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00:00I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not, but let's try it anyway.
00:30I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not, but let's try it anyway anyway.
01:01Another sale!
01:03It looks like it's going up again today.
01:08How much will it go up?
01:14Yeah, it's going up that much.
01:16I think it'll go up about 20% by noon.
01:20I should have bought it without giving up.
01:25It's still going up a little bit.
01:27I'm sure Amartine has about 800 silver coins.
01:31What if it goes up by 20%?
01:33It's 960, right?
01:37Then he'll immediately cut down on his assets,
01:40twist out the remaining 40 silver coins,
01:42and complete the contract.
01:47Before the poison of trust shows its effect.
01:51The poison of trust?
01:56Not yet.
01:57Diana is still using it.
02:01If Horo had been with her all the time,
02:04Amartine might have gained a lot of wisdom.
02:11Another sale.
02:13I didn't expect it to come this far.
02:15No, it's still going up.
02:18How much is it now?
02:19All right, that's good!
02:24This is bad.
02:32I knew it.
02:33Amartine was the one who signed the contract with Diana.
02:37But even if Amartine wins,
02:39Lawrence will get the money, right?
02:41That's right.
02:43Then it's a success as a merchant, right?
02:46But there's a lot to lose.
02:49No matter how much money you make,
02:51you'll never be able to buy it again.
02:54I think it's okay to sell it now.
02:56No, it's too much.
02:57It's definitely still going up.
02:59Are you taking advantage of the stock of alchemists?
03:03Didn't you sign the contract after you made a deal to buy it?
03:06Unfortunately, I didn't have time for that.
03:09Someone has already come to buy it.
03:12I will negotiate.
03:14Where will Lawrence be caught tomorrow?
03:18It's still going up.
03:20It's still going up.
03:22It's going up again.
03:24That's great. How far is it going to go?
03:26It's going up.
03:27It's not a business anymore.
03:29I thought it would be a waste if it was a thousand silver coins.
03:38Is he looking for it, too?
03:40It's a sale.
03:41It's a sale.
03:43How much is it?
03:45I'm sorry.
03:46Please let me through.
03:55It's a sale again.
03:59It's a sale.
04:00It's a sale.
04:01It's a sale.
04:02It's a sale.
04:03It's a sale.
04:04It's a sale.
04:05It's a sale.
04:09I'm sorry.
04:12Oh, it's you.
04:13There was a person who wanted to make a payment of wheat by stone.
04:18How much?
04:19250 pieces.
04:23As soon as possible.
04:29It's a sale.
04:30You have to sell more.
04:32Sales are increasing.
04:33I'm going to buy it.
04:34This is the right time.
04:36It's not going down.
04:39Amartine bought 500 pieces of iron ore from Lawrence.
04:43It's not a real thing.
04:44It's a small book.
04:46The real thing will be handed over this evening.
04:54Do you know what that means?
04:57A book that looks like it's going to fall asleep will sell.
05:00If it's going to fall asleep, I don't think it's going to sell.
05:03That's right.
05:04No one would touch such a dangerous thing.
05:08If the market price goes down and the price of the original stone is back to normal,
05:12The book I bought with 500 pieces of silver will be a piece of paper.
05:18The person who had it until the end was destroyed.
05:21That's right.
05:22That's the poison of selling trust.
05:31As expected of the ceiling.
05:33I can't stand it now.
05:35That's enough.
05:36He's in a hurry.
05:42Mr. Horo.
05:43Mr. Horo.
05:48It's a big deal.
05:54I'm at my limit.
05:57I don't have much money to buy now.
06:02If I sell everything I have...
06:06It's impossible.
06:07It's impossible?
06:08It's a big deal.
06:12It's moving a lot.
06:14No, it's still going up.
06:15There's still a chance.
06:27If I had 400 pieces of steel from Mr. Diana now,
06:32I'm sure the market price would go up.
06:36If I had 400 pieces of steel from Mr. Diana now,
06:41If I had 400 pieces of steel from Mr. Diana now,
06:43Mr. Loren!
06:48Mr. Loren!
06:50I'm sorry to keep you waiting.
06:51It's 250 pieces of silver.
06:56What's wrong?
07:01I should have waited for Mr. Diana to use it.
07:06Is he coming?
07:09That's right.
07:10I just gave up on that line once.
07:15If I'm going to sell,
07:19I have to do it now before the market price goes up.
07:25It's here!
07:26It's a big deal!
07:27Hey, how much is it?
07:36I'm at the top of the market!
07:37What's going on?
07:38I'm at the top of the market!
07:39I'm at the top of the market!
07:40I'm at the top of the market!
07:41What's going on?
07:42The price...
07:43has gone up.
07:45The wind...
07:47has changed.
07:49If this keeps up,
07:50I'll have to wait for Mr. Diana to use it.
08:02There's no mistake.
08:03There's no doubt about it. Amarty is aware of the poison of trust.
08:12There's no time. Please, hurry! Please!
08:17Are you Lawrence-san?
08:22You're Lawrence-san, right?
08:26I have a message from Diana-san.
08:28I'm sorry.
08:33I failed to negotiate.
08:37Diana-san told me that you still wouldn't tell me.
08:44I'm sorry I didn't live up to your expectations.
08:49Excuse me.
09:09Oh, I'm sorry.
09:12You must have had a hard time this time.
