friday night live with huhnkie lee 168.1

  • last month
00:00:00Hello, friends. Yeah, welcome to Friday Night Live Hunky Lee episode 168.1. Good Saturday
00:00:09morning. Now, yeah, I did watch the breakdancing in the Olympics, the Facebook live, but it
00:00:20was blocked because of the background. The background music was copyrighted. But I did
00:00:25watch it, okay? So, sure, let's do some dancing. Okay? Yeah. I mean, maybe a little bit b-boy
00:00:32style. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know about b-boy style dancing. Not too much,
00:00:38okay? But yeah, let's do the dancing. Yeah, sure.
00:00:55So, yeah, I did watch the breakdancing in the Olympics, the Facebook live, but it was
00:01:02blocked because of the background music. I don't know. I don't know about b-boy style
00:01:08dancing. I don't know about b-boy style dancing. I don't know about b-boy style dancing. I
00:01:14don't know about b-boy style dancing. I don't know about b-boy style dancing. I don't know
00:01:21about b-boy style dancing. I don't know. I don't know about b-boy style dancing. I don't
00:01:33know about b-boy style dancing. I don't know. I don't know. Okay, oh, good enough. Oh, that's
00:01:38good exercise right there. Ooh! Whoo! Wow, I feel hard now. Yeah, mayonnaise, good exercise.
00:01:46Very good.
00:01:48Yeah, freestyle dancing without any music.
00:01:52Yeah, yeah.
00:01:54That's good exercise, yeah.
00:01:56Anyway, thank you.
00:02:16Thank you.
00:02:42Thank you.
00:03:12Thank you.
00:03:40Thank you.
00:04:10Thank you.
00:04:40Thank you.
00:05:10Thank you.
00:05:40Thank you.
00:06:10Thank you.
00:06:40Thank you.
00:07:10Thank you.
00:07:40Thank you.
00:08:10Thank you.
00:08:40Thank you.
00:09:10Thank you.
00:09:40Thank you.
00:09:50Thank you.
00:10:00Thank you.
00:10:10Thank you.
00:10:20Thank you.
00:10:50Thank you.
00:11:04Okay, welcome back.
00:11:09Yeah, welcome to Friday Night Live.
00:11:12Yeah, so yeah, the B-boy, breakdancing, B-boy, B-girl, the Olympics.
00:11:20It was nice.
00:11:21I liked it.
00:11:22Okay, yeah.
00:11:23I love dancing and breakdancing.
00:11:27Actually, when I was in Cornell University, I briefly attended some student club who does the B-boy dancing.
00:11:38Okay, yeah.
00:11:41They were very cool, okay, a lot of Koreans, Korean Americans, okay, yeah.
00:11:46Great dancers, yeah.
00:11:50Yeah, breakdancing, robot dancing and all that wonderful style.
00:11:56I remember.
00:11:58I attended a couple of times, okay.
00:12:02I also attended like some boxing club when I was in Cornell, a couple of times, okay, yeah.
00:12:08Boxing, right, yeah.
00:12:10Yeah, when I was in Cornell, okay, yeah.
00:12:14Great martial artists there, yeah.
00:12:19Also, okay, some honorable mention, when I was in Canada, two months ago by now.
00:12:29Yeah, in route to Korea.
00:12:33I made eye contact with this gentleman, probably in his 60s or 70s.
00:12:41He was wearing turban, so I think he's practicing Sikhism from India, okay, yeah.
00:12:51So, he seemed to be great, like wise gentleman, very wise, wisdom and also humility.
00:13:03Oh, that's even wiser, right.
00:13:05So, he and I made eye contact, so I think from distance, okay, yeah.
00:13:11And we made eye contact and I think he recognized that I'm also a wise man, too.
00:13:24So, as a wise man, recognizing another wise man.
00:13:27Me, 46.
00:13:28He, probably in his 70s, I guess, but still in great shape, great health.
00:13:34Yeah, probably in his 70s, I guess, okay, yeah.
00:13:38I think, basically, it's kind of telepathic, I think the way he looked at me, it's like,
00:13:50hmm, I know you're a wise man.
00:13:54Oh, thank you so much.
00:13:56Thank you, yeah.
00:13:59Thank you in Hindi, okay.
00:14:01Yes, that was very cool.
