Scottish Football Results Show Matchday 2 part 1

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David Currie goes around the grounds bringing the latest scores in the Scottish leagues.


00:00Hello, good afternoon and welcome once again to the Results Show, week two of the new SPFL
00:14League season, keeping us company and keeping me right for the next hour or so. Our Julie
00:18Fleeting and Cammie Bell, welcome folks. We will bring you scores, reports, results and
00:23reaction to this afternoon's matches. We'll start at Hampden Park, the temporary home
00:28to Rangers and Martin Dowd this afternoon as he's watching Rangers against Motherwell.
00:33Yes, it's Rangers 2, Motherwell 1-2-1 going on, 4-5-1 at one stage, but Motherwell have
00:40dug in and remain very much in the contest. They were almost blown away though by an excellent
00:44Rangers opening, full of pressure and intensity. Vaclav Cerny on a very impressive first start,
00:50Fed Scott right early on, he rounded the goalkeeper, saw Paul McGinn get back and block before
00:55squaring for Dessers and his shot was brilliantly blocked by the goalkeeper. It was a sign of
00:59things to come and the goal arrived when Ridvan found Diamonde, he nodded down to Dessers
01:04and he netted his second and three this season. He has his critics, but he does find a net
01:10more than that. Criticism suggests wave after wave of attack followed that, but incredibly
01:16Motherwell levelled. It was Seddon who put a ball in from the left, it took a nick, that
01:20outfoxed the debutant Robin Proper and he toe-poked it past Jack Butland and goal to
01:26get Motherwell level. Rangers undeterred though, they went up the park, Wright had won disallowed
01:30before Cerny produced an absolutely brilliant goal, bending finish and how quickly he's
01:36made an impression. 2-1, it got scrappy after that, Motherwell suffered a few knocks here
01:41and there, they've suffered a lot of injuries already this season, but they've stayed in
01:44the game. This second half been a bit more even, fewer chances, Dessers did have won,
01:48he could have played in McCausland but fired over, but I could not imagine this score line
01:52after half an hour, it's still Rangers 2, Motherwell 1. Just one more game, a foot in
01:58the top division, it's between Ross County and Dundee United, Ian Auld is watching that
02:03one. Yeah, good afternoon David, 73 minutes played here in Dingwall where Dundee United
02:09leads Ross County by one goal to nail Arabs captain David Babunski with the opener and
02:14his third goal for the club two minutes after the restart, superb work down the left-hand
02:19side from Will Ferry and he pulled it back for the Macedonian who rolled the ball past
02:24Ross Laidlaw. Jim Goodwin's men should have been in front 17 seconds into the game when
02:29Jörg van der Sand robbed Will Nightingale, raced through and eventually squared for Miller
02:34Thompson who somehow blazed over from four yards out. County have had opportunities too,
02:39the best chance coming from the penalty spot on 23 minutes but Jack Walton made a save
02:44down low to his right-hand side to stop Eamon Brophy from scoring with about 15 minutes
02:49to go or so and it's Ross County nil, Dundee United 1. Thanks Ian, well Julie, Cammie chose
02:55a good week to be off last week didn't he, skipped it last weekend, there was no goals
02:59in the top division in our show but today we've got goals in both games. Julie, Rangers
03:04at Hampden, we're watching the pictures and I was saying to you, it kind of looks like
03:07a cup final doesn't it? Yeah, it's quite bizarre to see them there for a league game
03:12but I mean it's a decent pitch, we were looking at the pitch and were impressed with the surface,
03:17the playing surface and so far the game's going Rangers way, they got that goal up,
03:24Motherwell done really well to get back into the game, bit of a freak goal to be honest,
03:28they hadn't really created an awful lot of opportunities and were really fortunate to
03:32get an own goal from Proper but very quickly get back into the game and they have been
03:36dominant but we know 2-1's a really risky scoreline, all it takes is a set piece, a
03:42mistake at the back and Motherwell could be right back in the game. Have you got a feel
03:46for Motherwell Cammie, I think they've got 8 or 9 players injured and a couple of players
03:50injured in the first half as well. Yeah listen, it's been a tough start to the season for
03:54Shute Kettlewell and Motherwell injury wise but listen, they've hung in in this game and
03:58as Julie says, Rangers need that next goal because 2-1 is very dangerous, they had another
04:03opportunity there, it was a corner from Tavernier and Sterling was unmarked and heads over,
04:09so they need to find that edge to get that goal because Motherwell want this to continue
04:14to the last five minutes and then just start throwing bodies at it and as Julie says, you
04:18never know what can happen from a set piece or anything else. A couple of Rangers new
04:21boys making an impact? Yeah I mean Cherney for one, has had a great first half, his goal
04:28is absolutely outstanding, he manages just very cleverly to pick up a bit of space, he's
04:35not playing out wide, he drifts in from the touchline and he finds himself in a lot of
04:41space, probably from a Motherwell point of view they'll be disappointed they didn't get
04:44somebody close enough to him but he takes his touch inside onto his left foot and from
04:49the edge of the box he just curls the ball into the top corner, so it was a brilliant
04:53second goal for Rangers and I'm sure he's a player that will excite the fans. And Martin
04:59talking about serial deathers, he is oft maligned but he's scored a couple of goals this week?
