, he wants you to do one so he can lecture me on the error of my ways.
24:31If you want me to do one, just say it straight.
24:34Do one.
24:43Someone feeling guilty about kicking me out of a restaurant the other day?
24:48You do have a way of pressing my buttons.
24:50Mmm, kinky.
24:53You think you're such a smart aleck, don't you?
24:58Your brother's still gunning for you?
25:02So you're still sleeping rough?
25:05What do you think?
25:07Keep that between us locals.
25:09I'm breaching my licence, not being able to pay my address.
25:13Well, even instead, I'll play us for the night.
25:15No chance.
25:16Oh, come on.
25:18You can have a shower, a meal, a clean bed.
25:20What, and then back to reality?
25:22Look, there's plenty of charity cases around here.
25:24Go and pick up something else, will you?
25:29Well, if you change your mind, you know where to find me.
25:37You all right, Sam?
25:39Problems with my love life.
25:43Some other time.
25:51Uh, hey.
25:52We've got you some toiletries and a deli sandwich.
25:56That's dead nice.
25:58How's the baby?
26:00He's touch and go at the minute.
26:03I mean, he's hanging in there.
26:05My Frankie's a real fighter.
26:07I wonder where he gets that from, eh?
26:09Great name, by the way.
26:13I can always bring you some more bits and bobs tomorrow as well, if you need.
26:17I'm sure that charity will be loads of help.
26:19What charity?
26:20You know, the one I told you about earlier.
26:22Oh, right, yeah.
26:24Baby brain.
26:25Oh, gosh, well, I don't know what my excuse is.
26:27I am always forgetting things.
26:29Drives this one mad.
26:30Frankie's so tiny, you know.
26:33And I can't even hold him.
26:35Well, hopefully it won't be too long, eh?
26:38Any word from your so-called mate who locked you in?
26:43Yeah, she's deviled.
26:44So she should be.
26:46Babe, Lauren's wiped out.
26:48Why don't we leave her to get some rest?
26:54Hello, young lady.
26:57I was, er, I was wondering if I could have a quick word.
27:00Oh, I can come back later if it's a bad time.
27:02Knock yourself out.
27:04I know I've been more popular.
27:07I will see you later, yeah?
27:09Yeah, cheers for the stuff.
27:10It's our pleasure.
27:12How you doing, Craig?
27:22Oh, the eclair's a half price, if you're interested.
27:24Go on, Craigie, live a little.
27:26Have a cream cake an hour before your tea.
27:28Is everything OK?
27:30My son's a plod, what can I say?
27:32Friends in high places?
27:34I've not seen one perk yet.
27:38If anyone is in a strop, it should be me.
27:41Slaving away for hours and hours on them T-shirts?
27:44And for what?
27:45I'm guessing for that stash you asked me to plough through for you.
27:50There is money on counterfeit goods sitting in my account.
27:54You know, it's a good show.
27:56OK, I'm sorry.
27:57Not OK.
27:58Look, I was just trying to make some serious cash for the wedding.
28:02It would do it lawfully, like everybody else does.
28:05I can't believe that you would quit a perfectly good job to...
28:08I sew knickers! go into counterfeit goods.
28:11A career criminal.
28:13Well, that new job offer will be dead in the water by now anyway,
28:16thanks to you and your new boss.
28:18You are not one bit sorry, are you?
28:20So what happens now?
28:22I dread to think.
28:23I need to go and speak to Kit,
28:25because you are not the only person up to your neck in it.
28:29Poor Sam, his little boffin head will be spinning.
28:32I know.
28:34I suppose he can hold a candle to the other pyromaniac,
28:38two doors down, pun intended.
28:40Don't, honestly.
28:41I've warned her, I've warned her about bad boys.
28:43She's not going to listen to me.
28:45She's not going to listen to me.
28:47Don't, honestly.
28:48I've warned her, I've warned her about bad boys.
28:50She's going to give Jack a wide berth for a bit.