00:14:05Yeah, I remember.
00:14:08Oh, yeah.
00:14:41So, I understand that in India, there's movement for Sikhism practitioners, they want to make
00:14:51their own country.
00:14:54Well, I, well, so sometimes religion has some interrelationship with politics, sometimes,
00:15:08I mean, it's up to the will of the people to whether to form an independent country
00:15:14or not, but Indian government does not want that, so there's some conflict there.
00:15:22I just want them to be safe, you know, and, yeah, sometimes religion and politics kind
00:15:31of interrelationship, because sometimes, okay, but, well, in America or Canada, with diversity
00:15:40of religions, I think Indian government should be more tolerant toward other religions.
00:15:47The mainstream religion in India, Hinduism, but there are some Buddhists, also Sikhism,
00:15:55and Islam as well, and I want my recommendation to Indian government, yeah, be more tolerant
00:16:02toward other religions, just like Canada and America.
00:16:06That's my recommendation.
00:16:15Mathematics, yeah, I'm not ready to get back to it, okay, yeah.
00:16:21We're going to take a brief break from it, okay, yeah.
00:16:26Well, cheers.
00:16:47Let's take five minutes break, and then let's go to the 14th chakram line, okay, because
00:16:51we're not doing mathematics.
00:16:53Yeah, I'm not ready to get back to it, yeah.
00:16:55I want to take a break from it.
00:17:07Maybe just a little bit, huh?
00:17:16We can go a little bit, mathematics, sure, sure.
00:17:24Just a little bit.
00:17:26We'll see.
00:17:42There we go.
00:17:46Thank you.
00:17:48Five minutes.
00:17:50Thank you.
00:18:37Thank you.
00:19:07Thank you.
00:19:37Thank you.
00:20:07Thank you.
00:20:37Thank you.
00:21:07Thank you.
00:21:37Thank you.
00:22:07Thank you.
00:22:37Thank you.
00:22:39Thank you.
00:23:07Thank you.
00:23:09Thank you.
00:23:11Thank you.
00:23:13Thank you.
00:23:15Thank you.
00:23:17Thank you.
00:23:19Thank you.
00:23:21Thank you.
00:23:23Thank you.
00:23:25Thank you.
00:23:27Thank you.
00:23:29Thank you.
00:23:31Thank you.
00:23:33Thank you.
00:23:36Thank you.
00:23:59Welcome back.
00:24:01Before we get into this.
00:24:04Let's talk. Okay, so let's talk about politics a little bit
00:24:08Because it's important. Yeah, mathematically we get back to at some point. Okay, I'm not sure if in this episode or not
00:24:15I don't know. All right
00:24:19Let's talk about the politics. Okay. I mean Trump's campaign is based on
00:24:26negativity, okay like lies
00:24:28Trump he lies
00:24:31Well, I mean what he's confusing is reality and fiction he's a good storyteller of fiction
00:24:37But what he I recommend is I hear it then. Why don't you Mr. Trump? Why don't you write a novel?
00:24:45If you enjoy fiction
00:24:49That's what he does
00:24:54But he posed it as a reality
00:24:58Facts like the helicopter incident, right? Yeah, he's kind of based on his past memory
00:25:07makes a fiction
00:25:09Yeah, he was he was almost in he would have some helicopter incident, but he was not with
00:25:16Former San Francisco mayor. It was with somebody else
00:25:19Something a city council person of Los Angeles something like that. Okay
00:25:24And they came out and
00:25:27Told a real story. Okay, the NEO crash it did happen, but not with San Francisco mayor
00:25:38Trump managed to
00:25:41Dominate the Republican Party, right? They forced to resist it
00:25:45including Senator Lindsey Graham
00:25:47Who is like now Trump loyalist
00:25:51He used to resist that attempt by Trump taking over the Republican Party. He managed it
00:26:00What he managed to devour the Republican Party and
00:26:08he's been a very bad role model for Republican politicians like because Trump he lies and
00:26:16he's very
00:26:18Rude to his opponents
00:26:21now other Republican politicians are
00:26:25following his bad footstep and they are being mean to the opponents and
00:26:31they are
00:26:33Comfortable with lying
