Ninja Busters

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Ninja Busters


00:01:48In Japan's age of the samurai,
00:01:51a special group of military spies were developed to infiltrate enemy castles.
00:01:56They were called ninja.
00:01:58Trained from the age of five,
00:02:00the ninja were dedicated to a life of secrecy and espionage.
00:02:05Ninja are still used today as bodyguards for underworld crime bosses.
00:02:11Even in America, the services of ninja can still be acquired for a price.
00:02:19Welcome, Santos.
00:02:21Is that the money?
00:02:23Yes, I have it right here.
00:02:25But I'd like to discuss the terms.
00:02:27From what I understood by your phone call was that
00:02:30you wanted to use my army from time to time.
00:02:33Is that correct?
00:02:35That is correct.
00:02:36And this is a retainer for the daily rate.
00:02:39Now about those terms.
00:02:40That's not negotiable.
00:02:42Well, I think it's a little high.
00:02:44You find it to be a good value?
00:02:46I hope so.
00:02:47Now may I see your men?
00:02:49Why not?
00:02:50They're looking at you.
00:02:55Well, I don't see anyone.
00:03:13Well, with an army like this, no one would dare oppose me.
00:03:16They'd have to be idiots.
00:03:47Don't get it.
00:03:48Don't get it.
00:03:49Don't get it.
00:03:50Keep working.
00:03:53Keep working.
00:03:56Every day you're going to see if there's any work for me.
00:04:19Every day the same thing.
00:04:21Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
00:04:23Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
00:04:26I'm getting sick and tired of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
00:04:30If you don't like it, why don't you ask your wife to fix something different for lunch?
00:04:34I'm not married.
00:04:35I make my own lunch.
00:04:37You just like to complain.
00:04:39Yeah, cheer up.
00:04:41You shouldn't complain.
00:04:42You shouldn't think negative while you're having food in your stomach.
00:04:45What's that?
00:04:46Some kind of Asian philosophy?
00:04:48As a matter of fact, Confucius.
00:04:50Ah, Confucius.
00:04:52Is that somebody like Ma Tse-Tung?
00:04:54Not quite.
00:04:56We've been working here for over two weeks.
00:04:58Anything exciting ever happen around here?
00:05:00Two weeks?
00:05:02What, you've been working around here two years?
00:05:03Let me tell you guys something.
00:05:05You guys are never going to make it in this life as long as you're working just for wages like me.
00:05:09I'm not suggesting you be a gangster like our boss Santos, but you can't work just for wages.
00:05:14Wait a minute, what did you say?
00:05:15I said you can't work just for wages.
00:05:17No, I mean about Santos being a gangster.
00:05:20Well, yeah.
00:05:21This whole place is just a front for his operations, for his smuggling.
00:05:27Yeah, it's common knowledge.
00:05:29Most of these crates are legit.
00:05:32But the special ones, the ones that are marked with the dragons, they carry the stuff that makes the real money.
00:05:38What do you think is in them?
00:05:45Nuclear warheads.
00:05:48Boy, I sure like to get my hands on some of those gold or diamond.
00:05:53Yeah, or a nuclear warhead.
00:05:58Hey, Chick, look.
00:06:00Here are some of those special crates.
00:06:05Boy, I'd sure like to sneak a look in one of these, wouldn't you?
00:06:08Yeah, maybe there are diamonds in there.
00:06:10We could put this right in job.
00:06:12I don't know about that.
00:06:13That would be stealing, but I sure am curious.
00:06:15We'd be only stealing from the gangsters.
00:06:18Well, that would make us just like them.
00:06:20Yeah, I guess so, but let's take a look anyway.
00:06:25I'll get a hammer.
00:06:27What if there's animal or snake, a lot of snake inside?
00:06:33Don't worry about it.
00:06:39Stop right there.
00:06:41What do you think you're doing?
00:06:43We accidentally dropped one of these crates here,
00:06:47and we were wondering if everything was all right.
00:06:50What if we accidentally drop you and see if you're all right?
00:06:54I don't think I like that.
00:07:02I think you're going to get it whether you like it or not.
00:07:04Hey, don't get tough with us.
00:07:06You include a smartass.
00:07:08You know who this guy is? Bruce Lee's original student.
00:07:11What about you? Are you one of Bruce Lee's students?
00:07:14No, I'm not. I was his teacher.
00:07:16I have taken on you karate expert before, and never caused me any trouble.
00:07:20It's kung fu, not karate, and I'm a lot of trouble.
00:07:25So why don't you guys forget this and let us get back to work, huh?
00:07:28You guys are true working here as soon as my boys are finished with you.
00:07:31I think you better change your mind because I promised Bruce not to fight.
00:07:35But if I have to, I will.
00:07:38That's right. That's the philosophy I taught Bruce.
00:07:41Avoid fights at all costs.
00:07:43You two guys are the biggest BS's I ever heard.
00:07:46I was going to go easy on you, but smartasses deserve what they get.
00:07:50I never was going to go easy on you.
00:07:52Let's drop these guys.
00:07:54No such luck, jerk.
00:08:00Get these guys out of here.
00:08:06Here are your drinks.
00:08:08Your sandwiches will be ready in just a few minutes.
00:08:11Say, are you guys okay?
00:08:13Yeah. We were just getting beat up by the entire cast of the Wild Bunch.
00:08:17We can take care of ourselves, but there was 20 of them.
00:08:20We didn't have a chance.
00:08:2120 of them?
