friday night live with huhnkie lee 167.2

  • last month


00:00:00Hello friends yeah welcome to Friday Night Live Hwang Kili episode 167.2 yeah happy Saturday
00:00:11evening okay exercise okay let's do
00:00:29torso sparring okay
00:00:35torso training okay so yeah pretend this is your martial art opponent okay
00:01:03oh very good okay five minutes break please thank you yeah martial arts very
00:01:08cool all right
00:01:18yeah maybe backwards right
00:01:23that's all right okay
00:02:23all right
00:14:18all right friends welcome back and yeah I went outside after taking a nap
00:14:28went to Walmart for some grocery and also nice drive towards Sutton just
00:14:35like north east of Palma yeah like listening to some NPR show, radio, talk
00:14:44about the story of a forensic artist yeah like they do drawing in the
00:14:54courtroom right when photographs are not allowed yeah so very interesting story
00:15:00yeah yeah okay uh yeah
00:15:06let's just go to Instagram live. Time to pick. Yeah we're taking a break from
00:15:13mathematics right yeah
00:15:23okay it's been
00:15:29maybe 20 minutes or a little bit okay yeah let's go to Instagram live. I'm gonna
00:15:35create coconut juice
00:15:59yes weekend routine I go to Walmart Saturday and buy grocery and like toilet
00:16:08paper, supplies and yeah coconut juice
00:16:23and yeah and Sunday tomorrow yeah this is like beginning of August yeah I need to
00:16:31write down that in the name of humanity he prays copy and paste okay and publish
00:16:37in Amazon Kindle yeah that's probably tomorrow evening maybe in the morning
00:16:41tomorrow I just take a bath right yeah Sunday that's my Sunday routine yeah
00:16:47book publishing once a month right yeah beginning of every month yeah
00:17:03yeah let's go to Instagram live
00:17:32hello friends yeah welcome to Friday Night Live Hong Ki Lee Instagram live
00:17:39happy Saturday evening
00:17:47yeah welcome yeah yeah welcome good evening
00:17:54yeah you know Jonas sure yeah if internet works
00:18:21welcome welcome
00:18:28yeah yeah oh thank you thank you nice Australia fantastic
00:18:50yeah thank you thank you yeah yeah cheers yep
00:19:03fantastic welcome friends yeah Australia great country yeah very
00:19:11beautiful and big country Australia is right yeah I'm wonderful friends from
00:19:16Australia yeah thank you for joining us oh yeah mm-hmm international right yeah
00:19:22nice cheers yeah
00:19:26what's that one of those country I've never been to but I was always want to
00:19:30travel one day yeah one of many countries that I love to visit yeah
00:19:37Cheers yeah
00:19:46very cool
00:19:49yeah I'm just drinking coconut juice
00:19:54yeah welcome yeah
00:19:59welcome welcome Cheers
00:20:20good evening
00:20:31yeah I love you too thank you yeah
00:20:34future leaders oh yeah very cool
00:20:44yeah coconut juice it's quite nice yeah
00:20:57oh yeah
00:21:00so I went to Walmart and also I went to Fred Meyers in Wasilla and yeah it's good to see people
00:21:10oh marijuana I'm not a huge fan I'm sorry yeah because I had smoked marijuana
00:21:17before like maybe about five times in my life I'm 46 and it was way too strong
00:21:26and it was too fast right so I think marijuana is too dangerous in my opinion
00:21:32okay so I drink alcohol I smoke cigarettes that's what I need and I think
00:21:38marijuana is way too strong okay I think it's too dangerous to be honest okay but
00:21:44medical marijuana
00:21:52yeah as a pain reliever medical marijuana right
00:22:00I heard that some people saying as a pain reliever
00:22:08there may be some validity there
00:22:13I don't recommend marijuana okay it hurts short-term memory loss okay and if you
00:22:21want to sleep well my recommendation to my friend to exercise martial arts
00:22:29dancing running okay be physically active oh that's a lot healthier than marijuana
00:22:36that's a lot healthier than marijuana okay well at night read a book
00:22:43he will put you to sleep okay
00:22:49or on your cell phone read about some history obscure obscure country like
00:22:55some in like Asia or Africa yeah learn about their history
00:23:02or you can learn foreign languages
00:23:06okay if you're not sleepy okay if you're not sleepy that means you don't need
00:23:11sleep yeah read some article in the news maybe in
00:23:16the cell phone or history Wikipedia or maybe some YouTube videos documentaries
00:23:23about history in YouTube if you're not sleepy if you're not sleepy that means
00:23:28you don't need sleep it means that you have slept enough that's what it means
00:23:33if you're not sleepy okay yeah okay cheers yeah
00:23:42yeah okay now let's take five minutes break please
00:23:45wake up good evening yeah five minutes break please thank you
00:23:51yeah mighty proud future leaders
00:23:55very cool
00:23:59five minutes
00:24:25it's jimmy
00:26:03All right, friends, welcome back, we are back and another way, let's say it's time, it's
00:26:31late at night, you're not sleepy. How about writing? That's what I do, right? Yeah, writing
00:26:39is a very good hobby, it's very therapeutic as well, writing. Write a novel, poetry, essay,
00:26:45journal, yeah, in your cell phone, yeah, that's what I do. Cheers. Okay, yeah. Oh, yeah. Okay,
00:27:01also you can read a book, yeah. On your cell phone, e-book, yeah. When it's dark, late
00:27:12at night, when you're alone in your bed, at night, late at night, yeah, e-book, on your
00:27:19cell phone, okay, yeah. Yeah. How nice. What a quiet night, huh? Cheers.