05:05Yeah he has and listen we know that he can score goals and he always pops up with important
05:09moments which he did with the last kick of the ball against Kiev and again he's done
05:16it today, he scores goals, it's just in the number of chances that he also misses and
05:21opportunities, I don't think he's an instinctive striker, but I just think there's times he
05:26takes too many touches and I think he should have learnt by now that he needs to get shots
05:30away, the more shots he gets away I think the more goals he scores as well, he's just
05:34not an instinctive striker for me but I still think he's a very important player for Rangers
05:38at this moment in time. Just Motherwell have just had a really good
05:41opportunity there to level it and Jack Butlin's made a brilliant save, it's a shot from the
05:47edge of the box from Robinson, it's a great save because it bounces up in front of him
05:53and these are the moments that they need to be careful of because if that hits the back
05:57of the net they find themselves at 2-2 and they're chasing trying to get back into the
06:01game. Well I was going to say in terms that was
06:02Robinson another good shot, I've watched him, I've watched him in the Partick Thistle game
06:06and he looks as though he's on the cusp of scoring a barrel load of goals, I don't know
06:12if that's how it's going to transpire but Motherwell need to find a replacement for
06:15Baird don't they? Yeah they do, which is always difficult, we
06:18said that when Van Veen moved on but also Blair Spittles left who was involved with
06:22a number of goals for Motherwell so it's going to be difficult to replace these people for
06:27Motherwell but they need to find somebody, somebody needs to step up to the plate.
06:30Let's drop into the Championship and Amy Canavan is going to step up to the plate now, she
06:35is watching Dunfermline against Falkirk, good afternoon to you Amy.
06:39Afternoon David, I'm going to attempt to do so anyway, the wind is whirling here, my hair
06:43is in my face, when will I learn to put my hair in a bobble?
06:46It was a brilliant start from the Bairns and from Ross McKeever, his goal after six minutes
06:50is still the difference here at East End Park where it is Dunfermline nil, Falkirk 1.
06:55Keelan Adams down the right hand flank had the freedom of the kingdom to batter down
06:59to the byline and pick out McKeever, it wasn't his cleanest of strikes but he won't care
07:03and nor did the rather buoyant Bairns who have all but packed out of the east stand
07:07to my right, a fantastic support, all 2,531 of them, they were holding their breath though
07:13after just about 38 minutes on the clock, Kyle Benedictus flashed a frightening effort
07:18on the turn behind Nicky Hogarth's goal, a really deceiving effort, one of those that
07:22to many in here and to me as well looked as though it was going in, it was going into
07:25the far corner but indeed it did not, as expected, plenty bite out there, particularly in the
07:30middle of the park and it was a positive start to the second half for the Parrs, David Wotherspoon
07:35lining up a shot after good work from Craig Whiting down the left but a Falkirk body was
07:39flown in the way and just in the last few minutes Ross McKeever saw his cushioned effort
07:45after breaking away from the defence, Trickle Wide Dunfermline have just thrown a ball into
07:49the box but it has been punched away, it's been a very enjoyable encounter it must say,
07:54this derby slash rivalry whatever you want to call it, Cammy the former Bairn might be
07:59able to give us some insight, it is Dunfermline 0 Falkirk 1.
08:03Thanks very much Jamie, I wonder if the wind is blowing Brian McLaughlin's hair in his
08:08face, he's also in Fife, more importantly we want to know what's happening between Ray
08:12Throvers and Partick Thistle.
08:13Well I've not needed a bobble for a long time David but yes Ray Throvers 1 Partick Thistle
08:18now the only goal coming after 27 minutes coming from the penalty spot Dylan Easton
08:23scoring after Lewis Gibson had been brought down inside the box but up until then and
08:28indeed since then Partick Thistle have had much better of the game, Brian Graham with
08:32a shot from 25 yards just wide, Logan Chalmers again just wide after good work from Harry
08:37Milne down the right hand side into the second half, it's Partick had a shot on the angle
08:42brilliantly saved by Dabrowski and then Milne again with a shot saved by Dabrowski this
08:48time low down to his right hand side but Thistle have just been reduced to 10 men, Scott Robinson
08:54red carded after what was a very nasty challenge on Aidan Connolly so Ray Throvers looking
09:00for a manager but they may have all three points this afternoon, it's Ray Throvers 1
09:04Partick Thistle 0.
