friday night live with huhnkie lee 167.3

  • last month


00:00:00Hello friends. Welcome to Friday Night Live Hunky Lee episode 167.3.
00:00:10Yeah, I took a bath so I feel rejuvenated.
00:00:14Okay. Exercise. Let's see.
00:00:20How about like martial arts? Like posturing? Okay. Yeah. Kung fu style.
00:00:50Okay. Good.
00:01:10Okay. Good. Five minutes break please. Thank you. Good exercise. Martial arts.
00:01:18Also artistic expression. Sure. It's beautiful. Yeah.
00:01:24Oh, I have some ball here. Let me get this.
00:01:42I just flushed down the toilet. All right. Five minutes. Thank you.
00:10:30Okay. Welcome to Friday Night of Hunky Lee.
00:10:48So I took a nap and woke up, brushed my teeth and took a bath.
00:10:53Yeah. And Sunday routine.
00:10:56And it's afternoon. It's less than one o'clock.
00:11:04And before one o'clock p.m. Alaska time.
00:11:11I had some dreams, interesting dreams.
00:11:14Do you remember?
00:11:18Cheers. Yeah.
00:11:29So in the dream, I had many dreams actually.
00:11:32So also some melodies as a songwriter.
00:11:37I didn't record it.
00:11:38I just kept on sleeping.
00:11:40But yeah, some melodies.
00:11:48Yeah, new tunes.
00:11:50And also dreams, like, okay.
00:11:53I went into, okay.
00:11:56I'm not in school, but in my dream I was in school.
00:12:00But I was in my house and I was late for class.
00:12:06I was late for the school and I went inside a building because I wanted to go to school, like, through the corridor of that building.
00:12:16And then I could not find the exit.
00:12:20So I went upstairs.
00:12:21There were some people there.
00:12:23And I asked them, hey, where's the exit?
00:12:28And they said, well, go over there.
00:12:30Ask the door person.
00:12:34And I could not find it.
00:12:36So then I woke up.
00:12:40Other dreams, I don't remember.
00:12:43A couple nights ago, again, I was inside a building.
00:12:47I tried to get out of the building.
00:12:49And there was this fence with these wires on top.
00:12:56But somehow I overcame it.
00:13:00And there was a second fence with barbed wire on top.
00:13:02And, okay.
00:13:04So I was about to climb it.
00:13:06But outside that fence there were police officers.
00:13:10And one of them told me, freeze.
00:13:12So I was like, oh.
00:13:15And another police officer said, oh, hey, is that Honky Lee?
00:13:19And I said, yes, sir, yeah, hi.
00:13:21Yeah, I'm Honky Lee.
00:13:23I just could not find the exit.
00:13:25So that's why I climbed the fence.
00:13:27Oh, yeah, put your head down.
00:13:28We know you.
00:13:29We know who you are.
00:13:31That was nice.
00:13:33And the police officer opened the gate for me.
00:13:35So, yeah.
00:13:36How nice.
00:13:46And Mr. Oliver Anthony, he's coming to Alaska.
00:13:51Alaska State Fair.
00:13:53I read in the Alaska State Fair booklet and his tickets are sold out.
00:14:00I've read that Oliver Anthony, he's, you know, rich man, north of Richmond,
00:14:06basically, like, criticizing, like, Washington DC people, right, including
00:14:10President Biden.
00:14:14So, yeah, I read that he's actually active these days.
00:14:17He's going to, like, Alaska State Fair.
00:14:19He's coming to Alaska.
00:14:20Tickets sold out.
00:14:21Basically, like, state fairs, those events, I think that's what he does these
00:14:26Yeah, touring.
00:14:27He's been to Europe, too.
00:14:28European tour.
00:14:31I'm happy for him, yeah.
00:14:33He's got a Cinderella story, right?
00:14:35Overnight sensation kind of.
00:14:37Great, yeah.
00:14:41Let's take five minutes break, and let's just go through this.
00:14:43We'll take a break from mathematics, okay?
00:14:47Five minutes, thank you.
00:14:49All right.
00:17:52So, what year was that?
00:17:54So I was in the US between 2009 and 2013.
00:17:57So I guess it was 2013, I think.
00:18:02Maybe it was 2000.
00:18:04Yeah, 2012, something like that.
00:18:072013, somewhere there.
00:18:10Yeah, I went to, I'm a member of Quad A, A-A-A-A, quadruple A, Army Aviation
00:18:15Association of America, okay?
00:18:17Because I was in avionics, okay?
00:18:19So it's an army organization.
00:18:23So what happened was we had, like, junior enlisted soldiers and also one sergeant,
00:18:33and we, about seven of us, okay, from our private company.
00:18:40We went to the Quad A event, okay?
00:18:47Because we are in aviation, I'm in aviation, you know?
00:18:52I was electing some helicopters, but others, they are mechanics for helicopters
00:18:56and logistics, right?
00:19:00Bravo Company, Fort Worth, Texas.
00:19:02So they had Quad A conference in Dallas, Texas, okay?
00:19:08So yeah, we, seven of us, yeah, we went there, okay?
00:19:13It was part of Bravo Company, okay?
00:19:18They approved this trip, and they funded it as well, okay?
00:19:24So nice, Dallas, Texas, yeah.
00:19:28About three hours from, two hours north of Fort Worth, Texas, clean Texas, okay?
00:19:36And in the conference, the big companies like Boeing, like Lockheed Martin,
00:19:45military contractors, like airplane companies, like Sikorsky and Airbus, right?
