We go now with our special envoy in Venezuela Brian Mier for the latest news just hours before voting begins in the Nation's Presidential Election
00:00Let's go with our special envoy in Venezuela, Amir, for the latest news, just hours before
00:05voting begins in the nation's presidential election.
00:08It's been two days since Venezuela's official presidential election campaign season ended,
00:15and voting starts less than 24 hours from now.
00:18The city of Caracas is very calm.
00:21Saturday is a traditional shopping day.
00:23Families go out and buy their groceries for the week.
00:25They might be out buying clothes.
00:27All of the moto taxis, taxi drivers, and app drivers are busy shuttling people back and
00:31forth between their homes and the shopping districts.
00:34And it's calmer than normal because all sales of alcoholic beverages have been banned until
00:40voting ends on Sunday night.
00:42So there's no signs of any kind of excessive or excessive military or police presence on
00:49the street.
00:50But there's also no protests going on and no campaign rallies, because according to
00:55Venezuela's election laws, all rallying activity had to stop at midnight on Thursday night.
01:00So as people finish up their shopping this afternoon, all eyes turn to tomorrow, the
01:06day in which over 21 million Venezuelans will have the right to choose the next president
01:12who will serve this country for a period of six years.