Coronation Street 7nd August 2024 - Coronation Street 7 August 2024

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00:24Keep me posted.
00:26Responsible adult reporting for duty.
00:29Are you sure she's up to it?
00:31I'm an adult and I'm responsible.
00:33That's debatable.
00:35Don't look so worried. Just stick to answering the questions, alright?
00:38Yes or no if you can. And don't waffle on or you'll trip yourself up.
00:42Your stepmother's an expert when it comes to police interviews.
00:47Alright, alright. Come on, let's go.
01:04Is it?
01:06Someone got out the wrong side of bed.
01:08Well, that happens when you struggle to turn over.
01:12It won't be for much longer.
01:16What do you want, Joe?
01:19I've found you somewhere to stay when you get to Ireland.
01:22It looks nice. It's by a river.
01:25Great. I'll pack my bikini.
01:32A bedsit.
01:34It's only temporary.
01:36You can find somewhere more permanent while you're there,
01:39once you get a feel for the place.
01:41Just have a proper look.
01:43Go on.
01:45If you're happy, I'll pop back on my lunch and pay the deposit.
01:51You still going shopping this morning?
01:54Yeah, why?
01:57Grab us a buddy from the precinct, will you?
02:01And yes, you can spend the change on eclairs.
02:10You can answer that, you know.
02:12I won't scream.
02:31Toby, did you sleep out this morning?
02:34I had an early meeting, I forgot to say.
02:37You're working too hard, Joel.
02:40Yeah, well...
02:42I've had a tricky case to deal with.
02:45Yeah, you Smith?
02:47I'm starting to feel a bit jealous, if I'm honest.
02:50You're getting way more attention than me.
02:52Well, I should be able to get it wrapped up by today.
02:55Then I'm all yours.
02:57OK. See you later.
03:07Yeah, that'll pay you off a bit.
03:10Oh, I feel awful.
03:12Have you never done an all-nighter before?
03:16I'd have dodged your omelette.
03:18Honestly, girls, you've got no stamina.
03:20When I was your age, my head never hit the pillar at the weekend.
03:23I'd fall out of Jilly's rock world at 4am
03:26and then I'd go do a 12-hour shift at the Greasy Spoon down the road.
03:29Same place as he got food poisoning by any chance.
03:36Here's to a job well done.
03:38What time's that, Sid, picking up the other box of T-shirts, then?
03:41One o'clock, he said, so I'll have to slip out later and hand them over.
03:54Am I hallucinating?
03:56Er, what do you mean?
03:58You two in early.
04:00Blummin' it, now I know I really am seeing things.
04:03No, it's my fault.
04:05I wanted some practice using the Overlooker
04:07and Beth and Izzie offered to help me.
04:09Oh, well, that's a relief.
04:11For a minute there, I thought I might need to go back on my meds.
04:14Well, we'd better get started on those orders today,
04:17haven't we, girls, since we're all here?
04:19Good idea!
04:21Blummin' it, I should go weigh my laughing.
04:27Is your sister ready?
04:29Nope. Well, tell her to get a move on.
04:31Well, I have done, but she's in the bathroom, freaking out.
04:34She's found a blackhead.
04:36She hasn't? Oh, our little girl all grown up!
04:39Only you could be happy about sport.
04:41Don't. Tell me you don't like squeezing them, too.
04:43You're gross!
04:45Is that what I think it is?
04:47Erm, you weren't supposed to say that.
04:49But is it?
04:51Yes, but it's meant to be a surprise, so zip it, OK?
04:54Can I have a proper look at it?
04:56No, you can't, because the bus for town leaves in, like, ten minutes,
04:59so you are going to get ready, put your coat on, don't look.
05:02I've got a spot to squeeze.
05:12there. What do you think?
05:14Eh, I'll give you three stars.
05:16My haircut's all right, but the service was terrible.
05:19What, why?
05:20Well, aren't you supposed to offer me a cup of tea or something?
05:23You've just had a free haircut, what more do you want?
05:26So, have you heard from Warren?