00:27:50Also drink a lot of water, okay, yeah. In my bedroom, on my bed, I bottle water.
00:28:01Welcome, yeah, yeah. Because sometimes like late at night or early in the morning, I'm like thirsty,
00:28:07right, so bottle water right next to my pillow on my bed, okay, yeah, it's important. Hydration, okay,
00:28:17cheers, yeah. I think it was last night, I had this dream, I was playing a card game with friends.
00:28:35It was funny because it was kind of a combination between blackjack and poker, so
00:28:43I mean, playing card, trump card, right, the highest number to play blackjack to make 21, right,
00:28:52with three or less cards, but card, playing card, you have jack, queen, and king. King is like
00:29:03king is like this 11, 12, 13, right, but somehow I have this card that's like number 18
00:29:11in that dream, okay, and I had another card which is number three, so okay, it adds up to 21, so okay.
00:29:20So I bet it like one dollar, everybody bet it,
00:29:24and there were like a lot of people, about 30 people in this card game, right.
00:29:36I show my card, my hands of cards, my hand, and then, yeah, 18, which is fictional because
00:29:45it does not go, there's no number 18 card, okay, so it was a dream, so 18 and three, yeah, I win,
00:29:5221, and there's another guy, no, no, no, no, no,
00:29:59hey, I have one pair, I think it was a number two and two, okay, I win,
00:30:09I have one pair that's higher than you, so that's like totally fictional because
00:30:14blackjack and poker, they are two different games, okay,
00:30:17but what was that, other people agreed, okay, he won, okay, so he collected all this, $30,
00:30:25there were 30 people there, one dollar each person, that's interesting, yeah.
00:30:42Well, okay, let's take five minutes break, okay, and then I start thinking a little bit,
00:30:51actually, yeah, at night I drink alcohol and it does help me sleep though, alcohol, okay, yeah,
00:31:00okay, because I'm over 10 years old, okay, yeah, yeah, five minutes, okay, thank you, yeah,
00:31:06welcome, good evening, okay,
00:31:30thank you,
00:32:00thank you,
00:32:30thank you,
00:33:00thank you,
00:33:31okay, good evening, what else do I have on my bed, yeah, welcome, I have
00:33:49night cap, like cap, it's a quilted hat for warmth, I have scarf,
00:33:57pillows and blankets, I was on my bed, I also have, it's a queen-size bed, okay, yeah, and I also have
00:34:08notebook and pen, because sometimes I do mathematics, like all in the morning on my bed,
00:34:12okay, and small plastic trash can and paper, toilet paper roll on my bed, okay, yeah,
00:34:20toilet paper roll on my bed, okay, yeah, many items there,
00:34:30yeah, and cell phone of course,
00:34:37and cell phone charger, charging the cord, so on my bed I charge my cell phone, because
00:34:47my cell phone charger cord is very long, okay, so yeah, I charge my cell phone when I sleep, okay, so
00:34:56well, yeah,
00:35:01okay, okay, well, I have another bottle of wine, the kitchen counter, so welcome, yeah,
00:35:23I think it's warm enough,
00:35:31yeah, in my bedroom I also have like electric heater, right, yeah, also on my bed, yeah, remote
00:35:38control to turn light off and on with my remote control, okay, so I have that, yeah, cheers,
00:35:52yeah, modern convenience, right, yeah,
00:35:54yeah, all right, yep,
00:36:05yeah, so
00:36:09let me take some selfie here,
00:36:15yeah, yeah, now let me turn off the heater in the living room, it's warm,
00:36:35oh, yeah, good times, yeah,
00:36:59Mina express,
00:37:15yeah, so our friends in Instagram live, I really like the creativity, the account names, right,
00:37:31it's beautiful, yeah,
00:37:35great creativity there, cheers, yeah,
00:37:38yeah, charming, humorous, oh, yeah,
00:37:53nice, geniuses, yeah, mighty proud, yeah,
00:38:03yeah, more romantics, sure,
00:38:11on average I get to date these days like once a year, okay, so,
00:38:17yeah, bouquet of flowers, nice restaurant, conversation, yeah, like what kind of conversation,
00:38:25like first date, like where you're from, where are you from,
00:38:33what made you come to Alaska, like what's your story, and yeah,
00:38:42lately I made online dating site, and then so like,
