friday night live with huhnkie lee 167.5

  • last month


00:00:00Hello friends, welcome to Friday Night Live Hunkily episode 167.5, okay, let's see, there's
00:00:17some dumbbells for exercise, weight lifting, something like 25, about 22, maybe 20 pounds,
00:00:2921 pounds, I don't know, right, let's go, okay, good, I'm still recovering from my right
00:00:57shoulder injuries, so yeah, that should be good for now, okay, okay, yeah, five minutes break please,
00:01:06thank you, welcome, good exercise, oh yeah, okay,
00:01:36thank you,
00:06:25okay, welcome to Friday Night Hunkily,
00:06:34yeah, as planned, uh, I did copy and paste
00:06:41volume 25 of that In the Name of Humanity series,
00:06:48published, I'm not looking for it, it's just too much work every once a month, so it's not too bad,
00:06:56but, oh, it took me like, how many hours did I work on that,
00:07:05two to three hours, okay, it's, it's a lot of work, oh, oh yeah, it's, oh,
00:07:15oh, I mean, maybe there's better way to publish this, it's, but it's, the way I do it,
00:07:29ah, it's like, uh, it's just a lot of work every month, once a month, cheers, but it's done, so,
00:07:40so, published, okay, ah, it's just a tremendous amount of work, it's once a month,
00:08:01yeah, cheers,
00:08:09it's a lot of work, uh, to publish a book, you know, ah,
00:08:32just copy and paste, you know, download the pictures that I took from the cloud storage,
00:08:37you know, and, yeah,
00:08:51yep, a lot of work,
00:09:03so, why do I write, well, I write for fun, of course, it's a hobby, but, uh,
00:09:12why do I publish it, uh, for the benefit of future generation,
00:09:17okay, yeah, entertainment and education, okay, cheers, yeah,
00:09:32oh, yeah,
00:09:52so, I listened to, well, while I was copying and pasting, right, I mean, look,
00:09:58in Microsoft Word, I use 12 font, single space, Georgia typeface, right,
00:10:07Microsoft, single space, 12 font, Georgia typeface, okay,
00:10:12okay, more than 500 pages, okay, yeah,
00:10:28so, it's one month long accumulation of the stories I wrote over a month,
00:10:36like, sometimes in the morning, sometimes at night, so, after one month, the short stories,
00:10:45it becomes something like 500 pages, Microsoft Word, okay, accumulation for one month, okay, so,
00:11:12it's a lot, yeah,
00:11:14it feels like you're moving a mountain, you know, that's what it's like, just like in Jesus Bible,
00:11:28yeah, you appreciate Jesus, okay, Bible, very poetic, like, walking on the water, so natural,
00:11:36so natural, moving a mountain, oh, how beautiful,
00:11:50faith, belief, hope, amazing,
00:11:56oh, yeah, I respect religions, okay, traditions,
00:12:44it's like 10 p.m.,
00:12:48I took a nap, woke up, brush my teeth, and start just copying and pasting,
00:12:56for like two to three hours, listening to Mozart, piano concerto,
00:13:02so, number 19 and number 9, right, yeah, the good ones,
00:13:10YouTube, okay, so, yeah, as I was copying and pasting, okay, cheers, yeah,
00:13:23good time, yeah,
00:13:30so, it's kind of like, you know, young females, adult females, they go through, like, every month
00:13:40menstruation, right, I heard that it's not a very pleasant experience at all,
00:13:46right, so, to me, it's kind of like that, every month, copying and pasting,
00:13:56and then publishing this book series, not a very pleasant experience at all, no, it's just,
00:14:07so, it's like that, okay, yeah, period, okay, yeah,
00:14:30that's what it takes, yeah, production, right, yeah,
00:14:33yeah, a lot of work,
00:15:00okay, let's take five minutes, bro, thank you, yeah,
00:15:03and let's go to Instagram live, how about that, sure, yeah, five minutes, thank you,
00:20:25let me grab some beer, okay,
00:21:54okay, oh, yeah, sure,
00:22:39wonderful African-American song, taking care of business every day,
00:22:44taking care of business, working overtime, what a charming tune, right, yeah, look,
00:22:50we love all races, okay, I mean, I mean, I do make some racial jokes sometimes,
00:22:55because we are friends, okay, when my friends make jokes about me being an Asian,
00:23:00yeah, no problem, I'm not offended, I laugh with them, okay, yeah,
00:23:07okay, not a problem,
00:23:19now, let's go to Instagram live, okay,
00:23:23okay, walk and play,
00:23:29and rest,
00:23:54hello, friends, yeah, welcome to
00:23:57Friday Night Live with Hongki Lee, Instagram live edition, welcome, yeah,
00:24:08yeah, so the 25th volume of In the Name of Humanity, he plays, yeah, it's published,
00:24:15but it's in the review process in Amazon Kindle, so it will be available probably in a couple of
00:24:21days, okay, yeah, welcome, good evening, yeah,
00:24:31yep, good evening, welcome,
00:24:42cheers, yep,
00:24:47welcome, yeah, good evening,
00:24:55yeah, good times,
00:25:07yeah, so this, I'm pretty sure, like, there's an easier way to publish your book, but
00:25:13do I work in a law firm? Yeah, I do, yeah, I'm a lawyer, yeah, thank you,
00:25:18yeah, we do, like, civil cases, locus compensation, personal injury,
00:25:27yeah, yeah, civil plaintiff side,
00:25:37yeah, welcome, yeah,
00:25:47so I'm pretty sure there's easier way to publish a book,
00:25:51but the way I do it, maybe not the most efficient way,
00:26:02it is what it is, man,
00:26:12yeah, once a month,
00:26:14copy and paste all these short stories that I write, accumulation of one month,
00:26:24all these writings,
00:26:28so at the beginning of every month, I just copy and paste to Microsoft Word,
00:26:33sometimes, like, 300 pages, 12 font size and Georgia typeface, and single
00:26:41space, sometimes it's about, like, 300 pages, but this time, more than 500 pages,
00:26:53okay, yeah, so also copy and paste the pictures, selfies, and
00:27:01yeah, it was, it took me, like, two to three hours, all of that, okay,