05:29Er, no, actually, not since last week.
05:32She's been ignoring all my calls since we had that big fight.
05:35How about you?
05:38When you did speak to her,
05:40did she happen to say anything?
05:43Did she happen to say anything about me?
05:46Er, there was actually something that I was supposed to tell you.
05:50Ah, dream on, loser.
05:52Shut up!
05:53I don't even fancy her any more.
05:55I just thought that with Nathan out of the picture,
05:57she might want to be back here with her mates.
05:59With the baby on the way, she'll need all the help she can get.
06:03How are we supposed to do that?
06:05She won't even answer our calls.
06:09Oh, well, if I knew we were going on the pull,
06:12I'd at least shave my legs.
06:14We are not going on the pull.
06:16Say what you like, but those are definitely pulling pants.
06:19Oh, you've made me paranoid now. Should I get changed?
06:22Don't you dare.
06:23Hey, you look gorgeous.
06:24Really? You don't think they're too much?
06:27All right, good, cos it took me 20 minutes to get on.
06:31Hello, campers.
06:32Hi, Bernie.
06:35Who gave Sandra Dee a makeover?
06:38Right, that's it, I'm definitely changing.
06:41You all right, son?
06:48Asher, do you know if I can donate my corneas?
06:54Oh, erm, I'm not sure.
06:57I'll see what I can find out for you.
07:04You know, I'm really glad you're considering it.
07:07Plenty of people choose to opt out of organ donation.
07:11Well, yeah, it's a very personal thing.
07:15Yeah, but, you know, you'd accept a transplant if you needed one, right?
07:21Right, come on, let's get out of here before I change my mind again.
07:25Have fun.
07:26Yeah, yeah.
07:33I'm going to prison, aren't I?
07:34No-one's going to prison, Jack.
07:36Just answer the questions honestly.
07:39Are you ready?
07:41I didn't mean to hurt anyone, I swear.
07:43I thought the offices were empty.
07:45Hey, no waffling, remember?
07:47We'll get to all that in the interview, Jack.
07:50I know, but I'm not a bad person.
07:53You set fire to Mr Brent's car.
07:55He set fire to Abi's life, and he's not in any trouble.
07:58He's got a point.
07:59No, he's got a motive.
08:02Motive for what?
08:03Motive for what?
08:05That's what we're going to find out.
08:09You know, when you said about grabbing lunch, I was hoping for something on the plate.
08:13Look, would you rather spend money on food or cocktails?
08:16Fair point.
08:18I'm just happy to be getting out of the flat, to be honest.
08:21Oh, that sounds awful.
08:23No, it doesn't.
08:24It's a lot.
08:27Listen, Paul kind of put me on the spot a bit before.
08:33Asking about donating his corneas.
08:35No, but I'm pretty sure you can't donate anything if you've got a neurological condition.
08:41Oh, why didn't you say?
08:43Look, I just wanted to make sure I had my facts straight first.
08:46So, if you don't mind, I've asked a friend to meet us at the bar.
08:49She's a med student, so she'll know.
08:52OK, yeah.
08:56Oi! Give it back now!
08:57Hey, Laurie, Laurie! What's going on?
08:59Oh, never mind me. That lad's just nicked my bag. Go after him.
09:01I can't. Look, I'm not leaving you, all right?
09:05You OK?
09:08Right, that's me off to do the deliveries.
09:10OK, love. See you later.
09:13Come on, Izzy. One last push before dinner.
09:15Oh, I can't keep my eyes open.
09:17I've sown three gussets in the wrong way round,
09:19and now Carla wants to talk to me about quality control.
09:22I'm going to fall asleep right in front of her.
09:24Well, just bite the inside of your cheek. It'll stop you from nodding off.
09:27It's what I do when Kirky does the business.
09:29Oh, we've got a problem. The box has gone.
09:32The T-shirts, they were in the storeroom and now they're not.
09:40Hi, babe.
09:41Hi, babe.
09:42Don't suppose you've seen a big white box laying round, have you?