00:38:49what was your online dating experience,
00:38:52how are other guys that you met online, like, you know, I have no idea how other guys,
00:39:04what do they talk about, how they introduce themselves, other guys online dating website,
00:39:11right, I don't know, because I'm a straight man, so I don't know, I have no idea what other guys
00:39:17talk about, okay, so I'm kind of curious, you know, yeah,
00:39:28and also, okay, thank you for choosing me for your date today, and what made you
00:39:37to choose me over other guys,
00:39:40I'm curious, you know, cheers,
00:39:50and the lady in the van first day, yeah, asked me some questions, like, yeah, where are you from,
00:39:55like, you know, what kind of music do you listen to, like, your hobby, what's your job,
00:40:04what's your job, you know, yeah,
00:40:11also very important, the health information exchange, okay, yeah, the, because you don't
00:40:17want to get STD, okay, yeah, or any diseases, so yeah, yeah, I'm like, yeah, I have no diseases
00:40:28whatsoever, how are you, you know, yeah, it's important, okay, in case some ultimacy may happen
00:40:40later on, maybe on second date or whatever, right, it's important to exchange about health
00:40:48information, that's very important, you have to protect yourself, okay, yeah,
00:40:54hmm, oh, yeah,
00:41:00yeah, but no dating until you turn 25, okay, yeah, that would be my recommendation,
00:41:05okay, focus on education and career development until then, okay, yeah, cheers, yeah,
00:41:24so first date is very exciting, right, yeah, I enjoy first date, okay,
00:41:33but that happens like once a year, why,
00:41:39I'm not very popular among local females, okay, why,
00:41:54because, probably because I'm strange, I'm weird, right, I'm
00:42:07strange kind of person, like I do mathematics as a hobby and
00:42:15online dataset, my account, self-description, I say the same thing, yeah,
00:42:23please love my charts, yeah, go to YouTube, time my chart lesson, please love my charts,
00:42:26self-defense, you know, what guys would say such a thing in online dating sites, love my charts,
00:42:40and so my online dating site, like description is kind of like a novel that I write, right,
00:42:49it's kind of like a little bit comedy,
00:42:58so that's why I get to date like once a year on average, okay, because
00:43:03we are strange kind of guys, so, and I do not hide that fact,
00:43:10okay, yeah, I'm honest, I got nothing to hide, you know, but once a year, okay, when a date happens,
00:43:21I'm very grateful to the lady, and I hugely enjoy the experience,
00:43:30yeah, in a restaurant, lunch or dinner, you know, oh,
00:43:40something I hugely enjoy, yeah, that was a year, okay, as an adult, yeah,
00:43:59I'm very grateful to the ladies, okay,
00:44:15to me,
00:44:20having a romantic date like once a year, to me, that's good,
00:44:24to me,
00:44:28having a romantic date like once a year, to me, that's good enough,
00:44:35well, that's good enough,
00:44:40okay, okay, let's take five minutes break, please, thank you, yeah, story time, sure, sure,
00:44:48okay, five minutes, thank you,
00:47:44okay, so how about professions of the ladies I have dated, I have never dated
00:47:52doctor or a lawyer, ladies, I have not, okay, yeah, well, I'm a lawyer now,
00:47:59used to be a computer programmer, and other ladies, I mean, ladies that I've dated,
00:48:06yeah, welcome friends, yeah, long time no see, yeah, welcome, welcome, yeah,
00:48:20welcome, yeah, good to see you, long time no see, oh yeah,
00:48:28so like ladies I have dated, their professions, I have dated
00:48:37ladies who work for federal governmental agencies, okay, yeah,
00:48:41hmm, also ladies in the real estate, ladies who are nurses, ladies who are like psychologists,
00:48:50and ladies in a like retail sales, sales, and yeah,
00:49:01I never dated a bartender lady, I don't think so, okay, yeah,
00:49:06yeah, oh, actually, I have, yes, yeah, bartender lady, yeah, I have dated,
00:49:14who else have I dated,
00:49:30since such a long time ago,
00:49:51yeah, okay, it's been a long time, okay, so, uh,
00:50:09I have dated ladies who have children, I've dated ladies who even have grandchildren,
