friday night live with huhnkie lee 169.5

  • last month


00:00:00Hello friends, welcome to Friday Nihal Concrete episode 169.5
00:00:07yeah let's do a little bit more okay because I noticed something okay
00:00:14just by looking at it this column and this column the exact same okay so what
00:00:35we are saying is
00:00:40B over 5 ceiling is same as
00:00:48A over 6 ceiling what is A
00:01:05writing it again
00:02:55I don't know okay you know let's take five minutes break and then let's
00:03:02continue this tomorrow okay yeah we'll just go into the lab okay yeah we didn't
00:03:08enough mathematics okay yeah okay yeah fine it's okay thank you I sleep on it
00:03:16okay or not I just do not know how to process from here okay so we'll get back
00:03:23to it maybe tomorrow okay after take a break from mathematics okay that works
00:03:29take a break okay oh yeah by this okay thank you Wow
00:03:34what a challenge you number theory
00:03:46okay thank you
00:06:57it's just weird okay yeah let's go to Instagram live okay I don't want to
00:07:07sleep on this no I don't want to think about mathematics when I'm in bed but we
00:07:12get back to it
00:07:17after take a break yeah when we are ready okay now I'm gonna start drinking
00:07:25okay so
00:07:47well in social media I kind of posted the
00:07:52editorial cartoonists let's get making fun of Trump oh yes I mean I did not
00:07:59throw them I just look them in the Google it's jokes that's all
00:08:07too funny editor of cartoonist okay great sense of humor oh yeah
00:08:20mandatory selfie
00:09:02welcome to Friday night live with Hunky Lee
00:09:06Instagram live edition yeah
00:09:11happy Saturday evening
00:09:17it's almost like midnight Express welcome yeah good evening yeah yeah I
00:09:25love you too welcome yeah
00:09:42yeah yeah cheers yeah
00:09:48oh yeah now question room
00:09:56uh have I ever dated a lady yeah I have yeah yeah
00:10:04welcome good evening
00:10:18I'm gonna drink some stuff yeah
00:10:39yeah so
00:10:44what should I drink
00:10:51about this Alaskan Sinsan
00:10:59spring leaves
00:11:15hey no f4 please yep watch your mouth my friend okay yeah watch your mouth okay
00:11:24yeah Cheers yeah
00:11:39oh yeah blacking out yeah I used to get too drunk like that nowadays I don't
00:11:47black out okay I learned the lesson so
00:11:54this is yeah I don't drink as drink as much so but yeah thank you for your
00:12:00concern yeah
00:12:10uh maybe five months ago
00:12:16I drank too much I was too drunk to walk welcome good evening
00:12:22yeah happy to see you and I fell in my house
00:12:29then I crawled to my bed to sleep and next morning
00:12:36I realized I fell too drunk to walk
00:12:43so I don't drink too much these days I drink
00:12:46in moderation I learned a lesson yeah yeah
00:12:52oh yeah
00:13:00oh yeah
00:13:03yeah I injured my right shoulder but it's fully recovered now I did not break
00:13:10any bones there was like five months ago okay
00:13:14it's tendonitis tendonitis injured my tendon okay it took several months to
00:13:21recover from that yeah yeah so but I'm good now yeah cheers
00:13:46oh thank you yeah
00:13:55so those cartoons editorial cartoonists I just found them in the Google okay
00:14:04basically making fun of politicians right yeah
00:14:08well I'm running for US president so I put it like this
00:14:12Hunky Lee Tamela Harris
00:14:16Donald Trump in that order okay yeah
00:14:21Hunky Lee Tamela Harris then Donald Trump
00:14:25yeah yeah so I love everybody don't get me wrong
00:14:30okay I love everybody but those editorial cartoonists in the like
00:14:36Google right uh making fun of politicians right
00:14:42it's fun that
00:14:46comedy humor okay nothing serious nothing serious
00:14:58so like I just Google
00:15:03cartoon space Trump space Hitler or cartoon space Trump
00:15:13space statue of liberty yeah Google like then image image search
00:15:24right yeah or being Yahoo whatever right yeah
00:15:30then they show up
00:15:34and I take like screenshot and then post in the social media
