friday night live with huhnkie lee 169.2

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00:00:00Hello, friends. Yeah. Oh, some pimple there. No problem. Yeah. Welcome to Friday night.
00:00:13Welcome to Friday night live with Hunky Lee episode 169.2. Good. Happy Saturday morning.
00:00:26And let's do double back kick. Okay.
00:00:43One more. Good enough. Five minutes break, please. Thank you.
00:00:56All right.
00:06:46Yeah, sure. Good morning.
00:06:56So after all the shows, I had some food like chicken sandwich and listen to radio.
00:07:04Yeah, Ben Shapiro show.
00:07:06Yeah, quite late at night.
00:07:09I mean, I like him.
00:07:11He went to Harvard Law School, Mr. Ben Shapiro.
00:07:14He's conservative and very smart guy.
00:07:19Very smart.
00:07:24He's Jewish-American, but he's conservative.
00:07:27Very handsome guy.
00:07:30Married a Jewish lady.
00:07:32I like him quite a bit, Ben Shapiro.
00:07:35Radio talk show host these days.
00:07:40And I'm not sure if he practiced law or not, but I know he went to Harvard Law School.
00:07:47Very smart.
00:07:50I like him quite a bit.
00:07:54He talk too fast.
00:07:55He talk too much.
00:07:57So I guess listeners are kind of fed up with his style, I guess.
00:08:01But my suggestion to him, maybe he run for some political election.
00:08:10I think he's in California, but I don't know.
00:08:12I don't know.
00:08:13I don't know.
00:08:14I don't know.
00:08:15I don't know.
00:08:16I don't know.
00:08:17I don't know.
00:08:18I don't know.
00:08:21I think he's in California, but some parts in California are quite conservative.
00:08:26Like San Diego, for example.
00:08:27Orange County, Anaheim.
00:08:33And some rural California, conservative.
00:08:36So I don't know about what district he's living in.
00:08:40Or when it comes to radio talk show, maybe getting more phone calls and be a good listener
00:08:47of other people.
00:08:51That's my suggestion.
00:08:57One dream I remember, I was combing my hair with my fingers and a lot of hair falling
00:09:03But still didn't go bald.
00:09:05Still a lot of hair left.
00:09:08Another dream.
00:09:09I was in a male shower room.
00:09:13We were straight guys, but just water ran out.
00:09:18So only my shower hose was working.
00:09:21So warm water.
00:09:25Other guys, yeah.
00:09:26Warm shower, water.
00:09:28My shower hose is the only one that was working.
00:09:33And myself.
00:09:36Some of my past friends.
00:09:39That's interesting.
00:09:44My Korean friend from elementary school that I remember.
00:09:48He was there.
00:09:49And my American US Army friends, they were there too.
00:09:53That's interesting.
00:10:01Five minutes break, please.
00:30:58Thank you very much.
00:31:01P of k.
00:31:02And the relationship between m and k?
00:31:12And the relationship between m and k,
00:31:27when m is not multiplied, that's, I guess that's our next step to figure out.
00:31:35Which I don't think is very difficult. Okay? Good.
00:31:50Yeah, so we are not ready to convert this yet because it involves k and we need to express
00:31:56k in terms of m, if that's possible. We'll see. Okay? Yeah. Maybe we like this.
00:32:05Inverse function that I do not know how to solve.
00:32:13We'll continue, okay? Sure. Let's take it nice and easy. Sure. Five minutes. Thank you. Yeah.
00:32:20Okay. Very cool. A lot more room in this room.
00:32:27Nice. There we go. Thank you.
00:36:44All right. We're back.
00:36:49Having fun with mathematics.
00:36:53All right.
00:37:09Let's take it easy.
00:37:13All right.
00:37:24Look, when m is not multiple of five,
00:37:30let's copy those m's and k's.
00:37:34Well, let's just write here. We call it m prime.
00:37:48Excluding multiples of five.
00:38:27We can group this.
00:38:35Four by four.
00:38:41All right. Here. From k to m, add minus one. Add zero. Add one. Add two. Add three. Add four. Okay?
00:38:57Definite pattern there.
00:38:58We're going to copy over the formula over there, down here, and we're going to erase that.
00:39:40Okay. Yeah. BK. Sounds like Burger King. Have it your way. Nice. I love Burger King.
00:39:50I love that commercial, too. Yeah. BK. Have it your way. Oh, how nice.
00:39:56Yeah. Cheers.
00:40:07So let's introduce another variable.
00:40:13Let's call it c.