00:50:16okay, yeah, they're divorced, so they're single, okay, so, yeah, just legend, and, uh,
00:50:22um, yeah,
00:50:35yeah, yeah, good people, oh, yeah, cheers, yeah,
00:50:52good times,
00:51:28at one time, I remember, um, so I dated a lady, and she has children and grandchildren, so
00:51:39my date, the lady, and her daughter, and her granddaughter, four of us went to see a movie
00:51:48together, a movie theater, okay, a long time ago, right, yeah, it was nice, yeah, oh, yeah,
00:51:59yeah, because the lady and I, we dated, uh, for, like, about two to three months, okay, so, yeah,
00:52:05kind of became family friends, you know, yeah, good times,
00:52:14one movie did we watch together, uh, I think it was a movie called, uh, Crash, it's about, uh,
00:52:21police officers, right, yeah, the car incident, car accident, and that stuff, okay, yeah,
00:52:29it's, like, the background, uh, of that story, I think it's Los Angeles, California, okay,
00:52:37yeah, welcome, yeah, yeah,
00:52:40welcome, good evening, yeah,
00:52:46yeah, welcome, yeah,
00:53:01yeah, welcome, yeah, yeah,
00:53:15good evening, welcome,
00:53:29oh, yeah, midnight express,
00:53:31mm-hmm, yeah,
00:53:49yeah, welcome, so, after I woke up from the nap earlier this evening, I ate fruits,
00:53:59like, yellow cherries and, uh, uh, some melons, berries, and after that, I took a brush, brush
00:54:13my teeth, right, because fruits have a lot of sugar, right, yeah, so, I eat fruit before I brush
00:54:21my teeth, okay, yeah, dental hygiene, yeah, so, I guess I'm kind of full, I ate a lot of fruits,
00:54:34very healthy, yeah, the dietary fiber, vitamins, right, yeah, yeah, welcome, mm-hmm,
00:54:41mm-hmm, yeah, so, yeah, I'm not hungry at all, yeah,
00:54:52yeah, so, yeah, welcome, cheers, yeah,
00:55:03yeah, I'm pretty sure grapes also have some vitamin C, right, yeah,
00:55:12I mean, the wine, I grabbed juice, I'm sure it has vitamin C, but wine, I'm sure it has vitamin C,
00:55:22yeah, so, okay, let's take five minutes break, please, welcome, good evening,
00:55:29five minutes, thank you, time to real quick,
00:55:43it's less than one hour, okay, good, okay, five minutes, thank you, very cool,
00:58:41okay, welcome back, yeah, so, good evening, yeah, you wanna join us, sure,
00:58:51if internet works, okay, welcome, yeah, welcome, welcome, yeah, welcome, in the question room,
00:59:04yeah, just five minutes break, okay, yeah, welcome, yeah,
00:59:11uh-huh, oh, we have some internet issue, huh, sorry about that,
00:59:20yeah, but if you disjoin and rejoin, sometimes that works, okay, why don't you try that, okay,
00:59:27yeah, okay, but welcome, yeah, good evening, it's like 11 p.m in Alaska, so, I don't know
00:59:37what time zone you're at, but, sure, yeah,
00:59:49yeah, it's interesting, I'm working, man,
00:59:52yeah, 9 a.m, how nice, 3 a.m, okay, you want to see the eastern coast,
01:00:129 a.m, are you in like Europe, Africa, somewhere, okay, welcome, yeah,
01:00:236 p.m, okay, are you in Australia, maybe,
01:00:32but, I'm sorry, internet is not working, oh, Poland, nice, nice, Europe, very cool, yeah,
01:00:38welcome, yeah, yeah, oh, my day was nice, thank you, yeah,
01:00:46yeah, let me drink some vodka here,
01:00:59yeah, South Africa, oh, yes, it's very good country, yeah, yeah, nice, great country, yeah,
01:01:08yeah, South Africa,
01:01:16never been there, but, I watched some documentaries in YouTube, yeah, great zoos,
01:01:26like safari, South Africa, right, oh, yeah, fantastic, great animals there, cheers, yeah,
01:01:33yeah, like giraffe, like elephants, right, oh, yeah, yeah, welcome, friends, yeah, welcome,
01:01:47oh, yeah,
01:01:56Colorado, nice, yeah, I've been to Denver, Colorado, yeah, yeah, beautiful town, oh, yeah,
01:02:05Port Collins, I'm not sure where that is,
01:02:09hmm, trailer park, okay, okay, yeah, yeah, Port Collins,
01:02:21Dallas, okay, yeah, I've been to Dallas, Texas, oh, yeah,
01:02:28ah, Port Collins in Colorado, nice, yeah, yeah, thank you, welcome, yeah,
01:02:36yeah, okay, yeah, yeah,
01:02:44yeah, very cool, international friends,
01:02:52oh, yeah, cheers,
01:03:05yeah, yeah,
01:03:13I've been to Denver, Colorado once,
01:03:20I'm in Alaska, I'm originally from Seoul, South Korea, yeah,