00:27:08yeah, taking care of business, right,
00:27:15cheers, yeah,
00:27:24what I look forward to is food,
00:27:31on my counter, kitchen counter, I have this, like, frozen microwavable food,
00:27:37fried rice, Chinese style, oh, I look forward to that,
00:27:48little things in life, right, yeah, micro happiness, yeah, very important, okay,
00:27:53yeah, yeah, oh, Mexican food, absolutely, yeah, huge fan, yeah, taco, burrito, right, yeah,
00:28:02very healthy food, oh, I'm a huge fan, yeah, yeah, yeah, welcome, cheers, yeah,
00:28:25yeah, thank you for your support, thank you,
00:28:27mm-hmm, yeah, future leaders, yeah,
00:28:35mm-hmm, yeah, so,
00:28:43in the previous episode, yeah, we talked about, uh, Honky Lips experience in mental hospital,
00:28:49right, back in the day, it's all South Korea, like, 1996, something like that, when I was a teenager,
00:28:57yeah, I had a very stormy teenager days, so South Korea, okay, I was rebellious,
00:29:02yeah, to my teachers, to my parents, grandparents, yeah, yeah, so,
00:29:13but, you know, mental hospital, so South Korea, 1996,
00:29:18yeah, my favorite time was time to eat food, hospital food, it was quite nice, actually,
00:29:37it's mental hospital, so it's kind of like a jail, they have this window with this
00:29:44metallic grid, so that people, crazy people like, crazy people like me,
00:29:55would not escape, it's kind of like jail, okay, yeah, yeah, it was like that, okay, so,
00:30:08sometimes we make troubles inside of mental hospital, yeah, solitary confinement,
00:30:13yeah, it's, looking back, it's hilarious,
00:30:23I'm glad I had that experience, okay, yeah, looking back, I, of course, back then,
00:30:30when I was in mental hospital for a month, it was not a pleasant experience at all, except
00:30:36time to eat food, three times a day, I love that, food eating, but otherwise, yeah, it was boring,
00:30:55yeah, but once I got outside the hospital, after one month, okay, oh,
00:31:07hallelujah, God, thank you, just walking around outside mental hospital,
00:31:14just, I was released after one month, okay, so, trees, fresh air, wind,
00:31:29I'm free,
00:31:38I remember, freedom, right,
00:31:48so, I got to appreciate freedom,
00:31:51after I was released from mental hospital, this confinement, okay, strict rules,
00:32:01so, yeah, welcome, welcome, yeah, good evening,
00:32:09so, it was, in my opinion, it was a good experience, okay, yeah,
00:32:17yeah, I got to appreciate freedom, that I used to take for granted, you know, yeah, so,
00:32:29overall, it was a very positive experience, yeah, welcome, good evening, yeah, yeah,
00:32:34oh, yeah, yeah, welcome, friends, oh, yeah, oh, thank you for your support, thank you,
00:32:47yeah, future leaders, yeah, thank you, sir, ma'am, thank you, yeah,
00:32:56future leaders, yeah, thank you, VIPs, yeah, very important people, that's you, okay, yeah,
00:33:05I'm here for you, okay, yeah, kind of like your parents, your teachers,
00:33:11who was best for you, you know, yeah, yeah,
00:33:19I love you like your parents, grandparents, your teachers,
00:33:27okay, sorry about that, I just, it leaks, sometimes,
00:33:32sometimes, try to lick it, okay, two lime,
00:33:43dry red wine, Cabernet Sauvignon, yeah, cheers,
00:33:46oh, autism,
00:33:56so, autism in like clinic psychiatry, clinical psychology, autism means,
00:34:05they are not, they don't know how to interact with people,
00:34:09okay, so, autism means, like, they're socially awkward, yeah, they could be smart, okay, but
00:34:17they do not know how to interact, how to socialize with people, yeah, that's what autism means,
00:34:23okay, yeah, yeah, cheers,
00:34:26well, I like being alone, I live alone in Alaska, and I came to Alaska, actually, to be alone,
00:34:35okay, but I do know how to interact with people, how to socialize, just like here, in social media,
00:34:42right, yeah, yeah,
00:34:47yeah, yeah, I love people, and, but these days,
00:35:05I minimize
00:35:09interaction with people,
00:35:11because I'm busy, that's all, yeah, I only socialize in the social media, like here, okay,
00:35:22my story before Alaska, I came to Alaska 2015, before that, I was in Ann Arbor, Michigan,
00:35:29law school, yeah, I graduated after two years, before that, I was in Fort Hood, Texas,
00:35:38as a US Army soldier,
00:35:42my job in the US Army, active duty, four years, electrician for helicopters,
00:35:48Fort Hood, Texas, Clinton, Texas, okay, still one hour north of Austin, Texas, yeah,
00:35:58yeah, welcome, welcome, good evening, now, let's take five minutes break, I need some vocal rest,
00:36:05okay, yeah, five minutes break, please, future leaders, mighty proud of you, fantastic,
00:36:14five minutes break, please, thank you, please feel free to go to bed, okay,
00:36:18it's kind of late at night, so, okay, all right, five minutes, thank you, very cool,
00:39:48okay, welcome back,
00:39:54yeah, welcome, good evening, yeah, good times, right, yeah,
00:40:10oh, I was born in Ithaca, New York,
00:40:12my, back in 1978, yeah, I was born in Ithaca, New York, that's upstate New York, yeah, welcome,
00:40:25yeah, thank you for your support, yeah, so, my father studied in Cornell University, Ithaca,
00:40:36New York, like, finger lakes, economics, PhD, and my mother came with my father, and they gave birth
00:40:45to me, 1978, okay, and we all moved back to Seoul, South Korea, I grew up there until high school,
00:40:53that was 1997, high school graduation, Seoul, South Korea, right, yeah,
00:40:57yeah, yeah, and then I came back to America, to Madison, Wisconsin,
00:41:08to study computer science, bachelor's degree, Madison, Wisconsin University, yeah,
00:41:26long time ago,
00:41:31uh, yeah, I came to Alaska 2015, I think, nine years ago, 2015, before that, I was in Ann Arbor,
