Będziemy mieszkać razem odc. 2

  • last month
00:00As a result of the shelling of the Russian troops, a fire broke out in the nuclear power plant in the Zaporizhzhya region.
00:07If there is an explosion, the consequences will be worse than in Chernobyl, the head of the NSC of Ukraine warned.
00:13The Ukrainian Prime Minister, Denis Shmychal, called the International Atomic Energy Agency
00:18to send teams to all five Ukrainian nuclear power plants.
00:23Radiation does not know borders, he said, emphasizing that the shelling of the nuclear power plant is a matter of security.
00:30The Ukrainian Prime Minister, Denis Shmychal, called the International Atomic Energy Agency
00:35to send teams to all five Ukrainian nuclear power plants.
00:40The Ukrainian Prime Minister, Denis Shmychal, called the International Atomic Energy Agency
00:45to send teams to all five Ukrainian nuclear power plants.
00:50The Ukrainian Prime Minister, Denis Shmychal, called the International Atomic Energy Agency
00:55to send teams to all five Ukrainian nuclear power plants.
01:26The subscriber is temporarily unavailable. Please leave a message after the beep.
01:34Well, cool.
01:37Get out! Get out!
01:39No, tell her to get out, because it's her.
01:41Get out!
01:42Oh, oh, oh.
01:44It seems to me that this doggy likes you very much.
01:47Get out!
01:51Get out!
01:56Get out!
02:12Why was all this ostentation with that couch?
02:14Mom is crying at night now.
02:16Oh, Jesus.
02:17It's a tragedy.
02:19It doesn't make me laugh.
02:23I love you.
02:26But I still have Mom.
02:30I really want you to be happy.
02:35I don't know how to do it.
02:40I recently looked at Mom in a slightly different way and it finally got to me.
02:47We're leaving tomorrow.
02:52Well, I don't know, it could be the day after tomorrow.
02:54It can't be the day after tomorrow.
02:55No, no, no, calm down.
02:56Two weeks to Egypt.
02:59I mean, I still have to talk to Mom, because, you know, there's a war.
03:02Tadeusz, to what Egypt?
03:06To what Egypt?
03:08Not to Egypt, but to Poznań, and we have to move there.
03:11No, this is not a good time.
03:13It's not?
03:14When will it be?
03:15Well, when the baby grows up.
03:22I didn't tell you anything, but...
03:26I've been going through the records.
03:29Everything is fine.
03:31It's just that something's wrong with my head, you know?
03:33I have to rest.
03:43A marriage without children is simply out of the question.
03:46Look at my mom.
03:48Who would she live for if it weren't for me?
03:50Exactly, who would she live for?
03:53I know you're in a crisis right now.
03:55I don't feel it, but I understand.
03:59Let's go to that damn Egypt.
04:01Let's try.
04:02If it doesn't work out for us,
04:05we'll adopt.
04:06There are so many children who need love.
04:11You don't understand anything.
04:14Please, explain it to me.
04:16You have everything.
04:17You have everything.
04:18You just lack a child.
04:24It's good that it's clear.
04:25I won't have a child with you.
04:34Because it wouldn't be my child.
04:37It would be her grandson.
04:43Let's go.
04:51This is hell, Anna.
04:55A young boy.
04:57Almost a child.
04:58I couldn't do anything.
05:00How's the crazy girl?
05:05She misses you.
05:06She thinks you'll come.
05:09I wish I could be with her.
05:12We have to think of a school for her.
05:14But she doesn't want to.
05:16It's hard for me to control her, Masha.
05:19Is it Mom?
05:23Mom, when will you come?
05:26My dear daughter.
05:28How's your Polish?
05:30Listen, Mom.
05:35For now, you have to stay with your aunt.
05:38I want to be with you.
05:41I need you.
05:43I can't come now.
05:45I need people here.
05:47But I need you too.
05:50I need you.
05:54Don't leave me, Mom.
05:55Don't leave me, Mom.
06:08Let me go.
06:09You're not my mom.
06:18You lied to me.
06:20You said Mom would come.
06:26We're almost there.
06:29Now to the left.
06:31To the left.
06:34In the middle, between the trees.
06:39To the back.
06:40This way.
06:43No, no.
06:45This way.
06:49Yes, yes.
06:51In between.