01:03:28yeah, I'm in Wasilla, Alaska right now, just one on also Anchorage, okay, yeah,
01:03:41yeah, my telephone number, that's privacy, right, yeah, yeah, I'm sorry, I cannot invite you here,
01:03:52because we have internet issue, maybe next time, okay, yeah, yeah,
01:04:03some other time, we can chat here, okay, yeah, maybe tomorrow, okay, it's internet connection,
01:04:09okay, yeah, I've been to Dallas, Texas, yeah, yeah, Denver, Colorado, yeah, great cities,
01:04:20big cities, right, yeah, cheers, yeah,
01:04:35hurricane, oh, okay, my recommendation, yeah, love martial arts,
01:04:43can martial arts protect people from hurricane, oh, yeah,
01:04:53okay, yeah, martial arts, it can protect you from hurricane, okay,
01:05:00I'm not making those up, I'm being very serious, okay, yeah,
01:05:04yeah, yeah, because as you practice martial arts, you become very agile person,
01:05:21very sensitive person, because that's what martial arts training is benefit,
01:05:27one of my benefits, okay, you become very aware of surroundings
01:05:36as a martial artist, you can avoid the danger before it comes to you,
01:05:43it's kind of medical, okay, yeah, so, okay, yeah, yeah, please be safe, okay, yeah, okay,
01:05:58also, learn how to swim, okay, yeah, unless you already know, yeah, you're welcome, yeah,
01:06:10swimming is mandatory, okay, everybody should know how to swim, okay, yeah, I do, okay, yeah,
01:06:17okay, yeah, yeah, the last time I swam, I was in San Diego, California,
01:06:28oh, nice, you know how to swim, okay, I'm mighty proud, okay, yeah, nice,
01:06:35what do I do for fun, let me show you, okay, yeah,
01:06:48okay, that's one of many things I do for fun,
01:07:00yeah, yeah,
01:07:04thank you, yeah, mathematics,
01:07:06yeah, yeah,
01:07:21thank you, yeah, it's also like I do like martial arts, dancing, singing, writing, acting,
01:07:30yeah, also running for U.S. President,
01:07:40those are some of the things that I do for fun, okay,
01:07:48welcome to Hong Kong, okay, oh, boy, my job, I'm a lawyer, yeah, attorney,
01:07:55Adler, yeah, like Esquire, whatever, yeah,
01:08:01yeah, I'm a lawyer by trade, yeah, cheers, yeah,
01:08:12thank you, thank you, yeah, yeah, thank you for your support, yeah,
01:08:18thank you, future leaders,
01:08:21mm-hmm, yeah,
01:08:27mighty proud, yeah,
01:08:32oh, yeah, now, let's take five minutes break, okay, yeah, welcome, yeah, good evening, yeah,
01:08:38please feel free to go to bed, okay, it's coming late at night, so, okay, yeah, okay,
01:08:42five minutes break, thank you, yeah, welcome, future leaders, yeah, mighty proud, absolutely,
01:08:50yeah, okay, five minutes, thank you,
01:10:51okay, welcome back, we are back,
01:10:58yeah, good evening, yeah, very cool,
01:11:11welcome, welcome, yeah, yeah, very cool,
01:11:20yeah, good times, huh, yeah,
01:11:34cheers, yeah,
01:11:51oh, yeah,
01:11:57so, Denver, Colorado was very nice, yeah, it was like
01:12:04downtown Denver, Colorado, okay, there's some trams, like, you know, the trains, right,
01:12:10lightweight, for commuters, and it's such a beautiful town, Denver, Colorado, wow,
01:12:16wow, yeah, it's very good mixture of old and new, new buildings and old buildings, right,
01:12:25the city planner of Denver, Colorado did fantastic job, okay,
01:12:34I was there for this, okay, I'm a patent attorney on paper, okay, because I patent,
01:12:44I used to a patent agent on paper, I never practiced it, but I passed a patent by exam,
01:12:50even before I went to law school, okay, so, so it was United States patent and trade my office,
01:12:57okay, from Western D.C., they came to Denver, Colorado to give us, like, continuing legal
01:13:04education about patent law, intellectual property, okay, one week, five days, okay,
01:13:14so, I took, like, one week vacation, back then, I was a computer programmer, working for state of
01:13:19Alaska, okay, and what year was that, probably, like, 2015, like, nine years ago, okay,
01:13:28so, I took, like, one week vacation, and then went to Denver, Colorado, stay in a hotel, and
01:13:34yeah, took the class during the, in the morning,
01:13:38afternoon, right, after that, I did running, jogging, at night, downtown Denver, Colorado,
01:13:50yeah, it was nice.