09:46It's just that I forgot to put a delivery label on it.
09:50Well, it's a good job I'm one step ahead of you, isn't it?
09:52I've holded out on the man.
09:54I need it back.
09:55I can't hear you.
09:57Listen, I've got to set off. I'm running out of space.
10:11You never told me she was pregnant.
10:13Oh, now you've got a conscience.
10:16Are we square?
10:28Consider your legal fees paid.
10:31But, if you should breathe a word of this, yeah, to anyone,
10:38you'll be right back in Young Offenders.
10:44All right, off you pop.
10:58Look, are you sure we shouldn't go to the hospital?
11:01Check that mum's all right?
11:03No, the baby's fine.
11:06Actually, um, it's kicking.
11:10Like mad.
11:14That is so cool.
11:19Look, Orange, please don't disappear.
11:23I'll speak to David.
11:24You know, see if he can stay with us, or Bobby.
11:27You know he was asking about you before.
11:30I'd better get back.
11:31But that lad's nicked your keys.
11:33Yeah, but Mummy, he'll be back soon.
11:35Well, at least let me come with you.
11:37Max, I'll be fine.
11:41Can I borrow your phone to call a taxi?
11:43Yeah, sure.
11:44Just, er...
11:46I've got to go.
11:47I've got to go.
11:48Can I borrow your phone to call a taxi?
11:50Yeah, sure.
11:51Just, er...
11:53Here, use the app.
12:01Um, I, um...
12:03I'd better go.
12:04See you later.
12:10She had to run.
12:13Is she all right?
12:15Who knows?
12:19Hi, Rita.
12:20Hello, love.
12:21You OK?
12:22Yes, are you all right?
12:23I'm all right, yeah, thank you.
12:24Hey, how did Tyrone take the news?
12:27Oh, well, I'm just about to go and tell him.
12:29How did you know about that?
12:31Oh, come on, it was in the Weatherfield Gazette.
12:34Don't you remember?
12:35We were all in Roy's Rolls discussing it.
12:37Yeah, the trial, yeah, of course.
12:40Well, I haven't actually mentioned anything.
12:42Just no point until we know if Alina's coming back for her.
12:47Best thing.
12:48Yeah, bye, love.
12:49See you later.
12:55Aren't you taking girls shopping?
12:57Well, I was.
12:58But then Ruby found a blackhead.
13:02Well, she's a bit young for all that, isn't she?
13:04Well, not really.
13:05Oh, Ty, come on, don't look so worried.
13:08Well, I'm not worried for her, I'm worried for me.
13:10I've got three hormonal women to deal with.
13:12Are you?
13:13Don't know what you've got to complain about,
13:15one of those hormonal women has just found us a lovely deal
13:18for a holiday in Bournemouth.
13:20Come on, I'm hoping for a bit more, yay!
13:27You're late.
13:28Oh, yeah, sorry, I had to wait for my boss to come on a dinner.
13:31It's not as easy as I thought, this moonlight and malarkey.
13:34But we managed to get the last box done.
13:37Where is it, then?
13:38Er, yeah, well...
13:40Funny story.
13:41But, er, it's not here.
13:43Where is it?
13:44Oh, it's probably best I don't bore you with the details.
13:47It's some kind of joke.
13:49Our mutual friend assured me that you were reliable,
13:51but I'm a box down.
13:53I've got important people waiting.
13:55And it is totally worth the wait.
13:57Look, I just need a few more hours.
14:00Good, cos this is just a trial run.
14:03If it goes well, there's a regular gig at the end of it.
14:06If it don't,
14:07probably best I don't bore you with the details, eh?
14:15You don't have to go to all this trouble for me.
14:17I know.
14:18Listen, I was just going to grab a cup of soup
14:20and then I'll just start it with the freshest bears.
14:22Freshest bears.
14:23It smells lovely. What's in it exactly?
14:25Oh, just leftovers, really, hon.
14:26You know, no point for her chucking away stuff
14:28that you can use later, right?
14:33Sorry, is it something I said?
14:36You're mad at me.
