Home and Away 8328 15th August 2024

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#home and away

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00:00There's every indication that the second bleed has resulted in brain death.
00:12So what happens now?
00:13Two doctors perform the tests and they have to agree to the same result before a diagnosis
00:18of brain death can be made.
00:20Starting off oxygen and vent.
00:23Come on.
00:29There was no brain activity apparent in any of our assessments.
00:33I just want to stay here until the next set of tests, is that alright?
00:35Yes, of course.
00:36Maybe she'll hear my voice and she'll wake up.
00:39Take a breath, Fleck.
00:41Take a breath.
00:45She's never waking up, Cash.
00:47I'm not turning the machines off.
00:49It's not happening.
00:50Prove them wrong, Fleck.
00:51You can't leave me.
00:52Please wake up.
00:53Do you know when the money went missing?
00:55It had to be some time during Cash and Eden's engagement party.
00:59If you stole that money from the surf club, I need you to bring it back.
01:03I mean it, Abby.
01:04Call me.
01:05Everything okay?
01:28How's Tony?
01:41He's still in his room.
01:43I don't think he had a wink of sleep last night.
01:47Will he be holding up?
01:50I think I'm still in shock.
01:56It's her.
02:01Are you going to go to the hospital today?
02:05No, I don't think I can.
02:07I know the doctors are saying that she's gone, but I can't get my head around that right now, so.
02:15You can't miss a chance to say goodbye.
02:23I really need to get to work.
02:25I've got staff and they've got questions, so.
02:29Well, at least let me give you a lift.
02:32That'd be great.
02:40Rose, I would love to stay and chat, but I do actually have to go.
02:44Are you sure there's nothing wrong?
02:46Yeah, yeah.
02:47Just family matters.
02:48Nothing you need to worry about.
02:49Money was taken from the surf club the other night.
02:51Do you know anything about that?
02:54No, that's the first I'm hearing about.
02:56What happened?
02:57That petty cash float was taken.
02:59No, it's terrible.
03:01I'm sorry.
03:04Who's Abby?
03:07That person you were on the phone to.
03:10My sister.
03:11What, you have another sister?
03:13Younger or older?
03:16What does she do?
03:17You seem pretty mad.
03:19Oh, just giving Mum a hard time.
03:24Dr Fowler, if you know anything about the theft, you know you're obligated to tell me.
03:28Of course.
03:29It goes without saying.
03:30I will come straight to you.
03:37Poor Cash.
03:38He must be devastated.
03:40Remy reckons he's in denial.
03:42He's refusing to let him turn off the life support.
03:45Yeah, well, that's a decision no one wants to make.
03:48So there's no chance she's going to wake up at all?
03:51She's gone.
03:56Rose wants to see us.
03:58Any idea what that's about?
04:01Yeah, some money was stolen from the club the other night.
04:05Did they break into the office?
04:07They didn't need to.
04:08I left the whole place wide open during the engagement party.
04:10I messed up.
04:11I shouldn't have let myself get so distracted.
04:13Well, I suppose it's not the end of the world.
04:16And in the grand scheme of things, a few quid getting knocked off isn't that big a deal.
04:24Thank you again for the lift.
04:26Do you want to come upstairs for a coffee?
04:28Maybe later.
04:30I'm going to take some photos of this before I give it to the customer.
04:33Put them up on the shop socials.
04:37Well, I'll see you later.
04:38See ya.
04:39See ya.
04:44What are you doing here?
04:45I thought you would have taken the day off.
04:47Someone's got to run this place.
04:50Were you up early?
04:53Why didn't you wake me?
04:55You'd just fallen asleep.
04:56I didn't want to disturb you.
04:58That's very sweet.
05:00But I thought that maybe you'd heard from Abigail.
05:03No, nothing.
05:05Why don't you come upstairs, have some brekkie and try her again?
05:10Yeah, I guess that's all I can do.
05:24It sucks without Felicity, right?
05:28I really appreciate you coming in.
05:31It's fine.
05:32To be honest, I kind of need something else to focus on anyway.
05:37How's Tane coping?
05:41Not great.
05:43Is Eden okay?
05:46She's at the hospital with Cash.
05:48She's sending me texts now and then, but honestly, she's a mess too.
05:55So you finished it?
05:57Yeah, early this morning.
06:00I'm amazed.
06:01You know, considering.
06:04I always keep my mind off stuff.
06:06Well, that's incredible.
06:12I can't imagine how Cash is feeling right now.
06:15It's heartbreaking.
06:16Yeah, it is.
06:18We've all had situations where we're worried about someone we love, but this is next level.
06:22I'm good here if you want to take a break.
06:24Just wish there was something I could do to help.
06:26He's got Eden.