00:08:22We knocked out five of them, but then the rest of those clowns jumped in.
00:08:26You knocked out five of them?
00:08:28You guys don't look that tough.
00:08:30Well, I'm not saying we're tough or not, but this is one of Bruce Lee's original students.
00:08:34Really? Is that right? Bruce Lee's student?
00:08:37I really like Bruce Lee. He's cute.
00:08:39I've seen most of his movies.
00:08:43Check here. I taught Bruce Lee when he was living in Oakland.
00:08:46You taught Bruce Lee?
00:08:48Well, yeah. I taught him a few techniques and tiger yell.
00:08:54He didn't have that tiger yell until I taught it to him in Oakland.
00:08:57Great. Could you do it?
00:08:58Do what?
00:08:59The tiger yell.
00:09:00Not here.
00:09:01Oh, come on, please. Just once.
00:09:03I don't know.
00:09:04Yeah, come on.
00:09:06Do a yell.
00:09:13That's it. That's the yell.
00:09:15Hey, Ro, the sandwiches are ready.
00:09:17Okay, okay. I'll be right back, you guys.
00:09:20I think she likes you. You ought to ask her out.
00:09:22You really think so?
00:09:23She bought the yell.
00:09:25Maybe I could teach her the yell.
00:09:27I bet she's good at it.
00:09:32Can we have some service over here?
00:09:34Hold on. There's only one of me.
00:09:36Here are your sandwiches.
00:09:37Looks like there's enough to go around.
00:09:39You get the ham and cheese, right?
00:09:42How long have you been working here?
00:09:43About six months.
00:09:44I haven't seen you guys in here before.
00:09:46This is our first time. We're going to be back a lot now.
00:09:48You better try the food first before you say that.
00:09:50Can we have some service over here? I'd like to order some food.
00:09:53Excuse me. I'm going to take a look.
00:09:55Can I help you?
00:09:56Yes. A couple of sandwiches. Make mine roast beef and two beers.
00:10:01I'll take a tuna sandwich, all right?
00:10:03Can I see your I.D.?
00:10:04I.D. for a tuna sandwich?
00:10:06For the beer.
00:10:07He's old enough.
00:10:08Then let me see your I.D.
00:10:09I'll have to show you anything.
00:10:11I don't have to bring you any beer.
00:10:13Lady, are you giving us a rough time?
00:10:16Hey, Phil.
00:10:18No I.D., no beer, right?
00:10:19That's right.
00:10:20Says who?
00:10:22Look, that's the law, and I'm the owner, and that's the way it's going to be.
00:10:26Okay. Give him a Coke, babe, and give me two beers.
00:10:31Is that okay?
00:10:32Well, that's okay.
00:10:33Okay. Fine. Great.
00:10:35Hey, isn't it great how we can communicate and they can understand us?
00:10:38I like it when people take time like this.
00:10:43What you two staring at? Food's in front of you.
00:10:46I've seen better behavior in a zoo.
00:10:49You probably live in a monkey house.
00:10:52Hey, I know you.
00:10:54You know me?
00:10:55I saved your life once.
00:10:58When was that?
00:10:59Today. I ran over a rat catcher.
00:11:15What's this for?
00:11:17Give it to your Chinese friend there.
00:11:19Have it back by Tuesday, and easy on the starch.
00:11:23Yeah, we don't like starch in our underwear,
00:11:25because when we ride our bikes, it's sort of hard on the butt, you know what I mean?
00:11:29You call those bikes?
00:11:31I've seen better bikes ridden by third graders.
00:11:34Hey, man, nobody makes fun of our bikes, all right?
00:11:37Hey, look, you can call me a yellow chicken fucking turkey buzzard,
00:11:41but nobody's going to talk bad about my bike.
00:11:43I'm going to pound you in the table, baby.
00:11:45We weren't talking about your bikes.
00:11:47We were just saying they were ruined, that's all.
00:11:49Yeah, right.
00:11:50Oh, now you've done it.
00:11:53Wait a second.
00:11:54You guys are going to fight.
00:11:55Why don't you eat your sandwiches first, pay your bill,
00:11:57then go outside and have your fun.
00:11:59But he started it, though.
00:12:00Yeah, we're going to finish it, so get out of the way, will you, please?
00:12:03Go on back to the kitchen, baby.
00:12:05Hey, don't fool with us.
00:12:06You know who this guy is?
00:12:08Well, let's see.
00:12:09He can't be the tidy boy, man.
00:12:11This is Bruce Lee's top student.
00:12:13That's right.
00:12:14Yeah, right.
00:12:15That's right.
00:12:16And he taught Bruce Lee some secret moves.
00:12:19Secret moves.
00:12:27We'll show you our secret move.
00:12:29Number one.
00:12:38Secret move number two.
00:12:43Hit him, Woody.
00:12:46All right, you guys, I'm calling the police.
00:12:48Tell you what, you better get out of here.
00:12:50Cancel our order.
00:12:51This is a family place here.
00:12:53Get out of here and don't come back.
00:12:56You know, chick, I think we should forget about this Bruce Lee student bit.
00:13:01It's got to work sometime.
00:13:03Hey, are you guys okay?
00:13:05I think so.
00:13:06Hey, Phil, get the first aid kit.
00:13:08Don't worry, guys, I'll clean you up.
00:13:10Hey, how about going out with me sometime?
00:13:12Not a chance.
00:13:13How about with me?