06:55Is this for Frida?
07:00Varya, get out of there.
07:02I'm going to live here with Frida.
07:06I'm not going anywhere.
07:08Varya, I'm talking to you.
07:09Get out.
07:12Get out.
07:16To the left.
07:18Varya, I'll tell your mother everything.
07:21Come on, get out of here.
07:23It's better here than with you.
07:25I don't want to be with you.
07:28You're stupid.
07:34This hut is warm.
07:39And ecological.
07:41So the dog will be very happy in it.
07:46I'm sorry, I have to go to work.
07:47Do you remember that the women from Osztyn are coming today?
07:50Do you remember?
07:51I remember.
07:53I'm in touch with the supplier.
07:55And I'm cooking dinner.
07:57Do you remember?
07:58Yes, I remember.
07:59I invited those Ukrainians, yes, yes.
08:01I'm cooking something traditionally Polish for them.
08:06You're sleeping on the sofa like a refugee.
08:10What's going on between you two?
08:13I'm a little dizzy.
08:15I'm a little dizzy.
08:17You're dizzy?
08:24That's not good.
08:27You either have to go to Dr. Ptasiński today, or I'll arrange a visit for you if there's no room.
08:34Good, good.
08:36Yes, yes, I know, I know.
08:38Pushing you and your father to the doctor is just...
08:43Mother, I don't know, stupid.
08:46It will end badly.
08:57Everything will be fine, Mom.
09:01What's going on between you two?
09:30I'll tell you when I get back.
09:34You're still too young.
09:35It's dangerous at war.
09:42You're staying, Frida.
09:44You'll keep an eye on Anna so that the witch doesn't eat her.
10:15Didn't you see Mrs. Varya?
10:16Oh, good.
10:17Please see how she wet my material for the cover.
10:20In pieces.
10:21But how do you know it's her?
10:23And who?
10:24I don't know.
10:25The Holy Spirit?
10:26Maybe this dog?
10:27Okay, I'll give you the money.
10:28Oh, it's not about money.
10:30It's about upbringing.
10:31Yes, but how can you know when you don't have children?
10:36Thank you for the advice.
10:37You're welcome.
10:39Mrs. Anna.
10:42I think these Russians are just terrible.
10:45They behave like animals.
10:48And the worst, you know, is that...
10:51You know, like...
10:52Please help me.
10:58The world is ending.
10:59Oh, God.
11:00Please visit Jerzy.
11:02The kids like him.
11:12Oh, where are you going, child?
11:14To the cinema.
11:15To the war?
11:17Does your mom know where you are?
11:19I'm going to see my mom.
11:23It's good that you're going to see your mom.
11:25Because you shouldn't walk alone down the street.
11:30Good morning.
11:56Good morning.
11:57Good morning.
11:58Can I go to Ukraine?
12:00To Ukraine?
12:01But where?
12:02To Kharkov.
12:04Do you have money?
12:06I have a ticket for free.
12:10And where is your mom?
12:12In Ukraine.
12:15Wait here, child.
12:17Why is she wandering here alone?
12:18Go look for her family.
12:56What time do you sleep?
13:00How are you?
13:02You look fine.
13:04Listen, I want to buy mattresses for people from Bahnhof.
13:08I know.
13:09It's very cold there, isn't it?
13:11That's why I want to buy blankets.
13:13You know, we have these show sets.
13:15I'll talk to Tadek.
13:16Maybe we can get one for free.
13:18Give it to me, Basia.
13:19I want to buy it.
13:21But if you want an idea,
13:22I'm looking for a house for homeless people.
13:24I have an idea.
13:25I have a friend.
13:26His name is Czarek Bernet.
13:27He runs a cultural house here.
13:29It's called Kvadryga.
13:32If you go there,
13:33and tell him you're from me,
13:34I think he'll help us.
13:38It's been a while.
13:40Hey, Tadeusz.
13:44Okay, I'm going to Czarek.
13:46Yes, Bernet.
13:47To Kvadryga.
13:49For a house for homeless people.
13:52You're welcome.
13:58For the floor?
14:00I mean, a place to stay.
14:02But it's amazing.
14:03It always helps.
14:04It's terribly cold there.
14:05Excuse me.
14:06We'll decide.
14:10Listen, it's a really great choice.