00:19:55Big, gigantic companies, okay?
00:19:59They work with the Department of Defense, right?
00:20:05So their company representatives, but at the end, they had this like concert event,
00:20:15and we were invited.
00:20:18All others, they're like high-ranking military veterans, like former generals, colonels, okay?
00:20:27We are the only junior elite soldiers there with ACU uniform, and they applauded us,
00:20:35introducing us to these high-ranking former generals, majors, right?
00:20:48And they invited this famous country singer, Mr. Trace Adkins.
00:20:54Like, he sang his famous song,
00:21:01It's on YouTube, right?
00:21:02It was the YouTube video earlier, and yeah, charming.
00:21:05And they integrated African-American style dancing in that music video, like twerking and stuff, okay?
00:21:13Very cool, yeah.
00:21:15It's like bling-bling, the metallic decoration.
00:21:20That's cool, yeah.
00:21:23And after that event, okay?
00:21:28Yeah, outside.
00:21:30I met an African-American gentleman, okay?
00:21:33He was a U.S. Army veteran, a commentator major.
00:21:38I remember his name, okay?
00:21:40So yeah, we met just outside of the event, and so I introduced myself,
00:21:47and he said he used to be the, okay, what's called SOAR, Special Operations Aviation Regiment.
00:22:00They are like helicopter pilots, technicians, like avionics, like electricians, mechanics for helicopters,
00:22:10just used in special forces, okay?
00:22:14SOAR, also known as NASTOKO, okay?
00:22:17Yeah, so he told me about that, okay?
00:22:19He was one of those special ops, okay?
00:22:24And he told me, hey, why don't you join Quad A?
00:22:28I'll sponsor you, and I'll pay for one-year membership for you.
00:22:33Just for one year, okay?
00:22:35And he did, yeah.
00:22:36So we kept in touch through emails, and then, yeah, then I became a member of Quad A, okay?
00:22:48He's such a great gentleman, okay?
00:22:53So when it comes to, okay, let's take five minutes break.
00:22:56I'll tell you more story about this SOAR, Special Operations Aviation Regiment, okay?
00:23:04Okay, five minutes, okay?
00:23:05Thank you.
00:23:09Instagram Live, we'll do that, okay?
00:23:16Some more stories here, okay?
00:23:18Five minutes.
00:26:23So Special Operations Aviation Regiment, SOAR, also known as Night Stalker, they are, like, top.
00:26:34Okay, so pilots there, helicopter pilots in the Night Stalker, okay?
00:26:41They are the best helicopter pilots in America, okay?
00:26:46They support air forces or Delta forces, okay?
00:26:51Special operations, okay?
00:26:53And they go through rigorous training, which is not as rigorous as special forces that I've been to.
00:27:00I was in AIT, Advanced Individual Training, after base combat training, okay?
00:27:07Fort Benning, Georgia, home of infantry, okay?
00:27:11Columbus, Georgia.
00:27:13And AIT, Fort Gordon, Georgia, Augusta, Georgia.
00:27:17Great people, great towns.
00:27:20And when I was in AIT, I mean, when I joined the U.S. Army, I had a very good PT score.
00:27:28Out of 300, my PT score was, like, above 290, okay?
00:27:34When I was in Fort Hood, I got perfect score, 300 once, okay?
00:27:39Because I'm athletic.
00:27:41And when I joined the U.S. Army from San Jose, California, I took SBAP test.
00:27:48My score, 100%.
00:27:51Because I studied for it, okay?
00:27:54So my job, aviation, avionics, location of helicopters, so when I was in AIT,
00:28:02yeah, the nice local recruiters came and interviewed me, okay?
00:28:10And they had some high standard background check that I failed that high standard background check.
00:28:18I think it's because I had a lot of speeding tickets when I was in New York.
00:28:22Yeah, Ithaca, New York, yeah, Cornell University, where I dropped out after two years, PhD program.
00:28:27I was young and dumb.
00:28:29I oversped, and I got a lot of speeding tickets as I was driving from Ithaca, New York, to New York City, okay?
00:28:37It was, like, a five-hour drive.
00:28:41Probably that's why I failed the high standard background check, okay?
00:28:49It's understandable.
00:28:52Cheers, yeah.
00:28:58So that was that.
00:29:04But later on, after I stationed in Fort Hood, Texas, they did some background check to send us to North Carolina,
00:29:15but it's not high standard background check.
00:29:20Because they do this rigorous, more rigorous physical test, special forces, like selection course, okay?
00:29:30So low standard background check I test, and then high standard physical test, that's where I failed in Fort Bragg, North Carolina,
00:29:39the special forces training, okay?
00:29:41So I never made it.
00:29:43But I tried.
00:29:46And after I dropped out after two weeks and three weeks and a half training, yeah.
00:29:55We were doing, like, one-week detail because I dropped out after two weeks.
00:29:59Yeah, helping our surviving members of special training, and during that one week, yeah, we all had to smoke cigarettes
00:30:06because we are no longer in the training program.
00:30:09We just have to, you know, add detail.
00:30:14Yeah, preparing their training, pre and after them, you know?
00:30:20And we all had to smoke cigarettes, and we all had to take time when we eat in the dining hall,
00:30:27and we all had to go to PX.
00:30:30What's this place?
00:30:31It's like a convenience store basically in the Army base, and I did meet special ops.
00:30:42Oh, the nice-to-go person.
00:30:45When in the smoking area, okay?
00:30:48Yeah, he actually passed nice-to-go test, okay?