00:13:15Least of all with you, Bruce Lee student.
00:13:18And what about your tiger show?
00:13:20What happened to that?
00:13:27Chick, you always worry about the one that got away.
00:13:30You're going to get old before your time.
00:13:32Yeah, but it's bad for my ego, man.
00:13:34Don't worry about it.
00:13:35We're going to take a lot of chick with us.
00:13:38Why do you keep turning me down?
00:13:40It's okay.
00:13:42What do you think?
00:13:47Chick, what are you doing?
00:13:49Hey, look at this.
00:13:52Check them out.
00:14:02Looks like our luck's about to change.
00:14:04Let's go in and watch.
00:14:16Are you gentlemen interested in martial arts?
00:14:20Oh, yes, ma'am.
00:14:21We'd like to watch.
00:14:28The master will be with you shortly.
00:14:30Class is almost over.
00:14:33Thank you.
00:14:35Look at that movement.
00:14:36Boy, is she beautiful.
00:14:40Right punch in front of you.
00:14:41Speed of power.
00:14:44Everybody moves at the same time.
00:14:57I understand you gentlemen would like to learn the martial arts.
00:15:03Yeah, we...
00:15:05Yes, we'd like to watch.
00:15:07Who will you watch?
00:15:10It is said, only he who has studied his mental constitution
00:15:15knows his nature.
00:15:17And he who knows his nature
00:15:19knows himself.
00:15:40Yeah, we're interested in checking out the chicks.
00:15:42I mean, the forms.
00:15:44Yeah, the forms.
00:15:45Well, you would only waste your time
00:15:47to be observers.
00:15:51Did you see all the girls here?
00:15:53It's going to be like shooting ducks in a barrel.
00:15:55It's going to be like picking up girls in a karate school.
00:15:57That's what it's going to be like.
00:15:59Hey, my barrel's too long.
00:16:01Yeah, mine too.
00:16:03Yeah, this is wrapping around twice.
00:16:05Hey, let's make a deal.
00:16:07Hey, let's make a deal.
00:16:09No fighting over women.
00:16:11If one guy gets deep on the women,
00:16:13then it's off-limits to the other guy.
00:16:18I'll get the brunettes.
00:16:20You get the blondes.
00:16:38Uh, how do we get in that class over there?
00:16:41You will address all your instructors as senseis.
00:16:44As for classes,
00:16:46you will learn the basics first.
00:16:49Follow me.
00:16:56All right, you guys start kicking now.
00:16:58All right, move.
00:17:03All right, just keep on kicking.
00:17:22Why did you stop?
00:17:24It hurt.
00:17:26Did you hurt yourself?
00:17:30It hurt.
00:17:32If you only concentrate on your kicks,
00:17:34the pain will go away.
00:17:37Yes, Master.
00:17:39Junior Master.
00:17:41And you,
00:17:43and you better stop with those wisecracks.
00:17:46Or else.
00:17:50You understand now?
00:17:52You understand now?
00:18:01Hi, Kim.
00:18:03Hey there.
00:18:05Want a free pizza?
00:18:15We're almost there, Sensei.
00:18:17This is hard work, Sensei.
00:18:19How come nobody else helps us?
00:18:21This will teach you not to look at the women,
00:18:23but concentrate on your training.
00:18:32All right, now these are the street fighting techniques
00:18:34I want you to practice on.
00:18:35Practice hard.
00:18:36As soon as you accomplish these techniques,
00:18:39then we'll go on to something else.
00:18:42Hey, Bert.
00:18:45Hey, I figured out the problem we've been having with these chicks.
00:18:48Well, if you know, why don't you tell me about it?
00:18:50These are tough karate chicks, and we've been treating them too politely.
00:18:54I don't know.
00:18:56Remember that book on how to pick up girls?
00:18:58I heard about it.
00:18:59In that book, it said that women like men to talk dirty to them.
00:19:03Are you sure?
00:19:04Sure, I'm sure.
00:19:05In the book, they interviewed this woman,
00:19:07and she said that they like men to really talk dirty to them.
00:19:11Not all girls like it.
00:19:13Of course not.
00:19:14You've got to pick the right ones to talk that way to.
00:19:16You know, the real sexy ones.
00:19:18See those down there?
00:19:21See the one that's staying over there with the bag?
00:19:25I think she's the type. I can tell.
00:19:28Why? Why are you telling me about her?
00:19:30Why don't you give it a try?
00:19:31Because I give her to you.
00:19:33You give it to me?
00:19:34Yeah, I already got one for myself already picked out.
00:19:38I don't know.
00:19:39Go ahead. She's beautiful, man.
00:19:43Well, I'll give it a try.
00:19:46Yeah, that's the spirit.
00:19:49Talk dirty, huh?
00:20:10I work here.
00:20:11I'm also the owner of the Tropicana Nightclub downtown.
00:20:15How did I get all this?
00:20:17Hard work.
00:20:18The only way you can get by in this world is by working hard
00:20:22and being serious about what you do.
00:20:24But you two guys, you're not serious about anything.
00:20:29No, you let me.
00:20:37I want you two to go on a five-mile run now.
00:20:40Excuse yourself.
00:20:41Okay, sensei.
00:20:46I'll see you later.
00:20:47Okay, bye-bye.
00:20:51Wow, this is what I learned today.
00:20:59Hi, girls.
00:21:02How are you today?
00:21:03Not too good.
00:21:04We've got headaches.
00:21:07We've got headaches.