00:41:41Michigan, law school, yeah, what would I do as U.S. President? Yeah, I'll educate people,
00:41:53martial arts, okay, martial arts, that's
00:42:02number one priority for me, education of martial arts, okay, yeah, cheers,
00:42:20there will be no more crimes in America, if everybody knows martial arts, okay, yeah,
00:42:26okay, yeah,
00:42:33welcome, yeah, welcome friends, good evening, martial arts so important, okay, yeah,
00:42:38oh, yeah, yeah, thank you, yeah,
00:42:55and martial arts, let's strengthen your body and your spirit, your mind, okay, so,
00:43:03yeah, law school is typically three years, right, but I graduated in two years, because
00:43:15typically, they take, like, two summer semesters, like, internship,
00:43:21clerkship, right, I didn't, I stayed in school during the two summer semesters,
00:43:26right, I didn't, I stayed in school during the two summer semesters,
00:43:30I took classes in law school, so that's why I graduated in two years, okay, yeah,
00:43:36Alaska oil pipe, right, yeah, sure, yeah, I'm all for fossil fuel, oil and gas, even coal,
00:43:45okay, yeah, I love that stuff, so, cheers, yeah,
00:43:57yeah, so,
00:44:26oh, law school, okay, it depends on what country you're at, okay, yeah, some countries,
00:44:33yeah, law school is four years, like, in Korea, South Korea,
00:44:42South Korean law school, nowadays, a little bit different, okay, they have graduate programs,
00:44:47just like in America, okay, but back in the days, South Korea, it was undergraduate level
00:44:53for four years, law school in South Korea, back in the days, okay, but in America,
00:45:01law school is a graduate program, after you graduate from four-year college,
00:45:06then you go to law school, if you want to, and it's a graduate study for three years, typically,
00:45:13but I, because I took two summer semesters in law school, yeah, I graduated in two years,
00:45:23oh, yeah, it's fun, yeah, yeah, cheers, yeah,
00:45:35so, yeah,
00:45:41oh, thank you for the invitation, I don't do rallies, because it takes just too much time
00:45:48and money, this is my rally right here, social media, right, yeah, but actually,
00:45:55I lived in California for three years, Los Angeles, California, yeah, between 2006 and 2009,
00:46:04yeah, oh, I love California, my favorite about California, In-N-Out hamburger,
00:46:12In-N-Out hamburger, double, double with raw onions, ah, magical,
00:46:22also, yes, this is our speech, yeah, very cool, yeah,
00:46:30cheers, yeah,
00:46:42oh, yeah, yeah,
00:46:58yeah, I mean,
00:47:11yeah, so, I was in California for three years, and after that, I joined the U.S. Army
00:47:18from San Jose, California, right, so in the U.S. Army, four years, I was the, I was shipped to
00:47:27Georgia, Fort Benning, for base combat training, okay,
00:47:36and then advanced individual training in Fort Gordon, Georgia, and then
00:47:42after that, I was stationed in Fort Hood, Texas, yeah,
00:47:49yeah, yeah, I understand, in California, there's a homeless situation, right, but
00:47:57Governor Gavin Newsom, he's cleaning up the street, right, I think he's doing the right
00:48:01thing, okay, because, yeah, homeless situation is a problem, yeah, Fort Worth, Texas, I've been
00:48:09there, that's next to Dallas, right, Fort Hood, Texas, H-O-O-D, Fort Hood, yep, yeah,
00:48:24yeah, Fort Hood, Texas is clean Texas, that's one hour north of Austin, Texas,
00:48:30yep, yeah, good times, U.S. Army, yeah, it was nice, yeah, I had a very good time there, cheers,
00:48:53and we deployed to Afghanistan for one year, between 2011 and 2012, and we were lucky,
00:49:01we were never once attacked, and I was inside the base for one whole year, and
00:49:10we were lucky, I had a very good time there,
00:49:12yeah, great people, Afghanistanis, they're amazing people, yeah,
00:49:20they're great people, Afghanistanis people, okay, oh, huge fan, yeah, amazing,
00:49:28culinary arts, goat meat, okay, oh, it was amazing, and the rice, okay, we have this
00:49:37Afghanistan restaurant inside the base, right, it was all magical, yeah, my job, yeah, I'm a lawyer
00:49:44in Alaska, yeah, attorney, yeah, I never saw combat, my friends did, but I didn't, I was lucky,
00:49:57okay, yeah, we carried M16, AR-15, also rifle, loaded with two full magazines, 24-7 for one year,
00:50:12the only time we used it is to get decertified, like twice a year, yeah, shooting paper target,
00:50:21the gun range inside the base, that was the only time we used our rifle, yeah,
00:50:34I was lucky, yeah,
00:50:38cheers, yeah,
00:50:51best friends in the military, oh, well, yeah, I mean, America these days,
00:50:58army, marine, navy, air force, quota guard, and space force, right, yeah,
00:51:09they're cool,
00:51:12but I can only speak for U.S. Army because I've only been to U.S. Army, okay, although I have many
00:51:18friends, veterans from different branches, okay, yeah, but they're cool, okay, now, let's take five
00:51:26minutes break, I need some vocal rest, okay, welcome, good evening, future leaders, mighty
00:51:30proud of you, five minutes, okay, I need some vocal rest, okay, thank you, thank you, thank you,
00:51:36awesomeness, time to real quick,
00:51:55okay, it's been less than one hour, okay, good,
00:51:57good, okay, five minutes break, please, thank you,
00:52:04yeah, please feel free to go to bed, okay, yeah, yeah, it's kind of late at night, huh,
00:52:09sure, yeah, five minutes, thank you,
00:52:20all right,
00:54:42okay, welcome back,
00:54:47well, I guess we can talk about U.S., different branches of U.S. military, sure, yeah, we can do
00:54:52that, because I made friends in different branches of U.S. military, right, veterans, and
00:55:00some of them are still in there, okay, yeah, and still, yeah, we can make some comparisons, sure,
00:55:08sure, yeah, let me pour some drinks here,