14:11Excuse me.
14:14God, what happened?
14:21I have meat for you, doggy.
14:27Where are you?
14:29Ah, this is for your own good, you know.
14:32So that they don't steal you from us.
14:36I didn't know, Magda,
14:37that you wanted to live in Buda!
14:45By the way,
14:47did you accept Ukrainians
14:49after what our parents did during the war?
14:52No, they're other Ukrainians.
14:55They're from the East.
14:56Not from Volyn.
15:00are Ukrainians.
15:02And this chain,
15:03you'll put it on your neck yourself.
15:05It's illegal for a dog.
15:07Why are you so rude?
15:12I used to be
15:25A little girl in light hair
15:26with a boy
15:27in a ballerina
15:28wanted to come back to Ukraine.
15:30Thank you very much for the information.
15:33So what?
15:34She was here.
15:35Everyone saw her.
15:36She got on some train and left.
15:38There must be some recordings
15:39from the monitoring.
15:41Stay here.
15:42I'll check.
15:44Listen, even if she gets on,
15:45we'll find her.
15:46For sure.
15:48Masha keeps calling all the time.
15:49I don't know what to tell her.
15:50I'm stupid.
15:51I'm lost.
15:52Don't say that.
15:53Calm down.
16:00You want to smoke, don't you?
16:02Are you crazy, Basia?
16:03You've already smoked the whole pack.
16:04Come on.
16:12I just can't do it anymore.
16:14It would be easy
16:15to shoot her,
16:16but to raise her?
16:53Ania, are you kidding me?
16:54It'll be fine.
16:55What train?
16:59Ania, don't be stupid
17:00and act crazy.
17:05Are you kidding me right now?
17:09Ania, can you hear me?
17:10They have her on the monitoring.
17:11So what?
17:12She got on the train to Iława.
17:14Come to me.
17:15Let's go.
17:17Everything will be fine.
17:18Everything will be fine, Masha.
17:26Call your mother.
17:27Let her call.
17:44Good morning.
17:45Good morning.
17:48What are you doing here, kid?
17:49Where's your mom?
17:50In Kharkov.
17:51Do you know where Kharkov is?
17:54In Ukraine.
17:59In Ukraine.
18:01And you're here alone?
18:04I'm going to my mom.
18:06In half an hour
18:08I have a transfer
18:10to Warsaw,
18:12and from Warsaw to Lviv.
18:22Something's wrong.
18:23What's going on?
18:25I think we need to call the police.
18:30The police?
18:42Tadek isn't picking up.
18:44He knows how awful it is
18:45if he doesn't give me a sign.
18:46Maybe he's busy somewhere.
18:48But we agreed
18:49to have dinner at 1 p.m.
18:51I invited Ukrainians.
18:53I worked hard.
18:55There's no one here.
18:56Maybe they went for a walk.
18:58They want to show me our city.
18:59But a family dinner
19:00is a holiday.
19:04I think something happened.
19:07Do you remember
19:08when he was six years old
19:09and also
19:11this accident
19:13was waiting for me?
19:16He didn't come back.
19:17He didn't come back.
19:21He didn't come back.
19:22He didn't come back.
19:23He didn't come back.
19:28So your name is Varvara.
19:31You can call me Varya.
19:35Are you from Ukraine?
19:38Were you in Ukraine?
19:40I was.
19:41In Lviv.
19:43Good morning.
19:44Good morning.
19:50I'm Elvira.
19:52I'm Varya.
19:55Listen, Varya.
19:58That's how my mom calls me.
20:01So listen, Varya.
20:03Is your mom in Ukraine?
20:07Is your dad in Poland?
20:09I don't have a dad.
20:12Maybe someone from your family
20:13is in Poland?
20:15Aunt Ania.
20:17Aunt Ania.
20:18Do you know where Aunt Ania is?
20:21At Mrs. Magda's.
20:23But I want to go to Ukraine
20:24to pick up my mom.
20:26At Mrs. Magda's.
20:30Do you remember
20:31the address?
20:32The address?
20:46It's good that you know me.
20:48You see how well I know you?
20:50You're in love with us.
20:51You went with us.
20:55You always know.
20:59Excuse me.
21:03Hello, Ginter.
21:04Now I can talk.
21:09The house of culture
21:10you gave me
21:11is good.