00:21:08Oh, yeah, we've got headaches.
00:21:10Come on.
00:21:16Five-mile run?
00:21:18How about a short walk to a pizza parlor?
00:21:20Good, I'm starved.
00:21:26This is the type of jogging I like.
00:21:28Yeah, you better ditch the rest of this.
00:21:30It gives you a good body feature on the waist.
00:21:36Less neck tire.
00:21:39Well, master, we're back.
00:21:51That was rough.
00:21:54So, I see.
00:21:55Five-mile run?
00:21:59Follow me.
00:22:09You will have to stay in this rack all day
00:22:13until you tell me how far you really ran.
00:22:16It was five-and-a-half miles, sensei, for sure.
00:22:19At least four-and-a-half miles.
00:22:22You have four-and-a-half miles for sure.
00:22:25Oh, I don't think so.
00:22:27But I will be back in a couple of hours,
00:22:30and I will ask you again.
00:22:33A couple hours?
00:22:41You come over?
00:22:42I was wondering if you could do us a favor and get us some water.
00:22:51What's she saying?
00:22:52How should I know?
00:22:53Well, you speak Chinese.
00:22:55She's speaking Japanese.
00:22:57You don't speak Japanese?
00:22:59Good thing you weren't born in Japan.
00:23:01How come?
00:23:03Because you wouldn't be able to speak to your parents.
00:23:07Water, water.
00:23:12Why don't you take a long walk off a short pier?
00:23:16And I hope you die of thirst.
00:23:22Master, I must talk to you now.
00:23:25All right, I have time for you.
00:23:27Those two new students, Bernie and Chick,
00:23:30I don't think it's going to work out.
00:23:32They are not interested in martial arts at all.
00:23:36I tried to get them to practice.
00:23:39I tried to teach them new techniques.
00:23:42But every time I turn my back,
00:23:45here they are chasing the girls,
00:23:48trying to pick up the girls.
00:23:51I'm losing patience.
00:23:53Is this a karate studio or a cat house?
00:23:57I agree with you, but I want them to stay.
00:24:01But why, Sensei?
00:24:03Because they are helping us to learn a lesson in patience.
00:24:06Remember, both of us are still students too.
00:24:10I might learn patience,
00:24:12but I also might end up in prison for manslaughter.
00:24:23Want to go out to dinner after class?
00:24:25I'm busy.
00:24:26Come on, give me a break. I'm really great.
00:24:30Really? Sensei thinks I'm good.
00:24:32Excuse me?
00:24:39Well, okay. Here's my number.
00:24:46What are you so excited about?
00:24:48The girl finally gave me her phone number.
00:24:50Which girl?
00:24:51The one at the karate school.
00:24:52Which one?
00:24:53The one with the long hair.
00:24:55Which one with the long hair?
00:24:57The Chinese one.
00:24:59Boy, that really narrows it down.
00:25:01Shh. It's ringing.
00:25:03Police Department. Sergeant Reeves.
00:25:09Hey, I'll call back.
00:25:13What is she saying?
00:25:15She's busy.
00:25:17Hey, Bernie. What's wrong with me?
00:25:20I'm a good guy. A decent human being.
00:25:22I never hurt anybody.
00:25:24How come all the girls are so mean to me?
00:25:26I'm not doing any better than you.
00:25:28Maybe we're trying too hard.
00:25:30Who wants to try anymore?
00:25:32What do you think?
00:25:34Do you want to quit the club?
00:25:36No. I might quit chasing those girls,
00:25:38but I'm not going to quit martial arts.
00:25:41Good. We'll stick to it then.
00:27:53All right.
00:27:54Check it out.
00:27:55Our IRS Statesman is equipped to hand you the interview now.
00:27:56Hey, wait a minute.
00:27:57I'll prove to you I'm a good fighter.
00:27:58I know some of that stuff too.
00:27:59Hey, Sunny.
00:28:00Isn't that that Bruce Lee student that we beat a while ago?
00:28:02Yeah, and that's Bruce Lee's goofball teacher.
00:28:05I did not know you taught Bruce Lee.
00:28:09He didn't know how to play chess until I taught him Sensei.
00:28:14Number 1.
00:28:16Number 1.
00:28:18This side!
00:28:22This side, this side!
00:28:23This side!
00:28:27Pretty tough, man.
00:28:31This side!
00:28:33What about you now?
00:28:34I gotta go check on those ballet tickets.
00:28:36You all right now?
00:28:38I think so.
00:28:40Man, that stuff's pretty good, man.
00:28:41You gotta show me how to do that.
00:28:42Sure, all you have to do is sign up for the classes.
00:28:45I think I will.
00:28:46Don't let him sign up, Sensei.
00:28:48He's a troublemaker.
00:28:49That's right, and this troublemaker will kick your butt, too.
00:28:52Well, let's see.
00:28:53Go for it, then.
00:28:54Wait, wait!
00:28:56If you want to fight,
00:28:58both of you have to wait until you become black belts.
00:29:01That will take three years, Sensei.
00:29:03No problem, I can wait.
00:29:05I'll be ready.
00:29:06Until then, no fighting,
00:29:09or both of you are out of the club.
00:29:14Yes, Sensei.
00:29:16Get ready, in three years, I'm gonna annihilate you.
00:29:22Boy, my pants are really getting some focus in.
00:29:25Good, me too, but my kicks are still weak.
00:29:33Hey, you can see the women's dressing room
00:29:35through this hole.