00:55:29this is like hydrangea, cranberry, spring leaves, vodka,
00:55:42cheers, cheers, yeah,
00:55:48so, for Coast Guard, Marine, Navy, they deal with the ocean, sea, water, so,
00:55:57yeah, they do swimming, okay, they require to swim in the water, right, yeah,
00:56:09but in the U.S. Army, yeah, we are not required to swim, although I know how to swim, okay,
00:56:17and we did have swim pool inside the Fort Hood, Texas base, yeah, I went there a couple of times,
00:56:25swimming, okay, but we are not required to, as U.S. Army, we are required to run and walk,
00:56:33rocks and march, rock run sometimes,
00:56:38yeah, because we are like foot soldiers on land, right, how about Air Force,
00:56:48yeah, they deal with airplanes, Air Force, right, so, they have a lot of money,
00:56:54so, from what I've heard, they tend to have better food,
00:57:02Air Force, they tend to have better food, yeah,
00:57:09do they share bases? Oh, yeah, sometimes, yeah, sometimes, sometimes, there's just strictly Air
00:57:17Force base, right, sometimes, like in Alaska, Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, right,
00:57:28so, Fort Richardson, that's U.S. Army side, Fort Elmendorf, that's Air Force side, it's
00:57:36north of Anchorage, okay, yeah, JBL, right, so, in Fort Hood, Texas, it's mostly Army,
00:57:49but we did have some Air Force there, too, okay, yeah, for transportation, C-130, right, yeah,
00:58:01that's a big Air Force transportation airplane, oh, yeah, cheers, yeah,
00:58:16yeah, and so, Air Force, yeah, they have a lot of money, they deal with airplanes,
00:58:28so, I heard that they tend to have better food than Army, that's what I heard,
00:58:34yeah, yeah, U.S. Army time, yeah, I enjoyed it, four years, yeah, Army is like a big family,
00:58:42right, yeah, it was nice, oh, yeah, cheers, yep,
00:58:56good times,
00:59:01and after that, I got GI Bill, and then, I went to law school,
00:59:06the GI Bill paid for my law school tuition, 100%, yeah,
00:59:12do I recommend joining U.S. military, or any military, yeah, I do, actually,
00:59:22of course, not for everybody, right, because they do, like, physical training,
00:59:29Monday to Friday, for one hour, from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m., I loved it, it was, I love exercising,
00:59:43but it's not for everybody, right, yeah, I liked it, yeah, push-ups, you know, tomorrow on,
00:59:53tomorrow on, yeah, yeah, yeah, GI Bill, it paid for school, yeah,
01:00:05so, I have no law school debt, it's all paid off from GI Bill, yeah,
01:00:12yeah, free education,
01:00:28yeah, good times,
01:00:35yeah, cheers,
01:00:42yeah, are you in America, or other countries,
01:00:57like, you don't have to answer my question, I'm just curious,
01:01:04yeah, I do not know too much about other countries' military,
01:01:10okay, oh, you're in America, okay, good, good, okay, cheers, yeah,
01:01:20so, other branches in U.S. military is pretty much the same, I mean, well, Navy, Marine,
01:01:26Coast Guard, they require swimming, right, they deal with the ocean, sea, right,
01:01:34but Air Force and Army, no swimming required, although I recommend people to learn how to
01:01:43swim, okay, and when it comes to physical training, it's pretty much same, yeah, push-ups, you know,
01:01:51running, and, yeah,
01:02:00yeah, welcome, welcome, good evening, yeah, good evening,
01:02:08yeah, welcome,
01:02:10and, but, U.S. military, it could be dangerous, okay, I mean, I was lucky, I did
01:02:22deploy to Afghanistan, but some of my friends,
01:02:27uh, actually, saw combat, okay, and, um, some of my friends have some PTSD,
01:02:38post-traumatic stress disorder, okay, for a while, but they got, they recovered, okay, so,
01:02:47it could be dangerous, okay,
01:02:52but I was lucky, yeah,
01:03:20but the way I see it is, like, when we drive in the highway, right,
01:03:24like, that's dangerous, right, driving on the highway,
01:03:30it can be dangerous there, too, all right,
01:03:36you know, Air Force, nice, yeah, yeah, Air Force has many different jobs, right, you can be a pilot,
01:03:47right, you can be a pilot, right, or you can be a mechanic, electrician,
01:03:56or you can be a military police in the Air Force, right,
01:04:03or you can be a culinary artist, cook, okay, or you can be, get a job in the Air Force as a
01:04:12logistician, logistics, that deals with, like, transportation of supplies, right,
01:04:20yeah, yeah, there's so many different jobs in Air Force, Army, and any other branches, okay,
01:04:30yeah, so, during the Trump, Donald Trump administration, they created Space Force,
01:04:39right, yeah, I don't know too much about it, it's kind of brand new, right, but I think it's a high
01:04:44technology, I guess, Space Force, yeah, sure, my guess, yeah, my guess would be that they probably
01:04:55require some computer skill, I guess, that would be my guess, I don't know, I don't know anybody
01:05:05in Space Force, okay, this is brand new, right,
01:05:11cheers, yep, yep,
01:05:26so, if you join U.S. Air Force, okay, oh, thank you, yeah, welcome, thank you for your support,
01:05:42but if you join Air Force, make sure you have good ear plug, and then ear mug, double, ear plug,
01:05:50like, sponge, ear plug, and then on top of that, ear mug, why, because airplanes, they are very loud,
01:05:59you need double protection, ear plug and ear mug, okay, double protection of your ears,
01:06:04because airplanes, they are very loud engines, okay, yeah,
01:06:10okay, yeah, protect your ears, okay, yeah,
01:06:20yeah, welcome, yeah, welcome, yeah,
01:06:31thank you, yeah, ear plug and ear mug,
01:06:36okay, yeah, double protection for your ears, if you join U.S. Air Force, okay, yeah,
01:06:42yeah, my ears are doing fine, thank you, yeah,
01:06:53yeah, yeah, yeah, I applied for, like, electric shock helicopters, because my U.S. Army recruiters