01:14:07I was alone, right, but still romantic,
01:14:14running at night, downtown Denver, Colorado, how romantic,
01:14:19romance does not have to be with, like, men and women, no,
01:14:22not always, okay, just romance with the nature or city,
01:14:28beautiful, nature, beautiful city, romance, yeah, although I was alone, okay, yeah,
01:14:44good people, yeah,
01:14:49I've been to some, couple of dance clubs there, too, okay, yeah,
01:14:52couple of dance clubs there, too, okay, yeah,
01:14:57how about San Diego, California, again, continuing legal education, okay, I went there,
01:15:05about, probably, like, 2018, or something, six years ago, okay, again, one week vacation,
01:15:15continuing legal education, about election law,
01:15:26again, one week class, this time,
01:15:34again, federal governmental officials from Federal Election Commission in Washington,
01:15:43okay, yeah, yeah, they came to San Diego, California, and they told us about election law,
01:15:52yeah, one week, okay, yeah, and San Diego, California, that was the last time I swam
01:15:58in the ocean, the Imperial Beach, right, very sandy beach, right, very beautiful,
01:16:05okay, I was alone, okay, yeah, but it was so romantic,
01:16:12yeah, that was the last time I swam in the ocean, okay, yeah, cheers, yeah,
01:16:27so, in San Diego, California, the very first restaurant I went to, yeah, In-N-Out hamburger,
01:16:33okay, huge fan, Alaska, yeah, we don't have In-N-Out hamburger, okay,
01:16:39we don't, we wish we do, but maybe in the future, okay,
01:16:48just In-N-Out hamburger, double-double with raw onion, cheese, oh, I'm just melting in my mouth,
01:16:57oh, yeah, magical,
01:17:07my favorite hamburger, In-N-Out hamburger, okay, double-double with raw onion, all right, oh,
01:17:17again, romance, right, yeah, cheers,
01:17:41yeah, last time I had In-N-Out hamburger was last year, 2023, San Francisco, near the airport, okay,
01:17:53yeah, yeah, as I was going to South Korea to visit my parents last year, 2023, okay,
01:18:04yeah, I had In-N-Out hamburger, oh, that was such a bless, such a treat,
01:18:22it's like a miracle,
01:18:28the secret recipe, right, yeah, the hamburger bun, right, and the,
01:18:34welcome friends, good evening, yeah, yeah, welcome, yeah,
01:18:43yeah, so In-N-Out hamburger, I mean,
01:18:46the secret recipe, right, oh, it's just so good, it's like a miracle,
01:19:01very special,
01:19:17unbelievable, right, oh, okay, uh, we have like 30 minutes left, okay, yeah, I think,
01:19:27time flies, yeah, we have more than 30 minutes, okay, okay, let's take five minutes break, okay,
01:19:37five minutes, thank you, yeah,
01:21:40okay, welcome friends, yeah, let's talk about In-N-Out hamburger, right, in California,
01:21:50uh, so the very first time I had that In-N-Out hamburger, I was a computer programmer in Los
01:21:56Angeles, Pasadena, California, okay, I live in San Fernando Valley, Los Angeles, California, okay,
01:22:02uh, North Hollywood, okay, well, back then, Encino, okay, yeah, Ventura Boulevard, and
01:22:13Lancashire Boulevard, I guess, okay, so I commuted like 30 minutes, like, to Pasadena,
01:22:19I was a computer programmer in Pasadena, California, our boss, bosses, yeah, married couple,
01:22:23Chinese-Americans, great business, and, uh, the lady, boss lady, asked me, hey, during the lunch
01:22:34hour, hey, uh, can you, she gave me money, and hey, would you please, uh, buy some double,
01:22:41double with raw onion In-N-Out hamburger, and I did, okay, and also she gave me money to, uh,