00:30:53I met a gentleman there, okay?
00:30:58I think he was the same rank as me, like, E4 specialist, okay?
00:31:02Age, probably younger than me.
00:31:05But, yeah, that was nice.
00:31:12Very cool.
00:31:36Also, a sergeant.
00:31:37I think he was sergeant first class, like E7.
00:31:41Possibly master sergeant, okay?
00:31:45In North Carolina 4th rank, okay?
00:31:49In the post exchange, okay?
00:31:52I never met him before, okay?
00:31:56I was just checking out this PX store book section.
00:32:02Yeah, I picked up a book about special ops service,
00:32:06and this kind and generous gentleman, sergeant in 4th rank, he saw me,
00:32:16and he told to me and people around us in the PX, 4th rank,
00:32:26and he said, this young man will save the world one day
00:32:32for one Brit book at a time, British book, okay?
00:32:38Thank you, sergeant, okay?
00:32:42Because North Carolina 4th rank, that area was about, like, special ops, okay?
00:32:53So I think the gentleman kind of recognized me being somewhat special person.
00:33:02Yeah, yeah.
00:33:07I'm very grateful for the blessings, yeah.
00:33:10Thank you, sergeant.
00:33:14Yeah, it was a very special moment.
00:33:23How special?
00:33:27Although I didn't make special forces, okay?
00:33:34Why not special training, special forces training for months and three weeks?
00:33:40Well, month and a half.
00:33:43Okay, yeah.
00:33:48Great times.
00:34:09And back in Fort Hood, Texas,
00:34:13some friends of mine thought about joining the Night Stalker, okay?
00:34:19Okay, yeah, that's great, but I had a dream after they told me that,
00:34:26where I saw them and this is dangerous mission,
00:34:32Night Stalker alongside special forces, right?
00:34:35It is a very dangerous mission, okay?
00:34:37So I had a dream, and my friends in Bravo Company,
00:34:44who are thinking about joining the Night Stalker, okay?
00:34:49I saw them in my dream being seriously injured during those dangerous missions, okay?
00:34:57So I told them about this dream, and I told them,
00:35:02Pulse is too dangerous, okay?
00:35:06And they decided not to join, okay?
00:35:15And so they did their four years of service,
00:35:20and then they got out and they lived peacefully.
00:35:23They got married and successful civilian life, okay?
00:35:31Safe and sound, okay?
00:35:52But I appreciate special operation people, okay?
00:36:04They're special people indeed, yeah.
00:36:09I couldn't do it.
00:36:11They did pass all the tests.
00:36:15Yeah, very special people, okay?
00:36:21Let's take five minutes break, and let's go see Instagram live, okay?
00:36:23Yeah, sure.
00:36:25Time to real quick.
00:36:34It's a little more than 30 minutes.
00:36:35Okay, okay.
00:36:39Let me refill this.
00:36:58Okay, five minutes, thank you.
00:37:01Okay, very cool.
00:39:47Five minutes to five minutes, okay.
00:39:49Before he deployed to Afghanistan in 2011, in Fort Hood, Texas, okay?
00:39:55Former Secretary of Defense, what's his name?
00:39:59Donald Rumsfeld.
00:40:01He paid us a visit, okay?
00:40:02He wrote a book, so he was book signing event in Fort Hood, Texas.
00:40:07And yeah, I'm waiting in line.
00:40:12I bought his book.
00:40:13It was a nice book, okay?
00:40:14okay something like the unknowns and knowns something like that known known unknown unknown
00:40:20unknown unknown okay so interesting book okay Donald Rumsfeld former secretary of defense
00:40:26okay uh during president George W Bush Jr okay so um yeah so he it was my turn to
00:40:35get his book signed and um he asked me uh okay yeah in the US what do you do what's your job
00:40:42and I said uh so yeah well we are about to depart to Afghanistan so yeah this this is a
00:40:48brand new ACU yeah kind of green so yeah that's what I said okay yeah I didn't want to bore him
00:40:55with my job description you know okay so we took pictures together and then shook hands and yeah
00:41:02also uh let me look up his name I think his name is Chuck Eagle
00:41:06I think
00:41:18yeah Mr. Chuck Eagle uh he's a test pilot back in the days when the US Air Force was part of
00:41:26US Army okay it's old time when we were deployed to Afghanistan he paid a visit paid us a visit
00:41:32okay yeah I did shake hands and took picture with him like country singer in the quad day
00:41:39yeah with Mr. Tracy Atkins and yeah boss shook hands and took pictures together
00:41:45same day right to celebrate this okay yeah
00:41:51good times so Mr. test pilot he's like a high ranking like army officer back then okay so
00:42:00yeah and I asked him a question because he was giving us some um story time you know in uh
00:42:08Afghanistan okay 2011 I think so I asked him a question he's a test pilot like fixed-wing jets
00:42:17okay so have you ever seen UFO and he said no all these decades of flying airplanes I have never
00:42:27seen a UFO okay okay
00:42:34but uh do I think UFO exists I don't think so but I just wanted to ask him
00:42:45but I like UFO stories sci-fi okay I do
00:42:50okay so now let's put it inside a lab time check
00:42:57we have more than one hour okay yeah
00:43:06two times
00:43:33okay there's mandatory selfie
00:43:57hello friends yeah welcome to Friday Night Live with Hongki Lee uh Instagram live edition
00:44:03good afternoon yeah and welcome
00:44:27oh I gotta wash my hands
00:44:29my hands lift
00:44:50welcome welcome friends good afternoon
00:44:59happy Sunday afternoon cheers
00:45:13yeah good times yeah
00:45:18welcome yeah
00:45:46we have some fire with vodka yeah
00:45:51yeah welcome welcome yeah yeah it's evening in your time okay good evening
00:45:59yeah good Sunday happy Sunday cheers
00:46:11yeah so I took a bath that's like my Sunday routine and in the evening I copy and paste the