14:38No, I'm not.
14:41This is important.
14:43No money.
14:45Nothing to leave except organs.
14:55I want to save someone's sight.
15:05Danny, what's got into you?
15:08I want to save someone's sight.
15:12OK, I hear you.
15:13Now, can we talk about something else, please?
15:16Do you know what? I'll save you the bother.
15:19I'm leaving.
15:23Get out.
15:28Are you going to tell me what's happened, then?
15:30Where are your keys?
15:31I need to get out of here.
15:34I know, and you are.
15:36The flights are booked.
15:37We just need to sort you that flat.
15:38Know what I mean? Now!
15:40Right, hang on.
15:41You need to calm down.
15:42This isn't good for the baby.
15:43Right, don't tell me what's good for my baby!
15:48I need to be around people I trust right now.
15:51What do you mean? You can trust me.
15:53I mean friends.
15:54You know, people that actually care about me.
15:56And before you say you do care,
15:57you only care that I keep my mouth shut.
16:00That's not true.
16:01Max has said that I can crash at his.
16:05Yeah, I...
16:06I don't know what's brought this on,
16:08but I'm trying to help you sort out a future for you and the baby.
16:14Staying with Max is...
16:16It's going to make that really difficult.
16:20But if that's what you really want,
16:22I won't stand in your way.
16:25I got mugged at the precinct.
16:29Why didn't you say so?
16:33No wonder you're freaking out.
16:35My keys, my phone, my ID, everything.
16:38Listen, we can replace all that stuff,
16:41but what we can't replace is you and the baby.
16:45So, why don't you have a lie down?
16:47I'm going to get you some water.
16:49What we can't replace is you and the baby.
16:53So, why don't you have a lie down?
16:55I'll make you something to eat, eh?
16:58And then we can work all this out.
17:10I just have a few more questions, Jack.
17:12Oh, really?
17:13It's OK. You're doing great.
17:16You said you believed the offices were empty?
17:21So, where exactly did you think Stefan was,
17:24if not in the office?
17:28Well, his car was parked outside.
17:30Would it not be reasonable to assume he was inside the building?
17:33We've been through all of this several times.
17:35Yeah, I know, I know.
17:36Jack thought everyone had gone home for the night.
17:40Except we've reviewed all the CCTV footage in the area,
17:43and contrary to what Jack told us,
17:46it's quite clear the building wasn't empty.
17:50We've been able to trace Jack's approach to the office.
17:53We can see him loitering near Stefan's car.
17:57And in the background, we can clearly see someone entering reception.
18:01They didn't see them, I swear.
18:04I'm sorry, Jack, but I find that very hard to believe.
18:09The weight of evidence is against you,
18:11and because of that, I'm going to ask the CPS to charge you
18:14with the most serious offence.
18:16Arson with intent to endanger life.
18:27Right, are you going to tell me what's been going on, then, or what?
18:30Er, what do you mean?
18:31Well, I'm not an idiot, is it?
18:33It weren't my idea.
18:34All right, there's no need to look so worried.
18:36You're not in trouble.
18:38I'm not?
18:39Well, no.
18:40You're just covering for a co-worker.
18:42I actually admire that.
18:44You do?
18:47Only, come on,
18:49Betsy has to take accountability for her own mistakes, doesn't she?
18:54Sorry, what?
18:55Oh, Izzy, stop playing to the door.
18:57I know it's been Betsy that's been sewing the gussets on parts of the front,
19:01so it's very noble of you to take the blame.
19:04But I don't think it's going to do her any favours in the long run, is it?
19:07Got you!
19:08Got me.
19:09Hey, won't happen again.
19:11Come on.
19:16Hello, Amber. How can I help you?
19:20Well, is she on to us?
19:21Well, she is. She didn't let on.
19:23So it was just about your shoddy work?
19:26Well, except she thinks it's Betsy's shoddy work and I'm covering for her.
19:30Oh, thanks.
19:33I had to give her some terrible wire.
19:36But you could have blamed Beth.
19:37She was the one that got us into this mess.