09:05Thanks very much Brian, Cammie former Baird, I was just wondering do you treat this as
09:11a derby done firmly on Falkirk and is it true that they built the Kincardine Bridge so they
09:15could give it a name?
09:16No listen I think the rivalry is definitely there, intense isn't it, yeah it's very intense
09:22and they always look forward to these games, the fans build it up so it's a big occasion
09:28and obviously Falkirk are getting the better of it at the moment which have started the
09:31season brilliantly, they've started where they left off in League 1 and continued that
09:36real good form and when you've been winning games as well that's probably the good thing
09:39for John McGlynn is they won a lot of games last season and he's kept the squad pretty
09:43much the same and just continued that momentum going forward so it's been a great start for
09:48Yeah we spoke about this last week, unbeaten throughout the whole League 1 campaign last
09:52season, this is them, what, one and a half games in, it looks as though that record may
09:57I mean last season they had an incredible season and they would have believed that they
10:01already had a squad of players who were good enough to step into the Championship and have
10:04an impact and they've shown that they have, they have strengthened but they look like
10:09a team who are really going to be challenging and it's exciting to have a team like that
10:14come up where you know they're going to bring something special to the League and so far
10:19so good for them.
10:20Just three matches in the Championship this afternoon, a third of which is between Morton
10:24and Hamilton and Gullysingh is at that one.
10:27Hi, yes David, it's 0-0 currently here at Capitolo, certainly in the first half Morton
10:33had a host of chances, Owen Moffat should have put the home side 1-0 up, especially
10:38on 35 minutes, he just went back and blasted over there but Akis were the ones to take
10:45the initiative in the second half, Nikolai Todorov, his curling strike pushed it round
10:49the post by keeper Ryan Mullen.
10:51Since then though it's been a bit disjointed the game, you think either side could actually
10:55win it at this point but still, 0-0 here at Capitolo between Morton and Hamilton, Akis?
11:01Thanks very much Gully, no goals in that one, neither side scored last week, Wraith Rovers
11:05won up against Partick Thistle, Thistle down to 10 men, Julie, Wraith Rovers, as Brian
11:10says they're looking for a new manager, were you surprised at the departure of Iain Murray?
11:15I was surprised at the timing of it, I was really surprised one game in, now listening
11:20to the radio and listening to their reasoning about it, they said it's not just been that
11:26one game, it's been over a course but I think to lose your manager at that stage, you've
11:30just given them the pre-season, they've established their squad of players, so yeah I was because
11:36they were such a strong side last season, I think for me to hang on to Dundee United's
11:42coattails for so long, great results, good performances last year, I was really surprised
11:49and I think if they want to have an impact this year then they'll need to sort it out.
11:54So it's almost like, Cammie, they must have been thinking Iain Murray's jacket's on a
11:56sugly peg so to speak, we'll see how he gets on with the first game of the season?
12:00Yeah listen I found it very strange if I'm totally honest, I don't think the timing was
12:04great given somebody won game of the season, I know there's been League Cup games before
12:09that but I think Iain Murray had an outstanding season last year for Wraith Rovers, I think
12:13he done really well, Dundee had a huge budget but he pushed them all the way and then they
12:18just fell at the last hurdle almost, so yeah I found it really strange and it's going to
12:23be a huge amount of pressure for whoever comes into that club because the expectations must
12:28be really high and expecting to get promoted this season.
12:31Well folks there were two matches in the Championship last night, Queen's Park at home to Livingstone,
12:35that one finishing 1-1 and BBC Scotland's live match at Somerset Park where Air United
12:40hammered Airdrie 5-0, what a performance as I'm sure even a Kilmarnock legend like yourself
12:46Cammie will be quick to concede?
12:48Yeah no listen I think Air United have made some brilliant signs, that's a great finish
12:52from Henderson there, he just gets out of his feet and manages to smash it across the
12:56goalkeeper, I was a little bit surprised by Airdrie's performance, I don't think they'll
13:01be happy with the way they showed because they're a lot better than what they showed
13:04last night but credit to Air United, they really stepped up and I think he's going to
13:09be a really good signing, George Oakley there, he knows his Championship, he knows what it's
13:12all about and he scores his goals so yeah a brilliant start from Air within their league
13:19Yeah a new stand as well there Julie?
13:21Yeah I think it's good times at Air at the moment, they've built that new stand, they're
13:25preparing to hopefully grow their club and what they need is to get performances on the
13:30pitch and it's been a brilliant start so far for them to get their business done on the
13:35Friday night and then relax over the weekend, I'm sure Scott Brown's delighted with that
13:39but to have the game so convincingly won, I think right from the start, you see here
13:45the penalty that was only just adding salt to the wound and very well taken but a brilliant
13:52game from start to finish for Air United, they just looked so strong and dominant throughout
13:56the entire game.