01:22:49lunch money, okay, yeah, same, yeah, double, double with raw onions,
01:22:56that was the very first time I experienced In-N-Out hamburger, it was, I was like, wow,
01:23:09it was amazing,
01:23:10first time In-N-Out hamburger experience, wow, it was like, blew my mind away, yeah, I was like,
01:23:30also in Texas, yeah, I lived in Texas, uh, for two years, when I was in the U.S. Army, yeah,
01:23:35also in Texas, yeah, I lived in Texas, uh, for two years, when I was in the U.S. Army, yeah,
01:23:39water burger, that's quite a nice burger, actually, with, like, mustard, right, yeah,
01:23:44water burger, yeah, that was nice, too, okay, in Texas, right, yeah, cheers, yeah,
01:23:53in Alaska, yeah, we have McDonald's, we have Burger King, I love both, okay, yeah, they're good,
01:24:06yeah, McDonald's, like, uh, Big Mac, oh, fantastic, tartar sauce, right,
01:24:15and McDonald's, this, they're famous for their french fries, right, oh, yeah,
01:24:20Burger King, yeah, the Whopper, oh,
01:24:29with cheese and mayonnaise,
01:24:37tomato, onions, and pickles, and lettuce, yeah, Burger King, oh, yeah,
01:24:50they're good,
01:24:53so, Kentucky Fried Chicken, first time I had, I was in South-South Korea, okay,
01:24:59uh, I think I was in elementary school, 1980s, that's, yeah, in Banpo,
01:25:08South-South Korea, okay, yeah, Gangnam, right, 1980s, that's when Kentucky Fried Chicken,
01:25:15first time came to South-South Korea, okay, 1980s, their secret recipe, right, amazing, a coleslaw,
01:25:25uh, mashed potatoes with gravy, right, oh, it was amazing, yeah, McDonald's, too,
01:25:34yeah, Pizza Hut, as well, okay, it's 1980s, first time they came to South-South Korea, okay,
01:25:40amazing, oh, yeah, Burger King, as well, okay, yeah, cheers, yeah, oh,
01:25:58oh, yeah, fast food, yeah, huge fan,
01:26:10yeah, good times, yeah,
01:26:31oh, yeah,
01:26:38okay, we're talking about foodie, right, yeah, good foods, right, yeah, now, let's take five minutes
01:26:45break, okay, I need some vocal rest, okay, and let's talk some more about food, okay, sure, yeah,
01:26:52I love food, it's just that I exercise, okay, so that's why I'm in good shape,
01:27:01okay, yeah, exercise and diet, okay, five minutes, okay, thank you, yeah, welcome,
01:27:08okay, very cool,
01:29:19okay, we are back, welcome back, and we'll talk about wonderful food, right, American food, so
01:29:26when I was in the U.S. Army, I stationed in Fort Hood, Texas, okay, and our Army colleagues
01:29:35bought some fried chicken gizzards from a gas station, Delicatessen, okay,
01:29:40and Kentucky fried chicken started in the Delicatessen gas station in Kentucky, right,
01:29:47right, yeah, so in Fort Hood, Texas, okay, our colleagues bought some fried chicken gizzards and
01:29:56shared with me, okay, for free, okay, and it blew my mind away, fried chicken gizzards, okay,
01:30:05even in Alaska, some supermarket Delicatessen, yeah, they actually
01:30:09cook fried chicken gizzards and fried chicken liver, okay, amazing, okay, the texture,
01:30:18actually fried chicken gizzards, okay, wow, first time in Fort Hood, Texas, okay,
01:30:25Fort Hood, Texas, amazing, blew my mind away, okay, it was magical, yeah, cheers, yeah,
01:30:38it was amazing,
01:30:42also, jalapeño poppers, again, my Army colleagues, Fort Hood, Texas, bought jalapeño poppers
01:30:51and shared with me, oh, it was so good, yeah,
01:30:57welcome, friends, yeah, welcome, welcome, welcome, good evening, yeah,
01:31:08IG, what is IG?