01:07:02in San Jose, California, they recommended that, okay, so I just took it, yep,
01:07:08mm-hmm, yeah,
01:07:17yeah, thank you, thank you,
01:07:24yeah, so every Sunday, I take a bath, full bath, warm water, bathtub, and then, yeah, the Q-tips,
01:07:33right, yeah, Q-tips, I clean my ear with Q-tips after taking a bath, so, yeah, personal hygiene,
01:07:40right, yeah, mm-hmm, okay, now, let's take five minutes break, please, I need some vocal rest,
01:07:45okay, welcome, future leaders, I'm proud of you, yeah, future leaders, okay, be ambitious,
01:07:51thank you, five minutes break, please, okay, thank you, yeah, welcome, good evening,
01:07:56okay, time check real quick, in telemotion,
01:08:02okay, we have less than one hour left, more than 30 minutes, that's good, yeah, five minutes break,
01:08:09please, thank you, very cool, awesome news, yep, fantastic, okay,
01:11:09okay, welcome back,
01:11:17yeah, so, I guess, we can talk about Air Force a little bit more,
01:11:21I mean, I made friends, who went to Air Force, veterans, okay, so,
01:11:29so, I do know other branches of military, like, Navy, Air Force, Marine, Coast Guard,
01:11:42yeah, Navy, Coast Guard, Marine, Air Force, Army, okay, so, in the Air Force, there are many
01:11:50different kinds of airplanes, right, yeah, transportation airplanes, like cargo airplanes,
01:11:56like C-130, also fighter jets, with missiles, and bomber airplanes, that drop bombs,
01:12:10also surveillance airplane, Air Force, okay, it's kind of a spy mission, right, surveillance, right,
01:12:20yeah, many different kinds of airplanes there, yeah, fixed wing, right, yeah, cheers, yeah,
01:12:31hmm, well, now, there's some insect over there, I don't know, on the ceiling,
01:12:42I don't like having some insects in the house, I really don't like that, okay, so,
01:12:49very distracting, but, it's not a mosquito, so, we'll just let it go, okay, so, okay,
01:13:01yes, so, Air Force, yeah, if you want to be a pilot, right, yeah, you have many options,
01:13:09many, many different kinds of airplanes, right, yeah, like, yeah,
01:13:14and so, some of my friends, after they got out of Air Force, as a pilot, they got a job as a, like,
01:13:26commercial airplane, give me one second,
01:13:28give me one second,
01:13:33look, there's flying insects somewhere, oh,
01:13:40wait, comment me again, maybe, later, I'll get it next time, okay, so,
01:13:47so, okay, so, my friends, some of my friends, former Air Force pilots, right, after they got
01:13:54out of Air Force, they got a job in, like, commercial airplane, as pilots, right, and,
01:14:02sometimes, like, cargo airplane, like FedEx, or sometimes, passenger airplane, right, yeah,
01:14:10let me get the ball over there, so, distracting,
01:14:15yeah, I got this one, this time,
01:14:32I don't know where, where it is, but, whatever,
01:14:47yeah, my apologies for distraction, but, yeah,
01:14:53it's a bug, it was on the wall, well, I hit it with toilet paper roll, but,
01:15:00yeah, it dropped, I could not find it, okay, so, whatever, cheers, yeah,
01:15:17yeah, so, Air Force pilots, they are known to be the best pilots, okay, so, after they got out,
01:15:27get out of Air Force as a pilot, they're, like, then, they can get a job in commercial airlines,
01:15:37it could be, like, FedEx, UPS, cargo airplane, right, or it could be passenger airplane, like,
01:15:44American airline, United airline, right, they're very, very highly valued pilots,
01:15:54with the Air Force veterans, right, oh, yeah, yeah,
01:16:04cheers, yeah,
01:16:12and some of them,
01:16:18later in their lives, they get into politics,
01:16:22yeah, oh, yeah, like,
01:16:32Senator Mark Kelly of Arizona, right, who's, like, vice president candidate for
01:16:39Ms. Kamala Harris, right, Democrat, right, he was a NASA astronaut, right,
01:16:46hmm, so, back in the days, like, Air Force pilots, sometimes, they became NASA astronauts,
01:17:01okay, I don't know about nowadays, but, back in the days, NASA and Air Force,
01:17:09uh, they were working together very closely,
01:17:13many Air Force pilots, uh, they became astronauts for NASA,
01:17:25they went to space,
01:17:29right, yeah,
01:17:33yeah, cheers, yeah, yeah,
01:17:38uh, yeah, so, Air Force pilots, uh, they go through, like, rigorous physical training,
01:17:53okay, yeah, that's what I heard,
01:17:58yeah, push-ups, you know, two-mile run, maybe swimming as well, I'm not sure, okay,
01:18:06uh, but, yeah, the, it's highly competitive area to be a pilot in Air Force, because it's free
01:18:15education, to learn how to fly, and it's all paid for,
01:18:26and after that, yeah, they get jobs in, like, commercial airplane, private sector, right,
01:18:36hmm, yeah,
01:18:43so, it is highly competitive, okay, so, uh, but, if you want it, you want to be a pilot in Air
01:18:49Force, yeah, I'm sure you'll make it, okay, yeah, so, yeah, yeah, well, in the U.S. Army, uh,
01:19:02we don't have a fixed wing, well, except for drones, uh, yeah, drone pilots, yeah, there's
01:19:09another job in U.S. Army, right, yeah, you can play video game, right, joystick and stuff,
01:19:16but, uh, U.S. Army, yeah, we have helicopters, yeah, typically war officers or commissioned
01:19:23officers, okay, uh, helicopter pilots in U.S. Army, right, uh, again, it's free education,
01:19:33flight school, uh, it's very highly competitive too, okay, so, uh, yeah, physical training and stuff,
01:19:42yeah, yeah, yeah,
01:19:56but, yeah, uh, being a pilot, right, uh, uh, I mean, many of my friends are pilots, okay,
01:20:05in Alaska, uh, but it can be dangerous, right, yeah, but in the Air Force, pilots, right, they
01:20:17have some ejection parachute, right, ejection suit, right, yeah, so they have some measures
01:20:25for that, yeah, can escape when the engine fails, yeah,