19:39What mess? There is no mess.
19:41We just need Kirky to answer his phone so we can figure out where the T-shirts are.
19:45Get him back before she finds out.
19:48What do you mean you got a delivery of T-shirts?
19:50We don't make T-shirts.
19:57Well, thanks for letting me know.
19:59Yeah, I'll look into it.
21:04Soup's ready.
21:14Feeling better?
21:27I'm not hungry.
21:29You... You can't live off Claire's, Lauren.
21:37Are you sure?
21:41Come on.
21:43It's your favourite, I remembered.
22:17Was it OK?
22:20I'll have eaten it out now.
22:30You don't have to be afraid, you know.
22:32I'm not scared of you.
22:33I didn't mean me, I meant...
22:36..the lad who mugged you.
22:41What do I have to do to make you understand?
22:44What do you mean?
22:46You've got your way.
22:48Soon you'll be living it up in Ireland.
22:50You hold all the cards, Lauren. I want to move on.
22:52Right, OK, you're right.
22:56It's just that lad.
22:58The mugger, you know.
23:00He proper scared me.
23:03That's why I feel weird.
23:10Well, erm...
23:13..get yourself comfy.
23:15And, erm...
23:17..I'll get you a new set of keys cut.
23:27And I'll get you a new phone.
23:37You can't be without a phone in your condition, can you?
24:03Mugging a pregnant woman.
24:05How low can you get? I know.
24:08And she was really on edge after.
24:10Oh, weren't you, Bea?
24:12Yeah, but she was being dead weird, like dead...
24:17You know, and she couldn't get away from me fast enough.
24:20Well, she'd just been attacked. She was probably terrified.
24:23Mm. So she shouldn't be on her own.
24:25Well, why did you let her go, then?
24:27Because I didn't want to push it.
24:29I didn't want to scare her off, but now I just feel like I've abandoned her.
24:33Listen, Carla needs me to run some errands,
24:35but if you hear from Lauren, you'll let me know, won't you?
24:38Yeah, yeah. Same for you.
24:41You know, I know Nathan's been locked up,
24:43but I just feel like I need to protect her.
24:47It's not like he's set out to hurt anybody.
24:49He was just angry. We've all been there.
24:52Well, langur tends not to be the best defence strategy.
24:55Well, it's all right to be sarcastic.
24:57Charging him with intent to endanger life was harsh, though,
25:00and you know that, Adam.
25:02Yeah, it was. So...
25:04..what do we do now?
25:06Well, youth offenders is a possibility, but unlikely.
25:09He'd definitely be on attack, but that's only if he pleads guilty.
25:12So he should plead not guilty, then,
25:14because he didn't intend to endanger anyone?
25:16Yeah, aren't we, Kev?
25:18Shall we just let the professional advise?
25:22Look, a not guilty plea means the case goes to trial.
25:25And then if he's found guilty, the judge could be tougher on him.
25:28So, basically, it's a lose-lose, is it?
25:35Sid likes me, and more importantly, he trusts me.
25:38He barely knows you.
25:40Well, he's obviously got good instincts, then, hasn't he?
25:42We're all good, as long as we get them T-shirts back.
25:45We don't know where they are.
25:47Well, we can narrow it down once we know all the places Kirk is delivered at,
25:50and then when we do... I've had an idea about this.
25:53So, once we know where the T-shirts are,
25:55one of us rings up and pretends to be Mrs Connor.
25:58That'll be me.
25:59So you say one of me colleagues will be along to collect the T-shirts
26:02as they were delivered by mistake.
26:04I'm gonna get away with this.
26:05You three, ladies.
26:07My office, now.
26:14Hey, Bernie.
26:16Honey, I hate to be that overprotective guy here,
26:18but could you let me know where you are, please?
26:21The girls are with Paulie, so he's A-OK, and, er...
26:24Well, I love you, honey.
26:28I got it in a takeaway cup, in case it got a bit much for you.
26:31Do you know?
26:33I think I can survive the time it takes to drink a brew.