06:29Yeah, but she's Felicity's best friend, plus she's trying to support him.
06:32Like, how's she feeling right now?
06:33Can I get you anything?
06:35I don't know.
06:36Maybe now's not the right time to drop by the hospital.
06:39I just hate the idea that he's sitting beside that bed.
06:46You alright?
06:54There you go.
07:08Ah, this is cool.
07:09Is it yours?
07:13Well, it's pretty interesting.
07:14What's the story?
07:15No story.
07:16Okay, well, it's a pretty big departure, right?
07:19I mean, it's way more abstract than your usual stuff.
07:23What is this, like a head?
07:26It's nothing, Kirby.
07:28It's just mucking around.
07:29Oh, this is just mucking around, is it?
07:32Can I have it back?
07:38You should totally do more work like that.
07:42Just gonna chuck it out.
07:43Well, it's new work.
07:44You definitely shouldn't just chuck it out.
07:48It's good.
07:49It's really, really good.
07:50You should totally do something with that.
08:00Still no luck?
08:02Waste my help again.
08:04Look, I know that you're worried about Abby,
08:06but she's just probably off having fun somewhere,
08:09spending your money.
08:10Yeah, I'd be right.
08:11I'm gonna try not to let it get to me.
08:13That's a good plan.
08:16I haven't had much to do with her over the last few years.
08:19I feel like I barely know her.
08:21Yeah, well, hopefully you can fix that when she finally...
08:39What's wrong?
08:43She's really gone.
08:45She's a G.
09:06All the boards are set up and ready to go.
09:09There's a last-minute addition,
09:11so I'll just take an extra board down with me.
09:14There's time.
09:15I can do it.
09:16I've upset you, haven't I?
09:20It's fine.
09:26Your art is next level.
09:28Why are you so shy about it?
09:30I'm just not feeling it today.
09:31Well, your work is on display all the time,
09:33on every single board that you sell.
09:35It's not the same.
09:39With that one, it's...
09:42It's personal.
09:44All art is personal.
09:46And yours is way too good not to share.
09:48Just like you said, it's not what I normally do.
09:52It was...
09:54I just had a lot of stuff happening,
09:57and I started sketching,
09:59and that's what happened.
10:02I get it.
10:04It's the same thing with my songwriting.
10:08It can really help you when you're working through some stuff.
10:16Let's go.
10:24Why did I waste so much time fighting with her?
10:29Felicity knew how much she meant to you.
10:34Did she?
10:36She did.
10:37You two were great partners.
10:43Now I've got to run all of this on my own again.
10:46How do I even do that?
10:49Why am I even thinking about that right now?
10:51Because you're worried about protecting what you two built together.
11:03Better get back to work.
11:05Why don't you let me touch your heart?
11:08Maybe later. I just...
11:14I've got to keep this place running.
11:42Here you go.
11:45Don't you have anything better to do than just sit around here all day?
11:48No, not really.
11:50Are you sure you're okay?
11:51Can you stop asking me that?
11:55Sorry, it's just...
11:57Today's just been too much.
11:59I don't know, I've got a million more things to do.
12:01I'm just going to get rid of it.
12:03Here you go.
12:05You could just be honest with me.
12:07This is about more than Felicity, isn't it?
12:18When I think about Cash just sitting by your bedside,
12:23all I can think about is when I almost lost you.
12:30The doctors telling me that there wasn't any hope.
12:38Telling me to prepare myself.
12:43All I could do was just sit by your bedside
12:45and just pray and hope that you'd open your eyes.
12:50I'm sorry.
12:51It's okay, it's all your fault.
12:52No, no, no, hey.
12:54I'm sorry.
13:00So, I'm going to need a list of all the surf club employees.
13:03Why? There's no way any of the surf lifesavers would have taken that money.
13:06Well, someone did.
13:07Well, what about the engagement party?
13:09There were heaps of people up and down through the club during that.
13:11Don't worry, I've already got a guest list.
13:14Okay, so is there anything else you can tell me?
13:16Well, I'm not going to be much help to you.
13:18I wasn't here.
13:19Well, I wasn't really here either.
13:21I was with Irene.
13:22Looks like you're going to have your work cut out for you.
13:26But don't worry.
13:27Hey, I'm going to talk to everyone who was here at the party or working.
13:30Palmer can get you a list of the staff.
13:32Yeah, I'll get onto that right away.
13:37You know, he is right about one thing.
13:40You'd have to be a pretty low mongrel to take money from a surf club.
13:51John, hey.
13:52Listen, do you mind if I steal you for a second?
13:54Yeah, well, better make it snappy, mate. I'm snowed under.
13:57Yeah, listen, I was sorry to overhear that some money's been stolen from the surf club.