01:20:35or drafting, yeah, that was back in the days, right, like Vietnam War,
01:20:40yeah, yeah, welcome friends, uh, yeah, also in Korea, South Korea, yeah, for guys, yeah, the two years
01:20:52mandatory service for Korean, South Korean guys,
01:20:55in Israel, both males and females, right, yeah, mandatory service, how many years, I don't know,
01:21:03but in South Korea, two years for guys, mandatory service, in America, yeah, Vietnam era, yeah,
01:21:12mandatory drafting, right, 1970s,
01:21:19yeah, I think, I think that's okay,
01:21:24but it's necessary sometimes,
01:21:30yeah, now, let's take five minutes break, please, and some vocal rest, thank you,
01:21:36Mighty Proud, future leaders, yeah, DMV shots, okay, oh yeah, you did great,
01:21:42give it a little rest, okay, absolutely, five minutes, please, thank you,
01:21:49yeah, very cool,
01:25:31now, time to kick in the limo
01:25:42oh, okay, we have more than 30 minutes left, okay, yeah, Midnight Express, right,
01:25:49okay, yeah, we're talking about like U.S. military, yeah, welcome, friends, welcome, good evening,
01:25:55so, yeah, U.S. military, all branches, they have this special unit, special operation unit, okay,
01:26:05U.S. Army, they are most familiar with, because I was there, okay, so,
01:26:10your delta force, then special forces, and then ranger, and infantry, and the rest of us,
01:26:19where I was at, oh, yeah, like avionics, electric helicopters, okay, so, yeah,
01:26:28and marine, yeah, special forces in marine, marine reconnaissance, marine recon, okay,
01:26:35yeah, I have some friends there, too, okay, yeah, okay, yeah, hardcore people,
01:26:40they're kind of reconnaissance, right, like cavalry, basically,
01:26:48they're very good at navigation, okay, yeah, amazing people,
01:26:58it's kind of like spy mission, okay, reconnaissance, a little bit, okay,
01:27:03okay, yeah, okay, so, in air force, yeah, they have some elitist special unit there, okay,
01:27:16I don't remember what it's called, but it's in Wikipedia, if you just google, like,
01:27:21special forces in U.S. air force, yeah, they have to be with a rescue mission,
01:27:28maybe, like, parachutes, paratroopers, maybe, okay, it has to be rescue mission, okay,
01:27:39yeah, Navy, yeah, Navy SEALs, right, yeah, Coast Guard, I do not know,
01:27:48but I'm sure they have some elitist, like, special mission people, okay, oh, yeah,
01:27:57well, yeah,
01:28:05oh, yeah, right, yeah, I mean, I tried to do special forces, but I dropped out after two weeks,
01:28:18yeah, for Brighton, North Carolina, right, yeah, it's three weeks, back in the days,
01:28:22three weeks in hell, nowadays, they cut it down to two weeks, I don't know why,
01:28:29but back in the days, what year was that, like, it's 2011, okay, yeah, just before we
01:28:36deployed to Afghanistan from Fort Hood, Texas, okay, yeah, I tried to join special forces,
01:28:42right, yeah, welcome, friends, yeah,
01:28:47yeah, so, but in Fort Hood, Texas, yeah, we trained to be special forces for one month,
01:28:56that's very intense training, I really liked it, yeah, welcome, friends, yeah,
01:29:02thank you for your support, yeah,
01:29:08yeah, but that's good, great training, special forces training, oh, yeah, yeah, welcome,
01:29:18yeah, and, so, I got some special forces training, okay, one month and two weeks,
01:29:30okay, one month in Fort Hood, Texas, two weeks in Fort Bright, North Carolina, Fayette Field,
01:29:37right, yeah, it was a great experience, okay, although I never made it, but still,
01:29:45yeah, good training experience, yeah, cheers, yeah,
01:30:07so, after I dropped out of special forces training,
01:30:10three weeks in there, 2011, yeah, I dropped out for two weeks, okay,
01:30:18the individual non-land navigator, okay, I was so hungry, so, I was like,
01:30:24yeah, I don't want to do this anymore, okay, so, I called the radio, okay,
01:30:28hey, Sergeant, yeah, I'm dropping out, I'm done, would you please come pick me up,
01:30:34and they did, okay,
01:30:36okay, I was just too hungry, you know, it's kind of like a hunger training,
01:30:43starvation training, okay, the Auslan there, ready for it all, nobody told me about that,
01:30:49okay, yeah,
01:31:02so, after that, yeah, I got back to my unit, Fort Hood, Texas, yeah, 4th Cavalry,
01:31:09Fort Hood, Texas, 3 Corps, 4th Cavalry Division is a big division, okay, Fort Hood, Texas, and
01:31:173 Corps, 4th Cavalry Division,
01:31:231 Air Cavalry Brigade, 615 Air Support Battalion, Bravo Company,
01:31:36AVNS Platoon, that's my unit, okay, Fort Hood, Texas, okay, so, and they welcomed me back,
01:31:43and they appreciated that, though I failed, I tried, so I got credit for
01:31:53at least trying to be Special Forces, though I did not make it, but they appreciated me
01:32:04and it's time,
01:32:17right, they welcomed me back,
01:32:28and it's fully paid for, all the Special Forces training,
01:32:31fully paid for, okay, I got good education there, I'm glad that I tried,
01:32:41and after that, yeah, we deployed to Afghanistan all together, as a regular army,
01:32:51okay, and the rest is history, okay, yeah, but again, we are lucky, okay, we have never
01:32:58once attacked for one year, 2011, 2012, one year, okay, and we interacted with Afghanistani
01:33:07civilians, contractors, okay, great people, okay, yeah, we worked together,
01:33:18very cool system, oh yeah, yeah,
01:33:21yeah, very good experience there, okay, cheers,
01:33:32so after one year in Afghanistan, yeah, we came back to Fort Hood, Texas,
01:33:36and it was such a bright sunshine day, I remember, yeah,
01:33:51yeah, that's 2012,
01:33:58yeah, we came back home, Fort Hood, Texas,
01:34:56okay, we are lucky, okay, yeah,
01:35:14we came back home safely, most of us, okay,