00:15:41Knoxville Tennessee yeah that sounds great nice
00:15:46I passed by Tennessee once
00:15:52I would say
00:15:58when I was in Cornell I was in Cornell between 2004 and 2006 so probably 2005 I
00:16:05guess yeah or Tennessee yeah great state yeah
00:16:19now let's take five minutes break thank you
00:16:22welcome future leaders mighty proud of you
00:16:25yeah five minutes thank you
00:16:30yeah very good
00:19:00I mean past hour or so yeah we did some mathematics in their emotion okay so
00:19:07we're taking a break from mathematics we are making great progress yeah welcome
00:19:11thank you yeah so yeah let me let me show you okay yeah yeah we found
00:19:19something okay
00:19:27it's number theory so ceiling function
00:19:42we found a formula and
00:19:48we attempt to prove it thank you yeah so
00:19:58we take a break from that okay yeah because it's challenging okay so it's
00:20:06we'll get back to that tomorrow in dead emotion okay yeah though
00:20:12yeah cheers yeah we discover something okay yeah cheers yeah
00:20:22that formula works we just need to prove it okay and that's where we are okay we
00:20:28discover something it works we need to prove it okay so yeah so yeah well
00:20:50so let's talk about politics okay yeah because we need to take a break from
00:20:57mathematics okay yeah politics sure
00:21:44i'm glad trump picked jd vance as vp candidate why is this hilarious
00:21:52right definitely
00:21:57i'm also glad harris picked waltz tim waltz why because he's funny too
00:22:05okay yeah
00:22:09four of them harris waltz trump vance they all have good sense of humor okay
00:22:17so i i i'm enjoying this of course yeah honky lee
00:22:26i guess i have decent sense of humor as well
00:22:31okay yeah
00:22:58if you compare those four people with other politicians
00:23:06maybe they are there because they have good sense of humor okay
00:23:13but if you look at like joe biden hillary clinton bill clinton
00:23:21joe w bush
00:23:27or ronald reagan i don't think they have very good sense of humor
00:23:55so politicians are evolving to have better sense of humor i guess there's
00:24:01one way to look at it okay so yeah
00:24:08yeah so
00:24:22yeah so
00:24:26do i have a good sense of humor uh well sometimes sometimes maybe
00:24:43can i tell a joke
00:24:56can i make people laugh
00:25:01welcome yeah good evening yeah good evening welcome yeah
00:25:09uh well that's a tough one um
00:25:19oh thank you thank you yeah thank you
00:25:26so what kind of joke uh
00:25:46look your your friend have very long name okay so
00:25:50and i'm old guy i'm 46 so to type your friend's name
00:25:56uh well that's too long to type okay but uh
00:26:01how about this why don't you ask your friend
00:26:06to create brand new account in instagram with shorter name
00:26:15i'm i'm too old uh to type long name oh that's a challenge for me
00:26:24okay yeah but
00:26:29yeah that's my recommendation yeah ask your friend to create brand new
00:26:33instagram name account shorter name please
00:26:37okay yeah then it will be brand new account right so i don't even need to
00:26:43unblock that account okay yeah
00:26:49okay that's my recommendation okay thank you yeah thank you for caring for your
00:26:53friend you're such a nice person yeah future leaders
00:26:59thank you cheers to you and your friend too okay yeah thank you
00:27:07um yeah
00:27:20how about this abba thank you for the music
00:27:27if i tell you a joke you probably heard it before
00:27:36but i have a talent a wonderful thing because
00:27:42everybody listen when i start to sing
00:27:49i am grateful i'm proud
00:27:57and i sing it out all loud so i say thank you for the music
00:28:05the songs i'm singing thank you all who can't live without it
00:28:13i ask it all honesty what would life be without a song
00:28:21and that's what i mean so i say thank you for the music
00:28:30i am so lucky
00:28:34yeah the lyrics yeah thank you for the music abba abba right