13:57When you've got firepower like Dills, Oakley, Henderson, that gives you a real chance at
14:03getting promoted, I genuinely think Air United are believed within their club that they can
14:07go up this season.
14:08What do you think?
14:09I think it's going to be really tight, I think when you look at the whole league, most teams
14:13would expect to have a chance but I just look at the front end of the pitch for Air United
14:17and if Scott Brown can get the best out of them guys, I think he's got a real chance.
14:22Sometimes it's about a little bit of luck, especially if you're a club like Air United
14:26and that, can you keep your best players fit throughout the season but also do you have
14:30the depth within your squad that if you do hit a time where you're going to have a few
14:33injuries, have you got quality there and I think Scott Brown believes that he's brought
14:37in the right people, that he's going to have a squad who there is a bit of depth there,
14:41they've got a bit of leeway if they do end up getting an injury or two but sometimes
14:45all you need is a little bit of luck to keep your best players.
14:48What I would say, I think Scott Brown, if he's in a good position in January, I think
14:51he'll push the owners to go and stretch their budget and go and get maybe another couple
14:56of players that can get them over the line because they're in a good position this season,
15:00as Julie said, the club's going forward, they've built this new stand, there's a real feel
15:04good factor about the club at the moment so they'll want to build that momentum.
15:08Scott Brown's described it as an inch perfect performance and it looks like it could be
15:13only Air United and Falkirk with a perfect start after a couple of games.
15:18Yeah, I mean an inch perfect start to the season last week as well, two goals and a
15:22clean sheet, another clean sheet, so to be two games into the season, you've played a
15:27game away from home, you've played a game at home and for that to be your record I think
15:31that's all you can really ask for as a manager and he'll have been delighted with what he
15:36got out of these players both defensively and going forward because it was such a strong
15:40performance from Air United.
15:42Rhys McCabe though says it's a wake-up call for Airdrie and I suppose it is after that
15:47great result last week against Wraith Rovers, I watched them, I went to see them playing
15:52Aberdeen in the Premier Sports Cup and I thought they're really a good side, that took me by
15:56surprise last night.
15:57Yeah, it absolutely did and as I say I don't think they've done themselves justice last
16:00night and Rhys McCabe will be disappointed but again he'll learn from that, he'll explain
16:04to his players that if you don't turn up and perform in the Championship you'll get beat
16:07like that, you can get beat 5-0 quite easily.
16:10So yeah, he's got a good team there, as you say that Aberdeen game, I watched that game
16:14on telly and they were brilliant that night, they were really, really good, played some
16:17really good football, very good in possession but if you watched it last night it was the
16:21complete opposite, gave the ball away, looked very soft, so he'll be disappointed but the
16:25dust has sealed down now, he'll move on.
16:27Is that a case of they have a very set way of playing, Airdrie and Air United last night
16:31just sussed them out totally?
16:32They probably did but also they've got a really young side as well so when you start to find
16:37yourself at the very beginning of the game and things are not going well, sometimes it's
16:41difficult to try and get out of that position that you're in and it can just take a bit
16:46more experience on the pitch to be able to pull you out of that and kind of kick start
16:50the game and for Airdrie they just couldn't do that and a lot of it was to do with the
16:54fact that Air were so dominant, they were on the front foot, they were pressing, every
16:58time they went forward they looked like scoring and sometimes you just have games like that
17:03when everything is clicking, all your players are in the very top of their game and for
17:07Air United they'll be hoping that they can continue to keep all of these players in the
17:11top of their game for as long as possible.
17:14One of them, top of his game last night by the looks of things, Jay Henderson, I liked
17:17him at St Mirren, didn't really get a chance there, ended up at Ross County and he stepped
17:22down a division, this was a big season for him.
17:24Huge season and this is where you get your opportunity, this is where you get game time
17:27that you'll be playing week in, week out, you would expect if he can keep his standard
17:31up, we know he's a good player but it's about getting that consistency, game time as well
17:35and I think he'll grow as a player, going to a team managed by Scott Brown he'll learn
17:39a lot from him as well so I think it's a really smart move from him.
17:42I think the style in which Air United are playing really suits him, you can see when
17:46he's getting on the ball, he's got runners going beyond him, he's got pace out wide,
17:50he's got a really good eye for a pass, particularly the second goal that Oakley scores, he's really
17:56clever on the ball, he delays it, he waits until he's got support and the weight of his
18:00pass is brilliant just down the line and a lot to do with the fact that they went on
18:05and won the game, for me it looks like he's going to be a really bright player.
18:09So that was your Friday night entertainment on BBC Scotland but let's have a wee look
18:13at what's coming up later in the week, shall we?