01:35:31but yeah, there's some others in our unit, okay, who got injuries, okay, and we are very sorry,
01:35:38okay, but because it is dangerous, right, yeah, but most of us, including myself,
01:35:51uh, came back home safely, okay, yes, we are lucky, okay,
01:36:20yeah, welcome, friends, yeah, welcome, good evening, so let's take five minutes break,
01:36:28okay, and I'll tell you some more stories of, uh, post-deployment story, okay,
01:36:37after we came back from Afghanistan safely, okay, yeah, Fort Hood, Texas, right,
01:36:42yeah, sure, five minutes break, okay, thank you, good evening, yeah,
01:36:50five minutes break, please, I'll tell you real quick,
01:36:57yeah, we have more than 10 minutes left, okay, that's good enough, yeah, yeah,
01:37:04five minutes break, please, thank you, yeah, five minutes, thank you, welcome, good evening,
01:37:11Midnight Express, yeah, story time, right, nice, yeah,
01:37:24all right,
01:39:18okay, we are back, welcome back,
01:39:25yeah, welcome, friends, future leaders, mighty proud of you, yeah, be ambitious, okay, yeah,
01:39:31absolutely, you make great leaders, okay, absolutely, yeah, the future is in your hands,
01:39:38okay, yeah, mighty proud of you, okay, so, uh, I mean, one-year deployment in Afghanistan,
01:39:48it was not always easy, of course, okay, so we're living in like tarp, yeah, tent city,
01:39:55although we had heater during the winter and air conditioner during the summer, okay,
01:40:01yeah, yeah, the diesel-powered generator for electricity, okay, we had all that, yeah,
01:40:09and dining facility, okay, warm food, oh, yeah, yeah, every Friday, yeah, they served us with,
01:40:16like, beef steak, sometimes even king crab, okay, yeah, yeah, we were kind of spoiled a little bit,
01:40:26okay, so, in Afghanistan, we had some pizza hut as well, yeah,
01:40:41in Afghanistan, I was not in the special forces, okay,
01:40:45so I did not have any secret mission, okay, I was just electrician with helicopters, okay,
01:40:50uh, but, uh, I, some of us, uh, uh, was, uh, took some written exam to be USPS, United States Postal
01:41:04Service, medical, okay, yeah, I did that, okay, and also, I was in charge voluntarily, in charge
01:41:12of chemical room, okay, yeah, in avionics, right, like, electrician for helicopters,
01:41:19we have this chemical room, like, oil, lubricant, paint, some acid, right, yeah,
01:41:30so I was in charge of that, and, uh, gate guard duty, right, yeah, we did all that stuff, okay,
01:41:41like, bulletproof helmet, Kevlar, bulletproof vest, they're very heavy,
01:41:53but doing the gate guard duty, yeah, low ready, yeah, M16 rifle, and,
01:42:00yeah, we do some gate guard duty, and some, uh,
01:42:05uh, chemicals, yeah, chemical room is a storage unit, right, there's some
01:42:17lubricant, lube oil for helicopters, right, and, uh, some paints, some acids,
01:42:27like, uh, chemical room for helicopters, right, there are hundreds of different chemicals, right,
01:42:33yeah, yeah, so I was in charge of that storage unit for chemicals that goes into helicopters,
01:42:43right, hundreds of kinds of chemicals, right, inventory, right, yeah,
01:42:51and gate guard, and also surveillance on the wall,
01:42:57with binoculars, late at night, right,
01:42:59yeah, yeah, we did that, yeah, yeah,
01:43:20and after that, yeah, we came back to Fort Hood, Texas, and, uh, they gave us an option,
01:43:28now we are officially combat veterans, although most of us did not say of combat, but we deployed
01:43:34to combat zone, okay, so they were, like, 2012, we came back to Fort Hood, Texas, right,
01:43:41so, yeah, we got this coveted combat patch, right, I'm not sure if it was last year or the
01:43:51I don't remember, yeah, so, and then, uh, so they asked us, okay, you're a combat veteran now, okay,
01:43:59so, yeah, uh, so would you like to live in campus or off campus, Fort Hood, Texas, right,
01:44:08they gave us, gave us choice, do you want to live in barracks inside the base, Fort Hood, Texas,
01:44:17or would you like to live in off-campus apartment in the civilian area just outside Fort Hood, Texas
01:44:31base, I chose to live off-campus, okay, I got an apartment, one-bedroom apartment,
01:44:40Harker Heights, very good town, okay, Mondays in military, U.S. Army, yeah, it's, uh, Mondays to
01:44:49Friday, yeah, we go to work, we wake up, like, 6 in the morning, 6 a.m. in the morning, and
01:44:577 a.m. in the morning, yeah, though,
01:45:03from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m., one hour, Mondays to Friday, yeah, physical training, PT session,
01:45:10exercise, push-ups, sit-ups, two-mile run, something like that, okay, yeah, that's the routine, yeah,
01:45:24yeah, so,
01:45:25so, yeah, I live off-campus, okay, yeah, 2012, I had to pay for it, rent, apartment rent,
01:45:44one-bedroom, yeah, Harker Heights, right, yeah,
01:45:48yeah, it was nice, I commuted with my car to the base, right,
01:45:58and one time, I invited my army colleagues, males, okay, yeah, to my apartment,
01:46:07kind of house party, right, yeah,
01:46:09yeah, it was nice, because I'm a martial artist, right, so, and in the U.S. Army,
01:46:23my martial artist colleagues in the U.S. Army, soldiers, okay, so,
01:46:29yeah, they taught me good stuff, like, jujitsu,
01:46:32jujitsu, Filipino artists, Thailand Muay Thai, right, yeah, their martial arts is way better than mine,
01:46:41okay, so, they would teach me
01:46:46martial arts, okay, yeah, it was so nice,
01:46:49yes, yeah, sometimes, yeah, we go to restaurant and have some lunch together,
01:47:06uh, yeah, I joined the U.S. Army in 2009, I was there for four years, active duty, okay,
01:47:12I got out after four years in 2013, yeah, I joined the U.S. Army in 2009,
01:47:19yeah, basic combat training, Fort Benning, Georgia, Home of Infantry, yeah, that's where I,