00:28:39uh i don't remember the lyrics but uh there we go
00:28:50midnight karaoke
00:29:13good times let's take five minutes break okay guys some vocal rest
00:29:17welcome yeah very cool five minutes okay thank you midnight express
00:29:25how nice how romantic yeah five minutes break please thank you
00:29:31welcome future leaders my proud
00:31:47okay we are back welcome back
00:31:54yeah i mean joke i i'm a writer but to write a joke that's more elaborate
00:32:03uh that's not an easy thing it's not like i mean when i write
00:32:11i'm like drunk or at night late at night or suffering from hangover
00:32:17early in the morning that's when i ride okay yeah cheers yeah
00:32:30yeah rose hips vodka oh and also some harvest cram right cranberry right yeah
00:32:39look at the color isn't it beautiful oh yeah and they taste really good too
00:32:44and very healthy okay cheers yeah
00:32:59so when i write yeah i'm intoxicated and uh it's kind of improvisational
00:33:08not much planning just improvise right yeah and
00:33:24yeah nowadays artificial intelligence very common theme these days
00:33:33uh what is that bug over there
00:33:39maybe spider maybe i don't know let me get those
00:33:46it's so distracting i'm running a show here and that bug on the wall is
00:33:53distracting me
00:34:01what is that insect
00:34:09let me go home
00:34:32oh yeah
00:34:54can it fly
00:35:00oh well it fell
00:35:04and this is not on the wall at all
00:35:08yeah welcome back yeah welcome
00:35:13good evening yeah
00:35:20yeah cheers
00:35:29so yeah this is i can write about this robot equipped with artificial intelligence
00:35:36and wi-fi internet right yeah
00:35:50oh yeah
00:36:12yeah cheers
00:36:41good ones
00:37:19welcome good evening your journals sure if internet works well good evening
00:37:40oh hi yeah welcome welcome yeah
00:37:48good yeah thank you that's very good
00:37:57nice beautiful
00:38:01yeah what country is that australia nice australia nice
00:38:14thank you thank you thank you for sharing it's beautiful
00:38:18yeah i have to let you go what's that
00:38:23oh that's not age appropriate okay but kangaroo is nice though
00:38:30but yeah no you have to have the age appropriate okay
00:38:34no no no bad stuff okay but yeah thank you kangaroo very nice okay thank you
00:38:39yeah cheers
00:38:45so i guess midnight in alaska i guess in uh australia
00:38:52okay yeah i guess australia is maybe um
00:39:03yeah there i guess like
00:39:107 p.m i guess 5 p.m sunset beautiful sunset yeah
00:39:19how nice yeah wow australia huh
00:39:27beautiful yeah cheers yeah yeah 6 p.m okay
00:39:35there was yeah nice that was my guess yes six seven around yeah cheers yeah
00:39:42thank you for sharing yeah australia kangaroo country huh nice yeah cheers
00:39:52you want to join us oh sure yeah if internet works okay
00:40:14hi honky yeah welcome welcome yeah
00:40:18it's live it's it's beautiful there's kangaroos over there okay
00:40:25you said there's kangaroos uh i i cannot see you uh there's some internet
00:40:31connection issues i cannot see you uh there's been a kangaroos okay okay
00:40:40okay how about this uh why don't you okay yeah thank you uh why don't you
00:40:46disjoin and rejoin because i cannot see you okay uh maybe next time okay
00:40:51internet connection issue okay i'm sorry about that but uh we'll retry next time
00:40:57okay uh yeah it happens right yeah but thank you very much oh yeah
00:41:07yeah you want to join us sure if internet works okay welcome yeah
00:41:16hi how are you yeah good thank you yeah oh that's good
00:41:34okay thank you thank you welcome
00:41:40yeah welcome good evening
00:41:45oh yeah you know tagalog right nice
00:41:51tagalog yeah that was english oh okay okay cheers
00:42:02what are you sipping on uh vodka with the uh rose hips and uh
00:42:09cranberry yeah edible fruit in alaska yeah cheers yeah
00:42:16that looks so bomb oh it's really good yeah
00:42:23when are you going to korea huh uh i went to korea in um july yeah
00:42:31when are you going again uh maybe next year yeah