00:26:36Okay, so Trump poisoned Republican Party
00:26:42Now he's trying to devour America and he's trying to poison America
00:26:47Well, it's not his fault. I don't in humanology. Everybody's innocent. It's just that
00:26:54Trump is infected by bad ideology of lie-ism
00:26:59Dishonesty-ism and vitriol-ism
00:27:04Vindictivism, okay
00:27:07So and so he's infected by bad ideology and now he's spreading it
00:27:13First he did that to the Republican Party
00:27:16Now he's being a vector vehicle of this bad disease
00:27:21Metaphysical malice. It's kind of a mental illness. Okay. Yeah, it's a bad ideology
00:27:27It's not him. He's being controlled by bad ideologies
00:27:31Okay. Yeah, and
00:27:34Yeah, I'm running for US president. Okay, and
00:27:37Honky Lee, Kamala Harris, Donald Trump. Okay in that order
00:27:42So if not me, yeah, then Harris. Okay, because at least she's not
00:27:49Dishonest liar, she's not that
00:27:54I love her smile. I love her laughter. Yeah, very positive. Yeah
00:27:58She may need some policy adjustment. She needs to embrace fossil fuel and she needs to
00:28:08Concede that that is that Trump is right regarding southern border wall building. Okay, she needs to concede to build that. Okay
00:28:16Well, that's something she needs to learn as a politician. Okay, it does not matter where this idea came from
00:28:24It came from Trump. Southern border wall building. Yeah, that's the right idea
00:28:30Okay, Trump is good and bad. Like everybody. When he's right, yeah, we should learn from him
00:29:10Also like protection of white race then I
00:29:17Then I didn't care for Adolf Hitler's
00:29:21protection of white race
00:29:23I he called it Aryan
00:29:26But that's not correct term. It's caucasian
00:29:30Yeah protection of caucasian race white race
00:29:33Then I did
00:29:37Doesn't matter where the idea came from, okay
00:29:41It's a good idea. Yeah, we want to protect white race
00:29:44Of course. Yeah
00:29:46Why do we encourage young white people marry another white good white people
00:29:51And have white babies
00:29:53Okay, it's not racism noise
00:29:56Race protectionism preservationism conservationism. Okay, because we want white people to exist like blonde
00:30:04blue eyes white skin
00:30:07Red hair green eyes. Yeah, they're good-looking people photogenic. Yeah, they stand out right? Yeah
00:30:16Yeah, there's nothing wrong there
00:30:25Welcome to humanize, okay
00:30:30Okay, we are not justifying what Hitler did yeah genocide
00:30:34Holocaust is bad. It's murder
00:30:37massive scale
00:30:39That's not right. That's very wrong
00:30:42Okay, yeah
00:30:47Yeah, i'm not in the mood of doing mathematics yet, okay, maybe this evening maybe tomorrow I
00:30:53I want to take a breath for me because it's kind of getting stale, you know, we did too much
00:31:00How about this let's take five minutes break and let's put you inside of life, okay
00:31:06Okay time check
00:31:21It's been more than 30 minutes, okay, wow, okay
00:31:27Five minutes, okay. Thank you. Then we go to inside and laugh together. Yeah
00:31:35We can do that
00:31:40There we go, okay
00:36:17Yeah, let's just go to instagram live
00:36:19Because yeah, i'm not ready to get back to mathematics yet. Okay, we did too much
00:36:29Yeah, we'll do later no problem
00:36:40So facebook live, uh, maybe i'll
00:36:43Watch we'll watch facebook live
00:36:46The youtube, uh
00:36:49but olympic games
00:36:51Without any background music because background music copyright protected. So that's why it's blocked
00:36:57Okay, uh, then maybe ping pong table tennis yeah, I enjoy watching that and
00:37:51Okay, well
00:37:54Let's do my hair
00:38:06Yeah now a little bit better okay more texture there mandatory selfie
00:38:37Hello friends, yeah, welcome to uh friday night
00:38:42Good morning from alaska. Yeah. Happy saturday morning. Cheers
00:38:52Welcome yeah
00:39:09Good morning, welcome. Yeah
00:39:15Happy saturday morning