26:35Good. Proud of you?
26:38Because there's so much to be proud of.
26:41Hey, not many kids could cope with being questioned by that swine one.
26:45You held it together, and that's all we could ask.
26:48I could get sent down, couldn't I?
26:50You're a good kid.
26:53Any judge would be crazy not to see that.
26:56You're going nowhere, son.
27:00So, even though you can't donate your corneas or organs to another person,
27:06you can donate them to MND research?
27:10You know, potentially saving thousands of lives, not just one?
27:21You OK?
27:26Only me.
27:31Not today. Talk very much.
27:36Have you got that sentence on preset?
27:44Oh, come on, Apollo. I just want to chat.
27:48Girls, can you give us a minute, please?
27:50Yeah, sure.
28:00Right, I'm not ready for you to check into the B&B in the sky.
28:03I can't stand it, talking about what it's going to be like when you're not here.
28:09Making plans for...
28:12..for you.
28:15I just want you to be with me always, darling.
28:22Panic? Exactly.
28:25Right, that's all we're gabbing about all the time and I want it to stop.
28:28Just stop talking about it and just be.
28:33Just be with you.
28:37Love you.
28:40And I love you too, baby boy.
28:45But all this talk of...
28:47..donating your organs, well...'s a lot for me.
28:53And it seems like you've made the decision suddenly and it's a change and...
28:58..I'm sorry, but...
29:00Thinking. Today.
29:05What do you mean? What about?
29:07So, the client rang to say that they were delivered by my delivery driver.
29:13So? Nothing to do with us?
29:15No comment.
29:17Mrs Connor, why we're here?
29:20You three were in early this morning, weighing up.
29:23Yeah, we told you, this one, she was struggling with the overlocker.
29:27Oh, so you two decided to leave real personalities at home
29:30and have somebody in need for once in your life?
29:32Yeah. I can be a good Samantha.
29:35I can be a good Samaritan when I want to be.
29:37All right, ladies, I'm getting bored of this
29:39and I'm in need of my mid-afternoon coffee,
29:41so my theories on this are threefold.
29:46Number one...'re using an underworld client to support you in some kind of side hustle.
29:54Well, two...'re storing them shirts for somebody who's got them off the back of a lorry.
30:05..and I know none of you'd be this stupid.
30:09You're using underworld machinery
30:12to make counterfeit designer gear and sell it.
30:19..puts my whole business at risk.
30:23No comment.
30:25Well, somebody better start talking, Izzy, and fast.
30:30Come on, fess up.
30:33You are not the cool, calm and collected bloke I thought you were.
30:37Who says I'm not?
30:38Well, this morning on the phone.
30:40You were really stressing.
30:41I mean, you tried to hide it, but I know you better than you think.
30:45It's just the...
30:46Nightmare kiss.
30:47Well, believe me, I've been there.
30:49Yeah, it's just got a bit old-consuming, you know.
30:52I mean, it's got a bit old-consuming,
30:54but it's got a bit old-consuming,
30:56but it's been there.
30:57Yeah, it's just got a bit old-consuming, you know.
31:00I know.
31:01But, you know, you don't have to hide that kind of thing from me.
31:04I didn't want to stress you out.
31:06You don't need to protect me, Joel.
31:09You know I always will, though, yeah, from everything.
31:13Cos you're what matters, Dee.
31:15It's me and you.
31:16Against the world.
31:23How about a takeaway and a rom-com tonight?
31:26Oh, that sounds lovely, but I'm actually seeing Paul tonight, so...
31:32That's not going to be easy for you, babe.
31:34Well, he's the one who's stuck in the flat 24-7.
31:37I just need to remain positive for him.
31:40Well, yeah, but, you know, it'll be difficult for you too.
31:43You are losing your friend.
31:45It's not about me.
31:49You are amazing, Miss Bailey.
31:52I love you.
31:53I love you too.
33:01Not yet.
33:03Baby, not yet.
33:04We're not ready.
33:06We're not ready.
33:12It's all right. It's OK.