21:14It's great.
21:16Good people gave
21:17a lot of things
21:18to homeless people.
21:21I told you
21:22that Poles are great.
21:24It's beyond human horizon
21:25what's going on here.
21:28There are so many
21:29homeless people here.
21:31So many.
21:33Okay, I'll come to you.
21:35I'll bring blankets,
21:36a bed.
21:38What else do you need?
21:47I understand.
22:00Good night.
22:03Good night.
22:40Hi, Mary.
22:42Good morning.
22:43Mrs. Anna?
22:45The girl will come in a moment.
22:46I'll have to report the case to the court.
22:48Excuse me, how to the court?
22:51I'll tell you.
22:52I'll tell you.
22:53I'll tell you.
22:54I'll tell you.
22:55I'll tell you.
22:56I'll tell you.
22:57I'll tell you.
22:58I'll tell you.
23:00Excuse me,
23:02the child
23:03doesn't have a legal guardian,
23:04and secondly,
23:05she doesn't have a proper guardian.
23:06But how is that?
23:07I'm taking care of her.
23:09And you allowed
23:10the child to go by train?
23:12Excuse me,
23:13this situation
23:14could end tragically.
23:16You're not a legal guardian
23:17of the child.
23:18Such cases are regulated
23:19in Poland.
23:22And secondly,
23:23we don't know
23:24why the girl decided
23:25to run away from you.
23:26Okay, let me report the case
23:27to the court,
23:28and you'll see.
23:33Yes, but I warn you
23:34that such situations
23:35of abandonment of a child
23:36pose very serious consequences.
23:46Excuse me,
23:47could you talk to me
23:48for a moment?
23:49I'm alone.
23:53I was dying of fear.
23:54I love you.
23:56Me too.
23:57Come on.
23:59Hey, crazy girl,
24:00where have you been?
24:01At the police station.
24:02Why did you run away?
24:03I was coming to you.
24:06My girl,
24:07I love you so much,
24:08I miss you.
24:09Me too.
24:12You scared me so much,
24:13crazy girl.
24:27What's your name?
24:32I'm Basia.
24:35I wanted to say
24:36that I totally understand
24:37that these are your duties.
24:39I just wanted to tell you
24:40what kind of guardian
24:41Anna is.
24:42You have to understand
24:43that a child
24:44cannot not have
24:45a legal guardian.
24:46And usually
24:47such a guardian
24:48is a relative.
24:49Mrs. Anna
24:50would probably
24:51stay with her,
24:52but not in the current situation.
24:53But in the current situation
24:55would you allow
24:56a child
24:57to travel alone
24:58around Poland?
25:02That's why I have to
25:03report this
25:04to the court.
25:05I understand.
25:06Just know that
25:07Anna takes care of her mother
25:08as if she were
25:09her own daughter.
25:10And her mother,
25:11mother Vary,
25:12stayed in Ukraine
25:13because she is a surgeon
25:14and she was needed there.
25:15And her mother didn't run away,
25:16she was just looking for her.
25:19These girls went through hell.
25:22A real trauma.
25:23And now we are
25:24founding another one for them.
25:44But I hope
25:45we will formalize it
25:54Good luck.
26:01You were amazing!
26:05How did you do it?
26:06It doesn't matter.
26:08How are you?
26:13I think we have to go
26:14to some ice cream, right?
26:15Girls, do you have a conversation?
26:18I have a proposition.
26:19We were all
26:20on a trip
26:22at the lake.
26:28Where were we?
26:29What is the name of the lake?
26:33And what?
26:34And there was no police there.
26:40What police?
26:41No one saw any police.
26:43There was no police.
26:54I'm talking to you, Basia,
26:55in particular.
26:56I would like you
26:57to warn me
26:58about such
27:00next time,
27:03Of course.
27:04I had to warm everything up.
27:06Thank you very much
27:07for the warm-up.
27:20Thank you very much for the warm-up.
27:22And we promise
27:23that this will not happen again.
27:25It was just a spontaneous trip.
27:27I'm sorry.
27:29I hope you had a good time.
27:34Piotr was very nervous.
27:37Yes, Piotr?
27:39Tell me how you were nervous.
27:45We were worried about you.
27:50We understand that.