00:46:22short story collection for one month uh to Microsoft Word and
00:46:27publish you know Amazon Kindle in the name of Human RG plays series yeah
00:46:37oh it's Monday for you ah are you in Africa Europe maybe Middle East
00:46:46maybe Asia
00:46:52Australia maybe New Zealand yeah welcome friends yeah
00:46:58Netherlands Europe nice I go to Netherlands once Amsterdam great town yeah great country
00:47:13great culinary arts
00:47:16wow yeah yeah
00:47:21Dutch cuisine phenomenal yeah
00:47:27the yeah I'm in Alaska America yeah
00:47:37the very best bread I've ever had in my life
00:47:41was in Amsterdam Netherlands it was very moist the texture was very
00:47:50substantial yeah almost like tastes like protein but it's bread okay yeah yeah Alaska America yeah
00:48:04yeah cheers yeah
00:48:17oh yeah
00:48:20yeah it was amazing bread it I went to restaurant and then um it was medical yeah
00:48:32uh okay
00:48:37this uh this is firewood is edible plant spring leaves and I put vodka in there
00:48:52yeah welcome friends
00:48:56now let's take five minutes break so I need some vocal rest
00:48:59okay yeah five minutes break please thank you yeah welcome good evening nice
00:49:09five minutes thank you
00:49:14oh yeah vodka very good choice yeah very cool five minutes thank you
00:51:26welcome welcome
00:51:30yeah good times yeah
00:51:42oh yeah
00:52:18I've been to Europe twice
00:52:21first time I was in college Manchester, Wisconsin University okay yeah backpack trip for
00:52:27maybe four week doing summer time I guess maybe two weeks something like that okay
00:52:39uh went to England
00:52:45okay then what year was that probably year 2000 or something
00:52:55solo backpack trip okay
00:52:59and I'm a venture traveler so
00:53:04I nowadays I book a hotel okay but back then I did not book a hotel
00:53:12so at the London airport I think there's a year 2000 okay uh at the airport okay uh uh as a
00:53:23college student backpack trip solo I did not book a hotel okay because I was a venture traveler
00:53:31okay I did not have any plan I was like whatever you know
00:53:34so at the London airport I guess it was kind of red flag
00:53:38if somebody travels without booking a hotel so they gave me some hard time entering
00:53:47the United Kingdom welcome friends yeah welcome uh they asked me just so many questions okay
00:53:55of course I'm a U.S. patriot so I don't know I don't know I don't know
00:54:00uh they asked me just so many questions okay of course I have U.S. passport
00:54:05my student ID Manchester, Wisconsin University and
00:54:12but they would ask the same question again and again and again okay
00:54:16for one hour at the London airport welcome friends yeah but finally they let me
00:54:24they asked me a question why didn't you make a reservation hotel I was like well I'm a
00:54:29venture traveler so yeah welcome friends yeah welcome good afternoon yeah
00:54:38good afternoon yeah
00:54:48so okay I spent time in London and then went to France
00:54:57by ship
00:55:02yeah the port
00:55:07of entry in Calais France there they did not give me a difficult time at all
00:55:17yeah they looked at my American passport yeah hey yeah welcome yeah
00:55:28uh hey you need to be uh age appropriate please okay yeah
00:55:32yeah yeah age appropriate otherwise I have to let you go okay
00:55:41yeah no peace talking okay
00:55:54okay yeah
00:55:59I have to let you go okay you're not listening
00:56:04huh yeah you know Jonas you're okay if internet works okay
00:56:20I have to let you go
00:56:21what's up
00:56:30thank you yeah I follow you I've been watching your streams for a long time your lives thank you
00:56:36thank you yeah incredible I'm coming Barcelona nice Spain it's lovely it's really nice yeah
00:56:45Barcelona yeah I've been there oh yeah it's beautiful how's it in Alaska it's nice yeah
00:56:53yeah it's quite different it's quite cold over there I imagine yeah yeah yeah
00:57:00it's very different over there yeah nice and hot good luck you know I'm with my friends
00:57:07hi thank you thank you
00:57:10thank you thank you thank you thank you yeah muchas gracias muchas gracias
00:57:18I thought I'd say hello okay oh yeah good evening thank you very much yes sir
00:57:26yeah yeah goodbye thank you thank you yeah
00:57:33fantastic friends in Barcelona uh
00:57:36uh Barcelona uh Spain thank you yeah yeah muchas gracias yeah yeah
00:57:49yeah I I've been to Barcelona Spain once actually maybe twice or once okay great time yeah
00:57:57yeah what I'm grateful for they understood my Spanish in Barcelona
00:58:09Spain okay because uh
00:58:13I speak some Spanish okay so
00:58:18I was very grateful that they understood my Spanish okay
00:58:22cheers yeah
00:58:28when I live in Los Angeles California I've been to Mexico many times they understood my Spanish too
00:58:38look uh I have to let you go you're not listening okay yeah you wanna join us sure
00:58:49if internet works okay
00:58:57hello take them off I have to let you go
00:59:09I have to let you go I have to let you go all right no peace out okay
00:59:26I love you too yeah
00:59:29hmm wake up yeah yeah yeah great friends international friendship right yeah it's great
00:59:39yeah yeah
00:59:47all right friends yeah cinco minutos por favor five minutes please okay I need some vocal rest
00:59:52okay but yeah uh buenos venidos welcome fantastic yeah five minutes thank you
01:00:04maravillosa marvelous okay five minutes thank you time check
01:00:17it's been one hour okay okay okay five minutes thank you very cool
01:03:19okay welcome back
01:03:29thank you thank you
01:03:37okay so like uh welcome yeah and um the European trip okay yeah
01:03:55there are a lot of stories I remember I mean a lot of
01:03:58of things that happened there I remember okay uh
