Emmerdale 26th July 2024

  • 3 months ago
Emmerdale 26th July 2024


00:00Cameron, because we've just got to keep an eye on our Beth. Especially now we know about
00:13the abortion.
00:14She was in such a mess about it all yesterday. Maybe I'll chat to her mental health team,
00:19get some advice.
00:20Yeah, we need to make sure she's taking her medicine.
00:27It's okay, love. We're all here for you. And everything stays within the family, okay?
00:32Can I get you a bacon butty?
00:35No, I'm not hungry.
00:36I found this when I did the laundry.
00:42I don't need that now, do I?
00:46Right, where's Piper? I'm going to take her on a walk.
00:50She's outside with Chip and Monty.
00:52They were dead excited. I let them out for a run.
00:54What? No, she's a rescue. She gets nervous. The last time she was loose in Wales...
00:59Don't worry, she'll just be out in Blackfield.
01:01Sam, I know my own dog, alright? Next time leave it to me.
01:08She's struggling. How could we not notice?
01:18Makes it last three times longer.
01:20Saves me a bomb on restock. You see, you look after the pennies, the bones look after themselves.
01:27Mind you, if I carry on much longer, I'm going to be off my conkers.
01:32You alright?
01:34Of course.
01:35Come on, it's me. What is it?
01:41Liam wants me to get rid of the baby.
01:44He was really cold about it. Reckons I got pregnant on purpose. Said I engineered it.
01:51At least I know how he really feels.
01:53But it's not his decision, you're the one that's preggers.
01:55He won't mean it. He's probably just selling shock.
01:59He asked if I could guarantee the baby's safety.
02:02He probably just needs to sink in. But I'm not having you feel pressure into anything, right?
02:08Maybe it's best if I don't go ahead with it.
02:10What you need is a booster and a chinwag.
02:14Go on, get your cotton bag. I'm going for a chocolate.
02:17We can talk about things properly. Make correct decisions.
02:28Oh, thank God. Belle's out looking for her.
02:32Where was she?
02:34Scratching outside my front door. Poor little thing.
02:37I only let her out for a minute. I can't believe she just did one.
02:40Oh, she's got form. Done it before. Vinnie will tell you.
02:45Sorry. I know I shouldn't be here. You're Belle's family.
02:50Even Belle would understand.
02:53I hope she's alright. She's not coping, is she?
02:58Hey, this isn't right. We shouldn't be speaking about her when she's not here.
03:04Can't be easy for you, is it?
03:07It's not. It's all a bit of a mess, really. I still love her so much.
03:12Sit down. I'll stick the kettle on.
03:19Oh, enjoying that since you were booted out of the big house?
03:22Just trying to get a decent morning coffee, thank you.
03:25Bob likes cheap and nasty, unfortunately.
03:29Going well, then? Slumming it with the locals?
03:32Oh, Kimmy!
03:35Paddy always makes me one of these when I've had a bad day.
03:38I mean, there's more whipped cream than chocolate, but beggars can't be choosers.
03:43Wish I had someone like that fighting my corner.
03:46Someone to tell everyone to back off with their opinions just because I'm having a kid.
03:49Hey, stop what folk think. I reckon you'll make a great mum.
03:53You would. You'd be fantastic. You know it yourself, deep down.
04:01Can I interrupt? No. I don't think that's such a good idea.
04:04It's OK.
04:06It's not your choice what she does with this baby.
04:08Mandy, I'm sorry, but this really is none of your business.
04:14I just wanted to apologise.
04:16You can't tell me what to do.
04:18I know, and I'm not, but...
04:20But nothing. You need to know that I'm thinking about it.
04:24Of course I am, but I don't think I want an abortion.
04:27I don't trust you, Ella. After all that you've done, I...
04:31I just can't have a child with you. I can't see any other option.
04:47I still can't find him.
04:49What are you doing?
04:51I'm just bringing Piper back.
04:53OK. Thanks, but you can go now.
04:56He was just waiting till you got back.
04:59Yeah, of course I'll go. Whatever makes you comfortable.
05:03We need to nip to the shop, so we'll walk down with you.
05:07And I'm meeting Kim in a bit. Will you be all right if we go out?
05:10Yeah, of course I will.
05:16Will you talk to her? See if she's OK?
05:29How's Archie? Yeah, er, good.
05:32I'll let him stay up a bit longer. We watched a film.
05:35Yeah, he loved it.
05:37Thanks for making it so easy with him moving.
05:40And how are you?
05:42Are you all right, you know, considering it's our first anniversary?
05:48I'll just have to cope, won't I?
