The Acolyte Episode 6: What We Just Learned About the New Sith Lord

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Welcome to Reaction of A! In this video, we dive into The Acolyte Episode 6, where new revelations about the mysterious Sith Lord have come to light. Join us as we break down these key moments, analyze the significance of these discoveries, and discuss what they mean for the future of the series. Don't miss our in-depth analysis and passionate reactions. Like, comment, and subscribe for more thrilling breakdowns and engaging discussions on your favorite Star Wars series


00:00Welcome back everyone.
00:07It is Amelia.
00:08I hope you are fine.
00:10The Acolyte has once again revealed brand new information about Star Wars newest Sith
00:14Kimmel the Stranger.
00:16In its most recent episode, here is everything the show has revealed about the Sith so far.
00:21The Acolyte Episode 6 focused heavily on Kimmel's interactions with Osha, whom he had just taken
00:27prisoner at the end of Episode 5 following the absolute bloodbath he created with the
00:33With those interactions came fascinating insights into Kimmel's past, although many mysteries
00:38In fact, Kimmel's past has the potential to thoroughly shake up Star Wars movies and TV
00:43shows, as he heavily implies the Jedi treated him with cruelty and cast him out.
00:48While it remains to be seen to what extent Kimmel is telling the truth and to what extent
00:53he is manipulating Osha to the dark side, Kimmel does bear physical proof of his complex
00:57past with a scar all across his back.
01:00Despite these lingering uncertainties, the Acolyte Episode 6 did include many significant
01:05details contributing to all that is known about the Sith so far.
01:09In Episode 5, Master Saul commented on Kimmel carrying a Jedi weapon.
01:14At first, this seemed to simply be a commentary on Kimmel having a lightsaber and, possibly,
01:19Saul's limited knowledge of the Sith or others who might possess lightsabers.
01:23However, Episode 6 revealed that Kimmel's background actually was as a Jedi.
01:28Although it isn't clear exactly when and to what level Kimmel trained as a Jedi, he did
01:33in fact used to be one.
01:35This is interesting particularly because Kimmel's background is still entirely shrouded in mystery.
01:40In fact, Kimmel is arguably one of the fastest-developing characters on the show, moving quickly from
01:45a somewhat goofy accomplice to a vicious murderer to, now, a complex character with
01:50a Jedi past.
01:52It will be interesting to see how this story becomes more fleshed out, particularly because
01:56he seems to be both physically and emotionally scarred by whatever his experience with the
02:01Jedi was.
02:02It's almost certainly a manipulation tactic.
02:05But throughout the Acolyte Episode 6, Kimmel tells Osha of the pain he has experienced,
02:10both mentally and seemingly physically, because of the Jedi.
02:13Of course, this information being used to manipulate Osha doesn't automatically mean
02:18it's untrue.
02:19On the contrary, Kimmel seems fairly genuine about the suffering he has experienced in
02:23his past.
02:24Kimmel even specifically tells Osha that he lost everything.
02:28Although he doesn't elaborate about what he lost and who specifically caused him to lose
02:33it, this likely means a compelling backstory is coming.
02:36Moreover, as Osha also lost everything when her entire coven was wiped out, including
02:41her mother's and, she thought, her sister, this will likely be an effective way to tempt
02:46her to the dark side.
02:48Currently, Kimmel has heavily implied that it was a Jedi who gave him the vicious scar
02:52across his back.
02:53If that's the case, it would have required a unique lightsaber.
02:57That scar certainly isn't in a straight line, nor is it a stab wound.
03:01Instead, the scar is curved, a very unique scar that would require an equally unique
03:07However, Vanestra Roach's iconic light whip seems to be the only lightsaber that fits
03:12the scar.
03:13This would be an absolutely fascinating twist in the acolyte as it would mean Jedi Master
03:17Roach and Kimmel had encountered one another before.
03:20Given Kimmel's assertion that he was a Jedi a very long time ago, it's unlikely Master
03:26Roach was Kimmel's Jedi Master or even a Padwa with him.
03:29Even so, all signs currently point to an old battle between Vanestra Roach and Kimmel,
03:34which will be fascinating to see.
03:36It's clear that the acolyte will be revealing much more about Star Wars' newest Sith with
03:41brand new mysteries revealed about him in each episode.
03:44Give me some ideas related to my video in comments on below if you like this video and
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