01:04:09goods and bads okay uh first travel around year 2000 like 24 years ago
01:04:17fourth time in Europe whereas in college okay so backpack trip okay and uh
01:04:27for whatever reasons okay all right so from London United Kingdom to France and next destination um
01:04:40maybe Germany I guess
01:04:44and Spain something like that okay and then I took a train from France
01:04:54and then Belgium the train stop okay and to go to Netherlands okay yeah
01:05:03so from France to to go to Netherlands my next destination I took pass by Belgium okay
01:05:10so France Belgium border by train okay and it's like security officers border of Asians
01:05:20in Belgium gave me very very difficult time for whatever reason I don't
01:05:32no idea
01:05:44I think they thought that I look suspicious for whatever reason I have no clue
01:06:12so at the border of uh France and Belgium okay uh I don't even know I love Belgium okay I have
01:06:19many friends there okay uh but the border agent security officers there in Belgium okay
01:06:27who speak fluent English and fluent French as well okay and um I mean I speak French a little bit but
01:06:37they spoke English too so yeah we spoke English mostly okay so
01:06:41and in the train at the border of France and Belgium okay uh yeah they check like passports
01:06:56right yeah yeah I have American passport and they looked at it they looked at me and
01:07:06where are you going oh yeah I'm going to Netherlands yeah
01:07:09backpacker I'm a college student Madison, Wisconsin University, America
01:07:18and they looked at me again and
01:07:22would you please stand up sure yeah I stood up and they told me I have to put you on handcuffs
01:07:36sure I didn't do anything wrong I'm not a some kind of fugitive illegal immigrant or
01:07:42international criminal no I'm not that sure yeah I'm going to put you in a handcuff
01:07:48honkily and uh you'll come to the station with us because there's one hour train stop
01:07:57one hour so we have plenty of time okay because we're going to conduct some background check on
01:08:01one hour so we have plenty of time okay because we're going to conduct some background check on you
01:08:06sure and in the train there was this very beautiful lady okay and they handcuffed me
01:08:18in front of that very beautiful lady there okay who was sitting alone okay
01:08:22so I was very embarrassed and frustrated and ashamed
01:08:26yeah because this very beautiful lady was watching the whole scene leaving handcuffed
01:08:40I remember okay
01:08:44okay let's take five minutes break I have some book for rest okay yeah travelogue
01:08:48uh yeah sure and I'll tell you what happened next okay nothing bad okay yeah five minutes break okay
01:08:55thank you interesting experience there okay yeah five minutes okay yeah thank you welcome yep
01:09:17all right
01:11:23okay welcome back
01:11:30welcome friends yeah good afternoon
01:11:36yeah some travelogue in europe right so at the border a train station at the border of
01:11:44between um france and belgium belgique uh the border patrol officer in belgium uh
01:11:55put me on a handcuff that's the only time well actually not the only time actually
01:12:02yeah it's good yeah thank you yeah I'm doing good yeah some travelogue
01:12:10yeah but it was not the thinking about it it was not the first time I was in the handcuff okay
01:12:15there's some other time other times when I was in handcuff but I've never been to a jail
01:12:21I never committed a crime okay well I mean when I was in elementary school in south south square
01:12:26I did steal candy okay but I was not arrested I got away with it
01:12:35elementary school in south south square okay also uh we stole some small stuff like uh
01:12:42the tire cap okay as a prank again I was not arrested but I was disappointed by our elementary
01:12:50school teachers okay yeah very young and um
01:12:57pulling pranks like that but I was not arrested okay uh but some other another time yeah I was
01:13:08handcuffed in south korea but that's one other story okay maybe some other time okay yeah
01:13:15but in belgium yeah I did not do anything wrong I was not a criminal I was not a spy I was not a
01:13:24spy I was not a refugee I was not a illegal immigrant I was just a backpack trip college
01:13:29student in europe as an american student and they put me on handcuffs belgium train station okay
01:13:37okay then took me to the station border patrol agency in beijing and and in their computer right
01:13:45they typed my name and background check of course nothing shows up okay I'm innocent
01:13:54american college student backpack trip in europe but for whatever reason
01:14:02they thought I was suspicious
01:14:07and they tried to okay they have my american passport right they have to try to actually
01:14:12peel off this plastic vinyl coating I'm like I saw what are you doing why are you
01:14:20destroying my passport american passport please
01:14:24so they had me in their station for one hour and so I nothing shows up I'm not a criminal I'm just
01:14:32going to netherland backpack trip okay and the train is about to leave would you please let me
01:14:41go and then they finally did let me go but they gave me very hard time they gave me very hard time
01:14:50but they gave me very hard time I have no idea why
01:15:01it's me but interesting story it actually happened yeah I'm not making this up I'm not
01:15:10I'm not making this up I'm not that creative all right I mean I am creative but not that creative
01:15:23cheers yep
01:15:36yeah yeah thank you yeah yeah okay it's year 2000 okay so I was 23 22
01:15:49quite young college student
01:16:07I agree with you I'm sure they thought I was some kind of criminal
01:16:20I do I look like a criminal