05:52I'll see you.
05:56I'll see you at the bridge later for my dad's memorial.
06:12Just the two of us?
06:14Thankfully, yes.
06:16They had this awful couple staying last night.
06:19Kept wanting to make small talk over breakfast.
06:22There's only so many times you can nip out pretending your phone's ringing.
06:26I bet you're missing enjoying your morning coffee in your own kitchen.
06:29I take it Rose is being her usual loud self.
06:32It's not just the noise, it's the swagger.
06:35She's swanning it about up there like she owns the place.
06:38The sooner you get home, the better.
06:40Coffee, Lydia?
06:42You can call it that.
06:44She requested some Fancy Pants freshly ground Italian blend yesterday.
06:47I mean, fair enough if I'm putting up the king.
06:50I just think maybe you should look at shaking things up a bit.
06:54Quality over quantity sometimes makes a difference.
06:58Well, yeah, on your budget, maybe. I'm trying to make a living here.
07:01I could put a lot of business your way if you sharpen things up.
07:05Say what you will about the niece, but she wouldn't have let standards slip.
07:09They haven't.
07:11I can't help it. Can't have the price of everything skyrocketed.
07:15I've got clients that are always looking for a place to stay, that's all.
07:20I could do wonders for you on referrals.
07:23Message received, loud and clear.
07:25I'll get you coffee if I dare.
07:30Well, this is a nice chapter in the life of Kim Tate.
07:35Look, Kim, you know me.
07:37I'm no snob, but a village B&B.
07:41Really? It's not very you, is it?
07:44You belong at Home Farm.
07:46I know where I belong.
07:48I'm just waiting to see how things pan out, patiently.
07:52Well, you can't leave it forever.
07:55She'll end up taking over your life.
07:58Why are you still here?
08:03Have you been taking your tablets today?
08:06Oh, not you and all.
08:07I'm just trying to help.
08:08I've spoken to Cherry and Cain about this yesterday.
08:10Yes, I've been taking them.
08:12OK, well, Tom reckons you've not, so is he lying?
08:16He twists things.
08:18Yeah, I know what that's like, remember?
08:21Dad used to do it.
08:22Making out it was everyone else at fault,
08:24but never actually admitting, you know, how he was.
08:28It's like he had one face for me and then one face for everyone else.
08:33No-one sees Tom when he's in charge.
08:37Driving everything, calling all the shots.
08:40What, so he's, like, controlling, you mean?
08:43It's hard to explain.
08:45Yeah, but he's not abusive, though, is he?
08:51Look, be honest, Belle.
08:53Is he?
08:57Sometimes he...
09:00..says stuff.
09:02Means stuff.
09:04Oh, so he's verbally abusive, then?
09:07Look, he shouldn't be doing this, right? I'll talk to him.
09:09No, no, I don't want trouble, Vinnie.
09:11Look at the state of you! If this is his fault, Belle, then...
09:13Vinnie, please, just do not say anything.
09:17For me, promise.
09:20All right?
09:22Fine, thanks.
09:27It's barely lunchtime.
09:29You know, you look like you needed one earlier.
09:33Ella's pregnant.
09:35And, er...
09:37..I wanted to get rid of it.
09:39I heard.
09:41She OK with that?
09:44Mate, I know you mean well, but this is my problem, so...
09:48Can you just go? I've got stuff to do.
09:50Nicely deflected.
09:52I appreciate your concern, but I don't need a lecture or a drink.
09:56Did I say you had a choice?
09:58But you didn't fall out with him, did you?
10:00Oh, nothing new. He just wanted to speak to Ella by himself.
10:03I need to go. I've got a client in five, two minutes.
10:05We need to talk about honeymoon.
10:07Oh, can't we do that later? I'll be quick.
10:09I was thinking a road trip round Italy.
10:11That's well fancy. We deserve it.
10:13Oh, you heard this, Ryan.
10:15We're going on a road trip round Italy.
10:17It'd be nice if we had a few grand to chuck around, wouldn't it?
10:21Mm. I could do with a week in Rome.
10:2410,000 fit waiters, then pink for 24,000.
10:27But what about Blackpool, yeah?
10:29Best fishing ship on the planet!
10:31No, we'd have a right giggle.
10:33But we don't do fancy. It's not really us.
10:35Yeah, but just because we agreed about a small wedding yesterday
10:38doesn't mean to say that we can't go all out on a honeymoon.
10:41Went to Venice the first time, do you remember?
10:44Oh, could I forget?
10:46OK, I'll book the flights and the car. You have a look at the hotel.
10:49I really need to go. Price the buffet. Not you!