00:42:37okay period i'm going next year too okay yeah
00:42:42we should totally link
00:42:45sure yeah
00:42:47yeah we could do like a podcast together
00:42:51hey we are we are here so we are doing just that so yeah
00:42:56like in person
00:42:59well uh look uh i'm so busy with mathematics let me show you okay so
00:43:05like number theory so
00:43:14yeah so these days i only socialize in social media like this and yeah that's
00:43:21all i can afford these days good too busy you know
00:43:27yeah and if we actually do like a person podcast we could have like our first
00:43:36well well thank you for that but uh uh these days i'm just too busy and um
00:43:44uh i can only socialize in the internet like this yeah that's all i can afford
00:43:50yeah but thank you for that yeah thank you
00:43:55funky are you turning down are you hitting me
00:44:00well my recommendation to you you're young so uh continue education career
00:44:05development and martial arts
00:44:08yeah mighty proud of you yeah future leaders
00:44:17and also love martial arts
00:44:22good good yeah
00:44:25she don't want to get naughty girl she naughty in my damn self
00:44:37is that funny oh you have a good sense of humor
00:44:41yeah that's fantastic yeah
00:44:45i mean thanks but i'm not joking so
00:45:02okay bye yeah thank you thank you yeah fantastic
00:45:09yeah future leaders multiple talents right great talents
00:45:15multiple talents like martial arts
00:45:26art fine arts
00:45:34digital arts music dancing multi-talented oh yeah business too yeah
00:45:42right yeah
00:45:46this was great about these days okay you don't have to be in los angeles
00:45:51california like hollywood right you can be anywhere and you can still be your
00:45:56content creator right yeah you can make a movie upload to youtube daily motion
00:46:02and social media right yeah
00:46:07content creators right oh fantastic right
00:46:12like photography
00:46:15digital arts and music right yeah that's amazing
00:46:22oh thank you thank you yeah mighty proud mighty proud absolutely
00:46:28yeah you'll be like billionaires
00:46:33as artists entrepreneur business people right yeah you make you make a lot of
00:46:42and when you make a lot of money yeah help out poor people okay
00:46:47yeah some program like charity
00:46:54right yeah
00:46:57yeah i'm very proud of you friends uh you'll be hugely successful
00:47:02oh yeah no doubt yeah
00:47:07you'll be great leaders you will save the world
00:47:11okay yeah okay
00:47:15five minutes great okay thank you i have some vocal rest okay thank you mighty proud of you
00:47:19you're amazing
00:47:22fantastic five minutes okay thank you yeah okay
00:47:26very cool time check real quick
00:47:32it's been less than one hour okay five minutes thank you
00:47:45oh yeah yeah five minutes great please thank you
00:47:51welcome welcome good evening oh yeah
00:48:26thank you
00:49:57okay welcome back
00:50:03right welcome good evening
00:50:12oh you wanna join us yeah sure
00:50:16if internet works sure
00:50:22yeah if internet works okay
00:50:35welcome welcome hello yeah good evening welcome
00:50:41can group come in uh yeah let's try okay uh
00:50:47this internet connection yeah internet question issue yeah
00:50:52it won't cause an issue
00:50:55i promise
00:50:57can she come in
00:51:00uh internet is not working i'm sorry yeah
00:51:05because i'm in alaska
00:51:08you're in alaska yeah
00:51:11what the heck but why
00:51:13brooke i miss you
00:51:15yeah but
00:51:17if your friend rejoin rejoin it may work
00:51:20okay so uh yeah sometimes it works that way
00:51:24she's gonna retry
00:51:26yeah sure
00:51:31it'll work
00:51:37brookie where are you
00:51:39yeah it's still not working
00:51:46brooke you can't come join me and
00:51:51yeah we keep trying okay
00:51:54brookie's trying give him some time
00:52:05hey i'm sorry it's still not working maybe
00:52:08some other time okay yeah
00:52:12that's weird
00:52:16are you united are you united kingdom
00:52:21maybe australia maybe