01:16:23I mean I practice martial arts all right
01:16:43and now I'm adventurist
01:16:53but I'm a law-abiding citizen
01:17:02I'm adventurous I'm a strong man but
01:17:09I am legal I'm moral I'm a nice person mostly
01:17:19and I'm against crimes
01:17:22oh thank you I mean my style right it's more martial artist
01:17:35still martial arts is legal it's not criminal you know yeah what yeah
01:17:55I wonder why they thought I was criminal
01:18:00the Belgium border patrol agents
01:18:06don't quite understand
01:18:24but to be honest that was the only time I was suspected to be a criminal
01:18:31um another time okay I was in Ann Arbor Michigan law school
01:18:40I was there between 2013 and 2015
01:18:48yeah martial arts yeah yeah it should be taught in school absolutely I agree with you
01:18:55so when I was in Ann Arbor Michigan law school between 2013 and 2015 two years
01:19:06uh I went to Windsor Canada welcome France long time no see welcome welcome good afternoon yeah
01:19:16welcome yeah so
01:19:18so I was in Ann Arbor Michigan law school and I wanted to yeah welcome France yeah good afternoon
01:19:28yeah yeah welcome future leaders geniuses cheers yeah
01:19:44so I think it was like Saturday afternoon right Ann Arbor Michigan law school like
01:19:51year like 2013 I guess
01:19:58and from Ann Arbor Michigan to Detroit Michigan it's like 10 minutes drive
01:20:03right and from Detroit Michigan to Windsor Canada right that's like uh right there
01:20:12Canadian border right I would all I wanted was go to Windsor Canada from Detroit Michigan
01:20:21just crossing the bridge and have a nice dinner in a restaurant in Canada that's all I planned for
01:20:38Canadian side Windsor Canada the border petrol agents uh
01:20:48for whatever reason
01:20:52they were very suspicious of me
01:20:54don't get me wrong I love Canada okay but they gave me a hard time there they held me in that
01:20:59border petrol agency for one hour I don't know why
01:21:15and they have this canine
01:21:18and they have this canine
01:21:23like Canadian police officers dog sniffing like bomb smithing or sniffing of drugs
01:21:31right yeah they inspected my car and they inspect my cell phone for one hour
01:21:54by the day let me go after one hour okay maybe it was two hours all right okay
01:22:05so I went to drove my car to Windsor Canada and um went to restaurant there nice meal
01:22:14and came back yeah Detroit Michigan when I was coming back now American border petrol agents in
01:22:24Detroit Michigan right uh they didn't ask me a single question they looked at my American passport
01:22:37like Ann Arbor Michigan law school student ID oh yeah welcome back yeah
01:22:49yeah Canadian border petrol agency did they look at my
01:22:53text messages email messages yeah yeah they did but they didn't find anything there
01:23:01back then and still now yeah I was single guy right so it's not like I have a girlfriend when
01:23:08I say no
01:23:28yeah I mean I'm American citizen right and they're Canadian border petrol agents right so
01:23:37uh I do not know about privacy law constitution of Canada I do not know okay but
01:23:43I'm not Canadian citizen I'm American citizen so Canadian border petrol agency uh they don't have
01:23:50any constitution limit I guess yeah so yeah and I was okay with that I got nothing to hide
01:24:02back then I was not dating anybody so they can read my texting email
01:24:11back then I was not in social media okay there was a year 2013 right yeah
01:24:22private photos okay I got nothing to hide yeah some landscape selfies I have nothing to hide
01:24:30you know yeah so I was okay with them going through my cell phone because I have nothing to hide
01:24:38I have nothing to hide and I didn't have any girlfriend
01:24:44texting yeah
01:24:48my fellow law students like yeah yeah let's have lunch tomorrow together or
01:24:56email with my Korean parents yeah
01:25:07in my car there are no drugs no guns
01:25:15nothing to hide really
01:25:23so they let me go after one hour two hour whatever right so I went to a restaurant in Windsor Canada
01:25:29it was a nice restaurant right then I drove back to
01:25:33Detroit Music Garn and then Ann Arbor Music Garn and that was that yeah it was an interesting night
01:25:45yeah cheers
01:26:10at home yeah I have no drugs at home either no I don't do drugs okay
01:26:22so canine unit right the dogs yeah they do like uh sniff smell drugs
01:26:37I don't have any of that in my car you know
01:26:41in my cell phone
01:26:43just friendly messages you know
01:26:52have I been pulled over by a police officer yeah yeah I have yeah
01:27:03I'll tell you those stories after five minutes break okay I need some vocal rest okay
01:27:09I need some vocal rest okay sure yeah welcome welcome yeah five minutes break okay thank you
01:27:13yeah welcome yeah five minutes break please thank you let me take some vocal rest and time check
01:27:21intelligent motion
01:27:27we have more than 30 minutes left okay sure five minutes break thank you yeah
01:27:32anything yeah I'll tell you okay yeah five minutes thank you yeah
01:27:48all right
01:29:55okay we're back welcome back
01:30:02yeah so I mean I'm 46 years old I've been stopped by police officers uh many times before okay so
01:30:12and uh the last time I was stopped by police officer it was in Wasilla Alaska where I live
01:30:18right here okay about five months ago I think okay uh I think it was like Saturday night uh maybe 11
01:30:26late at night okay I was in a grocery store supermarket okay yeah just shopping
01:30:36uh before that yeah I parked my car in the parking lot of the supermarket downtown Wasilla
01:30:43cars formerly known as Safeway right yeah they opened late okay they closed around midnight okay
