New wave of coaching better than old?

  • last month
With Jerod Mayo, is the new wave of coaching better than old?
00:00Where are you on Gerard Mayo today?
00:02He's had a, I swear I saw this quote if I,
00:06thank you, Scott.
00:07If I didn't, it's on me,
00:09but I thought I saw him over the weekend.
00:12Ken and I talked about this briefly Saturday
00:14about you can be successful as a coach
00:16without being demeaning to your players.
00:19The new age players coach mentality.
00:22I thought Gerard Mayo was incredibly deft
00:26at successfully navigating last week,
00:29which was really tough with Jude on,
00:32with all the questions that that presented.
00:35I think that the practice Saturday
00:37was by all accounts a success.
00:40There hasn't been chaos that many predicted
00:41that would ensue with a fresh coaching staff
00:44all coming together.
00:46Well, you're not seeing it.
00:48I mean, you don't know what that whole hold in,
00:52hold out, hold up, whatever you want to call it,
00:57what kind of issues that is creating in the locker room?
01:01Like you have no idea.
01:03But I would say that the people in the locker room
01:05are overwhelmingly supportive of being paid.
01:08Excuse me.
01:11Christian Barmore got paid.
01:13He's obviously out with the blood clots,
01:15but you have Godchow, you have Unwenyu,
01:18you have Hunter Henry, you have,
01:20I mean, the entire roster basically was paid
01:23except for Jude on.
01:25And I think that there are few players on the team
01:28that can connect with Jude on in terms of his demands.
01:31He's at a level,
01:32he's the most talented accomplished player on the team.
01:35And he's in the middle of a contractual dispute
01:37with the organization.
01:38I don't think players blame Mayo either way on that.
01:41I think players are probably more on Gerard Mayo's side,
01:44I'm sorry, more on Matt Jude on side than we think.
01:46Like, I don't think this is causing any type of rift
01:49in the locker room.
01:50And I think if it was causing a rift in the locker room
01:52with coaching,
01:53then Matt Jude on wouldn't be able to practice.
01:56Like that, I think that meeting settled everything down
01:59between Jude on and Mayo.
02:02Well, what do you mean settled it?
02:05Well, he wasn't up, he wasn't practicing.
02:07He was sitting.
02:08But he's not practicing.
02:08I mean.
02:09He's participating.
02:10He's showing up so he doesn't get fined.
02:12No, he was participating in practice after that meeting.
02:15Before he was standing on the sideline,
02:17talking to fans,
02:18telling them to harass Elliott Wolfe and Matt Groh.
02:21Right, and now he's on social media
02:23talking about how you have to go and get your worth.
02:27Yeah, know your worth.
02:28And so I don't, I mean, it doesn't,
02:31the only thing that's gonna settle it
02:33is that you give in and give Jude on the money that he wants.
02:40And I think if they do that, that is more on,
02:42I don't think people will be viewing it
02:44as Gerard Mayo capitulating.
02:46I think they'll be viewing that as Elliott Wolfe
02:48and or the Crafts got involved and said,
02:50we need to get this guy on the field.
02:52But by and large, I like the approach of Gerard Mayo.
02:57I think it will be successful.
02:59I don't know.
02:59I have no idea, obviously.
03:01But I am optimistic about seven to eight wins.
03:06And I think so far so good.
03:09No news is good news when it comes to the apparatus
03:12of the training camp failing.
03:13Like I think Gresh has been there every day.
03:15He's looking for flaws in everything they do.
03:18They had the mic'd up Alex Van Pelt dude.
03:20I mean, they're all happy.
03:22They're all, you know, trying to build something new.
03:24And I'm excited to see how it looks
03:25on the field Thursday night.
03:27Well, let me ask you this history wise.
03:31What was the longest hold in that you had
03:36during the Belichick era?
03:37Ty Law probably.
03:39I mean, Ty Law told the Boston Globe
03:42that Bill Belichick lies to feed his family.
03:45That was pretty big spat between a guy
03:47that was an all pro Superbowl champion.
03:4920 years ago.
03:5020 years ago.
03:51And then.
03:52Well, didn't Logan Mankins held out, right?
03:57And then Bill got rid of him.
04:00Randy Moss did that.
04:02Ended up getting traded.
04:04Tom Brady publicly said, go talk to Mr. Kraft
04:07and say Bill Belichick.
04:08But that was kind of a big contractual dispute.
04:11And I think part of the reason Bill
04:14and his system worked for him is that right now,
04:18Gerard Mayo is making a fraction
04:20of what Matthew Judon is seeking to make.
04:22Whereas Bill was always the highest paid guy on the team.
04:25And that stuff, it does matter.
04:27For whatever it's worth,
04:29Bill's pecking order was important to him.