00:29:38Take a look, take a look.
00:29:39No, that's all right, man.
00:29:41What's the matter?
00:29:42Don't you like to look at naked girls?
00:29:44Of course I like looking at naked ladies,
00:29:46but there's a big difference
00:29:47in what he's doing and what I do.
00:29:49Well, I think last time you saw a naked girl
00:29:52was in a barbershop, on a wall.
00:29:55Listen, just keep it up, pal.
00:29:57Just remember what I first told you
00:29:59when I walked into this joint, all right?
00:30:03Look here, look here, look here.
00:30:56Chick, Bernie, these are the claws of the falcon.
00:31:02These masters will help you.
00:31:04Dedicate yourself, train hard.
00:31:07These masters will help you survive in the street.
00:31:10Some of the styles are Kung Fu, Taekwondo,
00:31:13Jodokan, Wonhapkido.
00:31:17These are the different styles that will help you.
00:33:24Sensei, you sent for me?
00:33:26Yes, we have a new student that just joined our club.
00:33:29I would like you to teach the basics.
00:33:31But the basics?
00:33:33Sensei, I was upstairs working on a new kata.
00:33:35I was wondering if this...
00:33:36Teaching what you already know will help you understand it much deeper.
00:33:40The basics?
00:33:41Do you understand the basics?
00:33:43Of course.
00:33:44Then I would like to see if you can teach the basics.
00:33:48All right.
00:33:49Where's the new student?
00:33:50In the dressing room.
00:33:52Do good.
00:33:53I want you to be responsible until the basics are learned.
00:33:58Ah, Cathy.
00:34:00This is Chick.
00:34:02He will help you with your basics.
00:34:06Yes, Sensei.
00:34:07Sensei, we'll work on the basics, all of the basics,
00:34:10until Chick's got them down really good.
00:34:18Hi. Welcome to the club.
00:34:20Well, thank you.
00:34:21Is this belt tight right?
00:34:26Looks good to me.
00:34:27That's the way I used to wear mine.
00:34:29Oh, by the way.
00:34:31You will address all your superiors as Sensei.
00:34:42That's tomorrow's lesson.
00:34:44You think about it tonight.
00:34:46We'll discuss it more tomorrow.
00:34:48That's all for tonight.
00:34:55You, here!
00:35:07Hey, Cathy. Cathy.
00:35:08Do you want to get something to eat across the street later?
00:35:11Sure. Sounds good.
00:35:12Okay. I'm going to do some stretches first.
00:35:14Okay. I'll go downstairs and change then.
00:35:26Can you go back upstairs to see if all the weapons are locked up?
00:35:30Yes, Sensei.
00:35:38Hey, Bernie. I'll see you later.
00:35:40Yeah. I've got to lock up the weapon for Sensei.
00:35:46Oh, Cathy. I was wondering if you're not busy.
00:35:48If we could...
00:35:49Sorry, but I'm busy.
00:35:51Oh. Okay.
00:36:01Don't worry about it.
00:36:07Thank you.
00:36:37Oh, I didn't think anyone was watching.
00:36:57It was nice.
00:36:58Thank you.
00:36:59Sonny goes up for his black belt soon, doesn't he?
00:37:03Are you still going to fight him?
00:37:06Well, he challenged me.
00:37:08I'm not going to run away.
00:37:10I'm just going to stand up and be a man.
00:37:13That's not being a man.
00:37:14That's being a boy who's trying to act like a man.
00:37:17Hmm. I don't know about that.
00:37:20Well, don't get yourself hurt.
00:37:23Oh? Anything you worry about me?
00:37:25I just think it's a waste to get hurt in a fight where you don't gain anything.
00:37:29I'll gain respect.
00:37:30Not mine.
00:37:32Hmm. You know what I think?
00:37:34I think you worry about me a little.
00:37:37Maybe a little.
00:37:39You know something, Tina?
00:37:41Ah! Ah! Ah!
00:37:44What's the matter?
00:37:45I got a cramp in my leg.
00:37:46Well, how convenient.
00:37:47No, really.
00:38:05Oh, God.
00:38:12Hi, Kathy. What's the matter?
00:38:14Oh, nothing.
00:38:16Well, you sure look beautiful.
00:38:18Thank you.
00:38:19Well, I guess I'll go out and get Bernie a hand.
00:38:22Um, he's busy.
00:38:24Well, I'll help him finish up.
00:38:27Better not.
00:38:28He's up there with Tina.
00:38:30They're getting acquainted.
00:38:32Lucky him.
00:38:34Um, well, I have plans with Tina tonight,
00:38:37but I think she's going to be busy.
00:38:40Say, uh, I wanted to talk to you something.
00:38:43We've been spending a lot of time together,
00:38:45and I was just thinking about all the time,
00:38:47and I actually spend hours trying to figure out
00:38:50all the time that I want to spend with you.
00:38:56Nice try, Romeo.
00:38:59What's happening here? What's happening?
00:39:01Sensei, I was just staying in a hot tub.
00:39:03Oh, come on, kid. Get out of there.
00:39:06Uh, is Bernie finished up there?
00:39:09Not yet, Sensei.
00:39:11He'll be coming down soon, Sensei.
00:39:13What's happening? I'll go see what's keeping him.
00:39:15Don't go up there, Sensei.
00:39:17Sensei, don't go up there.
00:39:24Oh, God, that feels so good.
00:39:27Don't stop. Keep going.
00:39:29What's going on?