33:14We're going to be OK.
33:16He'll be back soon.
33:17He'll be back soon.
33:19I promise, we'll be fine.
33:21We'll be OK.
33:24Help me, please!
33:31Max, how did you find me?
33:33The taxi app on my phone.
33:35It's safe. This address. Are you OK?
33:37Oh, no, something's wrong.
33:39The baby's coming.
33:41What, now?
33:42No, no, Lauren, it's way too soon.
33:44No, no, please.
33:46It really hurts, Max. I can't get out.
33:50Oh, OK.
33:52OK, just hang in there, OK?
33:55It's all going to be all right, I promise.
33:57Please, Max. Help me, please.
34:02Can't keep us in here all day. We're not prisoners.
34:05Well, you're welcome to leave.
34:07You choose to be unemployed.
34:10As if you're going to sack us.
34:12Well, I will if you've done something illegal, Beth.
34:15I mean, those T-shirts are on the way back here
34:17and if they are counterfeit,
34:19they'll be going straight to the police station.
34:21They've got murders to solve, they don't care about some fake arms.
34:25I hope for your sake, Betsy, that's true.
34:28You should know we're loyal employees.
34:30Is that so?
34:32We love working here, for you.
34:34Speak for yourself.
34:36What was that, Beth?
34:37Well, all this. Accusations and finger-wagging.
34:41It's a load of rubbish.
34:43You don't value me as an employee.
34:45I value employees that respect me.
34:48Oh, so it's for not respecting someone who accuses me of lying?
34:51Stop talking!
34:52Yes, I would listen to her if I were you, Beth.
34:55Do you know what? I should be working for someone who knows my true worth.
34:58Well, that's exactly what I'm going to do.
35:00So, free to leave, I'm at.
35:02See you.
35:10..I could have gone to Blackpool and...
35:14..and come back and... could have... could have checked out.
35:25I said goodbye to you that day.
35:29I had no idea how close you were to...
35:34Sorry. No.
35:37You've nowt to be sorry about. I'm mad at meself.
35:43I only found out by accident about the drugs in the first place.
35:47I mean, Billy knew.
35:50You confided it in, but me? No, I make it all about meself.
35:53And, yes, I'm aware I'm... I'm probably doing that again.
36:04Well, you're telling me now.
36:07So, at least...
36:11..thanks for trusting me.
36:14I just can't believe that I didn't know that that could have been the day.
36:20My last day with you.
36:25I'm still here. Yeah, and I made up you are, son.
36:30But that's me being selfish. I want you to want to be here.
36:38You sure?
36:41You want to stay put until... lives?
36:49Leave a legacy.
36:55You know, just when I thought you couldn't be a more brilliant human.
37:00You amaze me every day.
37:04Every minute. Every flaming second.
37:10You know, I could try and flog these.
37:13Instead of flushing them.
37:16Make a few quid.
37:17A few quid?
37:29I couldn't be prouder of you, Apollo.
37:34How on earth did you learn to be so strong?
37:39From you.
37:41Well, I hope you're as serious about me working for you,
37:44cos I've only gone and told Mrs Connor to stick her job where the sun don't shine.
37:50A slight delay on getting the T-shirts back.
37:54Right, but...
37:56OK, but...
38:01No T-shirts, no job.
38:03Mm-hm. Loud and clear.
38:06It's a new beginning.
38:09Are we celebrating?
38:12Ah, just work stress. You know the drill.
38:16Yeah, I do.
38:17More than most, I believe.
38:19Ah, well, we're just trying to make the world a better place.
38:24That's what I'm always trying.
38:28I'll see you.
38:33I'll see you.
38:40You all right?
38:44Lauren's what?
38:47That's yours, by the way, babe.
38:48I don't want me tipsy when I see Paul.
38:52I know she's doing now.
38:56You listening?
38:57Er, yeah.
38:58Sorry, babe. Call Sam.
39:02Whatever she needs.
39:05You all right, mate?
39:06You sound a bit troubled.
39:12That was Max.
39:13Is he OK?