27:51And this is definitely the last time
27:52we've done this,
27:57I asked you so many times
27:58to call me mom.
28:08I was afraid of this problem.
28:13Don't be angry, ma'am.
28:18I have...
28:23we've been talking to Tadeusz for a while now
28:25and I think it's a good time
28:27to talk about it loudly.
28:32It's a thought-out thing on my part.
28:36I made a decision that...
28:39I'm talking now.
28:40Don't interrupt me when I'm talking.
28:42But what did you want to say?
28:43What did you want to say?
28:50At this hour?
28:51I wanted to say...
28:52I don't know.
28:58I don't know. I'll open it, okay?
29:00As usual, I...
29:06Mrs. Magda, have you seen...
29:11She's famous.
29:14They even wrote about our modest place.
29:19Well, ma'am, what's going on?
29:21Are you reading, ma'am?
29:22Wait a minute.
29:28Stupid device.
29:30I'm sorry.
29:34I have to...
29:35I have to go.
29:41Good evening.
29:42Good evening.
29:43Good evening.
29:47You can turn on the translator here.
29:50We will live together.
29:52Ginter Jelonek.
29:54Extraordinary help and solidarity
29:56with the listeners from Ukraine.
29:58And here's your photo,
30:00Mrs. Magda.
30:02You look nice.
30:04Very nice.
30:05Please read on.
30:07An ordinary Polish family
30:08supports the Ukrainian family.
30:10Mrs. Magda Lipińska...
30:12Magdalena, it should be
30:14for close ones, Magda.
30:16Well, it doesn't matter.
30:17You read.
30:18Well, they got it wrong.
30:20Mrs. Magdalena Lipińska
30:22with her heart
30:25accepted the refugee...
30:27From the fighting zone.
30:28From the fighting zone.
30:29Oh, yes.
30:30Mrs. Magda,
30:31you are famous.
30:33And our place is famous.
30:34You were the first to show
30:38how to do good.
30:44We are proud of you.
30:49My dear,
30:50we are in the trenches.
30:52Thank you for your help.
30:55Noctovisors from Poland have reached us.
30:59It's good that you are safe there
31:01and someone is watching over you.
31:03My name is Czuba.
31:05We will see each other soon.
31:07Everything will be fine.
31:09I love you.
31:14Thank you for being here.
31:15No problem.
31:16Girls, what are their names?
31:22Hi, I will leave these blankets with you.
31:24You can put them here.
31:25This blanket is for you
31:27so that you can sleep on it later.
31:29Thank you very much.
31:31Hi, Ginter.
31:34How are you?
31:36How are you?
31:42Do you need help?
31:45I am a Swiss precisionist.
32:01you have two right hands and I have two left hands.
32:03Well, we have a set together.
32:06You are a genius.
32:07I am not a genius.
32:10I just work in a furniture store.
32:12Oh, okay.
32:13I am a genius.
32:15You are...
32:17a star.
32:22Don't make me angry, okay?
32:24I have a husband.
32:26Oh, a husband.
32:30for example,
32:31in Switzerland,
32:32there is a husband.
32:36And here,
32:37there isn't.
32:43Then there is a husband, Ginter.
32:46You know?
32:49Maso, I am from Bali.
32:51Don't worry.
32:53Give it to me.
32:55Hold it.
32:56Hold it.
33:02promise me that you will listen to your aunt.
33:06I will.
33:08And you will never go alone again.
33:11But I just wanted to see you, mommy.
33:15Promise me.
33:21Varia, promise me.
33:22I love you very much.
33:34I will tell you something like a big girl.
33:39Your mom is a doctor.
33:41Do you know what a doctor does?
33:43He treats people.
33:45And now there are many wounded.
33:47And your mom has to help them.
33:50But also ordinary people.
33:54I know there is a war.
33:56But I am afraid of my mom.
33:58Honey, I am afraid of her too,
34:00like I am afraid of my Misha.
34:02And I miss them very much.
34:05But we have to be brave like your mom.
34:11We will be brave, Varia.
34:15Do you promise?
34:18We will be brave.
34:20I promise.
34:29Won't you run away anymore?
34:38Hi, honey.
34:41Hold the meat.
34:57Aren't you cold, honey?
35:01Look at her.
35:02She is so tiny.
35:07Good Frida.