10:51You are a godsend!
10:53If you get five minutes, have a look at accommodation.
10:58Sorry, mate. Sorry.
11:00What for?
11:01Oh, I just wasn't thinking.
11:03Prattling on about honeymoons.
11:05I get stupid, really, when things haven't worked out.
11:08I'm always here if you need to talk.
11:11Thank you.
11:15It's been stressing me out.
11:17It's so frustrating.
11:19Belle just got worse and worse with time.
11:23No-one knows what she was like in that cottage.
11:27I tried to open her and then...
11:29And now she's blaming me?
11:31I can't win.
11:32She's just not stable enough for marriage.
11:35Hang on. You can't talk about her like that when she's not here to defend herself.
11:38Best her family know what state she's in.
11:40That's your perspective. I'm sure she's got her own.
11:42Yeah, you're right. She does.
11:44It's not the first time I've told you how worried I am, now, is it?
11:47No, but it's not fair that we're sat here gossiping either.
11:50Always two sides, that's all.
11:52I've got no idea what you're talking about, Vinnie.
11:54I do. She told me.
11:56Oh. OK.
11:57Everyone just keeps assuming that it's my fault.
12:00Why should I take the blame for her behaviour?
12:02She's the one that lied about the baby.
12:04Yeah, that's the real reason that we broke up.
12:06There was no miscarriage.
12:08She had an abortion.
12:27I cannot believe you just did that.
12:29I'm sorry, but I can't just stand here and let him accuse me of stuff
12:32when all I'm guilty of is trying to help you.
12:34Why? What have you said to him?
12:36Oh, apart from accusing me of being on the fault here.
12:38Oh, I've got to go.
12:40Needed a farming skit there.
12:42Excuse me.
12:43How convenient.
12:44Leave just as it's getting heated.
12:46Maybe get the full picture before you ever go at me.
12:48Makes you look jealous.
12:50It's pretty obvious what he's been praying for these last few weeks.
12:54Belle and me breaking up.
12:57Come on, Vinnie.
12:58You've been sniffing around her for ages.
13:00Are you serious?
13:01We're friends, Tom.
13:03Just be honest for once.
13:05Have you been sleeping with my wife?
13:06Tom, stop it.
13:07Vinnie, come here.
13:09What have you said to him?
13:10He was bad-mouthing about you to Paddy.
13:12He said he was controlling you.
13:13No, I didn't. You said that.
13:15I said he likes to call the shots.
13:17I told you not to say anything. Just go.
13:26You and I need to talk.
13:32Ella killed a child.
13:34Who's to say she's not capable of killing another?
13:37Come on, you don't really think that.
13:39And who's to say it's even mine?
13:41After all the lies she's told, what if she's lying now?
13:44You're blinded by the fact that she's covered up her past.
13:49This could mean another kid in your life.
13:53I cannot get attached to a baby
13:56when I do not trust its mother.
13:58Imagine it.
14:00Finding out that it's not mine,
14:02it'll feel like losing another child.
14:06Then do something about it.
14:08Do you really want to miss out on the second chance of being a dad?
14:17Look, I didn't want to say it like that, but I didn't have a choice.
14:20Maybe you shouldn't have made Vinnie think that I've been treating you badly.
14:23Now everyone's going to think you're awful.
14:25Talking about me behind my back to him.
14:27You just told Evan in the pub that I've had an abortion.
14:30Don't blame me. Blame Vinnie.
14:32All I've ever done is love you.
14:35Where's your ring?
14:40So I'm struggling to cope without you and you've already moved on,
14:43slagging me off to everyone in the process.
14:45No, I've not.
14:46Vinnie was just worried about me.
14:48Yeah, because he knows you're not well.
14:52Even Cain and Charity realise that now.
14:54If they do, everyone else will too.
14:57No-one is going to believe you.
15:00So if you know what's good for you,
15:02you will stop saying things that aren't true.
15:05It's not like that. I swear to you.
15:07But you have spoken to him.
15:09Because I was upset. So, yeah, I spoke to him
15:11and he got the roy under the stick, which is why he confronted you.
15:14Why should I get hit in the neck for something I've not done?
15:17Do you have any idea how stressful it is?
15:21Thinking that Cain could just jump me at any time.
15:26I mean, I'm coping with it now, but...
15:29But what if I can't deal with it?
15:33And I do something stupid again?
15:35It'll be your fault.
15:37Don't say that, please.
15:39You're turning everyone against me.
15:41I can't live like this. It's too much, Belle.
15:45I promise I won't say anything.
15:47I promise.
15:49I promise.