00:40:26You choose m prime minus k. Okay? All right.
00:40:44Let's notice this, okay? Four, eight, twelve, sixteen, and here are twenty, okay? So, good.
00:40:51And then, c is equal to,
00:41:09c is equal to,
00:41:10c is equal to, k divided by four, ceiling, minus one.
00:41:28Like here. k divided by four, ceiling, that's three. Three minus one, two. Okay? Yeah, it works.
00:41:44This is easy, okay? Well, for us, it is easy because we've been doing this for, like, months.
00:41:50Right? Mapping problem. Okay.
00:42:12And this is
00:42:16m prime minus k. So, m prime is equal to
00:42:31k plus
00:42:35k divided by four, ceiling, minus one. Okay? Good.
00:42:47Yeah, it's kind of the same problem as mk function. Okay? So this is mk function.
00:42:55m prime k function. Okay? So, yeah, ideally, we want to express k in terms of m prime.
00:43:03So we have to somehow find an inverse function of this. I'm not sure if that's possible.
00:43:09Let's see if that's possible.
00:43:12Maybe it is possible. I don't know.
00:43:17This is brand new to me. Let's think about it. Sure.
00:43:23My guess, it has to be possible. Why?
00:43:29It has to be possible. Why?
00:43:35m prime and k is bijective.
00:43:44Well, subjective and injective. Okay? It's one-to-one correspondence.
00:43:51There's no overlap, no repetition whatsoever.
00:43:54Yeah, sure. Then let's find inverse function for m prime.
00:44:06I guess that will be our next step. Sure, sure.
00:44:09Five minutes break. Okay? Thank you. If you want to find it, go for it. Like, basically,
00:44:16we are looking for a function, k function.
00:44:25This is inverse function of m prime.
00:44:31Interesting. Five minutes. Okay? Thank you.
00:44:37It's getting better, huh? Wow. Welcome to humanology.
00:44:44We can add a jump. Nice.
00:44:48I'm quite excited. Yeah.
00:44:51Five minutes. Thank you.
00:44:54Yeah, feel free to find that function, inverse function, okay? Yeah.
00:47:55Okay, come back, come back.
00:48:02So, inverse function.
00:48:13Well, it'll be easier than this one, the n, k function, because
00:48:21m prime k function, at least it does not have this, like, row algebra, okay?
00:48:27You only have just one ceiling function, okay? So, maybe it's not too difficult.
00:48:41So, let's simplify the problem. Let's say,
00:48:51A is,
00:49:01okay? Now, then what is B, inverse function?
00:49:11All right?
00:49:50yeah, inverse function does not exist in this case because
00:50:04it's not one-to-one correspondence, it's not bijective function, okay? There's some repetition
00:50:10here. 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, okay? So, in this case, inverse function does not exist. But
00:50:17here, it will, because there's no repetition here, okay? So,
00:50:37okay? Then, how about this?
00:50:39Then, how about this?
00:50:46Plus B.
00:51:02This will be ceiling over B over 3, okay?
00:51:14I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. This is B.
00:51:22Okay? And A, yeah, ceiling over B over 3, plus B, plus B.
00:51:31So, A will be adding the two.
00:51:50Then, between A and B, now it's one-to-one correspondence, bijective function, okay?
00:51:56Which guarantees inverse function exists, okay? Good.
00:52:26Yeah, cheers.
00:52:47We want to express B in terms of A, okay? Yeah.
00:52:52Yeah, we can group this.
00:53:02I think we got it.
00:53:12Okay, now, I'll give you a chance to express B in terms of A.
00:53:22Based on this information, yeah, this grouping, okay?
00:53:26Yeah, you take five minutes, okay? Thank you. Time check real quick.
00:53:31Yeah, we do politics, we do mathematics, right? We are multi-palliative individuals here, so.
00:53:38Welcome to Humanities School. It's been less than one hour. Okay, good.
00:53:43Yeah, five minutes, okay? Yeah, if you want, yeah.
00:53:48Yeah, find the inverse function, okay? If you want.
00:53:54Yeah, five minutes break, thank you. How exciting.
00:54:09Okay, thank you.
00:56:27Okay, we're coming back.
00:56:32So, sometimes, well, I tell them, I post, like, social media, right? As a content creator.