01:31:09Oh, Instagram, yeah, well, yeah, long time no see, friend, yeah, welcome, yeah, cheers,
01:31:24thank you, yeah, I mean, I was suspended in Instagram for a while, and then they lifted that
01:31:35sanction, yeah, about, like, three months ago, that I realized, okay, yeah, welcome back,
01:31:48we are back, yeah, actually, I do not know when they lift the sanction, okay, I just did not know,
01:31:57okay, so, it's been probably one year since I,
01:32:05yeah, welcome back, yeah, I think it's been about one year, okay, yeah,
01:32:13yeah, so,
01:32:17yeah, Instagram Live, we do this, like, every night, these days, yeah,
01:32:28yeah, yeah,
01:32:34yeah, we also do, like, Facebook Live, after Instagram Live, right, where we watch some
01:32:44YouTube videos, yeah, have a good night, yeah, welcome back, thank you, yeah, yeah,
01:32:51yeah, welcome, yeah,
01:33:07yeah, welcome, friends, and, so, back to jalapeno pepper, right, yeah, jalapeno pepper,
01:33:13and inside of that, the cheddar cheese, and the coating of this wheat flour, and they fry, you
01:33:21know, oil, and, oh, it's just great texture, jalapeno, right, and cheddar cheese, and
01:33:33the wheat flour coating, and the fried, you know, oil, jalapeno peppers, it is such a good,
01:33:40great texture of this jalapeno pepper, and it's such a good combination of cheddar cheese, as well,
01:33:48okay, oh, it was magical, okay, in Alaska, we have jalapeno peppers, yeah, some restaurants,
01:33:54delicatessen, okay, yeah, cheers, oh, yeah, it's so good, yeah, yeah,
01:34:03yeah, great American culinary arts, right, yeah, fried skin desserts, it's kind of soul food,
01:34:10southern food, a little bit, okay, yeah, amazing, amazing, yeah,
01:34:20oh, yeah, huge fan, yeah,
01:34:28in Michigan, yeah, I went to this soul food restaurant, African-Americans, okay,
01:34:34they served, cooked and served this, like, very well-cooked, like a barbecue pork rib,
01:34:48a pork rib, right, with this cartilage, wow, it was amazing, yeah, soul food, okay,
01:35:00uh, in Ypsilanti, Michigan, which is, like, 15 minutes from Ann Arbor, Michigan, where I stayed,
01:35:06okay, yeah, Ypsilanti, Michigan, okay, yeah, cheers, yeah, oh, it's just so good, okay,
01:35:22quite romantic, right, yeah,
01:35:26ah, good times,
01:35:33yeah, I remember, yeah,
01:35:51when I was in Los Angeles, California, North Hollywood, yeah, taco stand, right, yeah,
01:35:59Mexican-Americans, right, wow, taco langua, okay, the ox tongue, even in Alaska, some
01:36:08Mexican restaurants serve taco langua, okay, yeah, the ox tongue, amazing texture, very soft,
01:36:15moist, melt-in-my-mouth, okay, oh, first time, taco langua, yeah, San Fernando Valley, North
01:36:23Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, right, taco stand, it's like Victory Boulevard and, uh,
01:36:29maybe Lancashire Boulevard, okay, where I had, like, studio apartment there, okay,
01:36:37oh, amazing, oh, the authentic Mexican taco, right, with grilled onion, right, cebolla,
01:36:56one time they gave it to me for free,
01:36:59because I was, I was a regular, okay, huge fan,
01:37:09I was comfortable back then, okay, so how they cooked, grilled the onion, okay,
01:37:17they just peel the outer part of onion, right, but they don't cut it, no, they just put in the grill,
01:37:24maybe taco grill, okay, taco stand,
01:37:38it kind of looks like boiled egg, okay, onion, but they just put in the grill without cutting it,
01:37:45okay, and one time they gave it to me for free, okay, because I was a huge fan, I was a regular
01:37:53there, okay, taco stand, okay, authentic Mexican, Mexican culinary art, okay, oh, amazing,
01:38:05welcome, welcome, yeah, good evening, yeah, cheers, yeah,
01:38:24yeah, good times, huh, yeah,
01:38:32yeah, the fond memories about food, restaurants, taco stand, and yeah, barbecue, and
01:38:49yeah, I remember,
01:39:00all the amazing food I ate in the past, right, yeah, I remember,
01:39:14good times,
01:39:14okay, so let's make transition to Facebook live, okay, where we watch some YouTube videos,
01:39:25and make some video commentaries there, okay, sure, okay, yeah, all right, good night, yeah,
01:39:30maybe I'll see you there, Facebook live, or I'll see you tomorrow, okay, thank you, yeah,
01:39:58okay, so it's been almost two hours, okay, so I will make transition to Facebook live,
01:40:06where we watch some YouTube videos, and make video commentaries, okay, yeah, maybe I'll see you
01:40:10there, or maybe I'll see you tomorrow, okay, yeah, thank you, good night, yeah, thank you.