15:51I promise.
15:54I promise I won't say anything to anyone else.
16:02Because I don't know how much longer I can go on like this.
16:11Thanks for lunch. I'm enjoying it.
16:14Sorry about the Sarnies.
16:16I'll ask them to get some whole grain instead of white in if you come again.
16:19Have you finished your savouries, ladies?
16:21Yes, thanks, Bob.
16:22How are the Sarnies?
16:24Freshly baked, that bread? You'll be pleased to hear.
16:27Er, much better than the other day, thanks.
16:30We were just saying how fresh they were, weren't we?
16:35You've made no man very happy.
16:42Thanks, Lydia.
16:44For making me realise why I'm putting up with soggy sandwiches
16:48and small talk with randomers in hiking boots.
16:51And why is that, then?
16:53Keeps me closer to the people who matter.
16:56What good's a swanky room in the city centre
16:59when I can't keep an eye on what's happening here?
17:01You mean Will, don't you?
17:03I really did think he'd believe me over Rose.
17:07He obviously still doesn't.
17:09That's why he's waltzing around with her as if nothing's happened.
17:12So what are you going to do about it?
17:18Not stand for it, that's what.
17:27We miss your giggles and your singing.
17:30Dad tries to sing in the shower sometimes, but it's not as good as you.
17:36We think about you all the time.
17:39We know you're keeping us safe.
17:41We all love you, Grandad.
17:48It's gorgeous, mate.
17:50That was really wonderful.
17:52Rishi would be so proud of you.
17:55Now, shall we go and get that milkshake?
18:01He's a great kid.
18:07Er, Jay, Jay.
18:09Sorry, I need to be straight with you about something.
18:13What do you mean?
18:15I've been in touch with my solicitor
18:17and I've asked them to go ahead with divorce proceedings.
18:22That was them now.
18:27On our anniversary? And me dad's too?
18:30Nice timing, Laurel.
18:32I just wanted to face things head on, instead of plodding on.
18:36And what did they say?
18:38Well, this call was about mediation, so...
18:42Why? We don't need that.
18:44It's the right thing to do if we need help with practicalities.
18:48It's best for both of us. All of us.
19:03These are for you.
19:05For being kind and telling me to take my time and think about stuff.
19:08You didn't have to.
19:10I wanted to.
19:12I'd be without you right now.
19:15I've thought about it. A lot.
19:18So you're keeping it, then?
19:20I'm really grateful, Mandy,
19:22to have a friend like you making me see sense.
19:25I never thought I'd have someone like you in my life.
19:32We're closed.
19:34Can we talk?
19:35I'm keeping this, baby. You can't force me to get rid.
19:38Tell him to go.
19:40Please. Please, be quick.
19:42Why would I want a baby if I don't even know that it's mine?
19:46Are you being serious? Of course I am.
19:48Liam, can you please just go?
19:50If it's mine, and it's still a big if,
19:53then of course I'll support it financially,
19:55but I'm gonna need a paternity test.
19:58That's not too much to ask, surely?
20:00I suppose not.
20:02When you put it like that.
20:07I told you to keep it to yourself.
20:09You shouldn't have gone behind my back and confronted Tom in the pub.
20:11I trusted you.
20:12He was going off about you.
20:13What do you want me to do, sit back and nod along?
20:16Obviously not, no.
20:18He said everything was because of you.
20:20That you gave up and let the marriage fall apart.
20:22He was banging on, saying how unstable you were.
20:24I couldn't help it, Belle.
20:26You heard him himself, blaming you for everything.
20:28Because what? You lied about the baby.
20:30Just leave it, please.
20:31He said he was controlling you.
20:33No, you said that. They're your words, not mine.
20:35Yeah, I said he drove stuff, but only because he had to.
20:38Because I was making bad choices in our relationship.
20:41I push his buttons, I'm a pain to live with.
20:43You said that, he twists things.
20:45No, because he only just... because he gets frustrated with me.
20:47Belle, you made it appear he was abusing you.
20:49No, no, Vinnie, they are your words, not mine.
20:51And he has never humiliated me like you just did.
20:53No, he's the one who humiliated you in the pub.
20:55No, because it's wrong for him.
20:57And what do you expect when you come for him like that?
20:59You need to back off. You need to see this for what it really is.
21:02I didn't mean for it to happen like that, OK, I swear.
21:04Just leave it. Leave it, Vinnie.
21:06Cos you're doing no good.
21:07You know, I thought I was helping.
21:09Well, you're not, all right?
21:10You're making it ten times worse, so you need to stay out of my life.
21:13Do you understand?