00:39:30Oh, hi, Sensei. I got a cramp in my leg.
00:39:33Bernie was taking care of it.
00:39:35All right. When both of you are done,
00:39:37you can come on downstairs.
00:39:41That was close. Quit thinking, Bernie.
00:39:43They don't call me Fast Bernie for nothing.
00:39:45Well, I hope they don't call you Fast Bernie for everything.
00:39:48Fast Bernie for everything.
00:40:18Fast Bernie for everything.
00:40:48Fast Bernie for everything.
00:41:18Fast Bernie for everything.
00:41:48Fast Bernie for everything.
00:42:09What are you doing, Bernie?
00:42:11Oh, just resting.
00:42:13You tired?
00:42:16What you got there
00:42:19Well, it's something I want to give it a ring to you
00:42:26It's not worth much, but it belonged to my father. I can't take your father's ring. I
00:42:34want you to wear it, but
00:42:37First I want to read the inscription that my father had
00:42:42engraved here inside
00:42:47a journey of thousand mile begins with one step and
00:42:53With that one step your future begins
00:42:58What will the future brings
00:43:01No one knows
00:43:05But one thing is certain if a man
00:43:09Listened to his stomach he forgets his head now if you listen to his head he forget his heart
00:43:22Now if you listen to his heart he forgets everything
00:43:29By forgetting everything his life becomes uncertain
00:44:28Because Sonny has advanced to the rank of black belt the match between him and Bernie will now take place I
00:44:36Do not approve of such a match, but a promise is a promise
00:44:41Sometimes a match of this type does not provide us with an answer to the problem
00:44:46but a
00:44:48Challenge was served and accepted and I will honor it. Are you ready?
00:44:56Yes, hey begin
00:46:22Yeah, yeah
00:46:44All right, hey, hey, what are you guys celebrating? Oh, we just beat the hell out of each other
00:46:49Yeah, who won
00:47:01In that cute they've been waiting for three years to turn another's head off now, they're finally going steady
00:47:07Makes you sick to your stomach, doesn't it?
00:47:10Well, I don't know. I think it's kind of nice. I really like happy endings
00:47:15You know speaking of going steady I was thinking about what
00:47:21Well, we've known one another for three years
00:47:25And we've been kind of friendly. Yeah, go on and I was thinking
00:47:32Chick you're really sweet
00:47:38You're such a jerk
00:47:40You and Bernie you're misfits
00:47:42You're misfits
00:47:44Especially you I'm really surprised. We've been sitting here for ten whole minutes and you haven't spilled anything
00:47:52Could you imagine if I asked you to come over and visit my relatives?
00:47:56You probably trip over a coffee table and end up in a bowl of soup or something
00:48:01But I know you like me and I know you really care. I'm not blind
00:48:10For tonight
00:48:12I'm going to ask you to come over to my house. I
00:48:15Think you deserve that but do me a favor chick on the way out of here
00:48:20Try not to trip over anything and when we get to my place don't trip over the furniture and please
00:48:28Don't trip over me
00:48:32I'll see what I can do
00:48:33Great. Come on. Let's go
00:48:40Yeah, yeah, this is Santos I've got the special shipment you were asking for good I'm glad to hear that
00:48:47I have a feeling we're gonna need those articles real soon. When can you deliver? When can you come up with the money?
00:48:53We've got money
00:48:54Our organization is financed by the people the people deal strictly in cash
00:48:59That's good because my operation doesn't take credit cards. Now, where do we make the trade?
00:49:04How about your place? Are you kidding? I don't want you bunch showing up in my place
00:49:09You know that Hudson junkyard off Highway 17
00:49:13We can find it then. I'll deliver the shipment to you there on Tuesday at about noon. We'll be there
00:49:20Just don't forget the money. Yeah, right
00:49:24All right. Looks like we're in business. We're gonna dig up the money boss
00:49:28The only thing we're gonna dig up is that hoods body
00:49:32We're gonna take all the boys out to that junkyard
00:49:35Pick up the goods and then we're gonna clean house
00:49:37Yeah, pass the word on to our guys
00:49:39Hudson junkyard Tuesday
00:49:43High noon
00:49:47I smell a double-cross boss. I don't think the boys gonna pay so easily. I don't think so either
00:50:03Yeah, this is Santos
00:50:05Yeah, this is Santos I'm gonna need the ninja today at the Hudson junkyard off Highway 17
00:50:13Have them sneak in be careful not to be seen. I think there'll be another group hiding in there
00:50:20Good just don't to stay in hiding unless I get in trouble and if fighting breaks out
00:50:27Same as always kill the bad guys
00:50:30Santos you and I had a bad guys
00:50:33Maybe you're right, but we're the winners. My ninja will be there soon. Good luck Santos, right?
00:50:40Well, they should take care of any double-cross
00:50:43The ball if trouble starts should be the first one to kill
00:50:47Not me. I'm not going. Oh, I'll be there but it's a chauffeur
00:50:51I'm gonna let one of those mission street hoods with dealing they'll kill him. Not me. Which guy are you gonna set up?