00:39:24Yeah, cheers
00:39:31Mm-hmm. Yeah
00:39:42Let's see
00:39:46Welcome and um
00:39:49So I looked at some pictures of these athletes in the olympic games
00:39:55great muscles
00:39:56Yeah, the male athletes. Okay
00:39:59Uh female athletes, uh, I think they have too much muscle to be honest, okay, but males
00:40:07Beautiful muscles. Oh, yeah. I appreciate it. Yeah
00:40:25Let me
00:40:28Adjust the brightness of this cell phone. It's too bright. Yeah now it's just right. Okay good
00:40:40Good morning. Welcome. Yeah. Happy saturday. Cheers
00:40:52I agree with you. You're the best. Yeah
00:41:01Self-confidence very important. Oh, yeah
00:41:09Yeah, so
00:41:12Yeah, you're welcome
00:41:26Yeah, so I had a very good night's sleep
00:41:34I kind of woke up like around like 6 a.m
00:41:38But I didn't get off my bed. I just
00:41:42was laying there and
00:41:45Try to sleep again
00:41:47It's saturday morning. So
00:41:51No need need to wake up so early, you know, yeah cheers
00:42:02I think I had some dreams try to remember
00:42:12Typically when I dream these days, it's like school setting
00:42:20Uh, typically like me like not doing the homework sometimes oh, yeah
00:42:31Kind of recurring nightmare. Okay, like
00:42:34In the dream i'm in school and I registered for classes
00:42:40But I forgot about it so I didn't attend the classes
00:42:44now tomorrow's final exam and
00:42:47I'm, i'm not ready at all. So
00:42:50Deck of textbooks that I need to study for tomorrow's final exam because I didn't do homework. I didn't attend the class
00:42:57In the dream. Okay, so
00:43:03Sometimes okay now next day today's final exam day
00:43:10Where is that building where's the classroom where i'm supposed to take the final exam
00:43:16Yeah, welcome, yeah
00:43:21Oh, yeah, you are the king absolutely I agree with you. Yeah
00:43:26Yeah, self-confidence nice
00:43:30That's good
00:43:33Yeah, cheers
00:43:39You're welcome. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah
00:43:47Welcome yeah
00:43:53Welcome good morning
00:43:59Yeah ukulele
00:44:03Yeah, great musical instrument nice
00:44:09Very cool. Yeah. Cheers
00:44:15Great talents. Mm-hmm. Welcome friends. Now, let's take five minutes break. I'm some vocalist. Okay, so
00:44:24Five minutes break, please. Welcome your future leaders all of you. Yeah, my proud
00:44:30Five minutes back. Okay. Thank you. Yeah, very cool. Welcome. Yeah, good morning
00:44:37Time travel
00:44:43It's been less than one hour, okay good five minutes, thank you welcome future leaders my proud of you
00:47:24Welcome friends. Yeah, welcome. Oh, let me get some scar
00:47:42Yeah, it's quite chilly in alaska although it's like
00:47:47In the middle of summer but
00:47:51It's alaska it's like late summer it's like august so it's almost like a beginning of autumn
00:47:58Season so yeah
00:48:02It's chilly
00:48:10Yeah good times
00:48:22And let's do some wine
00:48:28Welcome yeah
00:48:34So i'm a little bit hungry so
00:48:38Dry red one has some like fructose fruit sugar very natural
00:48:45Oh, it's leaking let me
00:48:50Get some
00:48:54Toilet paper roll and
00:49:04I'm a huge fan of toilet paper roll, right? Yeah. Welcome
00:49:12Yeah, thank you for interesting korean language, yeah nice
00:49:25Yeah, the k character in korean alphabet, thank you
00:49:40There we go
00:49:44Cheers yep
00:49:52Aesthetic yeah the governance of young. Oh nice
00:50:00Well, I guess this is my breakfast
00:50:12Yeah, I told him the hero is chilly oh, yeah
00:50:26How about I do some exercise
00:50:49Yeah, I understand you yeah
00:50:52Thank you for your interest in korean language. Oh, yeah
00:50:56Yeah, very cool
00:50:59Smart very smart
00:51:08Yeah, uh, I
00:51:10Am a korean american. So I speak
00:51:12Korean is my native language
00:51:15That's why when I speak english
00:51:17I have very heavy accent
00:51:22Americans do not understand my english. So they ask me again. What do you say hunky?