14:00480 bucks, to be precise.
14:02Well, I'd be happy to reimburse you for that.
14:06And why would you want to reimburse us?
14:08Unless you took it.
14:10No, no, no. Of course not.
14:11Then why?
14:13Well, I was sorry to hear that it happened.
14:15Consider this a donation. I can send this to you straight away.
14:19I never wanted to knock back a donation.
14:24Would you mind keeping this anonymous?
14:26Yeah, sure. No problem.
14:29And what do you think about withdrawing the report?
14:34Well, there's no point in Rose investigating if the money's back in your account.
14:43I'm trying to help somebody that doesn't want to be helped.
14:49And I'm trying not to break their confidence while I do it.
14:55Yeah, I suppose we've all been there.
14:58Even so, whoever took the money should not get off scot-free.
15:01No, I understand that just this once, John.
15:04Can you look the other way, please?
15:15That last group was really good.
15:17I think some of them are ready to move up to the intermediate classes.
15:20Now I just need to go and disappear into those waves for a while.
15:25Do you want to join me?
15:27Ah, thanks, but I've got some stuff to do.
15:30Ah, like something to do with that artwork?
15:33I'll say it again, I think it's really good.
15:36It's okay.
15:39I just don't understand why you'd want to throw it out.
15:42Why would you do that?
15:44Serious question.
15:46I don't get why this matters so much to you.
15:49I couldn't think of anything less important right now.
16:05Thank you for today.
16:07Turns out I really needed you.
16:11I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.
16:17We're so lucky, aren't we?
16:19We really are.
16:25Oh, is that Abigail? Finally.
16:29You were right about her spending my money.
16:31Apparently she's just withdrawn $150 from my account.
16:34How does she have your pin?
16:36It's been the same since I was 14.
16:38You should have blocked your cards.
16:40Actually, you should do that now.
16:45I don't know.
16:46Eden thought it was strange too, but...
16:49Abby seemed really happy when she was here.
16:52When she just goes and does this, it's just not adding up.
16:55What do you want to do?
16:57If things were different, I would go to the city and I would try to find her.
17:01But at least with her using my cards, I have an idea of where she is.
17:05Then you should go.
17:08Come on, Mac. There's bigger things going on here.
17:11I'm fine.
17:14No, seriously, Levi.
17:15If you want to find Abigail, then you should go to the city.
17:18Plus, I've got Tanya to look after anyway.
17:21I know you want to look out for Tanya.
17:23But this isn't just about him or Cash for that matter.
17:28Come on, let me drop you off at the hospital on the way.
17:32I don't know.
17:35You need to say goodbye to Felicity.
17:48See ya.
17:49See ya, mate.
17:50You going somewhere?
17:51Yeah, somewhere.
17:52Like the city?
17:56No, it's okay. He's going to drop me to visit Felicity on the way.
18:00Okay. I'm glad to hear that.
18:20What are you doing here?
18:22I came to apologise for pushing you about your artwork.
18:26It's fine. I overreacted.
18:29After what happened to Flick, I just…
18:32I'm trying to find the crack of light, you know?
18:35Yeah. I get that.
18:39I brought you something.
18:42You left it at the board shop.
18:57What is this?
18:59I'm not going to say anything.
19:02Do with that what you will.
19:20Rose, Rose, you're still here.
19:21Good, good, good.
19:23There's been a development with the stolen money.
19:25Yeah? What's going on?
19:26Uh, the thing is, I found it.
19:29You found the money?
19:31Well, where was it?
19:33It was in an envelope on the desk the whole time.
19:35I didn't see any flame and envelope on the desk
19:37and I turned that office upside down looking for the money.
19:40Yeah, well, not on the desk, but under the desk.
19:43So there's been no theft. Isn't that what you're saying?
19:45I'm so sorry to have wasted your time.
19:47It wouldn't be the first time.
19:49The point is that the money hasn't been stolen
19:52so you really don't have to investigate it.
19:54Sorry again.
20:24No time to waste now.
20:27The water's taking sides
20:29and I know you feel alone
20:32like a solitary stone sinking.
20:39Reach down and pull deep
20:42cause you got no other way.
20:44This time we'll break free
20:47if you push against the day
20:49and the trouble soon appear.
20:51If you fight to keep it near.
21:09She's out of air.
21:10It's all finally good between us.
21:12Now she's gone.
21:13You sure you don't want time to go?
21:15Cause you're gonna see a baby for the first time.
21:17He's going through a lot.
21:19It just doesn't feel right.
21:20Everywhere I look I'm flooded with memories of her.
21:23Every time I close my eyes I see her
21:25and it hurts.
21:27So Felicity's his ex?
21:29I think she was the love of his life.