00:50:58One that thinks isn't tight with me, but that's getting a little too big for his riches Tony limos
00:51:03Oh, that's cigar smoking dude. That's hung up on himself. That's the one good put an extra bullet in for me
00:52:00Stay there
00:52:23Look at this hit Santos. Yeah a good old ex-boss
00:52:27I can't believe he's dealing dope right on the street. I should allow to get a glitz on him
00:52:43Let's give it a try let's follow him I'll get the car. Hey, Sonny. I'll check you later
00:53:04We'll be there in a minute
00:54:03Who's the camel jockey that ain't your business where the guns want us here damn, right
00:54:45Excellent got 70 of them right and 80 Browning handguns all nice and neatly wrapped bang
00:54:52Bang uh-huh
00:54:55Heavy duty now we all see about the big payback
00:54:59The ammunitions in a truck at first. I want to see some money
00:55:03You get your money when people have been freed from their masters when the wealth has been equally distributed and the industrial complex is falling
00:55:11Then you'll get your money
00:55:13Listen, buddy. This is a COD business
00:55:17You get no merchandise until I get the cash you understand I think it's you who doesn't understand
00:55:23Your money will be worth nothing when the people take control
00:55:26We will all rise up all the workers of America, and then we'll take what's ours
00:55:32You are very foolish my friend
00:55:34The people don't want revolution now
00:55:37They want television gadgets in my country we have always fought for what we believe in
00:55:43Here the people believe in nothing, and they will not fight
00:55:47The only people that will take to the streets will be your women and your man who preferred to live as women
00:55:54We will fight and we'll take those guns now
00:56:10What the hell is this
00:59:06Want those to followed and killed and anyone else they talk to I
00:59:18Just got a feeling we're not out of this yet, I agree so we need some firepower
00:59:24Where can we get some guns better than that we need a fast gun a quick draw on a dead eye shot
00:59:30Somebody can pull her gun cock it fire and shoot the eye out of a one-eye jack before you can cut wind that's fast
00:59:36Fastest I've ever seen where'd you meet him when I was in Vietnam
00:59:40This is where he lives. I just hope he's home the catch is will he join us by risking his life
00:59:46That's not the catch to him. That's the fun
01:00:00Hey, bro. Remember me chick Henderson Vietnam
01:00:04Come on, this is my buddy birdie and we're in some serious trouble. He wanted to talk with you
01:00:11What seems to be the problem? Well, we got involved some gangsters and got some trained killers after us
01:00:17Yeah, this cats don't carry guns and chicks that you are fast for your gun not fast
01:00:27What do you say can you give us a hand
01:00:29Yeah, as a matter of fact, it's been a very slow year and I've been itching for something to happen
01:00:35It'll be dangerous dangerous
01:00:38Punk have you ever been to Vietnam?
01:00:41No, well, then you don't know what dangerous is. I used to lead my squads in the most cong infested areas and
01:00:48oftentimes I
01:00:49Was the only one to come out alive
01:00:51Sound like a tough place to live
01:00:56You just have to know how to live
01:00:59Lot of the troops I worked with were good men good technicians good shots
01:01:04Some of them he copied me
01:01:06started carrying sidearms
01:01:09But they didn't have the edge
01:01:11you see
01:01:13Just before they would think about it to draw their gun. They would stand there and blink and I draw breath or think it over
01:01:23I won't
01:01:24To me to draw and fire are one in the same I think a man dead and baby is cleared leather
01:01:31Fired and holstered all in the time it took for me to think it
01:01:41I thought you said he was fast fast. I'll show you fast
01:01:57That was nice Tina, thank you sensei is anyone else working in the other rooms just sunny down in the courtyard
01:02:05You seem tired since it you want me to walk on your back. Oh, they'd be nice Tina. They'll be nice
01:02:17How's that sensei
01:02:19That's good almost as good as my wife, yes
01:02:24Almost that good. Do you ever see her anymore sensei? Oh, no. She's still in Tokyo
01:02:30Why did you split up? Oh, I'm serration of ass. Oh, that's all right
01:02:36She likes Tokyo nightlife. I just wanted to train and come to America
01:02:42So here I am training in America. She's probably dancing with someone in some Tokyo nightclub right now
01:02:49That's all right. It works for both of us
01:03:03I have arranged everything I live for San Francisco in two weeks. I'm happy for you
01:03:09I was hoping you would change your mind. No, I haven't changed my mind and I never will
01:03:14Why are you so stubborn about this I
01:03:17Understand why you want to go to the United States and I also understand why you dedicated your life to martial arts
01:03:24But you have to understand that my life is here in Tokyo not over there
01:03:30What you're really saying? It's not with me. I like you each year old and I respect you
01:03:36You are fine, man
01:03:38But I live in the 1980s you live 200 years ago
01:03:44The samurai are long dead. So is that way of life?
01:03:52Don't you ever want to get married again sensei? Oh, yes, that'd be good. Well, why don't you oh
01:04:00Because no one in their right mind is asking. Well, I'll keep my eyes open for a samurai type wife
01:04:06Oh, that'd be nice. You know you do that
01:04:09Hey Tina
01:04:12What is it say
01:04:14Where's chicken Bernie at?
01:04:19Well, I was walking with them down the street then we just started dancing and then all sudden Bernie just waved goodbye and I was it
01:04:26Well, they'll show up sometime
01:04:28What's going on what you guys doing we're being chased by ninjas what ninjas don't you ever watch any martial arts movies
01:04:35Of course I do. But what are you guys talking about? I'm talking about real ninjas. You're just imagining things. Hey, hey, wait a minute
01:04:44Since hey, we need help. What's the matter? We got a brothel gangsters ninjas are after us
01:04:52Need help what's the matter? We got a brothel gangsters ninjas are after us
01:04:58There goes my massage. We're serious. Like I said, that's just your imagination
01:05:09Honey meet my imagination
01:06:05It's everybody over here, what do we do now sensei we need time to think this out
01:06:13Somewhere where there's a lot of people so they won't attack us how much in your master's nightclub good. Let's get changed
01:06:23What's going on here
01:06:30We're gonna go to a nightclub
01:06:33Yes, we'll take her the ninjas might have seen her come in. I want to keep all of you together
01:06:39I'll join you there later. What are you gonna do since I?