00:52:23what country are you at
00:52:25oh nice australia yeah okay
00:52:27yeah very cool yeah
00:52:30my friend brooke she's from africa
00:52:32okay very cool
00:52:35yeah it's internet is not working i'm
00:52:38sorry yeah
00:52:42my apologies
00:52:47i'm sorry internet is not working okay
00:52:51uh but if you disjoin and rejoin
00:52:54some sometimes that works
00:52:57but it's just not working okay
00:53:00my apologies
00:53:05maybe next time okay yeah
00:53:09cheers yeah
00:53:17sure yeah let's try again okay
00:53:33hi okay yeah welcome yeah
00:53:37what's going on i'm good thank you
00:53:40yeah i just got myself
00:53:43holy okay
00:53:46okay i'll come now
00:53:49yeah um
00:53:53okay very nice yeah yeah
00:53:56yeah um got a lake
00:54:00got a really cool lake here hunky
00:54:03nice lake yeah
00:54:06got the sunset yeah sunset
00:54:10we got hunter thomas here
00:54:13yeah yeah and we have
00:54:17very cool
00:54:20so i mentioned we have a power view as
00:54:22well okay
00:54:29yeah beautiful
00:54:42yeah it's a very beautiful country yeah
00:54:44australia yeah yeah thank you for sharing
00:54:47yeah nature yeah
00:54:51indonesia indonesia okay
00:54:55we're in indonesia right now okay
00:54:59we're tribal we're gonna kill all the
00:55:02black people no love everybody
00:55:05love everybody okay
00:55:11that's the message for today
00:55:14that we have to love everybody and
00:55:16everybody loves everyone
00:55:18oh yeah yeah
00:55:21no racism so are we sipping on cocktails
00:55:24tonight like that
00:55:30um let's let's give you a tutorial
00:55:37thank you
00:55:43thank you thank you yeah thank you
00:55:47this little stuff okay
00:55:50whatever it is hey no effort
00:55:53watch your language please okay
00:55:56but thank you for the house tour how
00:55:59that's very nice thank you
00:56:04it's a beautiful country australia
00:56:08never been there but i watched the
00:56:10youtube videos
00:56:12yeah australia
00:56:15koala kangaroo platypus
00:56:18cassowary emu
00:56:30great country australia yeah
00:56:33thank you for sharing
00:56:36oh that's nice
00:56:44okay let's have five minutes okay thank
00:56:46you for joining us
00:56:48yeah how nice
00:56:51five minutes okay thank you yep
00:56:54very cool
00:56:57international friendship fantastic oh
00:57:01five minutes thank you yep
00:57:04very cool
00:59:58kind of like midnight express right yeah
01:00:00very cool
01:00:01yeah so
01:00:07wake up yeah good evening yeah thank you
01:00:09for joining us
01:00:11yeah welcome welcome
01:00:14oh yeah
01:00:20yeah cheers
01:00:30yeah take a break to uh have vocal rest
01:00:34you know yeah
01:00:39oh yeah welcome good evening
01:01:00oh nice yeah
01:01:08international friendship that's what's
01:01:10great about social media internet right
01:01:13we learn from other countries
01:01:16yeah that's great
01:01:25so maybe let's talk about politics a
01:01:28little bit
01:01:29yeah i mean
01:01:32both democratic party boom party okay
01:01:34this is like yeah
01:01:38that's so arrogant
01:01:41uh yeah both kamala harris and
01:01:45trump they'll say oh america is the best
01:01:49i wouldn't say that
01:01:54no i love america that's why i'm here
01:02:00alaska america okay yeah i love this
01:02:02country that's why i'm here
01:02:04but i would never say
01:02:07america is the best country i would
01:02:09never say that
01:02:10okay that's such an arrogant attitude
01:02:15this very dumb thing to say
01:02:23it's horrible thing to say
01:02:27like back in the days homer simpson the
01:02:30simpsons okay
01:02:32i'm better than you
01:02:38bad attitude that camera head is down
01:02:40that's wrong bad attitude
01:02:43arrogance american arrogance okay that's
01:02:45horrible that's terrible
01:02:49i'm not like that okay that's why i'm
01:02:51running for u.s president i'm a humble
01:02:54i respect all these different countries
01:02:59they were amazing countries okay yeah
01:03:10so this dumb politicians like trump by
01:03:16biden is not