04:32And that's the same reason why
04:33when you had Julian Edelman making 6 million,
04:36he wasn't gonna go out and bring in another receiver
04:38that's making 8 million had it done nothing here.
04:40He was really into the system being organized
04:43and flowing in terms of talent rather than salary.
04:47Don't you think that's better though for players
04:49that Gerard Mayo is making less than some of these players?
04:52So that I think the messaging,
04:55if Gerard Mayo is sitting down with Matthew Judon
04:56and saying, hey man, you just got this deal done last year.
04:59It's a lot of money.
05:01I understand what you're saying,
05:03but you gotta think big picture.
05:05That's a better message coming from a guy
05:07like Gerard Mayo who's making less
05:09than it probably is coming from a guy like Bill Belichick
05:11who's making way more.
05:12That's true.
05:13And if you want to ask another one, Rob Gronkowski.
05:15I mean, famously did this.
05:17Here's coach from New Hampshire.
05:19What's up coach?
05:21Yeah, just weighing in on Gerard Mayo here
05:23in the early days of his coaching.
05:26For years and years, and I'm 63,
05:28all I wanted the Patriots to do is win.
05:31But as I've gotten older in the last 10, 15 years,
05:34all I've really wanted is to know why decisions were made
05:39to get actually as a fan closer to my team.
05:43And I love Gerard Mayo so far.
05:46I love his honesty, his transparency,
05:49his humility when he makes a mistake.
05:51So I just feel closer to my team.
05:54And I'm for that reason,
05:55selfishly looking forward to the season.
05:58Okay, even if his transparency is saying something
06:04like he said on this show,
06:06which is we're going to burn a lot of cash
06:09and then they never go out and burn the cash.
06:12You still like that, I guess.
06:14Well, I think he may have been under the wrong assumption
06:20that crap was going to spend.
06:22Or maybe he was trying to pressure the owner
06:25in early in his days saying, we're going to do this.
06:27Come on, I made it public.
06:28I mean, what's the downside to it?
06:32Well, the downside is that I think a lot of fans
06:34got excited.
06:35I mean-
06:36And cash, ready to burn some cash.
06:37He gets the job and then he's on this show the next day
06:40saying that they're going to burn some cash
06:42very aggressively and then they don't burn any cash.
06:45I think that upsets fans.
06:47Right, well, they did burn cash on their own guys.
06:49They paid a lot for Unwend U and Hunter Henry and Godchild.
06:52Maybe that's what he meant.
06:53That's not what he meant.
06:54Oh, here's Derek the Steelers fan.
06:56Hello, Derek.
06:58Well, good morning, everybody.
06:59What's up?
07:01Somebody's got to make it make sense to me
07:03with this Godchild guy.
07:05Like, what does this kid do?
07:08He got, Belichick gave him money last year.
07:12He shows up this year.
07:14Bitches about cash.
07:15This kid, he's invisible.
07:19He doesn't bring anything to the table at all.
07:24And they paid him.
07:25I would be pissed if I was chewed on too.
07:28Curtis just went through the list.
07:30A bunch of stiffs got paid.
07:33And this guy's their only guy.
07:36And he's, you know, above mediocre at best.
07:39He's never, even in Baltimore,
07:41put together a full season, this kid,
07:43which is something you people sweep under the rug.
07:46He plays about 12 games a year.
07:49Gets about three sacks a year against, you know,
07:52New Orleans or, you know, one of these other,
07:55you know, slug teams.
07:57And then that's it for him.
07:58But that being said, at least he does something.
08:01This guy, Gottschalk, he does zero.
08:05Look at, I'll give you a perfect example
08:07in a comp, Curtis.
08:09The kid, Haywood for the Steelers.
08:11Same position.
08:13Does he put up huge numbers?
08:16But he's out doing stuff.
08:17He got the Walter Payton man of the year.
08:19He's not invisible.
08:21This guy, Gottschalk, shows up, takes the money,
08:26and then goes home for six months.
08:28You never hear a word out of him.
08:30He brings zero to the table.
08:31They keep giving him money.
08:32It's a joke.
08:34Yeah, I tend to err more on Derek's side here.
08:36I think that the Gottschalk stuff,
08:38I didn't understand it at the time
08:40when Belichick called him one of the best defensive linemen
08:42in football.
08:43But honestly, if I'm Matthew Judon,
08:45I might decide to hire Drew Rosenhaus because he's
08:48able to do these deals.
08:49I'm serious.
08:50Like, maybe instead of being mad that you don't have your deal,
08:53why don't you talk to Drew Rosenhaus?
08:55Mayo looks weak early here.