28:53I wonder if I'd warned Cassie about bad boys,
28:56things might have been different.
28:58Well, you did your best.
29:00She's a contrary beggar, anyway.
29:02Anything I said, she'd just have done the opposite.
29:08When the going gets tough, the tough get a sugar rush.
29:11Sugar gets a bad rap.
29:13So, if your dad don't come home for his tea,
29:16it means he's banged up in prison.
29:18Well, Abi said we've got to keep the faith.
29:21My mum reckons it were dad courageous, what he did,
29:23fessing up to the police.
29:25Don't ask me to spell it.
29:27There was no way I was going to let my dad or Abi take the blame.
29:33Must have been some fire, then.
29:34Like, mega-huge.
29:36The car was my target, but, you know,
29:39got a bit out of hand.
29:41That's fire for you.
29:43It eats everything in its path.
29:45I didn't even know the guy were there.
29:48Now, I could be headed for young offenders.
29:51Well, nobody died, right?
29:53Can we change the subject?
29:58FYI, I dumped Sam.
30:01Just saying.
30:06It's all a bit overwhelming, isn't it?
30:10I just can't believe I'm a parent.
30:13I was the same.
30:18How are you doing after the mugging?
30:20Have you reported it?
30:22I've not really had the chance.
30:24Right. Yeah.
30:27I, er...
30:28I heard you were locked in the flat.
30:34That was down to my mates.
30:35Didn't know I had no keys.
30:38With mates like that...
30:39It's a good job I've got Max.
30:41I know.
30:43To this ditzy gal pal.
30:45Can we not drag her into it?
30:47She's proper mortified.
30:54Look, I'm sorry to bring this up,
30:56but testing Frankie's DNA
30:58is the best chance of nailing Nathan.
31:02What if they get it wrong?
31:04Chances of that are one in 142,000.
31:08For real?
31:12I know you didn't want to make a statement about him being the father,
31:15but DNA proof would be a whole other ballgame.
31:18Not his word against yours.
31:20His word against scientific proof.
31:24Not even Nathan can escape the truth of DNA.
31:32Are you ready to get Frankie tested?
31:51Are you mad at me?
31:54No, of course not.
31:56My timing's not the best.
31:59Frankie is all that matters.
32:02And I don't want to think about anything
32:04or anyone else.
32:07Spoken like a very good mum.
32:11But we do need to bring him to justice, though.
32:14Let's put the DNA test on the back burner for now.
32:17Until the time feels right for you and Frankie.
32:25And if you change your mind, you've got my number.
32:32Right, then.
32:34Right, then.
32:36I'll get out of your hair.
32:52There you are.
32:54Why didn't you ring me?
32:56Community service.
32:58That's it?
32:59That's it.
33:02But you'd have said cos I'd pleaded guilty.
33:05And no previous haburg of it.
33:07And low risk to re-offend.
33:09Well, who cares?
33:11I know I'll be in some dayglow tabab
33:13scrubbing graffiti off walls.
33:15Who knows?
33:16Who cares?
33:17Oh, you were due a break.
33:19Where's Jack?
33:20Eh, he's out with Hope.
33:22I've heard Bayan's a tale.
33:25How's he been?
33:27He's probably bricking it.
33:29Yeah, well, I got lucky today.
33:31We know where to build his hopes up.
33:33We'll have to prepare him for the worst.
33:38Cheers for this, mate.
33:43So, erm,
33:45what's the score with Sid?
33:47Had to let him go.
33:49How come?
33:50Well, there's no way you can arrest him
33:51without incriminating your mum.
33:54Cheers, mate.
33:55That's, erm,
33:56that's a weight off.
33:59Quite the entrepreneur, isn't she?
34:01She wishes.
34:02And I read her the right act.
34:05I bet she hates you being a cop.
34:06Oh, they?
34:07She'd love it
34:08if I were willing to turn her butt and die.
34:10Sounds about right.
34:12The other day, yeah,
34:13she asked me to mind a wedge of cash
34:15so that Kirk could be normalised.