01:03:18there anymore yeah harris and trump right
01:03:22oh they want to get american votes
01:03:24because they're running for president
01:03:26in america right
01:03:27yeah so they're flattering
01:03:31american voters oh america is the best
01:03:33country in the world
01:03:35yeah when they say that i'd rather give
01:03:37them middle fingers
01:03:39okay like but i cannot do that because
01:03:43that's not age appropriate okay
01:03:46it's not age appropriate
01:03:55cheers and cheers
01:04:03so harris and trump not very
01:04:07smart politicians i am okay
01:04:19i'm rolling my eyes okay
01:04:36yeah look i was born in america that's
01:04:38how i got american citizenship okay i
01:04:40love this country i grew up in south
01:04:42south korea
01:04:43for 19 years okay so i've experienced
01:04:46both in
01:04:47america and korea now let me get that
01:04:51that bug is really distracting me
01:04:55it's on the wall i don't know what kind
01:04:57of insect that is
01:05:08i got it okay let me flush this in the
01:05:10toilet okay
01:05:12can i skip it
01:05:31this is some kind of version of some
01:05:33fruit fly or something i don't know
01:05:35welcome yeah good evening yeah welcome
01:05:38oh yeah good evening
01:05:44yes so both democratic party reform
01:05:47party okay
01:05:48the harris trump they say america is the
01:05:51best country
01:05:52uh i i cannot agree with that no i
01:05:55disagree with them okay so
01:05:56yeah i love america that's why i'm here
01:05:58alaska america okay but other countries
01:06:02they're great too
01:06:07yeah like australia for example
01:06:11amazing country
01:06:14they have something that america does
01:06:16not have
01:06:17kangaroos out there in the wild
01:06:24and platypus
01:06:34so america best country i disagree
01:06:38okay i love america that's why i'm here
01:06:40but other countries
01:06:42they're amazing too okay so yeah harris
01:06:47they say america's best country i have
01:06:49to disagree
01:06:50okay yeah
01:06:54yeah welcome cheers yeah
01:07:02beautiful american arrogance right it's
01:07:05such a
01:07:06very unwise idea okay
01:07:11that's arrogant american arrogance okay
01:07:13and i i do not like that attitude
01:07:19yeah have some humility
01:07:22have some respect toward other countries
01:07:29that's why i'm running for u.s president
01:07:31okay because i'm better than harris trump
01:07:33okay yeah these people just
01:07:36they don't know what they're doing
01:07:41they have no clue
01:07:43all right
01:07:45all right let's take five minutes break
01:07:46okay i have some vocal rest okay thank
01:07:49five minutes thank you yeah welcome yeah
01:07:53very cool
01:07:55time check
01:08:02okay it's been more than one hour very
01:08:04cool yeah
01:08:05okay five minutes okay thank you
01:08:08oh yeah okay
01:08:11five minutes thank you
01:10:26okay welcome back
01:10:32so back in the days i used to like go to
01:10:34the radio talk show in alaska right
01:10:36and also some national level radio talk
01:10:41show too
01:10:42like uh uh some of their names uh
01:10:47jimbo show okay yeah and um mr jimbo
01:10:53hannon okay and uh national level okay
01:10:56and uh also uh joe peck's show right
01:11:01yeah i used to go to those shows and in
01:11:05alaska uh tom anderson show and also
01:11:10dan fagan show and also uh
01:11:15uh some others as well
01:11:19yeah so yeah in the radio show talk show
01:11:24okay yeah
01:11:25they take commercial break every five
01:11:27minutes right
01:11:28because there is some vocal rest okay
01:11:31uh the humanized show like this uh you
01:11:35don't have any
01:11:36commercial when we take a break because
01:11:39it's not a commercial entity okay it's
01:11:43pro bono for free for the benefit of
01:11:47the people okay yeah welcome yeah
01:11:51hmm yeah so
01:11:55yeah we need some vocal rest okay yeah
01:11:57that's why
01:12:18so why american arrogance is a bad
01:12:21policy because
01:12:24uh harris trump they're saying america
01:12:27is the best country