09:16No, it's not like that.
09:18Can you tell Mark that the plan has failed?
09:25Well, Amarty will give you 1,000 pieces of silver.
09:28As a merchant, you should be happy.
09:31Here, take this.
09:42Are you going to give up?
09:44My husband always tells me not to give up so easily.
09:48The God of money doesn't come to those who pray.
09:53He comes to those who don't give up.
09:58I've always liked you since the first time I saw you.
10:05But my husband told me that if I told you that in front of Lawrence-san,
10:12he would kill me!
10:18I want to kill you.
10:23I want to hit you as hard as I can.
10:26I want to hit myself.
10:31I forgot.
10:33Those who don't give up are the ones who observe hopelessly.
10:40And I'm one of them.
10:42I'm one of them.
10:44A merchant makes a plan, predicts it, and deals with facts.
10:50If you sell that, this will happen.
10:52If you buy this, that will happen.
10:54That kind of hypothesis is important.
10:56But you can make as many hypotheses as you want.
10:59So if you make too many, you'll get lost.
11:03You'll think that any business is full of danger.
11:06So you should have a guide so that you won't get lost.
11:09That's the only thing a merchant needs.
11:13If you can trust that, you should believe in the guide,
11:21no matter how ridiculous it is.
11:30If I sell rocks on the street, please spread the rumors I asked you to.
11:38Do you believe in God?
11:42I'm counting on you.
11:51You came again.
11:56It's a sale.
12:01This is also a sale.
12:06I'm sorry.
12:08Unlike someone else, you were an adult-like beauty.
12:20It's a sale! How much is it?
12:29It's a big sale!
12:31It's a big sale!
12:33Get out of the way!
12:34Get out of the way!
12:35Hurry up!
12:36Get out of the way!
12:38Get out of the way!
12:45Hurry up!
12:59As a result, Amartey didn't lose much,
13:03but he had a psychological blow.
16:51俺はこれまで商売に明け暮れてきて これからもそのつもりだ
16:56That's why you shouldn't think too much about anything else.
17:03Even so, I want to go on a journey with you.
17:09What is your master's name?
17:14I can't express it in words.
17:21What's with that salty line?
17:23You like salty star meat, don't you?
17:28I hate it!
17:35I have something I want to ask you, too.
17:40How did you make a promise to buy Ootekko from Diana?
17:45I don't know.
17:51I've heard a lot about you from Wakazuo.
17:54I know what you're trying to do.
17:58I'm going to praise you for coming up with that idea.
18:03So, did you tell Diana?
18:05I told her for a different purpose.
18:08A different purpose?
18:10I can tell where it is from the smell of the letter.
18:13It's hard to find a place that smells like a hot spring.
18:17I told her.
18:19I told her to tell you that the only one is still somewhere.
18:25But that little girl ignored my request.
18:30Is that so?
18:34I'm ashamed of myself.
18:37I was going to ask you for a favor, but you came.
18:42I'm sorry.
18:47I'm sorry.
18:48That's why that little girl came up with an unnecessary plan.
18:53She said she'd find out what you were up to.
19:00Well, then.
19:01Excuse me.
19:05Good luck.
19:09I'm going to listen to your stupid questions.
19:17I have a question.
19:19What is it?
19:20Is there a story about a strange god and a human being...
19:24...being together?
19:30There are many.
19:32There are many stories about a strange god and a human being.
19:37If you want to hear them, I don't mind.
19:41But instead...
19:43...be nice to me.
19:47Just kidding!
19:49I don't feel good after talking to that little girl.
19:55Did you notice that she's not a human?
20:00There were a lot of feathers in her room.
20:02That's the little girl's.
20:04Is that so?
20:05She used to be a bigger bird than you.
20:08She fell in love with the god of travel...
20:10...and spent a long time with him building a church.
20:15But the god was suspicious of the little girl who never grew old.
20:19You know the rest, right?
20:28I want to go back to my hometown.
20:31Even if I die.
20:45People do fancy things.
20:48Yeah, it's amazing.
20:52I want to go back to my hometown.
20:55Even if I die.
21:11Shall we go too?
21:13I guess so.
21:14I don't mind being passionate like that doll.
21:19I guess I'll be fine as long as I'm drunk.
21:22Who's going to release me if I get drunk on Nishima?
21:26You idiot!
22:26I'm always looking at you.
22:30Don't look at me like that.
22:31Hello, is someone waiting for me at home?
22:34I'm hungry, right?
22:36My nose is sticking out of my ears.
22:37Yes, I smell something delicious.
22:40I'm chasing after your shadow.
22:42I can't reach you, so I'll try again.
22:44I'll lose my mood today.
22:46Let's go on a trip!
22:48Even if I die.
22:50Yeah, it's amazing.
22:52I don't mind being passionate like that doll.
22:55Hey, try to bite me a little.
22:58I'm crying, I'm crying.
23:00I'm being dyed in apple color.
23:04It was sweeter than usual.
23:08The taste of love overflows.
23:12Hey, did you notice?
23:14I wonder why.
23:16I'm happy when I'm with you.
23:20Even if I'm worried.
23:22Even if I'm sad.
23:24You're the only one next to me.
23:28I noticed.
23:30I wonder why.
23:32You're the only one who shines.
23:44Next time, on The Girl in the Church and the Boy in the Powder.