01:30:51so it was like 11 p.m late at night about five months ago I think
01:30:59and so I parked my car
01:31:03and I saw a lot of police officers in the parking lot so something is going on right okay
01:31:11so okay I parked my car and there were a lot of police officers
01:31:21police cars in the parking lot so something was going on right yeah over five months ago
01:31:27Wasilla downtown okay okay
01:31:31I have no idea what was going on
01:31:46so I was inside the grocery store supermarket okay
01:31:50you know Jonas just after just a little bit let me finish this story first okay yeah
01:31:55and so I went inside the store and grabbed this shopping cart and start to shop for some food
01:32:04okay yeah my weekend routine yeah grocery shopping for food supplies okay
01:32:14so I was in the refrigerator aisle
01:32:20maybe buy some frozen pizza maybe
01:32:31and a police officer approached me
01:32:38okay and he asked me hey uh
01:32:48that truck in the parking lot is that yours I said yeah yeah yeah I will yeah
01:32:57that green truck oh no no no well actually it's not my car is not a truck it's SUV
01:33:03sport utility vehicle for the exposition it's white it's not a green truck no
01:33:10okay because police officer said yeah uh
01:33:15mister uh you are wearing
01:33:17blue sweatpants oh yeah I'm wearing blue sweatpants
01:33:26but we this is a call uh a man with blue sweatpants who drive green truck
01:33:35is causing a lot of noise in the parking lot oh sorry that's not me because my car is not
01:33:44actually a truck it's SUV and it's color is white it's not green so uh
01:33:51I'm wearing blue sweatpants yes but no that's not me
01:33:57oh okay okay okay
01:34:00you're free to go yeah that was that
01:34:21that was the last time I was stopped by a police officer okay
01:34:25before that yeah I have been stopped by police officers in America I have
01:34:31yeah yeah there was like five months ago quite recently
01:34:49I mean look my eyes it's not criminal eyes it's more like the
01:34:56martial artist eyes yeah I'm rough and tough I've been through many different difficult times
01:35:03okay but it's not criminal eyes it's more like martial artist eyes okay so so long martial arts
01:35:10okay yeah yeah well let's take five minutes break okay thank you welcome yeah welcome to
01:35:20Humanology yeah let's take five minutes break and some vocal rest okay
01:35:24thank you yeah future leaders mighty proud of you yeah the geniuses okay yeah fantastic
01:35:30yeah future leaders mighty proud five minutes break please thank you yeah let me take some vocal rest
01:35:38welcome welcome yeah
01:35:44yeah story time yeah
01:38:12okay welcome back yeah
01:38:17yeah interesting stories back in the days all right yeah okay okay
01:38:25yeah welcome as promised uh with uh our friend in the wedding room sure if internet works yeah
01:38:32yeah yeah welcome yeah cheers
01:38:52yeah let's try one more time internet connection issue right yeah it happens yeah
01:39:07well maybe next time internet connection was a challenge right yeah
01:39:16maybe next time okay yeah
01:39:27now in the daily motion how much time do you have
01:39:35yeah less than 20 minutes okay good enough okay
01:39:40so uh in south south korea we're talking about 80s 90s okay i was born 1978 okay so
01:39:56the very first experience of me being handcuffed
01:40:00it was in south south korea when i was in high school okay uh i it's
01:40:10i was a little troublemaker okay so uh but it was not police officers who handcuffed me it was uh
01:40:26mental hospital
01:40:32workers who are very very much are yeah so we are talking about 1990s okay so
01:40:42i was kind of troublemaker okay in high school and uh
01:40:54i forced the hands of my parents okay my grandparents too because i was like
01:41:01wild donkey okay so they called mental hospital okay
01:41:16uh there was back in 1990s okay so uh south korea mental hospital uh they hire
01:41:25martial artists for very very much artists they're like black belts in multiple like in taekwondo
01:41:33karate aikido korea martial artists like black belt in multiple different kinds of martial arts
01:41:41okay and they hire them in mental hospitals okay and uh my parents called them mental hospital and
01:41:51they came how many guys but they're older than me how many gentlemen like five of them
01:42:03okay and they're all older than me okay yeah i was like 17
01:42:13can i joke yeah my martial art back then is not that very good okay although i was black belt in
01:42:20taekwondo okay but these gentlemen older than me they're in their 30s or even 40s big muscles
01:42:30multiple black belts in multiple martial arts okay like five of them
01:42:37they're employees of mental hospitals okay yeah and they came did i fight them no
01:42:46i did not fight them at all no
01:42:52they handcuffed me and okay
01:42:59okay they did not give me time to put on my shoes so i was like barefooted okay just like this okay
01:43:09and yeah so they handcuffed me five martial artists employees of mental hospital okay
01:43:18and uh they did not carry me no they just surrounded me grabbed me
01:43:27me in on handcuffs i did not resist them no
01:43:37and i let them i walked surrounded by them down the stairs ambulance
01:43:47and then i was shipped to mental hospital
01:44:06yeah there's a when i was like 17 south korea okay i was a high school okay yeah so
01:44:21so i was in their mental hospital for like one month
01:44:26what happened the mental hospital i'll tell you after five minutes break i need some vocal rest
01:44:30okay i'll tell you yeah five minutes break okay thank you yeah welcome to humanology okay yeah
01:44:43yeah i'll tell you the rest of the story five minutes break okay thank you yeah