00:56:43And then I delete other people's comments there. Why? Because I don't, I need to protect their
00:56:49identity, because in the internet, social media, there are trolls, cyberbullies, okay? I need to
00:56:55protect people. So that's why I delete comments from my posting, okay? Because I have to protect
00:57:02their identities from potential cyberbullies, trolls, okay? And sometimes, I just turn off
00:57:10the comments, so that nobody can comment on it. Why? I mean, some comments are very benign, but
00:57:17some other times, too hostile, okay? And I don't have time to monitor comments, okay? So I just
00:57:27prevent any commenting whatsoever. Yeah, it kind of looks like suppression of freedom of expression,
00:57:33freedom of speech, but, oh, well, sorry about that. It has good purpose there, okay?
00:57:43Yeah. When it comes to political polling, sometimes, not always, yeah, sometimes, like,
00:57:50Democratic Party, Republican Party, they pay polling companies so that they will result in
00:57:58favorable polling to Democratic Party candidate, Republican Party candidate. Yeah, sometimes, they
00:58:04do that, okay? So intentional bias sometimes, okay? Yeah, I've seen that, okay? Yeah, I know this,
00:58:11because I'm a politician myself, okay? Cheers.
00:58:23Let's relax.
00:58:32KM, it sounds like kimchi.
00:58:38MK, makeup, okay?
00:58:43CK, chicken.
00:58:46Nice. BK, okay, sure.
00:58:49MK, Nikon, there's a Japanese camera brand, okay? Yeah.
00:59:17Okay, let's come up with E,
00:59:34Is equal to A minus B, okay?
01:00:21And E is equal to
01:00:37A divided by 4.
01:00:43See you then.
01:00:48So we got it, okay?
01:00:51B is equal to
01:00:59A minus E, okay? So B is equal to A minus
01:01:07A over 4. See you then.
01:01:15We got it.
01:01:19It's not that obvious, isn't it?
01:01:26Yep, we got it.
01:02:06then let's come up with a hypothesis here, okay?
01:02:16Just a hypothesis. I don't know if it's going to be true or not, okay? It's just a hypothesis,
01:02:27all right? You put a question mark there.
01:02:46I don't know.
01:02:56It's just an educated guess, okay?
01:03:01You want to verify the formula? Go for it, okay? I don't know. Okay, so we take five minutes break
01:03:07and then receive this correct formula. If not, it'll be easy to correct the errors, okay? So
01:03:14it's just a guess. Five minutes break, okay? Time check.
01:03:24It's been more than one hour, okay? Yeah, five minutes, thank you.
01:03:34Very cool.
01:03:43There we go. Thank you.
01:06:01Let's take a break from mathematics a little bit, okay? So I don't like all these online trolls
01:06:06because I... Okay, yeah, B, breaking dancing, Paris Olympics, summer 2024. Yeah, there's this
01:06:17lady from Australia who did the breaking dancing in the Olympics, okay? And a lot of trolls
01:06:25like criticizing her dancing style. I did not see her dancing. I'm sure she did fantastic, okay?
01:06:31These trollers, I mean, do they even know how to dance?
01:06:36I doubt it. Why? Because as a dancer myself, I appreciate other people, other dancers, okay?
01:07:08That was my favorite part of the Summer Olympic Games in Paris, 2024. Yeah, the break dancing.
01:07:15Oh, that was nice. Such a treat. I love that style, okay? I'm a dancer myself, okay? I hugely
01:07:23enjoy that on YouTube, okay? Cheers.
01:07:25That's so cool. This is African-American style, okay? Yeah, oh, that was nice. It was such a treat.
01:07:33But a gold medal went to Japanese female, okay? For males, I don't know. What country got it, okay?
01:07:42So, cheers.
01:07:45Okay, now let's see if this works. This hypothesis, educated guess, okay?
01:07:55Based on some pattern here, okay? Supposed pattern. Tonight, we'll study some more about this, okay?
01:08:05Very interesting. Okay, so let's make some example.
01:08:15Let's pick number 17, okay?
01:08:17M prime, 17. Yeah, K, 14, okay?
01:08:26M prime, 17. Yeah, K, 14, okay?
01:08:28M prime, 17. Yeah, K, 14, okay?
01:08:45Now, I'll go and do this formula.
01:09:16Oh, it worked. Bingo. Other examples, my guess, it probably work, okay? So, okay. Nice.
01:09:37Some delineation, delimiter.
01:09:45Oh, now I'm spammed. Now, what time is it? Time check. It's been more than one hour, okay? Yeah, we'll get back to this maybe tonight or tomorrow, okay?
01:10:07Let's airport for this episode, and then I'll digitize this and start uploading to Dailymotion, and then we go to Instagram live together, okay? Sounds like a plan, okay. See you. Thank you. Fantastic.