00:51:31Okay. Okay now I understand you. Yeah, you're korean american too. Nice. Yeah
00:51:37Great to meet you my fellow korean american friends
00:51:43Come back cheers
00:51:56Yeah, great with you
00:52:03Oh, yeah
00:52:14Okay, okay, okay. Hey you you and I we are korean americans we understand each other's
00:52:21Konglish korean english accents, right? We understand each other perfectly
00:52:31It's just that uh, the american americans right like born and raised here sometimes they don't understand my english sometimes
00:52:53Oh, yeah
00:53:06So i'm 46 I came to america from korea when I was 19
00:53:13that's why I have heavy accent because
00:53:18Korean americans who came from korea to america at the age of five or seven
00:53:26even like 10
00:53:27They have no accent whatsoever when they speak english because they came here when they were young, right?
00:53:34But I came here when I was 19
00:53:36So it's like too late, you know
00:53:39That's why it's heavy accent
00:53:45Cheers yeah, welcome
00:53:54Yeah, so
00:53:58Yeah, good morning, yeah
00:54:06Good profile pictures. Yeah, sometimes like pink themed. Yeah
00:54:12Good profile pictures welcome. Good morning. Yeah
00:54:18Happy saturday
00:54:24Future leaders mighty proud of you. Yeah, okay
00:54:32No, i'm still cold so I need to do some exercise
00:54:40Yeah, you came to america three years ago welcome to america, yeah
00:54:50Oh, yeah
00:54:54Mm-hmm. Yeah, you study english. Yeah nice
00:55:03Well, look, uh, uh, you have to be age of prayer, okay, so otherwise I have to let you go
00:55:10Uh, you cannot use those foul languages here
00:55:18But I give one more chance
00:55:23No bad language
00:55:31I give I give you a pass this time. Okay. Yeah. Yeah, you're welcome. Okay
00:55:42Because look i'm from korea south korea, okay heavy discipline
00:55:55Yeah, I love you too, okay, so k-12 system elementary school middle school
00:56:03High school right k-12 system that i've been to
00:56:07in south korea
00:56:09Heavy discipline. It's not like american school at all. No
00:56:18So welcome
00:56:22Okay, yeah
00:56:36Did my parents physically disappoint me yeah, maybe both of them
00:56:55Is yeah, it's called tiger parenting, right that's very korean tradition
00:57:01Heavy discipline, right
00:57:03Yeah in in by our parents or by our teachers
00:57:08Yeah physical
00:57:13Yeah, I got plenty of that
00:57:16Yeah in korea, okay, yeah, okay, let's take uh, yeah
00:57:32Oh, yeah, yeah, okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Thank you for sharing your uh korean experience
00:57:42Okay, okay
00:57:46I see
00:57:50Thank you for sharing yeah
00:58:12No, I I told you to be age appropriate, okay, so okay. Yeah
00:58:26Uh, I do not but let's take five minutes break, okay. Yeah, uh, I need to do some exercise because
00:58:33It's too cold here, okay, what we're gonna do we're gonna do some, um
00:58:40Exercise here. Okay. Yeah
00:58:44Let's do some dancing that's exercise, okay
00:58:54Okay dancing exercise, yeah
00:59:45Wow, that's cool. Yeah, that's good. Yeah good exercise, right
00:59:49Now i'm hot. Okay. So yeah, let's take five minutes. Okay. Oh good exercise there dancing, right?