34:18And when I seen these fakes,
34:20I'm worried that that might be where the cash has come from.
34:23It's a dead on search, isn't it?
34:24Yeah, well, the thing is,
34:26I put that cash in my building society account.
34:28I had no clue.
34:29No clue.
34:30The money was dodgy.
34:34Am I a money launderer?
34:37No arrests.
34:39No cautions.
34:40No paper trails.
34:42No worries.
34:45Thanks, mate.
34:47Well, we're basically partners.
34:50Ride or die.
34:57I wonder if Michael kept any of Gloria's baby girls.
35:06If Michael didn't,
35:07then Mum will have defo stashed them away somewhere.
35:11The baby's not out of the woods yet.
35:14I know, but...
35:16I mean, there's no harm in thinking positively.
35:23We need coffee fillers.
35:26Very good.
35:28That'd be nice if a bar of chocolate made its way into your basket, yeah?
35:47It's Lauren.
35:48Your message.
35:51It's me.
35:53You're not picking up?
35:55Is everything OK?
35:58Text me.
36:00Or something.
36:07I was just on my way to see you.
36:09Oh, yeah?
36:12Four to six, we said.
36:13Where is she?
36:14Oh, come on.
36:15No time doesn't exist on Planet Oak.
36:18I bet she is round at Jack.
36:20Yeah, I think I went over the top with all that.
36:22They're just kids, aren't they?
36:23Won't go anywhere.
36:24Well, you can't know that for sure.
36:27Need to see Abi this morning.
36:28Almost bang out of her.
36:31Your tea's ruined.
36:32Oh, can you take those things out your ears, please?
36:34Oh, chill.
36:36You been round at Jack's?
36:38Guilty as charged.
36:39Well, guilty of being a loyal mate.
36:41How is he?
36:43Is that a trick question?
36:44No, of course it's not.
36:45He's got a lot on his plate.
36:47Look, we're really glad, love, that Jack's got you in his corner, but...
36:52Well, I mean, does Sam know he's been dumped for Jack?
36:55Mum, please.
36:57It's still early days for me and Jack,
36:59but there is chemistry.
37:03Chemistry, eh?
37:05He's got a plea bargain coming up,
37:06so our relationship's gonna be tested.
37:08He'll probably be, like, moody and stuff.
37:12I guess we'll just play it by ear.
37:14Cheers, Mum.
37:15Looks great.
37:17No, she doesn't want to make a statement about Nathan.
37:19I don't know if I'm reading her right.
37:21I don't think she'll let us do a DNA test on the baby.
37:27I mean, I could be wrong, but she seems less interested in justice.
37:31Well, isn't she just full of raging hormones?
37:37I mean, she seems smitten with motherhood, which is great.
37:40God knows that kid needs a break, but...
37:43That slimeball Nathan will be off the hook.
37:46It's a simple DNA test.
37:49Hey, these cases can take their toll.
37:53Joel, this one's keeping me awake at night.
37:56So what can I do?
37:59I was wondering what, with you and Dee Dee looking out for her,
38:02if you could perhaps try a bit of gentle persuasion.
38:06You know, or at least get her to open up about why she's so reluctant.
38:11I get the feeling that she's still terrified of him.
38:14I get the feeling that she's still terrified of him.
38:17With good reason.
38:18Yeah, but if she could talk it through with you two, who have no skin in the game,
38:22well, you'll be able to address her concerns logically.
38:25You know, help her to realise that DNA proof could put an end to it all.
38:34But not just yet.
38:36She's only just given birth and it was pretty traumatic.
38:40Yeah, absolutely.
38:42My daughter was pregnant.
38:44Perfectly formed, but in miniature.
38:47I mean, she's 16 now and a total nightmare, but...
38:51I'd take a bullet for her.
38:54Listen, thank you.
38:57For agreeing to try.
38:59Not at all. I'm glad to help.
39:02See you.
39:10So, what did he want?
39:12To save me.
39:14To make himself proud and put it on the wall.
