Venezuela's National Assembly holds its ordinary session

  • 3 months ago
Venezuela's National Assembly holds its ordinary session amid recent acts of violence in the country following the presidential elections. teleSUR
00:00We are going live to Caracas.
00:02Jorge Rodriguez, the president of the National Assembly,
00:04is providing a statement.
00:05Let's listen.
00:09Let's explain the following.
00:12In the governments of the countries that I have mentioned
00:15acted in a disrespectful manner, in an illegal manner,
00:23contrary to the international right,
00:26contrary to any Pacific bilateral coexistence,
00:35contrary to the principles of the United Nations,
00:39contrary to the principles that have been expressed
00:47during the years of relations.
00:50It's an act of interference.
00:52Any government can accredit, any foreign government
00:56can accredit the right of that free and sovereign election
01:05of the citizens of our country.
01:07It turns out that if a candidate wins or another one wins,
01:14no one, no government, no matter how powerful it is,
01:21could impose Venezuela who wins elections or not.
01:26Because legitimacy and sovereignty of our country
01:29resides in the people who on July 28 attended the polls,
01:40went to the polls.
01:43So that's what they are trying to say of the Lima group 2.0.
01:53We are going to defeat you again.
02:00We are going to defeat you again.
02:18Homeland is, we will defend our homeland.
02:23We won't sell our homeland.
02:27The homeland is defended and not sold.
02:34OK, you've got the floor, legislator,
02:42president of the parliament.
02:45I just want to end my speech by telling
02:51and putting on the scenario of policy
02:57that we have received the support, the backup
03:02of our national electoral country, of our elections,
03:07and of President Nicolás Maduro's,
03:12the support of our friendly countries.
03:18Because Venezuela is not alone.
03:20Venezuela counts on the support of the nations of the world.
03:28So we were listening to legislator Roy Daza
03:32in this ordinary session in the framework.
03:41Anyone wants to?
03:46OK, it's going to be closed, the session.
03:51And I'm going to first project.
04:00So Roy Daza has said that Venezuela didn't accept
04:04any interference from any government,
04:07and that he considers disrespectful the manner in which
04:13some governments have addressed the elections of not recognizing
04:18Maduro as president.
04:21And he stressed the support of most of the countries of the world
04:26on the president electing Nicolás Maduro.
04:30It has been a peaceful session.
04:38Well, so now it's the order of the day has been approved.
04:44Project of agreement in recognizing the elections
04:51on July 28, according to what's seen in Article 111, this.
05:05OK, that's it.
05:06And so I've got the floor to legislator Grecia.
05:17Well, we recall that this is the ordinary session
05:23of the National Assembly.
05:26And there have been two issues on the day.
05:31Dear legislators, greetings to our dear president
05:37of the National Assembly, Jorge Rodriguez,
05:39and our vice president and our second vice president.
05:46Well, undoubtedly, I am honored to be
05:49able to present this agreement that
05:53speaks about Venezuelan democracy, that
05:56speaks about what we have built with a lot of effort
06:01for over 200 years.
06:04And we are all aware that in the latest 25 years,
06:08it has been thanks to our Bolivarian constitution
06:14in which we addressed participative democracy,
06:18in which the people as Venezuelans,
06:21we understood what it implies, democracy.
06:25That's why I am honored to present this agreement.
06:30It is not a coincidence that in different times,
06:34countries of the world and international organizations,
06:38international entities, have been referring to the process,
06:43to the electoral system as one of them.
06:49And I want to thank our electoral system
06:52for that big effort, to all those members of polling
06:57stations, to all operators of the electoral system,
07:03to the Bolivarian armed forces, to the republic plan.
07:07Because undoubtedly, this Sunday, on July 28,
07:10it triumphed again, democracy.
07:13It triumphed the will of the Venezuelan people
07:17to raise their voices through ballots.
07:19And likewise, as democracy triumphs, it has triumphed peace.
07:26And it has been elected President Nicolás Maduro
07:29Moros in the 2025-2031st term.
07:35Guarantee of peace, guarantee of stability,
07:38Nicolás Maduro Moros, President of the Bolivarian Republic
07:42of Venezuela.
07:43As Venezuelan youth, we feel very excited
07:47with the guarantee of the future that today Venezuela has.
07:52Because Venezuela, because these are the open doors for the 2050,
08:02our sons, our daughters, continue
08:04to talk about democracy, continue
08:06to talk about participation.
08:08And even from the communities, from the communes,
08:12from all participation spaces, from all education sectors,
08:18our youth, our youngsters, could raise their voices.
08:22Because today, they are learning about democracy.
08:24Thank you very much, people of Venezuela,
08:27to demonstrate this democratic stance.
08:32And as Venezuelans, we continue being a country, free, sovereign,
08:39And in that, here in 2024, we aspire,
08:44we hope for a better country, for a developed country,
08:49and continue generating peaceful actions.
08:53And as our greatest liberator said,
08:57guaranteeing the most of joy, most of political stability
09:04for all the Venezuelan people.
09:06It has been an election that has shaken the Venezuelan people
09:14of joy.
09:15And not only, the whole world has
09:18been observing our elections of what happened on July 28.
09:25And here in Venezuela, we have over 900 international
09:32observers from different countries,
09:35from different organizations and parties.
09:37We have come here to watch our electoral process,
09:42our electoral system, our democratic process that
09:50continues to be more steadfast and more solid.
09:55And we want to thank all those international observers
09:59for accompanying us, and for being
10:02protagonists of this key moment for the history of our country.
10:08Unfortunately, today, we have to denounce,
10:12as the Venezuelan people and as youngsters,
10:15the attempt of some media outlets,
10:19and especially of social media, of destabilizing,
10:25of creating manipulative information,
10:31of creating actions that attempt against the peace
10:34and stability of our country.
10:36As the Venezuelan people, we have to be on alert.
10:40We have to be guarantors of that our information be
10:44the truthful information, be the on-time information.
10:49And one part of the far-right opposition
10:54that, by the way, in 2004 lost, in 2005 lost,
10:59and in 2006 lost, and in 2008 lost, in 2009 lost.
11:07So the far-right has been losing all over these years.
11:12And who expected?
11:16And they always said that our fraud elections.
11:21And so that's the same movie repeated.
11:28As the Venezuelan people, we continue
11:32supporting with a lot of strength all this process,
11:36all this democratic process, and the will of the people that
11:45has been resounding on this July 28.
11:49Today, we have a president-elect of the Bolivarian Republic
11:54of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros.
11:57And I call your authorization for reading
12:02the proposal of agreement on this National Assembly.
12:05And this will be issued today to demonstrate
12:12to the whole world the strength of the Venezuelan people
12:18that, ahead of any difficulties, we are raising
12:23our voices through ballots.
12:25Agreement on recognition of the elections on July 28,
12:352024, considering that on July 28,
12:392024, the National Electoral Council
12:42issued its first balloting, highlighting that the turnout
12:47was 59% of the electorate.
12:51Resulting as winner, Nicolás Maduro Moros,
12:55who obtained 51.2%, that's why he wins the president.
13:09And considering that voters nationwide and outside have,
13:19and likewise, it counted with the accompanying
13:23of international observers, among them, the Carter Center
13:29and the group of experts of the United Nations.
13:34Taking into account the Venezuelan people
13:36preferred peace, tranquility, and the welfare ahead of.
13:46We're watching live images as the National
13:49Assembly of Venezuela was holding an ordinary session
13:51addressing the situation in the country after the Electoral
13:54Day, and how they vowed to defend democracy in the country
13:57and to uphold the results they will express
14:00by the people on the ballot box on Sunday, July 28.