01:00:01Nice very cool
01:00:09I'm not cold anymore. Okay good progress
01:03:16Yeah, welcome back we are back
01:03:21Yeah dancing is great exercise, okay, so
01:03:24yeah, keep it flowing, you know, yeah keep the energy going and
01:03:29Exercise welcome. Welcome. Yeah
01:03:48Oh, yeah, this room is cold because it's alaska, right i'm in alaska
01:03:55Yeah, it was the temperature yeah outside 50 fahrenheit in celsius
01:04:0550 minus 30 divided to 10 celsius
01:04:10Yeah, it's 50 fahrenheit 10 celsius
01:04:14Outside of this house. Okay, so
01:04:18Alaska is like that. It's quite
01:04:21Chilly, yeah, but i'm not cold anymore
01:04:24Yeah dancing as exercise, right? Yeah. Cheers
01:04:32Yeah, so
01:04:35Oh, yeah
01:04:37Welcome to humanology. Okay. Yeah, we do dancing. We do martial arts
01:04:44we do
01:04:45science mathematics too
01:04:51Of course we do politics as well, okay, we do everything yeah
01:05:01Yeah time to real quick
01:05:08It's been more than one hour, okay good. Yeah
01:05:20Keep to happiness welcome friends
01:05:25Yeah, welcome
01:05:26Key to happiness is this okay. Yeah education career development
01:05:33Healthy hobbies like dancing singing martial arts
01:05:43Healthy hobbies and
01:05:45Continuing education career development
01:05:49Okay. Yeah, those are the key to happiness
01:05:52Okay. Yeah. Cheers. Welcome to humanology
01:06:06It's easy it's simple, okay. Yeah
01:06:16I mean
01:06:23As I grew up in south south korea, okay, it's middle class neighborhood, okay, so
01:06:30Uh, I was lucky to be born into
01:06:36household my parents
01:06:39middle class, okay
01:06:41And it was blessing. I didn't choose my parents. You know, I was just born into
01:06:49My parents
01:06:51And they happen to be very good ones
01:06:54So I I was lucky. Yeah
01:07:18This is not to my credit
01:07:21That I was born into
01:07:23Good parents my parents. Okay, I didn't choose my parents
01:07:28Is so it's not to my credit. It's just god's blessing
01:07:35That god gave birth to me
01:07:40Through good parents my parents, okay
01:07:47Yeah, I thank god every day and I thank my parents every day
01:07:58Then how about people who are born into
01:08:02More you know more unfortunate situations like inner city ghetto like um, back in the days called
01:08:12Uh kind of
01:08:15Neighborhood where there are a lot of crimes and poverty. Yeah, i'm very sorry. Okay
01:08:23I understand it's very difficult to overcome
01:08:28Uh that kind of uh
01:08:34Bad neighborhood
01:08:39Welcome. Yeah
01:08:42But i've seen people who are born into
01:08:46And they overcame
01:08:49the adversity of the bad neighborhood they are born into
01:08:53Later on they became doctors lawyers engineers
01:09:01On rare occasions because it's more difficult to overcome
01:09:05Yeah, so
01:09:07Yeah, so
01:09:10Politicians yeah
01:09:13On rare occasions because it's more difficult to overcome. Okay, but it has been done
01:09:20Yeah, i've seen them. Okay
01:09:24Welcome yeah
01:09:28So it is possible to overcome those challenges
01:09:36Many people did it
01:10:10I remember this real story in america. Okay, uh
01:10:17Maybe I read about that american success story
01:10:21Maybe when I was in high school in south korea
01:10:24So south korea or it could have been english as second language class in college. Madison scottson university. Okay
01:10:32Uh, it is a true story. Okay, uh this african-american gentleman
01:10:38Was born in this kind of dark hood
01:10:42Yeah, kind of like criminalistic neighborhood. Okay, but he applied himself in school and
01:10:50He became a doctor
01:10:53Medical doctor
01:10:56Later on he won nobel prize in medicine
01:11:04African-american gentleman
01:11:10after he won nobel prize
01:11:13Uh, he went back to his hometown dark hood the criminalistic neighborhood that he
01:11:19was born into and grew up in
01:11:22And there was big welcome party
01:11:26Yeah, welcome. Yeah. Good morning. Yeah
01:11:30Yeah, so I I remember reading about it. Yeah
01:11:36American dream story. Yeah, it's very heartwarming true stories
01:11:42Welcome good morning. Yeah. Yeah, welcome
01:11:55Yeah, let's just recounting some american success stories yeah cheers, yeah
01:12:07American success stories I read about yeah, welcome. Yeah. Good morning
01:12:17Yeah, yeah
01:12:22Uh, let me pour some more wine here welcome
01:12:32Want to prevent the leaking leakage, okay, so let me
01:12:38Make this uh covering a little bit break a little bit, okay
01:12:51Even at too much place i'll use my fingernails
01:13:00Yeah, welcome
01:13:03Cabinets of union. Yeah. Yeah
01:13:06Is it too early to drink
01:13:10In alaska, it's 10 a.m. But i'm at home. It's saturday
01:13:16I'm not driving anywhere. So
01:13:21Okay, yeah cabinets of union
01:13:23dry red wine
01:13:31Yeah, it worked okay, I make it like
01:13:35Flanky, right so that it does not like leak down
01:13:38Throw down, you know, yeah
01:13:42using my fingernails
01:13:53Cheers friends. Good morning. Okay
01:14:01Yeah, oh it's quite nice
01:14:11So another american success story, yeah abraham lincoln, right
01:14:17He was not born in a criminalist neighborhood, he's kind of brown guy abraham lincoln
01:14:27Abraham lincoln is not white. He's not brown, right?