39:16And what's he offering?
39:18Apart from the two salted caramels?
39:20Bad food night.
39:21Cos he's shocked at what happened to him from speed now.
39:24I told him to swivel out of it.
39:26Don't need his pity.
39:28You turn his pity into cash, you clown.
39:30Top him for a few nights in a B&B and money for some clothes.
39:34You can go for job interviews looking dead smart.
39:38Cos you've seen the error of your ways and you just want to make an honest living.
39:42Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I know what you're on.
39:46There's this fella I've been terrorising.
39:49So I shwank-rubbed him.
39:50Matty's tried to shake me off, but I've got way too much on him.
39:53I'll bet.
39:55One wrong move and I might accidentally blurt out that my mum's a copper.
40:00And the Nazi girl jail-free card.
40:05Tells you you've engaged brain and you can't afford to be proud.
40:09Then take him for every penny, yeah?
40:14Bye-bye, bad Betsy.
40:18Did you not get my text about the takeaway?
40:20Oh, no.
40:22You had one job.
40:23Oh, memory like a sieve.
40:25Yeah, but I bet you remembered to check your work emails when you found, didn't you?
40:30OK, one chicken and cashew nuts with ginger coming your way.
40:34Should I go?
40:35No, I'm perfectly incapable, thank you.
40:39You know, it's lucky we are in the honeymoon period.
40:42Your forgetful little ways, I find them charming.
40:46But once boredom and routine kick in,
40:48if you come home without the takeaway, the saucepans will be sent flying.
40:58I'll consider myself warned.
41:03Well, that's a resort, innit, eh? Community service.
41:05Thought you'd be popping the bubbly.
41:07What, would you actually look for arson?
41:10Yeah, sorry, me and my size eights.
41:12It's size nines.
41:14Yeah, well, I take a size eight.
41:16They're saying size nines.
41:18Well, not when I'm saying it.
41:22Do you know what? Abi's right about you.
41:24You could start a fight in an empty room.
41:26Good to know. What do you want?
41:28Well, if you must know, I've come round to apologise for this morning.
41:33What, for your little lecture to Abi?
41:36Yeah, look, I was out of order and I'm sorry.
41:38Bottom line is, Jack's a great kid
41:40and I know he's going through a lot right now.
41:42He is, yeah.
41:46Anyway, I'm glad Hope rallied around, you know.
41:48She never takes a blind bit of notice of anything I say anyway.
41:51She's always making up her own mind.
41:53She's a good kid. Big heart.
41:55Cheers for saying that.
42:04You wearing a wire?
42:06What's funny?
42:08And why have you bought the T-shirts?
42:10Decided to let you keep selling them.
42:12Yeah, right.
42:14Are we on CCTV?
42:16No cameras here.
42:18But did you notice the white Transit van outside the corner shop?
42:22Oh, I knew it!
42:24Surveillance team, the works.
42:26Think minor duty.
42:29No. Hang about.
42:31This is pin money.
42:33You sell them? Discreetly?
42:35I'll take half.
42:38But you've got to cut all ties with Beth.
42:40Anyone can sew on fake labels.
42:42But she's got the factory connections.
42:44Her son's a copper.
42:46This is non-negotiable.
42:49Do you want to do a deal or not?
42:54I'll be in touch.
43:03You owe my till eight quid.
43:05All right.
43:06She nicks two sandwiches.
43:08Nah, I'm just having a look-alike, mate.
43:10I know it was you. It's on CCTV.
43:14Betsy, what the hell?
43:18I am so sorry.
43:22Get in the car.
43:23All right, Mum. Need to have a stroke.
43:25Shut up and get in the car.
43:28What the hell do you think you're playing at?
43:41Inheriting a house on a clifftop
43:43leads to an unexpected calling for Vivian
43:45in new Totally Completely Fine streaming on ITVX.
43:49Meet the young single Americans
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43:53in all-new Love Island USA.
43:57Next, Long Lost Family,
43:59a false identity special.