08:57OK, yeah, you know, the guy who just called in coach
09:00with this, I love his transparency and all
09:02that crap.
09:03Guess what?
09:04OK, that's a young Mike Tomlin in the works, folks.
09:07Have fun at 500.
09:09Well, if he's Mike Tomlin, I'm thrilled.
09:12Yeah, careful what you ask for, buddy.
09:14Well, I mean, Mike Tomlin's probably
09:16going to the Hall of Fame.
09:17I mean, he's won a Super Bowl.
09:19He's never had a losing season.
09:20I know you don't like him, but I.
09:22He should go thank Bill Cowher directly for his trip
09:26to the Hall of Fame because his first five years were
09:29off of that guy's back.
09:31How many championships did Bill Cowher
09:32win as a head coach of that team for 30 years?
09:35Well, I mean, Curtis.
09:36I'm asking you a simple question.
09:38So yeah, he won one guy, I know.
09:40So all of a sudden, Bill Cowher, who
09:42lost how many games with a better roster than the Patriots
09:45in those years?
09:47That divisional playoff game in 96 was a joke.
09:50I know, buddy.
09:51I know, buddy.
09:52I know.
09:53I get it.
09:54But this guy has taken that and turned it into,
09:58like we're celebrating mediocrity down there.
10:01Don't even get me started on the Steelers.
10:03I'm just telling you that Mayo looked very weak early here,
10:08getting bitched out by one of his players
10:10right in front of everybody.
10:11And then the next day he shows up,
10:13you got nothing to see here.
10:16Yeah, I mean, I don't.
10:18I mean, I guess maybe if I were a Steeler fan
10:20and I was used to winning all the time, I'd be angry.
10:22But I don't know how many coaches
10:25get to 500 with the way they've been playing
10:26the last couple of years with those rosters.
10:28It's crazy for anybody to complain about Mike Tomlin
10:30year after year.
10:31Justin Fields, comeback player of the year on the Steelers?
10:33Yeah, I mean, I also, yes, it could fail.
10:39Odds are it will fail because you don't get great coaches.
10:42They don't come on trees.
10:43Jerrod Mayo has no experience.
10:44This year may be difficult. But we all
10:48saw what happened the last couple of years.
10:50And it's not just last year.
10:52When 12 left, the team outside of 10 and 7
10:57was a relative dumpster fire.
10:59They were the McDonald's parking lot in Georgia
11:01that we talked about earlier.
11:02They were totally not cohesive.
11:06There was morons coaching the offense.
11:08The coach wasn't talking to the quarterback.
11:10It was a disaster.
11:11The owner hated the coach.
11:12Everybody was not on the same page.
11:14So maybe this will work.
11:16Who knows?
11:17But I like it.
11:18I'm rooting for it to be successful.
11:19Well, two weeks from today, our first Mayo Monday.
11:25Or is it Mondays with Mayo?
11:27Mondays with Mayo, I believe.
11:29You like Mondays with Mayo better than Mayo Mondays?
11:32I do, yes.
11:34All right.
11:34So we will be with Jerrod Mayo two weeks from this morning
11:38down at Gillette Stadium.
11:39And Ken is putting us up every Sunday night
11:41at the Endzone Motel.
11:42So I'm looking forward to that.
11:44Also, should I share my new feature idea?
11:47I loved it.
11:48I was going to say it, but I didn't
11:50want to step on your toes.
11:51I mean, it has a radio pun built into it.
11:53I love radio puns.
11:55I think it will be a highly sought-after contest
11:58every week.
11:59Do you want me to workshop this with Shyam and Courtney on air?
12:02Or a public workshop?
12:03Let's do it.
12:04Here's my idea.
12:05We get Mayo for the time that we get Mayo.
12:07You know, we used to get Bill for the time
12:09that we get Bill down there.
12:11We have a period of time, though,
12:13where there are commercials that are airing.
12:16And so we are sitting there doing nothing with Mayo.
12:20My idea is that we ask Mayo a very specific question.
12:25I'm doing this just for the radio pun of it all.
12:27We ask him a very specific question.
12:29Save it.
12:31Play it at like 9.30.
12:33And you know what we call it?
12:35I love it.
12:35Extra Mayo.
12:38I love it.
12:38Shyam, it took me a full week to come up with that one.
12:40What do you think?
12:41I'm into it.
12:41I think that's good.
12:42Extra Mayo at 9.30?
12:44Good job by you.
12:45I nearly crashed on 24.
12:47I was so excited when you told me this.
12:48You loved it, Curtis.
12:49I really appreciate your support.
12:49I love radio.
12:51I thought sending me a text message
12:52later saying it was brilliant was going a little overboard.
12:55Well, you are.
12:55All right.
12:56You look great in that collared shirt today.