01:14:31but uh
01:14:34He was born into a household that's very poor
01:14:39Poverty but not criminalist, okay
01:14:43uh, so
01:14:47They live in a cabin in the midwest somewhere
01:14:51Maybe illinois, I guess
01:14:541800s, right?
01:14:56He ran away from
01:14:59His parents when he was a teenager
01:15:03Abraham lincoln
01:15:06Because his parents wanted wanted him abraham lincoln to be a farmer
01:15:12which is great, but
01:15:14Abraham lincoln he wanted to do something else
01:15:18Right, so he ran away from his parents when he was a teenager. Okay
01:15:30He went to big city, maybe chicago, illinois, I guess I don't know maybe I don't know cleveland or however, I I don't even okay
01:15:37He went to big city
01:15:42Runaway teenager from their parents, right?
01:15:51Presidential debate I was at home
01:15:57I went to work. Yeah, just another day
01:16:02Yeah, thank you for your support
01:16:05So abraham lincoln
01:16:08As a teenager ran away from his parents
01:16:11who were very poor
01:16:13Farmers and then he went to city big city. Maybe chicago. Illinois. I don't
01:16:19and then he got a job and
01:16:23Hey, you are you are seeing me right now we are here. Okay. Yeah, no problem. Okay. Yeah
01:16:30Thank you for your support, yeah i'm running for u.s president. Yeah
01:16:34So abraham lincoln got a job
01:16:37uh, you know store I guess and then
01:16:41Uh later on, uh, he became a lawyer and
01:16:48Later on yeah, he became u.s president, right?
01:16:52self-made man
01:16:54President obama. Yeah good and bad
01:16:57Okay. Yeah president obama. Uh, I like some parts of him and sometimes some other issues. I disagree with him
01:17:05half an hour 50 50. Okay. Yeah
01:17:08Okay. Yeah, I like him though. Yeah, he's cool
01:17:20What do I like about president obama, yeah, he smoked cigarettes he drink alcohol, but he's very fit he exercise
01:17:32Uh camera harris, yeah, I like her too. Yeah, she I love her laughter. I love her smile. She's very beautiful lady
01:17:41Fashionable great sense of humor. Also, she know how to dance
01:17:45Right. I like that. Okay. Now, let's take five minutes break. My voice is shallow. I need some vocal rest. Okay
01:17:50Good morning. Welcome future leaders. Yeah, my proud of you five minutes. Okay. Thank you
01:17:59All right, she's married right but uh
01:18:04Would I like to date
01:18:06Her I mean she's married but what if she's single would she would I want to date her?
01:18:11uh, maybe not why because um
01:18:23I guess because she's too famous
01:18:26Okay, would I like to date a lady?
01:18:31Who's like celebrity I reckon it's too much, right?
01:18:38Look at indians, they're beautiful. Okay. So yeah, she's a too famous. Okay, that's why
01:18:45Now five minutes, please. Thank you. Yeah
01:18:48Future leaders mighty proud five minutes, please. Thank you
01:18:52Yeah, I need some vocal rest two minutes
01:18:54Five minutes. Thank you
01:18:56Okay time check
01:19:05We have more than 30 minutes left very cool five minutes, thank you very cool
01:19:10Yeah, five minutes, thank you, yep
01:22:14Welcome back we are back
01:22:20Yeah, welcome good morning, yeah, welcome to humanology, yeah
01:22:28Oh, yeah, welcome. Yeah
01:22:34Yeah, camilla harris. She's half
01:22:37indian and half
01:22:39Jamaican like african descent. Yeah, she's very beautiful lady. Yeah
01:22:49bombay, mumbai
01:22:51Bollywood, right? Uh, the great actors actresses there. Okay india, right?