01:47:25for the very first time, I learned about gun, firearm, M16, AR-15, also rifle, okay,
01:47:33yeah, uh, duty sergeants, right, basic combat training, Army boot camp, oh, yeah,
01:47:42it was fun, like paper target, right, shooting range, gun range, well, it was fun, yeah, I liked it,
01:47:51um, yeah,
01:48:03uh, we also were trained to use grenade, Fort Benning, Georgia,
01:48:10basic combat training, okay, 2009, yeah, grenade, the real one, okay, yeah,
01:48:16M16, also M4, more lightweight, also rifle, yeah, with this, uh,
01:48:28pumping action, the, the, grenade launcher, right, M4, with this,
01:48:39grenade launcher, okay, yeah, pumping action, just like shotgun, right, yeah, uh,
01:48:45I mean, I was not infantry, I was avionics, electrician for helicopters, okay, so, yeah,
01:48:50but, uh, the grenade launcher, M4, for test, okay, so, uh, we were trained for that, uh, but it was
01:49:00not a real grenade, though, okay, but throwing the grenade, yeah, we did that with real grenade
01:49:07ones, okay, but when it comes to M4, this grenade launcher, we did it with, uh,
01:49:17fake grenade, I'm Korean, okay, yeah, but I love China, okay, yes,
01:49:26yeah, but when it comes to 50 caliber, 50 caliber, like big machine gun, yeah, we, we did that,
01:49:35it's a pilot-based combat training, U.S. Army, right, yeah, 50 caliber, like,
01:49:41machine gun, okay, we did that once, okay, but, yeah, I'm Korean-American, okay, that was fun,
01:49:51machine gun, okay, in a gun range, okay, yeah,
01:49:53um, yeah, they have this, like, uh, every now and then, this bullet with some, uh,
01:50:05lighting, right, yeah, to guide where the bullet goes, okay, yeah, that was very cool,
01:50:16Mr. Kim Jong-un, yeah, Supreme Leader of North Korea, yeah, he's good and bad,
01:50:20yeah, I love North Korea, and Mr. Kim Jong-un of North Korea,
01:50:25he modernized North Korea in many different ways, okay, I appreciate that, okay,
01:50:33he's good and bad, like anybody else, okay, but one thing I appreciate about Mr. Trump,
01:50:40he's very good friend of Mr. Kim Jong-un, okay, and very Christian, yeah,
01:50:45yeah, also Mr. Trump is good friend of Vladimir Putin as well, of Russia, right,
01:50:52yeah, that's very Christian, like, love your enemy,
01:50:56right, I appreciate that part about Mr. Trump, okay, yeah, I'm just being honest, okay,
01:51:02okay, yeah, so,
01:51:16uh, but I'm running for U.S. President as well, as an independent thinker, and also,
01:51:21yeah, Ms. Kamala Harris, I love her smile, she's a very beautiful lady, Ms. Kamala Harris, right,
01:51:27yeah, uh, but this year, I'm going to vote for myself, and yeah, I'm a United America citizen,
01:51:38I'm going to vote for myself, I'm running for U.S. President, I'm going to vote for myself,
01:51:43but I appreciate Trump, and Kamala Harris, and Joe Biden too, okay, yeah, they're not perfect
01:51:49human beings, I'm not perfect either, okay, but I'm going to vote for myself, 2024,
01:51:58because I'm running for U.S. President, but I do appreciate some parts of Trump, Biden, Harris,
01:52:04okay, yeah, yeah, Jewish Christian, okay, yeah, that's like World War II, right, like Hitler,
01:52:12right, I mean, yeah, Zionism, right, like Albert Einstein, Zionism, okay, I love Jews,
01:52:21I love Palestinians, I love Arabs, I love everybody, okay, so, uh, Jews and Palestinians,
01:52:30in a couple of decades, yeah, they will learn to live together, coexist
01:52:36in peace, they will, it may take a couple of decades, okay, yeah, well, there will be peace,
01:52:46yeah, in the Middle East, in a couple of decades, okay, yeah, because in America, yeah, we have
01:52:54blacks, whites, American natives, it took a couple of centuries to get along, to achieve peace in
01:53:02to achieve peace in America, right, but when you go to the Middle East, I don't think it will take
01:53:07a couple of centuries like America did, okay, it probably will take a couple of decades,
01:53:13okay, because human evolution, the speed of evolution in humanity accelerates,
01:53:20okay, it will just take a couple of decades, not a couple of centuries, okay,
01:53:24there will be my prediction, okay, yeah,
01:53:35yeah, what if a Jewish person becomes United States President,
01:53:40I'm okay with that, yeah, I mean, Jews, Arabs, they're like anybody else,
01:53:48okay, yeah, I'm okay with that,
01:53:54okay, yeah, blacks, whites, browns, mixed races, they're all cool people, okay, so Jews, Arabs,
01:54:03that's the same, same people, people, they're all the same, okay,
01:54:08okay, I love all races, okay, yeah, so cool, okay, yeah, now,
01:54:20uh, let's make transition to Facebook live, where we watch some YouTube videos,
01:54:32what I do as US President, martial arts education, okay, martial arts is very important,
01:54:45there will be my number one priority, martial arts education, yeah, go to YouTube,
01:54:49type martial arts lessons, okay, and learn martial arts for free, okay, yeah,
01:54:54because it strengthens your body and mind and your spirit, also, self-defense, defense of others,
01:55:02okay, martial arts is so important, okay, yeah, I like to teach that, okay, yeah,
01:55:08yeah, okay, friends, yeah, uh, I will see you tomorrow, or maybe I'll see you in Facebook live,
01:55:17okay, my voice is short, okay, I need some more courage, okay, so, okay, I'm very proud of you,
01:55:23future leaders, be ambitious, yeah, focus on education and career development, okay,
01:55:28and learn martial arts too, okay, thank you, I'm very proud, you're fantastic, okay,
01:55:34see you tomorrow, I'll see you in Facebook live, okay, thank you, yeah, fantastic, fantastic, yeah.
01:56:02very cool, okay, friends, yeah, I will see you in the Facebook live, or I'll see you tomorrow, okay,
01:56:08thank you, my proud, yeah, be the leaders, thank you.