39:15He's fine.
39:16Lauren's in with the general.
39:18They're at the hospital?
39:21She's gone into labour.
39:24Max said he found her locked in her mate's flat.
39:27The fire brigade had to break the door down.
39:29But why was she locked in?
39:31Not a clue.
39:32Anyway, he's asked me if I can go to the shop and get her pyjamas and stuff,
39:36so I'd better be off.
39:40Yeah, bye.
39:45Do you think we should go and see her?
39:47I mean, it's way too early for that baby to be born.
39:51I doubt there is a baby now.
39:56Sorry, I didn't... I didn't mean that how it sounded.
39:58I'll give you a lift.
40:02What's happening?
40:03Due to how prim we are,
40:04we're going to monitor the baby's heart rate continuously.
40:06What? What?
40:07Your notes say you're 24 a week, so this baby's very keen.
40:10You need to stop it! Please!
40:12Just stop it!
40:14Your waters are broken, sweetheart.
40:16This baby's coming now.
40:23The holiday cabins are cute, aren't they?
40:25Type one of the reviews said that a barn owl
40:28came and sat on the decking at dusk.
40:31Owls, Ty!
40:34I mean, of course, there's also poisonous snakes,
40:39but, you know, we can just go, hey, live life on the edge.
40:42I am listening, but I just don't think it's the best time to go, that's all.
40:46We can get one of the basic lodges.
40:48Come on, it don't have to be mega pricey. The girls will love it.
40:51But Kev's in court tomorrow, right?
40:53If it goes bad, you know, I can't just leave the garage.
40:55There's Abi.
40:57Oh, yeah, cos she's going to be up for it, isn't she, if he gets sent down.
41:00Yeah, I suppose not.
41:01And she texted me earlier.
41:03Jack's been charged. Arson with intent.
41:05Hmm. Trouble kid, eh?
41:07Mind you, we've been there.
41:09Mm, and we don't want to be there again.
41:11What do you mean by that?
41:14Well, I mean, look, I love the bones off Jack, you know, you know I do,
41:17but we're in a good place with her.
41:19We don't want that to come crashing down.
41:21It wouldn't, would it?
41:23Hope is more than capable of making bad decisions all by herself, we know that.
41:28Right, well, she doesn't need somebody with a box of matches to help her along the way, does she?
41:32He's hardly a twisted fire starter.
41:34Come on, he made a mistake.
41:36Except it wasn't a mistake.
41:38He set that car on fire on purpose.
41:41Jack's a good lad.
41:43Well, he's being charged. Arson with intent to endanger life, so...
41:50How was he? When you spoke to him?
41:52Well, he's not daft.
41:54He knows if he gets found guilty,
41:56he's not going to walk away like nothing's happened.
41:59We need to stay positive.
42:01And realistic.
42:03We still don't know if I'm going to come home from court tomorrow yet.
42:06Yeah, you will.
42:08Yeah, you will.
42:10I'll be.
42:11All right, well, we don't know for sure,
42:13but what I do know is we've got the best mates around here and they'll help us.
42:16They'll rally round, text the village and all of that.
42:19You knackered kev, look at you.
42:24Look, I meant what I said the other day.
42:27I'll be the strong one.
42:29And I'll stay positive.
42:31It's my job too.
42:33Look, how many times have you picked up the pieces when I've broken everything?
42:36It's my turn to step up.
42:39Just try and get some sleep, yeah?
42:43I know it's hard.
42:47But, Lauren, you were amazing.
42:51You were like superwoman.
42:57She's just trying to get some sleep.
43:00Probably was five minutes spinning anyway.
43:04We just wanted to see how you were.
43:14I'm so sorry, Lauren.
43:16About the baby.
43:19Yeah, we both are.
43:22No, he's in the special baby care unit.
43:26He's OK.
43:29He was breathing when he was born, so...
43:36Yeah, they're doing everything they can.
43:40But it's very early days, so...
43:42He's just so tiny.
43:46And I can't lose him.
43:48I can't.
44:02I can't lose him.