01:22:56and uh, one of them I remember priyanka chapra
01:23:02amazon prime
01:23:04tv show
01:23:05citadel, right
01:23:08I'm a huge fan. Okay
01:23:10I'm an amazon prime member
01:23:12So yeah for members is free citadel. Okay
01:23:17It was fantastic spy movie and action
01:23:21Political thriller a little bit but
01:23:24I enjoyed that tv show. Yeah amazon prime. Yeah citadel
01:23:29priyanka chapra from
01:23:33Beautiful lady very charismatic actress. Okay, and great martial artist as well. Cheers. Yeah
01:23:51Oh, yeah
01:23:58So priyanka chapra she's very soon
01:24:01Actress and also shows like beauty pageant
01:24:05We know of india. Okay, very beautiful lady
01:24:08Very fashionable priyanka chapra of india, right?
01:24:13So yeah, the citadel that's american production tv show in amazon prime, right?
01:24:19And oh her acting was like charismatic
01:24:23It was amazing
01:24:26Great casting. Yeah
01:24:29And great writing too, yeah, it was
01:24:34Good writing. Yeah as a writer myself, I appreciate that. Okay
01:24:42And also as a filmmaker myself
01:24:46And writer myself actor myself
01:24:49Musician myself. Okay
01:24:51Uh, I have very high standard
01:24:54because music acting writing
01:24:59Filmmaking right
01:25:01and uh, I very high very high standard when it comes to
01:25:05art forms and
01:25:07Also as a martial artist too. Okay
01:25:10but uh
01:25:12It's the amazon prime tv show citadel
01:25:16They exceeded my expectation
01:25:21Yeah, which is very rare occasion
01:25:24Okay, yeah
01:25:28Cheers yeah
01:25:36Yeah, but some scenes too violent I do not like that but good martial arts though and good action
01:25:42great like
01:25:44special effect
01:25:47Yeah, he was good
01:25:53Oh, yeah
01:26:05Cheers, yeah
01:26:35I don't saw that. Okay, I guess it's good time to make transition to facebook live. Okay, why because in facebook live
01:26:43Yeah, we watch some youtube videos together in the facebook live and make some video commentaries
01:26:48And I would love love to watch some more
01:26:55But background music. Yeah, paris olympics 2024 summer
01:27:00Uh, welcome friends
01:27:01Yeah, welcome. Good morning
01:27:03and so yeah facebook live very sensitive about this copyright violation of music, right, so
01:27:11Maybe I just mute it. Okay in youtube when I play youtube video. Yeah breakdancing olympics
01:27:20Yeah breakdancing right? Yeah, it's very cool stuff, right? Yeah. Mm-hmm
01:27:26Fantastic my problem future leaders. Yeah
01:27:31So, yeah background music copyright protected I just muted and just watch their moves
01:27:37in salons
01:27:39That's an idea
01:27:42Sure, we can do that in facebook live. Yeah, sure
01:27:50I also want to watch the paris olympics about ping pong table tennis. They don't have any background music there
01:27:59So I don't have to I don't have to mute it when we watch that in the facebook live
01:28:06Sounds like a plan
01:28:13Yeah future leaders
01:28:16Yeah, mighty proud of you
01:28:21Yeah, eternally nice good names yeah cheers
01:28:33Oh, yeah
01:28:42Yes, so
01:28:43We are about to make transition to facebook live
01:28:47Same name hunkily channel facebook, right?
01:28:50And we just turn the youtube video and watch it together, you know make some commentaries
01:29:00Sometimes like all the olympics games and sometimes like music videos
01:29:07Documentaries movie clips tv show clips short films, right? Yeah
01:29:16Okay, maybe I'll see you there, okay, yeah
01:29:20Otherwise I see you later. Okay. Thank you. Mighty proud of you. Yeah education
01:29:30Career development
01:29:32be the leaders
01:29:34Oh, yeah
01:29:35Mighty proud of you. Also love martial arts. Okay
01:29:39very important
01:29:41Thank you
01:29:43See you later. God bless you. God bless you. Mighty proud of you
01:29:47You're number one
01:29:49Yeah, thank you. Yeah
01:30:12Very cool
01:30:20Okay friends in general motion, yeah, let's make transition to facebook live and
01:30:27Yeah, let's check out some more paris olympia
01:30:34Thank you, yeah
01:30:37Be the leaders, thank you. Yep