01:06:43prepare myself
01:08:37Action del momento
01:08:59Do you think we're safe in here Bernie? Yeah, the ninjas only want us they won't try to do anything in this crowd
01:09:05Yeah, but one of these times they're gonna waste us, too
01:09:09Sensei would get here
01:09:14Hey, how's it going I never seen all yous here at one time
01:09:20Celebrating something. Well to tell the truth. Yeah, you know, we just
01:09:26Yeah, we just want to see how junior masters club is doing
01:09:30You girls look a little nervous. What's wrong? We're looking out for trouble
01:09:35There's no trouble in this place as long as I'm head bouncer
01:09:40Guy come in one time and got out of line
01:09:43Kicked his butt right out the door
01:09:46Worked him over a little bit just so he can tell his friends when they come in the club get out of line
01:09:53Get your butt kicked. I remember one night. This guy came in with his girlfriend
01:09:58Do you want an impressor by taking me on? I?
01:10:03Dropped them on his butt
01:10:05The guy who starts to get up has a switchblade knife. I pulled out my pistol and pointed right at his chicharrones
01:10:12He looked at me
01:10:14by the expression on his face I
01:10:17Can tell the guy said hey if I come at this guy with this knife
01:10:22He's gonna blow my chicharrones all over the place and I won't have no more senoritas
01:10:27Did that really happen? Yeah, let's just say everybody that comes into the club. Here's a story like that
01:10:33That's why there's no trouble here, right exactly that's so well have a good evening, huh?
01:10:51Hi everybody
01:10:52What a nice surprise
01:10:55What's going on?
01:10:57We got some trouble
01:11:00What is it?
01:11:03Ninjas ninjas
01:11:15Someone get the fuse box
01:11:18Bernie check get the flight lights or in the office. Yes. Okay. Everybody remain calm
01:12:02Don't know
01:12:16Hey, look at this
01:12:21There's nothing wrong with the power
01:12:26What happened here I don't know I came over to get my coat I saw that man
01:12:32Was drunk or something? I went to get him up and I realized he was
01:12:44It's being strangled
01:12:48Listen everyone you must remain here. There is a little matter like the police
01:12:57Please ladies and gentlemen, I need your cooperation
01:13:01Remain calm until the police arrives. Are you kidding? Didn't you see that guard?
01:13:08His spine was snapped like a candlestick man. I'm not going to hang around here and let that happen to me
01:13:13No way Jose and you or nobody else is going to stop me see
01:13:20you know, I
01:13:21Think Ramiro's got the right idea
01:13:32Was that so bad?
01:13:35The lights are back on and nobody
01:13:38But nobody got hurt, but our guard you mean no one yet
01:13:46You know what friend you just may be right
01:13:52Now that everyone is in agreement Tomas call the cops
01:14:19Look ninja Mateo go get the toys from the back room
01:14:37Oh, hey, what's on the roof what's going on, huh?
01:14:47La Jave what the key where's the key? I don't have it. Okay get in that side
01:14:55Move now
01:15:36How do we get out
01:16:24Stick close to me. It's gonna be a long night. I heard that get ready here tomorrow
01:17:03Look sensei the ninja only after us
01:17:06Maybe we should take our chances on the street before any more innocent people get hurt. I sound good dick. I agree
01:17:11I'm coming to heaven. No with a broken arm. Get yourself to a hospital and get fixed up
01:17:16Oh, I need is one. I know
01:17:19Listen to me and go to the hospital
01:17:21All right, everybody ready
01:17:24What about the girls the girls to stay? No, no, the girls coming with us. I keeping everybody together
01:17:30Is everybody ready? All right, when we hit the streets, I want you guys keep up with me
01:17:35All right, let's go
01:17:55This is a ladies exercise class I didn't notice
01:17:59Look miss I run the night cloud down the block and we have some problems now. Well, what kind of trouble it's hard to explain
01:18:05What's your point? What's your phone?
01:18:12Bones did really work fast. Here we go again. Get ready
01:20:48Where's the girls the ninjas gonna they should I stay at the club where they take off? I don't know sensei think yes
01:20:57Anything the ninjas work for Santos. Sure. They took him to Santos Santos
01:21:03Where is this Santos only place we know of is his warehouse? All right, and that's where we going
01:21:10Let's go in for a penny in for a pound one for and all for one. Let's kick butt
01:21:21What a bunch of jerks
01:22:03Hey, this place is empty
01:22:09Are you sure this is it? Yeah, we used to work here. I
01:22:18Feel like we're walking into Dodge City Dodge City is nothing compared to what we've been through
01:22:25Hey, look, that is the girls
01:22:32It's a trap get ready
01:22:44Nobody fools with my organization
01:22:57Let's make
01:24:09Yeah, can I speak to Jack it's an emergency
01:24:32In the fifth
01:27:18Today we honor three of our students because of their bravery and their skill in the rescue of two of our
01:27:26female students
01:27:28Because of this they will receive the special medal of the Falcon