01:44:49okay in telemotion uh how much time we have
01:44:52we have a 10 minutes left okay yeah five minutes break okay thank you yep
01:45:10it's interesting story yeah absolutely five minutes okay thank you yeah welcome to humanology
01:45:17yeah welcome to humanology yeah yeah
01:45:22oh yeah
01:47:38well all in all i'm glad it happened because uh it's very interesting story right like uh
01:47:44yeah in the mental hospital right i was uh bound on a bed like with ropes right because
01:47:53they consider me to be a dangerous person okay so yeah i was all tied up on the bed
01:47:59like two feet two hands bedridden okay okay
01:48:12yeah no problem
01:48:21and then this major artist employee of mental hospital okay uh the gentleman maybe in his 40s
01:48:28okay he asked me okay honky are you gonna behave i said yeah yes sir yeah i'll behave
01:48:41okay i will untie you
01:48:45oh thank you sir so they untied me okay yeah
01:48:55okay honky stand up yes sir yeah stood up and in the mental hospital okay south south korea
01:49:03uh what year it was like uh
01:49:07yeah i was treated well yeah they were not abusive no they're professionals okay
01:49:12it's just that they are very very much ours they're multiple black belts okay so
01:49:18yeah they're good people okay yeah
01:49:22yeah welcome friends yeah
01:49:26we're talking about honky loo's mental hospital experience okay yeah
01:49:30back in south south korea it was like 1997 or 1996 something like that okay
01:49:41and they escorted me to the examination room psychologist clinical psychologist okay
01:49:51so like rorschach's inkblot test like looks like butterfly right symmetry right
01:50:00yeah rorschach's test inkblot test okay and uh the psychologist of a female
01:50:08possibly in her early 30s
01:50:14yeah maybe master's degree in psychology i guess i don't know
01:50:20i don't know
01:50:23so she was like okay honky what do you see rorschach's test inkblot what do you see
01:50:30i was like yeah maybe a butterfly and she was like writing down making notes okay
01:50:37okay honky yeah next what do you see uh maybe i see some clouds
01:50:44maybe a dragonfly maybe and she's writing down notes
01:51:01so i was institution institutionalized the mental hospital south south korea okay
01:51:05hospital south korea okay uh back in like 1996 something like that okay so
01:51:11and a couple days later yeah the clinical psychologist who examined me uh wrote a report
01:51:19her diagnosis
01:51:37schizophrenia megalomania like yeah some bipolar disease someone along that line yeah like
01:51:49manic depression bipolar yeah that was her diagnosis i'm not making this up yeah
01:52:11yeah yeah
01:52:38oh okay yeah i just like uh wine it's kind of loose okay let me wash my hands real quick
01:52:46okay okay give me like one minute okay thank you
01:53:09yeah did i take medicine i did because uh
01:53:15it was mandatory i was in mental hospital surrounded by martial artists
01:53:20so they examined us yeah honkily yeah take this medicine open your mouth
01:53:30okay medicine in your mouth okay now
01:53:34with this water glass of water maybe it's a paper cup paper cup water okay
01:53:40swallow it okay
01:53:50now open your mouth
01:53:55oh yeah lift up your tongue they were making sure i was not hiding the
01:53:59medicine pills under my tongue okay okay okay you're free to go yeah go back to your
01:54:08unit in the mental hospital yes sir thank you
01:54:13so martial artists employees of mental hospital they examined us to make sure we take pills
01:54:20for mental illness schizophrenia megalomania bipolar disease whatever
01:54:41uh time check okay yep in telemotion
01:54:46we have five minutes okay good enough yeah
01:55:00yeah i mean u.s i joined the u.s army not korean army right okay so u.s army i mean
01:55:11i was hospitalized in mental institution in korea okay so but in the u.s army they don't
01:55:17have access to that korean record okay yeah so no problem also i i think it was a misdiagnosis
01:55:26okay i do not agree with that diagnosis okay
01:55:33yeah korean mental institution we are talking about 1990s i don't know about now
01:55:39that was like 30 years ago yeah they did hire uh martial artists okay yeah yeah it was very
01:55:48normal back then yeah i don't know about now okay so after that yeah actually i had a very good time
01:56:00one month 1990s like 1996 all right yeah i have a good time there actually
01:56:12uh do i see martial arts martial artists in real life uh
01:56:20maybe not as often as i would like to see but i do have friends who know martial arts yeah
01:56:26hmm every now and then yeah
01:56:31yeah but in youtube yeah we watch like in facebook live right yeah we watch a lot of martial arts
01:56:41movie clips in youtube facebook live right yeah
01:56:47yeah so but in the one month stay in mental hospital actually i had a good time there
01:56:54okay because these employees of mental hospital martial artists right
01:57:02we became very good friends why because i'm martial artist too okay yeah
01:57:13so we are different side of aisle right there are employees of mental hospital
01:57:18me patient in mental hospital okay welcome friends welcome
01:57:27their names yeah they are like 10 of them okay in yeah martial artists in mental hospital okay
01:57:35i do not remember their names okay but what i remember is that uh they're older than me
01:57:40they're in their i was 17 during the maybe late 20s 30s 40s even 50s okay
01:57:50we became very good friends because we are martial artists right yeah we have that one thing in common
01:58:02okay yeah so
01:58:04so it was nice
01:58:32uh okay uh in daily motion yeah i'll see you tomorrow okay yeah time is up yeah