01:12:29well when they say that it will make
01:12:32america less popular in the world
01:12:36american arrogance okay
01:12:40there's such a disrespect to other
01:12:44okay they don't know what they're doing
01:12:46they don't know what they're saying okay
01:12:48these people are clueless
01:12:50they don't have a clue
01:12:54but when americans start to respect
01:12:58other countries and with
01:13:00humble attitude then other country will
01:13:04start to
01:13:06appreciate america more america will be
01:13:15respect community that's way better
01:13:19policy than arrogance
01:13:22okay that's why i'm better candidate than
01:13:25harris or trump
01:13:27okay i love america that's why i'm here
01:13:30but i love other countries too they're
01:13:33amazing countries
01:13:38i love their history their languages
01:13:41that's why i studied foreign languages
01:13:45i want to learn from them
01:13:48cameron harris donald trump do they
01:13:51speak foreign languages
01:13:53other than english i doubt it
01:13:59what do they know
01:14:28me running for US president
01:14:31it's like a therapy okay
01:14:34it makes me sleep at night
01:14:38because i'm doing something about it i'm
01:14:41not just sitting here and complaining
01:14:43and i'm actually doing something about
01:14:45it yeah i'm running for US president
01:14:47i'm registered with federal election
01:14:50okay i even met them okay
01:14:53yeah like uh about five years ago
01:14:56yeah federal election commission from
01:14:59washington d.c okay
01:15:01uh they uh came to
01:15:05san diego california about five years
01:15:07ago okay
01:15:08yeah to educate us politicians
01:15:11about election law yeah attended that
01:15:15like one week event okay
01:15:17yeah continuing legal education okay
01:15:21election law okay yeah so i went there
01:15:25oh great san diego california right yeah
01:15:35and i even sat at the same table with a
01:15:40federal election commission okay yeah
01:15:43uh great lady okay and she's attorney as
01:15:47just like me okay lawyer okay yeah
01:15:50she's good
01:15:56and the federal employees federal election
01:15:58commission okay
01:15:59yeah some computer programmers there too
01:16:02and uh uh the officials there okay yeah
01:16:08very nice nice lunch together the same
01:16:10table okay
01:16:12very cool people yeah cheers
01:16:21welcome good evening thank you for
01:16:23joining us
01:16:24yeah welcome yeah
01:16:34yeah so in that event there are some
01:16:37and labor union representatives and um
01:16:48political candidates like me yeah
01:16:52federal employees it was nice
01:17:06i remember
01:17:13good experience there
01:17:18oh yeah
01:17:23fond memories yeah
01:17:33yeah but funny thing
01:17:37actually i was the only
01:17:41political candidate
01:17:45in that event yeah election law
01:17:50hosted by federal election commission
01:17:53uh i was the only candidate there okay
01:17:58uh labor union representatives and uh
01:18:02campaign staffers and lobbyists
01:18:07and um
01:18:10some attorneys uh specializing in
01:18:13election law
01:18:15and federal election commission
01:18:18employees and also commission already
01:18:22and uh computer programmers who work for
01:18:25federal election commission
01:18:30i was the only candidate there
01:18:39let's take five minutes break and maybe
01:18:41i'll tell you some more
01:18:43okay sure five minutes break thank you
01:18:47time check
01:18:53uh we have more than 30 minutes left
01:18:56yeah okay cool five minutes okay it's
01:18:59story time sure
01:19:03very cool welcome
01:19:07welcome to the show yeah
01:19:11thank you thank you yeah
01:21:32yeah let's continue this story okay so
01:21:34it's true story okay yeah
01:21:37uh election law class okay
01:21:40continuing education in san diego
01:21:44about five years ago something like
01:21:46uh it was nice one week long
01:21:49uh yeah i took a vacation one week
01:21:52okay i stayed in a hotel
01:21:55affordable hotel and then uh it was nice