35:09Hold it.
35:10Give it to her.
35:11If you can't sleep, we can sit here.
35:17Mrs. Magda is a bad person?
35:20She is not bad.
35:21She took us under her roof.
35:24It's not easy to take someone to your home.
35:27It's very difficult.
35:33Maybe she doesn't like dogs?
35:36I don't think so.
35:37But don't worry, honey.
35:39We will find our own apartment.
35:44Only who will welcome us with such a crocodile?
35:47Don't listen to her, Frida.
35:49You are not a crocodile,
35:51but a tiny, sweet horse.
35:54Good evening.
35:56May I?
35:57Yes, please.
36:01You can't either.
36:03I'm afraid.
36:05You can't sleep either.
36:07I know.
36:08But you can sleep, Mary.
36:10I can't sleep without Frida.
36:12I don't want to sleep without Frida.
36:14I understand.
36:15Dogs shouldn't be in a chain.
36:33Frida, Frida!
36:44Should I tell Mom that dogs are not in a chain anymore?
36:48Or will you do it?
36:50What chain are we talking about?
37:03And this?
37:06May this war end as soon as possible.
37:12Cheers, Tadeusz.
37:19Mom doesn't regret the gift.
37:21It's too sweet.
37:23It's too sweet.
37:24No, it's not.
37:25It's too sweet.
37:26But I'll pour some more.
37:27Go ahead.
37:50There will be a fire!
37:55Will you come to us, Mr. Jerzy?
38:00As far as I remember, you can't stand it.
38:02No, no.
38:04I can't stand it.
38:05It happens once in a lifetime.
38:07It's all in the past.
38:21Sit down.
38:25Tadeusz, if you don't mind,
38:27I'd like to have a drink with you.
38:31I thought you'd be staying in Poznań with Masia.
38:36I took over.
38:38After Mom.
38:50Maśka, don't you study for your diploma in Poznań?
38:55I do.
38:56But I'm in a class right now,
38:58and I have a break.
39:05Is your star sleeping?
39:09She is.
39:11She is.
39:21So what happened?
39:24The Ukrainians are our neighbors again.
39:30I won't forget what they did to our grandfathers.
39:32Stop it.
39:33There were other times, other wars.
39:35Now we have to help them.
39:48Now you're going to give me one.
40:11I love you.
40:12I love you.
40:13I love you.
40:14I love you.
40:15I love you.
40:16I love you.
40:17I love you.
40:18I love you.
40:19I love you.
40:20I love you.
40:21I love you.
40:22I love you.
40:23I love you.
40:24I love you.
40:25I love you.
40:26I love you.
40:27I love you.
40:28I love you.
40:29I love you.
40:30I love you.
40:31I love you.
40:32I love you.
40:33I love you.
40:34I love you.
40:35I love you.
40:36I love you.
40:37I love you.
40:38I love you.
40:39I love you.
40:40I love you.
40:41I love you.
40:42Thank you for everything.
40:45I believed
41:08It's nice that you're here. Thanks for helping.
41:12No problem.
41:16I won't make it hard for you, since you're so unhappy.
41:21But I hope we'll stay friends.
41:26We will. We've known each other for so many years.
41:34Can I ask you for a favor?
41:39Could we not tell mom about the divorce for now, while the Ukrainians are living with us?
41:44She'll think it's because of her.
41:47You know her.
41:49Yes, I do.
41:53Anything else?
41:59Are you still working at the salon?
42:03Is that a problem?
42:05I wasn't going to quit my job, because I have to make money.
42:09And I'm not making money here, because I'm a volunteer.
42:13Is that OK for you?
42:18Tadeusz, listen. I understand your mom's problems.
42:21She's very stressed, because you had an accident when you were a kid.
42:24And now she's losing her mind because you're disappearing for five minutes.
42:27I understand that, but you can't live like that.
42:30No one can live like that.
42:37Oh, hey.
42:39You're needed for...
42:41a woman.
42:42For a woman?
42:44She's ashamed of me.
42:45She has a problem with women.
42:51I'm going, Ginter.
42:57Do you understand, Tadeusz?
43:02Which one?
44:06Don't wait, don't wait
44:10Now is the best time
44:15To cast a spell, go without hesitation
44:19There's only one step to the edge
44:23Will you jump now or not?