01:22:01but the event the continuing legal
01:22:05education the election law okay it
01:22:08happened in a more expensive hotel okay
01:22:11but i didn't stay there because
01:22:14uh that was too expensive okay
01:22:18so i commuted with rental car
01:22:21okay i'm in alaska okay i flew there
01:22:24airplane and then i rented a car for one
01:22:29okay commuting okay yeah from like rural
01:22:32outside of like
01:22:34san diego maybe la jolla somewhere there
01:22:37when uh the hotels are cheaper okay yeah
01:22:41cheers yeah
01:22:45but the hotel welcome friends yeah
01:22:48welcome uh but the hotel that uh they
01:22:52hosted this event is more expensive
01:22:55hotel downtown san diego
01:22:57with nice ocean view that was nice
01:23:00yeah so i commuted my rental car
01:23:09oh what a great ocean view san diego
01:23:12california right
01:23:16it was nice
01:23:21uh there was like five years ago there
01:23:23was the time
01:23:24i swam in the ocean
01:23:27okay yeah
01:23:30imperial beach right great like golden
01:23:34sand sandy beach i just swam okay yeah
01:23:38it was nice
01:23:41cheers yeah
01:23:50palm trees
01:23:53in and out hamburger right uh california
01:23:58i remember it was nice
01:24:06and i went to walmart in san diego
01:24:09california when i was there and
01:24:11and i asked them okay yeah cashier okay
01:24:15to check out my items okay yeah so yeah
01:24:19hey uh would you please recommend me
01:24:21i'm from alaska so some nice restaurant
01:24:24in san diego california and they did
01:24:27okay yeah there's this good hamburger
01:24:32yeah okay so i went there okay
01:24:36oh it was nice
01:24:40i mean i've been to inner hamburger but
01:24:43that's like
01:24:44franchisee right it's fantastic okay but
01:24:47it was different hamburger joint
01:24:49went there too okay yeah uh long line but
01:24:53not too long maybe i waited for 15
01:24:55minutes okay
01:24:56it was nice yeah the very
01:25:00legendary hamburger
01:25:03no franchisee okay yeah the local
01:25:06restaurant in san diego okay
01:25:09it was nice
01:25:25i remember okay of course i ran along the
01:25:29shoreline ocean view
01:25:34running okay when i travel i exercise when
01:25:38i travel okay
01:25:39mostly jogging running right yeah
01:25:44if hotel have a gym like gymnasium
01:25:47bedroom yeah i do that too
01:25:50otherwise yeah push up and sit up in
01:25:53the hotel room
01:26:00it was nice
01:26:14did i go to a dance club in san diego
01:26:16california i did
01:26:19yeah and i did dance
01:26:44so i'm from alaska right yeah san diego
01:26:47california as a visitor
01:26:49so i do this hunky dancing like
01:26:52prophet dancing like oh yeah
01:26:58so uh so other
01:27:02customers in the wonderful san diego
01:27:06dance club uh
01:27:12their reaction is like
01:27:16that's odd
01:27:29but no problem
01:27:47good people very good people yeah
01:27:50san diego california nice place
01:27:54okay i think it's good time to make
01:27:56transition to a festival live where we
01:27:58watch some youtube videos okay
01:28:00yeah future leaders might be proud of
01:28:03you yeah
01:28:06no martial arts okay
01:28:12and focus on education and career development
01:28:14okay thank you and be the leaders
01:28:18okay mighty proud of you yeah
01:28:21all right see you tomorrow maybe we'll
01:28:23see each other in
01:28:24festival live okay thank you
01:28:27good night
01:28:52yeah very cool
01:29:09okay so let's make transition to a
01:29:13festival okay
01:29:14thank you uh time check uh
01:29:25yeah it's been more than one hour so we
01:29:27are good okay
01:29:29yeah let's make transition to a festival
01:29:31live okay yeah thank you
01:29:33mathematics maybe we'll get back to it
01:29:35tomorrow okay
01:29:36i mean i have no idea what's going on in
01:29:39diagram okay uh but
01:29:43we'll take a break from mathematics and
01:29:45we'll get back to it after that okay
01:29:47at some point okay yeah thank you yeah
01:29:51mighty proud of you yeah be the leaders
01:29:54okay thank you